Covid-19 City Council Update -5-24-21 [Read-Only]COI_Woodburn_EVCSCOVID-19 UPDATE WOODBURN CITY COUNCIL MONDAY MAY 24, 2021 97071 COVID-19 CASE DATA Zip Code: 97071 Published Date Total Case Count Cases Per 10,000 Weekly New Cases 19 -Mar 3153 1094.68 40 12 -Mar 3113 1080.79 49 5 -Mar 3064 1063.7 37 28 -Apr 3027 1050.93 38 21 -Apr 2989 1037.74 18 14 -Apr 2971 1031.49 17 7 -Apr 2954 1025.59 11 31 -Mar 2943 1021.77 20 Total Case Count % Change 1.28% 1.60% 1.22% 1.27% 0.61% 0.58% 0.37% 0.68% COVID-19 CASES, DEATHS, HOSPITALIZATIONS (RECENT 2 -WEEKS) Marion County Total Number of Test* Positive Percentage Rate Positive Test Negative Test Hospitalizations Deaths Total Number of Test* Positive Percentage Rate Positive Test Negative Test Hospitalizations Deaths * OHA Positive and N Weekly % Date: 5/2 - 5/8 Date: 5/9 - 5/15 Change 7907 7304 -7.63% 7.82% 9.57% 1.75% 618 699 13.11% 7,289 6,605 -9.38% 27 20 -25.93% 5 1 -80.00% Oregon Weekly % Date: 5/2 - 5/8 Date: 5/9 - 5/15 Change 111,121 103,159 -7.17% 6.09% 6.37% 0.28% 6,763 6,572 -2.82% 104,358 96,587 -7.45% 140 121 -13.57% 31 57 83.87% tive Covid-19 Electronic Laboratory ReiDort Data COVID-19 VARIANTS Oregon Variants of Concern Variants of Interest Region 2 ( Benton, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Polk, Yamhill) Variants of Concern Variants of Intrest B.1.1.7 P.1 T nfg. 1nnfn p1111d-A MM Mvmr ill R 1 A97 R 1 d9Q R 1 R9R R 1 R9R V9 B.1.1.7 P.1 Date Data Pulled (UK) (Brazil) B.1.427 B.1.429 B.1.525 B.1.526 P.2 5/13/2021 425 29 196 586 7 69 6 5/19/2021 716 78 237 631 8 99 7 Weekly Case Increase 291 49 41 45 1 30 1 Region 2 ( Benton, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Polk, Yamhill) Variants of Concern Variants of Intrest B.1.1.7 P.1 T nfg. 1nnfn p1111d-A MM Mvmr ill R 1 A97 R 1 d9Q R 1 R9R R 1 R9R V9 COVID-19 LONG-TERM CARE, SCHOOLS AND BUSINESSES -97071 • Long-term Care: 255 Cases, 35 Deaths with 6 Facilities • Businesses and Schools 257 Cases, 8 Schools/Child Care, 15 Businesses MARION COUNTY RISK LEVEL Marion County (Risk Protection Framework) Cases Per 100,000 Statewide Percent Hospitalizations 7 -day Risk Date population Test Positivity Hospitalizations % Increase Category 4/18/21 - 5/1/21 329.5 9.20% 330 on May 5 8.7% on May 7 High* 4/25/21 -5/8/21 291.9 8.30% 351 on May 13 Minus 1.1 % on May 13 High* 5/2/21 -5/15/21 254.1 8.70% 331 on May 18 Minus 3.4% on May 18 High Rata of CC?'VID-19 casae par 100,000 csvar 14 daya Qcou,ntYaa with 30,0000 or more pe oplej RISK LEVELS (UPDATED MAY 209202 1) 1101'1"I"� IIII III I 11111ilc MR 60 MTWOMMIM Social and At -Home Gathering Size — Indoor Social and At -Home Gathering Size — Outdoor Eating and Drinking Establishments Maximum 10 people Recommended limit: 4 households Maximum 1'2 people * Indoor dining allowed 0 (Indoor capacity: not to exceed 50% maximum occupancy & Outdoor dining allowed - Outdoor capacity: 300 people maximum, including individual dining pods. o Individual dining pods allowed outdoors subject to outdoor rnnnriiv limit * Maximum 8 people * Recommended limit: 2 households Maximum 10 people # Indoor dining allowed * Indoor capacity: not to exceed 50% maximum occupancy or 100 people, whichever is smaller * Indoor seating: 6 people per table maximum o Outdoor dining allowed * Outdoor capacity: 150 people maximum, including individual dining pods. o Individual dining pods allowed Maximum 6 people Recommended limit: 2 households Maximum 8 people Indoor dining allowed Takeout highly recommended Indoor capacity: not to exceed 25% maximum occupancy or 50 people, whichever is smaller Outdoor dining allowed * Outdoor capacity: 1210 people maximum, including in6vidual dining pods, * individual dining pods allowed outdoors subject to outdoor * Maximum 6 people * Recommended limit: 2 households m Maximum 6 people m, Recommended limit 2 households a Indoor dining prohibited a Takeout highly recommended! lo Outdoor dining allowed o Outdoor capacity: 100 people maximum, including individual diningi pods, o Outdoor seating: 6 people per party and per table maximum, limit 2 households. * Individual dining pods allowed outdoors subject to outdoor capacity limit. a Dining Pod Seating: Limit 1 household, four (4) people maximum per pod. a For establishments that operate VI -Ts indoors: ■ Customer capacity. Maximum six (6) people total (not including Indoor Recreation and Fitness Establishments (includes gyms, indoor K-12 Sports, fitness, orgainizab ons, indoor recreational sports, indoor pools) Indoor Entertainment Establishments (includes aquariums, indoor theaterstarerias/concert halls, indoor gardens, Indoor museums, senior centers, hookah bars) RISK LEVELS (CONT.) * Capacity: Maximum 50% Capacity: Maximum 20% occupancy or 100 people total, occupancy * whichever is larger Indoor full -contact sports allowed Indoor full -contact sports allowed 0 Capacity: Maximum 510% occupancy * 12,00 a.m. closing time Capacity„ Maximum 20% occupancy or 100 people total, whichever is larger 11.00 p.m, closing time For establishments 50D sq, ft, or larger: - Client capacity: Maximum six (6), people Mal (not including employees) a Require miinimuim 25 feet physical distancing between households. * Capacity: Maximum 10% K EIMP110yee caipacity, Limit to the minimum, number of employees needed occupancy or 50 people total to operate a space. whichever is larger # For establirshmorrts smaller than $010 sq. ft: * Indoor full -contact sports allowed . Client capacity: Maximum one 1(11) person total„ for adult/clubiyouth sports with a Employee capacity- maximum ON '(I) employee total. guidance requirements s Indoor on-site consumption of food and drink is prohibited except for * Indoor full -contact sports allowed individual water bottles. for K-112 with submitted plan # Indoor full -contact worts allowed for adult/clubtyouth sports with guidance requirements a Indoor fall -contact sports allowed for K-12Wth submitted plan * For establishments 500 so. ft. or larger,,. • Customer capadty,, Maximum six (61) people total (rot including employees) in shared indoor entertainment spaces. • 14 equiro mminni six (16) feet physical distandinq between households, • Capacity: Maximum 10% * Eimployee, capacity, Limit to the minimum number of employees needed occupancy or 50 peoplie total, to operate the establishment. whichever is larger * For establishments smaller than 5010 sq, ft: • 11:00 1p.m. dosing time a Customer capacity. Maximum one (1) person total„ 0 Employes capacity: Maximum one (1) employee total, # Indoor on-site consumption of food and drink is prohibited, al 11.00 p.m, dosing time ill Stores # Capacity: Maximum 75% gym, Capacity: (Maximum 75% * Capacity: Maximum 50% ides street lairsimarkets, * Capacity,, iMaximum 60% o=pancy occupancy occupancy occupancy "stores, convenience stores, a Curbside pick-up encouraged Pharmacies) , Curbside (pick-up encouraged o Curbside pick-up encouraged # Curbside pick-up encouraged RISK LEVELS (CONT.) Indoor and O,utdoor Shopping Capacity: M 5,% aximum 7 Capacity Maximum Capacity Maximum 50% o Capacity- l aximuml 50016 occupancy CenterslMalls occupancy 75,% occupancy Occupancy, # Cuirbsidle pick-up encouraged Cutside pick-up encouraged Curbside pick-uip encouraged lo Curbside pick-up encouraged Indoor Capacity' Maximum 75% Indoor Capacity: Maximum 50% indoor Capacity: Maximum 25% * indoor Capacity: Maximum 251/16 occupancy or 100 people totaL Faith Institutions,", Funeral occupancy occupancy or 1150 people total, occupancy or 150 people total, whichever is, smaller Homes, Mortuaries, Cemeteries Outdoor Capacity: 3010 people whichever is smaller whichever is smaller 0 Outdoof Caporty:! 150 people maximum maximum Outdoor Capacity: 25,0 people Outdoor Capacity� 200 people * Recommendil limit services to one ihout maximum maximum Offices Limited office work available Recommend remote work, if able Recommend remote work, if able " Require remote work, N We * Close offices to the public, if possible Outdoor Recreation and Fitness a MaArivirn 15% occupancy Establishments (includes outdoor gyms, outdoor fitness organizations, * Maximum 50% occupancy Maximum 25% occupancy a Outdoor full -contact sports allowed Maximum 100 people outdoor K-112 sports, out * Outdoor full -contact sports Outdoor full -contact sports for adult/clublyouth sporls, with Outdoor full -contact sports allowed for adult/clublyol sports with recreational sports, outdoor plods, allowed allowed guidance reclukernents guidance requirements outdoor parks and hiking trails", im, Outdolor''I'luil •contact sports allowed Outdoor ful I -contact sports allowed for K- 12 with subrrilifted plan outdoor campgrounds' for K-12 with submitted plan Outdoor Entertainment W COVID-19 VACCINATIONS GOAL'S V,,Yxinabon is Oregco's wrest rAiih to making wre Oveqoda ns and thdr ioved wes are pvtefAed from GOVID19, amid lo more fully reolpeNing our econamy arild Wring heafth and sately resOx.fionr. Achieving courly-laved and statewide vacchation goals Mil enuve twit C(liVID-11D can no Ilonger spread in our chrivniunlities, Statewide Litting of Risk Levell[ Frainework StsleMde, Oregm nwst renh 70%, of the po,pulabon to and Me wdh a first vxdne dm In vdR to mue truly reoW Oregon's ecomi" ty Iftng most of t1r* twith and safety resMetaias inVosed by the RA, Lewl:, ffampwk AM With and sa" requOernents for orjun&-, under Me RA Lwel lmniewk, otlher than some mask W dstanctnq requienberds, based on CDC pdanm, M W KIM and counj� Mf w Kruger te a�ssiped irWeMs,' Stalew,We, Dragon must cmthLe to work towands cWngi eqdty Ms forimmiunfts of cokc Counties EHgi ble for Laver Risk, Begionin1 BOnilingi May to wtes wil be efigibie 10 the coton to move week4 to Ue Lower Fisk Wth and sa", teshboi in Ore tae Rhsk levai Framework, To do so, they mtst Pexh 65% of Ite mu* pDpWahon 16 arid Wei, vitt a first vacche dime and suibrtrit a wql plM to DNA whith detags hDw the county pbmto dose the et it 0 IJ*r vxdnabm eftw& Counties wil be doe, for state resuces to h* adew tese goials, and MR be elgiWe for addliord Wap as, they daliwtrat—e making ip(OTM towards cjoq tjieti equity pp& Domment acceWbillty. For lirdmW Mt tfisabillt0s or IndiQUIS who Sp&* aria s Wgiage unbarthan ;nMizh AWA ran nrnuWa infrimaffov itim irtrnato frintittA, -4Q COVID-19 VACCINATIONS GOAL'S DATA As of today, .ii rr of the eligible population (18-1 years) [r as County vacc�nation rates for the efigUe population (lrD+. years) received at yeast one dose of any COWD-1.9 vaccirte accordirig to the range frorn 331,16 to 69%. .enters for Disease Control and Preventiorr, 1 -0 UPDATED COVID-19 MASK GUIDELINES (5/18/2 1) • Individuals in Oregon are no longer required to wear a face mask or physically distance, whether indoors or outdoors, two weeks after their final COVID-19 vaccination dose. A "fully vaccinated individual" is a person who has received both doses of a two -dose COVID-19 vaccine or one dose of a single-dose vaccine and at least 14 days have passed since the individual's final dose of COVID-19 vaccine. • However, fully vaccinated individuals are required to continue wearing a mask and observe physical distancing on public transportation and in schools, hospitals and clinics, homeless shelters, youth and adult correctional facilities and long-term care facilities. • Businesses, employers and faith institutions can choose to no longer require masks and physical distancing for fully vaccinated individuals or continue to require masks and physical distancing in their locations for all individuals, regardless of vaccination status. UPDATED COVID-19 MASK GUIDELINES CONT. (5/18/2 1) • In addition, state health experts announced that face coverings are no longer required outdoors (regardless of vaccination status). OHA strongly recommends that people who are not vaccinated and people who are at high risk of severe COVID-19 disease continue to wear face coverings and physically distance in outdoor crowded areas and large gatherings. COVID-19 VACCINE EXEMPTION TO FACE COVERING REQUIREMENT (EMPLOYEE) • City of Woodburn's policy to follow the Oregon Health Authority's interim guidelines for fully vaccinated individuals. Allow fully vaccinated individuals to no longer wear a mask, face covering, or face shield in indoor work settings and in non -transit City vehicles so long as they have provided proof of vaccination status to the City. Individuals that are exempt from masking requirements are also exempt from physical distancing requirements. • Allow all employees, regardless of vaccination status or proof of vaccination, to no longer wear a mask, face covering, or face shield in outdoor work settings. Other Projects and Happenings • Take Your Shot Challenge - State Vaccine Lottery Incentive • Persons who receive 1 dose of vaccine by June 27th, 2021 • Prizes • 1 - $1,000,000 Winner (Ages 18+) • 1 -County $10,000 Winner (Ages 18+) • 5 - $100,000 Oregon College Savings Plan Winners (Ages 12-17) • Drawing on June 28, 2021 winner announced the following week • Legacy Health and Woodburn School District Vaccine Events • Education by Salud Medical at Family University