Minutes - 09/24/1990 Workshop -. COURCIL WORKSHOP KIIfUTES September 24, 1990 TAPE READING 0001 DATI. COUBCIL CHAMBERS, CI'l'Y BALL, CI'l'Y or WOODBURlt, COOI'fY or MARIOR, S'lATE OP OREoo., SEP'lEKBER 24, 1990. 0003 COIVElED. The Council met in a workshop session at 7 :05 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. The purpose of the meeting was to receive information on potential design element relating to the improvement of Highway 99E between the north city limits and Highway 214/211 intersection. 0007 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Council or Council or Counci 1 or Counci 1 or Kirksey Hagenauer Jennings Kyser Minard Sifuentez Steen Present Absent Present Present Present Absent Present Staff Present: City Administrator Quinn, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Police Chief Wright, Deputy Recorder Tennant 0025 Public Works Director Tiwari advised the Council that the State Highway Department has schedul ed the improvement of Highway 99E between the north city limits to Lincoln Street during the federal fiscal year of 1992. The State Highway Department has funding available which would allow for a landscaped median barrier between the north city limits and the Highway 214/211 intersection. He stated that the purpose of the median barrier was to restrict traffic flow into anyone direction with defined places to turn. If a landscaped median is installed, the State would pay the installation cost and the City would be responsible for future maintenance of the median. The State has ;1.1so advised the staff that a concrete median could be installed rather than a landscaped median if the City so desires. The staff also advised the Council that most traffic accidents occur at the Highway 214/211 intersection rather than the area north of the intersection. 0384 Ron Clay, design engineer for the Department of Transportation, stated that the Highway Department had suggested the median strip for the purpose of increasing the traffic flow and safety. Additionally, modifications will be made to the traffic signalization at the Highway 214/211 intersection as part of the overall improvement project. It was the consensus of the Council not to provide a median strip on Highway 99E and that the money saved on this project be used on other improvement projects within the City that invol ve the State Highway Department. 0500 Director Tiwari stated that each property owner within the Highway 99E improvement project will be given a direct or combined driveway to Highway 99E. The right-of-way agent for the State Highway Department will discuss the driveway issue with each property owner and decisions will be between the two parties and not open for public debate. Page 1 - Council Workshop Minutes, September 24, 1990 - COUftCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES September 24, 1990 TAPE READING 0578 In regards to the Highway 214 improvement project, the State Highway Department is in the developmental stage which is environmental assessment process first, then followed by design. It was the consensus of the Counci I that the realignment of Highway 214/Country CI ub Rd/Oregon Way be a priority on this particular project. In addition, no median barrier be placed on Highway 214. The staff advised the Council that no public hearing would be set on this issue since median barriers would not be included in the final design. 0733 ADJOURBKEN'l'. The workshop ad journed at 7: 30 p. rn. . APPROVED 1 I irksey, Mayor ATTEST J?l~~J Mary Tenna , Deputy Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 2 - Council Workshop Minutes, September 24, 1990