Minutes - 03/26/1990 -, COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES March 26, 1990 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, MARCH 26, 1990. 0005 CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. 0013 ROLL CALL. 0020 0028 0046 0053 0087 Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kirksey Hagenauer Jennings Kyser Minard Sifuentez Steen Present Present Present Absent Present Present Present Staff Present: City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Police Lt. Eubank, Park & Recreation Director Holly, Deputy Recorder Tennant MINUTES. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ.... approve the Council and executive session minutes of March 12, 1990; accept the Planning Commission minutes of March 8, 1990, the Fire District minutes of February 13, 1990, and the Downtown Assoc. minutes of March 6 and 13, 1990. The motion passed unanimously. REAPPOINTMENTS TO PLANNING COMMISSION. Mayor Kirksey recommended the reappointments of Ozzie Vallieres, Dave Getman, and Lillian Warzynski to the Planning Commission with their terms expiring in December 1993. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ.... approve the reappointments as recommended by the Mayor. The motion passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey reminded the Council of the Budget Committee meeting on April 2, 1990 at 7:00 p.m.. In addition, she suggested that Councilors who wish to attend a League of Oregon Cities regional meeting on April 12th contact City Administrator Quinn for registration materials. MINARD/SIFUENTEZ.... item 9B (oral from the audience) be moved to item 58 at this time and the Council suspend the rules to allow this change. The motion passed unanimously. It was the consensus of the Council to direct the City Administrator to place Oral from the Audience under agenda items 5 and 9. Miguel Salinas, 8420 Cason Lane, Gladstone, requested Council reconsideration of the Plaza Del Sol proposal. He encouraged the Council to allow various Hispanic groups to put their financial support into a project which would benefit the entire community. In addition, he stated Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 26, 1990 I -, COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES March 26, 1990 TAPE READING that the City's participation in the project would eliminate the repayment of the block grant to the State of Oregon. Al Nunez, 1565 Astor Way, representing Salud Medical Center, stated that he was a member of the Advisory Committee which is formulating the development plan. He requested that the Council delay further action on disposition of the property until the Plaza Del Sol plan is completed. Robert Mendoza, 1458 Palace Dr, Salem, representing Oregon Commission on Hispanic Affairs, spoke in favor of the goals set by the Hispanic community and requested reconsideration of the project. Daniel Quinones, representing Oregon Human Development Corporation, stated that the cultural center would bring job opportunities to the community and would encourage city-wide unity, awareness of Hispanic's contribution, and promote Hispanic culture within the community. Antonio Fernandez, 430 Jana, representing Woodburn Children's Center, spoke in support of the Plaza Del Sol project. Jose Castro, 143 Grant Street, owner of Solo Special Edition, expressed his opinion that the project would provide the Hispanics an opportunity to prove that they are a responsible part of the community. Father Arnold Beezer, 521 W. Lincoln, representing Mission San Lucas and the Metropolitan Woodburn Volunteer Service Organization, spoke in favor of the project from cultural and volunteer aspects. Marshall Serna, 444 Young Street, representing HOPE (Helping Other People Energize), expressed support of the project and suggested that Plaza Del Sol would bring together different segments of the community. Ismael Villastrigo, 418 Bradley Street, Chairperson for HEAT (Higher Education Advancement Team) and a former Citizens Review Commission member for the City, expressed his opinion that the proposal would benefit a large number of individuals within the community. He requested the Council to reconsider the proposed project. Tom Cardosa, 15490 SW Deline, Beaverton, stated that as a former Woodburn resident, the Plaza Del Sol project has a lot of potential and he requested Council reconsideration of the proposal. 0800 Miguel Salinas read a letter from the IDEAS Learning Center also expressing their support for the Plaza Del Sol project. Discussion was held between members of the Council and Miguel Salinas on the overall concepts of the project. Several Councilors agreed with project proposal, however, they felt that the City must be relieved of the current financial obligation. Mr. Salinas stated that the project would not be subsidized by the City since there are opportunities available for financial assistance through regional, state and federal sources. He also stated that if another piece of property were available under similiar circumstances then the Plaza Del Sol project would still be brought before the Council for consideration. Councilor Minard suggested that the Advisory committee consist of more than Hispanics and expand the Center to include Fine Arts. Mayor Kirksey suggested that a workshop be held to discuss the proposal in more depth. In addition, a representative from the Oregon Economic Development be in attendance at the workshop and Councilors visit the Cornelius site even though this project would be a different concept. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 26, 1990 III' -. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES March 26, 1990 TAPE READING It was the consensus of the Council to hold the workshop on April 16, 1990 at 7:00 p.m.. Other business groups are to be invited to the workshop. 1637 PUBLIC HEARING - FILING OF OBNOXIOUS VEGETATION LIENS. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing open at 8:27 p.m.. Community Development Director Goeckritz stated that the unpaid liens were from properties cleared in 1989. Liens are proposed for the following parcels of land: 1) John S. Wiley Jr 7225 N Lancaster Portland, OR 2) Harold & Ellen Miller P.O. Box 379 Hubbard, OR 3) Mr. & Mrs. Chernishov 11491 A Wilco Hwy NE Mt. Angel, OR 434 E. Cl evel and Tax Lot #43067-000 $620.00 1190 N. Pacific Hwy Tax Lot #42639-000 $100.00 Behind 300 Bradley St. Tax Lot #42308-000 $150.00 No one in the audience spoke in opposition to the proposed property liens. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing closed at 8:29 p.m.. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ.... draft resolution authorizing abatement costs to be placed in the lien docket. The motion passed unanimously. 1736 PUBLIC HEARING - ANNEXATION (89-011. ZONE CHANGE (89-051. AND SUBDIVISION (89-031 PROPOSAL FOR CAROLYN'S ADDITION. The Mayor declared the public hearing open at 8:30 p.m.. Director Goeckritz reviewed the staff report and Planning Commission recommendation to approve the annexation of 1.5 acres of property and rezone the property from County EFU to City RS. In addition, the Commission approved a tentative plat to divide the property, which is located east of Hwy. 99E and north of Laurel Avenue, into six lots for a residential subdivision. Discussion was held regarding the City's annexation of island parcels of property to the City. Director Goeckritz stated that a city-wide vote would be required to annex properties contiguous to the city limits when property owners object to annexation. No one in the audience spoke either for or against the proposal. The Mayor declared the public hearing closed at 8:40 p.m.. JENNINGS/HAGENAUER.... support the decision of the Planning Commission and staff draft ordinance with findings in favor. The motion passed unanimously. 2247 COUNCIL BILL NO. 1206 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING BUILDING LEASE AGREEMENT FOR MUSEUM OPERATIONS. Council Bill 1206 was introduced by Jennings. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Attorney Shields stated that the insurance clause was inadvertently left out of the Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 26, 1990 .. -, COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES March 26, 1990 TAPE READING agreement. He distributed copies of the language to the Council for their information. Councilor Minard referred to the Museum Advisory Committee minutes which reflects purchase of the buildings following the expiration of the lease period. Park Director Holly stated that final negotiations with Mr. Sawtelle provided for a lease agreement until June 30, 1991 even though previous discussions had included a lease/purchase option. Attorney Shields stated that the lease agreement provides the City with sufficient time to explore a purchase agreement. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1206 duly passed. 2568 COUNCIL BILL NO. 1207 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS DURING FISCAL YEAR 1989-90. Council Bill 1207 was introduced by Jennings. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections. On roll call vote for final passage, Council Bill 1207 passed unanimously. The Mayor declared the bill duly passed. 2602 COUNCIL BILL NO. 1208 - RESOLUTION CERTIFYING ELIGIBILITY TO RECEIVE STATE-SHARED REVENUES DURING FISCAL YEAR 1990-91. Councilor Jennings introduced Council Bill 1208. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared the bill duly passed. 2633 COUNCIL BILL NO. 1209 - RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CITY'S INTENT TO RECEIVE STATE REVENUE SHARING FUNDS DURING FISCAL YEAR 1990-91. Council Bill 1209 was introduced by Jennings. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1209 duly passed. 2672 COUNCIL BILL 1210 - RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE TRANSIT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. Councilor Jennings introduced the bill. Council Bill 1210 was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote, Council Bill 1210 passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared the bill duly passed. 2708 LETTER FROM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RE: TAX BASE PROPOSAL. Attorney Shields read a letter from the Chamber in support of the tax base proposal before the voters of Woodburn on May 15th. 2787 Informational letters were provided to the Council from the Oregon Liquor Control Commission regarding the issuance of a liquor license to Pub 99 and from the St. Luke's Parents Club reminding Councilors of the annual benefit auction. Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 26, 1990 II' TAPE READING 2812 2897 2996 Tape 2 0086 0196 0231 0246 0341 -. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES March 26, 1990 Further discussion was held regarding the process to annex properties to the City. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ... instruct staff to survey the city boundaries and provide a map that shows pockets in the existing boundaries for the purpose of solidifying boundaries, assist in police protection, and infrastructure program. The motion passed unanimously. Councilor Steen suggested that a workshop be held on April 23, 1990, 6:30 p.m., to discuss the concept of business licenses. The staff was instructed to contact the Chamber of Commerce regarding the workshop. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that the City will issue Smucker's a wastewater discharge permit. The permit process is Smucker's preference over the separation project. Councilor Hagenauer stated that large trucks are using Cooley Road/Hardcastle Avenue to bypass the traffic signals at the Highway 99E/214/211 intersection. Public Works Director stated that he would see if the Hardcastle is part of the truck route. In addition, he will check with the County to see if it would be permissible to place a sign off of Hwy. 211/Cooley Road which would prohibit truck traffic. SIFUENTEZ/MINARD.... share the Transit Development Program report with the Budget Committee. The motion passed unanimously. Councilor Minard questioned the accuracy of the letter from Juan Ruiz to the Police Chief regarding the number of calls for service between August 1989 and December 1989. Police Lt. Eubank stated that Mr. Ruiz claims that there was only one call for service during the stated time period, however, dispatch records indicate several calls for service. Councilor Jennings concurred with Planning Commission Chair Johnson in regards to reviewing large parcels of land located within the City to determine appropriate land use of the area. In addition, the City should look at the Comprehensive Plan at another work session with the Commission. ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 9:14 p.m.. ~"'~.,~ APPROVED -// Nancy A. .---:-- ' ATTEST /l7~ ~ ~ Mary Tnant, Deputy Recorder City of Woodburnt Oregon Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 26, 1990 II'