Res 1177 - Agmt Agripac Swr Dis ...., COUNCIL BILL NO. 1468 RESOLUTION NO. 1177 A RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH AGRIPAC, INC., A CORPORATION ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF OREGON, TO PROVIDE SEWERAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE FOR DISPOSAL OF AGRIPAC'S NON- PROCESS WASTEWATER AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN SUCH AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, Agripac does not discharge industrial process wastewater into the City's sanitary sewer; and WHEREAS, the City has, for a number of years, provided sewerage disposal service to Agripac for the disposal of its non-process wastewater; and WHEREAS, Agripac has, in consideration of this sewerage disposal service, paid to the City the applicable sewer use rates and fees; and WHEREAS, to comply with the requirement of federal law, it is now necessary to reduce this arrangement to a written agreement; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City of Woodburn enter into an agreement which is attached as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein with Agripac, Inc. to provide sewerage disposal service for disposal of Agripac's non-process wastewater. Section 2. That the mayor is authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of the City of Woodburn. I APPROVEDASTOFOR~~~ tf /~O j9'X City Attorney ~ V '/ OatS I APPROVED: C) -e'71 .kd4 Len Kelley, Mayo Passed by the Council Avril 26. 1993 Submitted to the Mayor April 27, 1993 Approved by the Mayor Apri 1 27, 1993 Filed in the Office of the Recorder April 27, 1993 ATTEST /l7~ -r:~ Mary T nant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 1 - COUNCIL BILL NO. 1468 RESOLUTION NO. 1177 ...., AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this 27th day of April 19 93 ,by and between the City of Woodburn, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, hereinafter referred to as "City" and Agripac, Inc., a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Oregon, hereinafter referred as "Agripac." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Agripac does not discharge industrial process wastewater into the City's sanitary sewer; and WHEREAS, the city has, for a number of years, provided sewerage disposal service to Agripac for the disposal of its non-process wastewater; and WHEREAS, Agripac has, in consideration for this sewerage disposal service, paid to the City the applicable sewer use rates and fees; and WHEREAS, to comply with the requirement of federal law, it is now necessary to reduce this arrangement to a written agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The City agrees to continue to provide sewerage disposal service to Agripac for disposal of Agripac's non-process wastewater only. Such sewerage disposal service shall be subject to conditions and requirements of the ordinances and regulations of the City regarding the City sewer, and the terms of this agreement. 2. In consideration for providing sewerage disposal service, Agripac agrees to comply with all ordinances and regulations of City regarding the use of City sewer, including Ordinance 1790 (the Sewer Use Ordinance), which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, and Ordinance 2059 (the Sewer Rate Ordinance), which is attached hereto as Exhibit "8" and by this reference incorporated herein, and subjects itself to any enforcement action for any violation thereof, including but not limited to, a permit, order, rule, regulation, ordinance provision, or federal pretreatment standard or requirement, as authorized by said ordinance. 3, Should any term of this Agreement be held null and void or rescinded by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms of this Agreement will be unaffected, will continue to be binding, and will be given tre full protection of the law. Page 1 - AGREEMENT .'-. .,___u.__ ,....~'-'-"f' - .'..-~-,........._- ..., 4. If the City amends its ordinances or regulations regarding the USE! of City sewer, it shall provide copies of the amendments to Agripac and Agripac shall have 60 days after receipt of the amendments to execute an addendum to this agreement specifically accepting the amendments. In the event that no addendum to this agreement is executed within 60 days after the amendments are received by Agripac, this agreement is terminated. 5. The City agrees to regulate Agripac in a nondiscriminatory manner which is reasonably equivalent to the regulation of other nonresidential users within its classification. 6. Not withstanding any other provision of this agreement, either party may, for reasonable cause, terminate this agreement upon 90 days written notice to the other party. 7. Agripac agrees to hold City harmless from any and all claims, demands and causes of action, including the cost of defense thereof, which arise as a result of Agripac's failure to conform to the statutes, ordinances, or regulations of any governmental authority in connection with sewer usage. 8. This document constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. All changes agreed to by the parties after this agreement is executed shall be in writing and signed by both parties. AGRIF' INC. By ~ By:/*--/~AL / , Secretary / Page 2 - AGREEMENT """.... _. -- ._-. r--'.-.--.-'-..-.' .----- m COlJNCIL l3IIL NO. 682 OmJINANCE NO. 1790 AN OIIDINANCE REGULIITING 'l1IE DIOCllJ\HGE OF WJ\STl';S TO 'I1IE SANITJ\HY J\ND S'l'OHH SEWEH SYSIU1S OF 'nlE CI'I'Y, LIMI'l'IN(j :-;IK'lJ Ill:-;CII1\I<<;E:-; ONLY '1'0 '1110,,1,: 01' 1\CCEI'f- J\BlJ, TYPES, CJI1\HIICl'JoJHSTlCS, OH eXlNCI-:N'I'Il1\TION:i, E:-"I'J\IlLlSIIING 1\ ~;Y:-"I'EM OF wIIsm DISCHARGE PElThlITS, PHOVIDING FOil ENI'OIlCI'}!j':N'I', TIm PillPIJ, OF TilE en'\' OF \\{:OOllllllN 10 OItlI/lIN: ~ ~" PAGE 1 - COUNCIL BILL NO, 682 ORDINANCE NO, 1790 " EX.H-18IJ II .--. --......-.----,..---. . ".-.~._,..-.1"-..,;._-.-- , " Section ]" Declar[ )ll of Policy It is th(~ po] ie, f the City of Woodburn to provide adequate seweraf.:e facilities for the trans{X}rtation, treatment and disposal of w~stes from within the City and to operate the SCIV<'l:age systun'; in a IIC,!1I1<'!' which protects public health mlli the enVirOJ11l\ellt. III carry illl! out this fXllicy, the objectives of this ordinancc aI',,: E::.. Preclude pollutants fnxn ('nl.('rilll~ t.!", ';CII'(,ra[;e systems which will i,nter1'ere with nOl1ml operatioll;'; OJ' contwnina.U:; th" result- ing sludge or effluent; b. Preclude the introduet..ioll or IKlJ:lut.alltH into the sewerage systems which Imy not lx, ad"llIaL,'ly 1. ""aU,i and nny P:L<;S through into the Clivi ]'o,...,nt; c. To enhance the opportunity ('0]' l"(x:ycl in{'. and rechunation of wastewater and sludge, It is tho intlmt of the City to provide needed sewera~~e services to i mhl,;try while meeting the outlined objectives. This ordinance pl,wid",; the structure under which the service will be provided 1'0" industrial w'''-ste = that the systems are prot(x:tcd nnel "nn t:Ollt i 1111" to p1'ovi e1" e f ri e j "n 11 y for the wa!-ite treatncnt ,md di,;!xlsal 11I,,,led oJ the City" Section 2. Definitions a.'.Biochemical Oxyv-en Demmd (lnI)) 'lhe words "biochemical oxygen dennnd", or abbreviation thereof as "!'OIl", shall me,m the quantity of o},:ygen required in the biochemical oxidation of orga.'1ie nntter. b. Branch Sewer The IIn1'd,; "llI'nl1dl ';"\\"1''' shnll m,an a eonduit extendinl!; from the plumbinr; 01' draina['<:' system of a building or buildinl~S to ,md connecti 11[; wiLh a pllhl ie or privatI! s:mil.ary or storm sewer, within a stn~(~t ri~~ht-<)f-way. PAGE 2 - COUNCIL BILL NO, 682 ORDINANCE NO. 1790 -~.,'--'''~_-~~,~I..,....,:, :.:';"":{+."~~:;~:::r~~':;,~~:'_'_::n-:',',_~. T 'f "_'___W,_"_'_'_'~~~__~_----r-'_ ------>._~"--~.-------..~---~~_._... . . S:.:. Cater -- lea] Pretrcat;m,nt Standards W'- ,mal pretrcatn12nt standards specifying quantities or (xmccntrations of 'pollut- ants or pol luntant propcrti,,'" which may be discharged or intro- duced into a public sew"r sy"tclIl 1>y "IX'"i Lie industria] dis- chargers. E..,. City hngineer The tenn "City Engine"'I'" shall mean the City Engineer of the City of Woodllurtl, Or,,!,;on, or his duly authorized deputy or al~ent. ;, ~ ~ City or City of Woodburn '111e' lI'orus "City" or "City of Woodburn" shall/IEan the municipality of Woodburn, Orp.gon, a n~IDicipal cor- {X}i'atioll or the, Stat.e of OI'l!gulI, :wl. illt: thmul~h i \.>; Cumnn Coullcil or any board, comnittee, Ixxly, orric:ial or person to whan the CmIDcil shall have lawfully delegated the power to act for, or on behalf of, the City, Unless a p:u'!.icular board, comnittee, body, official or person is specifically designated in these rules and regulations, wherever action by City is explicitly required or implied herein, it shall be understood to Iffian action by the City Enp.;ineer or Woodburn, O""l;<'" 01' hi:; dilly authoriYl'd dcplll.y or agent. f. O:xnbined Sewer The worels "con~)ined sewer" or "c(X1~)ined sewer system" shall Iffian a conuui t or sy",l.(~1I of conduits ill which both wastewater ,and stol1nwater arc tran"lx>rted. .K:. Compatible Pollutant The words "(xxnpatible pollutant" shall nEan wastes havIng bicx:he~lIlc'al oXYI"('n de'lnand, slIspl'lHlccl sol ids and pll within toll!l'able l:iJllit.:-;, re,,'al n,1 i 1'01111 L,ae~tcrja, and such addi-- tional pollutants which the City tl'('atrmnt works un~ designed to treat. ~ Industrial Dischargcr/U:,;er ^llY disehal'(;t!l' who dhcharRcs other than household wa.st"" dinx,Uy or inuirccl.ly into the CIty sewer system. PAGE 3 - COUNCIL BILL NO, 682 ORDINAW' 'l0 .,179;) ._.~::=c,:_""......_ -'-'~--'~'------ -' i. In( " ;ri a1 WasLe 'f11(~ v..'()rd~-l "i nclll~;I. 1 wa.':-itP." shall m::~a.n any liquid, solid, or gaseous suh,;tance, or combination thereof, resultin[; from any proc,"ss of industry, ma,nufacturing, corrm:!rcial food proeessinr,. husiness, :11'yicultUl'r', trade or lY's(~:lreh, in- eluding but not limited to l.h(' d('v('lopm:mt, recovering or pro- cessing of natural resources and leachate from landfills or other disposal sit(!s, or any ol.h('1' di:-;ciJ;tt'p;e ol.her l.han de<l"sl.ic sani- tary waste. , . L Industrial W:Lste Discharge Pell11it /\ permit to discharge indus- trial wastes into the City S0Iv(,r systHll issued under the authority of this onUuanc;(! :uld whidl I"'('::cl"ilx",; cel'l.aiu dischaq~e rL'<juire- lrents rulll 1 imi l.at.iDns. k. Interf(!ren("~ Tho inhihi Lion Or' di sruption of thc City SOlieI' system collection systcrn, t1'"a1.m 'nt processes or operations. l". pH The Symbol "pll" shall 1ll.!<Ul th<~ l'eciprocal of the logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration, The concentrati.on is the "eight of hydrogen ions in lIDles P"" 1 i tc!1' 0 r solution. Neutral water, for ex:uup] c, ha,; a pH of 7 :u1(1 a hydl'ol,en ion conc<,ntration of IO-7, 111, Person The word "person" shan nro:Ul any indiviiiual, company, enterprise, partnership, corporation, aSf,ociation, l-iOCiety, or group, and the singular tel1n ,;hall i nel ud<~ the plural. n, Pretreatm"mt TIle reduction or the :UlYJunt of pollutants, the elimination of pollutants, 01' 1h<~ alteration of t)le nature of pollutant prOJx~rties in W:Lsl.ewat"r to a les>> harmful ,;tate prior to or in lieu of dischar{~inp.; or o1.h"1'wisc introducing such pol- lutants into the City sewerage sy,;l.nn'i. PAGE 4 - COUNCIL BILL NO. 682 ORDINANCE NO, 1790 __~~;':<;'':''1.;'''''''~'''''''''::..~'~ =::t'l'!"T.,......,......_r..-~_ _ ..._.._..,_._______.._.. .,. '"1'" T' ."....._._..~~~--~-......--;--- ... .",-,--,~,"---"-",,~-,,,'-"--'-'------"'-"'--"'--- o. Rest' ~Ult Any estab1.ishm~IlL or pn~HIi -) J oth(~r than a single-family residential unit, <'quipped or used for'the preparation or serving of rood, Wh"UK"- operated on a i,nter- mittent or sustained basi,;. PAGE 5 - COUNCIL BILL NO. 682 ORDINANCE NO _ ' ..:.._........~. ~~.h.~~1~UT~i!l:::..:-.:.1~~\.~~~'!:'.-:~..:!r..~~;~("\;'r'~~~~~.!_.,,___..._... ..~--... 'To. Im.-.-.',-'- '__._n~._" _____..---,-... III " , E:.. Sell'_ p;e Sy,;tem '111e entin, sewage' c. ectiDn and treatlTl2nt '''\ systen. , exclusive of branch sewers, 'fluB includes,all conduits, PurqJs, treatrrent equiprcnt :md any other components involved in the transportation, collection, treatment and disposal of sani- tary W1d inuusU:ial w:L<;tewat"I' alld sludl~e. This ineludes both sanitary and storm water syst<iIL'i, E.:. SluR]oad J\ny bubstan.", l'(~l<'a,;,'d ill a dtscharr:e at a nlte W1d/or coneentl'ation which eau,;es inl<,rfl!n)(]ce to ei ty sell'er- , '? "bra or disjXJsal syst~s, .:r:. Suspended Solids The words "suspended solids" shall trean total suspended matter that is in :,uspension in water_or waste- water mId that is rl1lnvaLJle I)y laboratory filtering, .s, Toxic Pollutants Those >>ubstances listed by the City Engineer as toxic polluUUlts. 111" list i,; ha,"",d upon the priority pol- lutant list prepared by the V,S. Envil"OnlTDntal Protection J\gency and any additional infonnation available which indicates toxicity or hazard level of particular substances, t. Upset IIn exc(~ptional in(:id<'nl. ill whidl a discharf~e uninten- tionally <lIld t""lXlraI'Dy i,; j II a sl.aLe or non-c<xlq>}jance with the discharge requirrnEnts S<lt forth in this ordinance due to factors beyond the reasonable control of' the di=harger, and excluding llon-canpliance to the ,,-,tent cau,",,'d by opcrational error, illflroper- ly designed treatllJ2nt facilities, inadequate treatm:mt facilities, lack of preventive nnintcnanee, or careless or improper operation thereof, 11. Wastewater Industrial wa,;te, (lI' ,;ewar,e or any other waste in- cluding that which may be cOlrhined with any v.round water, surface water or stOl1n water, that ""y he dj,;charg(~d to the Cil.y sewerage systems. PAGE 6 - COUNCIL FILL NO. 682 ORDINM' NO, 11'90 _!::.'-'~'~""'_-",r:"-....._,. ..,..,.-....-----. .~ .,. -.r-'- ,.,.-.,' ..~<,._"~.,,-"-,,.._~. ~'-"""'-'''1" Section 3. General '_ :.:harge Prohibi Lions a. Use OJ restricted sewers. It ,;hall be unlawful to. discharge, pennit the discharge, or allow a eonnection which will result in the discharge 01' sanitary '''''\'al~(' 01. illdtlSITial wastE> into a puhlic sewer wld,'j' City control which ha,; I""n d",;ir,'11ated by the City Engineer to be used solely I'or ,;1.01'11] dl'ainal~e. It Sllllll be un- lawful. for :lJlY P(~I'S()I-l to di~,ch;lq~t~ 01' P{~I'lItit. th(~ dischaq~e or cuase or allo\\' a connection I\'hkh will I'l,,;ult in thE> discharge of '." stann drainage or unconUuninat(~d water' [r<Jm refrigeration or cool- ing processes 01' stewn condlm:;aLe, into a public sewer under City control d",;igllated by the City Enldn..'" 1.0 bc u,;ed solely for sanitm'y SCWa{~l'. ~ Prohibited Dischar~es. It ,;ha11 lx, unlawful to di=harge, cause to discharge or allow to di,;charge directly or indirectly into the City sewage systWtS .Uly of the following: (1) Waters or wastes containing s"Ubstances in such concen- trations that they inhibit or interfere with the operation or perfOllll:Ulce of any &.:!wagc~ tn'alllk.~lll 111'()<':C0.~, an: lloL ~ulJ:'mablc to treatulcmt or reduction by the s(wal'.e treatrrent process em- played, or are only partially wl,-,nable to treatnxmt. such that the sewage treat.llunt plant effluent cannot IrL>et the require- ments of any othcr agency havinlr jurh;diction ov,,,' it,; discharge to the receiving W'aters or that pJ'(,vents the use or disposal of sewage treatrrcnt pl'Ult Sllldgp in ac(:ordance wi,th applicable State and Fed"ral regulation,;, (2) 1\ny liquids, sa1:id:;, OJ' l~a'''',;, whleh by re,"-;on of thcir nature or qWUltity, arc, 01' may Ix: ,;nl'l'i<:1"nt, (:HI1"r alone or by interaction, to caus" 1'11'" 01' ('xplos1on or 1.0 I", injul-ious in any other way to th!! OP<>..,lt ion or th<, S"W('l' systPIIl, Pro- hi t-," "-ed materials PA~ p = ~UNcrL B: NO. 682 . GRDIN]\"""p, '7qO ~.~~::n..f/,' "~~i~. 'm:'" include, but ar!! not limited to, gasoline, ,_l~ _....._. _"'___+n~.'.__" -~.....__.-.'_...- 'T T .- ".,._",___..._-.._..' -..-->-'....."..1--..-_".....-...........,..,.'.--.-..-."-" .~_u_..,.___ ". . ben?Enr naptha, alcohols, fuel oiJ, mi I 9.1 oil and other flanmable or explosive substances; (3) IIny solid or viscous ,;ulJstanees capable of obstructing sewage whIch will or nny <:;lll';" o1>stnl('.l.ion to ill" flow of sew- age 01' InL'~I'r..I'''nee wlLl1 Lhe olx'l.aLioll or L111~ "cw"l'agc \\<lrks or treatrrcnt l'aei 1 iLies. Thl~:--;(~ slll)sLan(x~s j nel ude, IJU L are not limited 1.0, 'Lshcs, cimit,rs, ,;and, lIlud, straw, insoluble ,;hav- inr;s, rretal, glass, ral;.:;, f(~.lth(~rs, 1:.\1", cr(~sote'J ,.plastics, wood, animal paunch contents, offal, blo(xl, bonf's, (reat trirrmin({s and wastes, fish or fowl heads, entrails, trinmings and W'Lstes, lard, tallow, baking dough, ch(~nical r",;idu(~F;, paint resIdue,s, cannery waste bulk solids, hair and fle,;hinp:s, or plastic or papcr dishes, cups, or food or beverage containers, whether whole or ground. (4) Any noxious or lfnlodor0us liquids, gascs, solids, or other substances when either sinl~ly, or by intnraction with other wastes, are capable of creatinr; a public nui ,;anoe or hU?.ard to life or health, or preventing entry into any s('wer, rmnhol e, or pump station; (5) 1\ny water or waste eont,lini ng a toxic or poisonous sulJ- stance in sufficient quantIty, either singly or by, interaction with othcr :substances, io injun' 01' inl.erfcl'c with any sewdgc treatr02nt process; to con,;titute a hazard to humans or animals; or to create any hazard in, or adver,;ely affect the rf!Ceiving waters; or result in unacceptable (~mc,entrations of these sulJ- st~u1ces bed ng discharj~ed .i.n eon~)i ned s(!\\o\~r overflows or' sl~waf~C treatnDnt plant effluents. PAGE 8 - COUNCIL BILL NO. 682 ORDINANCE NO, 1790 _.:.,-,.--~...~ ~.., .,,/>. ~..~. 1IloIrIle.!:C....:=:=llf~ ._..A.. .. ~ _.~~....--r--___k..._. ..~.._._--,_.-.-.,-,--'..'-_.,. ".-..-- ., (6) 11.. _ wastes, waste wal<~rs or subst<1 ,~~s having a pH less than 6.0 or rrore than 9.0, 0" having any other 'corro- sive property =rxtble of cau,;inJ! ctmmge or ha2".ard to piping, structures, equi}1f'rent, or lX~],sOIll1(~ 1 or the sewerage systan.s. This inclurk,s, 1",1. i,s not ji",il.,'d 1.0, iJaLtery 01' platilW acids and wastes, cOPlx,r sulfate, chro",i Illll sal ts and comlxlUnds, or salt brine; (7) IIny 1 i'lllid or valX>l' hay i III" a 1.""'lx,rat.ur'e hi I;h"" L1lall '..~ 1500 F or containing hrv,lI. ill a"'" III I.,; II'hi<:h will inhihU lJio- logical aeti vi Ly, res"l11 tin~~ in s(~pLage in sowers, or i.nter- ference al. 1.1't':II.IlCnt p'lalll.:;. Tn 110''''';'' shall t.h"I'" tx~ heat in such <]uant iti",; that 1.h,' t"llX"'l1 tu!'e of sewaRe i nfl ow at any lift station exceeds 1040 1", (8) Any material ,from a cesslxx)l or septic tank, except such material received at a City treatm:mt plant under City pennit. (9) Any water or waste which contains in excess of one hund- red milligrams per litre, or a lesser armunt as fixed by the City Engineer, for a particular ",;tahli,;llllKmt, of fat IV',Lsl.e, oil or grease, whether or not (lllUl,;ifiecl, ether-soluble or n-hexane soluble matter, or any ,;uhstance whieh Illay so] idi fy or beCfllllC discernibIy viscous at te"q)('l'at.urm> alx>ve :320 F. (10) IIny dUllCStiC g:u'hage that ha,; not been prop(~rly <:orrrni- nuted to lIS-inch, or less, in any c1inxc!llsion; (II) Any slugload, which m::'ans any IXlllutant, including oxygen-cl(lIWlding pollutant,; (1).01), "t(:,), rtlleased in a single discharge episode of such volull" or stn!lll<th as to cause inter- ferencc to the sewerage syst.t'm->; (12) Any subsl.:Ulces with ob,j,'etionable <'..0101' not rerrovecJ in the treatnEnt process, such as, !Jut nol. limited to, dye WJstes i'.nd vegetal",l.', PA~E 9 - CCU~1CL, lULL Nl t:111ning solutioll';; ~ - ORDINANCE NO, 1790 .'.:~:;.;..."":".:.J..-=:t.~!f.l~c'._~_t.7t~~~~~::.2;:l.:;.~. ......l ~. ....:..,-...-...-------~-... .. '" .....---->..-.....t...~..--...,---.."...., . (13: lY wastclI'ater which may cause 1- ,azard to hlllnan I health, or may create a publit: nuisance; (14) J\ny unusual concentrations of inert suspended solids which may interfere with the operation of the sewerage systems, such as, but uot limit"d 1.0, iul Jel":" earth, Jill" sluITies, or lime re:siducj (15) J\ny 1II1llsualeon<:eul.rilL iou" of dissolvl!d sol id:; which rrny interferc with thc operatioll or t!", sew'~ral;('. systC1llS, such us; but , . not limited to, sodium chlol'icle, caleiulIl chloride, iU1d sodium sulfate; (16) Any radioactive matel'ja 1, """"pl: in c:ompl iam", !'lith the current ''Orer;on Hegulations fo!' I.h,' OJl1troJ oj' ltmliation" (OAIl 333-22-150) , (17) IIny Jood-processing wastes J'(,t.ained on a 20-11X)sh screen, If material retained on a 20-mcsh sere 'en is beiH!, diSCharged; the industrial sewage rate"for suspended solids llk'1.Y be estiniated 'on the, basis of concentrated dip-SiU1ql1p.s of such efflucnt, but this shall not bar correction of the di,;dl"I";~e eondiUou lIIJ(k~r the pro- visions of Section II, (IS) J\ny grease or fat frai, allY restaurant. Such estabHsh- llEnts shall install, within 60 days from the date of notice, adequate grease-traps from all sink,; and dish washers, Such grease traps shall be of such c:1p:1ei ty as to require cleaning not nore than twice a week. Each such establishm2nt shall maintai,n a log, signed lJy the servietllf; cnploy(!(~. of' all servicI, Hnd cleaning, available to City personnel inspecting. PAGE 10 - COUNCIL BILL NO, 682 ORDINANCE NO, 1790 .......,F.,.-;.;J'~-"r-.~....:f.~~~'~~~I...L..u,..;~,...".'".,"'"._.. ............,_....,..,...~tft~_______ .,. T ~._.._,,- ...--.,--...-........,j ,__,"--____________~._--..u"'~.,.._.._,._ (19) J -, oil, grease, disti 11 a to, [,a=1 'Ie, or any other , petroleum product which may I>e di:,;ehargnd to any sanitary or drainage system, Such systnnc; "hall I>e protected by adequate, approved, oil separators, or "ll''l"I1:tf i "" di sposa 1. 1\ 11 "slah- lishmenls ,;"Jlillg motOI' oi I """" IJI'o"id" facili.l;,''; for drain- ing and dh;posal of waste oil, or provide sufficient supervision oj' parldl1l~ al'l'a:; thal no wast" oj I lx' disdmrged to sWlitary or stonn 8('I",,'a,,<' ,;y,;lems. Such ,'sLalll i81.,"",L,; shall qb:l,ain industrial pollution pennits, citinr,- lheir Jll'ovbions for preventing pollution. One discharf('e of waste oil ,;hall be sufficient cause for injunctive relief 1'01' cessation or :;1I<'-l, orr,,,'ar:,, or nut.ol' oIl f(Jr.~le. Section 4. Discharge Limitations a. It shall be unlawful for a discharlT,er who has an effective Industrial Waste Discharge Pennit pursuant to Section to discharge wastes to the sewer syslem in excess of the limitations established in the permit. The City Engineer shall establish Industrial Waste Discharge Permit limitations to the extent neces- sm-y to enable the City to c(~l1ply with current National Pollutalll DisclJ:Lq~,~ El imillation Sy,;L"ll c:d"I~ol'ical and [;el1el'al stand;lrds and waste discharge requirefrents as prc~l1lIl!,:al.ed by the t), S, Environ- rrental Protection Agency al1d th,' (lr'''I~OIl Sl.ate DeparL""l1l. or Environ- Il'<'ntal Quality; to protect l.h" pull I k IK'allh ;uld safely; to proLect the receiving water quality; to protect the sewerage system; and to cornply lI'ith all other applieabJp n,d\Tnl and State laws, b. It shall lx' lInlawful t.o disch:II'I',\' ill!.o UI(! ""I\'<"'al'." :;ysL\!IR: ('onn centrations of the following nnt"r.ials in excess of the specifi"d limi ts, unless the disch:ll'J~"r ha,; in " f r"et an Induslrj :11 Waste Discharrre Pennit from the Slat." of On'!'.on which "slabJishes a different limitation for a sp,>d fie pollutant. PAGE 11 - COUNCn BILL NO, 682 ORDINl' 'E NO. 1790 f'....'-'-,._._._~....---'-'- y,lUtant Concentration I' , ,lit Arsenic 1. 0 rq~/l Cadmium 1.0 nvs/l Chromium (Total) 5.0 11l~/l Coppur 240 nll!::/:! CyluIidu 1.0 n~~/l Iron 10.0 mgl1 Lead 2.0 n~~11 Nickel 3.0 n~/1 Phenols or 1 ,0 1Il{/l Cresols Zinc: 1.0 'ng/l , > c. It shall be unlawful for a di,;dmrger to increase the use or addition at' potable or pnx:uss waLer' lLS a parlial 01' com- plete substitute for adequate trcatmmt to achieve compliance with the standards and limitationfi sel forth in thifi Chapter or in an Industrial Waste Discharge Pennit issued pursuant hereto. Section 5. Pretreatment Facilities a. If treatll'-'Ilt facilitie:o;, opuration eh'Ulges or pl'cx;ess nooi- fications at an industrial dischal'ger's facility are need<.>d to comply with any lYXluirrnr:~ntN un<l('r l.Ids :-;(~eti.on, or ar'o nceessary to lIL'Ct W1Y. applicable Statu OJ' l'hk,rlll I'uquirem~nts, Lhe City Engineer may require that &llch facilities be constructed or IIOdi- fications or changes be made wHhi n the fihortest reasonable time, taking into coll,;ideration construction tim" imraet or thC! untreated waste on the City ,*,weragu system'i, ueon(xnie irnpaeL Oil the facility, impact of the waste on the rrm'l<ctabilHy of the City tri'atnxmt plant sludge I wld any other appropriate raelOl'';, PAGE 12 - COUNCIL BILL NO, 682 ORDINANCE NO, 1790 ""' '{::!e:~_..;.,~t;...-,.. _..;._~.....;_"v...-.....~_~~_~, _.~__.. ~ . ;....--'_.._,-_.,_.,~..- ~ Any r ,1irem"nt in Sect ion ~) may I I incorporated as i pu."t of an Industrial W:Lste Di ,;charw, [lcmn t issued 'under Section 7 and made a conchtion of issuance of such per- mi,t or Imy be incorporate" in a conl.ractural a[;reenent between the City amI the affected facility alld made a condition of the acceptance of the waste fl'OIll that fae i li ty. S:.:.. Plans, specific:atiolls and oLl\(,I' illrol'llntion r<'lating to COll- struction or 'illstallaU.on or 1')'('1 imillal'y Lrcatnronl. faeilities or '.." optional disposal required by Lhe Ci to' Engineer und"r this Chapter shall be submi Ued to the City En,~i nt'el' and the Oregon DepartlIDnt of Environn~!lltal Quality, No eOllstl'lleUOn or installatJon thereof shall COTIlX~nce until written approval of plans and specifications by the City Enp;ineer and thc (k0gon Departnent of Environrrental Quality is obtained. No PUl'~" Hl, hy virtue of such approval, shall be relieved of canpliance with other laws of the City and of the State relating to construc:tion and to pennits, Every facility for the preliminary treatment or handl i np; of industrial wastes shall be constructed in accordance wi t.h the approved plan,; :lJ1d specifi- cations, anct shall be installed and nnintaincd at the expense of the occupant of the property diseharging the industrial wastes, ~ Any pcrson consl.1ucting a prelirninat'y treatIncmt Jacility, ~s required by the City Engine,,,', shall a1:,;o install and nnintain at his own expense sml~Jling n<lJ1h!Jle(s) for checking and investigat- ing the discharge from t.hL' pn,lilllin;u'y tn,al.irent raei lit.y to the pUblic: ,",,'WI'I', Tho s:ullpl illl~ mlllholl'(:;) :;llall be I'1;lf',"d ill a hx-.- ation desihTnaLcd by the City 1';lIgill('cr and in a.c<.:.ord,1I1C(! with spoei- fications approved by the Ci I.y EllgjnC(~r. PAGE 13 - COUNCIL BILL NO, 682 ORDINANCE NO. 1790 ~ -,,~'-'---._-.-,~--.-. -~ ,,----'...---~._.._--, .- -.- --,._~~~. -,~.__.__. +---~-~----_._--"-_--..__._....~ Heport;~.' Hequirennnts '."1 Section 6. a. Initial Compliance Report (1) Within ninety COO) days after receiving notification that an Industrial Waste Disc:harp:<, PC!l'rnit is rp.<]uired, th0 discharger subject to thi,; ehapler sha II ""I H"i I. a l'e{Xlrt to th" City Engineer which indicates the naturf! :Old l:on,',ml.rati.on of al I prohibited or regulatecl-sull,;t:Olces conta i n, -d ; II its d hcharv;e alld Lhf! average and nl:Lxillftull daily flow in !':"Il<)ns., 'l'h" rf!pOl't ,;h;lp also stale whether the applicable pl'etrea Lllnnt ,;tandards or rcquir<,m,mls are being met on a consistent ha,;is and, jf not, what additional oper- ations and IItlint.'~mulc" and/ol' 1'1'<-L1'I,,,t,,,mL i~; lJ('Cl";'';:U'y- to IJring the dischal'l~f!r ;lIto ,xx"pl i ""(',1 , wi th the applicahle standards and requirements. '111is statt"1t~nt ,;hall Ix; sir;ned by an authorized representative of the di,;chal'gC!,' and C()l'!.i ried to by a qualified professional. (2) Such reports shall I", c"llpl"t"d in complianc" with the current General Pretreatm:,nt llC!!;ulations for Existinp; and New &lurees of' ]\JlluLion. (3) If thf! inforrmt.ion reqllil'ed in S,,,:Uon 6 ha..~ already been provided to the Ci ty En!,i n"f!r and that infonnation is still accurate, the dischar!!,l!l' shall reference tlle suhmitted information and is not r<"lll i 1"<,d to ,;u1xnH it av,a in, b, Periodic Conpliance Heports (1) Any discharp.;er that b J'l'quired to have an Industrial Waste Discharge Penni t pursuant to S<'CO I.; 011 7 shall sub- mit to the City Engineer dlwing LIll! nnlll.hs of June 'Old December, un- less required on other date's and/or nnre frequcntly by thc City Enrd- neeI', a report indicating the nature or the effluent over the previous six m::mth pl'l'iod. Tho report "hall include, but i,; not limited to, the concentration (and mass if limited in the permit) of the ~AGE 14 - C8UNClL BILl 582 ORDINANCE NO, 1790 ~""-~~,--"-,-,,---,--,,,'~'''''-----~'-'---'-''''~' limite< ,JluUUlts and a 1',,<:0]'(1 01 all ly flow Ima,:>urerrents ", which t...ceeded the average daily flow r<-pOrted ill Section 6. (2) The frequency of the monitoring shall be determined by the City Engineer and speci fjed in the Industrial Waste Dis- charge Pennit. 11' there i,; ;Ul applicable effective Federal Categorical PretreatnBnt' SUUldard. the frequency shall be: not less than that prescrilx-,d in t:I11' sl.andard. (3) Flows shall be reIX)rL<,d Oil Lh,~ basis of acLual rrca.'>ura- l_," ment, provided, however, where eo,;L or feasibility considerations justify, the City Engineer Illay ,,,:ecpt reports of averaKC and maxi- nllUTI flows estimated by v,'ri fiahll' Ll'dmiqu(,s. (4) 'lh.. City Engineer n"y 1'(~llIi l"<' J'('IX)rlinl~ hy d,i>;ehargers that are not required to haVt~ an Induslrial Waste Dischargt" Permit if inforrrntion and/or data is Jl(~'d(~j to estalJli,;h a ';"1\'('1' rale charp,-e, determine the treatability of the effluent or detel1nine any other factor which is related to the operation and nHintemUlce of the sewerage systems. c. Confidential Infonnat ion 11I1"'mlL ion :lIId dal.a flll'nished to U", City Engineer with reslx,et to (.Ill' naLU1'e ;Ulcl frequency of' discharv.e shall be available to the public or other governme~tal agency with- out restriction unless the discharger speeifically rC~luests and is able to demonstrate to tho satisl'aetion of the City Env.ineer that the release of such infonnation would rlivulge infonnation, processes or rrethods of production anti t 1 ,~d to proted ion as trade secrets 01' proprietary infol1natioll 01 thl' dischar'ITI'. When r'"lu(~sLed by a dis- charger furni,;hing a r"I)()J'L, (.11" IXll'Uons of a n'IKlrL whieh nny dis- close trade secrets or S8cret proer,s"",s shall not be made avail able for inspection by the publtc hut ,;hall, upon written request, be made available to govermrrmta] ar;cndp" for uses ,"plated to this PAGE 15 orr" !lance, the National Po] lutant !)ischarr.:e Elimi nation System, COUNCIL -LL NO. 682 ORDINANCE NO. 1790 ~:......--:J:i -.k ---~-,,~.__ ~ ~ "--T' . " State w: ,.-" , di,;posal rL',!ui n.'lW'nt" alld/oJ' ") Pretreatllcnt Pro- gram; provided, however, that ,;u<.:h portions of a repOrt , shall be available for use by th" Stat!! or ,wy State a.gelley in ju- dicial rcvjpw or enfOrC(~In.'nL pl'(l(:(,pdin!~~.; invo]vjnf.~ U)(~ discharger furnishing tlK~ n~port. W;lsL('\\";tl< 'I' c.(}!I~..;Lj lll(~n Ls .1Il(1 (:Il<lracteristic~; will not be recognized as cOllfidential information. Information accepted by till' City Enginl'l'l' ,,,; <:011 I' idl!ll!.ial , shall 1101. lx, lrans- mitted to any governrrr~n1.al 'W"IICY . nOl' to the gelle;-a] public, by the City Engineer until and ull1c,,,,, a ten-day notUiealion be given to the discharger. Section 7 Industrial Wastl~ nischa1"l~<! 1'('l1l1i I:: E::.. Rcquilu",-'nt for a P"l111i t (I) Except as provided in tl1issection 'illY waste discharger shall have an lndustrial Waste Discharge Pennit prior to discharging into th,~ City sewer system,. if: ea) The discharge is Sllbj"ct to promulr;ated National Cate- g0rical Pretreatrrent Standards; 01", (b) 'I'll" disehaq(<" i,; ::il~lIi ri<:alll.in the Opillioll or lhe City Engineer. Sip;lIific,wl llbchal"I""'; 11I<:IIJd", but aI''' not j imited to, the following: (i) Discharges containing eompatible polllJtWltS in con- centrations or qu:wtiti(~s t.l1at are ,;ubj<!c:t to extra slrenJ!;th charges; or, (ii) Discharges eontai ni ni'" ineomjxltib Ie rx,l1 utants in con- centrations 0]' quantities wll iell may int.<!rfc,rc with lhe orx,ration of' the sewerage systems 'or increase the eosts' of operatioll; or, (iii) DiHChaTf'""'; whicl1 hav(' a maxinnlJlI instantaneous flow which exceeds ten percent or Ut(' "apaeiLy of the available lateral or appropriate trwlk sell',,1'. PAGE 16 - COUNCIL ,ILL NO, 682 ORDIN,"NCE NO, 1790 .~_.,=>-.. ~'Ol.."(___~: ~"':":~""'''''~''J 1~ ~-~..- _..--_.~~--- ......~.._._-~.._~.. ." E:.. The '--'charger is required t.o provide ld maintain any form of pre-treatment or any separation process, incluqing grease traps or oil separators. > PAGE 17 - COUNCIL BILL NO. 682 ORDINANCE NO, 1790 ~,..:!! ,l]....~.:m~.~~:::~,:~~.\.~~i"':.~.~!,.."'::\!::_:."_ . .~"_,.',.~~'l:_._........____~...~~ -'._-~---'_._'--'-"""'--""--"-'"'---''-''' ". t>AGl!: 18 - COllNC .:"..,:,;,.,..::..-.~~""-"",- ....--.....-- ",..... (2) 'sting Discharges (a) Discharges that. wel''' ill existence prior to' the date that an Industrial Wast<~ DI,;c:harge Permtt IV-dS required shal I be notified in IVl'itilW I,y II", ('j ty Enf!jn.,m' that ,,"<:h a 1"'1'- mit i,; l'('qui 1'<,,1. :Such ('X j,;Ji 1I1~ d i Sdlal'gers silall 1)(, allowed to continue discharging inl.o the eity sc\""r syslem without an Indu:-;Ldal Wa:-;lc nisc:lmq'~' 1'''11I1i t Ill1ti 1 a Ixmlli t j,; i};sued or dcnied provided that the di,;c:h'lJ'g('1' f'i IllS a cOlllJ}lp.ted appli- cation for :Ul Induslrial \VasLe Ilj~;charge Pennit within 90 days of thll n~ceipl of such nolice. (b) ni,;chaq,'Cs all (1I"" , IIl1d,,,' :,,'<:t.ion 7 - . shall IrX..-et all other applicahll! 1'<"-I"i 1 "(11 "n I.,; of' this cod<,. b, Application for an Industrial lI'a"Lll lJ:ischarge Penni t (1) IIpplication for :Ul Industrial Waste Discharge Permit shall be nude to the City Engineer on forms provided by the Departn-ent of Public Works. The application shall not be considered as canplete until all infoInlation identifilld 011 the I'Ol1n is provided, tmless specific (~xnl11tions al"(, f-!:l'aIlL\'d by t.I", City Enf~in<'''I'. (2)funpleted application,; shall I", 1l'1tde within 90 days of thc date requested by the City Enginp..r or, for new discharges, at least 90 days prior to the date the <l'isdtarpf' is to begin. c. Issuance of Industrial Wast<, Discharge Permits el) Industrial Waste Disch"rr;" Permits shall lx, issued or denied by the City Engineer within 90 day,; after ft compl<,ted application is filed. (2) Industrial Waste Dischal'!~e PPllllits shall contain conditions which nXX't the requirermnt,; 01' this 0)(1(> as well a,; those of appli- able State and Federal laws and neh'ulations. (3) If pn'tt'eatrrent faci 1 i tic,; aI'<' lll!Cded to nK~.,t lhe discharge ceria of t11(, discharge penn; l, Lhe rxmnit shall require the TI.L NO, 682 ORDINANCE NO, 1790 ,.~.."m..__..._.~,~.__.__~_,.,_,_,.fl"'__~ .. ." installn m of such facD i tic,", (4) Whenever a discharp;e pcnnit requires installation or =dification of rronitoring or n",terillg equipment, or of treat- rrent facilities, or of pn)ccss change,; necessary to lfLoet discharge standards, 01' for .spill-colltJ'ol 1'l~luil'l'lll'nts, a cornpliance schedule shall be included which estal>li,;he,; the dates for complel.ion of the changes and al] appropriat(~ intel'im d:lI.c,;. Jntr,rilll datc,; shall be no =re than 90 days apart. " - (5) Dischaq~e penniis shall "-,pil'c no later than''':; y"ars after the effective date of the permit. (6) The City Enp.;inccr may deny 1.11" iS~"\llmce of ,my ~iischarge pennit if the discharge Iltly 1'(-'~:ult in violation or any City, State, or Federal law or regulation, mlY overload or cause damage to any portion of the City sewcragu sysl.en~, or may create 'lilY illminent, latent, or potential hazard to personnel, the public, or the environ- ment. d, Modification of Pennits (1) An Industrial Wast.' Oi;,;(:h:u'W' P<'l1ni 1. nny I~, trneli ),ic(1 for good and val id caUf;(' at the wd U<,n 1'<<IU",;t 0)' the perm; UI'<' and at t.he discretion of the City Enrrinccr, (2) Pcnnit.tcc nodHicaUoIl l'(;IU<';;L,; ,;hal] lx, l;ulxn; l.ted to the City Engineer lUld shall cOIILaill a d"tailcd description of all pro- posed ch:Ulf!:es in the di;;chaq;", "111<, (:i l.y Enr;imx,r ntly require any additional tnfol1m.tion needed 1.0 adequately evaluate the rrodifi- cation 01' a,;s<',;" iL" inqlact. (3) 111e City Engineer may dellY a l'<<luesL )'or Il1<xli ),ication i), the change may result in a violation 0)' City, SLate or Federal laws or regulation", may overload or cau,;(' d:unage to any portion of the City sewerage ,;y,;tcm<;, or ntlY ('I'pate any imnin<'nt 01' )lot,mtia] h:1'-~.<'U"d to healLll, or the environrn-.mt. PAGE 19 - COUNe lILL NO. 682 ORDINANCE NO. 1790 '\ " "'~---d:!~~~r.l~ ~_. ~H.y.,..__. ". u__....._~!._ ,....__.".....y._.._,,~-_...~~--'_._..,.~. ~' ,... . " (4) J 'I permit nDdifieaLioll be made; the din,ction of "...." the CiL. Mr,ineer, the permittee shall lx_ notified in writin~ of the proposed modification at least 30 days prior to 'its effective date ,md shall be inforned of the reasons of the change. e; Change in a Pel1nitte(!_,!)i,;ehal'l~e 1\ny modi fi.eation to the per- mittee's discharge permit must Ix, issued by the City Engineer be- fore any signifie'Ult chang" is IIHd, , ill till! volUII" 01' level or pol- lut,mts in :Ul existing IX!lllli Lted dbcll:u'!W to th<,(!i l.y s"\Vt'~rage system. Ch'mges in the dh;chal'go involving the introduction of a waste stn,am not prcviou;;ly ine'ludcd in the Industrial Waste Dis- charge Pm1ltit. 01' illvolvilll~ the :l<ldi UOI\ or lieII' pollutan'L;; shall be considered as a new disch')JT(~, .'oqui rin!~ application under Section 7 f, Pcrmi t Fees l'cl1ni t fees, and renewal fees, shall be as estab- lished by the Common Council, by motion, upon recommendation of the City Engineer, 1111 monies received for Waste Discharge Per- mit Fees shall be expended only for the administration, monitor- ing or enforcarent of the provisions or tlli}'; Ordin:l.lwc. PAGE 20 - COUNCIL BILL NO. 682 ORDINANCE NO. 1790 ~ -.- ~~ .!ll.__..~.4' ~-<;""~_,.::lo:;.'::;,.,,~..:..<:,:.:...;iu" -""~""""''''''-''~~'_''_'__-e.'_'' . , Section 8 Inspectivd and Samplinr>: a, Inspection el) Authoriz.ed City repr"""ntativ"s may inspect the n'Onitoring fn.ciliUl'S of :"'y'indll,;Lri:lI IV:I;;Le' di::c:Ii:lI'gl'r to dC'U!llllinC! c:ompli- ance wil.h th" 1'('(jUir('f,,",ts of Lid:: ordinance, Th" di.scharger shall allow the City or its authori7l~c1 1'0pn'sentatives to enter upon the premiscs of the discharf{er at all r":";()flable hours, for the purpose . . of inspection, sampling, or 1',,,;ol"ds examination, '1'hC! City shall also have the right to set up on the di sch=ger' s property any ",-uch devices as are necessary to conduct sarrpling, inspection, corrpli- ance llnnitorinl~ and/01' lI"l."I'i,,!~ ()I~,,';li.ions, Thfl righL-ol'-<mtl'y shall inclucle aeccss to all portions of the premises that contain ('"eil i Li(',; fo\' sanq>ling, llY"L,-;uring, treating, transporting or oth'!lwi,;" handl ing wastes, and for stor- ing records, reports or doclUmnts rC!lating to thc treatJmnt, sarrpl- ing, or discharge of the wastes, The City Enginccr, or his author- ized deputy, shall have the ]X'IVl,r to make such inspections, without W'<UTant, during ;U1Y tim, or olx:raLiun of the JaellHy. PAGE 21 - COUNCIL. BILL NO. 682 OROINA~' '10. 1790 ~' "'T" < ' " (2) Conditions of Entry (a) The authorizccl City rl!prc"l!ntative shall present appropriat" Ll'l~denU:lls :It Lit<, ti"., or c'ntry; (ll) Th" plll'])(),;e of' tit<' ('lItl'y ,,11:111 lx, for insp"cUon, obscrvatjol1, Ilk'a:-;ul'ul):~nl., :-";;lIltp"1 illlr 0'0 tp~;tin~ :in ;w.<.:ordanee with the provision,; of this onlin:lne"; '..~ (c) The entry shall Ix, 1I1<,d" at reasonable tim,s during any operating or business hours unle,;s an Clrergency situation exists as detelmined by the City Engineer, (d) 1\11 valid safety,,;ceurlly and sanitary requirerrents of the facility to be inspected ,;hall be complied with by the City reprcsentaLive(R) enU,,':inf!, the pl'cmif;Cs. E:. Sampling (I) Samples of waste\~ater beinrr discharged into the sewerage systems shall be representative of the discharge and shall be taken after treatnxmL, if any, :md 1,,'1'01'" diluLi.on by other lI'al.er. Thc sampling nXlthod shall be olle aPllI'oved by the City Engineer and done in accordance with good cngtn"uring practice, (2) S:Ul~)les that uro l.ak<!1l by Ci ty f"'l'sonnel for th<! purpose of detennininr; camp] irUlee \l'i th t.h<! l'C'qui reny,.,t,; of l.hi:-; ordinance may be split with the dischall':IJl' (c))' a cluplicate sWlple provided in the instance of fatR, oils and gr""s<!s), if requested IY2fore or at th(~ tim, of sanq11iIW:. (3) 1\11 s:unple analyses shall Ix, Ix,,'rol"n~,d in accordance with th<: procedures set forth in 10 CFH, ParI. 136 and any am:mchlX~nts there- to or with any other test !)l'ocedures approved by the 1\cJmininstrator of the EnvironnXlntal Protect ion /\I':c,ncy, I r thl'J"C' ""0 no approV(,d tad procedures for u parUeul:lr pollutant., then :U1alyses shall Iy, tI9\@ bJ2 - 'COONC- -"":>~'~m...,.~ltili<" 'LL NO. 682 ORDINANCE NO, 1790 ~tE'.;:.t.....,.",_~.~...-.;:;,'i; -..,___ ...._._.~~. ,.",,_.~.,_~,._,._,_,_ - ~ ..- Section 9 PAGE 23 - COUNe ..~.. ~ . .-:....;.-~lJA,!~. '~ perJom~,,' using other val idaC<!d proc<!dun"" approved by the City Enginee: ~ Sarrq:Jling Manhole The Ci ty Engineer may require a discharger to install and maintain, at the di,;chaq:;er's expense, suitable ma.'lhole(s) in tl1n .<lischar~~(,l"'; Ilt'andl SI'W('r(s) to alloll' observation, Sall~)ling ann I'fl('!:.lsurerrent or a1"1 indw..;l.rjal V.l~l..~tes I)(~ing diF;charged into the Ci ty s('\\,)r SystHlI, 'J'iH,y ,31m 11 b<! constructCld in accord- ance with plmls approved by 1.11<> ei ty j'Jlgineer and shall be designed so that flow measurinp; and s:unpl i ng <!tJuipnrmt may Ix? conveniently ulOed or installed. IIccess to th<! manhole shall be available to City representatives at all tillrls, It shall be located in a street right-of-way or on till e:u;(~","t \Vi l.h n,ady accas:;; from a street, not behind any fence or gate, except. for wl1i.cl1 the City ,;hall be pro- vided a key or I(pys, Spill Prevention tUld Control a, Notification Any person becoming aware of spi] Is or uncontrol- led discharges of prohibited or restricted substance,;, directly or indirectly, into the City sew(~rar:n ';YSt<!fll'i ,. shall imrediately re- port such <lisch:lTge by telc'phone 1.0 UI<' eHy Engineer. b,Posted Notice A notice infonning (~lployees of the notification requiremmt and containing a teh'phone mU11ber fOl' the individual to contact in the event of such a <lj,jchal"!~e shall be posted in a con- spicuous place, visible to all ("llploy,,<!s that may reasonably be expt."Cted to obsnrve such a <Ii sch:u'r;e, c~ Prcvent:iv(' M(~a~':'''lrcs Dinx~t ()I'indin\(~t eonnection~~; or entry points \\11ich could allol\' ,;pi1'1:--; 01' U11<:ontr'Olled <lisehal'Jre,; of pro- hibited or restricted substances to enter the City sewer system shall lx~ eliminal.ed, lalx,lpd, or (:ont.rollcd, so a:-; l.o pn,venl. the entry of W:l,;tcs in violation 01' Llli,; Ol'(!:inallec. 'l'ht, Cil.y Engineer rray require the industrial US(~r to Install or nnclify cCjuIpmnt or BILL NO. 682 ORDINANCE NO. 1790 ~~.Jl".~.....!~.~~!..~'~~~..:r~t.1.-:U.'_~.J'JIl~S~,_.~,r~~~.... 1I".d)lil'!nu'I_r-.~.. ..,.....""'...,wugm!!'l ~. ,",.",.,t-.,-".~-__,...,__,._._,."~.______.._~_~~,,._.._"."~..__... ,.".,,~___., ,\ PAGE 24 - COUNCIl .\ ... --.J:r..:.-~,~..!!:.<L ..,..~~ ~ 'I "r' make atl C.h;Ul~~CS nc-:.cl~ss;II').' l<) 1)I'l~V('nl ,.., h dlscha!f-.;CS ;LS a conditL.. of i,;"uance of an JlldU:-itl'ial \,~ste lJischar!;e Pennit or as a condition of continu,~d diseharr;c into the City.sewer system. 1\ schedule of compliance shall be established by the City ErlJ';illcl'I' wllkh 1'"jllil'I''' c""I'I<'Ii,," of the I'c'ljlrin,d actiow-; within th,' sl}()l'Lcst reaS<J/laiJle l"l'.iod of Lime. Violation of the schedule wi L110llt an extl'IICiiol1 or t irn' hy thl' City En!;ineer shall be a violatjoJl 01' this ol-dillallc.<.'. d, Spill Prevent.ion and ('ollLrol I'lall" '--~ (1) Industrial users that handle, stoI'e or use prohibited or restricted suhsLances on thl,i r SHI'S ,;hal I prepare a spill pre- vention phuI within 00 day,; c.l1' noUee by the City En!rineer dir- ected at preventing the entrlUlce of those &ubstances, dirc:.'Ctly or indirectly, illto tho City ,:c'II'l'raIT ,;ysLlm'-i. '!be plm], as approvod by the City Engineer, shall lx, ]xlstod und available for inspection at the faCility during normal business hours and shall include, but not be limit<...'{\ to; the followinr; elcrrrmts: (i) A description of the IXlt<mtial rxlints of cntry into the City sewerage systems; (ii) 1\ description o[ the mc,a,;ures to be talum to pre- vent entry at the described point,; berm.c a spill occurs; (iii) Measures to lx; taJ"," 1.0 conUtin a spill of prohi- bited or restricted nl.'1terials, eiv) 1\ description of L,mp]oyec traininr; in the pI'eVcn- tJon lUld eontnll of ",pill,;. A valid spec plan rlXlllil'l'd .mdt'I' till' F<'dcral Cleall W,t1."I' 1\ct may be acceptable in lieu 0[' deveJ.opin[{ Ii neW spill control plan, pro- vided the plan adequately addl'e,;sl's 1.h" ol('fmnls required. (2) If any user has a "l,i 11 01' uncontrolled discharr~t~ of J-" 'hibited or restrict.ed slIlls1.anc.es into tht~ City sewer, the City T, NO, 682 ORDINANCE NO, 1790 JI'.~'-I -'--".-- ..._"*'- .._-.,..,..,..,....... . ~_.,._._..._...+.._-_..,. ""'~'^~'-"-'>f""""_""-_--"""'-~~_"~_"_.""'_~~"'__"_,,",,__. Engineer <y require the U,;Cl' ',; ,;pi 11 pI"< ".,ntion and eontrol plan to be re-s-ubmitted, may require revisions to be- made in the plan, and may require any such uscr, even residential, to' fully comply with the requin'lnents of this ordinance. Section 10 lI=eptance oJ l!xtra-streni'..IJl.J-,~I.u::,-;tl-i a!_~a:;t.(!~, '1'110. Ci ty Engineer may agree t.o accept indu,;t.rial wastewater which exceeds the limi- tation>i S(~t. /'ol'th in 'SCCtioll -1, I,,-ovided t.hat: a. Limi tatiolls established in COil!) 1 i an"e with proITIul gated Federal " ~,.. Pretreatnp.nt Standards und<'l' thl! Cl"atl Watcr 1\ct or undcr Section 3 of this ordinance are not (~xepl'!ded; and, ~ IIdcquatc tl','atm:mt capa<:il.y ('xis'-" at. thl! wast.e trcnlment plant for effectively treatinr; the 'lfldil.iollal wa.st0. str'mr-;th; and, c, The COlTnp.rcial or ind",;t.r,ial di:-;charg"r requests the City Engineer to accept the Industrial I\"LSI.CS on thn !>'Lsis of payucnt to the CIty of extra-strength charges as detmmined by him; and, d. The wastewater is being di=harp;ed to a sanitary or combined sewer; and, e. 'nle di,;chaq':<", shaH aLLil11l f'(.,;!.,,,,;ihilily for all olher pro- visions of thit) ordin:mc(~ j .uHI, ~ All other sew'age rates shall be in aceordance with the WoocUJUrn sewer rate ordin,ulce; and, & All additional ch'll'ges for <!xtra-st.l"<mglh discharr~es shall be as detennined by the City Engtn0.l!l', PAGE 25 - COUNCIL BILL NO. 682 ORDINANCE NO, 1790 = ~..,..". "-""''''..~.-.... ~..~-,-'~~. '.- ,- r ,....... Section 11 Enforcr- at a, Violations (1) A violation shall hav" occurred when any requirement of this Ordtnance has not. l)(,(~1l m'l; when a written dunand of the City Engint,er, made und"J' til" authOJ"ity of thi,; Ol'dinance, is not met within the sped 1';"d Lilre; when a condi lion of a pcr- mit, or contract, is,;ued \IIld(,,' 1.1", :lUlilol"ity of this Ordinance is not met within the "'1'<'(',; ri (~I I. illk~; whl!1l erfJ uc;n} ] imitatiom; are exc(.,~ded, l'(~gardless 0 r in It\1l t or aeeiden t; ot' wlt(m fa] se infonnation has been provi (jpd hy th" d1,;charger. (2) Each day a violatioll 0('''111',", shall he considen"~ )IS a scpa- rate violatioll, b. Notice of Violation Upon detennination by the Ci ty Engineer that a violation has OCCUIT"d, Ol' i,; oeellrring, the City Engineer may issue a written Notice of, Violation to the diSCharger which shall outline the violation ruld the potential liability, The Notice may further request correetion of the violat1.on within a spccifi<'d till" ,uld/or rl'quil"" wl'il.l.,," eOllfimnt.ioll of the cor- rection or of ('ffol'ts !x)in;; lII:1d" 1.0 COITect the v10lat1.on, by a specifi.ed nate, The Notice shall be p',rsonally delivered to the dischUl'hrer's pl'<!llllses or be ,",,'Ill. eerti[ied or registered mail, return rec{'ipt nXlllestlxl. c, Judicial 1\clioll The City Eng-il1<"~r .nay 1.nitiat<; appropriate civil or cr:iminal action through thl! City IIttorney in a Court of CCIIllpGtcnt jlll'i,;dietioll to "",join a violatioll alld ol,la ill eorreeUv<' lIEasures ruld any other appropri:l l.e re I ip r. PAGE 26 - COUNCIL BILL NO, 682 ORDINANCE NO, 1790 ~_.->~.l. ._~.JL~_ _..t:LL.~~~ ..~ " "'-~~"~~-'-~------_._~.__.~.- '. " " _._~-~~--.._-~,~............~ ,,- PAGE 27 - COUNe.' :ct ..~ ;;:;-_"I""l.trr.~~_lL.L.J...~~ . "I "T"" d. Tel', ation or Suspension of a Disd. .-.e (1) The City Enginccr may t<!l'Ininate a discharge into the Ci ty sewcr system or sus"pf'nd such discharge for a speci fied length of time or terminate water and sewer services to the premises, if": (i) The discharge pn,s<,n L,; 01' IIny present an inminent and subst:Ultial endiulg<mn,'nt to UIl' h<,al th or wclf:J.re of per- sons or the environIrent, or caus<,:; in tel' ference wi th the oper- ~ n't- ation of the City sewer system; or, (ii) The permit to discharge into the City se'Wer system was obtained by misrepre:-;('ntation of" any material fact ,or by Inck of full disclosure; or, (Hi) Directed by a COUl't or competent jurisdiction. (2) Notice of telmination 01' ,;w"lll!llsion shall be provided to the discharger prior to tenni na ti nl~ or suspending the discharge, (i) In situations that are ' 'not emergencies, the notice shall be in writing, shall contain the re'Lsons for the termina- tion or susJ)ension, the e[Illctiv<, date, and the nmm, address and telephone numlJcr of a City contact, shall be siv.ned by the City Engineer, and shall be received at the business addre:-;s of the discharger no less than thirty days prior to the date specified for termination or suspension. Cii) In situations that are determined to be emargencies by the City Engineer, the initial notice may be verbal or written and shall <:ontain the infomntion re']uiredabove, If verbal notice is given, it shall be de Ii vered to the owner or operator of the discharginr; faci 1 i ty and shall be followed within 2 working days by a written notic.e that is mailed or de- livered to the business addl'ess of the discharger, The effective da" f the telmination or suspenslon in energency situations may , NO, 682 ORDINANCE NO, 1790 =,",,-' ., ,~ t.--,__.__-"".~"~-~__..~~___,..__. , .'j ..' be imrr itely after verbal 0" written ,." i.ee has been given as required in this paragraph, (i i i) For the purposl~'; of this section, an crrergency situation is oefined as a situ:!t ion in which action Imst be taken as rapidly a,; po,;,;ible in ol'lll!I' to fll'l!V"nt or rl!duc" " preRent or potentt" 1 d:U1gl!I' or hay", I'd t( I I,. ':I I Lh. sa rl!ty, ,;, w, ,,'agl! systems, treatnrml pr(x~pssns, or r('('.('ivillf~ sl.!'(~;url'-). ~ Cost H(!COvery ,> (1) The CHy Engineel' Tluy !'l!COVl!I' al J reasonable co,;ts of repair- ing damages to the City seWl!l":WC systems, extra trcatrrent required, re- storation of inhibited or di,;rupt'KI treatment processes, and of paying fines or penalties which l'C'sul t hun a discharRB not in cmpliance with .the n..>quireTl","ts of EPII 01' j)H~, thlJ Waste Discharge l'enTli t, or oj' this Ordinance. (2) Claim for the costs ,;hall be by letter to the discharger; sent certified or rc~istored TInt I, l'(!turn receipt requested, which shall state the ',;pecific violation(s), the damages and penalties sustained by the City, the costs of those damages and penalties, and all other costs the City Engineer has determined as attribut- able to the discharr;e ano, thm'cfol'e, bill ed to the discharger, (3) 'l11e costs are 'due and payable I>y the discharger upon re- ceipt of the letter, If not paid within 30 =lenoar days, water and sewer services to the pr('II1i ses may be physicalJ y disconnected and the anDunt due and the eosL of disconnection :;hall I", assessed against the property on the dod<<'t of City liens, 1:::.. Operatinf, Upsets Any discharr;l!r who experiences an upset in operations IIhkh places thl! disd':II'f(l!" in a U:rrpontry :;l.:!te of non-complianee with this ordinance or IU1 Industrial Wastewater Discharge PC'rmi t issued PU1'';UIUl t Lo s<,,~t ion 7 shall inform the City Engineer of thC' upsC't wi thin 2 hours of the first aw'areness of it. Where sllch infonnation is given orally, a written PAGE 28 - COUNCT OROIN LL NO, 682 '0, 1790 ..Ra!ltIftIlL-.<:_s_. ----...~.-.- .. T , .'._-+-.n.__>__._,,-"'"_ t._.__-............~_..._.___... , 11[:" follow-.. report shall be Li 1 eel by the I "-',~harger with the City Engineer within five days. Thc rcport shall sPecify: (1) Description of thc upset, the cause thereof anel the up- set's impact on the discharger's compliance status. (2) Duration of non-conlll iane:!" inc'l udin(': exact elates and t:i.lres of non-cornpliance, and H thl' non-compliance continues, the t:irm by which conpliancc is reasonably expected to occur. (3) All steps taken or to be ,tak<!n to reduce, eliminate or "oJ prevent recurrence of such all upset 01' other conditions of non- ccmpliance, Section 12 Records Retention Ill] diSChargers slIhjrx:t to this OriHnanee shall retain and preserve for no 1 ess than three years. all re- cords, books, docwmnts. l1l2rrnranda, reports, correspondence, and any and all :,;wlll~U'ies thm'eol', r<~lating to rronitot'ing, sanq)ling and c1wmical lU1alyses nude hy 01' in Ix,half of a discharger in connection with its diSCharge. 1\11 reeords which pertain to matters which are the subject or any enforcement or litig-.ttion activities brought by the City I<:nJ~in<"I' pursuant hereto :,;hall be retaiJl<'<1 :\11<1 pl'(':"~rved hy I.he <li:;dl:lI'I':<'" unCU all ellf'ol"cnlK:nt activities hav(~ concluded and all periods of limitation with res1JCCt to allY and all appeal,; have (~xpired. Section 13 Conflict All othl~r ordinan(:!,,; and parts of othm' ordinances inconsistent or conflicting with any part of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency or conflict. Section 14 SeverabiJity If any provi,;ioll, panwn.ph, word, scel.ion or chapter of this OrdimU1ce is invalidrrted by 'U1Y court of competent juris- diction, the' rnltlininl; provisiom;, pal':Wr':\phs, words, se'ctions, and chapters shall not be arrect<:d and shall continue in full force and effect. PAGE 29 ~ COUNCIL 'ILL NO, 682 ORDINAt NO, 1790 -~........,,~- ~ '1 .... -'.-:' 'II'" . "'-', Section 15 PENALTIJ;;:) el) Violation of any provision of this Ordinance constitutes a cIass I infrac.tion and shall lx, dealt with accardinr; to the procedllr",,; <,st.ahlif;hl!cl hy ()l'dill:U"'" No, HilO. (2) Each clay a violation of this Onl i nan"" continues ,;hall he considl'l'ed a ,;"pal'atl! violation. Approved as to fOlm-.J..,., I. e I 'ly'/ITrollN'l';Y t ,,~, . ,\ . ,\ I '\ l., -) (. (';/1 ;> I DA'11l I API'!lOVI'J): :F%~~;:- 'rrl'~ I';. AJ:mH JAW, IN,, MIIYQH Passed by the Collnci I September 13, 1982 September 14, 1982 . September 14, 1982 September 14, 1982 Subnitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Hecorder , 1\'ITEsf;'/IJ. 7~'y . lllJl J.. City o' Woodburn, , f ' ,} HI>XOlll ll;;[-' Or0gDn PAGE 30 - COUNCIL BILL NO, 682 ORDINANCE NO, 1790 ..'. .' ..;OUNCIL BILL NO. 1292 ORDINANCE NO. 2059 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SURCHARGES ON WATER FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF MUNICIPAL SEWERAGE SYSTEMS, PROVIDING FOR SUCH SURCHARGES AND THE COLLECTION THEREOF, AND REPEAUNG ORDINANCE NO, 1932 THE CITY OF WOODBURN ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. General Provisions: That a surcharge, as provided in this ordinance, shall be added to each municipal water bill or statement issued by the City of Woodbum, Such surcharge shall apply to all monthly periods of water use and service received from the City, and such surcharge shall be collected from water users in the same manner and under the same provisions of law as other charges for water use and service. Such surcharge shall be levied against each water account, excepting those accounts providing only'fire or irrigation service, whether or not the premises within the city limits are actually connected to the sanitary sewerage system, if the property has been located within 100 feet from an adequate sewer line for a period of ~ year. . A like surcharge may be made to all premises within the city limits which are supplied with water from sources other than the city water system, A separate charge shall be collected from all premises outside the City which discharge to the city sewerage system, The premises connected to a water system other than the City may be required to provide metering devices for tile waste discharge calculations, An adcfltional charge shall be collected for "tral1er-dump" locations, All rates and charges established herein are tabulated in Section 5 hereunder, Charges for premises outside the city limits shall be one-and-one half (1-1/2) times the rates shown in Section 5. Interpretation and administration of this ordinance and its provisions shall be the responsibility of the City Engineer, This ordinance also deals with permitted industriaVcommercial loading related service charges, However, the city-issued waste discharge permits that reflect EPA and DEQ requirements and other capacity/connection fee requirements related to loadings are not covered by this ordinance. Section 2. Abbreviations: BOD - Bio-chemical oxygen demand SBOD - Soluble BOD cf - cubic feet gal - gallon(s) Ibs - pounds SS - Suspended solids POlW - Public Owned Treatment Works Page 1 - COUNCIL BILL NO. 1292 ORDINANCE NO, 2058 " E..XHI6/T 8 """-~'-"."-".""~-~.'-'._'--""'''-''-"-----'--'-'-'~'~'~""~"~----'-'~-- Section 3. Treatment Capability and Acceptance of Sewal!e: The city, at its discretion, may refuse to accept sewage loadings from industriaVcommercial or septage haulers, if such loading is beyond permitted loading or if such loading, in the opinion of the city, places the treatment process at risk or may cause violation of the city's permit. Section 4, Industrial User Billinq: Industrial users may be required to install metering and sampling devices to monitor flow. BOD, suspended solids and any other necessary constituents, The industry may be required to combine all effluent lines to a single point for such metering/sampling and to monitor their effluent discharge, The City rpay bill on an estimated basis if the user fails to perform the required monitoring and sampling, Any or all of the following criteria may be used to determine if an industry is to be billed as an industrial user, A The user is permitted to discharge more than ,8 percent of. the designed average dry weather hydraulic, organic or solid handling load to the Oty's POTW. B. The user has a non-domestic flow of 25,000 gallons or more per average work day. e. The user is determined by the POTW Superintendent to have a significant impact upon POTW operations, D. The user comes under the national categorical pretreatment standards promulgated by the EP A E. The Oty has issued the user an industrial discharge permit. Section 5, Monthlv Surcharae: That the monthly surcharges required by Section 1 of this ordinance shall be according to the following schedule: CUSTOMER CLASS A Residential B. Apartments & Condos. per unit C. Commercial D. Industrial - the sum of: Flow (per million gaL) BOD (per thousand Ibs.) SS (per thousand Ibs.) Page 2 - COUNCIL BIll.. NO, 1292 ORDINANCE NO. 2059 . , .. SURCHARGE $ 13.50 $ 13.50 $ 2.10 above minimum MIN./MO. (Rat Rate) (Rat Rate) $14.10/unit for first 600 cf; $2.10/100 cf thereafter $689,25* $264,95* $307.25* $349.50 ,._"'_..,.,,_..----.-~-,_........._"~--j'-.. .... .,.....'~._._- '..---~._--,.~-- ..".,>,.....~..__." E. Trailer -dump station (per month in addition to standard surcharge) F. Septage per truck load (based on truck capacity) First 500 gal. Each additional 500 gal. $ 15.00 mi. ,Ium $' 28,00* $ 21.00* $28.00 G. IndMdual Recreational Vehides No charge * Also see Sections 6, 7, & 8 for cost recovery, high strength incentive multiplier , ~ as a charge to customer, " H, Mixed ResidentiaVCommercial: This category uses the residential and or commercial rates outlined under subsections 'A' to 'c' above, The criteria of using a mixed residentiaVcommercial method is outlined below: - 1) If no monitoring device is available, then the City may reasonably estimate charges based on the available facts such as number of employees, product. or other criteria 2) If one City monitoring device serves for more than one category of user, then the charges shall be as foUows: a) If separation of service is not practical, (determined by City Engineer) The service charge shall be residential flat rate for the first 1000 eft of water for each residential unit and then the remaining Is to be at commercial rate. b) If service monitoring separation is practical, the charge for entire service shall be at commercial rate, The customer may request the City for a separate monitoring device for each category of service by paying meter installation fee, Section 6. Oueration Cost Recoverv. Super Surchari!e for High'Strenl!th Loadinl!s: To recover the additional treatment costs during certain times of the year the city shall initiate a super surcharge schedule for industrial/commercial high strength dischargers permitted by the City. The high strength dischargers shall be those industrial users discharging average BOD loading that exceeds 220 mgIL or 1,000 Ibs, for the month. This charge will reflect the additional POTW costs to treat industrial/commercial wastes during the months of June, July, August, September and October. With this surcharge the city shall be compensated for the additional cost of operation and maintenance for using additional treatment units when treating permitted wastes during the dry season. 1bis shall be accomplished at the option of the city, by utilizing alternative Alar A1 outlined below: AI. Proportional ratio of the load (lbs./day) being discharged by the industrial user, OR Page 3 - COUNCIL BIll.. NO. 1292 ORDINANCE NO. 2059 .~...,-.----_...-t~"._..- -~-----------"--'.~-'--" ..,'--~.- .,.-- ,- ._' A2. Increase the high strength sewage billing rate of permitted 'loading parameters (BOD, SBOD, SS, etc) by 20 percent during the months of June, July, August, September and October, Section 7. Capital Cost Recoverv Al!:reements: The City, at its discretion, may enter into agreements with industrial dischargers for the purpose of recovering City incurred or anticipated costs used to modify POTW that benefit the industry, This cost may be divided into a number of payments, and added to the montWy invoice, rather than one lump sum payment. The cost recovery agreements may reflect the construction costs, interest, engineering and administration costs for POTW modifications needed to accommodate industrial growth. '.' Section 8. Larl!:e Load Chan!:e: The intent of this charge is to discourage users from discharging large permitted loads (lbsJday) of waste to the city system during the dry weather season (June, July, August, September and October} that could reduce reliability of the city sewerage system. The Oty, at its discretion, may initiate the charge outlined below: A Industrial Loading- For large permitted industrial/commercial loads, the Oty may use a multiplier and increase the entire monthly bill related to the permitted parameters when these parameters have reached or exceeded 90 percent of permitted loadings (either maximum or average), The load reduction charge will apply only to those permitted parameters where actual loads reach or exceed 90 percent of the industry's permit limits. This load reduction incentive multiplier shall be 1,10 at 90 percent of permitted loading and 2.5 at 95 percent of permitted loading, and it shall apply to entire final charge for the parameter and not only to the portion above 90 percent. B. Septage Loadings - If the city accepts waste during the dry weather season the septage hauler rate may be multiplied by a factor of two, ' Section 9, Unauthorized Connection and Service: A Unauthorized Connection: A 25 percent administrative charge may be added to the service connection or capacity fee if a property is connected to the system without obtaining proper permit and paying the required fees, This 25 percent may be added to the regular fee in effect at the time unauthorized connection is discovered by the City. The added surcharge may be excused if the property owner volunteers the information and comes forward to pay the required connection fee. 8, Unauthorized Service: An administrative charge of 25 percent may be added to the City utility service charge if a property receives City service and the customer does not inform the City to start the billing. The charge calculated shall be limited to a twelve- month period. The City may make a reasonable estimate of the amount due. Page 4 - COUNCIL BIU. NO, 1292 ORDINANCE NO. 2059 i""--'--"~'"-'- ",......_~..._..,."._._,---_._..--"" '. . C, This section shall not be ,-_.lstrued to limit the City's right tL ,Jursue any and all available legal remedies in regard to unauthorized connections or service, . Section 10, Customer Billina Adiustments: If the City, in the last twelve months has overcharged a customer for the sewer service, and it is brought to the attention of the City Engineer then he shall make an adjustment using available records of the past year, Adjustment will be limited to a period of four months within the past year duration, A similar adjustment for undercharge may be made but it shall be limited to a period of two months. Section 11. Installation of Monitorina Clean Out: If City wants to install a dean out on the service line near the house for infiltration monitoring and reduction, it may do so if ten-day notice prior to construction activity has been provided to the property owner, City may not charge for the installation of dean out for monitoring and infiltration. reduction although it may be located on the private property. Section 12. Increase In Rates and Charaes: Future rate adjustments will be estabRshed by CounCIl action at a frequency and amount determined to be fi~lIy responsible to support service obligations, ensure POlW compliance with EPNDEQ regulations, and to protect the environment and public health, Section 13, Service Aareements: All prior Council approved service agreements between the City and a customer will remain in force for the term of the agreement. However, the requirements of this ordinance and other applicable ordinances, induding the rate increase provisions, must be met. Section 14. Use of Monies Collected: That the monies collected pursuant the provisions of this ordinance shall be used to pay the costs of construction, operation, maintenance and expansion of sanitary and storm sewers, sewage treatment plants, pumping stations, and related facilities and services, induding administrative and engineering costs. Section 15, Administration: Interpretation and administration of this ordinance and its provisions shall be the responsibility of the City Engineer. Section 16, Severabilitv Clause: If any dause, sentence, paragraph, section or portion of this ordinance for any reason shall be adjudged invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate any of the remainder of this ordinance. Section 17, ReDeal: That Ordinance No. 1932 is hereby repealed. Approved as to form: City Attorney APPROVED: Page 5 - COUNCIL BILL NO. 1292 ORDINANCE NO. 2059 u ",.>._....___,.....^'....___.~,._.".d4'_....'t-'___....__ .. . .. _.~_..-,~...._-,~-_.."._._." ',_._'" ". .--.--.,.,.. Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Rled in the Office of the Recorder ATTEST: M~~~R-;ier City of Woodburn, Oregon April 8, 1991 April 9, 1991 April 9, 1991 April 9, 1991 Page 6 - COUNCIL BILL NO, 1292 ORDINANCE NO. 2059 m__->"_........_..,.,',....~"._~"...'1~ 'l '.,i"'