Res. 2168 - American Rescue Plan Fund COUNCIL BILL NO. 3148 RESOLUTION NO. 2168 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN FUND AND APPROVING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 WHEREAS, the City desires to accept a grant from the Federal Government to fund the City's recovery from the COVIN-19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, the City is willing and able to comply with the requirements of uses of the proceeds as designated by the grantor; and WHEREAS, the City will establish a special' revenue fund to account for the proceeds and uses of the grant; and WHEREAS, ORS 294.433(1 ) (a) permits supplemental budgets when "an occurrence of condition which had not been ascertained at the time of the preparation of a budget for the current year or current budget period which. requires a change in financial planning"; and WHEREAS, ORS 294.326(3)1 provides exceptions to supplemental budget requirements when specific circumstances are met, including the receipt of specific purpose grants and gifts that have been designated by the grantor or donor;: and HEREAS, the establishment of the American Rescue Plan Fund and appropriations for the fund comply with ORS 294.326(3); NOW, THEREFORE,. THE CITY OFWOODBURN RESOLES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1, That pursuant to the applicable ORS provisions cited above, the City Council hereby authorizes the establishment of the American Rescue Plan Fund and approves the appropriations for FY 2+020-2321 in amounts listed in Exhibit A. Approved as to Form; s N. Robert Shields April 26, 2021 City Attorney Dat APPROVED: Eric Swenson, Mayor Passed by the Council s; 9 2,LL I Submitted to the Mayor 's Page 1 -COUNCIL BILL NO.3148 RESOLUTION NO. 2168 Approved by the Mayor '. Filed in the Office of the Recorder ATTEST: Heather Pierson, City Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 2-COUNCIL BILL NO. 3148 RESOLUTION NO. 2168 Exhibit A City of Woodburn American Rescue Plan Fund FY 2020-2021 Category Original Supplemental Revised Federal Grants - (2,700,000) (2,700,000) Contingency - 2,700,000 2,700,000