Agenda - 09/24/1990 CITY OF WOODBURN- 270 Montgomery Street · Woodburn, Oregon 97071 . 982-5222 AGENDA WOODBURN CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 24, 1990 WORKSHOP - 6:45 P.M. Special workshop to receive information regarding the potential design element of installing a landscaped median on Highway 99E from Highway 214 to the north city limits. REGULAR AGENDA - 7: 30 P .M . 1. CALL TO ORDER AND FLAG SALUTE 2. ROLL CALL 3. MINUTES A. City Council Workshop minutes of September 10 and regular meeting minutes of September 10, 1990. B. Planning commission minutes of August 23, 1990. C. Recreation and Park Board minutes of August 6 and September 17, 1990. 3A 3B 3C D. Woodburn Fire District Board minutes of August 14, 1990. 3D 4. APPOINTMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Appointment: Recreation & Park Board position. 5. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Chamber of Commerce 6. COMMUNICA1IONS A. Written - none 7. BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC A. t~eadowpark PUD improvements - Homeowner~s request for hearing. Page 1 - Agenda, Woodburn City Council Meeting of Sept. 24, 1990. 8. PUBLIC HEARING 9. TABLED BUSINESS 10. GENERAL BUSINESS A. Council Bill No. 1250 - Resolution authorizing lease agreement with School bus Transportation Services, Inc. lOA B. Council Bill No. 1251 - Resolution committing city participation in the infrastructure development of the HWI project and entering into a pre- lOB liminary development agreement. C. Request for hearing regarding proposed land use. 10C 11. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS 12. PUBLIC COMMENT 13. NEW BUSINESS 14. SITE PLAN ACTIONS 15. STAFF REPORTS A. Housing Rehab Update. 15A B. Library Update. 15B 16. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS 17. ADJOURNMENT Page 2 - Agenda, Woodburn City Council of Sept. 24, 1990. TAPE READING 0420 0425 0429 0436 0487 0990 311 COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES september 10, 1990 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, SEPTEMBER 10, 1990. CONVENED. The council met at 8:55 p.m. to review the Wastewater Facilities Plan ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor councilor councilor Councilor Kirksey Hagenauer Jennings Kyser Minard sifuentez steen Present Present Present Present Present Present Present staff Present: Administrator Quinn, Public Works Director Tiwari, Pubic Works Program Manager Rohman, Wastewater superintendent Sinclair Public Works Director Tiwari reviewed the need for modifications to the Wastewater treatment plant. Modifications are required to meet new discharge requirements based upon Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). Daria Wightman, consultant for CH2M-Hill, reviewed the proposed contract with the city for preparation of the facility plan for wastewater treatment plant modifications. New requirements for TMDLS for the Woodburn plant will be released by DEQ within three to five months. She discussed various alternatives that would be considered in the project planning process. nuring the review of treated wastewater disposal ~ptions, the council directed that one of the options, discharge to the willamette River, be dropped from consideration as an option. Gorden Merseth from CH2M discussed financial planning information that would -be-prepared and analysis of rate options. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. 3/1 COUBCIL KEETIBG HIRO~ES September 10, 1990 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, SEPTEMBER 10, 1990. 0003 CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. 0007 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Counci lor Counci 1 or Councilor Councilor Kirksey Hagenauer Jennings Kyser Minard Sifuentez steen Present Present Present Present Present Present Present staff Present: City Administrator Quinn, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Police Chief Wright, Park & Recreation Director Holly, Library Director Sprauer 0015 MINUTES. JENNINGS/KYSER....approve the Council minutes of August 27, 1990; accept the Library Board minutes of August 15, 1990, the Downtown Association minutes of August 14, 21, & 27, 1990, and RSVP Advisory Council minutes of June 11, 1990. The motion passed unanimously. 0035 FILINGS FOR CITY ELECTIVE POSITIONS. Mayor Kirksey informed the public that the following individuals had submitted the required number of signatures for nomination to the following city elective positions: Mayor: Richard Jennings, Len Kelly, and Fred Kyser Councilor - Ward III: Donald Hagenauer Councilor - Ward IV: Joe Galvin Councilor - Ward V: Kathy Figley Mayor Kirksey also suggested that the newly elected Mayor continue the practice of starting each Council meeting with the flag salute which she initiated during her tenure in office. 008Q STAFF RESPONSE RE: TRAFFIC HAZARD AT WILSON & HAWLEY STREET. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that the staff had replaced the stop sign at the intersection, painted stop bars on the street, and installed a new stop sign on the half street approach from the apartment building complex. No action was taken by the Council on this issue. 0140 Irv Canfield, 205 E. Lincoln st., expressed concern over speeding vehicular traffic between the railroad tracks and Corby Street. He stated that the Police Department has responded to the concerns outlined in the Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 10, 1990 TAPE READING 0770 0925 1019 1187 1197 311 COUNCIL MEETIRG MINUTES September 10, 1990 petition submitted to the Council on August 13th, however, the area is still having problems and the department should pay more attention to their particular area. He indicated that his brief research of other states using the radar sign to advise motorists of their speed is not an effective way of reducing speed and a patrol car in the area is the only way traffic speed would be reduced. Councilor Sifuentez stated that there were problems allover the City and she felt the Police Department was trying to respond to their needs along with those of others within the community. she suggested that citizens, staff, and Council work together to solve existing problems. Scott Hampton, 680 Cupids ct., stated that he has observed motorists speeding once they cross the railroad tracks driving east until they reach Washington School. He requested police department assistance to control the traffic in there particular neighborhood. PROCLAMATION - CONSTITUTIOR WEEK. Mayor Kirksey read the proclamation declaring the week of September 17 - 23, 1990 as Constitution Week within the City and urged citizens to pay spceial attention to the Constitution and the advantage of American Citizenship. Councilor Minard requested that the proclamation be forwarded to the public and private schools to be read to the students during Constitution Week. KEDIAN BARRIERS ON HIGHWAY 99E NORTH OF HIGHWAY 214. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that the State Highway Department is in the process of finalizing the design of a proposed landscaped median ban ier on Highway 99E north of Highway 214 to the city limits. He requested that the Council hold a workshop on September 24th with representatives from the Highway Division and city staff. A public hearing would be scheduled in October to discuss the proposal. M]NA~D/SIFUENTEZ.... hold the workshop on September 24, 1990 and a public hearing at the first meeting in October as recommended by staff. The motion passed unanimously. LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION - LA PETITE DELI. Police Chief Wright recommended the approval of a change of ownership ]jq\!';( license application submitted by Marilyn Paradis. KySER/JENNINGS.... approve the liquor license application of La Petite Deli. The motion passed unanimously. BID AWARD - FRONT STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. Bids for the street improvement between Cleveland and Harrison streets were received from the following contractors: Roy L. Houck Construction, $62,923.10; and North Santiam Paving, $88,275.00. The Director recummended the acceptance of the low bid which was 4.25% above the engineer's estimate. Discussion was held regarding the use of City matching funds to resurface the street, and make necessary drainage and curb improvements. Under the Housing Rehabiliation grant, the City is required to make public works Page 2 - Councll Meeting Minutes, September 10, 1990 ,-:- ..~;,.." > '-;::;f>>;~:~l}~-;"~;,.~ ;':' TAPE READING 1530 1555 1941 2030 2057 2179 311 COUNCIL MEETING MIRUTES September 10, 1990 improvements utilizing city funds other than property taxes and this particular grant year allows the City to make an improvement in an area other than a residential district. Funds have previously been transferred from State Revenue Sharing to complete this project. KySER/STEEN.... award the contract to Roy L. Houck Construction in the amount of $62,923.10 for the Front street improvement project. The motion passed unanimously. CLAIMS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1990. SIFUENTEZ/HAGENAUER.... approve claims '2160 - 2214 in the amount of $749,286.08 for the month of August 1990. The motion passed unanimously. DISCUSSION ON BALLOT MEASURE '5 - PROPERTY TAX LIMITATION INITIATIVE. Mayor Kirksey expressed concern regarding the impact of the initiative measure if it is approved by the Oregon voters in November. The services provided by Marion County, Woodburn Fire District, and the City would be reduced by approximately 28.7%. Further discussion was held on various methods that could be used to disseminate the information to the public not only locally but statewide. The Mayor expressed her opinion that the Council was sensitive to issue of high property taxes, however, did not feel that the initiative before the voters was a responsible way of reducing property taxes. MINARD/SIFUENTEZ...Council go on record as opposing this initiative as an irresponsible measure. The motion 5-0-1 with Jennings abstaining. Administrator Quinn briefly reviewed the status of the proposed development of industrial property in West Woodburn. He stated that the development looks positive at this time and staff is submitting necessary information to the State for potential infrastructure grants. It is hoped that improved utility service in that area will stimulate economic growth on the industrial property in West Woodburn. Councilor Sifuentez questioned the status of the leaf pick-up program. Director Tiwari stated that the City would follow the last year's program. Councilor steen questioned if speed bumps were allowed on public roads. Director Tiwari stated that he had not researched the legality.of placing speed bumps on public roads, however, the large buttons on public roads are allowed. Some discussion was held regarding the use of the buttons as a method of reducing the speed of vehicular traffic. Councilor Minard stated that he is a member of the Church located at E. Lincoln and Cupids Court and that he has noticed a difference in the speed of vehicular traffic over the last several weeks. He also suggested that Community Service Awards be presented to (1) Dennis Miller and AI's Fruit & Shrub for the landscape planter near Hwy. 214/Settlemier, (2) Garden Club for Cowan Park, and (3) to the individual who resides on N. Cascade and maintains a small landscaped corner at the intersection of W. Lincoln and Cascade Drive. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 10, 1990 ~ '.,~. _~ r. :-...-;-:: .3,4 COUBCIL HEE'l'IBG MllU'l'ES September 10, 1990 TAPE READING It was the consensus of the Council to present the awards at the September 24th Council meeting. In regards to the Farmfest activities, Councilor Minard stated that the Farmfest parade will be held on October 6th, 11:00 a.m., and he invited the Council to participate in the parade. Farmfest will be held October 12 - 14, 1990, and the Ag Olympics is scheduled for Octob~r 13th. He suggested that the Council and/or city staff form a 6-person team to participate in the program. 2502 Councilor Jennings questioned the anticipated completion date of Cleveland Street. Director Tiwari stated that if the weather holds, the street will be completed by November. Poor weather conditions would delay the completion date until early spring. 2585 ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.. APPROVED Nancy A. Kirksey, Mayor ATTEST Mary Tennant, Deputy Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon '" Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 10, 1990 . ,:,. ....:~....- . ,,';,-':,. :.~~;.;~~.f~ ~';.'.: 6597 3.8- MINUTES WOODBURN PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 23, 1990 1) ROLL: President vice President commissioner commissioner commissioner commissioner commissioner commissioner Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Johnson Getman Valieres Warzynski Park shillig Sprauer Rappleyea Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Absent staff steve Goeckritz 2 ) MINUTES: The Planning commission minutes for were excepted as written. The city council minutes of were accepted as written The Woodburn Downtown Association minutes of were excepted as written. 3) COMMUNICATIONS: None 4) PUBLIC HEARINGS: Conditional Use Case 90-02 Rose of Sharon Evangelical Association staff read the necessary statement to begin the hearing. staff reported that the applicant wished to use the ltold city halllt as a outreach center. Staff explalned the uses allowed in the Historic District. staff also explained the uses not permitted in the Historic District. Staff recommended that this proposal be approved for the social services outreach. '" , "';'[<'.',',r;'./r':-::;~'~:~~:,,/'\.... 4 6834 6852 6885 6903 6961 7110 7161 48- staff read a letter into the record from the Woodburn Downtown Association that stated--c:the Woodburn Downtown Association had no objection to the use of this building by Rose of Sharon Evangelical Association as long as the proposed uses are those permitted in the Historic District. President Johnson asked staff if on the boarding issue, did that mean they could not house staff as they requested. AAre you saying that their staff could not be housed there.~ Staff stated that there is Grandfathered a family living in the "old city hall". We would have to say one family. commissioner Getman stated for the record that he was a member of the board for the Food Bank, also an employee of the Mid-Willamette Valley community Action Agency and the above agencies have looked at this building asa possible site to move to. He did not feel that this would be a conflict of interest but wished to have it become part of public record. President Johnson asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished to speak for this proposal. Zoe Nasset, 3606 SE 42nd Ave. #2, Portland, asked what was meant by one family. She stated that they expect to have 10 people staying there. President Johnson asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished to speak against this proposal. There were none. He asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak for this proposal. Father Paul Lugan, Providence Hospital, Portland, stated that he was trying to help Ms. Nasset get started with this project. commissioner Warzynski stated that she was wondering about the financial aspects of this project as the building is quite run down and in need of repair. staff answered that it would be costly to bring it up to code in order to have residents. staff stated that at this time the building does not meet any building code standards. The cost could be quite substantial. Ms. Nasset stated that they had looked into this and they had people who would help with the work. ;36 The help would be volunteers. As for materials the owner has stated that he. would help provide these. President Johnson asked Ms. Nasset if when she stated 10 people was that just during construction. Ms. Nasset stated that number was used in case there were more than 5 people necessary. 7259 President Johnson asked if the services were as to require people to be there day and night. Ms. Nasset stated that there weren't many places to stay while these people were volunteering their time. They would not be receiving much salary. 7293 commissioner Sprauer stated that she had concerns about parking. staff answered that the parking lot behind the post office had been utilized in the past. staff also stated that no one could reside in a building that did not meet code. The building would have to be brought up to code in order for anyone to reside in it. 7341 commissioner Getman stated that he wanted to clarify that because it was grandfathered in one family could stay there. staff stated that under the building code that the family living there probably shouldn't be there. staff also stated that individuals not related by blood or marriage did not constitute a family under the definition of our own ordinance. 7496 Commissioner Shillig asked if the grandfather clause only covered the family that was living there now. staff answered yes. That if that family moved out they could loose their grandfather rights if they stayed out for six months. 7531 commissioner Getman stated that it was his understanding that with the grandfather clause, Ms. Nasset and her son could move in with out doing anything to the building. staff answered yes, they felt that it was unsafe, but it was grandfathered. ~fJ- commissioner Getman asked if the res~- of the building would have to be brought up to code to accommodate any other uses they wished to do. Staff answered yes. 7568 President Johnson asked if there were any more questions. There were none. He asked if the applicant wished to add anything further. They did not. Staff stated that the uses the applicant wanted to use this for were allowed, but the residential services were not. The staff is wholeheartedly hoping the applicant will carry through with these services. 7637 John Nasset, 3606 SE 42nd, Portland, stated that it is impossible to commute back and forth, not only financially but physically impossible to run two centers. The only reason they considered bringing staff down was to do the work. 7681 President Johnson stated that the ordinance doesn't allow for residents on the premises. That is the primary concern of the Commission. He asked if there was any further discussion or action. 7725 commissioner Warzynski suggested that Ms. Nasset and her son only live there and the help find lodging elsewhere. A condition of only no others living there. President Johnson asked if there was any more discussion. commissioner Getman stated that the Catholic Church on Harrison street had a building they were no longer using. He wondered if it would be possible to tie it in with this program. 8955 Evangelina Sanchez, 671 Corby street, she felt that the "old city hallll was a wasted empty space. She felt that if these people wanted to bring it up to code and use it for an outreach center it should be allowed. President Johnson stated that the only issue was anyone residing at the hearing. He closed the public hearing and asked if there was any further discussion or comments. 9002 9045 9109 9123 9237 . '~~~'i>.;'h'}.~f.f~~::-~:;~~:.~~ 3,6- commissioner Getman stated that it was a conditional use in front of the commission not a variance. A variance would have to be requested. President Johnson asked for any motions or suggestions. commissioner Getman made the motion to approve Conditional Use Case #90-02 as presented by staff. commissioner Warzynski seconded the motion. A vote was taken and Conditional Use Case #90-02 was approved with 5 yes, 2 no. commissioner Getman asked staff if a variance and site Plan Review would be needed to do what they were asking to do. staff answered yes, they would need to go through a site Plan Review and Variance process. UNFXNXSHED BUSINESS: Subdivision Ordinance Amendments Case #90-02 Postponed until after reports. REPORTS: staff reported that the applicant wished to enlarge the parking area at the French prairie School. It does require site plan approval. commissioner Getman asked if the Boones Ferry project was finally up to code. They are asking for more construction and they haven't fulfilled prior Obligations. staff stated they would look at the old permit and if there is conditio~s in it that they didn't meet our Code Enforcement Officer will remind the school of these conditions. Commissioner Getman stated that he felt Disabled Parking should be addressed at the District Office. Bob Wood, Engineer, 1193 Royland Ave., Salem, stated that the School District was trying to provide disabled access with this application. There are to be eight (8) disabled parking spaces. 9319 9673 9726 1050 ~-. ..~:~;.~~:S~~~~,(;~~ ~-- 38 staff stated that the seven diagrams for the Subdivision were located in the back of the document. Staff asked if there were any modifications that the Commission wished to make, if not staff would like to take this to the City Council for review. commissioner Shillig made the motion to accept case #90-02 as written. Commissioner Warzynski seconded the motion. commissioner Getman asked that a copy of this be sent to ever Chamber Committee member as to when it will go before Council. A vote was taken and passed unanimously. staff incorporated a document from the.Parks Board for the Commission to review and write down your comments. It will give the Park Board a look at your concerns about this community. staff informed the Commission about some potential future projects that may build in Woodburn. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the Planning Commission meeting adjourned. .3~ MINUTES RECREATION AND PARKS BOARD REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 6. 1990 7:30PM - COMMUNITY CENTER CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:35prn in the upstairs conference room of the Woodburn Cornmunity Center by Chairwoman Kathy Figley. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Chairwoman Kathy Figley, Sue Fofona Dura. Linda Harnilton and Victor Alvarado Members Absent: Jack Mitchoff and Andy Yanez Staff Present: Nevin Holly. Director; John Pitt. Parks Superintendent, Terry Williams leisure Supervisor; Shirley Pitt. Parks Secretary and Renee Boeckman, Swirn Pool Manager III APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Recreation and Parks Board Minutes of July 9, 1990 were submitted for approval. MOTION: S. FOFONA DURA: Motion to approve July 9. 1990 Recreation and Parks Board Minutes as written. V. ALVARADO: Seconded the Motion. Motion passed unanimously. IV APPROVAL OF AGENDA The Agenda for the August 6, 1990 Recreation and Parks Board Meeting was subrnitted for approval. Kathy Figley asked that an a resolution frorn the Board expressing their support of the Recreation Center be placed under New Business. Nevin Holly asked that the Pool Report (Renee Boeckman) be placed under Division Reports and asked that it be first on the agenda as Renee had to be in Canby as soon as possible and had not been notified until late in the day she was to be at the rneeting. MOTION: S. FOFONA DURA: Motion to accept the Agenda as presented with additions. V. ALVARADO: Seconded the Motion. Motion passed unanimously. V DIVISION REPORTS A. Renee Boeckman - Swim Pool Manager Renee, who took over position as Manager in August after Manager Torn Lonergan left told the Board that although they had had rnajor gang related problems at the beginning of the Season it had eased up and things were becoming rnanageable now. Attendance has not been as high as she would have liked, however August is the time for family vacations and the weather had not been cooperative. She complirnented her staff, said they were young and had had rninor difficulties at the beginning of the season, they also have eased up. On the whole she felt the staff JC" Page - 2 Park Board Minutes August 6. 1990 had been responsible and responsive. Sue Fofona Dura said she had spent a great deal of time at the pool this summer and was disappointed with the attitudes of some of the guards and said she was happy Renee felt their attitudes had improved. She especially noted this in the attitudes of the swim tearn personnel. Terry Williams praised Renee for her work at the pool and wanted the Board to know he felt she had done a good job. B. John Pitt. Parks Superintendent John told the Board he felt very positive about the work that had been done by his crew and part time help this summer. For the first time in many years, due to the ability to hire part-time adult surnmer employees, as well as the help of 17 youth from Mid Willamette Job Council, Parks Maintenance was able for the most part to keep on top of the work. One of their rnost rewarding jobs was completing the work at Senior Estates Park. Irrigation is now in. and working, horseshoe pits are being used, picnic tables and checker board tables are also frequently used. Wally Orlander installed a drinking fountain (volunteer work) in the park and did a quality job. John said he felt it was definitely an added attraction. He has written Mr. Orlander and thanked him for his volunteer work. The Mexican Fiesta went very smoothly with virtually no problerns, the folks frorn the Fiesta cleaned up and kept a tight reign on their activities making Parks job much easier. About the only thing John reported he would like to see changed next year was the Park Patrol Position. This position needs to be under the Park Department. It is a vital part of keeping control of activities in the Parks and this year with gang activity at an all time high, part time Park Patrol was not effective. John said he and Nevin would be working toward getting this position reinstated into the Parks Budget for next year. Nevin thanked John and his Crew for an excellent job this surnmer and said everyone benefitted from the excellent conditions of the parks this surnrner. C. Terry Williams. leisure Supervisor Terry said he had just returned from a week's vacation and was busy winding down frorn the surnmer activities. He said the fall and winter brochure is almost ready to go to press and should be out sometime next week. Because of budget cuts he and Brian will be looking for alternate funding in order to keep sorne of his programs going. Terry is looking forward to the first Hispanic Softball Tournament which will be held her next weekend. Said it would be a real asset to the community. There will also be an Youth tournament on September 9th and 9th as well as an adult softball tournament the same dates. This tournament will be rnore social than competitive and Terry said he felt it would go over real well. For the first time Parks are offering a Flag Football Prograrn this fall. Terry said he was not sure of the turn out but felt it would be high. Q(!.., Page - 3 Park Board Minutes August 6, 1990 Terry complemented Ann Marie Chaney and Jena Jacobsen for a excellent job working with the younger kids this summer. They had a great turn out for all their programs and none were canceled due to lack of participation. Nevin thanked Terry and Brian for an excellent job this surnmer. VI EXECUTIVE SESSION MOTION: S. FOFONA DURA: Moved that the Board move into Executive Session at 8:40pm under ORS 192.660 (1 )(a) to discuss personnel matter. V. ALVARADO: Seconded the Motion. Motion passed unanimously. MOTION: L. HAMILTON: Moved the Board resume with regular meeting at 9:15pm. S. FOFONA DURA: Seconded the Motion Motion passed unanimously. VII BUSINESS FROM THE DIRECTOR Director Holly told the Board that he had been working with Planning Director and been receiving replies from his requests for other City's Master Plans. Nevin told the Board he feels it is important that the Board begin with this project. This will be a continuing Agenda Item. A packet will be sent to the Board during the next few weeks and should be discussed at the next meeting. Director said he is still negotiating with Keith Robinson, School Superintendent regarding the land/building exchange and will know rnore after the School Board Meeting next week. The Cornputers should be here in the next week or two and the staff is very anxiously awaiting their arrival. Nevin said he had been talking with John Taylor from the Train Committee who was very concerned after hearing a rumor that Portland wanted to take Engine 1789. Nevin said he is following up on this rurnor, however felt it was not a possibility. VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:50prn. 3t!J MINUTES RECREATION AND PARKS BOARD REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1990 7:30PM. COMMUNITY CENTER CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:37pm in the upstairs conference room of the Community Center by Chairwoman Kathy Figley. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Kathy Figley, Sue Fofona Dura, Andy Yanez, Jack Mitchoff and Victor Alvarado. Members Absent: Linda Hamilton (ex) Staff Present: Nevin Holly, Director; Shirley Pitt, Secretary; John Pitt, Parks Superintendent; Terry Williams, Leisure Supervisor. III APPROV AL OF MINUTES None presented. IV APPROV AL OF AGENDA The Agenda for the September 17, 1990 Meeting was presented for additions or revisions. MOTION: J. MITCH OFF: Adopt Agenda for September 17,1990 Meeting as presented. A. YANEZ: Seconded the Motion. Motion passed unanimously. V DIVISION REPORTS A. Maintenance Report. John Pitt, Superintendent John reported that he and his crew had been asked to install surveyance cameras at the Police Department. There will be one in the jail, sallyport and at the 911 station. This will take several days. Fall winterizing of equipment and buildings is underway. Leaves are falling in record numbers. John reported that the parks were still being heavily used, especially by migrants. They are not abusing it, however, it is prohibitive of getting in and preparing for winter. There has been quite a number of incidents regarding unauthorized use of Legion Field. This time of the year Woodburn High School Football has priority use and the grounds need to be specially prepared and kept in order for this. On the weekend unscheduled soccer players have been coming in and tearing up the field, leaving a lot of debris and empty beer/alcohol containers scattered throughout the area. It is difficult to keep on top of this type of unscheduled use, Parks will be entering a float in the Farmfest parade this year and the Parks crew has been working on preparing a theme for the float. Due to disciplinary action Maintenance has been working one man short, however .3~ Page .2 PARK BOARD MINUTES SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 because of the addition of part-time maintenance personnel this absence has been covered. John said that for the most part things were going smoothly. B. Leisure Report, Terry WIlliams, Supervisor Terry reported that the fall programs were underway. The seniors took a trip to Depoe Bay and had a great time. Trip was full. Another trip to the Coast, Newport Sternwheeler on October 10th was filled within the first week and Terry had to add two more vans just to accommodate the many people who wanted to go on this trip. The Community Band and Choir are going, they do not have the participation Terry would like to see, however it is anticipated that the numbers will increase in the coming weeks. Duck Football Tickets are on sale at the Parks Office. Staff is working on the Halloween Party for next month. This party was a huge success last year indicating a need for something for the children. Staff is exploring the poSSibility of having a "Haunted House" as part of the party. Party will be on Friday, October 26th. The Pumpkin Man Contest is now over. Brian Flannigan was Pumpkin Man and the winners were: Kathy Land won a trip for two to Reno and Bamba Fofona Dura won the bike. VI BUSINESS FROM THE DIRECTOR Nevin Holly told the Board that over the past few months it has been difficult to reach a quorum of members and asked if another night would be appropriate and easier for Board Members. MOTION: J. MITCHOFF: Moved to change meetIng date of the Recreation and Parks Board to the first and third Thursday of each month at 7:30pm. Meetings will continue to be held at Community Center. A. YANEZ: Seconded the Motion. Motion passed unanimously. Director reported that he had heard from PGE who offered to do an energy audit of the building owned by the School District free of charge. Nevin said he will be in contact with Marie Kocher of the Woodburn School District and see if this will be possible. A new piece of metal playground equipment has been order for the Park in West Woodburn and should be here soon. The Recreation Center Committee is actively seeking support and will begin to hold fund raising activities. Their whole group is becoming very active in this endeavor. This type of a facility is becoming more and more important as it seems more businesses are locating in Woodburn. Also, the newest census showed that Woodburn has increased about 2000 in population. .3(!.., Page -3 PARK BOARD MINUTES SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 Nevin reminded the Board that there was a vacancy on the Park Board as Jose Castro had moved from the City and had to resign. Larry Watson had been a candidate the last time a vacancy had occurred and would be willing to serve on the Board if asked. MOTION: J. MITCHOFF: Recommend to the Mayor that Larry Watson be appoInted to replace Jose castro. Term to expire December 31, 1993. S. FOFONA DURA: Moved to second the Motion. Motion passed unanimously. Director will contact the Mayor with this recommendation. VII BUSINESS FROM THE BOARD: Jack Mitchoff thanked John Pitt and his crew on behalf of residents in Senior Estates for the great job he and his crew had done to Senior Estates Park. VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:45pm. Next Meeting Date: Thursday, October 8, 1990 (6:30pm to 7:30pm workshop meeting on ComprehensIve Plan. Thursday, October 8,1990 - 7:30pm Regular Park Board Meeting. ~ 3D WOODBtJRR FIRE DISTRICT BOARD OP DIRBC'l"OBS 1usIs'r.l.lN A1JGUS'l' 14, 1990 Meeting called to order by Chairman Reiling at 7:35 p.m. A'J."l'El\1DAHC : Chairman Reiling, Director Weathers, Director McKean, Director Pearmine Staff Present: Keith E. Woodley, Sandee Krupicka, John VanLieu Other. Preaent: Nikki DeBuse - Woodburn Independent, Jamie Audri tsh Minutes : Of July 10, 1990 and July 23, 1990 Executive Session approved as read. McKean/Weathers motion. Treasurer's Report: $1,680.92 - Checking, $468,477.14 - State Pool Payment of Billa: Weathers/McKean motion to approve checks 7676-7748 in the amount of $14,110.81. Carried. staff Reports: John VanLieu reported on status of engine being rebuilt at Tim I s Diesel in Hubbard. Current estimate is about $9,500. Sent heads in today will know more after they have been evaluated. BUSnmss IB PROCESS: 1. Apparatus Bid Results Bid No. 1. 90-1 Fire Engines (3) Western State Fire Apparatus Cornelius, Oregon Beck Fire Apparatus Cloverdale, California $432,792.00 2. $473,856.00 Bid Ho. 1. .. .._~ 2. 90-2 Rescue Vehicle Hughes Fire Equipment Eugene, Oregon Emergency Vehicle, Inc. Lake Park, Florida $61,115,15 $68,000.00 2. 90-3 Air Support Unit LN CUrtis & Sons Oakland, California Hackney & Sons Washington, North Carolina Emergency Vehicle, Inc. Lake Park, Florida $113,672.00 Bid No. 1. $110,055.00 3. $107,000.00 Chief recommended that low bid for each unit be accepted. Pearmine/McKean motion to accept bid results and to award contract to 3D Western States Fire Apparatus for Bid 90-1 Fire Engines - low bid of $432,792.00, and to award contract to Hughes .Fire Equipment for~~id 90-2 Rescue Vehicle - low bid of $61,111.15 and to award contract to Emergency Vehicle, Inc. for Bid 90-3 Air Support Unit - low bid of $107,000.00. Carried unanimous ballot. Projected - 1. Resolution 1991.02 - Transfer of Appropriations. Weathers/Pearmine motion to approve Resolution 1991.02 Carried. 2. Discussed retirement in Shift Captain position scheduled for this spring. Pearmine/McKean motion to direct Civil Service Commission to develop hiring process for Shift Captain position. Carried unanimously. CAO Reports & InfoJ:Jllation: Keith & Tim Dietz have met with Dr. Dennis Winner, our new physician advisor, f~om Salem Hospital. We will be scheduling case reviews for first Wednesday of each month and various training classes. Civil Service Commission scheduled for August 21, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. Underground storage tanks have been removed; tanks looked good, soil looked good. Soil sample has been sent in for testing, will receive results in approximately 2 weeks. Reported on conflagration in Central Oregon - Forest Service does not participate in any structural firefighting so other departments are recruited to provide fire protection for any structures. Lengthy discussion on Training Officer position. Reported on options researched as alternative to full-time position. Discussed regulations regarding training requirements, record keeping, visual certification of skills, etc. Weathers requested APD 151 be mailed with next packet as it pertains to training. Weathers/Pearmine motion to authorize Chief Administrative Officer to fill position of Training Officer and to direct Civil Service Commission to develop hiring process for said position. Carried, with McKean voting against the motion. ADJOURRKBIIT: 8:23 p.m. '. /0/1 M E M 0 TO: city council thru city Administrator FROM: Public Works Program Manager~ SUBJECT: Lease of Land to School Bus Services, Inc. DATE: september 18, 1990 RECOMMENDATION: Approve the resolution allowing the city to lease a portion of land it owns in the Woodburn Industrial Park to School Bus Services, Inc. BACKGROUND: Dorsey bus which was purchased by Mayflower Transportation has used a portion of an approximately 7 acre parcel of city land in the Woodburn Industrial park since 1981 to facilitate its operation of a contract to transport students for the Woodburn School District. This contract was recently awarded to School Bus Services, Inc. of Canby, Oregon by the School District. The city currently has no plans for this land and School Bus Services has indicated a desire to lease the property. A new lease has been drawn up with the assistance of the city Attorney. The lease format has been updated and current standard clauses incorporated. The city may, at its option, allow improvements to the property to remain with no cost to the city .at lease termination. The lease amount was increased from $1,200 to $3,500 annually. This amount is felt to correctly represent its currently value. ~~~~'~::~'~i~. : ~?!~~~-~:~'. . ....:',... ~- ','. :" . ',7;,..... "', ';'."", ~ - " ~ ~ .; ., .. !' / oXl,,:'~: -.: ),~.:-~'~' __ ,12': ,:," . 'f COUNCIL BILL NO. 1:2 ~O RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH SCHOOL BUS SERVICES, INC. WHEREAS, transportation and School EllS Services, Inc. provides pupil to the Woodbu~n School District under a contract; WHEREAS, the City of Woodburn owns a certain parcel of land in Woodburn Industrial Park for which there is no specific use at this time and into the near future; and WHEREAS, School Bus Services, Inc. desires to lease a portion of this parcel of land on a temporary basis to facilitate providing ,.!,-,f.l ...;;u.. T!-IEREFORE pupj J transportatiorl to trj€ ~.~oodblll"n School District; THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS; Section 1. That the Ci ty" of vJoodbul"'n entel'" ~n-:o a. lease agreement with School Bus Services, Inc., said agreement which is attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 2. That the Mayor be authorized to date and sign the agreement on behalf of the city. APPROVED as to form::l7,')*iJ 1J-12~ 0-t~-10 ,-, ..: ........ v~ ~i'. .~:A ttorne"v" r,_~_ ue......1:::'" APF'ROTlED : !,7!l. ~T('l~.T 7\ ............'If_ _ ..."'"1.. KIRKSEY I MP...YOR Passed by Cit}~ Council - ~ . -' - ..... ~ . _.... _ ...... ...... .-.. ,'-.I '-~...... ....:,;......... .... "- c;".... -::c :.~~e :'.~a:;~(;: - - .. .....................--..-- "'~~rid:"''''''''':'/ ;:::~ 'i.-...... ...~_ "''--....-- U'i ......i..:c :"~':::"l'V':" :"i~ec: ir: _""._ ......~~.:_r-. .......~ --.":'i:::: v~......i..__C V~ - - ,.....- c ....- -!""'. ~....~ ~--'--'---.... -.....,- J\fT1TPL;=c:-;t. ...-...~~.w"";,A. Mary ~ennant, ~ep~ty City Recorcer 10 J:J- COONCIL BILL NO. I ~ 6'1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION COMMITTING CITY PARTICIPATION IN THE INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOP- MENT OF THE HARDWARE WHOLESALERS, INC. PROJECT AND ENTERING INTO A PRELIM- INARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the City of Woodburn desires to stimulate economic development for the benefit of the community; and WHEREAS, the City of Woodburn is in need of improving water and sewer linkages in the freeway interchange area to benefit the health and safety of local service; and WHEREAS, the proposed project allows the shared benefit partici- pation of private, local and state resources to accomplish said infras- tructure improvements; and WHEREAS, the completion of this infrastructure development will further the community development goals of the community, NOW, THERE- FORE, THE C I TV OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A summary of infrastructure improvements highlighting the development of the project site are generally described in the pre- application to the Oregon Economic Development Department, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein. Section 2. The City Council finds that the degree of public benefit involved in said project warrants city participation by virtue that (a) street improvements to Highway 214 also benefit access to west Woodburn which is already developed, (b) water improvements provide a secondary loop access for improved capacity and health to the west Woodburn area, (c) sewer improvements will ultimately replace a deteriorating pump station which is a city maintenance responsibility as well as provide service to a developing industrial area. Section 3. The City of Woodburn has estimated costs and determined benefit participation by the parties involved to approximate the following: (1) $445,000 applicable to the 100 acre site of which Hardware Wholesalers, Inc. (HWI) will be responsible for its estimated share at $160,000, (b) $147,000 applicable to other local area properties benefitted by said infrastructure improvements to be deferred through receipt of a conditional grant from the State of Oregon and repaid through special development charges, and (c) $800,310 applicable to public improvements of which the City of Uoodburn and State of Oregon will collectively participate and support said improvements. Page 1 - COUNCI L BILL NO. I,Q '51 RESOLUTI ON NO. I~e- SectiDh 4. In order to facilitate corporate planning and commitment~ and facilitate HWI's decision to acquire a portion of the 100 acre site~ the City of Woodburn guarantees to ~wl and to the owner of the 100 acre site that the infrastructure improvements will be constructed or completed and that the property owner project participation cost will be an aggregate of $445~000, with the conditions that (a) State participation in conditional and non-conditional grants/loans does not decrease by 10% or greater from an estimated total participation of $947,310 and (b) Hardware Whole- salers, Inc. obtain building permits for the project prior to 6/30/91. Section 5. Consistent with the above considerations, the City Council authori zes the city to enter into a pre 1 imi nary development agree- ment~ a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein. Said agreement is entered into to facilitate corporate planning and is conditioned upon the city obtaining the grant funds specified above and upon HWI obtaining the necessary building and zoning permits. The Mayor and Deputy City Recorder are hereby authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of the city. Section 6. The guarantee in Section 4 is to be construed consistent with and not in violation of any debt limitation provisions of the Oregon State Constitution or the Woodburn City Charter. Section 7. In the event that the conditions in Section 4 are not met, the involved parties may negotiate final disposition. Section 8. It is also understood that the above estimates were based upon the City's 4/87 main infrastructure design for this area and the preapplication grant proposal for improvement costs as submitted on September 19, 1990. Section 9. The city staff are hereby directed to prepare docu- mentation as necessary to facilitate grant applications and other components of thi s improvement ~ect. /\/:) ~ C"J V; _ 2 / _ ,. 0 Approved as to form: .~ ~~ City Attorney Date APPROVED: NANCY A. KIRKSEY, MAYOR Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Mayor Attest: Mary E. Tennant, Deputy Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 2 - COUNCIL BILL NO. I:; 5'"""1 RESOLUTI ON NO. EXl-Ill3Jr Ii /o!?r OREGON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Economic Development Department 595 Cottage St. N.E. Salem, OR 97310 PH: 378-3732 " PLEASE SUBMIT ORIGINAL AND 3 COPIES Pre-Application OCDBG Economic Development Grant SPWF Infrastructure Grant/Loan 1. Applicant: City of Woodburn On behalf of (sewer district): Address: 270 Montgomery St. Name: City of Woodburn Woodburn, Or 97071 Contact Person: Steve Goeckritz Address: 270 Montgomery St. Address: Frank Tiwari Woodburn, OR 97071 Same as above Phone: 982-5246 or 982-5249 Phone: 982-5246 If this a joint application indicate which jurisdiction will assume primary responsibility for the project. 2. Project Highlights: New jobs anticipated Jobs retained 130 + o Funds requested Loan Grant* (A) Other funds Total cost $ 530,000 466,6'>'> l.QC; hSC; $ 1.392:310 Jobs for low/mod income persons Family wage jobs 15 1 I '> Leverage ratio (other funds requested funds) I : 2.5 *Note: Grants will be considered O~~y when loans are not feasible due to the economic need of the applicant and e specific circumstances of the project. Be prepared to provide substantial justification for any amount of requested grant if you are invited to submit a final application. 3. Description of project and proposed accomplishments: The proposed grant/loan funding will be used to facilitate the development of an infrastructure system that ...will accommodate the future growth of a 100 acre Industrial Park and an area adjacent to the Highway 214/1-5 Interchange. (See Attachment I) 4. Name and description of business(es) proposing to create new jobs: HWI is a member-owned corporation that provides merchandise and services consistent with the demands of the market place, at competitive prices to enable ind~pendently owned hardware, lumber and home centers to effectively compete. (See Attachment II) SPWF/OCDBG Pre-Application Page 1 "') / JJD:lh:OOlOH BRD:03/31/88 35 / ()/j- 5. What source of funds would be used to repay the loan/program income to the state? These funds will be repaid out of State Revenue Sharing Fund, Sewer Funds and Water Fund through city labor. 6. FINANCIAL SUMMARY Source Use Amount Term and rate (for loans) I. Sewer Fund & State Rev. Sharing Fund 2. Conditional Grant Sewe~age & Street $530,000 Improvement Sewera2e Imorovement $147.000 20 yr. at 5% 10 yr. on develooment Note: Entries in the Leveraged Private Investment and Other Public Funds columns will be used to determine whether the project meets the required 2:1 match. 7. Is this project part of a Regional Economic Development Strategy which is under serious consideration by the relevant county or group of counties? Explain. SPWF/OCDBG Pre-Application Page 2 .) JJD:lh:OOIOH BRD: 03/31/88 36 /o/~ (A) A total . grant assistance request is for $466,655 of that 319,655 is "pure grant" while 147,000 is conditional'grant. (B) This represents City labor costs. (C) Of the 676,000 for sanitary sewer improvement 147,000 is a conditional grant. This is to be paid back by the benefitted property owners if development occurs within a ten year time frame. Another 319,655 will be a grant to the City with the remainder (209,345) ,as a loan to the City. (D) The Oregon Department of Transportation will contribute $210,655 from the Immediate Opportunity Fund for the Highway 214 Road Improvement project. ~ jojj 8. Are you aware of any environmental concerns with this project such as historic designations, location of the project in a floodplain, etc.? _ yes; x no~. If "yes"p1ease explain. . 9. Is the project located in your jurisdiction? x yes; no Will the applicant own and operate any reques~nfrastructure? " ~ yes _ no. If "no" to either question, explain. 10. ATTACH maps adequate to show the general vicinity and specific location of the proposed project. See Maps I-III " 11. ATTACH current financial statement and or rofit or loss statement for the benefite uSlness 1 e USlness Wl e repaYlng a oan. See Attachment III 12. For applicants seeking assistance to acquire, rehabilitate, operate or maintain an abandoned railroad line under the SPWF program: a. Describe the operating status of the railroad line. b. Has the applicant consulted with the Dept. of Transportation or other affected agencies? NA 13. Other information applicant wishes to provide. ) THE PURPOSE OF THIS PRE-APPLICATION IS TO" DETERMINE PROJECT ELIGIBILITY UNDER FEDERAL AND STATE LAW AND ADMINISTRATIVE RULE. APPLICANTS GIVEN ELIGIBILITY MAY SUBMIT A FINAL APPLICATION TO THE DEPARTMENT FOR FUNDING CONSIDERATION. CERTIFICATION OF HIGHEST ELECTED OFFICIAL I certify that, to the best of my knowledge: (1) all information contained in this application is valid and accurate; (2) the submission of this application has been authorized by the governing body of the city/county; and (3) if funding is received, we will comply with all applicable state and/or federal program requirements. Signature Title Date Mayor Name Nancy Kirksey (Type or print) SPWF/OCDBG Pre-Application Page 3 ) JJD:lh:00l0H BRD:03/31/88 37 ID~ ATTACHMENT I Without State assistance of an opportunity to Wholesalers, Inc. (HWI). loss of 130+- industrial the immediate impact will be the loss obtain a commitment from Hardware This would equate into a potential related jobs to our community. They will occupy 30 acres of a 100 acre Industrially zoned parcel. As for the minimum infrastructure improvements required to facilitate the proposed development State and City roads are one of these requirements. It will be necessary to widen State Highway 214, provide signalization at Woodland Avenue, and build approximately 1,000 feet of raad into the 100 acre Industrial Park. Water improvements calls for a looped line be installed from Woodland Ave. at Highway 214 to the vicinity where Hayes Street extent ion meets 1-5 (bored under the freeway) to connect with the easterly line extension. The majority of these improvements have been improved by the City in anticipation of offering assistance to those areas where water improvements are necessary to serve this site and involve benefit to no other property. Sewer Improvements are the most extensive public infrastructure needed to this site and to be effective must be considered as necessary: to a broader service area. Consequently" the City has estimated a logical service benefit area and assessed the improvements accordingly to acreage served. The sewer improvements require two bores, one under Highway 214 anc:l one under the freeway. In addition to the sewer line throught the property, a force main on the eastside of the freeway will be necessary to connect into existing s e r vie e . A pump s tat' ion will a 1 sob ere qui red and will be. a replacement to an older, existlng unit located on Highway 214. I {J .6- ATTACHMENT II HWI practices fairness 1n our associations vendors and employees as expressed in the others as you would like to be served". with all members, HWI creed, "Serve HWI has a corporate office in Fort Wayne, Indiana and distribution centers in Cape Girardeau, Missouri; Dixon, Illinois; Median, Ohio; Waco, Texas; and Lexington, South Carolina. These centers service 3,000+ members located in 43 staes. These six facilities combined employ approximately 900 persons. ~~~Aj~~F-: '::::.? ~:- ~~~ .~ __ --';~1:: iI I I \'-:"V" . ___ --- 1 UD!:V" ~ I"{II - "l- -_~ __ ..... Illf Y P- --- - --'i--. . N__ ___: I I IF L. = /7 . : ~_ 'r- ~ o.lrr<j ~ _ V/ :;- :--- UII.... ~ '"""~ ,'\\. I ~( f; ~-- ~ \ - .-_. -... ~~.(\\'\ ...... . =. T 11.l..11 Till''':'' ~",,-,'IIII II I P' I - I > C ] . III IT _ _. 1; 2 Jll' III IIIIIIIIIII'IIIITT ~ ~ III _ E~ .. N,.,' ~ . _ . .. 0 1\0". t:i.-"-' 1111 '" III I m ""'""'i_lilT II I ~ N:.n- 1 "cl3r>:::. N~(u' '111 I III II II --J. 111111111"f~ ".~"""""-I.... 1111 T 11nnl-i ..r~ i---J 1. "::l;::::<J, ~ ~ I I I I I I' fTT'l;""l J:~r1Y . I tft"J- V"lllllll 1111' f- ~ . ~ '" I I II I I I I I . I lIT ~ . '\ ,...--... I I I I I I I I IITT ~ ~ .n....... """ ___________ I n III 11111TIIlTTl" ) II~EJ1 L Q) -_":...~...:..~~--=.:.--~-=-_:. --c:: ". . 0 : '- "-- r--Gl : ~ ,I ~~ - OO~ ~' A Q) I ~~ ,JI 01 cn~ /"" '- o~ ~ r 01 0.' ~. e'~ <0 1 i 0.. ~. /11 ~ 0; 0> I ,~ ::J ~ C ~ ,l .... Q) l ~:;:-t~ ~ ~ II, ~i "- _IL -g~~~. g ~C; ~ i ~ ~ n---:r~ 0. > . 0.... I e ~. (/) _ ....-;. 0.. CJ,.. '- _ ~ "",,; Ii a... ~ )fj{ - ..........:....:-.........:.~...... .... ;t:jlj f:tf;1 t~ tJ S, ~ l!~ ~~lIf1~~\\\~ ~ ..",. L.J , :.IIIITfTT L~ .~,.. II , , '\ \ .\ . \ \ " \ II ! t I ... '1 till ,n I. m ~. '-.. z <> ~bd.lld."'~ I I J . t I . . I . . . . . . ! .c Q. (]) -4-oJ a:s -4-oJ c .- ~ (f)<D (])E ~ -4-oJ \...0- .- o 0 c <((1) .- 0 '0 > .- > 00) r-O C\l T'" C 'U ~ Q.> ~ (/) o '- a. (I) o ... '- ro a.. ~ ~ JoB- e:..:XI+1 is I r ~ PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT - PARTIES: This agreement is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF WOODBURN, a municipal corporation ("City"), and DAVIDSON FARMS, INC., an Oregon corporation ("Owner"). RECITALS: Owner owns approximately 100 acres of industrially zoned land in the City located west of 1-5 and south of State Highway 214 in the city limits of Woodburn. Hardware Wholesalers, Inc. ("HWI") proposes to purchase approx- imately 30 acres of Owner's Tract and construct a distribution center thereon as depicted on the HWI site plan review application HWI site development is dependent upon the extension of certain infrastructure improvements described later in this agreement and upon HWI obtaining site plan approval and applicable permits under the City's develop- ment code. To facilitate the acquisition by HWI of a portion of the Owner's Tract, and to assure the good faith effort of the parties to complete their project commitments, this preliminary development agreement is initiated. Owner's Tract will be benefitted by the infrastructure improvements described above and City will benefit from such infrastructure and the economic impact of the HWI distribution center. Each party shall pay for a reasonable and proportional share of the infrastructure development relative to the respective benefits received as is further specified below. AGREEMENT: . .1. Infrastructure Improvements. The proposed public infrastructure improvements are generally described in the pre-application grant/loan submittal to the Oregon Economic Development Department, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit C and incorporated herein. Said infrastructure improvements will be constructed to all applicable government codes, standards. and requirements. 2. Binding Effect of Agreement. This agreement shall be binding upon the parties only after: (1) HWI obtains development approval under City's site plan review process and applicable permits, and (2) the Oregon Economic Development Department awards City the infrastructure funding requested by City in Exhibit C. -1- /013 3. Project Commitment. City has extended its support for this development project through the adoption of a resolution by the City Council on September 24, 1990. Upon the successful receipt of the State financial assistance contained in the pre-application submittal, City shall manage and cause to be constructed the following elements of infrastructure improve- ments by the following date guidelines within the best of the City's abilities and natural conditions: a. Water service main service improvements by May 30, 1991. b. Sanitary sewer main service improvements by September 15, 1991. c. Stormwater drainage improvements to be agreed to mutually according to engineer design and completion of permit process. Highway 214 improvement to be mutually decided by the State Highway Division and the City. Access to the property will be provided when need arises. e. Woodland Avenue extension approximately 1000 feet south of Highway 214 to the southeast corner of the HWI site by September 30, 1991. Minor and reasonable changes in the proposed date guidelines shall not be considered a breach or default under the terms of_~his agreement. 4. Owner's Payments. Owner agrees to pay City the following sums: a. The sum of $200,000 as a reasonable and proportional contri- bution to the infrastructure improvements. b. The sum of $45,000 as a reasonable and proportional contribution to storm drain improvements; and c. The entire cost of extending Woodland Avenue south of Highway 214 for approximately 1,000 feet, which is currently estimated at $200,000. 5. Payment Schedule. O\1ner and HWI have agreed to place $160,000 of the total amount payable by Owner to City in escrow to be used only to satisfy Owner's payments to the City until the improvements described above are completed. Owner agrees that $75,000 shall be advanced to City from such escrow to enable City to acquire materials to commence such construction, such advance to be a credit against Owner1s payment liability described above. Owner shall pay the balance owed to City under Section 3 of this agreement in installments upon the same terms and interest rate as City is required to pay the State of Oregon under the economic development grant application. Owner1s payment obligation to City shall be secured by a security interest in the remaining portion of Owner's Tract as specified in a separate legal document approved by City, and shall be conditioned upon City completing the improvements described above. -2- ~ /0 B- 6. Owner's Conveyances. Owner agrees to convey to City a utility easement from City's newly installed water main adjacent to 1-5 to the proposed extensian of Woodland Avenue; to dedicate to City a 90 foot right-of-way for the extension of Woodland Avenue south 1,000 feet; and to convey to the State of Oregon 30 feet of right-of-way along the north boundary of Owner's Tract adjacent to Highway 214; descriptions for such easements and rights-of-way are set forth in Attachment 1, attached hereto. When development of the remainder of Owner's Tract occurs, Owner agrees to dedicate 90 feet of right-of-way for the further extension of Woodland to the westerly line of Owner's Tract, at such location selected by Owner as future development warrants and upon request by City. Owner further agrees to convey to City one acre from Owner's Tract (or Owner's land adjoining on the south) for a well site and/or water tower site to be located by Owner at such time as development warrants and upon request by City and at the option of the city. 7. Remedies, Attorney Fees. In the event either party defaults hereunder, the nondefaulting party shall have the right, without limiting any other rights and remedies at law or in equity, to bring an action or claim against the defaulting party for damages or specific performance of this agreement. In the event of a breach of this agreement, the prevailing party may recover from the breaching party its reasonable attorney fees and costs, including fees for trials and appeals, for services both in enforcing this agreement and defending against any claims or actions by third parties as a result of any breach of the agreement. 6. Entire Agreement. All terms and conditions of this agreement are contained herein, and no verbal agreemnts of any kind shall be binding upon the parties. The terms of this agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this agreement to be executed this day of September, 1990. By: Nancy Kirksey, Mayor OWNER: DAVIDSON FARMS, INC. By: Donald J. Davidson, President C ITY : CITY OF WOODBURN ATTEST: Mary Tennant, Deputy Recorder -3- ATTACHMENT I. /D~ t. HI'? 14 #W COif .I DIIBlJIS D" ~.!8. '~ , .s.S," H' N 8'~ ~/' t?,,~' W ao' To be. ded.,cat Q S.Ta.t'~ VOL Z66 r:S'B R~ E. L .36Z PA6E /5/2 TA)( ACCT No. ~1/S8-o00 ~~ " ~ l'I) ~~ ~ "' ~ II f\]~ ,<:>. 'SS . ~ ~. -il~ ~C1 '" ~ (\ "- II)I " I ~I ~l . I SCALE: NONe ~ f/21/90 q ( PERMAN~"'r EME.fY1~NT l...To I3E 'DEe/cA-rsD It> CITY) .. ~ tMAP OF . I . ~E~SE.M'ENT .I I' 1/ I / / / ;' / f /' // , / .;>s..... .s to..?.. ~>" <$" 1/ ~.. /o:~ K E H 0 FROM: Mayor and City Council Michael Quinn, City Administrator TO: SUBJECT: Hearing for Proposed Land Use DATE: september 21, 1990 At the hearing of August 27, 1990 the City Council approved with conditions the adoption of the comprehensive land use and zone map amendment for the retail shopping center proposal east of Progress Way on Highway 214. This approval is contingent upon the sale and exchange of certain properties. After considerable discussion it is staff's opinion that adoption of the land use ordinance prior to the purchase of this one acre parcel is premature. If the approval of the zone change is contingent upon the land sale then the land sale should be finalized first. In general, the city will sell up to 3 acres of land we own in the Industrial Park to the retail developer, who will exchange it for 1 acre of land north and adjacent to his property to enable him to expand his retail center building. This exchange benefits the developer in gaining additional space. Since it is necessary that the three private property owners reach agreement on the final sales and exchanges for the development to actually materialize, the city staff recommends that the City Council give its permission to hold a public hearing at a time to be set by the city Administrator to discuss the merits of selling this surplus city property to effect adjacent commercial development. When the other parties have reached agreement on their exchange, I will set a meeting for the City council and present all the facts to justify the City's sale. ;), ,: ~~;~;:j, Y-'-;'>~"~'J n , ",.""'V/.' , .._, 1. MEMO To: Woodburn City Council through Community Development Director From: /y? Jeff Pogol owi tz, pr' Housing Program Administrator Date: September 19, 1990 Subject: Update on Housing and Rental Rehabilitation Programs Since January I, 1990 the Woodburn Loan Review Committee and the Woodburn Housing Rehabilitation Office has committed or expended funds for 33 single family owner-occupied housing projects with a value of $339,000. Furthermore, the Committee and Housing Office has committed an additional $138,200 in Rental Rehabilitation loan funds to rehabilitate 53 rental units occupied by low to moderate income families in four separate projects. Currently, the Housing Rehabilitation Office is processing 19 new applications for housing rehabilitation loan funds, and in the event that not all of the Rental Rehabilitation Loan funds are utilized by the four approved recipients, the Rehab Office has received applications for 15 additional rental units. MEMORANDUM TO Woodburn Mayor and City Council through Michael Quinn, City Adminis FROM: Linda Sprauer, Library Director DATE: September 20, 1990 SUBJECT: Library Update Many changes have taken place at Woodburn's library during the past several wee~s. There are new hours, there is a new arrangement of collections and furnishings and there are some new staff members mixed with the "old" staff and some "returning" staff. The library's new hours began last week and are as follows: Sunday CLOSED Monday CLOSED Tuesday 10 AM to 8 PM Wednesday 10 AM to 8 PM Thursday 10 AM to 6 PM Friday 10 AM to 6 PM Saturday 10 AM to 4 PM Last sprine Mary Ginnane, of the Oregon State Library's Library Development Department, came to Woodburn, looked at the library facility, talked to all of the staff (some several times) about their ideas for rearrangement of the library to allow better utilization of space, then submitted her recommendations for changes. In order to accomplish these changes when we had no ~unds budgeted ~or them, several avenues were explored. One which turned out great was requesting help from MacLaren School. A crew of four (4) young men and a supervisor came on Saturday, August 18th and the major move of books and shelving was accomplished ~or the cost o~ pizza and soda pop for the workers! The move is almost completed and the staff is pleased with the results. It will help to address some problem areas. New signs are being ordered and will be in place soon. All of the stoff chonges ore positive ones for the individuals making the changes) but have made liTe diTTicult Tor the staTT who are not going anywhere! ~ _ Marilyn Bloch, part-time Library Assistant, who also worked part-time at Canby and Wilsonville Public Libraries, was hired as Assistant Librarian at Molalla Public Library. * Emily IsBell, part-time Library Assistant) received her Bachelor's Degree Trom Western Oregon State College in June, then resigned in August to do her student teaching at Molalla Elementary School. There is a very good chance she will be hired to teach the remainder oT the school year after the completion oT her student teaching. * Anna Reutov Carroll, part-time Library Assistant, was hired by Gervais Elementary School to-fill a full-time position.as a te~cher's.Bid~. She is willing to be ~oncall" ~hen need~d for .. evenings and Saturdays. * Beverly Phillips, Children's Librarian for the past two (2) years, resigned to be able to pursue her personal, artistic goals of writing and/or illustrating children's books. She will be greatly missed. * Harry Kilgore, Library Custodian, is taking a two (2) month leave oT absence to vacation from Oregon to New York with various stops between, then be in New York for his son's wedding (provided he isn't shipped out to the Middle East by the military in the meanwhile). Harry and his wiTe will then continue vacationing, visiting friends and relatives, and returning to work November 1. _ Anne Getman, Assistant Library Director, was granted a one (1) year leave of absence to attend the University of Texas to obtain a Master's Degree in Library and Information Science. Very late notice was given to her (July 30th) that she was the recipient oT a scholarship for Tully-paid tuition and books! The graduate school's most "prestigious" award, and she had only three weeks to accept and get to Austin, Texas to begin classes. She will return to share her newly gained knowledge with the Woodburn community. ," ",c'" 'iV.' 5.8 ',.:- "'....... '...~' _:, .. "i"~. ~-'.. .. , '. >;;;'\"-I.t~- .~\;',- '. .. ';;'~';<," "~-..'AIiJ" .' .~. 'c,:~,: ~>-~ < ~~,'__'~i: -.?."',,., * Ulito Bosorgin, ~ormer port-time Library Assistant who is ~luent in Russian, Spanish and English, graduated ~rom the University o~ Oregon in June. She will again work part-time at the library while she is completing her Master's Degree in Education at Western Oregon State College this year. * Kate Williams is also returning to a part-time Library Assistant position to work primarily with Donna Melendez in technical processing. * Valentina Arce continues to work as a part-time Library Assistant on an "on-call" basis. * Ruth Sha~er is the new Children's Librarian. She began work on September 10 and is a welcome addition to the library staTT. She holds a Master's Degree in Library Science and has recently moved to Portland Trom Boston ,while her husband completes his education at Lewis & Clark College's School oT Law. " * bonna Melendez, TechnicalServi~esLibrarian; Judy Brunkal, ReTerence and Interlibrary Loan Librarian; Rebecca Dusek, Circulation Librarian and Jeannie Rogers, part-time Library Assistant are keeping things running as smoothly as possible while alloT these staTT changes are taking place. * Another part-time Library Assistant will be hired soon and also some minimum wage employees Tor ten (10) hours per week to shelve books will be added. Consider this your invitation to come to the library soon, see our new look, meet our new staTT members, greet the "old" staTT members again and make use o~ the wealth aT inTormation available to you through the Woodburn Public Library and the Chemeketa Cooperative Regional Library Service. 1" . ; I -. .. . .' s.. .... Nl!a. (IOI.DSONoT 00vIRN0R Department of Transportation HIGHWAY DIVISION Region 2 2960 E STATE STREET, SALEM, OREGON 97310 PHONE 378-2626 September 6. 1990 III Reply Ref" 10 Flit Ha.~ Frank Tiwari Director of Public Works City of Woodburn 270 Montgomery Street WOOdburn, OR 97071 RE: NORTH CITY LIMITS TO LINCOLN STREET SECTION HIGHWAY 99E This is a follow-up on the conv@rsation you had with Ron Clay yesterday regarding the construction of a landscaped median on this section. As Ron explained, we will be willing to fund this work with the following conditions: 1) We would provide minimal landscaping only. This would consist of a lawn complete with irrigation system or something with a similar cost. Any enhancement above this would be at City expense. Curbs would be prOvided on both sides of the landscaped median. 2) The City would prOvide maintenance for the landscaped median. 3) The City would pay for water and power costs for irrigation. 4) The City would hold a pUblic hearing and change their comprehensive plan to include the divided highway with landscaped median. 5) Access through the median area would be allowed only at certain intersecting city streets to be agreed upon by the City and State. I hope this answers your questions. If you have a need for other information, please give me a call. ~~~~ Bob Pool Region 2 Engineer BP:bh CC: John Grassman AN EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ~L:.L"~ 0906bl 7$4.1867 (8-89)