Minutes - 09/24/1990 COUNCIL MEETING MINUfES September 24, 1990 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNlY OF MARION, Sf ATE OF OREGON, SEPTEMBER 24, 1990. 0003 CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:35 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. 0015 ROIL CAU.. 0022 0031 0059 Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kirksey Hagenauer Jennings Kyser Minard Sifuentez Steen Present Absent Present Present Present Absent Present Staff Present: City Administrator Quinn, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Police Chief Wright, Park & Recreation Director Holly, Deputy Recorder Tennant MINUTES. JENNINGS/MINARD.... approve the Council regular and workshop minutes of September 10, 1990; accept the Planning Commission minutes of August 23, 1990, Recreation and Park Board minutes of August 6 and September 17, 1990, and the Fire District Board minutes of August 14, 1990. The motion passed unanimously. APPOINTMENT TO RECREATION AND PARK BOARD. Mayor Kirksey recommended the appointment of Larry Watson to the Recreation and Park Board to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Jose Castro. JENNINGS/MINARD.... appoint Larry Watson to the Recreation and Park Board with his term expiring 12/93. The motion passed unanimously. PRESENTATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARDS. Mayor Kirksey and Councilor Minard presented Community Service Awards to the following businesses/organizations: 1) Dennis Miller, representing Dennis Miller Realty, and Jack Bigej, Ai's Fruit & Shrub, were recognized by the City for their work in landscaping and maintaining the garden area near the Highway 214/Settlemier Avenue intersection; 2) French Prairie Rose & Garden Club received an award for landscape and maintenance work at AI Cowan Park which is located at the intersection of Settlemier Avenue and Garfield Street. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 24, 1990 TAPE READING 0227 0246 0364 COUNCIL MEETING MINUfES September 24, 1990 Mayor Kirksey also expressed her appreciation to LeRoy Riley, 691 N. Cascade, for his continued maintenance of a small landscaped area at the intersection of N. Cascade and W. Lincoln Street. Mr. Riley had received a community service award approximately two years ago. MEAOOWPARK PUD IMPROVEMENTS. Administrator Quinn stated that the Homeowner's Association has decided to wait until a later date to approach the Council on setting a hearing date to discuss PUD improvements in the Meadowpark Subdivision. Len Kelley, 931 Gatch Street, requested the Mayor or a Councilor to participate in a debate with Mr. McIntire, organizer of Ballot Measure No.5 (Property Tax Limitation), on a date and time of mutual consent. The debate would be held at a location within the city limits. Mayor Kirksey stated that she would be willing to participate in a forum versus a formal debate on the issue for the purpose of providing information to the public. She advised Mr. Kelley that she would be available on Monday, October 29th, to participate in a forum. Janie Schiedler, 1315 W. Hayes, requested Council assistance in curtailing illegal activities conducted near the intersection of Second and Hayes Street. In addition, she questioned the staff as to what can be done in regards to limiting the number of people that live in the house located at 416 N. Second Street. Chief Wright stated that the individuals causing the problems in that area live in various parts of the City and his department is faced with enforcement of laws within certain legal limitations. Attorney Shields stated that a meeting has been scheduled with Ms. Schiedler on September 25th to discuss the current situation. Community Development Director Goeckritz stated that the house is located within a RM (residential multi-family) zone and the City has no authority to enter a house without the permission of the property owner to check on the number of individuals living at the residence. In addition, the City does work closely with the Bureau of Labor regarding sub-standard housing and landuse issues. It was the consensus of the Council to hold a workshop on October 15th, 7:00 p.m., to further discuss this issue. Mary Beth Hunt, 417 N. Second, stated that something needs to be done to clean- up the area. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 24, 1990 .- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 24, 1990 TAPE READING 0975 COUNCIL BILL NO. 1250 - RESOLUTION AunIORIZING LEASE AGREEMENT wrm SCHOOL BUS SERVICES. INe.. Council Bill 1250 was introduced by Councilor Kyser. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1250 duly passed. 1008 COUNCIL BILL NO. 1251 - RESOLUTION COMMITTING CITY PARTICIPATION IN INFRASfRUCIURE DEVELOPMENT OF HARDWARE WHOLESALERS. INC (HWn PROJEer AND ENTERING INTO A PREUMlNARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. Council Bill 1251 was introduced by Councilor Kyser. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, Council Bill 1251 passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared the bill duly passed. Public Works Director Tiwari introduced those individuals present at the meeting representing Hardware Wholesalers, Inc. and the property owner of the proposed site. George Mattes, Vice President of HWI, expressed his appreciation to the Council for the energy and effort displayed by the City to work out the details of this project. 1210 REOUES[ FOR HEARING DATE RE: LAND USE ISSUE. In regards to the potential sale of surplus City property in the Industrial Park area, the staff requested authority to set a public hearing date whenever the three parties reach an agreement involving the sale and exchanges of property for the development of a retail shopping center. MINARD/KYSER.... give staff authority to set a hearing date whenever it may become necessary to discuss the merits of selling surplus city property. The motion passed unanimously. 1285 MEDIAN srRIP - HIGHWAY 214 AND HIGHWAY 99E. Based on the discussions held during the workshop on this issue, JENNINGS/MINARD.... Administrator Quinn advise the State Highway Department that the Council does not want a landscape median strip on Highway 99E north of the Highway 214 intersection, and the traffic signal at Highway 214/Country Club Rd/Oregon Way intersection be realigned. JENNINGS/MINARD.... amend the motion to say that no median strips be placed in the areas listed above. The motion to amend passed unanimously. The motion as amended also received unanimous approval of the Council. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 24, 1990 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 24, 1990 TAPE READING 1371 Councilor Minard briefly discussed the Housing Rehabilitation program and invited the Council to contact Community Development Director Goeckritz regarding the work that has been accomplished to date under the program. Councilor Jennings stated that Victoria, B.C. has a medallion program for homes 100 years old or older which includes the City buying the exterior paint for these homes. He suggested that staff look into this type of program for our City. 1518 Mayor Kirksey requested that the newly elected Mayor also continue the practice of having a roll call vote staggered so that one Councilor does not always have to cast the first vote. 1548 Councilor Steen reiterated his concerns regarding the need for a business license/registration program. It was suggested a proposed program be drafted by the Committee for Council review. All businesses should then be surveyed for their input based on the proposed draft since not all businesses are represented by the Chamber. 1717 Councilor Minard requested that $30.00 be contributed by the City towards the cost of a Mayor's trophy for the Oregon Farrnfest parade. It was the consensus of the Council to allow the expenditure from the Mayor/Council budget. 1883 Councilor Jennings requested that the Park Board make no commitments on the purchase of the building in West Woodburn from the School District until the Council has had time to thoroughly review the reports. Park Director Holly stated that Portland General Electric and Northwest Natural Gas Co. will be examining the building and providing a report on estimated costs for required improvements. He assured the Council that the Board will not make any commitments until after they have met with the Council. 2000 ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjoumed at 8:38 p.m.. APPROVED~~IJ ~ Nancy A. Kirksey, Mayor ATTEST 1)1~ ~ Mary Tenna t, Deputy Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 24, 1990 1 .JI :' D ,0.1" :: :; 116 19 'J U07/90 ?/1GIQO o/13/9r"J 91 r)7/9] n 12/90 ''; 11 21 9 G 9/12/9') 9/12/QU 'f/1 ? 190 ',(/12190 U12/9C 9/12/91 ->112/90 '} 11 ;> 1 9 :) }/12/9'J 9/12/90 'f/1?f9fJ y/12/9Q -Jf 12/ 9 0 'I/121?D U 12/90 'J/1?/9J t/12/90 '>/12/9'0 '1/12/9G n 1 Z 19 r:. 1/1.21"';0 9/12/9) 1/12/9'] :J/12/9'l ?/1i..19G 9/12/90 0/12/9Q 9/12/9') 'I/1?/9J 0/12/90 Q/12no '1I 1 :? 1 9 J 1/12/9:1 Q/12ICf;J 9/12/98 'N 1 (:: 1 ':; D ?/12/9C: U12/Y'J ?l12/9;i ? 11 2/90 N 12/9 D U12./9U ".J11?/9'J 7/12/9'] 9/12/90 'I112/9D Q/12/9'; N 12/9 'J C HK "JO 2593 2594 25"5 l5~6 25 :)7 25~8 Z599 ?6!JC 2"01 ?,I; " ., _IJ..#'- 26tJ3 l6r)4 2 6Q 5 2606 ~607 2-608 :?609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 Z616 2617 2618 2619 262C '2621 2622 loZ3 2624 2625 -~6Z6 2':> 27 l6 ? 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TOT~l F~o THE. ~)~TH Cr-: ~ur;UST 1<:':9C w -, COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 10, 1990 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY BALL, CITY OF WOODBURK, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGOI, SEPTEMBER 10, 1990. 0003 CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. 0007 ROLL CALL. Mayor Counci 1 or Councilor Counci 1 or Counci lor Councilor Council or Kirksey Hagenauer Jennings Kyser Minard Sifuentez steen Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Quinn, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Police Chief Wright, Park & Recreation Director Holly, Library Director Sprauer 0015 MINUTES. JENNINGS/KYSER....approve the Council minutes of August 27, 1990; accept the Library Board minutes of August IS, 1990, the Downtown Association minutes of August 14, 21, & 27, 1990, and RSVP Advisory Council minutes of June II, 1990. The motion passed unanimously. 0035 FILINGS FOR CITY ELECTIVE POSITIONS. Mayor Kirksey informed the public that the following individuals had submitted the required number of signatures for nomination to the following city elective positions: Mayor: Richard Jennings, Len Kelly, and Fred Kyser Councilor - Ward III: Donald Hagenauer Councilor - Ward IV: Joe Galvin Councilor - Ward V: Kathy Figley Mayor Kirksey also suggested that the newly elected Mayor continue the practice of starting each Council meeting with the flag salute which she initiated during her tenure in office. 0080 STAFF RESPONSE RE: TRAFFIC HAZARD AT WILSON & HAWLEY STREET. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that the staff had replaced the stop sign at the intersection, painted stop bars on the street, and installed a new stop sign on the half street approach from the apartment building complex. No action was taken by the Council on this issue. 0140 Irv Canfield, 205 E. Lincoln st., expressed concern over speeding vehicular traffic between the railroad tracks and Corby street. He stated that the Police Department has responded to the concerns outlined in the Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 10, 1990 TAPE READING 0770 0925 1019 1187 1197 - COUNCIL MEE!ING MINO!ES September 10, 1990 petition submitted to the Council on August 13th, however, the area is still having problems and the department should pay more attention to their particular area. He indicated that his brief research of other states using the radar sign to advise motorists of their speed is not an effective way of reducing speed and a patrol car in the area is the only way traffic speed would be reduced. Councilor Sifuentez stated that there were problems allover the City and she felt the Police Department was trying to respond to their needs along with those of others within the community. She suggested that citizens, staff, and Council work together to solve existing problems. Scott Hampton, 680 Cupids ct., stated that he has observed motorists speeding once they cross the railroad tracks driving east until they reach Washington School. He requested police department assistance to control the traffic in there particular neighborhood. PROCLAMArION - CONS!ITU!ION WEEK. Mayor Kirksey read the proclamation declaring the week of September 17 - 23, 1990 as Constitution Week within the City and urged citizens to pay special attention to the Constitution and the advantage of American Citizenship. Councilor Minard requested that the proclamation be forwarded to the public and private schools to be read to the students during Constitution Week. MEDIAN BARRIERS OR HIGHWAY 99E NORm OF HIGHWAY 214. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that the State Highway Department is in the process of finalizing the design of a proposed landscaped median ban ier on Highway 99E north of Highway 214 to the city limits. He requested that the Council hold a workshop on September 24th with representatives from the Highway Division and city staff. A public hearing would be scheduled in October to discuss the proposal. MINA~D/SIFUENTEZ.... hold the workshop on September 24, 1990 and a public hearing at the first meeting in October as recommended by staff. The motion passed unanimously. LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICA!ION - LA PE!I!E DELI. Police Chief Wright recommended the approval of a change of ownership Ii qUfI[ license application submitted by Marilyn Paradis. KySER/JENNINGS.... approve the liquor license application of La Petite Deli. The motion passed unanimously. BID AWARD - FRON! S!REE! IMPROVEMEN! PROJECT. Bids for the street improvement between Cleveland and Harrison Streets were received from the following contractors: Roy L. Houck Construction, $62,923.10; and North Santiam Paving, $88,275.00. The Director recommended the acceptance of the low bid which was 4.25% above the engineer's estimate. Discussion was held regarding the use of City matching funds to resurface the street, and make necessary drainage and curb improvements. Under the Housing Rehabiliation grant, the City is required to make public works Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 10, 1990 - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 10, 1990 TAPE READING improvements utilizing city funds other than property taxes and this particular grant year allows the City to make an improvement in an area other than a residential district. Funds have previously been transferred from State Revenue Sharing to complete this project. KySER/STEEN.... award the contract to Roy L. Houck Construction in the amount of $62,923.10 for the Front Street improvement project. The motion passed unanimously. 1530 CLAIMS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1990. SIFUENTEZ/HAGENAUER.... approve claims '2160 - 2214 in the amount of $749,286.08 for the month of August 1990. The motion passed unanimously. 1555 DISCUSSION ON BALLOT MEASURE '5 - PROPERTY TAX LIMITATION INITIATIVE. Mayor Kirksey expressed concern regarding the impact of the initiative measure if it is approved by the Oregon voters in November. The services provided by Marion County, Woodburn Fire District, and the City would be reduced by approximately 28.7\. Further discussion was held on various methods that could be used to disseminate the information to the public not only locally but statewide. The Mayor expressed her opinion that the Council was sensitive to issue of high property taxes, however, did not feel that the initiative before the voters was a responsible way of reducing property taxes. MINARD/SIFUENTEZ...Council go on record as opposing this initiative as an irresponsible measure. The motion 5-0-1 with Jennings abstaining. 1941 Administrator Quinn briefly reviewed the status of the proposed development of industrial property in West Woodburn. He stated that the development looks positive at this time and staff is submitting necessary information to the state for potential infrastructure grants. It is hoped that improved utility service in that area will stimulate economic growth on the industrial property in West Woodburn. 2030 Councilor Sifuentez questioned the status of the leaf pick-up program. Director Tiwari stated that the City would follow the last year's program. 2057 Councilor steen questioned if speed bumps were allowed on public roads. Director Tiwari stated that he had not researched the legality of placing speed bumps on public roads, however, the large buttons on public roads are allowed. Some discussion was held regarding the use of the buttons as a method of reducing the speed of vehicular traffic. 2179 Councilor Minard stated that he is a member of the Church located at E. Lincoln and Cupids Court and that he has noticed a difference in the speed of vehicular traffic over the last several weeks. He also suggested that Community Service Awards be presented to (1) Dennis Miller and AI's Fruit & Shrub for the landscape planter near Hwy. 214jSettlemier, (2) Garden Club for Cowan Park, and (3) to the individual who resides on N. Cascade and maintains a small landscaped corner at the intersection of W. Lincoln and Cascade Drive. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 10, 1990 -. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 10, 1990 TAPE READING It was the consensus of the Council to present the awards at the September 24th Council meeting. In regards to the Farmfest activities, Councilor Minard stated that the Farmfest parade will be held on October 6th, 11:00 a.m., and he invited the Council to participate in the parade. Farmfest will be held October 12 - 14, 1990, and the Ag Olympics is scheduled for October 13th. He suggested that the Council and/or city staff form a 6-person team to participate in the program. 2502 Councilor Jennings questioned the anticipated completion date of Cleveland Street. Director Tiwari stated that if the weather holds, the street will be completed by November. Poor weather conditions would delay the completion date until early spring. 2585 ADJOURBMENT. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.. APPROVED~~7t:~ Nancy A. rksey, Mayor ATTEST 11~ ~-::I Mary Tenn t, Deputy Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 10, 1990 ... TAPE READING 0420 0425 0429 0436 0487 0990 COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES September 10, 1990 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, SEPTEMBER 10, 1990. CONVENED. The council met at 8:55 p.m. to review the Wastewater Facilities Plan ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor councilor Kirksey Hagenauer Jennings Kyser Minard Sifuentez steen Present Present Present Present Present Present Present staff Present: Administrator Quinn, Public Works Director Tiwari, Pubic Works Program Manager Rohman, Wastewater Superintendent Sinclair Public Works Director Tiwari reviewed the need for modifications to the Wastewater treatment plant. Modifications are required to meet new discharge requirements based upon Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). Daria Wightman, consultant for CH2M-Hill, reviewed the proposed contract with the city for preparation of the facility plan for wastewater treatment plant modifications. New requirements for TMDLS for the Woodburn plant will be released by DEQ within three to five months. She discussed various alternatives that would be considered in the project planning process. During the review of treated wastewater disposal options, the council directed that one of the options, discharge to the Willamette River, be dropped from consideration as an option. Gorden Merseth from CH2M discussed financial planning information that would be prepared and analysis of rate options. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. ~ APPROVE ATTEST fI7~ ~ Mary T~t, Deputy Re order City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 1 - Council Workshop Minutes, September 10, 1990