Minutes - 04/16/1990 Workshop ~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Workshop Session April 16, 1990 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, APRIL 16, 1990. 0005 CONVENED. The Council met in a workshop at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. The purpose of the workshop was to obtain information on the Plaza Del Sol proposal to be located on the Grace Village site. 0008 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kirksey Hagenauer Jennings Kyser Minard Sifuentez Steen Present Present Present Absent Present Present Absent Staff Present: City Administrator Quinn, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Deputy Recorder Tennant 0013 Represented from Plaza Del Sol Advisory Committee, State Economic Development Commission, Chamber of Commerce, senior citizens, Russian community, and other interested citizens attended the workshop. 0078 Mayor Kirksey reviewed her method of conducting this workshop which involves a concept known as "The Six Hats". Each "hat" focuses on a different aspect in solving a problem and in generating new ideas. The Mayor advised the audience that discussion at each "hat" level would not exceed 20 minutes. The "White Hat" was discussed first which provides data and information on the situation. Members of the Plaza Del Sol advisory group provided background information on the cultural/educational/training center concept which would also include some retail businesses. Yvonne Addington, representing Oregon Department of Economic Development, stated that the outstanding revolving loan to the City could be transferred to another non-profit organization which would benefit low and moderate income people. An approved development utilizing grant funds is required to be located at the Grace Village site. If the City agrees to sponsor a project such as Plaza Del Sol, the current debt would be forgiven and the City could make arrangements with the developers to reimburse the City for legal expenses incurred to date. City sponsorship of a new project would continue until the property is transferred over to the non-profit organization which may take 2-4 years. In the event the City decides to sell the Grace Village property, all monies received from the sale, less legal expenses, are to be returned to the State. It was noted that if the money is returned to the State, the City could reapply Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 16, 1990 u - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Workshop Session April 16, 1990 TAPE READING for a grant to sponsor a cultural center project at another location, however, the grant would not be a revolving loan program. In regards to the property tax rolls, any rental business property would pay property taxes at the full rate whereas the remainder of the property would be exempt from property taxes. 0998 The Mayor changed the subject to "Green Hat II whi ch is creat i vi ty. Ideas discussed included reapplication for a new grant in the downtown area, utilizing a revolving loan fund to buy and revitalize businesses in the downtown area, and providing a center which encompasses all cultural and age groups within the City. 1688 A lengthy discussion surrounded the "Gray Hat" which represents the logical negative aspects of the situation. Concerns expressed by the audience included items such as: - Colegio Caesar Chavez, an educational institution in Mt. Angel, has not materialized to its fullest potential; - the loss of continuity in development if the zoning of Residential Multi-family is changed to Commercial retail; - the Cornelius cultural center requires funding sources as follows: 60% state and federal grants, 20% United Way, 10% rentals, and 10% other administrative generated revenues; - A business plan will need to be developed within the next few months for the State to evaluate for funding qualification; - commercial activities at the site would be required if a performing arts center were to be solvent; - local taxing districts would not receive property tax dollars from development since it would be classified as non-profit organization, however, the retail businesses at the site would pay their share of local property taxes. 2295 The "Yellow Hat", which is the logical positive hat, was next discussed by the group. Ideas generated by this concept included (1) pride in the community; (2) site already has 3 4-plexes which could help generate revenue needed to meet the center's expenses; (3) detailed plan submitted to State would encompass all phases of the development's economic feasibility; and (4) the State is open to explore any opportunity that would benefit low and moderate income levels. 3030 The Council took a break at 8:30 pm and reconvened at 8:38 p.m.. Tape 2 0001 Discussion on the "Red Hat" provided the group with an opportunity to express their feelings, intuitions, and emotions. Members of the group expressed feelings such as: - project would benefit all members of the community; - provide opportunity to move forward; - project would be okay if accomplished without property tax dollars; Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 16, 1990 - --- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Workshop Session April 16, 1990 TAPE READING - ethnic groups could work together to bridge gaps currently in existence. 0320 In summary (known as the "Bl ue Hat"), members of the group expressed such opinions as (1) a cultural center in the City is needed, however, the location should be somewhere other than the Grace Village site, and (2) the proposal would be an economic gain for Plaza Del Solar some other non-profit organization. 0670 ADJOURNMENT. The workshop adjourned at 9:03 p.m.. APPROVED Nancy A. ATTEST jJ~~~ Mary Ten nt, Deputy Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 16, 1990 -