Minutes - 03/14/2005
MARCH 14, 2005
CONVENED. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Figley presiding.
Present (7:08 p.m.)
Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Police Chief Russell,
Public Works Director Tiwari, Public Works Manager Rohman, Community
Development Director Mulder, Park & Recreation Director Westrick, Finance Director
Gillespie, Senior Planner Zwerdling, Senior Engineering Technician Scott, Recorder
A) Public hearing to consider the City's Periodic Review work program will be held
before the City Council on March 28, 2005, 7:00 pm, in the City Hall Council Chambers.
B) Woodburn Public Library will be closed on March 27, 2005 in observance of Easter.
Cristal Sandoval and Yesnia Chavez provided a brief report on the activities the
Chamber's Youth Leadership group are currently involved in which help students
develop skills to become leaders. At the last meeting, the program focused on
community service which included a site visit to Silverton Hospital to show students what
volunteer programs are available during the summer months. Other speakers at their
meeting included an ODOT representative on responsible driving, AmeriCorps program
presentation, and a representative from Cascade Retirement on volunteering. Yesnia
Chavez stated that she is currently on the Library Board which has given her an
opportunity to become more involved in the community. Cristal Sandoval stated that she
is currently on the Parks & Recreation Board and the most recent Leadership group
meeting reminded her of how much she needs to give back to the community.
Mayor Figley thanked the girls for their participation on the respective Boards.
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Dusky Steyeart, Teen Scene Coordinator, stated that students are participating in art
programs on Tuesday and Thursday, a multi-fitness program will begin in April, a Hip-
Hop 101 program is nearing completion with a performance scheduled at the High
School's May Day program, computer labs will be located at each center, teen scene
swims continue to be successful and are held throughout the school year, and monthly
teen dances are held. During spring break, she has been planning a multitude of activities
in order to keep teens busy. She stated that they have been averaging about 35 middle
school students daily at the middle school center whereas they have about 25 high school
students daily at the high school center. During April and May, they will be working on a
Career program at the high school center in an effort to help students in how to write a
resume and interview for a job. She stated that staff is working on the grant application
for the next funding cycle and is looking for other funding sources to expand programs
for our teens. In regards to the ages of teens attending the centers, she stated that the
middle school center has mostly sixth and seventh graders while the high school center
has mainly ninth and tenth graders.
Public Works Director Tiwari stated that South Front Street is a narrow street in a
deteriorated condition. The City did install drain tile about 7-10 years ago but it has not
been fully connected therefore surface drainage is not good as it should be. This project
is one of the urban renewal capital projects and improving this street will fulfill one of the
Council goals. It was also noted that this roadway is a designated truck route and an
improvement to this street will fulfill future Settlemier Park traffic flow needs. The
proposed improvement will extend from Parr Road to Cleveland Street and, after it is
fully improved, it will include a turn lane and a 10-foot combined sidewalk/bikelane
which will be separated by a landscape strip or a parking space. There will be some on-
street parking on the west side of the street, however, the proposed plan will allow for 20
spaces whereas there are 23 lots along the street. He stated that parking may be a
problem in the event a resident is having a large gathering at their home. The Council
could consider the purchase of a lot with a home currently on it and then convert it into a
parking lot for approximately $150,000. The estimated cost for the street improvement,
excluding a parking lot, is $611,000 which is the amount budgeted within the Urban
Renewal budget. If it is decided to purchase a lot for a parking lot, then some additional
funding source will be needed to complete this portion of the project such as a local
improvement district. He suggested that the additional parking lot not be pursued since it
does not appear to be cost effective to the property owners. He stated that once South
Front Street is improved, it is anticipated that Settlemier Avenue will have a lesser
amount of truck traffic.
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Councilor McCallum requested clarification on the number of phases and length of time
to complete the street improvement project from Parr Road to Highway 214.
Director Tiwari stated that the South Front Street project will be completed this summer,
the next phase (Cleveland Street to Harrison Street or Hardcastle Avenue) will be the
following year, and the third phase (Harrison or Hardcastle to Highway 214) will be done
in 2007. When the project is in progress, homeowners will have access to their homes
but all other traffic will be detoured. Staff will give homeowners advance notice when
access will be limited.
1964 Councilor McCallum questioned if there were plans in place to keep North Front Street
passable until such time as the street is improved in 2007.
Director Tiwari stated that some surface improvements will be necessary during the
interim but it will be kept to the minimum degree.
Councilor Cox questioned if the $150,000 for the parking lot included the land cost.
Director Tiwari stated that it did include the land cost. In regards to the sidewalk /
bikelane, the 10-foot width will meet the state recommendation as long as it is separated
from the roadway and, in this case, a landscape strip will separate the road from the
sidewalk / bikelane. Brief discussion was also held regarding the number of homes that
will have a driveway that will be shorter in length whereby they will be unable to park
their vehicle in their driveway.
Director Tiwari stated that many of the garages are sitting on the back of the property but
there are 3 or 4 homes that will have some difficulty to park their vehicles like they are at
this time.
Councilor Cox questioned if the City would need to acquire any right-of-way on the west
side of the street.
Director Tiwari stated that there will only be one area in which there is a need to acquire
an easement for the sidewalk and if the easement cannot be obtained, then there will be a
minor adjustment made to the design in that area.
Councilor Bjelland questioned the financing sources for this improvement.
Director Tiwari stated that the project, excluding the off-street parking option, would be
financed by the urban renewal district. If it is decided to pursue the off-street parking lot
concept, then he would propose that the cost for this improvement be paid for through a
local improvement district. However, he did not recommend that the parking lot option
be pursued due to the high cost that would be assessed to the property owners along this
2531 Administrator Brown provided additional information to the Council on the financing of
this project. In the past, property owners have shared in the cost of the improvements
since City funding sources were limited. In this case, Front Street is part of the urban
renewal district and improvement of this street is listed as a capital improvement to the
downtown area. Staff did not pursue an local improvement district on this project since
there were dedicated funds in the urban renewal budget for this improvement. On an on-
going basis, staff would like the Council to take that same approach with other projects
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whereas if dedicated funding sources are found then property owners do not need to
participate in an local improvement district. He stated that urban renewal does not cover
the entire cost of this proj ect from Parr Road to Highway 214. There will be about $1
million difference between the funding sources and staff feels that they do have funding
sources to fill the gap but it may be necessary to talk to the Council about some cost
sharing arrangement as it gets closer to finishing this project in 2007. In regards to the
loss parking, another option that may be available involves a lot line adjustment on
property adjacent to 8ettlemier Park that was recently acquired by the City. A strip of
parking could be constructed on the southeast section of Settlemier Park property at a cost
of $30,000 to $40,000 rather than $150,000.
Councilor Lonergan questioned if the project included undergrounding of utilities.
Administrator Brown stated that the Council had let the contract for the undergrounding
at the last Council meeting and the project cost included the undergrounding.
Councilor Cox concurred with the idea of not forming a local improvement district since
the property owners will most likely feel that the project will not be of benefit to them
especially since they are losing parking area in front of their homes. As the project moves
to the north especially in the commercial area, then the Council may want to consider a
local improvement district since business property benefits more tangibly then a
Following discussion on this issue, it was agreed that there is a need to establish a
Council position that can be followed in the future on financing projects. For this
particular project, it was the consensus of the Council to move ahead with the South
Front Street improvement project and no local improvement district be formed. Staff will
review the existing policy and prepare a report that will formalize the need that has been
discussed at this meeting to protect the Council in the future.
Ruby Wolfer, representing the Chamber of Commerce, stated that the Chamber is actively
moving forward to become the tourist gateway in the northern Marion County region. A
tourism committee has been formed that is representative of the entire French Prairie
Region which includes Hubbard, 8t. Paul, Aurora, Woodburn, Mt. Angel, and Silverton.
This committee is working on a 5-year tourism development strategic plan and marketing
plan. The Chamber's Visitor Center will soon be located in the Woodburn Company
Stores and having the Center more accessible to the public will mean that they will be
able to influence the travel itinerary and travel destination of visitors. The Chamber is
gearing up for the additional responsibility that will be necessary when the Visitor Center
is opened at the Woodburn Company Stores and they will be taking a pro-active position
in tourism on a state-wide basis.
She also reported on the following upcoming Chamber events:
1) Distinguished Service Awards Banquet - March 18,2005
2) Tulip Booth at Woodburn Company Stores - March 19,2005
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3) French Prairie Region, in cooperation with the Chamber, will host a tent at the
Wooden Shoe on April 9 and 10, 2005
4) Woodburn Community Auction will be held on Apri116, 2005
5) Chamber Forum will held on March 16,2005 and their guest speaker will talk on the
Woodburn School Initiative Programs.
Jeanne Hahn, School District Communications Specialist, invited the Mayor and Council
to attend a community meeting at the high school on Tuesday, March 15,2005,6:30 p.m.,
to receive information from the various teams that have researched the break from one
large high school complex into 4 smaller high schools. The teams have visited several
sites throughout the United States and they will be sharing the successes these schools
have had with this concept utilizing first a panel discussion process followed by a
question and answer session. The next step ofthe process will be to submit letters of
intent to write a small school proposal. She also mentioned that Key Communicator's
meetings will be held on March 29,2005,6:30 p.m., at Lincoln Elementary School, and
on March 30, 2005, 7:00 a.m., at Lincoln Elementary School.
Martin Ochoa, WDA President, stated that WDA meetings will be changed to the 151 and
3rd Wednesday's of each month from 7:30 am to 8:30 am. The WDA is also working on
a progressive dinner as a fundraiser and is tentatively scheduled for August. Additionally,
a WDA sub-committee is working on downtown events.
Bruce Thomas stated that the Farmer's Market will be opened on Saturdays from May 14,
2005 until October 15, 2005. Jose Falcon is this year's organizer for this event and he
has been actively recruiting vendors. For our area, the Farmer's Market provides fresh
vegetables and fruit grown in Oregon whereby individuals with WIC coupons designated
specifically for these products can use their coupons at this market.
A) approve Council meeting minutes of February 28,2005;
B) accept the draft Recreation and Parks Board minutes of March 8, 2005;
C) accept the Planning Commission minutes of February 24,2005;
D) receive the Building Activity report for February 2005;
E) receive the Planning Tracking Sheet dated March 3, 2005; and
F) receive the Police Department Statistical report for February 2005.
Councilor McCallum stated that the Recreation and Parks Board minutes outlined some
basic concerns Mr. Hernandez had expressed regarding fights and alcohol use during last
year's adult soccer program. He requested background information from Director
Westrick on this situation along with information on how his department will be working
to correct this problem.
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Director Westrick stated that the concerns were centered mainly around Centennial Park
and most his concerns have been addressed with the Leagues and with the Recreation
Department's operational practices. This summer there will be a one-way traffic loop in
Centennial Park utilizing the Water Division property which will then allow the
Recreation Department an opportunity to inspect cars as they come in to make sure that
alcohol is not being brought into the park. Additionally, persons or organizations renting
park facilities will be required to hire security to check coolers for alcohol since most of
the problems that have occurred are related to alcohol use while in the park. Another
issue they will be working on this year is monitoring soccer fields being used by one
organizer so that other soccer league teams do not come in and use those fields unless
they have rented the soccer facilities.
MCCALLUM/COX... adopt the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed
5053 PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE CHANGE 04-04 - Property Located at 2325 N. Boones
Ferry Road.
Mayor Figley referred to a Section of the Woodburn Development Ordinance which
allows for the decision maker (Mayor and Council) to reasonably limit oral presentations
in length or content depending upon time constraints and to be sure content is relevant.
She stated that she will be imposing a limit of 10 minutes on all applicants, proponents,
and opponents. Even though this is a de novo hearing, the Mayor and Council have
access to the minutes of the Planning Commission and a large amount of material
submitted by different people with different opinions on this topic. She encouraged
speakers at this hearing to address issues that they feel have not been adequately
addressed in previous decision making. She will give some additional time to presenters
if members of the Council have any questions in order to clarify information.
Mayor Figley declared the public hearing open at 8:16 p.m..
For the record, Mayor Figley stated that she had received correspondence from Mr. Allen
Hubenthal and when she read the letter and realized it was on an item that would be
coming up for a quasi judicial hearing, he gave it to the City Attorney since it was not
appropriate for her to respond. She has made this statement for the record to state that
having received this letter will not influence any decision she may make tonight.
Additionally, the City Recorder has copies of the original letter and the response if any
other parties are interested at this material.
Councilor Cox stated that he was on the Planning Commission when this same general
project was heard and approved a few years ago and stated that it will not affect his
decision tonight.
Councilor Lonergan stated that he was also on the Planning Commission when this
project was heard and it will not affect his decision.
Councilor McCallum stated that he is familiar with the location of the property, he has
known property owners Mr. & Mrs. Gascho for some years, he has personally known
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Attorney Wally Gutz1er for many years, and, before his retirement, he had done a lot of
business with the law firm Mr. Gutz1er is associated with.
Recorder Tennant read the land use statement required under ORS Chapter 197.
5941 Senior Planner Zwerd1ing reviewed the staff memo dated March 14,2005 outlining the
Planning Commission's recommendation to approve Zone Change 04-04 subject to
conditions contained in the Commission's Final Order dated January 27,2005. She
stated that the Final Order recommended that the zone change from Single Family
Residential (RS) to Medium Density Residential (RM) be allowed with the condition that
the property be restricted to those uses allowed in the Single Family Residential District
and assisted living facilities and nursing care facilities. On March 27,2000, the City
Council adopted an ordinance which annexed a majority of the property, changed the
comprehensive plan designation from low density residential to high density residential,
changed the zone from single family residential to medium family residential, and a site
plan review for a 122 Alzheimer's Assisted Living Units. The applicant did not go
through with the site plan review request based on a competing facility to be located on
the south side of Woodburn. As a result, the site plan review expired and the zoning
remained single family residential. The applicant has submitted another request to
change the zoning on the property from single family residential to medium density
residential basing their application on a demand for additional elderly units. A concern in
the previous decisions as well as in this case relate to the uses allowed on that property
regarding multi-family residential units. The applicant has brought forth the condition
that the zone change just to allow for all uses allowed for in a single family residential
zone plus assisted living and nursing care facilities. She stated that the applicant did meet
all of the applicable review criteria. (Staff Exhibit #1)
6339 Tony Kreitzberg, applicant, stated that the project had been delayed since Country
Meadows had been developed first and was creating too much capacity in the
marketplace. The Council's main concern at that time was they did not want a regular
apartment complex at that location since they felt it would too much of an impact in that
area, therefore, the zone reverted back to single family residential. The purpose of this
application is to go back to the medium density residential zone (RM) which is consistent
with the current Comprehensive Plan. A site plan will come before the Planning
Commission at a later date and undergo a public review process. One of the things that
has changed over the years is that development standards are more strict than when the
first site plan was presented to the City which lessen even further any potential impact on
the neighbors in the area. One of the criteria is to establish a need for this type of facility
and the applicant did a demographic analysis in 2004 and it determined that 2,410 people
over the age of75 lived within a 3-mile radius of Woodburn. Currently in the Woodburn
area there are 6 facilities of which 96 units are available for independent living and 174
units for assisted living. Based on market research, the existing facilities in the City are
close to capacity. By the time this facility is built, there will be a substantial need for this
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kind of facility. The second criteria relates to the property being the best suited for this
type of use compared to other properties already zoned RM. This site is 4.83 acres and
anything smaller would be too small for the facility being planned. Within the City, there
are only two properties that are larger than the subject property one of which is 7.84 acres
with no city services available to it and the other parcel is 22 acres. This particular site
has distinct advantages in that it is located on an arterial street, in close proximity to
ambulance and medical services, close to public transportation, it is convenient to
churches, dental offices, and other commercial offices, and it has city services available
for this type of development. Another advantage to this type of development is that it
adds property tax revenues to the community, it does not impact the school system, and
has traffic generation is less than a single family development especially during peak
travel time. He expressed his opinion that the facility will fit in well at that location and
be of great benefit to the City.
Tape 2 Councilor Lonergan questioned as to why the number of proposed has been changed from
120 units to 102 units.
Mr. Kreitzberg stated that number of units were reduced in order to lessen the impact on
the neighbors. In regards to potential construction, no schedule has been established but
the developers would like to move forward with this project because ofthe demand for
this type of facility.
Councilor Bjelland questioned if the population in the project is basically market rate
tenants or will there be some state subsidized tenants.
Mr. Kreitzberg requested that Mr. Gutz1er answer that particular question since he will be
the developer on this project and will be better able to answer the question.
0207 Wally Gutzler, General Counsel and Executive Vice President of Sun West Management,
stated that Sun West Management has an agreement with the property owners to acquire
the property for this development. His company did not develop the property five years
ago because 1) Country Meadows was financed and ready to begin developing a facility,
and 2) the recession affected the economy and their ability to get financing. His company
has built in other states over the years but, until 6 months ago, they were unable to get
financing to build in Oregon. It is his understanding that Country Meadows has just
announced the development of a new addition but, to his understanding, it is independent
living rather than his company's proposed assisted living with some memory care facility.
He corrected comments made by Mr. Kreitzberg in that (1) small pets will be allowed as
long as they can be kept inside and (2) no decision has been made yet as to whether or not
any of the tenants will be state subsidized but, if they are, the tenants will be treated no
differently since the accommodations are all the same. He also stated for the record that
Mr. Hubenthal had called him to task because he had publicly said earlier this year that
Sun West had never planned to build apartments on this land and Mr. Hubenthal felt that
this was an end run by which Sun West Management would get this property re-zoned in
order to get apartments on this property. He stated that his company has never had any
plans to build apartments on the property, however, since he has mentioned that, he was
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reminded that he did come here before the Planning Commission or Council about 11 or
12 years ago when he was working for another company that was interested in building
apartments on this land. Another developer was proposing an apartment complex in the
area which was not being well received by neighbors and his company decided not to
pursue an apartment proposal for this parcel of land. Subsequently, Sun West became
involved and they have always planned on an assisted living facility since that is the
business they are in. The number of units is still unknown since there have been changes
in the City's Development Ordinance and his company is re-figuring the design. They are
also keeping in mind Mr. Hubentha1's objections as to the facility height and they are still
looking at the whole project to make it as compatible with everyone as possible. For the
record, he submitted the following letters as Exhibits:
Applicant/Proponent Exhibit #1: Letter from Rosemary Hammack dated March 10, 2005
App1icant/Proponent Exhibit #2: Letter from Don Lindstrom dated March 9, 2005
Applicant/Proponent Exhibit #3: Letter from Ed and Pam Laramore dated March 10,2005
Councilor Lonergan questioned as to how many different planned unit developments Sun
West has been involved with for assisted living.
Mr. Gutz1er stated that Sun West Management has built about 35-40 facilities and they
presently manage 127 facilities located within 22 states and have about 8,000 residents.
The proposed development would have approximately 45 employees.
0758 Allen Hubentha1, 1223 Henry's Blvd, submitted into the record VHS video tapes
(Opponent Exhibit #1 - Planning Commission meeting of January 13, 2005, and Exhibit
#2 - Planning Commission meeting of September 13, 1999) in which Mr. Gutz1er is
starting to recall things he said at the first Planning Commission hearing. He stated that
the video tapes are ones that he made off of his television and, even though there was
some technical difficulty by the cable TV at that time, the portion of the meeting
pertaining to this issue is on the tape. He also provided audio tapes of those same
meetings (Opponent Exhibit #3 - cassette tape of Planning Commission meeting dated
September 23, 1999, and Exhibit #4 - cassette tape of Planning Commission meeting dated
January 13, 2005). Mr. Hubentha1 disagreed with Mr. Gutz1er's statement that he could
not obtain financing for this project until 6 months ago since he had pulled off of the
internet information that Sun West had received financing from Red Mortgage Capital Inc
for a trio of assisted living projects in Oregon in July 2002. He stated that the Council
now has an opportunity to correct an erroneous decision that was made in 1999. If the
Council approves the application, it would be a permanent zone change and since there is
no site plan, any new buyer would be able to develop the property under the new zoning.
He also made reference to WDO 4.101.02, Consolidated Applications, relating to
comprehensive review of the entire development and its cumulative impacts. He reminded
the Council that application does not mention any commitment to this project and, in his
opinion, Mr. Gutzler avoided introducing himself as representing Sun West Management.
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He referred back to Sun West's original application five years ago when they had received
the original approval but over the next year failed to follow through with the development.
He disagreed with the applicant's reason for not building the facility in 2000 since Country
Meadows did not receive site plan approval from the City until May 2001 which was after
the site plan approval on the Sun West property had already expired. Another criteria in
the application addresses need and he has obtained a letter from Country Meadows stating
that they have a 70% occupancy rate. Additionally he stated that it is his understanding
that Countryside Living Alzheimer facility is no longer in operation and currently for sale.
Councilor Cox questioned if there was an appeal to LUBA or some courts following the
Council's original decision in 2000.
Mr. Hubentha1 stated that there was an appeal.
Councilor Cox questioned what would be in the tapes that would be relevant to the points
he is making tonight.
Mr. Hubentha1 wanted to show inconsistency in statements made by Mr. Gutz1er and that
the property owner Mr. Gascho has always wanted to have apartments on that property
even if it is five years later. He stated that there is no way that anyone can construe that
there is any possible need for assisted living. The State of Oregon has a licensing
moratorium in place.
Councilor Cox agreed that Mr. Gutzler could have made inconsistent statements but if that
is all that he would learn from watching or listening to the tapes then he did not feel that
he needed to view the tapes.
Mr. Hubentha1 agreed with Councilor Cox's statement.
Councilor Bjelland questioned Mr. Hubentha1 about the moratorium on licensing assisted
living facilities.
Mr. Hubentha1 stated that there has been a moratorium for four years because nationwide
there are too many assisted living facilities. According to Jim Carlson, President of
Oregon Health Care Association, it will about 10 years before demand catches up with
supply in Woodburn. Additionally, the average length of stay in assisted living is between
2.5 - 3 years. For the record, the following additional exhibits were submitted by Mr.
Opponent Exhibit #5- Letter from Kimberly Spinetta, Country Meadows Village
Opponent Exhibit #6- Columbus Business First dated 7/18/02 on Red Finances Oregon
Opponent Exhibit #7- Letter from Allen Hubentha1 to City Council dated 3/14/05
Opponent Exhibit #8- Letter from Allen Hubentha1 to Planning Commission dated
Opponent Exhibit #9- Letter from Dr. Alan Bates, State Senate District 3, dated 3/912005
Opponent Exhibit #10- AARP Research Assisted Living dated 21712005
Opponent Exhibit #11-The Business Journal of Portland dated 11/2/2004
Opponent Exhibit #12-The Business Journal of Portland dated 10/2512004
Opponent Exhibit #13-The Business Journal of Portland dated 3/1/2004
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Opponent Exhibit #14-The Business Journal of Portland dated 3/812004
Opponent Exhibit #15- Letter from Woodburn City Attorney N. Robert Shields dated
Opponent Exhibit #16- OAR 411-056-0007 Licensing Moratorium
Opponent Exhibit #17- Senate Bill 510
1845 Wally Gutz1er stated that the Red Capital Mortgage loans referred to by Mr. Hubentha1
were made to Sun West Management but they were refinancing of existing properties and
new construction financing has been difficult to obtain until more recently. In regards to
building before Country Meadows, the original Council approval was appealed to LUBA
and, pending appeal, Sun West did not have the right to move forward with the
development. Sun West did get a building permit but they did not build and the permit
expired. In regards to Country Meadows occupancy, he has not checked recently but it
had previously been at 85% occupancy and his experience has shown that the rate tends to
continue upward to about 95% occupancy. Mr. Hubentha1 mentioned the Countryside
Living Alzheimer facility on the east side of town, however, this facility does not fit what
his company considers to be an appropriate operation for their style and the only way they
would operate that size of facility is in conjunction with adjoining building where they
have assisted living. He reiterated that ifhe had misconstrued or misstated or has been
inconsistent, it has been unintentional and he had tried to explain earlier on how that might
have happened. He requested that the Council approve the zone change since they intend
to build a development similar to what they had previously proposed. In regards to the
moratorium, he agreed that there is a moratorium in place on constructing new assisted
living facilities in Oregon which has been in effect since July 2001 and he expects the
legislature to extend it for another two years. However, Sun West Management already
has their license application and it is still good for this proposed development.
Councilor Bjelland stated that the opponent had referred to a conjoined application of a
site plan and zone change and inquired if staff had any response to his point that is what is
required under the Woodburn Development Ordinance.
City Attorney Shields stated that there is no requirement in the code that when you have a
zone change that a specific site plan on that site be proposed. Sometimes applicants do
have a site plan or conceptual site plan for consideration but this is not legally required.
Mayor Figley declared the public hearing closed at 9:05 p.m..
Councilor Cox stated that many points raised by Mr. Hubenthal has been issues of
personality in that there seems to be some conflict between Mr. Hubenthal and Mr.
Gutzler. He realizes that Mr. Hubenthal opposes the project as a whole but a lot of the
points he was making were issues that were not issues the Council needs to consider in
order to make a decision. The two criteria before the Council are 1) need and 2) if the site
best meets the needs relative to other available properties. In his opinion, those two tests
have been met by the applicant. Additionally, the zone change being requested is very
limited to a particular purpose and did not feel that the Council should think about what
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other uses could be made of the property since there would be no other use other than
assisted living facilities and nursing care facilities. He felt that ifthe zone change is
approved as proposed, the property either be developed as proposed or it will stay as it
currently is or it will be developed as single family.
Mayor Figley agreed with Councilor Cox's comments and stated that the condition
adequately addresses the concern that property will be developed as proposed or remain as
single family residential.
Councilor Bjelland stated that his only reservation is from the standpoint of need and felt
that the financing market will dictate whether or not a facility is built. However, with this
being a conditional zone change, it will protect the property from being a backdoor play
for apartments.
2849 COX/MCCALLUM... approve Zone Change 04-04 as requested and direct staff to
prepare an appropriate ordinance with findings to support the approval. On roll call vote,
the motion passed unanimously.
2900 Mayor Figley called for a recess at 9:16 pm and reconvened at 9:21 pm.
Councilor Sifuentez introduced Council Bill 2562. Recorder Tennant read the two
readings ofthe bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll
call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council
Bill 2561 duly passed.
Council Bill 2562 was introduced by Councilor Sifuentez. The bill was read by title only
since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the
bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill 2562 duly passed.
Councilor Sifuentez introduced Council Bill 2563. The bill was read by title only since
there were no objections from the Council.
Councilor Cox stated that this waiver was approved in principle at the last meeting and the
actual resolution meets his concerns.
City Attorney Shields stated that this resolution would only affect future annexation
Councilor Bjelland questioned ifthis waiver would require the property owner to waive
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any future decisions that affect their property once they have been annexed.
City Attorney Shields stated that the waiver would apply to any future Council decisions.
Councilor Bjelland questioned as to where does this exempt and they waive future land
use actions taken by the City.
Attorney Shields stated that the resolution sets policy and that it would require all listed
property owners to sign a waiver when submitting their application for annexation. The
intent for bringing this resolution before the Council was to protect the City from having a
property owner applying for annexation and, once annexed, turn around with a Ballot
Measure 37 claim. The waiver itself states that by asking to be annexed the property
owner is giving up a Ballot Measure 37 claim up until that point of time.
On roll call vote, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill 2563
duly passed.
Mayor Figley stated that the City Administrator had distributed a revised copy of Council
Bill 2564 to the Council just prior to this meeting.
Councilor Lonergan declared a conflict of interest since he works for Allied Waste which
owns United Disposal and he has business dealings with United Disposal.
Councilor Sifuentez introduced Council Bill 2564. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title
only since there were no objections from the Council.
Bob Sigloh, representing United Disposal Service, requested an 8% overall increase in
rates which is approximately $1.00 - $2.00 per month to Woodburn residents depending
upon the size of the service package. The last rate increase was in 1997 and, with the
increased cost in equipment and general operational costs, they feel that they have held a
tight line in overall expenses. In 2002, there was a pass-through rate adjustment to
customers since Marion County had subsidized the yard debris disposal program up until
2002 and after that date, customers would have to pay the full cost of disposal.
Councilor McCallum stated that there has been no rate adjustment over the past 8 years
and requesting an 8% increase at this time seems to be a reasonable request. He also
expressed his appreciation to United Disposal for being an excellent member of the
Councilor Nichols questioned if United Disposal was considering the large blue
Mr. Sigloh stated that he had been discussing that program with the City Administrator
and if the City is interested, it would be up to the City Council as to whether or not that
program would go into effect. Of the cities that have implemented the program, they
initially hear complaints from customers about the size of the containers but once they get
use to it, they have a harder time pulling that program out ofthe community than they had
putting the program in place. The yard debris program was the same with a lot of up front
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concerns but now the customers seem to like the carts.
Councilor Cox stated that this was a modest increase and the rates being charged are
competitive with other surrounding areas.
On roll call vote for final passage, the motion passed unanimously (Councilor Lonergan
did not vote on this bill). Mayor Figley declared Council Bill 2564 duly passed.
Council Bill 2565 was introduced by Councilor Sifuentez. Recorder Tennant read the bill
by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final
passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill 2565 duly
Bids were received from the following contractors: D & A General Contractors, Inc.,
$329,220.00; 2KG Contractors, Inc., $364,815.25; Nomarco, Inc., $390,075.74; D & D
Concrete Utilities, $391,876.00; Axis Curb Company, $416,180.35; Paul Brothers,
$440,618.25; JP Contractors, Inc., $540,882.00; and Brock Construction, $877,970.00.
COX/NICHOLS ... award the bid for the Downtown Plaza construction project Phase I to
D & A General Contractors, Inc., for $329,220.00 and delegate to the City Administrator
the authority to award the contract for a negotiated price not to exceed $329,220.00.
City Attorney Shields stated that staff had made a recommendation to reject the other two
bids as not responsive.
BJELLANDIMCCALLUM... amend the motion to reject the bid of No marco, Inc as not
responsive since it contained mathematical inconsistencies between unit prices and totals
and lacked the required unit price information; and further reject the bid from of2KG
Contractors Inc as not responsive because the First Tier Subcontractor Disclosure Form
was not submitted as required by statute.
Councilor Cox questioned why the motion to reject is necessary since those bids were
higher than the lowest responsible bidder.
City Attorney agreed that the not responsive bids were higher but staff had included this
just to cover all of its bases since staff does not have the authority to reject bids.
The motion to amend the motion passed unanimously.
Administrator Brown briefly reviewed how he intends to negotiate this contract so that the
price will be locked as if all of the work will be completed and yet the City has the right to
instruct the contractor not to perform certain landscaping and/or furnishing items in the
event the City cannot obtain all of the funding to complete the project.
The motion to award the contract passed unanimously.
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BJELLAND/LONERGAN... under the authority ofORS 223.210, the Council accept the
Bancroft Bond application submitted by Jorge Bouchain, 1051 Orchard Lane, which was
filed after the 10-day filing period on the E. Hardcastle Local Improvement District. The
motion passed unanimously.
COXlBJELLAND... direct staff to use as a guideline for what ordinances should or
should not have emergency clause the standards outlined in City Attorney Shield's memo.
Councilor Cox stated that the memo clearly sets forth the idea that certain actions
definitely need to have an emergency clause. He feels that this is important since not
everything the Council does is an emergency and the voters of the City have the right to
call up the Council's actions by initiative petition to challenge an ordinance unless it has
an emergency on it. In his opinion, there should be some thought given to the applicability
of an emergency clause.
Councilor McCallum stated that he did not have a problem with laying out the guidelines
but he did not want to hamper staff or the Council in making the decision to include an
emergency clause.
Administrator Brown stated that future staff reports will include a reason as to why the
emergency clause has been added to the proposed ordinance.
The motion passed unanimously.
DBA: WOODBURN STOP-N-GO 000 Arney Road).
BJELLAND/LONERGAN.... approve a change of ownership application for Woodburn
Councilor McCallum expressed his concern about gasoline convenience stores providing
alcoholic beverages and, in this case, it is a change of ownership and change in personnel.
A key issue is proper training of staff and he asked Chief Russell to provide some
background information on the OLCC Vendor Program.
Chief Russell stated that the Responsible Vendor Program entails the training of staff,
some agreements by the licensee that they will train staff within 3 days of hire, agreements
that they will conduct themselves in a certain fashion, and it allows the vendor to escape
some sanction in the event they participate and yet they are found to have sold alcohol to a
minor. This is a voluntary program, however, some cities make a suggestion to the
applicant that they participate in this program.
Councilor McCallum stated that he would like to look at strengthening the training
programs since he feels that there are a number of businesses that are lacking in this area.
The motion passed 5-1 with Councilor Nichols voting nay.
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STATION (formerly known as Exxon at 850 Lawson Avenue).
A new Off Premise Sales liquor license application was submitted by A1i Zghou1 who will
be operating a 24-hour gas station and convenience store with alcohol sales during
approved hours.
Councilor Cox questioned if this business recently opened a convenience store.
Chief Russell stated that it is the intent of the owner to begin having a full-service
convenience store at that location.
Councilor McCallum questioned if the granting of this license prior to having a store
would be allowed.
Chief Russell stated that the applicant would have to follow OLCC rules. Under Oregon
Administrative Rules, the City has to complete our process within 30 days whereas OLCC
can hold off on making a final determination until such time as the applicant has
completed their construction before an actual license is granted.
LONERGAN/COX... approve the new outlet application for Woodburn Station. The
motion passed 5-1 with Councilor Nichols voting nay.
City Administrator Brown recommended the appointment of Public Works Director
Tiwari as Administrator Pro-Tern while he is on vacation March 18, 2005 through March
BJELLAND/NICHOLS... appoint Public Works Director Tiwari as City Administrator
Pro-Tern for the period of March 18,2005 through March 27, 2005. The motion passed
Tape 3
Councilor Lonergan expressed his appreciation of City Attorney Shields efforts to keep the
Council up to date on Measure 37 issues citing the example of the waiver which was
adopted by the Council at this meeting.
Councilor McCallum stated that Relay for Life had their kickoff event last Wednesday at
Tukwila Center for Health and Medicine. The Relay will be held on June 24 and 25, 2005
and he thanked the Mayor for attending this event.
Councilor McCallum also stated that there has been a lot of news on drought conditions
for this year and he questioned if the City has a plan that can be utilized to get residents to
conserve water.
Public Works Director Tiwari stated that staff is prepared better than in the past but the
City has not had as much of a water problem than some communities since our water is
drawn from wells. The underground water strata is not expected to drop too much in a
year. However, the City still promotes water conservation and more information will be
made available to the residents in Mayor June.
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Councilor Bjelland thanked City Administrator Brown for his efforts in submitting the
request to Representative Darlene Hooley which resulted in the allocation of $1 M
in earmarked federal funds for the Woodburn interchange proj ect. This was a surprise to a
lot of people but it was the Administrator's diligence to put forth the effort and Woodburn
will benefit from this action. It will also help him in his role as Chair for MW ACT in
keeping the interchange project alive for future funding. He also stated that the first
meeting of the Area Managers of the different Area Commissions on Transportation
(ACT) was held recently for the purpose of discussing issues that are common to the
different areas. In the meeting, he suggested that the ACT's to be more proactive in
promoting a financing mechanism that will better address Oregon's transportation needs
because the existing situation is such that the State is falling behind with their funding and
not being able to keep pace with the cost of inflation nor with the cost of doing the various
Councilor Cox questioned the status of the funds that were earmarked.
Councilor Bjelland stated that it was a house bill and the next step is conference
committee and hopefully it will survive that next level. He also suggested that an alternate
be named for his position in case he is unable to attend an MW ACT meeting.
Councilor Cox agreed to go as an alternate when needed.
Mayor Figley stated that she and Administrator Brown had spent some time in discussions
with Senator Courtney and Representative Komp with particular reference to some issues
involving land use, the fallout from Measure 37, and funding for medium-sized
transportation projects. She also stated that she suggested that right-of-way be purchased
now because land prices continue to escalate making the total project cost even higher if
the State waited to acquire right-of-way close to the time in which our interchange project
is nearing construction phase.
Mayor Figley stated that she did go to the bond closing today for the Police Facility bonds.
This closing was delayed since it was originally scheduled for the same day in which the
PERS decision was announced and the bond underwriters and bond counsel wanted to
review the decision before the transaction was finalized. The City now has $6.8 M in the
bank to build a new police facility.
Administrator Brown stated that the Council had approved an additional phase of the
Renaissance Home project and in that project there was a condition that there would be a
second access into the development. The City did not have the ability to demand a paved
access since the access point went out across County property and onto Boones Ferry
Road. The conditions stated that the applicant would make a good faith effort to seek a
goal exception from Marion County and, if it that was not possible, then it would be
required to pave the access at the time the project area would be included in the urban
growth boundary. The applicant made the good faith effort and the Marion County
Hearings Officer did not feel that there was enough information to recommend approval of
the goal exception. A hearing was held before the County Commissioners last week and
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they made a decision to approve the goal exception. The next step is for the
Commissioners to adopt a final order. The roadway will be completed as a fully
constructed road improvement rather than an emergency access.
NICHOLSIMCCALLUM... meeting be adjourned.
The meeting adjourned at 10: 18 p.m..
ATTEST (]!r~~
M Te t, Recorder
City of Woodburn, Oregon
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