Res 1464 - Agrmt Commonworks -, COUNCIL BILL NO. ~B63 RESOLUTION NO. 1464 A RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH COMMWORK'S INC. TO PROVIDE CATEGORY 5 CABLING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN SAID AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the City has adopted an Information Systems Strategic Plan in order to update and implement an efficient computer system; and WHEREAS, a portion of this plan is to provide category 5 cabling to connect City computer facilities; and WHEREAS, the City requested proposals to provide said category 5 cabling; and WHEREAS, Commwork's Inc. submitted a proposal which was accepted by the City Council to provide said cabling; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City of Woodburn enter into an agreement with Commwork's, Inc. to provide and install category 5 cabling. Section 2. That the Mayor is authorized to execute, on behalf the City, said agreement, a copy of which is affixed hereto as Attachment "N' and by this reference is incorporated herein. (fJrvr LLf/~ '1 - 3,-4'6 Approved as to form: .' I '()l~ d- City Attorney Date Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder ATTEST: /l2~~ Mary Te nt, CIty Recorder City ofW oodburn, Oregon APPROVED: ~ Nancy A. . February 9, 1998 February 10, 1998 February 10, 1998 February 10, 1998 Page 1 - COUNCIL BILL NO. 1863 RESOLUTION NO. 1464 ~~ . T \~i AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT --LL- Page -1- of .;l 7 TInS AGREEMENT is made and entered into u of tile date tint indicated OIl the ~ page. by and between the City ofWoodbum. (Rgoa, an Oregon mutIicipal corporation, (beceinaftcr RleaecI to u "City"), and Commwodc'.Inc., an Oregon Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Coatractor1. 1. ~pe of Work Contractor tbaIl provide and iDstall for City Category 5 CabIiDg in Itrict accordance with all requireaNatI and apecificationa coatained in Exhibit A, (tile at, ofWoodbum Request for PropouI for Category 5 CIbIing) and Exhibit B, (ContractOr'. response to the Request for Proposal for Category 5 CabIing). All provisions and covenants contained in Exhibit A and Exhibit B are beceby specifically incorporated by reference and sbaI1 become a part of this Agreement as iftWly set forth herein. Contractor shall fiunish an labor and materials for said cabling work. All of the work and services provided by Contractor shall be in strict conformity with the spocificatioaa COIltained in E.mbit A md Exhibit B. If'the apecificatioas are DOt suflicieotly dear to permit Contractor to proceed with iNt-Di"8 or providing the service, City wiD, upon request from Contractor, fiImish additional instructioas, together with such additional srecificatious u may be necesary. When such request is made by Contractor, it must be made in ample time to pamit tile preparation of tile instructioas and apecificatiolll before the information is required by Contractor to meet tile implementation schedule. SudJ. additional instructions and specifications shall be COIIsistslt with this Agreement and shall have the same force and effect ~ if contained in the Agreement. 2. Contrad Prke City sbaJ1 pay Contractor for performance of the work described in Section A an amount not to exJceed SI3,179.65. Said amount is payable as foDows: A An invoice shall be issued by Contractor for an work performed under this Agreement which is due and payable upon receipl SI,318.00 shall be retained by City until such time as all of Contractor's work is completed and accepted by City. B. $1,318.00 upon final completion ofall of Contractor's work: and 8CCeIlt8:nce of the work by City. Page 1 - Agreement ~-~ ...---w----~..............~-"'""-'+""~.-.~-"."."'~........-,--.............-.''''''"''"'4,''~.,''"'-'-"''~-'. Centrad n.e ATTACHMENT A ~ f ~7 Page~ 0 _ 3. Tbc work IhaII ~ upon exeaJtioo oftbis Agreement and IbID be completed by March 2. 1998. Ccxdactor IhaII DOt be &able for any delay or ~ callsed by an act ofOod, Itribs, uaawiIabiIity ofmateriaJa, or any other ~ beyond ~.COIdroI. 4. In.ul'aDft Contractor IhaII obtIia, at Coatractor'. expease, and keep in effect cIuriaa the term oftbis A.--....-. cial-I G.......:... . . 1vuIo....... --.I ~ caea---. COIftme- .--- -,. IIIIUI'IDCe c:overma uvuu,. ugury ..... a-'VY-.~ damage. CombiDecIIiDg1e 6mit per occurreace sbaD DOt be leu that SI,OOO,OOO, or the equivalent. The liability iDIunDce coverage required for performaDce of this Agreemeat shall include City, u an additional insured but only with respect to Comractor'a activities to be performed under this Agreement. 5. Standard or Care In the performaDce ofits Ia\Iices, Ccxdactor shall use that degree of care and skill ordinarily exadsecI UDder IimiIar cirnun-Iacet by rqJUtabIe tnemben ofita profession practicing in the State of Oregon. Comnctor wiD reperform any JeI'Vices not meeting this standard without additiooll compensation. ~. n:performtInce ofany Ia\Iices, even if doac at City'a request, IbaD DOt be CODSidered u a limitation or waiver by City of any other nmcdies or claims it may have uising out ofContrlctor'a fiilure to perform in accordaDce with the applicable .-ndard of care or this Agreemeat. 6. Warranties Contractor WIlTIIItI that an equipmc:ot, when iDstaIled, wiD be in good working order and will conform to the technicallpeCifications cont.eiPed in Exhibit A and Exhibit B. An equipmeut shall be DeW, ea:ept U specifically anowed through stipulation in the Request for ProposallDd accepted response. . Contractor' a standard warranty provisions for purcbased equipment, to the extent that they are not less protective of City than the terms of this Agreement, sbaJl apply begjnning after acceptance of the work by City. . All implied and expressed warranty provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code (ORS Chapter 72) are incorporated in this Agreement. . 7. Risk orLou Prior to A~t&nce During the period on-order equipment is in transit or in possession of City, up to and Page 2 - Agreement T'"" __,",'.,.." ."..~~....... .....,'"",.c".~_... ..~._~~.~..,.~'_._..-'1--._,.,.....~. ~. ATTACHMENT A Page~ of r~ 7 incIudiag the date ofm....R-ooa. u IpeCified by Contractor, or up to.and itduf''''8 the date of 8CCCptaDce by aty, Contractor and it insann RIieve City of respoDIibiIity for all risk ofloa 0( or ~to, the equipmeat. Thereafter, aD ria: ofloa 0( or ~ to, IUCb equipmeat .... be 011 aty, except u deIcribecI in -Wammiei'. a. Work Is .....1IeIV "'Ci(y An work in ita oripIaI form. indnnplB but not limited to doannet1ts. u bunt drawings, tpl".inss. recorcIs. myIan, papen, con1pUter prograIDI, diaries and photograpba. performed or produced by Contractor under this Agreement sbaII be the ~dusive property of City and IbaIl be deIiverecI to City prior to fiDII paymeat. Arty ltatutcxy or comm.aa law rishts to such property held by Contractor u creator of auch work tbaU be coDYeyecJ to aty upon request without Idc:IitioaaI compensation. Upon cny-s approval and provided City is identified in connection tbaewitb, cOntractor may include Cont:r'actcrs work in its promotional materials. ,. Oe.an-..p Contractor IIbaII dean up City'. premises in a thorough and worlnrutnlwe I1UlfttIer to the utiAction of City whenever necessaay during the progress of the work and also whenever requested to do 10 by City. 10. Indemnifi~tlOD Contractor adaIowJedges responsibility for liability arisiua out of the nesJigcat pedormance of this Apcmcat and abaIl hold City, ita ofticen, IpIJtI, and employees harmless &om, defend aDd ~ the same of any and aD liability, 1ettlernP.nts. loss, --.I . . with . . daim Iting L-._ costs .... cxpeoses In COOiICCtiOn any action, aut, or JaU UUIII CoDtIactor'. nesJigcat ICts. or omissions, provided pursuant to this Agreement or &om Contractor's &iJure to perform its raponsibiIities u set forth in this Agreement. The review, approva1 or acceptaDce by City, of documents or other work prepared or submitted by Contractor abaJI not relieve Contractor ofits responsibDity to provide such materials in fi.tII CODformity with CitY. requirements u let forth in this Agreement and to indemni1Y City fi'om any and all costs and danuages ra.llting &om Contracto~s fiWure to adhere to the -andard ofpaformance desaibed herein. 11. . Sobmntradincud Ass....ment. Unless expressly authorized by this Agreement, Contractorshal1 neither subcontract with others for any of the work prescribed herein, nor assign any of Contractor's rights acquired hereunder without obtaining prior written approval from City. Page 3 - Agreement T- __"_~"'...'"..v,_......~_'"""'." .;-". c."_~._.,,,,~_,_,,......,,,...",,.__....._,,,,,,,,,_,,._...~,.._..,,,, 12. Te....dn.dA. ATTACHMENT -LL- Page -#:- of ,;1,. 7 This Agreemeat may be tcrmin-ted for conveoieace by either party with 30 ~ written notice, or for CIUIe if either party fails IUbstaDtiaIIy to perform through DO fiIuIt oldie other and does DOt conunertCe correction of IUda noapaformance within 5 dayI ofwritten DOtice and dtT...1y complete the correction thereafter. In the ewat oftermin-tioa. Coatndor IhaIl perform IUda ..tditioaal work u is aecallry for the orderly fiJiDg of ~nnentJ and dom.. of tile wort. The time speat on such wort sbaJI DOt txClecd tea pcRCIIt (10%) oltlle time speat prior to die effecIive date of termination. City IhaIl pay Coatnctor for an work performed in ICCOrdance with this Agreement and all work JleCeSsary for filing and dosing u described in this section. 13. Worken Compensation Contractor is a subject employer under the Oregon Workers' Compensation Law and shall comply with ORS 656.017, which requires workers' compensation coverage for all of their workers. I.e. R~1fh ("'--.... P.,-mentl Contractor sbaJI pay when due aU sums, including sums withheld &om CoutractoI's employees pay, which Coatndor bas agreed to pay to health care providers for tratmeot reuderecI to Contractor'. ~ 15. Boon of Labor No person employed pursuant to this contract sbaJI be employed for more than eight hours in any ODe day, or 40 boun in Ill)' one week, except in c::ascs of necessity, emergency, or where the public policy, u deta:mioed by City, absolutely requires it. Employees shall be compensated at the rate of time and . balffor all overtime worlced in eu:ess of 40 hours in one week, except for individuals who are excluded from RCeiviDg overtime under ORS 653.010 to 653.261 or UDder 29 U.S.C. Sec. 201-209. 16. Payment for Labor. MAterW or Services A . . Contractor sbaII make payment when due to aD persons supplying labor or materia1 for the prosecution ofwork perfonned under thii Agreement. B. Contractor shall not pemUt any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against City on account of labor or material furnished pursuant to this Agreement. Page 4 - Agreement T'" _......'-~.."' ...~..-......"... -,....,_.t""."._"........~.."......~.,.._""__...'.".......,_...-l<""'"".,-,,~-ot-~,.................. .....". ATTACHMENT A Page~of d7 C. IfContnctor fiIiII. negJeca or n:&ses to make paymeat when due ofmy claim for labor 01' IeIvices fiImisbed to CoatraCtor 01" a IUbcoatr8doI' for' work performed purswmt to tbia ~ aty may pay IUCh claim aDd cbarge the amount of the paymeat 9inst fimds owed by aty to Comrador'. 17. State Inmme To: WltllIIftId-. Contractor IbaII pay to tile Oregon ~ of Revenue an sums witbhe1d from employees pursuaDt to ORB 316.617. 18. ~ded Paper ReqBftd To the maximum extent economically feasible, Contractor shall use recycled paper in performing this Agreement. 19. Dis~rlminatioD Prohibited No person shall be denied or subjected to disaimination in receipt of the benefits ofany services or 8divities made poaible by or RII~~ &om this Ageemeat on the grounds of sex, race. color. creed. marital status, age. disability or national origin. Any violation of this provision shaD be JroUDds fOr canceIIatioD. termination or suspeusion of the Agreement in whole or in part by City. 20. .JurildidioD The law of the state of Oregon Ibd aovem the validity oftbis Agreement, its interpretation and performance, and any other claims related to it. 21. AdhereD~ to Law Contractor shaD adhere to an applicable federal and state laws, including but not 6mited to laws, rules. regulations. and poIideI couceming employer and employee relationships, workers' compeasation. and minimnm and prevailing wage requin:meots. Any certificates, licenses or pennits which Comnctor is required by law to obtain or maintain in order to ~~wo~shal1be~and~~~~~~the~of~~. 22. Contrador'l WJUT:an(y: No Waiver of~ Rlahts Notwithstanding any acceptaDce or payments, City shall not be precluded or estopped from recovering from Contractor, or its insurer or surety, such damages as may be sustained by reason of Contractor. s fiillure to comply with the terms of this Agreement. A waiver by City of any breach by Contractor shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach by Contractor. Page 5 - Agreement T" '"" '~'-----y--."'_.."'--~ _' ..-~~_____......__",,__....~.___'.'" - T 23. Attom. FMI ATTACHMENT A Page ~ of ,], 7 In the eveat . suit or action is instituted to caforce any right guarameed pursuant to this Agreement. the prevaiIiDa party IhaII be ~ed to. in Iddition to the statutory costs 8Dd disbunemeats, . nuoaabIe attomeyI fee to be fixed by trial and appellate courts respectively. 24. Notius An notices requinld UDder this Agr=neat IbaIl be delivered by &~i1e, personal delivery, or mailaud shall be addressed to the following persons: JOHN SHOCKLEY Commworb, Inc. 2092 N.W. Aloclek, #57 Hillsboro, OR 97124 BEN G1T'{ .ESPIE F'mance Director Oty ofWoodbum 270 Montgomery Street Woodburn, Oregon Fax No. (503) 982-5244 25. SeverahDi(y and Survival If any of the provisions rnnttined in this ~ are held for any reason to be invalid, illegal, or uneafon:eab1e in Illy respect, such invalidity, illegality, or uneafon:eability will not affect any other provision aDd this ~ IhaJI be construecl as if such invalid, illegal, or uneuforceable provision had never been contairted herein. 26. Int..tion This Agreement, including Exhibit A and Exhibit B, constitutes the entire Agreement, supersedes an prior written or onI understandings, and may be changed only by a written amendment executed by both parties. Page 6 - Agreement T.~ '--'-"--"'T ,.....-.--."..- -.... ..,~.".~. _.._.~...~.__.mM._.'~_'" . ATTACHMENT A Page -2- of ,9 7 IN ~ WHEREOF. the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be secuted in duplicate by their rapective autborizecI ofIiccn or ~.tives. COMMWORK'8, !Ne. By: CITY OPWOODBURN By: Nancy A ICirbey. Mayor Date: ~: February 10, 1998 ,- Page 7 - Agreement '9'"' ,>.........."~~..,. ..~"'.........-.."'.......=.._.""'"._-f--'_......"..~."'."w<.;"_..~0.4.,~"..~",,,,.,,,~,,,,,,,,,,"_,., l1li'. .... t ATTACHMENT j 7 Page.1Z- of CITY of WOODBURN REQUEST for PROPOSAL CATEGORY 5 CABLING A General Requirements 1. The City ofWoodbum views the procuremeot ofa information transport system as a critical element in a long term information processing strategy. The insttnation of this coppec based system will provide coDDeCtivity and applications transport to all major information Subsystems including voice, data, image, and future appliCations as they develop. This system's timdamenta1 objective is to be a uniform system of voice and data device connectivity and oomply with all established standards. 2. The vendor must be responsible for all cable, wire. hardware. labor and materials for the complete i1m.nmon, testing and warranty ofperformancc for the Information Transport System detailed in this document. This includ~ but is not limited to.. all coppel' cross connect fields, ampbanal connections, station cable, stationjacb, cable support equipment and raceways. The vendor must meet and comply with all applicable Oty ofWoodbum specifications as well as all fedelal, state, county and city requirements (mcluding permits) governing the use of materials and labor involved in this specific project. 3. The Oty ofWoodbum i-equires an Information Transport System to serve the voice, data, video and imaging information transport requirements of the city over the next ten years. The System must be installed in a cost effective manner and meeting all of the performance specifications set forth in this document The reuse of existing voice cable is allowed. However.. additional voice cable may be required in some locations. The reuse of existing data cable is not allowed. 4. l11e City ofWoodbum requires category five cable and connectors, meeting the specific performance characteristics desaibed in sectionD.lS, to be the specific media of choice. All cable must meet or exceed the operational parameters stated . in this document. 5. Upon selecting a vendor, the city and the vendor will agree upon a payment schedule. The payment schedule will not pay more than 70% of the cabling cost before acceptance. A 15% retainage, to be paid in April will be required. The City EXHIBIT .....A page....L- of '7 T. -.N_..,.~,.......--....".,~ <"........._K~_" ..".'1....'.___ "......_....~;.;...,.-....,..,_..,. ....,*......... .~~,,_~""","'_.,. .,. ATTACHMENT. A 7 page...2- of ~ of Woodburn reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time that the city or its authorized agent deem the vendor incapable of performing the quality of work necessary to complete the project installation. Interpretation of contract performance will be made by the city and its agent. Perfornu\nc.e and determinations of proper wodananship will be made using the performance specification as detailed in this dOQlment, the EIAffIA 568 and 569 standards and standard industry practices as compiled in the Building Industry Consulting Services handbook and other craft and methods standards sources. In addition, the vendor must have a working knowledge of and demonstrated experience in complying with industry practice standards such as set forth in Rural Electrification Administration (REA) and BeD System Practices (BSP). 6. The vendor's response to the document must be based on installation of new wire, cable connectors and patching equipment only. The City of Woodburn's Informa- tion Transport System shall not contain any reused cable, wire or connectors with the exception of existing voice wire. The vendors bid should provide costs for any required improvements for existing facilities such as fire stopping, coring, creation of handholes and so on. 7. The vendor must re-tenninate all existing telephone cabling. The vendor will be responsible for all telephone company facilities re-termination and coordination if necessary. 8. AU installation work shall be performed in a professional manner consistent with industry standards for such work detailed in BeD System Practices (BSP) documents and Rural Eectrification Agency (REA) standards. It is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure that all state and local building codes, in effect at the time of installation, are met. AU installation work must be in accordance with the Washington State Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces EIAfI1A 569, and Commercial WIring Standard EIAII1A 568. Workmanship and quality will be guided and accepted by reference to the BSP and REA guidelines. Performance will be measured by the EIA/I1A. 568 and 569 as well as IEEE IOBaseT and 100 MB standards. The vendor agrees to expend as much time, material and manpower necessary to meet the performance and installation standards required and set forth in this document. EXHIBIT ...i1 Page~ of J7 T-- '-."T-'-"'~---""-""""'-"""'-""'--.'-'~'-""--" ATTAC{~ENT~ Page of d. B. Main Equipment Room (MOF) 1. The main equipment room contains the PBX telephone switch, the cross connect fields and will be the location for aD aoss connect panels for the copper cabling. 2. Any modification or renovation to the existing Main Equipment Room will be the responsibility of the vendor and after final design approval from The City of Woodburn. 3. The MDF will consist ofwall mounted high density, high performance (category 5) cross connect blocks for the U1P station and copper cables and will accommOdate . a wall mounted 19 inch universal equipment rack for network equipment. The vendor must provide the racks, cross connect blocks, and patch cable. 4. AU UTP cabling provided by the vendor must terminate on high density modular connection blocks in the MDF. Modular patch cords must be provided for all available data stations. Cross connect termination must be made with 24 A WG Category 5 copper twisted pair cable. No flat patch cords are allowed. 5. Station labeling and location identifications must be marked on all connecting blocks in accordance with The City of Woodburn IS labeling standard. EXHIBIT A Page~ of I '7 r' ,~-~"."._......._......_.-t--"~_h''''''''''___Ioc>-_...",..o-.;...^'_O<_'---<4__"~_'_"'~"_"""-"O_"".~,.,..,...-,..__ , .,. ". ATTACHMENT A . Page -L1- of ~ 7 c. V oice/Data Station Outlets 1. The station outlet faceplates to be installed in all areas shall consist of two gang modular RJ-45 jacks with existing cable for voice and two Category 5 RJ-45 jacks for data.. All jaclcs. connectors and patch cabling for data shall be category five. 2. All resource outlets in each office will conform to the EIAfIlA 568 Color Code T- 568B and the eight conductor pin assignment designated as T -568B and as incorporated in the EIAfITA Commercial Building WIring Standard. 3. Conductors for the two data four pair cables shall be tenninated on the eight pin modular jacks at the outlet designated II A" for voice and "Bx" for data (where x is 1,2 or 3) and on the appropriate 110 panel label. 4. The eight (8) pin modular jack, wired to the EIAIfIA T-568B color and pin out standard will be of high quality and have a minimum contact plating of 50 microns of gold. 5. The modular RJ-45 jack serving voice and data devices shall be designed to maintain the station cable pair twists (3 to 5), up to the point of mechanical termination. Silver Satin or any fonn ofllat copper wire will not be allowed. No under carpet cable will be allowed. 6. Mechanical termination must maintain must maintain their reliability and performance over time and supporting a wide range of multi-megabit data transfers and applications. Corrosion build up or metallurgical degradation will be the basis for replacement, at no charge to the city, should information transfer problems be traced to said conditions including cause through numerous cycles of mating and demating. 7. The RJ-45 modular jacks installed shall be made to close tolerances so the plug fits snugly into the jack. The jack depth shall allow the plug to be completely inserted into the jack. 8. No exposed voice or data outlet wiring shall be permitted. WIre mould or similar concealment or coverings will be subject to the prior approval of the city. 9. Faceplates shall be mounted at the same level as electrical outlets where possible. The preferred method of installing a station faceplate shall be in a standard electrical box inserted into the wall or using a dry wall ring. At no time shall an EXHIBIT A Page..!L- of I 1 r ---r "...._."......HA._...".t......_........_...__...........'.""."".t',.____....._...._"_,~._..... ATTACHMENT A Page..1.2::-. of d 7 outlet be placed higher than 18" above finished floors, except where prior permission from the city has been received. 10. The City ofWoodbum RqUires that &cep1atcs, boxes , 1I00r fixtures, brackets, and jacks must be supplied by the vendor. 11. Station outlets will be located approximately u described on the attached floor plans. EXHIBIT A page...:L.- of I 7 T"" "" ---Y-->"-->_.""t-,._"-"-~,"",-,._~>,,---- . ATTAC/~MENT--d.- Page of Ol 1 D. Data Station Cabling 1. The ~ of Wood bum voice station cabling consists of two (2) four pair of cable terminated at the station jack. 2. The City ofWoodbum data station cabling consists of two (2) four pair of24 A WG or larger, iPs.Jtated, solid copper conductor twisted pair copper cable, averaging three to five twists per foot, from the MDF to the station jack. Data station cable, the "B" jack shall be category 5 as defined below. 3.. The maximum station cable drop length is 90 meters or 295 feet. The drop length is measured from the termination block in the MOF to the station outlet. AU pairs must be terminated in numerical order with the lowest pair first and labeled in accordance with The City of Woodburn labeling standards. 4. Each station location must be provided with two separate category five four pair twisted pair copper cables for data. Each data cable must be segregated by sheath color or by color coded sheath stripes at each end and cross connect points. The vendor must recommend the sheath color scheme and adhere to the scheme throughout the city. 5. All data station cabling must be a continuous cable from the station jack to the MDF. No bridges or taps are permitted. 6. When installing the four pair station cable, pulling tension should not exceed 25 pounds. The minimum bending radius of one inch must not be exceeded. 7. The cable sheath shall be protected from sharp metal edges. When the cable passes over sharp metal, metal conduit feed, a bushing or grommet shall be installed to protect the cable. 8. The vendor shall use a ceiling distribution system in connection with existing under-floor distribution runs. AU cable must be neatly bundled. Above ceiling cable shall be placed in vendor supplied J hooks or D rings spaced every five feet along its route. 9. To reduce EMImduced into the cable from fluorescent lights, no cable shall pass" within 18 inches of the light and ballast. The vendor shall maintain the following clearances: EXHIBIT -.-.d Page...b.- of I 7 ,- "~--"'---y--""'----"'''''-'''''---'~'''' ..*".."'~.~.,.,._"....""._----.. . ATTACHMENT A Page.J.!:L. of d:( 7 I. 18 inches between the cable and finished ceiling n. 24 inches between the cable and the nearest fluorescent light. 10. Station cable pairs will be designated using the EIAITIA TS68-B color code. 11. The diameter of the completed cable shall be less than 0.25 inches. 12. The minimum bending radius of the cable shaD be one inch at a temperature of -20 c. 13. The maximum DC resistance of any Conductor shall not exceed 28.6 ohms per 1000 feet. The difference in resistance between the two conductors of any pair shall not exceed 5%. Both of these specifications are given at a temperature of20 c. 14. The mutual capacitance of any pair shall not exceed 17 nFll 000 feet measured at I kHz and at 20 C. EXHIBIT A Page~ of 17 T". 1-,.,,0<,.'.,.... ._.M'-o................._......_<.........~.....F~..,,"'-."...~____.....,,",....A_>..~..~_~"' ATTA~~ENT A Page of ~ 7 IS. Data station cable tenninated in the City of Wood bum "B" jack will be category 5, also listed and in accordance with the NEe Article 800 and National FIre Preveation Association requirements for plenum cabl~ and meet the following specifications: Characteristic Preauenc::y Impedance O.064Mhz 0.128Mhz 0.256MHZ 0.772MHZ 1 - 15MHZ Maximum AttenuationO.064MHz (per 1000 ft at 20 C) 0.256MHz 0.512MHz 0.772MHz 1.OMHz 4.0MHz 8.0MHz 10.OMHz 16.0MHz 20.0MHz 25.0MHz 31.25MHz 62.5MHz lOO.OMHz Near End Cross Talk 0.15MHz (worst pair@ 1000) 0.772MHz 1.0MHz 4.0MHz 8.0MHz 10.OMHz 16.0MHz 20.0MHz 25.0MHz 31.25MHz 62.5MHz 100.OMHz Value 125+1-15% 115+1-15% 110+/-15% 102+1-15% 100+/-15% 2.2 dB 3.2 dB 4.5 dB 5.5 dB 6.3 dB 13.0 dB 18.0 dB 20.0 dB 25.0 dB 28.0 dB 32.0 dB 36.0 dB 52.0 dB 67.0 dB 74.0 dB 64.0 dB 62.0 dB 53.0 dB 48.0 dB 47.0 dB 44.0 dB 42.0 dB 41.0 dB 40.0 dB 35.0 dB 32.0 dB EXHIBIT A Page..1L- of J 7 T" "" ;_._~. ---y---.^.,--",....--_._---~ . '" ATTACHMENT A Page..l.le- of a '7 E. General Construction Requirements 1. Any construction or restoration plans for conduit and ducts must be submitted to and approved by the city prior to commencement of the work. 2. The vendor must protect, replace or restore to original or better condition any architectural or sur&ce area of the city disturbed or altered by any construction or vendor provided wode. 3. The vendor must protect against disruption of above or below grade existing utilities. Any damages to existing utilities must be corrected by the vendor on an emergency basis. All damages are the sole responsibility of the vendor and any required repair or restoration costs shall be borne by the vendor. 4. The vendor must remove from the site on a daily basis, any debris resulting from construction of or related to the installation of the Information Transport System. Disposal containment, pick up and removal costs shall be the responsibility of the vendor. 5. The vendor must immediately repair all damages to city building interior and exterior walls, ceilings, foundations or floors. 6. The vendor must be aware of city work schedules and employee safety (both the city and vendor). The City of Woodburn employees will cooperate with the vendor in all safety issues. 7. The vendor must provide workers compensation insurance for all employees on site. EXHIBIT _A page...::L- of I 7 ...'., ".""~...,, V1l' ATTACHMENT A page...!.2..- of ~ 7 F. Grounding 1. The vendor sbaII supply IIld instaD a copper grounding bar in the MDF. The grounding bar sbouId be sized to ~modate a mi.un,.nn of 12 #16 A WG solid copper ground wire terminatioos. 2. A #6 AWG or larger ground wire shall be connected between the copper ground bar and equipment neb in each closet. An overall end to end grounding level of .05 Ohms impedance must be established and maintained throughout the grounding system. 3. All grounding wires will be routed and tied to the main city grounding system. EXHIBIT A Page~ of 1'7 ..' "-"'T' ..,. ATTA~~MENT -1 Page of d 7 G. Fireproofing 1. Upon the successfill pJacemeat of all cabling. all conduits, sleeves and other passageways intended to support and protect cables, whether used or unused shall be fire-stopped with an approved fire-retardant putty at each fire barrier penetration. 2. The fire-stopping material must meet or exceed the fire-resistance rating of the stnJcture being penetrated. 3. . Any installed wiring or conduits that penetrate through a fire-rated structure shall be fire-stopped by the vendor and be in compliance with Federal, State, local fire, building and electrical codes. The City of Wood bum will not accept the Information Transport system until it meets or exceeds those codes. EXHIBIT A page..1...L- of I '7 ",.,., ., ~'"'" .,.;~...... <.......---......,......." . '- - ,-,.,...,. .-. ,- .~_...~ ". '";o;<.,_'__""-'.."'....t. ~ ,-~ ATTACHMENT ---LL- Page.LL of ~ 7 H Labeling 1. All pairs tenninated on the cross connect field sbaIl be labeled utJ1i7i1\g color coded designation strips. 2. The vendor shall label all cross connect fields with labeling strips using the following color coding scheme: I Central office Green IT. Telephone Station cable Blue ID. Data Station cable Red 3. Each voice/data outlet faceplate shall have the cutouts labeled from top left to bottom right: I. Top left Voice 1 IT. Top right Voice 2 ITI. Bottom left Data I IV. Bottom right Data 2 4. Each outlet faceplate shall be labeled with a unique numeric designation. The station cable tenninations shall be labeled with the corresponding faceplate designation and the number of the jack. As an example, the data station cable from faceplate 27 would be labeled at the termination as 2701, 2702, and 2703. 5. The station cable shall be permanently labeled on both ends to allow easy identification during installation and rearranging of cables in the future. The same designation used in item 4 above shall be used. 6. All labeling shall be permanent, neat and machine labeled. 7. The vendor shall record the "as-built" detail of the wiring system. EXHIBIT ~ page~ of 1'7 ~' , ._," '....'- , ...... ATTACHMENT A Pagl ~ of --;r:;-- 1 Testing 1. The project acceptance tesV"8 shall simn1ue operating conditions to assure proper network performance after hardware and software configuration is complete. 2. The vendor shall visually inspect the cabling for correct routing, support, termination, fireproofin& etc and certify that the visual inspection was done and the installation and all associated equipment meets the requirements of this document and all federal, state and local codes for buildin& electrical and fire safety. A written certification, signed by an authorized officer of the vendor's company, declaring completion of this inspection, and certification of complianCe with all relevant codes, shall be turned over to The City of Woodburn. 3. The cost to repair or replace any defect or incorrectly installed equipment or cable to satisfy this section shall be borne by the vendor. 4. Cable Test and Measurement I. AU UTP cabling shall be lOOOAt proof tested and inspected for polarity (tip and ring signals in the appropriate EIAfl1A T -568 B pin locations), continuity (opens or shorts in the cable) and cables terminated in the correct order. The vendor shall visually inspect all terminations after they are made to assure the termination is properly completed. An official vendor certification of this testing (mcluding test results) is required. II. In addition to the above tests, fifty (50) percent of the data segments Gacks, not wall plates) will have end to end attenuation, length and near end crosstalk (NEXT) measurement made at 100 megabits per second of bandwidth to insure proper performance. The results shall meet or exceed manufacturers specifications and the appropriate IEEE specifications. The data segments will be selected by the city. All wiring within a selected wallplate must be tested. An official vendor certification of this testing (including test results) is required. exHIBIT A Page~ of '7 ... "'~'--T..'..' ..... ATTACHMENT A Page ~ of c?7 J. Documentation 1. The vendor shall prepare a complete documentation package upon completion of the cable plant installation and testing. The documentation will be provided in hard copy and dectronic fonn. 2. The documentation shall include: 1 Maps including conduit routes, fill ratios and quantities, cable identifiers, counts and routes and cable support facilities used. IT. Detailed floor prints shall clearly indicate office layouts, the location of voice/data station jacks with identifying designations and cable identifiers. III. All hardcopy results of the polarity and continuity tests on the UfP and the NEXT measurements. IV. A written and signed statement certiq1ing all tests were accurate and that all cabling and instaI1ation techniques comply with all Federal, State and local codes for buildin& dectrical and fire safety as well as the performance requirements specified in this document. v. As built diagrams as described in section H. 7. EXHIB!l 1/ Page.t..::l.- 01 / 7 .....H ..-.........." """ ATTACHMENT A Page ~ of c;) 7 K. Warranty 1. The vendor will warranty the perfonnance of the individual voice (If installed) and data station runs as well as the termination and cross connects fur a period of one year &om the date of the city's acceptance. A key element in this doc::ument is the focus on end to end perfonnance for data without speci1ying individual components to be installed. The vendor is expected to utilize only the components, media and craft skill that will produce a measurable and certifiable perfonnance level for the Information Transport system. Particular attention should be focused on The City ofWoodburn's requirement to support up to 100 Mbps of usable bandwidth on high quality copper wiring at the data jack in each quad jack outlet. 2. The City of Wood bum will insist on prompt resolution of problems, not merely prompt response for calls for service. 3. The warranty shall begin and be effective at the date of acceptance by the City of Woodburn. The warranty shall be for a minimum of one year from system acceptance covering parts and labor for all system components and provide 8 am to 6 p.rn. coverage for all problems. 4. AU documentation shall be consistent with the labeling used throughout the installation. EXHIBIT .11 Page -L.:i... of I 7 ~' '"---'T"..'_.b__' VT ATTACHMENT .L1 Page~ of ~7 L. Proposals 1. Contact: Ben Gillespie (503) 982-5211 City of Woodburn 270 Montgomery Woodburn, Or. 97071 Fax (503) 982-5244 2. Submission of Proposals-Sealed proposals (three copies) must be delivered to the above mentioned contact before 10:00 a.m. on December 29, 1997. Proposals received in response to this RFP will be opened at that date and time. Vendors who wish to be present at that time will be informed of the number and names of the proposers. No other information will be made available at that time. 3. Addenda to the Request for Proposals-The provisions of this RFP cannot be modified by oral interpretations or statements. If inquiries or comments by prospective vendors raise issued that require clarification by the City, or the City decides to revise any part of this RFP, addenda will be provided to all persons who have requested the RFP. 4. Contents of Proposals-Proposals must include: I. Price IT. Three municipal entities for whom the vendor has provided like services within the last year and whom the City may call for references. ITI. Any exception taken to the RFP 5. Additional Information-The contact listed above is the sole point of contact in the City for this RFP. All correspondence pertaining to this RFP should be directed to this person at the address and telephone number listed. 6. Evaluation Criteria-Selection will be based on : I. Price IT. Quality of references exHIBIT A page..l.i2- of I 7 ~. . "...."T. -.......... "'P"lf -, ATTACHMENT (j Page..;;.2::L of d 1 7. Schedule I. Pre bid conference December 15. 1997, 10:00 a.m.-please note the time n. Proposals due December 29, 1997, 10:00 a.m. ID. Contract award January 12, 1998 N. Contract completion January 31, 1998 8. Ownership of documents-Any reports, or diagrams prepared by the vendor shall become the property of the City. EXHIBIT 11 Page.J...:::L of 17 ..' " ".,-." '....- II' c ATTACHMENT A Page d f5 of 017 December 26, 1m Limited Eaergy SpedaUsts Mr. Ben Gillespie City of Woodburn 270 MontgODlClY Woodburn, OR 97071 RE: City of Woodburn Category S Q,bIing Proposal Dear Mr. Gillespie: COMMWORK'S is pleased to provide you with a quote for the Category S Cabling for the Municipal building. Our lump sum pria: is S13,179.6S for the following scope of work: · Install 66 locations cnnmm"B of two CatS cables and Cat.3 cables. Four cables per location conforming to bid specification D.I&2. · Install one 6" x 19" wall mount rack for the patch panels and network equipment. · Install (2) 300pr 110 blocks to aa:ommodate voice station cabling. · Provide and Install Cat.S Patch cords for all data cabling. · Provide and install X~ for voice stations and cut over to the new cabling infrastructure. · Station labeling and location identifications will be marked on all connection blocks in accordance with the City of WoocbJrns bbelil1g standards. · Install a copper grounding bar in the MDF to accommodate a minimum of 12 IKJA WG solid copper ground wire termination's. · COMMWORK'S agrees to deliver all Documentation specifications as set forth in section J 1 & 2 of the RFP. · COMMWORK'S will warranty the performance of the individual voice and data stations runs as well as the termination's and cross connects for a period of one year upon acceptance. · Upon completion, COMMWORK'S will deliver an as built and a detail of the wiring system. · COMMWORK'S will conform to all State and Local Building codes, as well as EIAIfIA 568 and 569 Standards. EXHIBIT 8- Page -'-- of -3 VOICElDATA.# FIRFlSECURITY .#MATV/CATV.# NURSECALL 2092 NW Aloclek #517 · Hillsboro, OR 97124 · (503) 614-8200 · Fax (503) 614-2029 CCB# 126448 ... ,.~ ". .,~.~...........~ v.. Page 2 City of Woodburn Category 5 cabling proposal ATTACHMENT A Pagec:<0 of d7 As we discl1ssed, COMMWORK'S has been in Imsiness for a short time aad then:Cor does DOt bave the three mwUcipal ret'ereaces tIuIt)'OU ba\'e abd fOr. We have iDcluded rdereuees that we have done work for in the past and would enoo.,...ge)'OU 10 call them. The duec pri~1 of COMMWORKfS haw over 32 years of experieacc with 23 oftbose)'CIII saooesPuIly ~ projeGtl. in the PortJaDd mctropoJitan mea. This docs DOt take iDIo ~ the ~ ofour field ~"~-s IfJleed be, the plhociplls of COMMWORK'S will be happy to submit our iDdividuIl resumes for)'OUl' teYiew. So please reriew the attac:bed refe.ea..es. COMMWORK'S takes no exa:pcioDs 10 the RFP. Sincerely, C/t11l~ Charles Green President EXHIBIT 13 Page -4 of ::s ATTACHMENT A Page~ of ~1 CUSTOMER REFERENCES: COMMWOR~S ~ Limited Energy Specialists As request~ here is a list of Custonier references. I think that you will find these customers to be very satisfied. Baugh Construction David Spencer- Senior Project Manager (Electrical/Telecom) Phone Number: (503) 789-8477 Anixter Rick Newman- Branch Manager Phone Number: (503) 906-4100 Ntke Kevin Torgeson Phone Number: (503) 532-0908 EXHIBIT ff;- Page ----3- of -3 VOICElDATA ~ FIRE/SECURITY ~MATV/CATV ~ NURSECALL 2092 NW Aloclek #517 · Hillsboro, OR 97124 · (503) 614-8200 · Fax (503) 614-2029 CCB# 126448 ....._...~__ "__~_+"_,,,,'_"~"__"~_,.,,",,-l"""'_,---"~_""'""""""""'~ ..