Minutes - 01/08/1990 ~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 8, 1990 TAPE READING 0003 ~ COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, JANUARY 8, 1990. 0005 CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. 0013 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kirksey Hagenauer Jennings Kyser Minard Sifuentez steen Present Present Present Present Present Present Present staff Present: City Administrator Quinn, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Police Chief Wright, Park & Recreation Director Holly, Deputy Recorder Tennant 0021 MINUTES. JENNINGS/MINARD.... approve the Council minutes of December 11 and 27, 1989; accept the Library Board minutes of December 27, 1989, the Planning Commission minutes of December 14, 1989, the Downtown Association minutes of December 5, 12, and 19, 1989, and the RSVP Advisory Council minutes of November 13, 1989. The motion passed unanimously. 0031 Administrator Quinn reminded the Council that Budget hearing dates have been scheduled for January 9, II, 16, and 18, 1990 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. He also stated that Alan Hershey will attend the February 12th Council meeting to present a Council of Government's report and the annual audit report will be presented to the Council at the January 22nd meeting. 0074 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Terry Withers, 1B2 S. Settlemier, stated that the Chamber's Entrance Packet Committee will be meeting January 17th and the completed packet will be presented to the Council in February. In addition, the Annual Banquet was a success this year and he expressed his appreciation to the Council for their support. 0107 PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDMENT TO IL ZONE FOR TRUCK RELATED SERVICES. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing open at 7:34 p.m.. Community Development Director Goeckritz stated that the Planning Commission has recommended an amendment to the text of the Zoning Ordinance which would allow truck related services as a conditional use in a Light Industrial zone. Areas zoned as Light Industrial at this time include land near Bird's Eye, North Front Street area, and the 100 acre parcel west of the 1-5 interchange. The Director reviewed the staff Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 8, 1990 ~ TAPE READING 0620 0811 - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 8, 1990 findings which include the definition of motor truck, truck trailer, and truck tractor. The zoning ordinance currently does not address truck related services in the Commercial or Industrial zones. Since it would be a conditional use, a public hearing is required when the site plan proposal is before the Planning Commission and Council for review. David Trapp, 260 Seneca Court, Consulting Engineering with Trapp & Associates, stated that the City has no zoning to accommodate a truck related service operation. In his opinion, the City has control on future developments of this type due to the conditional use language. Terry Withers, 182 S. Settlemier, representing the Chamber of Commerce, spoke in favor of the amendment to the text. He stated that the Chamber had conducted a survey on this issue and strong support was expressed by respondents since it would add to the economic diversity of the City. In addition, the respondents indicated that they wanted to see this type of use in the City. Ed McKenney, 220 Schooley Ln, Silverton, stated that as President of GEM Equipment, he supports this type of use since it brings money into the City and businesses depend on trucks for pick-ups and deliveries. In addition, truck service areas are needed locally. Bill Castine, 1740 Rainier Rd, expressed his concern over recent newspaper articles relating to a proposed truck related service development at a specific location within the City. He felt that the amendment to the text was a ploy to get the proposal through without necessary public input. David Negrey, 2139 Camilla Way, Co-chairman of the Senior Estates Information Committee, expressed concerns regarding the traffic problems on Hwy. 214 at the I-5 interchange. Since the last traffic study was completed in 1983, he felt that a new study should be completed before zoning changes are made in the 100 acre parcel. Gilbert Flaugher, 1352 Astor Way, expressed concern over environmental problems associated with a truck service area due to pollution factors created by discharge of diesel fumes and the noise level generated by trucks. Sal Lofaso, 1051 Princeton Rd., opposed the proposal until an environmental impact study is completed for the 100 acre parcel. Joe Rice, 305 W. Clackamas Cl, Senior Estates Golf & Country Club Board Chairman, requested that the letter from the Senior Estates Board be read into the record. Administrator Quinn stated that the letter would be read following testimony from the audience. Kay Peterson, 13740 Wilco Hwy, Woodburn, felt that buildings should be located in an IL zone rather than a truck related service. In addition, a truck related service at the 100 acre site would create traffic flow problems, excessive noise levels, and environmental pollution in the surrounding areas. Wanda Adney, 1026 Randolph Rd., expressed concern over a 24-hour truck service operation and the health hazards created by environmental pollution to individuals who live in the surrounding areas. Wes Baurer, 1190 Randolph Rd, questioned the revenue generated by this type of service versus the expense to the community. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 8, 1990 '" _. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 8, 1990 TAPE READING Mrs. Homer Johnston, 1916 Rainier Rd, expressed concern regarding potential widening of Highway 214 and the pollution created by a truck serVIce area. Ed Schilling, 328 E. Clackamas Cl, stated that the pollution created by a truck service area could present health problems for individuals residing at the French Prairie Care Center and that the traffic situation at the I- 5 interchange is already a problem for motorists. l395 Administrator Quinn read a letter from the Senior Estates Golf & Country Club (Opponent's Exhibit 1) opposing a truck stop at the I-5/Hwy 214 interchange since there are 3 other truck stops within a few miles of Woodburn along 1-5. They encouraged development of new industries and commercial activities within the City, however, they felt this type of development would create environmental and traffic problems. 1550 David Trapp, 260 Seneca ct., stated that the truck stop would generate about 250 vehicles per day versus the high number of vehicles utilizing I- S each day. Councilor Kyser expressed concern over the pollution and noise level created by large trucks versus automobiles. Ed McKenney stated that he felt that there was more pollution created in the 1960's than the current time period due to pollution controls on vehi cl es . 1779 Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing closed at 8:28 p.m.. Councilor Jennings expressed concern over not having language in the zoning ordinance which would allow for truck related services within the City. After a brief discussion on the concerns raised by citizens, KYSER/MINARD. .. deny the Planning Commission recommendation to amend the text of the zoning ordinance and instruct staff to draft an ordinance on findings of denial. The motion passed unanimously. 2353 KYSER/SIFUENTEZ... Council take a short recess. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting recessed at 8:42 p.m. and reconvened at 8:50 p .m.. 2360 COUNCIL BILL 1188 - RESOLUTION DENYING VARIANCE CASE #89-10 (Tabled Business) . STFUENTEZ/KYSER... remove Council Bill 1188 from the table. The motion passed unanimously. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Attorney Shields stated that Councilors Hagenauer and Steen were not present at the public hearing on November 27, 1989, however, he had advised them that they could vote on the issue only after careful review of the record. Councilors Hagenauer and Steen stated that they had listened to the tape recording of the public hearing and had reviewed the documents. On roll call vote, Councilors Kyser, Hagenauer, and steen voted nay on Council Bill 1188. Mayor Kirksey voted nay on the bill to break the tie. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 8, 1990 - - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 8, 1990 TAPE READING KySER/STEEN.... instruct staff to draft ordinance with findings in favor of variance case #89-10. On roll call vote, Councilors Minard, Jennings, and sifuentez voted nay. Mayor Kirksey voted aye to pass the motion. JENNINGS/MINARD... both attorneys be notified of the current situation. The motion passed unanimously. 2666 COUNCIL BILL 1190 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS IN THE STREET FUND DURING FISCAL YEAR 1989-90. Council Bill 1190 was introduced by Councilor Kyser. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared the bill duly passed. 2710 WATERLINE EASEMENT - INDUSTRIAL PARK. The staff recommended the acceptance of a waterline easement from Don and Patricia Burlingham located in Lot 15 of the Industrial Park. KySER/JENNINGS.... accept the waterline easement as recommended. The motion passed unanimously. 2726 COUNCIL BILL 1191 - ORDINANCE REINSTITUTING A LIMITED SUBSIDY FOR A PORTION OF CERTAIN DEVELOPMENT CONNECTION FEES THROUGH INCREMENTAL PROPERTY TAXES. Council Bill 1191 was introduced by Kyser. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Councilor Minard suggested amendments to the following portions of the bill for the purpose of not limiting the eligibility requirements to specific developers: (1) delete third line of whereas clause; (2) Section 2(A) - delete second line which relating to dates; and (3) delete Section 2(8). MINARDI .... make the amendments to the Council Bill. The motion died for lack of a second. Councilor Kyser spoke in opposition to the bill stating that this program has generated ill-feelings amongst taxpayers. Tape 2 The Councilors discussed their opinions on the issue which included the l~gal ramifications versus moral obligation. 0120 David Trapp, 260 Seneca ct., stated that the bill directly or indirectly affects 4 subdivisions within the City: Senior Estates #8, Glatt Subdivision, Willowbrook, and Senecal Creek Estates. He was not against a subsidy program, however, he did feel that including dates within the bill that would specifically exclude other developers was unfair. Councilor Kyser questioned if a new homeowner was told of the connection fee savings at tIlt' time of purchase. David Negrey, 2139 Camillia WaYt stated that there are 18 homes on his street in Senior Estates #8 which have been built in recent years. When he purchased his newly built home in 1988, he stated that he was not told of Rny savings through the incremental property tax program at the time of the sale. Administrator Quinn stated that the proposed CouDcil Bill was drafted based on the Council's direction at previous meetings, however, the staff could draft a bjJl which would be similar to the repealed ordinance. Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 8, 1990 - - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 8, 1990 ':'AFE READING Bill Castine, 1740 R~injer Rd, stated that the vote to rescind the previous ordinance wiped out any obligation to developers but not to the taxpayers of the City. Mike Wells, 26380 SW Petes Mt. Rd, West Linn, stated that he represents a partner of a group that has approximately 60 acres within the City for residential usage. He expressed his opinion that developers be treated equally within the City. Pete Wilson, 5100 SW Macadam, Suite 300, Portland, stated that he was informed of thp incremental property tax program when he first discussed the development with City staff. He stated that his budget for the complete development took the property tax program into account when accounting for the complete cost of the project. Attorney Shields stated that the ordinance was a legislative act and could have been repealed at anytime. On roll call vote, the bill failed 1-5 with Councilors Sifuentez, Minard, Jennings, Kyser, and Hagenauer voting nay. MINARD/SIFUENTEZ... staff directed to bring back an ordinance to include all developers. The vote on the motion was 3-3 with Jennings, Kyser, and Hagenauer voting nay. Mayor Kirksey voted nay to defeat the motion. Mayor Kirksey expressed her concern regarding the Council's lack of commitment on this issue. She suggested that the Council/Chamber commi ttee meet tc: df~~ij gn a new development incentive program. 0767 WATER/SEWER RATE REVIEW AND TREATMENT PLANT STATUS REPORT. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that a recent meeting with Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has provided for the extension of the plant modification deadlinA from 1993 to 1994. He requested a workshop with the Counri] on January 15th to discuss required permit modifications. It was the consensus of the Council to hold a workshop on January 22, 1990, 6:00 p.m., to review the issues and to request an extension of the January 18th written response date from DEQ. 0997 Terry Withers, ]82 S. Settlemier, expressed concern on the Council's ~abi]ity to make a decision on the incremental property tax issue and is discouraged with the message that the Council's actions may be sending out to future developers. He stated that the Chamber is trying to work with C):H\ci' ~.~ d",~;ign a new incentive program. He suggested a workshop with the Chamh0r to fllrther discuss this issue. David Trapp expressed his opinion that the development on the 100 acre site was labeled as a truck stop rather than the development as a whole. He also suggested ~ workshop for long-term planning. 1230 CLAIMS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 1989. STFUF.N~FZ/KYSER.,., approve voucher checks #8501 - 8824 for the month of December 1989. The motion passed unanimously. 1248 SITE PLAN - WOODBURN FERTILIZER BUILDING EXPANSION. CASE #89-18. The Council reviewed the Planning Commission's decision to approve the sit.e plan. Communi ty Devf~lopment Director Goeckritz stated that t.he rage S Council Meeting Minutes] Janllary 8, 1990 ~.A.PE READING 1274 1284 1414 1470 1522 1706 - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES .January 8, 1990 Qroperty owner will be torn down SInce moving it is not a feasible option for the owner. EXECUTIVE SESSION. JENNINGS/MINARD.... adjourn to executive session as allowed under ORS 192.660(1)(h) for the purpose of discussing the Emanuel Hospital lawsuit. The motion passed unanimously. The Council adjourned into executive seSSIon at 9:50 p.m. and reconvened the regular meeting at 10:05 p.m.. STATUS REPORT ON VARIANCE APPEAL - CASE #89-13. The Council received a memo from the Community Development Department detailing the chronological sequence of events regarding the Planning Commission decision to require Dean Pollman to pave a mobile home sales Jot to be located at the intersection of Aztec Drive and Highway 99E. Mr. Pollman had requested guidance from the Council at the December 11th meeting as to the appropriate procedure to follow in submitting an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision. Attorney Shields stated that Mr. Pollman did not submit a letter of appeal to the Council within the required 10 day period, therefore, allowing an appeal ~pa~ing would be setting a precedent for the future. No action was taken by the Counei' on this issue. Councilor Sifuentez suggested that the Council hold a workshop in the spring to discuss general policy issues. Councilcr Minard stated that the Council has the right to reverse itself on Issues before them and not to be intimidated by political actions or newspaper editorials. Dean Pollman, applicant on Valiance Case #89-13, stated that no one on staff told him that he had only 10 days to appeal the decision of the Planning Commission on the variance case. He stated that he was told that he only needed to pave the parking area and that he had submitted revised plans which would pave walkway areas but leave the areas in which mobile homes were placed as gravel. He f'xpressed his concern regarding paving the entire area sinc~ it did not make economic sense. Attorney Shields advise~ the Council that he felt Mr. Pollman was out of ~r~0r ~t this time since the variance case is a land use issue and the appeal time hJS Jnr~0d, ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 10:18 p.m.. . APPROVED~/f ~ ancy A. rksey, Mayor 1l,7TES~ fY/~ ~( Ma'} T ,a:1t, Depu.ty Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 6 - Counci 1 Meeting Minu.t.'?," I Janua t'Y 3! 1990 11 0H _ 1l/U1n;:J 11.IU5/h) 1.!.1J?/'t'~ 12/J6/b'.J 1110'3/d9 1Ul11t9 11114/t.; 12/>381,,;;? 12/08n-Q 1U:J8/b9 12.frJE.lc,9 1llJ8/8q 1 t.1 !) c I 'ri :; 11./U'd/89 1 UJE/89 1U:.18/6-, 1 Z 1 J t I b '.1 1UJ8l'ei 11..1,JE/b? 1:'/06/3'; 1 i.I ij .818') 121;)8/89 1 2. 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SERVICES - WwTP SUPPLIE~ - LI3RARY SERVICES - POL!Ct SERVICES - VA~IOUS SJPPlIES - V~RIOuS SUP~LIES - CITY ATTY SERVICES - CENTRAL STOR~S S~RVtCES - oelICE SERVICES - CENTRAL STORES SUPPLIES - POLICE SERVICES - P~3LIC WORKS SUPPLIES - WwTP SERVICES - PU?LIC WOPKS SERVICES - fINANC~ S~~VICES - fINANCE SUP?LltS - ~LILOING SUPPLIES - CITY ADMIN ". 1/ "'f J DC, T .:: 1015/1.'9 1U1~/~',: 1U15/t9 1 U 1 :; 03:; 1.015/89 1U1S/6'.,l 1U15/tly 1015/89 1015/8'1 1U1'::>/'o9 1cU1S/S<J 1.u15/~7 1U15/o~ 1.u15/tP 1U15/8') 1t/15/89 101)/'dCJ 1U1')/8':1 11115/b9 1U15/h'l ll/15/b:l ll.11'5/b''J l.u15'~,9 1U15/:Q 1.!/15/~<,J 10'~/e',1 101,/64 1a1)/~9 1015/'09 ll/1,1t;9 1U15/tiQ 1015/1:5',1 1L11;lcd It.l1':>lt-l 11/15/89 1"'l"'e9 ll/15/81.J 1~/15/8? 1U15/H<f ll/15/o'l 1015/bY 1t/15/t.,l 1U15/8'1 ll/15/oy 1UilJ/89 ll.1l..fJ'8~ ll.121 1'0'''; 10~1/tP 1 t. 1 C!, 1 d ., 1UL1/8Y 111~1/b9 1U!.1/8.,1 101..1/69 lU1-1/bl.J 1Ut1/\jv (1 K N) <")11 ~ 01 2 }o13 1614 C;o15 1561') ~o17 :\61~ t619 ~6l0 de2l .':'062, ~:)23 i~24 862') '1026 -3b27 ':l~Lo 1oZ9 0630 :Hd1 jo32 ....1') 33 1b 34 :1635 :"i~36 b637 '~b3 >.I ~639 i640 j641 664i dt.43 li644 -!645 l'S646 ':1047 dt.48 ".Sb49 ~650 d6'jl .;t 52 'ioS3 ;:,e54 ~655 ::i656 itS 7 1058 ~6S9 1660 :1b~1 ~6~2 )6~3 io64 J, t.)~ AlP C~ErK LISTI~G ''/tNDOP l~DUST~IAl ~ELDING SU~PLY INT'l C0N~ OF SLOG OFFLS J~SSE ~ KENT CONSTRUCTION !'t.~RY <::-::p lIPTGN, STEPHEN A., ArTY ~ARro~ COUNTY P~R ASS1C ~AR!C~ (CUNTY bLDG IN)PEC ~ARYATT INDUSTRIES LeONARD ~CM~~ON INC Il"::TRO ~4T'L SOCIETY OF PROF ENG G-8A GENE~AL CO~TRACTOR CNLINE ~OqT~wEST 10 C~ CITY PL~u. OIR ASSOC. C~t STATE Dr:PT OF AGRICUL C~EGON METE~ REPAIR C~EGON STATE TREASURY wILLIAM L. O~EN & ASSOt uj WEST COMML~ICATIJNS FACIFIC INT=RNATIONAl PACIFIC S.F~TY 5U~PLY, IN pc we '~L!) J~FFREY POGJlJWITI ~ ASSC P1PTLAND GEN~RAL EL~CT~IC P0RrL~NO ~ENFRAL FL~CT~IC MS. ltRRY PRIETO STEVEN ~. RICHKIND, ATTY SIlVERTO~ SA~D & GRAVEL FRAI\lK sr~CLAH~ T~RGET O[$T CONTRJl DAVID l TRAo~ ~ AS~OC. ~NOCAl:ERNI~ GRAHAM OIL wARREN-GORHA~-LAMJNT INC. wOOOSJRN INDEPENDENT KC:NNETH loiRIJ"'T KIC~ARD ~. ~AMMA(( C~RI~TINE M. VISTICA DALE R. uREF.'NLJP ~IL3E~T c. WHITNEY G~ORGC G. HOLLAND JAVI':R '1I;)ALGO AND~EiN J '3USH IVAN SKOROH')DJV V 0 I D I.(.~.A. RETIRE~ENT T~UST L~AGU~ OF O~i~ON CITI~S " 0 I l) vOID V 0 I I) A & A D~Illr~G SEKVIC~ AlARPI SYSTE"'<; ALDUS CORPORATI0N A~ERltA~ ~lI~D ~ WAlLoAPE AWARDS AND ATHLETICS EAKER g TAYLeR co. - NY A~OUNT 45.14 1 5 0 . C .) f,5~6.GO 42.50 259.85 20.00 2,7~1.39 114.61 65.95 25.00 1..0.00 3,300.00 70.00 25.00 20.00 610.00 75.00 4'36.54 2,867.67 150.00 ?6.30 lQ.97 ,,081.00 e,056.02 132.53 35".50 170.00 1,850.80 ~o.oo ~5.GO 75.00 596.83 ':>2.71) 429.90 to.59 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 51902.2,;] 27,376.99 0.00 0..00 0.0l) ';;30.00 427.50 100..00 1,36.3.2') 61.05 )1.66 .~o P.~G: 3 D -:SC:UPTION SUPPLIES - Cf~T. COM~rTT2 SERVICES - ~uIlOING S=RVICES - HCJSI~G SERVICES - COURT SERVICES - CCURT SERVICES - CITY ATTY S~RVICES - 8UILDING SUPPLIES - ""IIITP SUPPLIES - P~3LIC WO~KS SERVICES - PLANNI~G SERVICES - oU8lIC WORKS S~RVI(ES - HOUSING SERVICES - L13R~P.Y SeRVICES - PLANNING SERVICES - SlRE~T SERVICES - WATER SERVICES - VARIOuS SERVICES - Sl~EEl SERVICES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - Sl?EEl SUPPLIES - ST~EET SUPPLIES - ~INA~C= SERVICES - HCUSING SERVICES - VARIOUS SERVItES - VA~IO~S SERVICES - COURT SERVICES- COURT SUpoLIES - WATEq REI~8URSE~ENT - kWTP SERVICES - POlIC~ SERVICES - ~U1LIC WORKS SUPPLIES - PUgLIC ~O?KS SUPPLIES - CrTY ATTY SERVICES - ?OLICE & FIN REIM8URSEMENT - POLIC~ SERVICES - COURT SERVICES - (CURT SERVICES - (CURT SERVICES - CCURT SERVICES - COURT SERVICES - CITY ATTY SERVICES - CCURT SERVICES - CITY ATTY V 0 I 0 PAYROlL* PAYROLl* V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D SE~VICES - WATER SERVICES -PAP<S g l!2RARY SERVICES - PARKS SUpolIES - LIBRARY SERVICES - fINANCE SUPPLIES - LIBRARY ... If 1 !y) OAT:- 11.11.1/'5 I 1Uc::1/t9 lUil!l.19 1l/~1/c:! lUll/bY lUl1/t'J 10Ll/~9 lL1~l/ty lUt!1/~9 lUl.l/'(;'1 1021/B'" 10l1n:n 1U21/8',1 lUi1/~9 1U21/69 10~1/89 1u~1/d'l 1U21/,IJ.,Q 10.!1/i:J9 1a~ln;y lU~1/8y 10l1/8; 1l/21/o:l lU~l/t!,'! lU,(1/~Y 12.12.1/8'1 lU21/'19 1U!1/t'.',I 1021J~(:I 10~1/?j.j l!11.1/~y 1021/h'I 101-lIt'oI lUll/bY 1 U !1/ oJ 1 U ~1I8'} 1U21/~f It.1~ll~q ll121/89 121t1/bQ 1U21/8'-' lU21/8)1 lUi1/8'~ 1U2.1/~.y 121 21/61.J lU~l/bY lU!1/1!.v 1021/d:,J ln~1/::J9 lU21/8~ la~1/~9 lUL1/":;l 10!1/::i" 111~1/8q 1Ull/~Y ('..1/( NJ ~6"->~ i.~67 ~o~8 '1669 dtl7e 'S671 '31)72 d673 lj674 jt.75 '3b76 ::Se7l ~tn:. d~79 ~odO ~t,j 1 ~~~i ::It'33 ~684 S6~5 d6~6 "S~37 ':S~~t' 'jo;3Y 1690 ~~'!1 jt~2 1613 16\l4 ~t15 1b1.Ji1 ."' b-l7 :i ~9 3 1c';JSr 'HOG 171J1 17J2 ;(1)3 .~ 104 HO~ j ';J6 H07 ':.\ (;J~ H\J9 6'10 '~ 711 Hl;:: :SI1 3 ::S '14 H1S H1c 'in7 j 71 i:\ j '19 ')/Z.D .....,..".,..~-,.,._.,-,._...-------,---~.~"....~" . AlP CHECK L!srrNG VF'\jCOR BQKcR & TAYLeR - ~A & NV CALLIN NOVELTIES C~RPET ~AREHCUSE C~ASE MANHATTAN SVCE CORP C~E~EKETA CO~MUNITY COLl C Ii 2 ~- !11 L L CLARK 90~RD~AN CC~PA~Y COlu~aIA RIVER eM?T ICB1 tJMMT ~ON PICH'RD T. DPESLt~ E3SCC SU~SCRIPTION SE~V EOFF EL~cnnc co FJRRO~ 2UIlOING MATERIALS GLIDDEN COATINGS :{ ~E$INS E~APhIC pqODUCTS INC. (;UMDRQPS lOOK (. J. HANSEN co., I~C. H~R~~QERG=R ~OTORS I.C.l"..A. INGRAM )15T. GROUP LeAGUE ~F OREGON CITI~S lERN-LEARNING RESOUPCE l".ARION co ~:ALTH DEOT ~ARSH~Ll INOuSTRIES (l',.:DIA SOURC:: ~ETRCFUElING, INC. "',ILlER FENCE CC. MARY =. "'ILLE~ & Assec MUFFLERS, HITCHES & M0RE ~ATIONAL AR3CR DAY fCUNDA CqEGC~ ~EPT Cf REVfNU~ OR~ DISTRlcr ATTY ASSOC. CREGON STAT: llgPARY O~EGCNr~N pualISHING co. us Wt5T CO~MUNICATIONS PAYLESS O~UG STORE JEFFREY POG0l0wITl & ASSC PORTLAND GENEqAL ~LECTRIC QJEE~ Pu~P CC~PANY R~DIO SHACK f\H Ii. C; I G ~ S'~LECT VIOE:J N. R08c~T SYIELDS :3RIAfI. SJOTHUN SLATER COMMUNICATIONS STATESMA~-JOURNAL NEwSPAP SU~SMAN, SHAN~, ~APNICK TRIANGLE PUMP & EJUIP~~NT u~ITfD ~lSPOSAL S:RVICE U~ITE) PIPE ~ SUpolY co. UNITED STATES POSTAL SE~V ~ARRE~-GORH_~-L.MONT INC. TERRY wILLIAf'S H. W. ",IlSON ~ITTCD SY3T-~S INC A~OUNT 340..68 3(f9.GO 6'30.00 1,225.10 93.00 5,:'45.01 71.60 150.CO 207.39 179.00 4 '~5 .00 343.36 146.95 750.00 54.00 ZO.95 294.1~ 49.00 102.00 450.21 109.92 6Q.OO 160.(;,J 2,7gS.53 49.74 272.37 1,030.00 44.00 40.00 15.00 1 ~ 5.00 :t 5.0 I) 30.00 '::)7.65 123.28 178.4J 2,380.00 996.23 5,1)5.00 93.83 232.31 32.95 14b.97 1 :5 S .OD 463.00 121.56 262.24 150.00 '31r.'.50 ) on . 1 S 125.00 24.00 111.00 4.... . 0 ;) <51.00 '0 PAGe: 4 D::SCPIPTIDN SUPPLIES - LIBR\RY SUpoLIE.S - oA~KS SUPPLrE<i - PARKS SERVICES - VARIOuS S~R\lICES - OARK$ SERVICES - PU~L!C kORKS SUP?LIES - CITY ATTY SERVICES - ~UILDI~G SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUPl)lIES - w"'T? SUPPLIES - LI~RARY SUPPLIES - LI3RARY SUPPLIES - PARKS SUPPLIES - PARKS SUPPlIE~ - P~~LIC wORKS S~PPLIES - LI9R~RY SERVICES - wWTo & lI8RARY SERVICES - PARKS SERVICES - CITY AOMIN SUPPLIES - Ll9RARY SUPPLIES - POLICE SUPPLIES - LI3~ARY SUPI3LIES - 'ARKS SUP~l IE 5 - W"TP SUPPLIES - LI3RARY SUPPLIFS - VARIOLS S=itVICES - WLwTP SUPPLIES - 'AQKS SERVICES - TRANSIT SERVICES - CITY ATTY SERVICE') - WwTP SEPVIC~S - CITY PTTY SUPPLIES - LIBRA~Y SERVICES - ~INANCE SERVICES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - oARKS SERVICES - HCUSINS SERVICES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - wwTP SUPPLIES - WwTP SUP Pl IE S - PAR K S SUPPLIES - L13RA?Y REIMBURSEMENT - CITY ATTY REIMBURSEMENT - PARKS SUPPLIES - PCLICE SERVICES - PA~KS SERVICES - NCN DEPT SUPPL IE S - ',o/wTP S':RVICES - ;:)AR<<$ SUPPLIES - WATER SUpoLIES - !:JARKS SUPPLIES - L!3R~RY REIMBURSEMENT - PARKS SUpoLIES - L!aRARY SUpoLIES - OCL!CE 1. 1'1_' D ~ T ,- lU~'/t'i 1U~'/o':f 1t.1~1/t'.., 10~'/eY 1U~1/b9 'U.!ln::~ It.1l.d/"09 1Ul.8/b'-1 101.1fft? 11../1..'7/84 ll.1l.rU'fJi ll.1l..ynH 1Ut!.'ilcy 10!.9'~J 10<'9/0'-1 10l.."i/E9 1 " !. <n e-i 1 U (9/ t y 1 U l<.J/t.; 1 U lY/89 It.11.91'OY lU!.9/lJ'I lUt..9/b'l lU?9/8.J 1 1.I !. If I ~:f ll.1l..Y/89 1 U 2.9//!;'J l.ul.""b'~ It.1~r.;lh'.J 1 0 ,!.If 1'r!;.J 1 t.I 2. '-11 'd Y l!.1t!.9/'o'Y 11.1!.y/1j9 lU,!.9/b'.l ll.1l.9/fi 1 U!.Y/~'-J lUlf.i/39 111 r?9/8 'J 1 U 1.9/ d ! lUI.'1/b~ 10.!'1llj'1 1U1..9/89 'a!.9/~/ 1 t.I t.YI ~ ..., 'U~9/b'.J 1.u '-'I nY~ , !.fly I '0 'i 1 t.I ~\j/8'/ 10!.'-fI'CJ 1U2.9/":!,'.J lU!.'1/t'l 11.1.!.Y/~9 1 U ~1.J18'y l~/!.Y/b~ lU/..Y/b'J (>1<. 1\; .'~, 1 "~ 1 '5 7i. 2. 1n.3 171.4 'HZ, 'dll.; ~11.7 -'H28 .'571..9 d7_~O HSl HI52 1o(1B ':5134 01,7 S5 ::11 :i 1'.) H37 ~, 38 '3139 ,'j (4'.) ':: /41 r,742 16745 '1144 ~H4,) 1/46 1/47 ~748 ~749 ~I"iO ':1151 '!;('5l. d753 \1154 "'55 :-<;750 (\757 <::758 '!>759 '~ (';0 j /..., 'J7'':)/' 1/';3 '$l04 1(~5 ''5166 ih7 ':J7 ';"~ j(:'9 6770 15171 :'5172 'H75 '1/74 '3775 A/~ CHE~K L~3TI~G 1/- ."JC JR w0coeUR~ IN)E?ENOE~T ~ORD ?EqFECT CC~FJR~TION ~AOELLE AJUILLAq V C I 0 UNITfO ST~T~S POSTAL SERV PETTY CASH - CITY HALL GJV.l FINA~Cf OfFICERS AS UNITEO ST\TES POSTAL SERV ~0006URN STATE BANK V C I D V 0 I D VOl D VelJ 'Ii C I 0 A~(RICAN CO~PUTER & fL:CT A~ATEX SERvrCES, INC. ~~AROS A~D ATHLETICS THE EEN<ENDORF ASSOCl\TES SLUE RI980N JANITORIAL Ei)lSE CASCADF ~USI~ES~ CONNECTIJNS C.'\N9Y FORD CA~BY PLUMPI~G INr. CARL.S SEPT!C TANK CltANI CASE AUTOMOTIVE C4~E AUTCMCTIVE CIS: CITy-crY INS. SERVS. D~NltLS PHOTCGRAPHY D~VISO~ AUTO PARTS C'VISON AUT~ PAqTS DAVISON AUTO PARTS F,i\RMt~S OIL F .\ R M P LA,." GATEwAY A~ FIN CORP: GLIDDEN COATINGS ~ RESINS JILL c. HARVEY, DIRECTO~ HERSHSERG~R ~OTORS JOBS ~VAllA~_~LE L ~ L BJILDING SUP~LI~S Li~ISLATIVF COUNS~L CJ~~ LTu ENERGY SPECIALITIE~ LIPTCN, STEPHEN A., ATTY ~ARYATT INOUSTRltS DE~NIS V. MESSOLINE ~~ P.S AUTO PARTS ~ATICNAL ~E(. & P~RK ASSO ~JRTH~EST ~JCO & PLASTICS ~JRThwEST NATURAL ~AS C.A.K. CUSTO~ CONTRACTOQS O~EGA COMo~TfR SE~VICES uS WEST C0M~LNICATION) P4CIfIC PRINT-::RS PACIfIC WAT~R wOR~S SJPPL ~aRrLAND GE~~RAL ~l~CTRIC iV5. T~PRY P~I:TO p..\'1C:UNT 38.4~ 37.50 44.00 Q.OO 112.44 154.41 315.00 179.3"7 123,500.00 o.CO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,440.(}6 60.60 1,011.54 1,084.40 ,~Q5.00 298.48 150.0') 208.?3 ?O.oo 150.00 f-73.93 460. S B 28,152.89 102.56 25').6':> 171.07 603.31 4)0.85 9.20 209.19 lS0.64 29.00 49.00 39.40 166.9:f 320.01) 70.00 l47.35 16S3.11 l:1G.O:J ,,3.91 155.00 350.00 154.34 5,452.80 4,075.50 60.BO 37.50 46.73 5,5;)0.67 130.00 -10 FAG:: 5 C:S""RIpTI0N SERVICfS - OA~KS ~ FINANe SUP~lIES - VARIOUS REIM9URSEMENl - PAR<S v 0 I D SERVICES - WATER PETTY CASH*** SERVICES - FINANCE SERVICES - WATER PAYROLL* V 0 I D V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V C I 0 V 0 I 0 SERVICES - NC~ OfPT SEPVICES - peLIeE & C H~L SEPVICES - PARKS SERVICES - oLANNING SERVICES - CITY HALL SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SERVICES - PCLICE SERVICES - STRtET SUPPLIES - Sl~EET SERVICfS - WwTP SERVICES - POLICe SERVICES - ?ClICE INSURANCE - VARIOUS SERVICES - oOLICE SUPPLIES - V~P.IOUS SUPPLIES - V_RIOUS SuPPLIES - VARIOuS SuP~lIES - VA~JOUS SUPPLIES - STREET SUPPLIES - VARIOuS SUPPLIES - oARKS REIMBURSEMENT - RSVP SERVICES - oA~KS SERVICES - FINANCE SUPPLIES - VA~IOUS SUPPLIES - POLICE SERVICES - W~Tp SERVICES - COURT SERVICES - VARIOUS SERVICES - CCURT SuPPLIES - VARIOuS SERVICES - PARKS SERVICES - CITY HALL SERVICES - VARIOUS SERVICES - ~CUSI~G SERVICES - wATER SERVICES - POLICE SERVICES - RSVP S UP"l If S - ;oIIt.lTP SERVICES - VA~IOU5 SERVIns - CCURT II!' "I . J C :q:: l.!.lc'lIt>J 1 t./~'-r I 'o~ 1U~fllbl 10l.9/b' 1U~Y/8'J 1 0 l. '1/ t" 1Ut.~n5q 1t.11.9/1j9 10t..../b} 1Ul.9/t9 1t.1t.'ilt'! ll.1t.<.Jlh'J 11.1i.'NLY 10!.9/bG 1 l.I l. '-0 13r.J 1t..1l."I/b9 1Ul'J18Y 1 U l.91'r::: 'I It.1I..91f-'I 1t.1c.Y/13"1 101'.0'60 10!.<.JIBY 101.."11'00 1Ui..'11t-'9 101.9/'d.f 1Ul.9/ij9 101.9/8'oJ 11..11..9/~9 1UI..',J/'tjq 1UlI.Jlt4 1U!..'I1{j9 It.1~i..fI~'~ 1U~r.;/8'" 1Uc.n5'f 1 t.I i. 9 Fe. 'I 10/.9/'0<';; 1Ul9/t,9 1U1.9/b} 1U,!,9/b'J 1~/l.9/'d9 1029/0.J lUl.9/t;') lUZ'J/f,,9 1 t!" c I,J 1 b'} lU~'i/.(j':' 1 U 1.9/h} 1al.91bY lU.!,9/b~ 1L11.9/'j? c..-: !\,j) -;17) '1/77 ~71t '1/79 tHoU '511:'1 ,Hot. :'!7'~3 dlj4 ~(3S '6r3t '1737 t) 7 '::P1 'd l;->' 9 S/9(J 'i191 'i('12 H93 '.1194 ",7...,5 '6rn '1197 'jfQS :i 1'~ 9 j~OfJ :.<.~01 tlb'J 2 iHFJ3 ~l:S04 ~ 1J5 HS\J 6 PHJ7 d~O~ 0;')09 :HS10 '11'.S 11 '1~ 12 1 ~1 3 ~~14 ~t)'''' .:Hs1o ::PS17 'j~1 e 11:S19 ::\~I.U -<:s 21 ,",ts,J.Z -liS23 ~~!4 ~!F CHECK LI3rIN~ \1~\iC-CP R~DIC SHACK: oION~FR ~AIN ~rEVE~ M. RICYKINJ, ATTY S~FFRO~ SUPPLY CO. SALE~ 6KAK~ ~ wHEEL, INC. ~AUVAIN ~~TOR CO. SCOT SUPPLY INC SEwI~G , VACUUM cXC~ANGE T.U. Of OREfiC>.J U.S. ~ICRO :X~PESS wE-A '~- GU~R 'i> w::STRONIX ~ITHA~ SA~DEh CtNTER w[lTCC SYSTc~S INC wOGRN CHA~BEQ OF COM~ERCE WDBRN COAST TO COAST ~DB~N COAST TO COAST w~BPN COAST TO CO~ST ~JOD9URN LUMBER CO. WOOOBURN OFFICE 5UpoLY wOODEURN TRUE-VALUE ~DwE WJOD8URN fRUE-VALUE HOWE Y.:.$ GRAPH!C5 RObERT 3RANSON R'::X 9~AY E,~ACE FOL TI HEL::N GRAHAf'o1 ELM'.:.R GRAVES ELEANOR HOwE fl ')3 E R T J 0 11 N S TON fli'ARGARET KA"JE l~O L" RC'.W:: t ~NA ')S,:'C~Nt ALMEDA JUIRIN\i 'iIOL~r ~ICK5 LYMAN E. SflllITM HUTIi CLARK ~UGEN= R. DU8UQUE CJRNELIUS DONN~LLY f~EMONT GRE=~LIN~ DONNA NELSON Ni);:LL G. NfLSON t~NA M. OS80RNE E::TTY PARK BYRON J. ?EFfLY Gt:RTRlJDEU=S IfEL VcR PLANK JUNE wILSON VOIO AMOUNT 1~8.94 ),2(;6.19 :37.50 132.81 72.36 1,0,:,1.0Q 605.22 109.90 1 ?O.OO 2,':;57.00 51.91 48.00 20.20 240.00 320.00 3~1.g6 27?51 8.96 223.23 42.94 406.8'2 lit.PO 65.00 79.20 106.0'1 8.55 6.60 19.20 7.6~ "S7.70 17.60 145.92 49.68 1.9.74 19.03 <>2.S8 e.20 17.20 77.20 :":;.20 12.40 6.20 40.t:O 44.08 1-34.60 13.20 155.00 1.6Q 0.00 -"0.1) PA,G;~ t I)cSCRIOTI)N S~RVICfS - peLICE SERVICES - pelICE SERVICES - CCURT SUPPLIES - PARKS SERVICES - TRANSIT SERVICES - ;;lARKS SUPPLIE<) - PARKS S~RVICES - PU~LIC WORKS SERVICES - POLICE SUPPLIES - WwTP SUPPLIES - w~TP SERVICES - POLICE SUpoLIES - PARKS SERVICES - PCLICE SERVICES - ~AYOR SUPPLIfS - VARIOUS SUpoLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - P,A~KS SUPPlrES - oJ\RKS SUPPLIES - V~RIOUS SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SuoPLIES - PARKS S~RVICE:S - 'UVP S':RVICES - ~SVP SERVICES - ~SVP SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES - ~SVP SERVICES - ~SVP SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES - !;(SV? SERVICES - ~SVP SERVICES - QSVp SERVICfS - RSVP SERVICES - '!$VP SERVICES - QSVp SERVICES - DIAL-A-RIDE SERVICES - JI~l-.-RIDE SERVICES - DIAL-A-RIDE S~RVICES - OI4L-A-RIDE SERVICES - DIAL-A-RIDE SERVICfS - DI~L-A-RIDE S~RVICES - OlAL-A-RIOE SERVICES - OIAL-A-RIOE SERVICES - OI~L-A-RIDE SERVICES - DIAL-A-RIDE SERVICES - DIAL-A-RIDE SERVICES - 'I~L-A-RIDE V 0 I !) ,.. ****1t*...**** ~:1~1,7?9.1~' ~i, . C -') .~ ? 79 . 5 5 Ji.G) 1;""'5,139.25 !377,747.99 ------------.- ------_._----- ) F'HC?CLL* TeD/B.A,.*'" PETTY CAS~*** ~ON'S/CaU?O~s**** ~ATERIAlS/suppLrEs/ETc. TOTAL FOR T~~ MO~TH OF: DECEM9ER 19~Q lIT'