Minutes - 02/12/1990 ~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES February 12, 1990 TAPE READING 0003 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, FEBRUARY 12, 1990. 0005 CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:30 p,m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. 0013 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kirksey Hagenauer Jennings Kyser Minard Sifuentez Steen Present Absent Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Quinn, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Police Chief Wright, Park & Recreation Director Holly, Library Director Sprauer, Deputy Recorder Tennant 0021 MINUTES. Councilor Minard requested that the January 22nd Council minutes be corrected on page 3, tape reading 1929, 3rd paragraph, to read' ...without the owners permission' . JENNINGS/MINARD... approve the Council minutes of January 22, 1990 as corrected; and accept the Library Board minutes of January 17 and 24, 1990, the Planning Commission minutes of January 11, 1990, RSVP Advisory Council minutes of January 8, 1990, and the Downtown Association minutes of January 23 and 30, 1990. The motion passed unanimously. 0067 APPOINTMENTS TO PARK AND RECREATION BOARD. Mayor Kirksey appointed recommended the appointments of Susan Fonfona-Dura and Linda Hamilton to the Board with expiration dates of December 1992. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ.... approve the appointments as recommended by the Mayor. The motion passed unanimously. 0091 COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS - REVIEW OF SERVICE. Alan Hershey, COG Director, reviewed the various services provided by the Council of Governments to member agencies within Marion, Polk, and Yamhill Counties. Emphasis was placed on their involvement with land use planning, formation of the regional library service, law enforcement programs, and development of an Economic Development District. He urged the Council to continue their membership with COG during the next fiscal year. Gary Kanz, Marion County Commissioner, provided additional information to the Council on the Economic Development District and its impact on the local business community. He briefly discussed the District's ability to Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, February 12, 1990 -. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES February 12, 1990 TAPE READING organize the Canadian Trade Missions which has brought about an increased market for local goods and services. 0914 The Mayor reminded the Council of the Employee Recognition Dinner scheduled for Thursday, February 22nd, 6:00 p.m., at the Woodburn Community Center. In addition, the annual Council of Governments meeting will be held on February 22nd in Salem. A Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for February 13th, 6:00 p.m, in the City Hall Council Chambers. 0940 RECREATION CENTER COMMITTEE REPORT. Don Burlingham, Committee Chairman, advised the Council that the Committee was required to prepare an economic feasibility study and prepare budgets for the first and third years of operation prior to the Commissioners authorizing the petitions to be circulated to place the issue on the ballot. If sufficient signatures are obtained, the election costs would be paid for by the new district if it is formed. Otherwise, the costs are to be borne by the petitioners or agency(s) calling for the election. He requested that the City assist the committee by subsidizing the cost of the election if it becomes necessary. Councilor Minard suggested that the Woodburn School District pay for one- half of the election costs. Mr. Burlingham stated that he would approach the District for their support. MINARDjSIFUENTEZ.,.. City would guarantee the financial support for the election. Councilor Kyser declared a potential conflict of interest. On roll call vote, the motion passed 3-1-1 with Councilor Steen voting nay and Councilor Kyser abstaining. 1285 PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED TREE ORDINANCE. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing open at 8:17 p.m.. Park Director Holly stated that the revised proposal from the staff would give the City the ability to give advice to property owners on maintenance or removal of trees. Property owners would be requested to obtain a permit from the City to remove a tree(s), however, it is the decision of the property owner to either keep or remove a tree. A Tree Care Subsidy program would be established to assist property owners with tree maintenance costs. The staff suggested that $2,000 be budgeted annually to cover costs incurred with the subsidy program. Councilor Minard expressed concern regarding the City's ability to fund the program and suggested that verbiage be placed in the ordinance to limit the City's obligation to available funds. Attorney Shields reminded the Council that the ultimate responsibility for tree care in the public right-of-way is placed on the property owner and the subsidy program would be available for assistance in maintenance costs only. Administrator Quinn stated that the City would probably not qualify for the Tree City USA award as of this year since criteria for the award has Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, February 12, 1990 -, COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES February 12, 1990 TAPE READING changed and it now requires an annual budgetary expense of $2.00 per capita for a tree program. No one in the audience spoke either for or against the proposed amendments to the tree ordinance. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing closed at 8:32 p.m.. JENNINGS/MINARD... approve in concept the proposed amendments and request staff to draft an ordinance. Mayor Kirksey expressed her concerns on the economics of the subsidy program when budgetary constraints are upon the City. Administrator Quinn stated that funds for the program will probably be funded through the Park Fund, however, it is a policy issue as to whether or not Street Funds could be used since the trees are in public right-of- ways. It was the consensus of the Council to use Park Funds for the program. The motion passed unanimously. 2102 COUNCIL BILL 1193 - RESOLUTION REJECTING PROPOSAL TO AMEND WOODBURN ZONING ORDINANCE TO INCLUDE TRUCK RELATED SERVICES IN IL DISTRICT. Council Bill 1193 was introduced by Kyser. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Attorney Shields stated that this bill was before the Council for formal action since State land use laws requires some action on the part of the Council within a required time period. On roll call vote for final passage, Council Bill 1193 passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared the bill duly passed. 2372 COUNCIL BILL 1194 - RESOLUTION ADJUSTING WATER AND SEWER SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CHARGES IN YEARS 1990 AND 1991. Council Bill 1194 was introduced by Councilor Kyser. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, Council Bill 1194 passed unanimously, Mayor Kirksey declared the bill duly passed. 2402 COUNCIL BILL 1195 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FAIR SHARE COST ALLOCATION AGREEMENT FOR DEVELOPERS OF STACY ALLISON WAY (KLAW HOLDINGS). Councilor Kyser introduced Council Bill 1195. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. The Mayor declared Council Bill 1195 duly passed. 2471 ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS. Staff recommended the acceptance of the following easements: 1) sanitary sewer easement on Hwy. 214 and Cascade Drive from Michael & Ruth DeSantis, Philip & Kathleen Hand, and Lucien & Salley Klien; 2) waterline easement on Hwy. 214 from Bi-Mart Corporation; and 3) the release and reconveyance of an easement from Miller Brewing Company and the acceptance of a sewerline easement from Patrick Industries in the Industrial Park. KySER/JENNINGS.... accept all three of the easements as recommended by staff. The motion passed unanimously. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, February 12, 1990 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES February 12, 1990 TAPE READING 2514 OLCC LICENSE RECOMMENDATION - PUB 99. Police Chief Wright stated that his recommendation at the December 11, 1989 hearing before the Council was to deny the liquor license submitted by Krieger Enterprises DBA Pub 99. He stated that OLCC will be reviewing the license application and may issue the applicant an operating license. Chief Wright recommended that an "Action Plan" be attached to the license which has been agreed upon by both the City and Mr. Krieger to give the City some control over the license. JENNINGS/KySER.... recommend approval of the liquor license with the "Action Plan" as provided by Chief Wright. Frank Bocci Jr., attorney representing Krieger Enterprises, stated that the "Action Plan" drafted by Chief Wright is acceptable to his client. The motion to approve the license passed unanimously. 2623 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) SIX YEAR PLAN. Public Works Director Tiwari provided the Council with copies of ODOT's Preliminary 6-year Plan. He stated that a hearing on the plan will be held on February 20th in Newberg and he suggested that Councilors attend the hearing to represent the City in getting projects moved up on the 6- year plan. It was recommended that the Council request the Dept. of Transportation to make the following changes to their 6-year plan: 1) the Highway 99E widening project from Lincoln Street north to the city limits be accelerated to 1992 or earlier; 2) traffic signal on 1-5 off-ramp be constructed in 1991; 3) 1-5 interchange improvement be moved from reconnaissance to development phase; and 4) off-set interchange on Hwy. 214 and Country Club/Oregon Way and a traffic signal at Evergreen be given consideration on the 6-year plan. Tape 2 The staff also advised the Council that Jack Bigej is circulating a petition for support from businesses along Highway 99E affected by the widening project, Councilors Kyser, Jennings, and Sifuentez stated that they would try to attend the hearing. It was the consensus of the Council to accept the recommendations of staff and propose to ODOT the above changes to the 6-year plan. 0257 JENNINGS/KySER.... suspend Council rules and Oral Communications from the Audience be the next agenda item. The motion passed unanimously. 0267 Bill Costine, 1740 Rainier Rd., objected to City Administrator's Quinn statement to the newspaper reporters that an outside attorney may be hired to represent the City on the subsidy program lawsuit without first consulting Mr. Shields on the issue. 0347 EXECUTIVE SESSION. JENNINGS/KySER.... remove from the agenda the executive session item relating to Grace Village. The motion passed unanimously. JENNINGS/KySER.... adjourn to executive session under the authority of ORS 192.660 (1)(h) regarding status reports on pending lawsuits of (1) Emanuel Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, February 12, 1990 ,-, COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES February 12, 1990 TAPE READING Hospital and (2) Pacific Northwest Development Co.. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned to executive session at 9:18 p.m. and reconvened at 9: 43 p. m. . 0360 JENNINGS/MINARD.... authorize City Administrator Quinn to contact Robert Engle to defend the City in the Pacific Northwest Development Company v. City of Woodburn, et ale Councilor Jennings stated that the only reason the City is obtaining outside legal counsel is because the City Attorney will be a witness in the legal action. The Council passed the motion unanimously, Councilors Minard and Sifuentez expressed their support to the defendants named in the lawsuit. 0425 CLAIMS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 1990. SIFUENTEZ/KySER.... approve voucher checks #8825 - 9935 for the month of January 1990. The motion passed unanimously. 0445 Councilor Minard expressed his feelings regarding the need for current Council members to respect the opinions of other members whether they agree or disagree with an individual's opinion. 0490 Councilor Jennings questioned the status of submittal of Park Board minutes to the Council. Director Holly stated that the Board has not held a meeting for at least six weeks due to a lack of quorum. Councilor Jennings also requested that a workshop be scheduled with the Planning Commission. The staff will coordinate a date and time with the Commission. 0535 Mayor Kirksey reminded the Council that the Centennial time capsule will be buried on February 20th, 4:00 p.m., at City Hall. She also advised the Council that she will be traveling to Maine on February 27th and will return on March 12th. 0577 ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 9:52 p.m.. APPROVED ~~ /?~~ Nancy A. rksey, Mayor ATTEST (il~-CJ Mary T t, Deputy Recorder City of Woodburn Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, February 12, 1990 t/ DI\T:: 1102190 1/U2/90 1/U2/90 1/0t19Q 1/02/90 110219U 12/29/89 1l./l,9/89 11./29/89 1029189 11./l9/89 12/2.9/89 ll.1l.9/8'~ 11./1.9/89 1l./29/89 1l./.!.9/89 11./l9189 ll.1l.9/89 1t.1l.9/89 lUl9/89 10l,9/89 1l./l.9189 ll.1l9/89 11.1!.9/89 1/,lj1/89 1U31189 1051/89 1l.131/~9 11.131/89 lU 31/89 1l.131/8'J 1l.131/89 1l./31/89 11131/89 1l.151/89 11./.51/89 1l./31/89 1031/~9 1U.51/89 ll/5"ts9 1/U4/9U 1/04/90 1/U4/9U 1/U4/9U 1/U4/90 l/U5/9U 1/U5190 1'U':>/YU 1/U/:S/9U l/U8/YU 1/U8/YU 1/U9/9U 1/0919U 1/11/9U 1/12/90 .Ju CHI( N') ::S825 81S26 8827 8826 ~829 1$830 8831 8832 8833 88S4 0835 .:)836 8':S37 ~~n8 8839 8S40 8841 8842 8843 d844 d845 8846 :HS47 l:S84'3 ~849 ~~SO lHS51 l:S852 8853 I:SlSS4 81:555 ~856 ~8S7 ~858 8859 8660 ~ l:Se,1 ~l:S62 dl:S~3 ~604 Ijl,So5 'HS66 ~867 6868 I:HS69 IHS70 >$871 !:Sa7t. 8873 ~874 !S875 8676 1$877 8878 :~8'9 AlP CHECK lISTING VENDOR FIRST INTERSTATE ~ANK U.S. 3ANK SECURITY PACIfIC Cl€AqI~G C~ASE ~'NHATTAN BANK PIPER, JAFFQAY SECURITY ?ACIFlf CLEA~rNG V 0 I l> \I 0 I D V 0 I D I.C.~.A. RETIREMENT T~UST CMFOA ~OODBURN STATE R~NK ORE~ON DEPART. OF REVENUE P'CIFIC ~UTUAl LIFE INS UNITED GOOD NEIGHRORS MAR-PO FED. CREDIT UNION AMERICAN FAMILY CANeE~ WOODBURN POLICE ATHLETIC AfSCIIIE RETAIL CREDIT SERVICE COLO~IAl lIFE & Ace. INS. INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE OHIO NAT.L LIfE INS. co. V 0 I 0 V 0 I D V 0 I 0 A~DREEFF, "'ARIA 8ROWN, \llIYRON COl3Y, ROBERT FIiULK, LOLETA GRANLUND, ORRIN J HER3ST, ~IllIAM T lISOFF, AGAFIA MCEAC~EN, DOROTHY J fIIElU", ~ICHARD W SKOROHODOY, YAKOY F SMITH, llOY!) l STURGIS, FRANCES E wALKER, VICKI ZENl, WALTER E CITY Of WOODBURN WOODBURN STATE 8ANK J.l. DAUGHERTY BOB8IE JC~NSON SECURITY PACIFIC ~ANK lJ.S. POST OfFICE u.s. SANK SECURITY PACIFIC 8ANK CITY OF WOODBURN OSU CHE "'II C AL APPl Ie lHORS PACIfIC N.w. BUSINESS u.s. POST OFFICE l.S. BANK lJ.S. 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GALE RESEACH COMPANY !lIlARK J. GEIGER GERVAIS TELEPHONE CO. C. J. HANSE~ CO., INC. MARY HARRIS I1ARRIS "NO FIDE INDUSTRIAL WELDING SUPPLY INGRAM DIST. GROUP INSTANT FIRE PROTECTION JESSE g kENT CONSTRUCTION JOHN GORDON BURKE PUBLISH LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL CO"M ~ARION COUNTY BLDG INSPEC ~ARYATT INDUSTRIES GAR RY Melli UR RY ~ETRO OVERHEAD DOOR fIlIETROFUElING, INC. fWlONITOR Co-oP TELEPHONE NATel GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY NATIONAL INFO CENTER NEWARK ELECTRONICS NORRIS PAINT CO, INC NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS O.A.K. CUSTO~ CONTRACTORS O.BRIEN ~ANUfACTURING O-BA GENERAL CONTRACTOR O~EGON 3UILOING OFFICIALS OR CrTY ATTY.S ASSN OR OEPT OF MOTOR VEHICLE OREGON STATE E~PlOYMENT OREGON TRANSIT ASSOC US WEST COMIIl!UNICATIONS US WEST COMMUNICATIONS AJlI!OUNT 0.00 262.50 53.70 79.70 20.25 52.63 429.97 50.00 62.00 25.67 1,218.48 71 .66 178.17 3,156.82 58.41 10.56 294.12 8.00 31 .00 22.92 49.00 209.60 247.86 1 32.00 35.50 263.76 2,827.50 1,350.00 34.03 151.94 78.00 133.33 137.50 8.00 , ,291 . 60 116.28 22.50 157.00 204.82 170.00 11.50 33.45 254.57 1,200.00 1,123.18 9,547.20 1,527.18 2,516.00 15.00 25.00 6.00 2.00 120.00 667.55 2,609.48 I I PAGE 2 DESCRIPTION v 0 I D SERVICES - NON DEPT SUPPLIES - WtllTP SERVICES - P~LICE SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - VARIOUS REGISTRATION - FINANCE SUPPLIES - RSVP SERVICES - CODE ENFORCE SERVICES - peLICE SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUP~lIES - CENTRAL STORES SUPPLIES - WtllTP SERVICES - WWTP SUPPLIES - TRANSIT SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - CITY ATTY SUPPlIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - WATER SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SERVICES - COURT SERVICES - POLICE SERVICES - VARIOUS SERVICES - CITY ATTY SERVICES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - ST~EET & wwTP SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SERVICES - LIBRARY SERVICES - HOUSING SUPPLIES - LIBR~RY SUPPLIES - COURT SERVICES - BUILDING SERVICES - WWTP SERVICES - CITY ATTY SERVICES - CITY HALL SERVICES - VARIOUS SERVICES - POLICE SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - WWTP SUPPLIES - STREET SERVICES - VARIOUS SERVICES - H'OUSING SUPPLIES - ST~EET SERVICES - HOUSING SERVICES - 3UILDING SERVICES - CITY ATTY SUPPLIES - COURT SUPPLIES - HOUSING SERVICES - TRANSIT SERVICES - VARIOUS SERVICES - VARIOUS '" a DAT E 1/1l/YU 1/1t./YO 1112/9U 1 J 1 "/YU 1 /lll YU 1/1 iUYU 1/1i/YU 1/1119U 1/12/YO 1/12/YU 1/12/YU 1/12/90 1/12/9U 1/12/YU 1/1219U 1112/YU 1/ 1 2/9U 1/12190 1112/YU 1/12/90 1/1219\J 1/12190 1/12/'11U 1/12/9U 1/12/9U 1/12/9U 1/ 1 cUYU 1/12/'11U 1112/'11U 1/12/9U 1/12/9U 1/12/YO 1/12/9U 1/12/90 1/1i/90 1I12/YU 1/12/9U 1/12/YU 111"'10 1/11/9U 1/1llClU 1/12/9U 1I1llYU 1/12/YU 1/1 i/YU 1/12/'11U 1/1i/YU 1112/YU 1/12/YU 1/1ll'JIU 1/ 12/90 1/15/9U 1/111YU 111~/YU 1/1M/YU ;u (HK NO tsY35 ts936 ($Y31 1:$'138 ts939 1JYltO tsYltl dY4l ~Y43 ~Y44 >$945 ~Y46 dY47 ts948 1:$Y49 >$Y5U ~Y51 tsY52 ~Y)3 ~Y54 tsY55 ~Y56 >.sY~l 8Y58 8Y~9 1jY60 8'161 ;JY62 8963 1SY64 tsY65 8'166 8'161 8'168 dY6Y ~Y10 l:SYf' 1$912 ~Y73 ;-0'1'4 l:$Y7~ 8976 ~Y71 l:JY18 8'119 <':5'180 8<11:$1 !:S982 8'183 8'184 8'135 tsYi36 !$Y!37 1:$'188 1$YJ:SY AlP CHECK LISTING Vt: NO OR PIONEER GLASS PIRIE & CO. JEFFREY POGOLOWITZ & ASSC PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC PORTLAND STAMP AND SEAL PRINT RIGHT RADIX CORPORATION REDDAWAY TRUCK LINE REOY FAST fOTO RICHES ELECTRIC COMPANY STEVEN M. RICHXINO, ATTY SAFfRON SUPPLY CO. SALE~ HOSPITAL SALE~ ~ETROPOLITAN COMM SEARS COMMERCIAL CREDIT SERVICENTER SHEPARDS/MCGRAW HILL SILVERFLE~T SYSTEMS SLATER COMMUNICATIONS SOUND ELEVATOR CO SUNa~RST COMMUNICATIONS SUPERIOR BOOKS TAB PRODUCTS TELECOMM SYSTEMS INC T~ORNOIKE PRESS TIME-LIFE BOOKS/MUSIC TOWN & COUNTRY PEST CONTR TRADE NORTHWEST INC DAVID L TRAPP & ASSOC. UNOCAL:ERNIE GRAHAM OIL UNITED nlSPOSAL SERVICE UNITED PIPE & SUPPLY CO. U. S. NATIONAL BANk OF OR UNITED STATES POSTAL SERV USWEST DIRECT VALLEY WELDING SUPPLY .OODBURN INDEPENDENT ZETRON , INC. lUMAR INOUSTAIES, INC. lEE MEDICAL SERVICE CO. EUGENE C DAVIDSON PATSY R. VANDEHEY KATRINA fqOLOV DONALD W. WRIGHT NORMA HELENE EMRY U)WElL G. WIKOfF ALTA fOLQUET ROGER COURSER V 0 I 0 ~OOD8URN STATE 9ANK DONALD L EUBANK PETTY CASH - CITY HALL UNITED ST~T~S POSTAL SERV AMOUNT 86.64 45.00 3,132.20 8,436.27 7,611.e4 838.12 10.40 326.70 123.00 236.00 11.98 1,969.00 6l4.00 374.93 467.55 203.90 509.64 138.00 97.20 1,169.33 1,117.20 1~2.32 65.00 31.35 158.19 249.99 106.14 16.34 400.00 23.45 275.00 1,666.41 790.60 597.00 1,647.50 890.00 78.00 8.20 107.82 515.00 308.25 90.65 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 15.55 15.55 0.00 25,000.00 5,000.00 181.67 112.16 - I J PAGE 3 DESCRIPTION SERVICES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - VA~IOUS SERVICES - HOUSING SERVICES - VARIOUS SERVICES - VARIOUS SERVICES - VAqIOUS SUpoLIES - WATER SERVICES - VARIOUS SERVICES - WATER SERVICES - WlIITP SERVICES - POLICE SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SERVICES - COURT SUPPLIES - STREET SERVICES - POLICE SERVICES - POLICE SUP~LIES - STREET SERVICES - WATER SUPPLIES - CITY ATTY SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SERVICES - POLICE SERVICES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - POLICE SERVICES - WWTP & POLICE SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SERVICES - WWTP & PAR~S SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SERVYCES - PUBLIC WORKS SUPPLIES - PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - WATER BONDS/COUPONS**** SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - WWTP SERVICES - W"TP SERVICES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - POLICE SUPPLIES - STREET SUPPLIES - WIifTP SERVICES - COURT SERVICES - COURT SERVICES - CCURT SERVICES - COURT SERVICES - COURT SERVICES - COURT OVERPAYMENT - WATER OVERPAYMENT - WATER V 0 I D PAYROLl* SUPPLIES - ~OLICE PETTY CASH*.. SERVICES - WAfER l/ JU VAlE 1/1 Y/\iU 1/1Y/YU ",Y/YU 1119/9U 1,1Y/YU ,'1Y/YU 1I1Y/YU lI1Y/YU 1 I , Y 1'9 U 111Y/YU 1/1Y/YU 1I1Y/YU 1/1Y'YU l11YIYO l/lY/YU ,,1Y/YU l/1Y/9U 1/1Y/YU 1119/YU 11 1 Y/YU 1/1Y/YU 111 Y/YU 1/1'9/YU lI1Y/YU ,/1Y/YU l/1Y/9U "1Y/YU 1I1Y/YU 111Y/YU l/1Y/YU l/1Y/YU "1Y/YU l/lY/YU 1/1 Y/YU 1I1Y/YU lIlY/YO 1/1Y/YU 1/1Y/YU l/lY/YU 1/1Y/YU 1/1 Y/YU 111Y/YU 1I1Y/YU 1I1Y/YU l/lY/YU 1/1Y/YU l/1Y/YlJ 1/1Y/YU 1/1Y/YU 1l1Y/YU lilY/YO 1I1Y/YU l/1Y/YU l/1Y/YU 11 1Y/YU C'lil<. NO ~Y90 ~YYl ~Y9l lSYI/3 ~YY4 ~YY5 ~Y96 '6'1'11 tsY98 ~YY9 YUOO YUOl yuU2 YU03 YU04 '1005 YUUO YOU1 Yuots YU')Y "010 'lUll YOll 9U13 "'014 9U15 YOlO Y017 YUHI "OlY '1020 'lUll YOll YUl3 'IUl4 ."U25 YOl6 YUll YUlts YOl9 YU50 YU .51 YU3t "IU.53 "'U.54 YU3"> YU.50 'IU31 '1058 'IO.5Y YU40 'IU41 'IU42 "1045 "'U44 AlP CHECK LISTING VE NO OR v 0 I D ~ OlD A & A DRILLING SERVIC~ A.A.~. - VIRGINIA SHAOE A AABCO RESCUE ROOTER A.P.A. - OREGON CHAPTER AU10~ATED OFfiCE SYS-3AL~ A~AROS AND ATHLETICS AT&T INFOR~ATION SYSTt~S fRANK BASHOR SUPPLIES BRACK.S RESTAURANT BUTTERSWORTHS LEGAL PUaLI CHASE MANHATTAN BK N A NY CMASE ~ANHATTAN SVCE CORP CHASE/3RD CENTURY LEASING CHlflll-HILL COLu~aIA EQUIPMENT, INC. EOFF ELECTRIC CO GENERAL ELECT!C COMPANY HARRIS UNIfORMS JR ELECTRIC LANDIS & GYR LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL CO~~. LIPTON, STEPMEN A., ATTY LOTUS SUeSCRIPTION DEPT METROFUELIN~, INC. ~ATIONAL CHE~SEARCM WALTER E. NELSON CO. NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS NRPA O-BA GENERAL tONTRACTOR OREGON CHAPTER, f3INA CR. BLOG. CODES AGENCY ORE SECRETARY OF STATE US WEST COMMUNICATIONS PIONEER ELECTRONICS JEfFR~Y POGOLOWITl & ASSC PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC 1"5. TERRY PRIETO Rl:DY FAST FOTO SILVERTON FIRE DISTRICT SILVERTON SAND g GRAVEL u. S. NATIONAL 9ANK OF OR WA1ER,FOOD & RESEARCH LAB WEST PUBLISHING CO. WITTCO SYSTE~S INC _OODBURN CARCRAFT WOODBURN fLORIST WOOOBURN OFFICE SUPPLY ZEP MANUFACTURING CO IVAN ALAGOZ DAN CARR GEORG~ RODRIGUEZ CORRINE E. JOHNSON V U I D "__......,_"._",.,..~~..__,._,._".,.,...,."",'.__.e"...',"_.~.~,._._,........._..__.~.; .-.,-....--.",,-- Ar-IOUNT 0.00 0.00 2,930.00 65.00 200.84 55.00 244.98 210.26 172.45 141.50 19.75 134.50 265.00 1,225.10 246.24 500.43 61.50 230.42 1,610.00 3.50 1,098.59 821.00 660.00 194.20 36.00 289.02 425.56 800.64 75.18 40.00 5,610.00 17.00 60.00 200.00 62.98 99.95 3,037.50 4,058.52 367.50 66.07 44.17 137.38 128.1 :5 128.25 105.50 211.76 123.39 22.98 13.06 416.19 70.00 44.44 16.97 15.55 0.00 . ( PAGE 4 DESCRIPTION v 0 I D V 0 I D SERVICES - PU9lIC WORKS SERVICES - PARKS SERVICES - CITY HALL SERVICES - C ~TTY & PLAN SERVICES - OARKS & WWTP SERVICES - PARKS & C COUN SERVICES - V~RIOUS SUPPLIES - J)ARICS SERVICES - POLICE SUPPLIES - CITY ATTY BONDS/COUPONS.... SERVICES - VARIOUS SERVICES - CENT. STORES SERVICES - PU~LIC WORKS SUPJ)lIES - WATER & STREET SUPf'LIES - WWTP SUPPLIES - WWTP SUPPLIES - POLICE SERVICES - MUSEU~ SERVICES - C ~ALl & LIB SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SERVICES - COURT SUPPLIES - FINANCE SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - PARKS SUPPLIES - LI3 & C HALL SERVICES - MUSEU~ SUPPLIES - P~RKS SERVICES - KOUSING SERVICES - POLICE SERVICES - BUILDING SERVICES - VARIOUS SERVIces - PARKS & POLICE SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SERVICES - HCUSING SERVICES - V_RIOUS SERVICES - CCURT SERVICES - PARKS SERVICES - J)OLICE SUPPLIES - WATER BONDS/COUPONS.*** SERVIces - WATER SUPPLIES - CITY AlTY SUPPLIES - POLICE SERVICES - POLICE SERVICES - POLICE SUPPLIES - WWTP SUP?t. IE S - WWTP REFUND - PARKS OVERPAYMENT - WATER OVERPAY~ENT - WATER OVERPAYMENT - WATER V 0 I D n , ~I DATE 1/1Y/YU 1/1.~J/YtJ 1I1.5/YU 1/1.j/YU 1/1.4/'1tJ 1/1.4/ YU 1/l4/YO 1/l4/YU l/l.'j/'iU 1/1.":J/9U 1/1.';)1'10 l/jO/YU 1/jU/YU l/.S1/'1tJ 1/ .HI YU 1/51/9U 11 jl 1 YU 1151 /'1U 1/jl/9U 11 ,jl /YU l/.H/YU 1151 19U l/.H/YU 1/ HI YU 1/j1/YIJ 1/51/YU 1/j1/9U 1/51/'JU 1151/9U 11.s1/9U " 51/YJ 1/511 YU 1/51/9U 1/5"YU 1/51/YU 1/,H/YU 11 j 1/'1 U 1/.H/YU 1/51/YU 1/51/90 1/51/YU l/.H/'JU 1/ 51 / YU 1/51/YU 1/51/YU 1/j1/9U 1/,H/YU 1/51/YU 1/51/YU 1/.)1/'10 11 11/YU 1/51/YU 1/.H/Yu 1/51/'10 1/,51/9U IV CHI( NO YU45 YU46 "'U47 .,.U48 YU49 yO')O "'U51 YU5l '1053 "/U54 YU,";) YU56 '1U57 YU'~ IU')9 IU60 '/Uo1 '1062 '1U03 "U64 'f005 '1U66 '1U67 '1068 ':IU69 '1U7U Y071 '1072 YU73 '1074 '1U7, '1016 YU17 '1U78 YU19 YU60 "'U31 '1Utsl. "'U1j3 YUIS4 '1U35 YO~6 '1U37 '108 6 ."U 1$ 9 '109U '1U91 YO'll. YU93 YU94 '1U95 "'U96 YUY! '1U98 YUf.l9 AlP CHECK LISTING VE ND OR FIRST INTERSTATE 9ANK FIRST INTERSTATE 9ANK fIRST INTERSTATE BA~K CITY OF WOOD8URN INTERNAL REVENUE SERvrtE UNITED BANK OF LITTLETON 1.C.~.A. RETIREMENT LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIfS CJSO ~ICROCO~PUTER fIRST INTERSTATE BANK UNITED SlATES POSTAL SERV wOODBURN STATE BANK PETTY CASH - CITY HALL " OlD V 0 I 0 Y 0 I 0 ALAR~ SYSTE!'lS ARca LOGIC RESEARCH ARATEX SERVICES, INC. AUTO~ATEO OFFICE SYS.-BEA AWARDS ANO ATHLETICS EAKER K. BROwN BLUE RI9BON JANITORIAL BOISE CASCADE BRUNING BUILDING TECM BOOKSTORE BUTTERSWORTHS LEGAL PUBLI C_RPET WAREHOUSE CASE AUTO"'OTIVE CASE AUTOMOTIVE CASE POWER AND EQUIP~ENT C~ASE MANHATTAN BK N A NY C !of l flI\- Ii ILL CIS: CITY-ClY INS. SERVS. COLEMAN INDUSTRIES CONSOLIDATEO SUPPLY CO. CONVENIENCECARD COpy OFfICE PRODUCTS, INC CRITICS. CHOICE VIDEO DANIELS PHOTOGRAPHY DAVISON AUTO PARTS DAVISON AUTO PARTS DAVISON AUTO PARTS DETCO INDUSTRIES OISNEY.S WoqLD ON ICE DYNA~ATION, INC. DYCOR SUPPLY E.A.R.S. ENGINEERED CONTR~L PROD. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE DONALD L EU3ANK fARME~S OIL fARME~S OIL fARM PLAN H 0 FOWLER CO, INC. AMOUNT 2,835.00 270.00 270.00 126.92 6.08 131.25 6,557.35 27,046.68 30.00 256.26 118.95 130,000.00 126.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 142.50 481.84 60.00 120.80 101.24 39.50 895.00 797.36 67.50 68.80 95.50 660.00 2,832.09 430.33 109.57 265.00 9,711.23 1,521.02 82.21 3,847.91 <10.80 194.00 378.30 70.23 151.62 328.43 589.17 145.00 135.00 33.60 200.00 58.50 137.40 203.00 ~1.40 1,388.20 229.07 622.98 53.16 II. PAGE 5 DESCRIPTION BONOS/COUPONS--*- BONDS/COUPONS.._. BONOS/COUPONS-..- PETTY CASH-". PAYROLL- BONOS/COUPONS.... PAYROLL. PAYROLL* SERVICES - POLICE BONOS/COUPONS-... SERVICES - WATER PAYROLL. PETTY CASH*.. " 0 I 0 ~ 0 I D V 0 I 0 SERVICES - WATER SERVICES - PtJ8LIC WORKS SERVICES - ~OLICE & C HAL SUPPLIES - PARKS SERVICES - POLICE & LIB SERVICES - PARKS SERVICES - CITY HALL SUPPLIES - VARIO~S SERVICES - PUBLIC WORKS SUPPLIES - BUILDING SUPPLIES - CITY ATTY SUPPLIES - PARKS SERVICES - POLICE SERVICES - POLICE & BUILD SUPPLIES - WATER BONDS/COUPONS._.. SERVICES - PUgLIC WORKS SERVICES - VARIOUS SERVICES - POLICE SUPPLIES - STREET SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SERVICES - CENTRAL STORES SUPPLIES - lIBRARY SERVIces - POLICE SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - WWTP SUPPLIES - PARKS SUPPLIES - WlwTP SUPPLIES - STREET SUPPLIES - POLICE SUPPLIES - WWTP SUPPLIES - WIMTP REI~BURSEMENT - POLICE SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SERVICES - PAqKS SUPPLIES - WATER t.f DATE l/.H/YU 1/51/90 1/.>1/9U 1/.11/9U 1/31/90 1/.Hi9U 1/.s1/9U l/.n 190 1/j1/9U 1/31/YU , 151 /YU l/jl/9U 1/ 51/YU l/.H/YU 1/ i1/YU 1/.n 19U l/.H/YU l/Sl/YU 11 H/YU 1/l11YU 1/S1/YU 1/S1/9U 1/j1/90 1/j1/9U 11 i1/9U 1/3119U 1/31'YU 1/j119U 1 151 19U 1/31/9U 11 .)1 190 1/31/9U 1/.H/YU 1/.s1/YU l/.H 19U 1/51/YU '/51/YU l' .H 19U 1/31/9U 1/.s1/91J 1/3119U 1/31/YO 1'.H/9U 11jl/YU 1/jl/YU 1131/9U l/jl/YU l/.S1/9U 1/31/9U l' jllYU 1/31/9U 1/j1/9U l/j11YU 1/31/9U 11 HI YU IU CHI<. NO '11UO '1101 '11 U l '11U3 '11U4 '110~ '11U6 '1101 '11U8 '11U9 '111u '1111 '1112 '1113 '1114 '111~ '1116 '111 7 'Ill!:! '1119 ""20 "11 l1 '11ll '11l3 '1124 '1125 '1126 'Ill1 Yl16 '1129 'I13U '1131 n32 '1'33 '1134 'I13~ '1136 ~137 '11.38 y13Y '1140 '1141 '1142 '1143 '1144 Y145 '1146 '1147 Y14~ '1149 '1150 '1151 '11 )2 ':'153 '1154 AlP CHECK lISTING VENDOR GO~ERNMENT 800KSTORE G.T.t:. M09ILNET HACH CHEMICAL CO. JILL C. HARVEY, DIRECTOR HARRIS UNIFORMS MERSHBERGER MOTORS HIGH-PURITY CHEMICAL INC HUB8ARD GAR4GE INDUSTRIAL WELDING SUPPLY l & l BUIlDtN~ SUPPLIES l , l BUILDING SUPPLIES lEGISLATIVE COUNSEL COM~ lIND.S MARkET LIPTON, STEPHEN A., ATTY LOCAL GOV-T E~PLOYERS ~ARYATT INDUSTRIES MID-WILL UTIL CO-O~ COUHe MilES CHEVROLET "~ p.S AUTO PARTS NATIONAL CHE~SEARCH WALTER E. NELSON CO. NORTHWEST fIT~ESS SUPPLY ~ORTHWEST NATURAL GAS O.A.K. CUSTO~ CONTRACTORS O-SA GENERAL CONTRACTOR O~EGA CO~DUTER SERVICES US WEST COMMUNICATIONS PACIfIC I~TERNATIONAl PACIfIC PRINTERS PQRTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC PRIER PIPE & SUPPLY, INe RADIO SHACK STEVEN M. RICHKIN~, ATTY RICE SAFETY eQUIPMENT co RANDALL L. ROHMAN ROGERS MACHINERY CO. S_lE~ BRAKE g WHEEL, INC. SCOT SUPPLY INC SECURITY PACIfIC BANK ORE SEWING & VACUU~ EXCHANGE SLATER COMMUNIC~TIONS S"C DISTRIBUTORS SOLO SPECIAL EDITION STATE COURT AD~INISTRATOR STATES"AN-IOURNAL NEWSPAP SUBWAY SANDWICHES SUSS~AN, SHANK, WAPNICK l.U. OF OREGON T:RRITORIAL SUPPLIES INC. R08ERT E. THO~AS III UNOCAl:ERNIE GRAHAM OIL UNITED DISPOSAL SERVICE USWEST DIRECT VWR SCIENTIFIC INC. WENTWORTH CHEVROLET CO "',_ __..~'_",~"..' ._._,...~_o.'. '_""'*"__"_'~"""''''''''''"_^'__''_'._'__'=_'''' ",<_." '_""',.,,,_._.,. ~"'""""'_"'_~_~'_'_'''",_.,~__.,,,,,,, AMOUNT 46.01) 30.89 714.01 36.80 188.85 35.20 683.55 55.83 6.25 7'39.44 31.87 220.00 78.65 31.75 3,871.54 3 21. 31 25.00 37.26 139.60 442.96 153.60 1,900.00 1,287.34 475.00 7,214.00 715.00 129.80 1,280.00 210.75 5,340.28 271.21 152.94 426.00 243.24 354.22 44.64 109.43 31.60 135.00 259.95 48.80 69.95 120.00 30.00 97.68 46.80 423.99 121.21 1,036.62 312.50 219.00 554.20 43.60 318.06 26,449.12 fl. P AG E 6 DESCRIPTION SUPPl.IES - WWTP SERVICES - ~OlICE SUPPLIES - WwTP REI"BURSE"ENT - RSVP SUPPLIES - POLICE SERVICES - WWTP SUPPLIES - wwTP SUPPLIES - STREET SUPPLIES - STREET SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - POLICE SUPPLIES - PARKS SERVICES - COURT SERVICES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - V~RIOUS SERVICES - PUSlIC WORKS SERVICES - PARKS SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - PARKS SUPPLIES - WIITp SUP~lIES - PARKS SERVICES - WARIOUS SERVICES - CODE ENFORCE SERVICES - HOUSING SERVICES - WATER SERVICES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - STREET SERVICES - RSVP & TRANSIT SERVICES - VARIOUS SUP~LIES - STREET SERVICES - POLICE SERVICES - COURT SUPPLIES - W\riTP REIMBURSE~ENT - PUB WORKS SUPPLIES - WWTP SERVICES - STREET SUPPLIES - POLICE 80NDS/COUPO~S**.* SU'UlIES - W\rHP SERVICES - POLICE SUPPLIES - CODe ENFORCE SERVICES - PARKS SU'PLIES - CITY ATTY SERVICES - WWTP g POLItE SUPPLrES - PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES - NON DEPT SERVICES - POLICE SUPPLIES - POLICE SERVICES - COURT SUPPLIES - PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - POLICE SUPPLIES - WIITP SUPPlrES - POLICE ~I OAl E 11 51/90 "j1/YO 1/j1/9U 1/51J9U 1/51/YU 1151/90 1/5119U 11j1/90 11j1/9U 1/51/9U 11 H 19U 1/51/YU 1/51/9U 1/511'10 1/51/YO 11..s1/YU 1/51/90 1151 IYU 11 51 1 YU 1 I 51/YO 1/j1/90 1/51/YU ".51/90 1/51/90 11 .51 190 1/511YU "51/9U 1 , .S1/YU 1/51/YU 1/5119U 1/j1/9U 1131/90 1/j1/~U 11 HI 'IV 1151/9U 1/51/YU 1/51/9U 1/51/9U 1/5119U 11 H 1'10 1/511YU 1/j11YO 1/jl/YO 1/.51/YU 1/.51/9U 11.51/9U 1/ j1 1'10 1151 19U 11.51/9U 11.51/90 115119U 1/51/90 1/51/YU 1/51/'10 1/..s1/YO iU CHK NO '11 ~) '11 ~6 '1157 '1158 Y1~9 '1160 '1161 916l ""03 '1164 "'65 Y166 '1167 '1'168 .." 6 9 9"0 9171 '1171. '1113 '11'4 '1175 '1176 '1177 '1118 9179 '1160 91M1 '118l 91 Jj 3 '11 ~4 '1185 9166 '1137 91138 Yl~9 '11'10 '1191 Y1Yl '11'13 9194 '119) '11"16 Y1Y1 Y19ts 11199 YlOO y 1.01 Y2lJ2 v,03 Yl.04 Vl05 '1206 '1201 YlU~ YcWY AlP CHECK LISTING VE ND OR WITHA~ GARDEN CENTER WITTCO SYSTE~S tNe WDBRN COAST TO COAST WDBRN COAST TO COAST WD8RN FERTILIZER ~ GRAIN WOODBURN HIGH SCHOOL WOODBURN INDEPENDENT WOOD8URN LUMBER CO. WOODBURN OFfICE SUPPLY WOODBURN ~ADIATOR & GLASS WOODBURN TRUE-VALUE HDWE KENNETH WRIGHT YES GRAPHICS ROSERT BRANSON RUT H BROt; NE REX BRAY ELEANOR HOWE R08ERT JOHNSTON LEO LA ROQUE flUNK MEEKS ERNA OSBORNE ALMEDA QUIRING LYMAN E. SMITIf lSA9ELlE SfIllITH BILL SULlIV~N LLOYD WEllS CHARLES WIGLE JUNE WILLIAMS HATTIE CLARK LOIS CaMMACK EUGENE ~. DUBUQUE GRACE DAVIDSON CORNELIUS DONNELLY fRE~ONT GREEMlING DONNA NELSON ERNA iii. OSBORNE 6ETTY PARK BYRON J. ~EFFLY GERTRUDE REES JAMES STROUP 8ARBARA STROUP "EL VfR PLANk JUNE WILSON V 0 I D ~ 0 t D VOl D \I 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 DON SPRAGUE SALES, INC. ELLER, JACK GRIGORIEFF, PETE ~ASTINGS, CLIfFORD Hl\lES, DONALD IRVIN, EL!ZABETH AMOUNT 401.85 240.00 530.08 221.34 110.75 125.00 43.00 204.46 6.30 805.69 257.21 61.79 '371.25 43.20 55.63 89.76 7.66 38.18 194.64 126.00 21.60 18.24 21.36 27.58 22.56 50.40 77.60 53.19 68.80 23.80 15.60 8.80 118.80 11.60 28.30 91.80 10.00 164.80 35.20 40.20 45.70 175.40 3.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.16 46.00 46.00 45.83 45.83 45.83 , /. PAGE 7 DESCRIPTION SUPPLIES - ?A~KS SERVICES - POLICE SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - VA~IOUS SUP Pl. I E S - PARK S SUPPLIES - F'ARKS SERVICES - NON DEPT SUPftlIES - PARKS SUPPl.IES - PARKS SERVICES - ~ARKS & STREET SUPPLIES - VARIOUS ReIMeURSE~ENT - POLICE SERVICES - PARKS & POLICE SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES - ~SVP SERVICfS - RSVP SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES - qSVp SERVICES - RSVP S E R V ICE S - q S VP SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES - ~SVP SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES - ~SVP SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES - OAR SERVICES - OAR SERVIces - OAR SERVICES - OAR SERVIces - DAR SERVICES - DAR SERVICES - OAR SERVICES - DAR SERVICES - DAR SERVICES - l)AR SERVICES - OAR SERVICES - OAR SERVICES - DAi:.t SERVICES - OAR SERVICES - OAR V 0 I D V 0 J 0 V 0 I D \t 0 I D V 0 I D VOl D DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT ~ RETURN - RETURN - R eT UR N - RETURN - RETURN - RETURN - WATER WATER WATER WAn: R WATER WATER (./ ;U DATI::: 1/.s1l9U 11 H /9U 1/.S1/9U 1/31/9U " .s119U l/.H 19U 11 Sl/YU 1/..s1/9U 11 j 1/"10 1,S1IYU ".HIYU 1/ H /9U "j"9U 1/51/9U 11 .H 19U 1/51/9U 1/.S1/YU 1'Sl/YU 1/5'/9U 1/.s1/YU 1/j1/YU 1/51/9U 1/.s1/YU 1/51/9U 1151/9U 1/51/9U CHI( NO Vll0 Yol11 '1l1Z Yl13 Yoll. Yll~ 'Illo Yol17 Yl18 Yl19 YllO Ylll "ill '1ll3 '~ll. 'Ill..., Yll.b '11l.1 Yt.l'ti 'IllY Yl30 Y231 '1232 Yol53 Y254 Yl35 AlP CHECK LISTING VENDOR LUTHRA, RAM MARTUSHEV, VLADIMIR G 'UTLOCK, DAVID D ~URRAY, CAROLYN J ,.EAL.S F'UJlIIERY TOEPfER, GERTRUDE e TREN8EATH, H A ~ARLC::, JULIA V 0 I 0 \t (; I D V 0 I D V 0 I 0 WOODBURN STATE BANK OREGON DEPART. OF REV~NUE PACIFIC JlIIUTUAL LIFE INS UNITED GOOD NEIGH~ORS ~AR-PO fED. CREDIT UNION A~ERICAN FAMILY CANCER WOODeURN POLICE ATHLETIC AfSCJlIIE RETAIL CREDIT SERVICE COLONIAL lIFE & Ace. INS. INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE O~IO NAT.l LIfE INS. CO. CAPITOL CREDIT ~ COLLECT V 0 I 0 _.........4--".,><'^..___.....__;,._.... '.' . __ ".-'-"'~''''''~'''''-''''''-'-----~- AI~OUNT 45.83 45.83 45.83 45.83 44.66 46.00 45.83 46.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 56,398.18 11,878.18 18,601.14 69.00 1,032.48 162.88 480.00 745.00 100.00 1,143.06 60.00 1,542.80 156.81 0.00 ...**..*....* $386,143.01 $.00 $748.84 $64,369.37 $194,543.64 $646,404.86 -- ---- -- ------ ------------'- "-..'/, P AG E 8 DESCRIPTION DEPOSIT AETURN - wATER DEPOSIT RETURN - WATER DEPOSIT RETURN - WATER DEPOSIT RETURN - WATER DEPOSIT RETURN - WATER DEPOSIT RETURN - WATER DEPOSIT RETURN - WATER DEPOSIl RETURN - WATER V 0 I 0 W 0 I l) V 0 I 0 V 0 I D PAYROLL. PAYROLL. PAYROLL. ~AYROLl. PAYROLL. PAYROll. PAYROLL. PAYROLL. PAYROll. PAYROLL. PAYROLL. PAYROLL. PAYROLL" V 0 I D PAYROLL" lCD/B.A..** PETTY CASH."-- BONDS/COUPONS.... "ATEAIAlS/SUP~LIES/ElC. lOTAL fOR THE MONTH OF: J'ANUARY 1990