Res 1279 - Motivation Consult COUNCIL BILL NO. 1607 RESOLUTION NO. 1279 A RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT WITH CHARLOTTE JONES, MOTIVATION CONSULTANT, TO PROVIDE EDUCATIONAL TRAINING AND SUPPORT FOR PARTICIPANTS IN THE SMOKING/TOBACCO USE CESSATION PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City participates in the League of Oregon cities Employees Benefits Services (EBS) Trust Program for health insurance coverage for its employees, and WHEREAS, the EBS Trust has established a grant program to provide health and wellness programs to its participants for targeted health related topics, and WHEREAS, a grant for a Smoking/Tobacco Use Cessation Program has been applied for and received by the City which requires educational support and training for program participants, now, therefore, THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City of Woodburn enter into a contract with Charlotte Jones, Motivation Consultant, to provide educational support and training for participants in the Smoking/Tobacco Use Cessation program. Said contract is attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 2. That the Mayor of the City of Woodburn is authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of the City. Approved as to Form:Y\ ~ ~ ;l q l~S- City Attorney D te APPROVED: ~~~~ February 13, 1995 Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor February 14, 1995 Approved by the Mayor February 14, 1995 Filed in the Office of the Recorder fV\, 5~ Ma~ennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon February 14, 1995 ATTEST: Page 1 - COUNCIL BILL NO. 1607 RESOLUTION NO. 1279 '...............--' 1 Charlotte Jones Motivation Consulting Motivation is like afire: Unless you addfuel. it goes out. PROPOSAL/CONTRACT Prepared for CITY OF WOODBURN The River Forwn, Suite 100 4380 SW Macadam Avenue Portland, Oregon 97201 '-'--"-'-'-~'."-.~-~-T Charlotte Jones Motivation Consulting Motivation is like a fire: Unless )IOU add fuel. it goes out. PROPOSAL AND CONTRA'CT DATE: February 6, 1995 COMPANY: City of Wooburn ADDRESS: 270 Montgomery Street Woodburn, OR 97071 TELEPHONE: (503) 982-5210 COMPANY REPRESENT A TlVE: Mary Tennant, City Recorder DESCRIPTIQN qp~RQ~ECT: Develop and implement a smoking cessation program for the City of Woodburn. Charlotte Jones and Associates will be responsible for promotional materials (brochures and handouts), all training materials (notebooks, films, videos, books, graduation certificates) and all correspondence with participants, postage, and support phone calls. The overall objective of the program is to provide the training, environment, skills and support needed to allow the employees of the City of Woodburn to become smoke-free. This will be accomplished through: EIGHT SESSIONS, TWO TIMES A WEEK, 90 MINUTES LONG.....PLUS REUNION ONE MONTH AFTER GRADUATION SESSION ONE Monday, February 13, 1995 REGISTRATION Additional private lesson time allotted for each participant. Time 15-20 minutes to each person to determine and access his or her actual sincerity and motivation for quitting. To try to understand special needs of individuals to help them succeed. SHARING SESSION TWO Wed. February 15, 1995 PREP ARA nON TO QUIT Additional private lesson time allotted for each participant. 15-20 minutes to each person to detennine and access his or her actual sincerity and motivation for quitting. To try to understand special needs of individuals to help them succeed. A WINNING PLAN....VISUALIZE SUCCESS MOTIY A TIONAL TOOLS FOR ACHIEVING SUCCESS The River Forum, Suite 100 4380 SW Macadam Avenue Portland, Oregon 97201 ._,. .....--.-....-.- "" ..- Proposal and Contract page 2 SESSION THREE Monday, February 27,1995 WHY WE SMOKE AND THE TRIGGERS PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF NICOTINE ADDICTION CARDIAC AND RESPIRATORY SESSION FOUR Wednesday, March 1, 1995 QUIT DAY!!!!! POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS DIRECTING EMOTIONAL ENERGY IN POSITIVE CHANNELS SESSION FIVE Monday, March 6, 1995 THE ABC's OF WITHDRAWAL BREAKING THE CONNECTION SESSION SIX Wednesday, March 8,1995 ADVANTAGES TO YOUR NEW HABIT NOT SMOKING BEWARE OF RATIONALIZATIONS DESIGNING AN EXERCISE PROGRAM FOR YOU SESSION SEVEN Monday, March 13, 1995 ENJOYING THE BENEFITS STRESS MANAGEMENT WEIGHT MANAGEMENT SESSION EIGHT Wednesday, March 15, 1995 SURVIVAL TECHNIQUES GRADUATION/GIVING OUT OF CERTIFICATES SHARING AND CELEBRATION SAYING GOOD-BYE UNTIL NEXT MONTH'S REUNION SESSION NINE Monday, April 3, 1995 REUNION ...........,.-....... .>,----~-,-,~,~~_...^._.. , - Proposal and Contract page 3 COST OF PROJECT: $350.00 per partipicant for the entire smoking cessation program with a minimum of class size of 10 participants, or minimim fee for project of $3500. Charlotte Jones to be held responsible to instruct privately the individuals who do not attend the class sessions. These private sessions to be held at Meridian Park Hospital in Tualatin, OR. PAYMENT SCHEDULE: A payment will be m;de p..yat,~,> to (.._. L;.:': ! v.:...;; uti >.,bru..; 1.5, . .;95, a..it L~le l.iLlanct:: Ql' the contract paid by the "QUIT DAY" (fourth class) Wednesday, March 1,1995. Tuition will be refunded in the event a person needs to drop out prior to the third session (2-27-95) The signatory warrants the he/she has read and agrees to all terms and conditions herein contained and has authority to sign for the firm referred to in this proposal and contract. City of Woodburn: ~ Title: Ma or Date: February 14. 1995 ,1 // 1/" (' V1A- L/~71~ .~/<-e..---' ('?n < L- Charlotte Jones . . ( a / c:/~ c/r-- ~-~ , L~ , -7 .. -<-~. , Date ... -- . ......--......-.. ,