Res 1222 - Grnt DUII Enforce -'- COUNCIL BILL NO. 1528 RESOLUTION NO. 1222 A RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF OREGON, DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE, FOR EQUIPMENT AND GRANT FUNDS FOR DUll ENFORCEMENT. WHEREAS, the State of Oregon has grant funds available to be used for enforcement of Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (DUll) laws, and WHEREAS, video equipment and police officer training would also be provided, and WHEREAS, it is in the interests of the City and citizens of Woodburn to execute an intergovernmental agreement with the State so that these benefits can be obtained, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Mayor is authorized to execute, on behalf of the City, the agreement between the City and the State of Oregon, acting by and through it Department of State Police. Section 2. That a copy of said agreement is attached hereto and, by this reference, incorporated herein. I / Approved as to form~~ "'3 / / V 1'.tJ City Attorney Date ~~~ ' Le Kelley, Ma or APPROVED: Passed by the Council March 14, 1994 Submitted to the Mayor March 15. 1994 Approved by the Mayor March 16, 1994 Filed in the Office of the Recorder ATTEST: ~~p,~ Mar ennant, City Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon March 16, 1994 Page 1 - COUNCIL BILL NO. 1528 RESOLUTION NO. 1222 -.."' INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT This Interagency Agreement is between the state of Oregon acting by and through the Oregon Department of state Police, hereafter called Department, andWoodburn PO, hereafter called Agency. 1. statement of Work Agency agrees to provide the services and accomplish the work described in Exhibit "A" and by this reference made a part of this agreement, Delivery of these services will be accomplished by the dates set forth in Exhibit "A", unless prior approval for an extension is given the Agency by the Department. - Final payment will be made upon completion of all stated work and receipt of final report, 2. Agreement Effective Date This Interagency Agreement begins onMarch 1..1994, or when signed by all parties, and terminates on septembe~ 30, 1994. 3. Reporting Requirement The agency shall provide the fOllowing reports to the Department: a. The Agency will be required to complete quarterly data gathering forms provided by the Department of Transportation, Transportation Safety section. (EXhibit C) b. Quarterly Progress Reports The Agency shall prepare and submit quarterly progress reports by the 5th of the month of the following quarterly reporting periods ending March, June and september of 1994, Each of these reports shall: Identify project status relative to events and activities identified in the proposal. Summarize work performed; accomplishments; and problems encountered during periOd of report; plans for succeeding period. ....--". ...--,,-~... - '----T"--..."'-..--~_.-I.,-- -.-..-.. -.---____...._...,. .....---- -"'-" b. Final Report The agency will prepare and submit a final report on or before October 5, 1994. This shall include the following: Summary of activities of the entire Interagency Agreement period. Include accomplishments and problems encountered. These reports shall be submitted to Sergeant Richard Kuehmichel, Oregon State POlice, 400 Public Service Building, Salem, Oregon 97310. These reports require Department approval prior to payment of completed phase. 4. Consideration PRODUCT AGREEMENT As full consideration for all services to be performed by the Agency under this agreement, the Department of Transportation, Transportation Safety section will compensate the Agency through Transportation Safety Section Grant # J7931209 with Oregon State police not to exceed the sum of $ 1.056 00 and One video recording camera{s). Compensati~m will be accomplished through quarterly billings provided to the Department from the Agency not later than the 5th of the month following the billing period. The billings must reflect work actually accomplished during the billing period and submitted on Agency stationary, indicate Transportation Safety Section Grant # J7931209, billing period, tasks completed, contract number, amount of compensation and be signed by the project manager. Quarterly billing periods are March, June and S_eptember 1994. The Agency shall maintain all appropriate financial records, 5. Retirement System Status Agency and its employees are all contributing members of the Public Employees Retirement System or other retirement system, Agency will be responsible for all withholding and contributions to the retirement system. 6. Travel Travel expenses shall not be reimbursed to the Agency by the Department, Travel by the Agency may be required to achieve or complete contract deliverables. 7, Government Employment Status The Agency certifies that its employees are not currently employed by the Federal Government. -_.. "- -- .. -T'- ,-._" .-"....------. -, . "---.".." --..---.-." _.~'-"~ 8. Subcontracts Agency shall not enter into any subcontracts for any of the work scheduled under this Interagency Agreement without obtaining prior written approval from the Department, 9. Dual Payment Agency shall not be compensated for work performed under this Interagency Agreement from any other Department of the State of Oregon. 10. Funds Available and Authorized Department certified at the time the Interagency Agreement is written that sufficient funds are available and authorized for expenditure to finance costs of this Interagency Agreement within the Department of Transportation's appropriation or limitation, 11. Termination This Interagency Agreement may be terminated by mutual consent of both parties, or by either party upon 30 days notice, in writing and delivered by certified mail or in'person, The Department may terminate this Interagency Agreement effective upon delivery of written notice the Agency, or at such later date as may be established by the Department, under any of the following conditions: a. If Department funding from state or other sources is not obtained and continued at levels sufficient to allow for purchase of the indicated quantity of services, The Interagency Agreement may be modified to accommodate a reduction in funds. b, If state regulations or guidelines are modified, changed or interpreted in such a way that the services are no longer allowable or appropriate for purchase under this Interagency Agreement or are no longer eligible for the funding proposed for payments authorized by this Interagency Agreement, c. If any license or certificate required by law regulation to be held by the Agency to provide services required by this Interagency Agreement is any reason denied, revoked, or not renewed, or the for Any such termination of this Interagency Agreement shall be without prejudice to any obligations or liabilities of either party already accrued prior to such termination, ~-. 1 The Department by written notice of default (including breach of Contract) to the Agency may terminate the whole or any part of this agreement: a. If the Agency fails to provide services called for by this Interagency Agreement within the time specified herein or any extension thereof; or b. If the Agency fails to perform any of the other provisions of this Interagency Agreement, or so fails to pursue the work as to endanger performance of this Interagency Agreement in accordance with its terms, and after receipt of written notice from the Department, fails to correct such failures within 10 days or such longer period as the Department may authorize. The rights and remedies of the Department provided in the above clause related to defaults (including breach of Contract) by the Agency shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this Interagency Agreement. Any such termination of this Interagency Agreement due to unsatisfactory completion of contract work will cause the Agency to forfeit video camera equipment that is part of this agreement. 12. Access to Records The Department, the Secretary of State and/or Legislative Auditor and their duly authorized representatives shall have access to the books, documents, papers, and records of the Agency which are directly pertinent to the specific Interagency Agreement for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcripts. Agency shall maintain all required records for three years after final payment and other pending matters are closed. 13, Compliance with Applicable Law The Agency shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances applicable to the work to be done under this agreement. 14. Nondiscrimination Agency agrees to comply with the provisions contained in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 15. Assignment Agency shall not assign agreement without the Department. or transfer his interest express written consent in this of the ._'....--. --.~-T.'-"'-~".."-'._-"---' 16. Amendments The term of this Interagency Agreement shall not be waived, altered, modified, supplemented or amended, in' any manner whatsoever, except by written instrument signed by the parties. 17. state Workers' Compensation Act The Agency, its subcontractors, if any, and all employees working under this Interagency Agreement are subject employers under the oregon Workers' Compensation law and shall comply wi th ORS 656,017, which requires them to provide workers' compensation coverage for all their subject workers. 18. Agency Data Name of Agency: Contact Person: Address: City of Woodburn Ken Wright, Police Chief 270 Montgomery St. Woodburn, OR 97071 (503)982-2345 Telephone #: 19, The Fiscal year 1993 Section 410 Plan was approved by the Oregon Transportation Commission on July 21,1993, ' At ,that time, the Transportation Safety Section Manager was authorized and directed to sign all contracts included in this Plan for and on behalf of the Commission. Said authority is set forth in the records, Minute Book of the Oregon Transportation Commission, 20. Signatures Agen~ ~-y( ~ m.~ ( ame &~IQ) "1 ) Date March 16, 1994 STATE OF OREGON by and through its Department of State Police By Richard Kuehmichel, Sgt. Date --'--.,------~--_._.--.._._---,~_..~,..._...... .... EXHIBIT A REQUIREMENTS FOR AGREEMENT WITH OREGON STATE POLICE FOR DUn OVERTIME FUNDING All Agencies receiving overtime DUII enforcement funds agree to the following conditions: 1. All officers participating by receiving overtime funds will attend a DUII video training course specified by Transportation Safety section. Training hours for both officers and instructors will be funded by the Transportation Safety Section Grant. 2, Officers making DUII arrests under the Transportation Safety Section Grant will complete the agency log(Exbibit C) whether the arrest was video recorded or not and either the officer or a person designated by the Agency will track the arrest case through to it's completion, 3, Agency will complete the Quarterly Report and forward the report to the Department by the 5th of the month following the end of the quarter. (See Section 3,b, of the Interagency Agreement) Department agrees to submit tbe following to Department of Transportation, Transportation Safety section (TSS) : 1, Department will compile the information for their officers and those Agencies with Interagency Agreements and submit them to TSS on the TSS Quarterly Report following the conditions and instructions in Transportation Safety Section Grant # J7931209 Exhibit B (1 ( VIII. AGREEMENTS AND ASSURANCES The following Agreements and Asswanc:es apply to all grants funded by the Traffic Safety Division (TSO), Oregon Department of Transporlalion: A. General t. The activity desaibed in this grant is undertaken under the authority of TItle 23, United States Code, Sections 153, 402-410, and is subject to the adminislIative regulations establishcd by OMB Circulars A-21, A-87, A-llO, A-I22, A-I28, 48 CFR Part 31, and 49 CFR Part 18. 2. Any fedecal funds comrniucd shall be subject 10 the continuation of funds made available 10 TSO by the National ffighway TnIffic Safety Adminislration (NIITSA) and the Fcdcra1 Highway Adminislralion (FHW A) by statute or administrative action. 3. The grantee shall ensure compliance with 49 CFR Part 18.42 which addresses retention and ICCCSS re- quin:ments for grant-rdatcd records. The Stall:, the fede<al grantor agency and the Complrollcc Ocncral of the United Stales, or any of their authorized represen- tatives, shall havc the right of access 10 any books, documents, papers or other records of the grantcc which arc pertinent 10 the grant These records must be reIained for a period of three years slarting on thc date the gran1eC submits its finallCl(uest for rcim- burscment for this grant 4. Any obligation of grant funds extends only to those costs incwred by thc grantee aftec authorization has been given 10 proceed with thc particular part of thc program involving costs. 5. Grant funds shaI1 not be used for activities previously carried out with the gran1eC's own resources. 6. Income earned through 8eIVices conduclcd through the project should be used 10 offset the cost of the project and be included in Section VI, Budget and Cost Summary. 7. The gran1eC shall ensure that all grant-related ex- penditures arc included as a part of entity-wide audits conducted in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1984 (31 USC 7561-7). Thc grantee shall provide TSO a copy of all Single Andit Reports covering thc time period of thc grant award as soon as they become available. Federal funds received arc Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number 20.600, State and Community ffighway Safety Program 8. The gran1eC shall promptly rcimbursc TSO for any inc1igible or unauthorized expenditures as dctennined by a state or federal revicw for which grant funds have been claimed and payment received. 9. The gran1eC and its COntraclOrs cannot use federal funds to influence federnI employees, Members of Congress, 737-1006 (9193) ......., ..."-~-..-T.~-- ..._._-~_. ..". ---,...----"...--.-, ~ and C". c, . staff regarding specifIc grants. The grantee U1d its conlIaCtors must submit disclosure documentation when non-federal funds arc used 10 influence the decisions of fedetal officials on behalf of specifIc projects. Signing this Agreement constitutes a certification of compliance with thesc lobbying restrictions. 10. The grantee, its subconlnlCtors, if any, and all employees working under this agreement arc subject employees under the Oregon Workers' Compensation Law and shall comply with ORS 656-017, which requires them 10 provide workers' compensation coveragc for all their subject workers. 11. The gran1eC shaI1 make purchases of any equipment, materials, or SC<Viccs pursuant 10 this Agreement under procedures consistent with those outlined in the Oregon Dcpartmcnt of GencraI Saviccs Administrative Ru1es (Oregon Administrative Rules, ChapIa- 125: and Oregon State Law, including ORS Cbaptec 279, and in particular ORS 279.312, ORS 279.314,ORS 279.316, and ORS 2~9.320). 12. The gran1eC shaI1 deCend, save and hold hannIess the State of Oregon, including the Oregon Transportation Commission, the Oregon Traffic Safety Commil1eC, the Department ofTlansportalion, thc Traffic Safety Division, and their members, oflicecs, agents, and employees from all claims, suits, or actions of whatcvec nature arising out of the perlonnancc of this Agreement, cxcept for cIa,ims arising out of me negligent acts or omissions of the State of Oregon, its employees, or repm;entatives. TItis provision is subject 10 the limitations, if app\icable, set forth in Articlc XI, Section 10 of the Oregon Constitution and in the Oregon Tort Claims Act, ORS 30.260 10 30.300. B. Project Director's Responsibilities The Project Director is responsible for fulfilling this Agreement and estab1ishing and maintaining poccdures that will !=IlSU1'C the effectivc administration of the project objectives. The Project DireclOr sltall: 1. Establish or use an accounting system that confonns to generaI1y accepted accounting pinciples, and ensure that source documents arc developed which will reliably account for the funds expended. 2. Maintain copies of job descriptions and resumes of persons hired for all project-related positions which arc funded at 0.25 FTE or more. 3. Maintain records showing actua1 hours utilized in project-rdatcd activity by all grant-funded personnel . and by all othec staff personnel or volunteers whose time is used as in-kind match. 4. Complete a Quartedy Highway Safety Project Report, including a Data Tablc as provided in Section VII, Exhibit A. Each report must be signed by thc Project Director and submitted 10 TSD by the tenth of the Page I month following the close 01 the duration of the grant petiOlI. Jar quartec for 5. Submit a Claim for Reimbursement within 35 days of the end of the calendar quarter in which expenses were incurred, using the fonn provided by TSD. Copies of invoices and/or receipts for all specified items (Contractual Services, Travel and Subsistence, Printing, and Equipment) must be submitted to TSD with the Claim for ReimbursemcnL Oaims may be submitted monthly, and must be submitted at least quarterly. Claims must be signed by the Project Din:ctor; duplicated signatures wiIlllOt be acccpled. 6. Pn:pare a projcctevaluation in accordance with the Evaluation Plan desaibed in the grant document. The report will be 110 more than ll:n pages and will include the following elements: a. A summary of the project including problems ad- dressed, objectives, major activities, and accom- plishments as they relate to the objectives. b. A summary of the costs of the project including amount paid by TSD, funded agency, ~ agencies, and private SOUIt:eS. The amount of volunteec time should be identified. c. Discussion of implementation process SO that othel: agencies implementing similar projects can learn from your experiences. What went as planned? What didn't work as expccIed? What important elcments made the project successful or not as succe&sful as e><pected? d Responses to Evaluation Questions. List each question and answcc. Refcc to Data Table. e. Completed Data Table. A draft must be submitted to TSD for review by the last day of the grant period. A final report incorporating TSD staff comments must be submitted within one month after the TSD review is completed. C. Project Revision 1. Any proposed changes in the project objectives, key project pecsonneI, time period, or budget must be requested in writing, and receive the approval ofTSD. A Grant Adjustment Fonn will be signed by both TSD and the gran1ee. 2. Any time exlension in the project period must be requested at least six weeb prior to the end of the project period and approved by die federal grantor agency if federal funds are involved D. Non-Discrimination Assurance 1. The granlee and its contractors will comply with Tide VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section S04 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and as implemented by 49 CPR parts 21 and 27, and with the Executive Ordec 11246, entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity" as amended by Executive Order 11375 and supplemented by Department of Labor regulations 41 CPR Part 60, and shall ensure that no perron shall on the grounds of race, color, creed, sex or national 737-1006 (9193) ....-_. .-..---..---.......--..-----..-..-'-.....---.--..--'--'-.--,...-""-. ..... ,~-. ongm.~. AI from participation, be denied the benef"1ls of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination undec any program or activity under this projecL 2. The grantee and its contractors shall ensure that em- ployment and procurement of goods and services made in connection with the project will be provided without reganl to race, color, creed, sex or national origin. . 3. The grantee and its conlraCtors shall take all necessary affinnative steps in accordance with 49 CPR Part 23 to ensure that minority business entcrprisca and/or business entezprises owned and controlled by women have the maximum opportunity to compete for and to perform contracts. 4. The grantee and its contractors shall ensure that 110 otherwise qualit-.ed handicapped person shall, solely by reason of hisIhec handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to disaimination under any program or activity related to this granL 5. The granlee shall ensure that any coritracts and subenn- tracts awarded in excess of $10,000 shall contain a provision Rlquiring compliance with the standards set in paragraphs 1 through 4 of this section. E. Contracts and Other Service Agreements 1. Any contracts or ~ secvice agrcemenls that are entered into by the grantqe as part of this project shall be reviewed and approved by TSD to deIamine whethec the work: to be accomplished is consisll:nt with the objectives of the project, and whether the provisions of paragraphs 2 through 4 of this section are considered. 2. AU contracts awanled by the grantee shall include the provision that any subcontracts include all provisions stated in this section or the provision that no subcon- tracts shall be awarded. 3. The granlee shall ensure that each contracIIlr adbc:ze to applicable Rlquirements established for the gnmt and that each contract include provisions for the following: a. Adminislrative, contractual, or legal remedies in instances where contractors violate or bn:ach con- tract terms, and provide for such sanctions and penalties as may be appropriate. b. Mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency which are contained in the state energy consavation plan issued in compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (PL 94-163). c. Access by the grantee, the slate, the fedeta1 grantor agency, the Complroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, to any books, documents, papers, and reconls of the contractor which are directly pertinent to that specific contract, for the purpose of making audit, examination, excetpls, and transcriptions. Grantees shall Rlquire contractu.. to maintain all required reconls for three years after Page 2 grantees make final pay lolba pending mattecs are close... d Notice of grantor agency requirements and regu- lations pel1aining to reporting, requirements and regulations pertaining to patent rights with respect to any discovery or invention which arises or is developed in the course of or under such contract, and requirements and regulations penaining to copyrights and rights in data. e. Requirements given in Section A. 9-12. 4. Where applicable, contracts shall include the following provisions. a. TerminaJion for cause and for convenience by the grantee including the manna by which it will be effec1ed and the basis for the seWemenL (Contracts in excess of $10,(00) b. Compliance with Executive Order 1 t246 of Septernbec 24, 1965 entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity," as amended by Executive Order 11375 of October 13, 1967 and supplemen1ed in Dept. of Labor regulations (41 CPR Part 60). (Contracts in excess of $10,(00) c. Compliance with the Copeland" Anti-Kickback" Act (18 USC 874) as supplemented in DepL of Labor regulations (29 CPR Part 3). (Construction or repair contracts) d Compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act (40 use 2700 to a-7) as supplemen1ed by Dept. of Labor regulations (29 CPR Part 5). (ConslIUCtion contracts in excess of $2,(00) e. Compliance with sections 103 and t07 of the Contract Wod: Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 USC 327-330) as supplemented by Dept. of Labor regulations (29 CPR Part 5). (Contracts in excess of $2,5(0) f. Compliance with all applicable standards, orders, or requirements issued unda Section 306 of the Clean Air Act (42 USC 1857 (11)), Executive Ordec 1 t738, and Environmental Protection Agency regulations (40 CPR Part 15). (Contracts in excess of $100.(00) g. Bidders, poposecs, and applicants must certify that neitha they nor their principals is presently debarred, suspended, p-oposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or volunlari1y excluded from participating in this transaction by any federal agency or departmenL (Contracts in excess of $25,(00) F. Travel I. The grantee shall keep a record of all significant travel In-state trips outside the grantee's jurisdiction should be summarized on Quarterly Highway Safety Project Reports. Reimbursement will only be authorized for those travel expenditures specified in the grant budgeL 2. All out-of-state travel must be approved by 1'50. To receive authorization, the grantee shall submit a letter delailing the need, cost, and daleS of IIavel at least two weeks prior to the planned departure date. Reports on out-of-state trips shall be submitted to TSO within two weeks of return. 737-1006 (9/93) .__d ....."____...."_~_._~......_.~............._.-->.,.~,.............~-~~-""~.-~.- .~.-. 3. Reimc..<. Hill only be authorized for travel of persons employed by the grantee in project-related activities unless prior written approval is granted by TSO. G. Development of Printed or Production Materials 1. The grantee shall provide 1'50 with draft copies of all matcriats developed using grant funds. 1'50 may suggest revisions and will approve production. 2. Alllxochures; course, wolkshop and conference an- nouncements; and other materials that are developed arnlfor printed using grant funds shall include a state- ment crediting 1'50 and federal participation. 3. Materials produced through this project shall be provided to 1'50 for its use and distribution and may not be sold for profit by either the grantee or anotha party. H. Equipment Purchased with Grant Funds 1. A Residual Value Agn:ement shall be compielcd and submit1ed to 1'50 if grant funds are used in whole or in part to acquire any material or equipment costing ova $250. A copy of the original vendor's invoice indicating quantity, description, manufacturez's identification nwnbec and cost of each ilel11 should be auached to the signed agreemenL All equipment shonld be identified with a property identification numbec. 2. All material and equipmeiu purchased shall be produced in the Uui1ed States in accordance with Section 165 of the Surface Transportalion Assistance Act of 1982 (Pub. L. 97-424; 96 StaL '}J)97) unless the Secretary of 'nansportation has delennined under Section 165 that it is appropriate to waive this agreement 3. Material and equipment shall be used in the prognun or activity for which it was acquired as long as needed, whethea' or not the project continues to be supported by grant funds. Ownership of equipment acquired with grant funds shall be ves1ed with the grantee. Costs incmred for mainrenance, repairs, updating, or suppon of such equipment shall be bome by the grantee. 4. if any material or equipment ceases to be used in project activities, the grantee agrees to promptly notify TSD, In such event, TSD may direct the grantee to transfa. return or othezwise dispose of the equipment. I. Debarment The grantee, in accepting this Agreement, ceztifies that the agency or its officials are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or volunlari1y excluded from participating in this tran~on by any state or federnl agency or depaI1menL J. Termination Page 3 1. The TSD may tecminate this . for convenience in whole or in po.. fl_ ..;r. a. The requisite slate and/or federal funding becomes unavailable through failure of appropriation or otherwise; or, b. The requisite IocaI funding to continue this project becomes unavailable to grantee; or, c. Both parties agree that cootinualion of the project would not produce results commensurate with the furthec expenditure of funds. ~ ' 2. The TSD may, by written notice to gmuce, tecminate this Agreement for any of the foUowing reasons: a. The grantee lakes any action pertaining to this Agreement without the approval of TSD and which under the provisions of this agreement would have required the approval of TSD; or, b. The commencement, prosecution, or timely completion of the project by grantee is, for any reason, rendered improbable, impossible, or illegal; or, c. The grantee is in default under any provision of this AgIeement K. Conditions of Project Approval Actions 1akcn by the Oregon Traffic Safety Committee, if any, reganling condilions under which this project is approved are given in Section vn. Exhibit D. The grantee agrees to foUow these conditions in implementing the projecL L. Contract Provisions and Signatures It is undezstood and agxeed that the grantee shan comply with aU federal, state, and IocaI laws, regulations, or ordinances applicable to this agreement and that this Agreement is contingent upon grantee complying with such requirements. This Agreement shan be executed by those officials authorized to aecute this Agreement on the grantee's behaH. In the event grantee's governing body delegates signature of the Agreement, grantee shaU Illlach to this Agreement a copy of the molion or resolulion which authorizes said OffiCials to execute this Agreement, and shall also certify its authenticity. 737-1006 (9193) Page 4 --. ----'---- -, '--~>-.__r_.--------..~.-~'~.-.-'-~'--...--~ -..' 'ime Grant Arrests -- Commissio EXHIBIT C Date 01 .X." .X'if Pending .X'lf #hrs .X'lf #hrs .X'II .X'" at end of Defendant Arrest Officer # VIdeo BAC Refuse Hear Dlven;lon Trial Guilty Not GUIlt Quarter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 . 12 13 14 15 16 17 , 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Totals: Reporting Agency Quarter Being Reported ----. -'''...-------,.-.'