June 25, 2020 Special meeting minutes COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES
JUNE 25, 2020
CONVENED The meeting convened at 12:00 p.m. with Mayor Swenson presiding.
Mayor Swenson Present
Councilor Carney Present
Councilor Cornwell Present -via video conferencing
Councilor Schaub Present -via video conferencing
Councilor Morris Present -via video conferencing
Councilor Ellsworth Present -via video conferencing
Councilor Cabrales Present
Staff Present (via video conferencing): City Administrator Derickson, City Attorney
Shields, Assistant City Administrator Row, Assistant City Attorney Granum, Community
Development Director Kerr, Police Chief Ferraris, Communications Coordinator Moore,
City Recorder Pierson
Mayor Swenson entertained a motion to adjourn into executive session under the authority
of ORS 192.660 (2)(h) and ORS 192.660 (2)(f). Morris/Carney... move into executive
session. The motion passed unanimously. The Council adjourned to executive session at
12:02 p.m. and reconvened at 12:48 p.m. Mayor Swenson stated that no action was taken
by the Council while in executive session.
Carney/Ellsworth... that the City Council authorize City staff to initiate against Marion
County whatever enforcement action is necessary, up to and including litigation,to ensure
that Marion County is in compliance with the Woodburn land use regulations applicable to
821 Evergreen Road.
Lorrie Cox stated that she thinks TOT money that would come in from this agreement
would be great however, she has concerns about it being located next to rehab facilities
that our 55 plus environments. She added that she wanted safety and security monitored at
this location and hopes that complacency doesn't set it.
Councilor Ellsworth stated that she wanted to make it clear that this is not a joint venture
between the City and Marion County and added that Marion County did this without
consulting the City, coming before the City Council or allowing any community input.
Councilor Carney stated that a public process should of occurred.
Councilor Cabrales stated that this is a good idea and needed but that there was a lack of
communication on this and she has a lot of questions for the County.
Councilor Moms stated that he doesn't thinly it is a bad idea to have a Covid isolation
facility but he is disappointed with the process. He added that he received around 40 emails
stating that this is not good for the community. As community leaders we need to listen to
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JUNE 25, 2020
the population and do what's right for the community,
Councilor Schaub stated that she lives in Woodburn Estates and Golf near the Super 8 hotel
and she has received quite a few emails as well. Her constituents are extremely concerned
about this and hopes that the community realizes that we were not informed of this and
were taken by surprise, She added that there is a peaceful protest at the hotel today at 3:00.
City Administrator Derickson stated that they recently spoke with Marion County about
the City's concerns and questions on this issue and that he invited the Commissioners to a
meeting in July to start this process with the City,
Councilor Ellsworth stated that she is also concerned that the migrant farmer population is
being thrown in with parolees. She also has concerns about who is cleaning the rooms or
delivering food and possibly getting infected and bringing it into the community.
Councilor Cornwell stated that she is okay with using this for community members who
need to self-isolate there but has concerns about bringing people in.
Councilor Cabrales stated she would like to ask the County if they are going to put
community members first for these rooms at the facility,
City Administrator Derickson added that there is going to have to be a plan in place for
first responders and how they are going to be responding to any issues at this location.
Chief Ferraris stated that they are still waiting for some details on what their responsibility
might be and impacts on public safety. He added that he has not seen the security plan yet.
Councilor Cabrales asked how moving forward we can make sure there is better
communication with the County.
Mayor Swenson stated that he was disappointed when the conversations went from
homeless people and migrant workers being housed to then throwing in parolees. He also
was disappointed that nothing was said by the Commissioners, He thanked the City
Administrative,City Attorney, Chief of Police and Planning Director for their work on this,
On toll call vote the motion passed unanimously.
Ellsworth/Schaub,- meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 1:31 p.m.
( --
Heather Pierson, City Recorder
City of Woodburn, Oregon
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