Res 1334 - Agrmt Popular Trees
WHEREAS, the City is in the process of planning for the construction of a sewage
treatment plant, and
WHEREAS, an integral part of the sewage treatment plant will be the
establishment of a poplar plantation for treatment of effluent and for sludge disposal, and
WHEREAS, a poplar tree test plot has been installed so that the feasibility of this
alternative can be measured and important research data can be obtained, and
WHEREAS, the city, by Resolution 1300, previously entered into an agreement
with CH2M Hill for installation of the poplar tree test plot and an irrigation system, and
WHEREAS, the city and CH2M Hill desire to expand the scope of work in said
agreement to include poplar tree test plot monitoring, management, and reporting,
Section 1. That the Mayor and City Recorder are hereby authorized to sign, on
behalf of the city, a document expanding the scope of work of the agreement between
the City and CH2M Hill which was authorized by Resolution 1300. The expanded scope
of work includes poplar tree plantation research activities of monitoring, management,
and reporting.
Section 2. The document expanding the scope of work and the cost to
accomplish it is attached a"s this reference. is incorporated ~ein.
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Approved as to form: ". r VQ 1 -r
City Attorney Date
Passed by the Council
Submitted to the Mayor
Approved by the Mayor
Filed in the Office of the Recorder
December 11, 1995
December 12, 1995
December 12, 1995
December 12, 1995
ATTEST: 0\CU-01 'I~~
Mary Tennant, Recorder
City of Woodburn, Oregon
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1995-1996 Operations and Maintenance
December 5, 1995
Re: ORIGINAL AGREEMENT to furnish services to the CITY OF WOODBURN (the CITY)
for implementation of the poplar tree reuse program, dated May 8, 1995.
Upon execution of this work item by CH2M HILL, INe., and the CITY in the space provided below,
this work item will serve as authorization for CH2M HILL, INC., to carry out and complete the
services set forth below in accordance with the referenced AGREEMENT between the CITY and
1. Purpose
The City of Woodburn operates a municipal wastewater treatment plant near Woodburn, Oregon.
have recently implemented a prototype system for removing ammonia from secondary effluent on this
site. The system, referred to as an ECOLOTREE@ Buffer (Buffer), features irrigation of poplar trees
with wastewater. The prototype system will be operated for two growing seasons to evaluate the
concept's feasibility for implementation on a full-scale basis.
CH2M IDLL, INC., FOUNTAINHEAD, and ECOLOTREE designed and installed a plantation with
more than 15,000 poplar trees and grass. The site is irrigated with the effluent during the summer
growing season. The nutrient and water applications are being monitored to determine the maximum
application rates for use in designing a full-scale plantation for treatment of the entire July and
August effluent flow.
The putpose of this scope of work is to defme for the CITY the ongoing operation and maintenance
support requirements associated with this Buffer system through the 1995 and 1996 prototype
2. Scope of Services
The primary work ~T components are shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Primary Work Scope Items
Compooeat Dacription Respons1bUity
Coordination and Management Overall coordination of project activities. client liaison, invoicing CH2M HIlL, INC.
Irrigation and Control System Periodic visits to the site to collect data regarding system operation and FOUNTAINHEAD
Operations and Maintenance and to maintain proper operation of system components; regular remote (primary ).
Reporting monitoring of system operation and implementation of required CH2M HIlL, INC.
adjustments to the central control system; reduction of operations data, (secondary). and
evaluation of system performance, and assistance with year-<:nd ECOLOTREE (tertiary)
summary report
ECOLOTREE Poplar Tree Periodic visits to check trc:c health, check inscctIdiscaselrnammal ECOLOTREE (primary).
Operation and Maintenance and damage; pnming, replanting, and harvesting; soillplant sampling and CH2M HIlL. INC.
Reporting analyses intcrprctation, plant growth analyses. water consumption (secondary), and
analyses; assistance with ycar-cnd summary report subconsultants
Annual Reports 1995 and 1996 annual reports summarizing the key operations and site CH2M HIlL, INC. (primary)
performance indicators defining full-scale design criteria
The key information to be collected from the prototype site is summarized in Table 2.
Table 2
Environmental Mealtorlng Schedule
Woodham Poplar Tree L8ad AppIicadoa DemOnstratlOll Project
Data Reqairemeat Loc:atiea Parameter Frequency RaponslbUity
SoiIIlAll Plant Analyses Ftcld site 13 plant nUlricnts. including Na and a Once per ~ ECOLO'I1U!.E
Clirutic: Data Site Tcmpcraturc. precipitation, relative Daily WOODBURN
Lysimeter Data Lysimctcrs TKN. anunonia, NO,. a. Na, IDS Once per year CH2M HIlL, 1Ne.
Soil Moisture All TDR probes Direct readout 3 times duirng CH2M HIlL, 1Ne.
opcI'ation/continuous FOUNTAINHEAD
Irrigalion Rows Pump station Total flow mcasurcmcnt Continuous (automated) FOliNTAINHEAD
Irrigation Water Quality Pump station lDS. Ca, Na. NO,. CI. SO, Monthly during WOODBURN
".- .
Groundwater Depth MW-I Depth Monthly WOODBURN
Biosolids Quality WWTP 13 plant nutrients. including Na and a Once per year WOODBURN
CH2M HILL, INC., FOUNTAINHEAD, and ECOLOTREE will perform the following services:
Task 1: Overall Coordination and Management
This task includes project management activities to guide the execution of the'work to momtor
perfonnance against the accepted budget and schedule. Project management will also include general
coordination and communication with CH2M HILL, INC.'s staff, the CITY, ECOLOTREE,
FOUNTAINHEAD, and other involved parties, and administration of the contract.
Task 2: 1995 Operations and Maintenance and Report
Task 2.1: CH2M HILL, INC., 1995 Monitoring, Management, and Reporting
Task 2.1.1: Site Visits and Client Meetings. CH2M HILL, INC., anticipates three site visits (2 hours
each) to meet with the CITY staff and to provide overall coordination of the monitoring and
maintenance of the irrigation and tree system.
Task 2.1.2: ColkctWn of Manual TDR and Lysimeter Information. CH2M HILL, INC., will
collect soil moisture monitoring information from the manual time-domain reflectometry (TDR)
locations during 3 months of the irrigation season. The site visit will be coordinated with other
planned site visits. This information will be put into a spreadsheet for further evaluation and analysis.
One lysimeter sample will be collected at the end of the year and tested for TDS, TKN, NO],
ammonia, CI, and Na.
Task 2.1.3: Data Management, Engineering, and Data Evaluation. CH2M HILL, INe., will
coordinate management and evaluation of the soil moisture monitoring information, wastewater
effluent quantity and quality, irrigation system operations, and soil and plant analysis. Specific
responsibilities are outlined in Table 2. This information is critical to the success of monitoring site
operations, developing strategies for site management, and establishing the basis for the parameters
for the full-scale poplar tree plantation.
Task 2.1.4: Preparation of Annual Report. CH2M HILL, INC., will prepare a brief 1995 annual
report summarizing information regarding the operations of the prototype system. Specific items
covered in the annual report will include water application, soil moisture monitoring information,
effluent water quality, plant analyses, soil analyses, estimated nitrogen uptake, and implications of
the project data on full-scale design. A fmal report will be prepared for the CITY.
Task 2.2: FOUNTAINHEAD 1995 Irrigation Monitoring, Management, and Reporting
Task 2.2.1: 1995 Site Visits. During the 1995 calendar year, FOUNTAINHEAD will provide, or has
provided site visits for the following purposes:
. Irrigation system operation. Two site visits will be required to fme tune operation of
the irrigation system and to maintain system components. These site visits will
involve one person for a total of 30 hours.
. TDR data collection and automation refinement A system has been installed to
allow monitoring of soil moisture levels using TDR equipment. A TDR sensor has
also been installed to provide continuous readings from one TOR probe. These
readings are automatically triggered and downloaded into the central control system.
FOUNTAINHEAD will continue to adjust this systeni to improve reliability and
incorporate moisture readings into the irrigation scheduling process. Site visits in
this regard will require two people for 20 hours each.
· Winterization of irrigation system. At the end of the 1995 irrigation season, a site
visit will be required to winterize the irrigation system. This will include purging the
system with compressed air to remove water from the pipelines and valves and .
prevent freeze damage. This effort will require two people for 20 hours each.
Task 2.2.2: Control System Operation and Maintenance. The following tasks will be performed to
operate and maintain the control system:
· Irrigation schedule revisions. Water consumption by the trees varies over the course
of the irrigation season. This variation is affected by climate, tree physiology, soils,
and other factors. For this reason, it is necessary to adjust the irrigation schedule
from time to time. Approximately six irrigation schedule revisions will be made
over the course of each irrigation season.
· Operations data processing. Because this is a permitted site, it is necessary to keep a
record of the amount of water applied to the tree system. On a monthly basis,
operations data will be downloaded from the central control system and imported to
spreadsheets for processing. TDR soil moisture data collected automatically and
manually by CH2M HILL, INC., and will also be incorporated into these
Task 2.2.3: Reporting for 1995: FOUNTAINHEAD will provide a brief monthly ~tatus report to
CH2M HILL, INC., during the operations of the system to document project activities for the
previous month and to outline intended activities for the following month.
Task 2.3: ECOLOTREE 1995 Tree Monitoring, Management, and Reporting.
Task 2.3.1: Site VISits, Tree Maintenance, Final Replanting, and MiscelUmeous Repair Work.
ECOLOTREE and its subconsultants will perform approximately four maintenance site visits for tree
inspection. Site weeding will be performed in July to prepare the site for replanting and reduce the
competition for cuttings. ECOLOTREE and its subconsultants will replant areas which did not
initially survive. ECOLOTREE decided to replant in late July 1995 using unrooted cuttings and
whips from the same lots used in the original planting.
Task 2.3.2: End of the Year CoUection and Site Winterization. At the end of the growing season
(following the fIrst killing frost), ECOLOTREE and its subconsultants will conduct a plant population
census, collect soil and plant samples for analysis, and perform fInal tree care required for
Task 2.3.3: 1995 Annual Reporting. ECOLOTREE will assist in the development of the year-end
report summarizing the results of the prototype system. Specific information provided by
ECOLOTREE for the report will be interpretation of soil and plant analyses, tree survival "and growth
rates, and projected nitrogen uptake.
Task 3: 1996 Operations and Maintenance and Report
Task 3.1: CH2M HILL, INC., 1996 Monitoring, Management, and Reporting
Task 3.1.1: Site Visits and Client Meetings. CH2M HILL, INC., anticipates two site visits (2 hours
each) with CITY staff for overall coordination of the m<?nitoring and maintenance of the irrigation
and tree system.
Task 3.1.2: Collection of Manual TDR and Lysimeur Information. CH2M HILL, INC., will
collect soil moisture monitoring information three times during the irrigation season from the manual
TOR locations. Sampling times will be coordinated with other tasks. This information will be put
into a spreadsheet for further evaluation and analysis. One lysimeter sample will be collected at the
end of the year and tested for TDS, TKN, NO" ammonia, a, and Na.
Task 3.1.3: Data Management, Engineering and Data Evabuztion. CH2M HILL, INC., will
coordinate management and evaluation of the soil moisture monitoring information, wastewater
effluent quantity and quality, irrigation system operations, and soil and plant analysis. This
information is critical to the success of monitoring site operations, developing strategies for
improvements to the site management, and establishing the basis for the parameters for the full-scale
poplar tree plantation.
Task 3.1.4: Preparation of Annual Report. CH2M HILL, INC., will prepare a brief 1996 annual
report summarizing the information regarding the operations of the prototype system. Specific items
and details covered in the annual report will include water application, soil moisture monitoring
information, soil water quality, effluent water quality, plant analyses, soil analyses, nitrogen uptake,
and implications of the project data on full-scale design. A final report will be prepared for the CITY.
Task 3.2: FOUNTAINHEAD 1996 Irrigation Monitoring, Management, and Reporting
Task 3.2.1: 1996 Siu Vuits. During the 1996 calendar year, FOUNTAINHEAD will provide site
visits for the following purposes:
· Irrigation sysum startup. A site visit will be required at the beginning of the 1996
irrigation season to start up the irrigation system. This will include closing of
appropriate drains and isolation valves, reconnection of valve plumbing and
verification of proper system operation. This effort will require two people for 10
hours each.
. Irrigation sysum observation and mainulUl1lce. A site visit will be required at the
beginning of peak summer w~er to verify proper operation of irrigation sy~em
components. This site visit will require one person for 8 hours.
. Winurization of irrigation S]sum. A site visit will be required at the end of the
1996 irrigation season to winterize the system. This site visit will include purging the
system with compressed air to prevent freeze damage. This effort will require two
people for 10 hours each.
Task 3.2.2: Control Sysum Operation and MaintelUl1lce. FOUNTAINHEAD has installed a central
control system control and monitor operation of the irrigation system. The following tasks will be
performed to operate and maintain the control system:
. Irrigation schedule revisions. Tree water consumption varies over the course of the
irrigation season. This variation is affected by climate, tree physiology, soils, and
other factors. For this reason, it is necessary to adjust the irrigation schedule from
time to time. Approximately six irrigation schedule changes will be made over the
course of the irrigation season.
· Operations data processing. Because this is a permitted site, it is necessary to keep a
record of the amount of water applied to the tree system. On a monthly basis,
operations data will be downloaded from the central control system and imported to
spreadsheets for processing.
Task 3.3.3: Reporting for 1996. FOUNTAINHEAD will provide a brief monthly status report
during the operations of the system to CH2M HILL, INC., to document project activities for the
previous month and to outline intended activities for the following month.
Task 3.4: ECOLOTREE 1996 Tree Monitoring, Management, and Reporting
Task 3.4.1: Site Visits, Tree Maintenance, Final Replanting, and Miscellaneous Repair Work.
ECOLOTREE and its subconsultants will perform four maintenance site visits for tree and irrigation
inspection. ECOLOTREE and its subconsultants will replant whips where required to achieve the
final tree population.
Task 3.4.2: End of the Year Data CoUection and Site Winterization. At the end of the growing
season (following the first killing frost), ECOLOTREE will conduct a plant population census,
collect soil and plant samples for analysis, and perform final tree care required for winterization.
Task 3.4.3: 1996 Annual Reporting and Site Meetings. ECOLOTREE will attend three onsite
meetings scheduled for 1996. ECOLOTREE will assist in the development of the year-end report
summarizing the results of the prototype system. Specific information provided by ECOLOTREE for
the report will be interpretation of soil and plant analyses, tree survival and growth rates, and
projected nitrogen uptake.
3. Scope of City of Woodburn's Services
The mY will provide the following services to support this work: item:
A. Perform site maintenance, such as mowing, minor irrigation system repair, and
troubleshooting, as coordinated with CH2M HILL, INC.
B. Perform site scouting for pests, disease, and mammal predation. ECOLOTREE will
instruct a designated CITY operator" in proper techniques and provide support
C. Provide monthly water quality information on irrigation water (effluent), groundwater
depth, weather data, and annual biosolids loading and quality.
4. Project Schedule
CH2M HILL, INC., FOUNTAINHEAD, and ECOLOTREE have developed the following
preliminary project schedule based on the scope of services for each task. Table 3 provides a
summary of the target completion dates for the key milestones.
Table 3: Target Schedule
Key MilestonesITasks Target Completion Date
1995 Winterization Activities Mid-November 1995
1995 Annual Report January 1996
1996 Startup Activities March 1996
1996 Winterization Activities Mid-November 1996
1996 Annual Report January 1997
5. Estimated Engineering Fees and Compensation
The compensation for services set forth in this scope of services shall be based on actual labor and
expenses. Previous contract agreements for installation of the system were based on a lump sump;
therefore, this agreement expands the original agreement to include compensation based upon time
and materials.
A budgetary amount of $74,190 has been developed for this scope of services. This budget reflects
the anticipated levels of effort for each task during the 1995 and 1996 calendar years. Owing to the
prototype status and complexity of this system, it is possible that additional labor and materials may
be required to ensure proper operation of this system. CH2M HILL, INC., will keep the CITY
apprised of budget status and will identify activities requiring changed levels of effort in advance of
.the service. This budgeted amount will not be exceeded without prior approval by the CITY. Table 4
summarizes the estimated engineering fees.
Table 4 Estimated Engineering Fea
. Description Sabameuat ($) Total ($)
OveraU coordination and management $ 1.900
Labor $ 1.soo
sce, lRV, MiSe 400
Outside services (05S) 0
1995 O&M and reporting $ 35,300
Labor $ 4,600 . -
sec. lRV, MiSe 1,000
Outside services (OS$) 15,750
ECOLOllUiE 13,450
Laboratory 500
1996 O&M and reporting $ 36,990
Labor $ 6,200
sce. lRV, MISC 1,000
Outside services (055) 13.470
Laboratory SOO
Total 1995-1996 O&M fee $74,190
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6. Other ConditionsfRequirements
A. Reference original agreement
B. Reference contract numbers
Woodburn P.O. Number:
CH2M HILL, INC., Project Number:
City of WOODBURN, Oregon
Title: Mayor
December 12, 1995
Date: December 6, 1995