Agenda - 05/13/1991CITY OF ~70 Montgomery Street WOODBURN Woodburn, Oregon 97071 · 98e2-5c2c2t2 AGENDA WOODBURN CiTY COUNCIL MAY 13, 1991 - 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND FLAG SALUTE 2. ROLL CALL 3. MINUTES A. City Council minutes of April 22, 1991. 3A B. Woodburn Public Library Board minutes of April 24, 1991. 3B,.. C. Woodburn RSVP Advisory Council minutes of April 8, 1991. 3C D. Woodburn Downtown Assoc. minutes of April 16, 23 & 30, 1991. 3D E. Museum Advisory Committee minutes of April 17, 1991. 3E APPOINTMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Announcements and Appointments: 1. Fourth of July Fireworks Committee: Don Eubank, Chairman and General Coordinator. 2. Library Employee of the Year: Donna Melendez. 3. Appreciation Awards: Becky Piper & Sally Klein: Cleveland St. Project. 4. Next Council Meeting Rescheduled to Tuesday, May 28, 1991,7:00 p.m. Proclamations: 1. Public Works Week - May 20 -14, 1991. 2. American Legion Poppy Sale - May 16 - 18, 1991. 4B.1 4B.2 COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Chamber of Commerce B. Woodburn Comeback Campaign 6. COMMUNICATIONS A. Written - Museum Century Club letter. 6A Page 1 - Agenda, Woodburn City Council of 5/13/91. Sm 11. 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC (This allows public to Introduce items for Council consideration not already scheduled on the agenda.) PUBLIC HEARING A. 1991-92 Budget Proposal TABLED BUSINESS GENERAL BUSINESS C. D. E. Council Bill 1296 - Ordinance proposing a tax levy for 1998-92 and calling for an election. Council Bill 1297 - Resolution granting site plan approval. Council Bill 1298 - Resolution imposing weed abatement liens. Council Bill 1299 - Resolution calling for public hearing. Council Bill 1300- Resolution certifying eligibility to receive state-shared revenue in 1991-92 Council Bill 1301 - Resolution electing to receive state-shared revenue. No Parking recommendation on south side of "A" Court. 10A lOB 10C 1OD IOE 1OF lOG APPROVAL OF CLAIMS ^. Check 5050 - 5448 for month of April, 1991. PUBLIC COMMENT 11A NEW BUSINESS SITE PLAN ACTIONS STAFF REPORTS A. Building Activity Report for April, 1991. 16A MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS EXECUTIVE SESSION Authority: 192.660(1)(d) To conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to carry on labor negotiations. GENERAL BUSINESS (continued) A. Council Bill 1302 - Resolution authorizing execution of Police Association contract. 19A ADJOURNMENT Page 2 - Agenda, Woodburn City Council of 5/13/91. TAPE READING 0001 0015 0020 0033 0060 0074 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 22, 1991 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, cITY HAI. Jw Cl'i'/OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, April 22, 1991. CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kyser presiding. ROLL CALL Mayor Kyser Present Councilor Figley Present Councilor Galvin Present Councilor Hagenauer Present Councilor Jennings Present Councilor Sifuentez Present Councilor' Steen Absent Staff Present: City Administrator Quinn, City Attomey Shields, Public Works Director T~Nari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Park and Recreation Director Holly, Police Chief Wright, Finance Director Gritta, Library Director Spraueri Deputy Recorder Tennant. MINUTES. JENNINGS/FIGLEY .... approve the Council minutes of April 8, 1991 and the special minutes of April 15, 1991; and accept the Woodburn Fire District Board minutes of March 12 and 19, 1991. Administrator Quinn advised the Council that the City had received a courtesy invoice from United Disposal Service in the amount of $10,350 which represents the cost to dispose of yard debris collected during Spring Clean-up on May 30 and 31, 1991. United Disposal Service has provided this donated service to the City during the past several years. · A'letter of appreciation will be sent to United Disposal for their continued support of community projects. A public informational hearing will be held on Monday, May 6th, 7:00 p.m., to receive input from the community on the Wastewater Facilities Plan. PRESENTATIONS - CLEVELAND STREET CITIZENS COMMI'R'EE. Certificates of appreciation were awarded to Al sprauer, and Jim McClain for their efforts in working with the affected property owners within the Cleveland Street Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 22, 1991 TAPE READING 0132 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April PP, 1991 local improvement district. Al SpraUer and Margaret McClain were present to accept the Certificates from Councilor Jennings. PROCLAMATION - STATEMENT OF PEACE BY BAHAI FAITH OF MARION 0176 0205 COUNTY. A representative of the Bahai Faith presented the Mayor and Council with a booklet containing the statement. LETTER FROM DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUAUTY. Effective July 1, 1991, the DEQ Noise Control program will be eliminated due to budgetary cutbacks with the passage of Measure 5. Enforcement responsibilities will be transferred to local governments, however, the sound level meter loan program will be continued through DEQ's regional office. PRESENTATION - MARION COUNTY SOLID WASTE RATE INCREASE. 0469 Jim Sears, Marion County Solid Waste Director, provided the Council with an informational packet pertaining to the solid waste rate increase authorized by the County Commissioners effective January 1, 1992. The tipping, fee will increase from $55 per Ton to $67 per Ton which equates to an average increase of $.70 per month for a 32 gallon can. Rate increases for operational purposes may also be proposed by the local disposal company in addition to the tipping fee pass- through cost. Vance Yoder, 885 McKinley, stated that the Woodbum Museum committee will be making a down payment to Robert Sawtelle on June 30, 1991 on the purchase of the buildings which currently house the museum. He requested that the City hold the title for the buildings in order to continue the tax exempt status. Administrator Quinn advised Mr. Yoder and the Council that he had just recently sent a letter to committee member Charlie Piper advising him that the City was willing to accept the title to the buildings. Mayor Kyser stated that the Council will take formal action on the issue at the next regular meeting. PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE MAP AMENDMENT CASE #90-05, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP AMENDMENT CASE #90-02, AND SITE PLAN REVIEW CASE #90-15. Mayor Kyser declared the public hearing open at 7:22 p.m.. Community Development Director Goeckritz read a statement regarding the proposed amendments as required by state law. He reviewed the staff report relating to the proposed rezoning of approximately 3.22 acres from Single Family Residential (RS) to Public Services Distdct (PS). Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 22, 1991 TAPE READING 0874 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April PP, 1991 The property, located along E. Cleveland Street, was donated to the City and the Public Works Department proposes to enclose a portion of the property with a site-obscuring chain link fence for storing city materials. The Planning Commission has recommended approval of the amendments with conditions. No one in the audience spoke either for or against the proposed amendments. The public hearing was declared closed at 7:30 p.m.. JENNINGS! SIFUENTFT... approve the Planning Commissions recommendation and authorize staff to draft an ordinance with findings of approval. The motion passed unanimously. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION CONDITIONS RE: STONEHEDGE 1101 1177 APARTMENTS. Mayor Kyser opened the hearing at 7:31 p.m.. Director Goeckritz read the statement required by state law involving land use hearings. He stated that the Planning Commission had approved the building plans for the development, however, they had also required the developer to build an east/west street on the south portion of the property. Th.e.appeal before the City Council only involves the street dedication issue. The Council was provided with a complete packet regarding the Planning Commission procee~lings and this packet was declared an Exhibit. Since there were no comments from the audience, the hearing was declared closed at 7:38 p.m.. JENNINGS/FIGLEY .... authorize staff to draft a Resolution which reverses the Planning Commission's decision to build and east/west road along the south property line. The motion passed unanimously. Developer Mike Kelley stated that his firm will begin construction of the apartment complexes within the next two weeks and it is anticipated that all units will be completed by December 1991. PUBLIC HEARING - WEED ABATEMENT UENS. Mayor Kyser declared the public hearing open at 7:40 p.m.. 'Administrator Quinn stated that the property owners had received letters notifying them of the potential lien. Within his memorandum to the Council, he recommended that the following properties be removed from the list: Irenio Garcia, tax #92570-030; John Beardsley, tax #92840-075 & #92840-071; Darwish Idriss, tax #44097-000; and C.W. Bagley, Trustees, tax #92361-071. A letter was also received from Dura-Craft Inc., tax #92361-061, appealing the potential lien citing lack of adequate notice. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 22, 1991 TAPE READING 1799 1929 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 22, 1991 JENNINGS/SlFUENTEZ.... remove the following property owners from the list: Irenio Garda, John Beardsley, Darwish Idriss, C.W. Bagley - Trustees, and Dura- Craft Inc.. The motion passed unanimously. Guenther Lang, Rt. 1 box 660 Beaverton, objected to the proposed lien on his property located at 1438 Hardcastle, tax #42555-000. He stated that he had contracted with Mr. Paradis to mow the grass in the latter part of May 1990. He also objected to adjacent property owners dumping trash onto his property. Mr. Lang requested that the Council not impose a weed abatement lien and he assured the Council that he would try to provide better upkeep of the property in the future. Administrator Quinn suggested that Mr. Lang post No Trespass signs on his property. In addition, the staff will investigate the problem regarding trash on his property. Attomey Shields read the list, as amended, of outstanding liens into the record. The public hearing was declared closed at 7:54 p.m.. HAGENAUER/SIFUENTF7... staff draft a Resolution to file the liens on properties for weed abatement. The motion passed unanimously. COUNCIL BILL 1294 - ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE USE OF PARK AREAS, PROVIDING PENALTIES, AND REPEALING ORDINANGE NO. 1918. Council Bill 1294 was introduced by Hagenauer. The two readings of the bill were read by title only since there were no objections. The staff informed the Council that Section 3 (10) was completed to read "..the Director or his designee." On roll cell vote for final passage, Council Bill 1294 passed unanimously. Mayor Kyser declared the bill duly passed with the emergency clause. COUNCIL BILL NO. 1295 - RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH ARCO PRODUCTS FOR INSTALLATION OF A MONITORING WELL ON 2033 CITY OWNED PROPERTY. Council Bill 1295 was introduced by Hagenauer. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Public Works Manager Rohman stated that a temporary well would be installed to 'monitor potential petroleum contamination. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kyser declared the bill duly passed. It was the consensus of the Council to hold a public hearing on Tuesday, May 28, 1991, 7:00 p.m., to discuss the proposed street vacation of a portion of Hayes Street. Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 22, 1991 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 22, 1991 TAPE READING 2196 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS. SIFUENTEZ/JENNINGS... approve voucher checks #4632 - 5075 issued in the month of March 1991. The motion passed unanimously. 2256 In regards to the Business Registration program, Mayor Kyser stated that concerns have been raised regarding single home rental units. 2368 Councilor Hagenauer requeSted that the staff investigate a potential nuisance abatement at 867 Front Street. 2410 Councilor Figley expressed her appreciation to United Disposal Service for their donated services to the City during Spring Clean-up. 2439 Councilor Jennings requested that the Administrator contact Woodburn I-5 RV park to clarify the Transient Occupancy Tax ordinance language pertaining to the 30 day rule. 2510 ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.. APPROVED FRED W. KYSER, MAYOR ATTEST Mary Tennant, Deputy Recorder City of Woodbum, Oregon Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 22, 1991 MINUTES MONTHLY MEETING OF WOOOBURN PUBLIC LIBRARY 80ARO DATE: April 24, 1991 ROLL CALL: Phyllis Bauer - Present Joan Flomer - Present Gloria Predeek - Excused Jean Weatherill- Present Jan ZyryanoFF - Present STAFF PRESENT: Linde Sprauer, Director Judy Coreson, Recording Secretary GUESTS: None CALL TO ORDER: President Joan Flomer called at 12 Noon. the meeting to order SECRETARY'S REPORT: The monthly Soard minutes oF March 27, 1991 were approved as submitted. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Monthly Statistics: selF-explanatory- The monthly statistics were Activities: A list oF activities was distributed to the Board. Preschool Storytime is ~ontinuing with the help oF volunteers since we are without a Children's Librarian at this time. The library will be closed For the Memorial Day Holiday on Saturday, May 2S and Monday, May Book Detection System: Mike Quinn, City Administrator, is reviewing the information From various companies and is expected to respond soon. StaFF Update: The has been advertised. April 30. Children's Librarian position The application deadline is OLD BUSINESS: Budget/Hours Change: With the budget cuts, the library is losing the Assistant Director position. Almo there is a 40% reduction in the book budget; however, $8,00D was re-added to the book budget by the Budget Committee. Linde proposed cutting the open library hours by S hours per week as oF July 1, 1991 by opening at 11:00 AM instead oF 10:00 AM. The Board asked iF volunteers could be utilized in some Jobs to help the paid employees to avoid cutting library hours. Linde will consider this possibility, review job descriptions, and respond at the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Clackamas Network Con?erence: Some o? the Board members and sta~ will be attending this conference at the Monarch Motor Hotel in Clackamas on May lO. Letter and Resolution o¢ Appreciation: A letter o~ appreciation to the Oregon Community Foundation and the Frank W. Settlemier Fund ~or the grant o~ $SD.O0 was signed by Joan Flomer, Board President. A Resolution o~ Appreciation to Marguerite Falhstrom ~or her donation o~ $200.0D to purchase children's materials was signed by the Board. Linda reported on the Oregon Library Association Conference she attended in Ashland on April 10- 13th. BUSINESS TO/FROM THE CITY COUNCIL AND/OR MAYOR: None ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM. Respectt~ully Submitted, Budy Coreson Recording Secretary Library Board Minutes - 4/24/91 2 NEXT MEETING MAY 13,.1991 at 11:45 AM, Brack's Restaurant RETIRED SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES DATE. April 8, 1991, Brack's Restaurant. Lillian Warzynski, Chairperson, presiding. ROLLr Anderson, Fran Bettis, Beverly Henkes, Maxie Lorimer, Jim Mills, Evelyn Stromme, Ardith Torres, Dalia Warzynski, Lillian Staff:'Harvey, Jill Hellhake, Pat MINUTES. Minutes approved as read. COMMITTEES. Recognition RSVP is purchasing 18 white tableclothes, for recognition events from Speci'al Occassions. April 15th will be a special recognition for volunteers at Mt. Angel Towers. Jill and..Fran will take the party to Mt. Angel. May 16th will' be a welcome to RSVP recognition luncheon for he, Volunteers held at the comnunity center, Fran would appreciate help se~ing. June'12th is offical RSVP Volunteer Recognition at community center. Fran needs everyone on Advisory Council to help. Budget RSVP's-25%-cut in. budget will close the office doors on Monday and Friday since Pat will become a half time employee. City budget is now to be presented to.the City Council,-then the voters. RSVP Advisory Council still needs.a minister and business person. Beverly passed.handouts and explained.the effects budget cuts will have on'Nursing:'Home-residents - In Home Services - Community Based Care. There will be changes .in eligibility and impairment requirements to receive services. Membership Senior Services NEW BUSINESS;' Jill explained how the"Work Plan" part of the budget works. The "Work Plan" is the specifics of what'we, will do for the Federal Dollars sent. DISCUSSION. How budget cuts will effect RSVP Vol.unteers and communitY services. II. WOODBURN DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION Meeting of April 16, 1991 Call to Order Claudia called the meeting to order at 7:40 a.m. Attendance Present; Claudia James Arlene Monnier Ruth Evans Vance Yoder Lucien Kline Brent Reddaway Alma Grijalva Bob Sigloh Lt. Paul Null Treasurer's Report None #DA Business Ruth introduced Brent' Reddaway the new Branch Manager of First Interstate Bank. Welcome to Woodburn Brent! Report of the 'Tree Give-Away" was that it was a hugh success. AIl the trees were taken on the first day of the event. Follow-up to the 'Tulip ProJect" was that we would need to wait until next year for this activity. Perhaps we might want to look into getting bulbs for now. Bob reported that the Special Handicap Learning Group from the High School has pansies they want to plant. Bob will be assisting the group in placing the plants downtown on Front and First Streets. Any one wanting pansies planted near their business should contact Bob. There is no charge for the pansies. Everyone should be responsible just for watering them regularly. Vance updated us on Museum news! Ne want to welcome Red Eaden! He will be leading the Museum folks in fund raising activities. $3,000 is,needed by the end of auly to buy the building. Century Club memberships are available for .$100 and Life Membership costs $150. Other ideas for the Museum include an tc~ cream shop and multi-cultural craft shows. RSVP is working on getting help for the Museum so they can stay open more days. Paul reported that the Noodburn Police ts stepping up the foot patrols downtown in preparation for the summer. So far so good downtown. Regarding Fund Raising Activities= Lucien suggested a Saturday Market similar to one previously held by #OR. Bob suggested concessions for the Or, ms bf Fire Group coming this summer. Paul suggested taking food to the stands during the Orums of Fire Show as they do not have an intermission and it is a long performance. Claudia suggested an antique show. Alma suggested combining activities with the Noodburn Comeback Campaign. On this issue Bob was concerned about the folks having to get a temporary business license. Paul will follow up on th~s question. Lucien will folio# up with Comeback Campaign as they may be hesitate since traditionally all the activities from the Campaign have been free. More discussion on these ideas next week. Claudia reminded us that we still need $~00 to pay the insurance bill. Since prior authorization has been given and bill is due May 1, they will transfer the money from the savings account to cover this expense. #e need to send bills and remind business to pay yearly dues. Everyone can help in this. A list of members should be available soon. Adjournment Claudia closed the meeting at 8:20 a.m. II. III · I¥, NOODBURN DONNTONN ASSOCIATION Heeting of April 23, 1991 Call to Order Claudia called the meeting to order at 7:45 a.m. Attendence Claudia ~ames Ruth Evans Les Reitan Hike Hormel Vance Yoder ' - Alma 6rijalva Lucien Kline Bob Sigloh Don Eubank Rick Ostram ~ose Castro Treasurer's Report None WDA Business Discussion from the meeting of April 16, 1991, continued regarding fund raising activities. Saturday Market: Bob Eubank will find out today whether vendors would need to get a temporary license to have booths. Woodburn Comeback Campaign Combined Activity: Lucien reported that the Campaign members were enthusthisic about doing something together. Upcoming events include a Street Dance, Neighborhood Walks and the Fourth of ~luly. Naon Time Fitness Balks: Alma suggested a fitness walk and nutrition lecture for downtown employees. Cinco de Haya: ~ase informed us that the Portland organizers would like to send a van ta transport people to their event. It was suggested that he look into having it go both ways in that folks from Portland can come to Naadburn and take tn our events and visit the museum and Settlemter House. Rick suggested and the members agreed to give three pinatas to the organizers of the Woodburn Cinco de Mayo event to be held tn the downtown parking lot an Sunday, May 5th. Other Business: Bob invited us to a Hulti-City Neighborhood~ssoctatton meeting. Hembers-of the Woodburn Cameback Campaign will be attending. Transportation and lunch will be provided. May 4th from 8:~0 a.m. to 12:45. He reminded us that the Police can not keep the downtown area safe and clean without the public's help. Folks should call police whenever they see something wrong in the area. Other news from the Police department is that they are reviewing a proposal 'to purchase two bicycles for officers. We should know sometime in Hay more about the bicycles. Rick reported that the Elks Club will be available for the Hay 8th luncheon. It was suggested that the Police Department talk about safety and public awares. Don will talk to Ken Wright about this. Claudia asked that we send a thank you letter to the Special Handicap Learning Stoup from the High Soho'al for the pansies they planted. Vance reported that the city council has agreed to hold the title to the musuem..upon its purchase. Thus, any contributions can be made using the city's tax identification number. Vance also reminded us that Century Plaques are still available for $i00. Mike reported that the former Freedom Train is coming through town, Saturday, April 27, 1991 at about 8:00 a.m. It will return Sunday, May 19th. Claudia closed the meeting at 8:30 a.m. ' Al~a Gri' , S~retary Woodburn Downtown Association P.O. Box Woodburn, Oregon 97071 Woodburn Downtown Meeting of April I Call to order Claudia called the meeting to order at 7:40 AM II Attendance Present were: Claudia James, Jose Castro, Don Eubank, Lucien Klien, Bob Sigloh, and Vance Yoder. III Treasurer's report None. IV WDA Business The Saturday Market was discussed and permits and liabilities were considered. Lucien informed us that Regina Akers has.had the experience of helping to start the Market in years past. Jose reminded the board that the Woodburn Cinco. de Mayo event will be held in the downtown parking lot on Sunday, May 5th. Also that a free bus to Portland and the Sister City Celebration which will leave the pick-up point in front Of the World Berry Center Museum at 10:00 AM, 12:00' noon and every two hours till 8:00 PM. Vance announced a Rummage Sale at the Woodburn Musem to raise money for the down payment on the Museum and Theater buildings. The sale will take plgce on Saturday May 11th in the Front Room of the Theater building. Claudia-has set the next monthly membership meeting to be at the Elks Club on Wednesday, May the 8th at noon. Betty Hart of Salem will speak on Neighborhood Associations. Don aSked if any one else w~ould like-to go to'the Neighborhood Association Conference in Beaverton.' He also reported on the Progress of the "Bikes for Police" program and that it might be discussed at the membership meeting at the Eks club. ~ Vance reported on the Freedom Train's impressive passage thru town last Saturday at 8:30 AM. V Adjournment Claudia closed the Meeting at 8:25 AM. O~~ecretary Woodburn Museum Advisory Committee Special Meeting, Apr. 17,91 I. Call to order Vice chairman Gene Stoller called the meeting to order at 1:35. II. Attendance Present were: Gene Stoller, Red Eaden, Nevin Holly, Ed Murphy, Clair Nelson, and Vance Yoder. III. Approval of minutes Clair moved, Ed seconded that the minutes be approved as distributed. Motion passed. IV. Treasurer' s Report Lou Jane's book Shows a balance of $8,538.52 and a check from T~ed Ahre for a $100.00 Century Club Membership just came. V.."~useum Business ~' Red announced his resignation as chairman. Vance moved and Clair seconded that we accept Red's resignation and elect Red Eaden Curator along with Paul Graham. Motion passed unanimous 1 y. Vance was elected chairman for the balance of the year by unanimous ballot. It was suggested that Hazel Smith be asked to be Secretary. The table offered by the Settlemier house can not be used. Stella Sullivan has offered to help put on a rummage sale. Disscussion followed and Red said he would contact Stella and also Orin Ostrom to help put on a rummage sale in the front room of the Theater side of the Museum. · The theater stage could be available to the Elks and Eagles clubs for presentations of shows by local artists in con~unction with their evening meals. It was agreed to stay open on the Sunday that Settlemier House has their Strawbery Festival. Gene reported that Larry Minard has offered to help secure a building to house Gene's Graphic Arts Collection. Larry has a building lined up that might hold the collection. Gene suggested that the ladder factory building might be bought for his collection as well as house the Railroad Society's display. He posed the possibility of the Museum Board taking on this project. ~ Saturday~w~s set for the A tentative day of q~ 2nd ( rummage sale. Nevin reminded us that the next council meeting is Monday the 22nd to ask the Council to 'hold the title to the Museum property. VI. Adjournment Gene closed the meeting at 2:45 PM. Vance Yo Secretary CITY OF 270 Montgomery Street WOODBURN Woodburn, Oregon 97071 · 982-5222 PROCLAMATION FOR PUBUC WORKS WEEK IN WOODBURN WHEREAS, public works services provided in our community are an integral and necessary part of our citizens' everyday lives; and WHEREAS, the health, safety, comfort and economic vitality of this community greatly depend on the facilities and services such as water, wastewater and other waste collection and disposal, streets, transportation, etc.; and WHEREAS, the quality and effectiveness of these facilities, as well as their planning, design, and construction are vitally dependent upon the efforts and skill of public works officials; and WHEREAS, the efficiency of the qualified and dedicated personnel.who staff public works departments is materially influenced by the people's attitude and understanding of the importance of the work they perform; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that I, Fred W. Kyser, Mayor of the City of Woodburn, Ore~on, do hereby proclaim May 20-24, 1991 as "Public Works Week" in Woodbum, Om_oon, and call upon all citizens and civic organizations to acquaint themselves wlbh th~ problems involved in providing our public works and to recognize the contributions that public works officials make every day to our health, safety, and comfort. FRED W. KYSER, M~R WOODBURN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS WEEK MAY 20 - 24, 1991 MONDAY, MAY 20 9:00 a.m. - Kick-off: Public Works Week activities begin with Mayor Kyser starting the 'Free Bus Ride Week' at the downtown shelter, Hayes St. Regularly scheduled bus service will be free to customers all week to celebrate the 13th anniversary of the Woodbum Transportation Services. 10:00 a.m. - Presentation of new Dial-a-Ride van: Mayor Kyser will present the new DAR van to Transportation Services, North City Hall parking lot. TUESDAY, MAY 21 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Public Works Facilities Informational Walk Through for City employees and recognition of support services contribution. 2:00 p.m. - Groundbreaking by Mayor Kyser at New Pump Station site, at Stacy Allison Way extension to I-5. 2:30 p.m. - Boones Ferry Cooperative Road Improvement Project - Photo opportunity with Mayor Kyser for the primary contributors. A cooperative effort between the City, State, and School District to widening widen Boones Ferry Rd. for a turn lane and install sidewalk along the school property. (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Free Bus Service on the regular schedule.) WEDNESDAY, MAY 22 2:00 p.m. - RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY - Cleveland Street Improvement: Mayor Kyser will officially open the new Cleveland Street after it's reconstruction. The ceremony, which will take place at Brown St. and Cleveland St., will include City, State, and Cleveland St. Task Committee. Public is encouraged to attend. (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Free Bus Service on the regular schedule.) THURSDAY, MAY 23 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. - Scheduled and/or Group Tours for the General Public to the Wastewater, Water, and Street Facilities. Call 982-5240 to become a part of a group. 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. - OPEN HOUSES*: Wastewater Treatment Plant, Water and Street Shop Facilities. Also, the Public Works Office including Engineering, Planning, Building, Code Enforcement, Transit and Dial-a-Ride divisions. *Public is invited to all Open Houses and Tours. (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Free Bus Service on the regular schedule.) FRIDAY~ MAY 24 3:00 p.m. - PUBUC WORKS EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR AND EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION CEREMONY - Council Chambers, City Hall. (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Free Bus Service on the regular schedule) CITY OF 270 Montgomery Street WO 0 D B URN Woodburn, Oregon 97071 · 982-5222 PROCLAMATION AMERICAN LEGION POPPIES MAY 16, 17, 18, 1991 WHEREAS, the annual sale of Poppies by the American Legion Auxiliary, Post 46, has been officially recognized and endorsed by governmental leaders; and WHEREAS, American Legion Poppies are assembled by disabled veterans in Oregon and the proceeds of this worthy fund-raising campaign are used exclusively for the benefit of disabled and needy veterans, and the widows and orphans of deceased veterans; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the annual sale of American Legion Auxiliary Poppies is eloquently reflected in the desire to "Honor the Dead by Helping the Uving, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Fred W. Kyser, the duly elected Mayor of the City ~of Woodburn, Oregon, do hereby urge the citizens of this community .to recognize the merits of this cause by contributing to its support through the purchase of American Legion Poppies on May 16, 17, and 18, 1991, the period set aside for the distribution of these symbols of appreciation for the sacrifices of our honored dead. FURTHER, I urge all patriotic citizens to wear a Poppy as evidence of our gratitude to the men of this country who have risked their lives in defense of the freedoms which we continue to enjoy as American Citizens. Fred W. Kyser,.'~Mayor City of Woodb(~rn WORLD'$ BERRY CENI'ER II . Woodburn, Oregon February 20, 1991 Dear PROSPECTIVE CENTURY CLUB MEMBER: We, your Museum Board, invite you to join us in the support of Woodburn World's Berry Center Museum. The sixty five members who have each contributed $100.00 have enabled us to open and expand a window to this area's past. There are now 35 name plate spaces left on the ARCH REPLICA PLAQUE which will be displayed in a place of honor for history. Your museum staff, with the aid of some dedicated local fund raisers, must raise $10,000.00 by June 30, 1991 for a down payment on the Museum buildings. The purchase price is $40,000. with generous terms of the down payment and six yearly payments of $5,000. with no interest by the owner, Bob Sawtelle. A world of volunteer labor and donated material have increased the value of the building's basic structure. This, along with efforts of the Comeback Committee, the Downtown Asso6iation, and our City Officials is making Downtown a better place to do business. The buildings will be a good investment. I~ or when the Museum moves to larger facilities, the value wilt.~, be there. We plan to finance the purchase of the Museum buildings without using taxpayer money. This was done by the French Prairie Historical Society; so we should be in the realm of possibility. Please write a check and encourage a friend. Thank you. Sincerly, ?~~, r~ecretary COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE PROPOSING A LEVY OF TAX OUTSIDE THE LIMITATION IMPOSED BY ARTICLE XI, SECTION 11, SUBSECTION (1) OF THE OREGON CONSTITUTION AGAINST THE TAXABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF WOODBURN IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,351,662.00 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1991-92; AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONIES DERIVED THEREFROM FOR THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1991; CALLING FOR AN ELECTION AT WHICH SUCH LEVY OF TAX SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE LEGAL ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF WOODBURN; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CiTY OF WOODBURN ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City council of the City of Woodburn hereby proposes a levy of tax outside the limitation imposed by Article XI, Section 11, Subsection (1) of the Oregon Constitution in the amount of $1,351,662.00, for the purpose of applying said sum to the budget for fiscal year 1991-92 which begins on July 1, 1991. Section 2. That the proposed levy of tax shall be submitted to the legal electors of said City at a special election on June 25, 1991, which is hereby called to be held therein, in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon and the Charter of said City governing elections. Section 3. That the form in which said question shall 'be submitted to the electors of said City on the official ballot at such special election which i~ affached as "Exhibit A" and by this reference is incorporated herein. Section 4. This ordinance being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist and this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Approved as to Form:~/~ ~ City Attorney Date APPROVED FRED W. KYSER, MAYOR Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder A'FrEST Mary Tennant, Deputy Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 1 - COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. EXHIBIT A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CITY OF WOODBURN Marion County June 25, 1991 Submitted to the Voters by the City Council Question: AUTHORIZATION FOR ONE-YEAR OPERATING LEVY Shall the City of Woodburn levy $1,351,662 outside the tax base to finance City operations during fiscal year 1991-927 EXPLANATION: The passage of this measure will provide a one-year operating levy above the 1991-92 tax base of $175,391. Along with other non-property tax resources, the operating levy finances city services within the General Fund andTransit Fund. These services include: Police, 9-1-1 Emergency Dispatch, RSVP, City Hall Maint ~enance, Transit Bus, Dial-a-Ride'Program, Code Enforcement, Municipal Court, and Administrative support. The proposed 1991-92 city budget, as approved by the Budget Committee, provides for reorganization and reduction of service levels in several city departments. Approval of this measure would provide the City with their pro-rata share of the $10.00 per $1,000 assessed valuation composite rate, excluding bonded debt, as established within the property tax limitation measure (Measure 5). The taxes requested in this measure will be distributed as follows: General Fund Transit Fund $1,297,415 54,247 $1,351,662 COUNCIL BILL NO. /2 ¢/.;/ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION GRANTING SITE PLAN APPROVAL IN CASE 91-01 AND REMOVING A CONDITION PREVIOUSLY IMPOSED BY THE WOODBURN PLANNING COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the Woodburn Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on March 14, 1991 in Site Plan RevieW Case 91-01 (Stonehedge Apartment complex), and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission granted approval of this application and imposed certain conditions, and WHEREAS, the applicant in Case 91-01 appealed the matter to the Woodburn City Council, and WHEREAS, the City Council noticed and held another public hearing on the site plan review request, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The site plan review application in Case 91-01 (Stonehedge Apartments) is hereby granted. .- Section 2. Approval of this application is subject to all of the conditions' previously imposed by the Woodburn Planning Commission with the exception of the following condition which is hereby removed: This development shall dedicate and fully improve a public street adjacent to the south property line, subject to the following conditions: (1) Dedicate a 60 foot right-of-way to the city, free of all encumbrances and encroachments. (2) (3) The improved width from curb to curb shall be 34 feet. The intersection with Front Street shall be aligned between 60 o and (4) Provide 20 foot property line radius at Front Street on north right-of- way. Page 1 - COUNCIL BILL NO. /oq ~'7 RESOLUTION NO. (5) Install permanent barricades at west end. (6) Staff will require a sidewalk on north side, but not south side unless the Planning Commission so desires. Section 3. This decision is based upon evidence in the record before the Woodburn City Council and is justified by the findings contained in the staff report which is attached hereto and by this reference is incorporated herein. Approved as to form:~'~ ~ .~-- '~.._~' / City Attorney Date APPROVED: FRED W. KYSER, MAYOR Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder A'I-i'EST: Mary Tennant, Deputy Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon THE MATERIAL REFERENCED BY THIS RESOLUTION WAS PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED TO THE COUNCIL AND IS ATTACHED TO THE ORIGINAL RESOLUTION. Page 2 - COUNCIL BILL NO. /¢1 ,¢ 7 RESOLUTION NO. COUNCIL BILL NO. /~"~' RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION RECORDING WEED ABATEMENT LIENS ON THE CITY OF WOODBURN LIEN DOCKET. WHEREAS, Ordinance 1822 requires that property owners control obnoxious vegetation on their property, and WHEREAS, failure or neglect to destroy or control obnoxious vegetation subjects the property owner to abatement fees for City eradication of said obnoxious vegetation; and " WHEREAS, The Woodburn City Council has reviewed the costs thereof, and provided a reasonable opportunity for property owner objection through a notice and public hearing process; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Finance Director is instructed to record the weed abatement liens on the City of Woodburn Lien Docket for the following property owners and their property: Owner Property Tax Acct. Abatement Abatement Name/Address Site Address Fee ~ ~ 'Date Ivan Kuznetsov 451 Doud St. Woodburn, OR 92040-161 $ .100 7/16/90 469 Bradley St. Lupe Trevino 346 Edgewater Dr. Salem, OR 43PP~-000 $150 7/16/90 690 Ogle St. Guenther Lang Box 660 Beaverton, OR 42550-000 $100 7/06/90 1438 Hardcastle Alex Afonio 14795 Woodburn- Monitor Rd., NE Woodburn, OR 43223-500 $ 200 500 block "A" St. 8/07~90 Page I - COUNCIL BILL-NO. RESOLUTION NO. William Macklox 200 Ave G, #25 Redondo Beach, CA 92580-000 349 Hardcastle $100 ~0~90 Iosif Kuznetson 220 Brown St. Woodburn, OR 92570-160 555 Brown St.' $100 8/22/90 Dimitry Kuzmin 784 Young St. 92590-060 321 Ogle St. 43053-000 784 Young St. $100 $100 8/~P/90 8/Pp/90 Richard Jones 17190 Boones Ferry Rd Woodburn, OR 42473-000 775 Hardcastle $150 8/PP/90 John Wiley 43067-000 7225 N. Lancaster 434 E. Cleveland Salem, Oregon Approved as to form: $ 25O 7/16/90 City Attorney APPROVED: Date FRED W. KYSER, MAYOR Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder ATTEST: Mary Tennant, Deputy Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 2 - COUNCIL BILL-NO. /~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. COUNCIL BILL NO. / ~ qc~ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUADRANT OF INTERSTATE 5. THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Pursuant to ORS ~'/P.120, June 10, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. is declared to be the time set for public hearing before the Woodburn City Council on whether the City of Woodburn shall annex that property referenced in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Section 2. Pursuant to ORS PPP.120, no election is required on this issue. Section 3. Notice of said hearing shall be published once each week for two successive weeks prior to the day of the hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation in the city, and notices of the hearing shall be posted in four public places in the city for a like period. Approved as to form: City Attomey Date APPROVED: Fred W. Kyser, Mayor Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder A'I-rEST: Mary Tennant, Deputy Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon TiTLEC 0 1 222 High St. S.E. P.O. Box 7 Salem. Oregon 9730~-007 Phone: 5:/$-1881 Fax: 370-79 KEY TITLE & ESCROV Attn: Deb 1533 N Pacific H£ghway ~oodburn, Oregon 97071 Earth 15, 1991 Report No: 18-27529~ Your No: 6-3641 Seller/Lender: PIONEERTRUST Buyer/Borrower: PRAIRIE GORP AHENDED REPORT FOR;. Owner's Policy $2175000.00 PREHIUHS: : Owner's Premium 2010 Government Se=vice Fee $3862.50 $ 15.00 We are prepared to issue a title insurance policy in the form and amount shown above insuring the titl~ to'the following described land: PARCEL I A parcel of land situated in Sections 12 and 13, Township 5, south, Range 2 Vest of the Vlllamette Hertdtan, Harion-CounCy, Oregon, which is ~o~e' particularly described as follows: ~ Beginning at a I 3/4 inch iron bar on the ~esterly boundary line of the A. Dubois'Donation Land' Claim No. 98, said iron bar being the Northwesterly corner of that tract of land described in Volume 507, Page 796~Harion County Record of Deeds. said iron bar also being recorded as bearing North 0' 15' East 470.58 feet from the Southwest corner of said Dubots Donation Land Claim; the Southerly ..... =--~e South 89° 29' 20" East 2112.72 feet along Page 3§5/Nation and t-unnlxl~ ~=l,~ boundary line of that tract of land described in¥olume 337, County Record of Deeds, to a 5/8 inch iron rod with an aluminum cap marking the/Southwesterly corner of that parcel of land described in Volume 622, Page' 74° Harton County Record of Deeds; thence North 0' 40' 40" East 2660.21 feet alongthe Vesterly boundary line of said parcel described in Volume 622, Pa~e 74, Nation C6~nty Record of Deeds; thence conttnuin~ along said Vesterly boundary line North O* 51' 41w East 750.38 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod on the Southerly right of way line of State Highway No. 214; thence North 88' 52, 10" 'Vest 646.56 feet alon~ said Southerly right of way line to a point on the Easterly right-of way line of the Interstate Freeway (I-5) Frontage Road; thence along said Easterly Freeway Frontage Road right of way line as follows: South 01° 07' 50" Vest 110.00 feet to a point and North 88* 52s 10" Vest 18.48 feet to a point on the arc of a 190 foot radius curve to the right and Southwesterly along said curve right to a 5/8 inch iron rod with an aluminum cap the long chord bears South 50° 08' 33" Vest 91.60 feet; and South 64° 05' 30" ~es= 560.94 feet to the point of beginnin~ of a 676.20 foot radius curve NEWI~£RG * Nr..WPO~/- ROSF. BUR~ ' ~', * ..... ° ' ' to the left, and Southwesterly along said curve left to a point, the long chord bears South 54° 18' 33" West 229..32 feet, and South 45' 18' 31" West 102.98 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with an aluminum cap on the Easterly right of way line of the Interstate Freeway; thence South 35° 54' 18" West 1088.22 feet along said Easterly right of way line to a point on said Westerly boundary line of the Dubois Donation Land Claim; thence South 0° 28' 30" West 1903.22 feet along said Westerly Donatfon Land Claim boundary line to the point of beginning. ALSO: Beginning at the intersection of the Easterly right of way line of the Interstate Freeway (I-5) and the Westerly boundary line of the A. DuBois Donation Land Claim No. 98, Township 5 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Marion County, Oregon, said intersection bears South 0' 28' 30" West 1,491.32 feet from the Northwest corner of said Dubois Donation Land Claim; and running thence South O' 28' 30" West 1,714.81 feet along said Westerly Donation Land Claim Boundary line to a point; thence North 89' 32' 29" West 1.219.51 feet parallel to Southerly boundary line of that tract of land d~scrihed in Volume 573, Page 677~Marion County Record of Deeds, to a point on said Easterly right of way line of the freeway; thence North 35° 53' 22" East 2104.47 feet along said Easterly right of way line go the point of beginning. SAVE AND EXCEPT: Beginning at a point in the South line of Market Road No. 14, which is North 88' 52' 10" West 1326.56 feet and South 0' 51~ 50" West 30 feet from the Northeast corner of the Andrew Duhois Donation Land Claim; thence South 0° 51' 50" West 140.00 feet to a point; thenc6 North 88' 52' 10" West along a line parallel with the centerline of said Market Road No. 14, 140.00 feet to a point; thence North O' 51' 50" East 140 feet to a point on the South line of said Market Road; thence south 88' 52' 10" East along the South line of said Market Road 140.00 feet, more or less, to the~ p~int of beginning. ALSO SAVE AND EXCEPT: Beginning at a point which is 1739.1 feet South 87° 05' East and 30 feet South 2° 55' West from the Northwest corner of the Andrew Dubois DonationLand Claim in Township 5 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Marion County, Oregon, which point is on the Southerly right of way line of Oregon State Highway 214; thence South 87° 05' East along said Southerly right of way line 200 feet; thence South 2' 55' West 200 feet; thence North 87° 05' West 200 feet; thence North 2' 55' East 200 feet to the place of beginning. ALSO SAVE AND EXCEPT: Beginning at a point which is 1679.1 feet South 87' 30' East and 30.00 feet and South 2' 55' West from the Northwest corner of the Andrew Duhois Donation Land Claim in Township § South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Marion County, Oregon; thence South 87' 05' East 60.00 feet; thence South 2' 55' West 200.00 feet; thence North 87' 05' West 60.00 feet; thence North 2' 55' East 200.00 feet to the place of beginning. ALSO SAVE AND EXCEPT: Beginning at a point 1709.10 feet South 88° 52' 10" East and 230.00 feet South 01' 07' 50" West from the Northwest corner of the Andrew Dubois Donation Land Claim No. 98, in Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Marion County, Oregon; thence South O1° 07' 50" West 152.00 feet; thence North 88' 52' 10" West 292.93 feet to a 3 5/8 inch iron rod; thence North 01' 09' 21" East 197.07 feet to the South right of way line of Frontage Road; thence North 45' 46' 12" East along said right of way line 63.14 feet; thence South 88° 52' 10" East 18.48 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod; thence South 1° 07' 50" West 90.00 feet; thence South 88° 52' 10" East 230.00 feet to the place of beginning. ALSO SAVE AND EXCEPT: Beginning at a point in the Northerly line of the Andrew Dubois Donation Land Claim in Section 12, Township 5 South Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Marion County, Oregon, which is South 87' 05' East 1479.10 feet from the Northwest corner of said Claim; thence South 2° 55' West 30.0 feet to a point in the Southerly right of way line of Oregon State Highway No. 214, this being the true point of beginning of the tract herein described; thence South 87' 05' East along the Southerly right of way line 200 feet; thence South 2' 55' West 200.0 feet; thence North 87' 05' West 200.0 feet; thence North 2' 55' East 200 feet to the true point of beginning, all in Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Marion County, Oregon. ALSO SAVE AND EXCEPT: Beginning at a point which is 1448.00 feet South 88" 58' East and 172.08 feet South 1' 08' West and 225.90 feat South 64° 04' West from the Northwest corner of the Andrew Dubois Donation Land Claim No. 98, in Township 5 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Marion County, Oregon, said point being on the Southerly right of way line of the Frontage Road in the Southeast quadrant of the Woodburn Interchange, said point also being the Northeast corner of a parcel of land as described in Volume 657, Page 459,/Deed Records for said County and State; thence South 26' 06' East 275.00 feet to the Southeast corner of said parcel of land; thence North 63° 54' East 50.96 feet; thence North 1' 08' East 311.14 feet t~ a point on the Southerly line of said right of way; thence along the arc of a 190.90' foot radius curve to the right the chord of which bears South 59° 41'~est 29.05 feet) a distance of 29.13 feet; thence South 64° 04' West 164.38 feet to the place of beginning. ALSO SAVE AND EXCEPT: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Andrew Dubois Donation Land Claim No. 98, in Township 5 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Marion County, Oregon; thence South 88° 58' East along the North line of said Claim 1448.00 feet; thence South 1° 08' West 30.00 feet; thence South 32° 31' West 156.22 feet; thence South 63° 54' West 457.58 feet; thence South 26' 06' East 43.30 feet to the true point of beginning of the following described tract of land, said point being on the Southerly right of way line of the proposed new Frontage Road in the Southeast quadrant of the Woodburn Interchange, described in the Complaint in Case No. 64271, in the circuit cour~'of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, entitled State of Oregon, by 'and through its S~ate Highway Commission vs. John N. Hooper, et el: thence South 26' 06' East 275.00 feet; thence Nort/~ 63' SA' ~a~t 300.00 feet; thence North 26' 06' West 275.00 feet to a point on the Southerly right of way line of-said Frontage Road; thence South 63' 54' West 300.00 feet to the place of beginning. ALSO SAVE AND EXCEPT: Beginning at a point 1709.10 feet South' 88° 52' 10" East and 230.00 feet South 01' 07' 50" West from the Northwest corner of the Andrew Dubois Donation Land Claim No. 98, in Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Marion County, Oregon; thence South O1° 07' 50" West 152.O0 feet; thence North 88° 52' 10" West 292.93 feet to a 5/8" iron rod; thence South 01' 09'-20" West 114.93 feet; thence South 64° 05' 30" West 350.96 feet; thence North 25' 54' 30" West 275.00 feet to the South right of way line of Frontage Road; thence South 64' 05' 30" West along said right of way line 96.91 feet; thence continuing along right of way line South 54' 18' 33" West 229.32 feet; thence continuing South 45' 18' 31" West 102.98 feet; thence continuing South 35' 50' 00" West 138.33 feet to a 5/8" iron rod; thence South 88' 52' 10" East 1571.02 feet to the west right of way line of Evergreen Road to a 5/8" iron rod; thence North 00' 52' 50" East along West right of way line of Evergreen Road 610.03 feet, more or less, to a 5/8" iron rod, which is also the southeast corner of that certain property described in Volume 621, Page 304/Deed Records of Marion County, Oregon; thence North 88' 49' 44" West 139.94 feet to a 5/8" iron rod; thence North 00' 45' 11' East 139.88 feet to the South right of way line of State Highway No. 214; thence North 88' 52' 10" West along said right of way line 46.56 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of a ~act conveyed to McDonald's Corporation by deed recorded in Reel 98, Page 467, Microfilm Records of Marion County; thence South O1° 07' 50" West 200.00 feet; thence North 88' 52' 10" West 230.00 feet to the place of beginning. ALSO SAVE AND EXCEPT: Beginning at a 5/8 inch iron rod ~ith aluminum cap marking the intersection of the Southerly Woodburn City limits line and the Westerly right of way'line of Evergreen Road, the locatipn of said Southerly city limits line being described in City of WoodburnResolution No. 504, said monument bears North 89'19'20" West 50.00 feet and North 8}~52'10" West 50.00 feet from the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 69, Woodburn Senior Estates No. 7, as recorded in Volume 22, Page 42, Marion County Book of ~own Plats; and running thence North 88'52'10" West 1957.41 feet along saia city limits line to a 5/8" iron rod with aluminum cap on the Easterly right of way=-l~ne of Interstate Freeway (I-5); thence North 35'54'18" East 669.62 feht along said Easterly right of way line to a 5/8 inch iron rod with aluminum cap on the Southerly boundary line of the C-3 Zone, said Southerly boundary line being parallel to and 750 feet Southerly of the Southerly right of way line of State Highway 214; thence South 88'52'10" East 1571.23 feet along said Southerly zone boundary, line to a 5/8" iron rod with aluminum cap on said Westerly right of way line of Evergreen Road; thence along said Westerly right of way line as follows: South 0'51'41' West 0.37 feet and South 0'40'40' West 190.08 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with aluminum cap marking the~ortheast corner of that parcel of land described in Volume 714, Page 021'% Marion County Record of Deeds; thence North 89'19'20" West 290.40 feet along the Northerly boundary line of said parcel of land to a 5/8 inch iron rod with aluminum cap marking the Northwest corner of same; thence South 0'40'40" West 300.00 feet along the Westerly boundary line of said parcel of land to a 5/8 inch iron rod with aluminum cap marking the SouthWest corner of said parcel of land; thence South 89'19'20' East 290.40 feet along the Southerly boundary line of said parcel of land to a 5/8 inch iron rod with aluminum cap marking the Southeast corner of said parcel of land, said Southeast corner being on said Westerly right of way line of Evergreen Road; thence South 0'40'40' West 59.60 feet along said Westerly right of way line to the point of beginning. ALSO SAVE AND EXCEPT: Beginning at a 5/8 inch iron rod with an aluminum cap at the intersection of the Westerly right of way line of Evergreen Road, said right of way line being the Westerly boundary line of that tract of land described in Volume 622, Page 74, Marion County. Record of Deeds, and the Westerly extension of the Northerly right of way line of West Hayes Street, said monument bears West 688.53 feet and South 0° 27' 10' East 746.00 feet and West 120.00 feet and South 0° 27' 10" East 324.53 feet and North 58' 25' 40' West 495.88 feet and South O' 27' 10" East 458.73 feet and South 89' 32' 50" West 100.00 feet from the Northeast co~ner of A. Dubois Donation Land Claim No. 98, Township 5 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Marion County, Oregon; and running thence South 89' 32' 50" West 290.40 feet along said Westerly extension of the Northerly right of way of West Hayes Street to a 5/8 inch iron rod with an aluminum cap; thence North 0' 27' 10" West 300.00 feet parallel with said Westerly right of way of Evergreen Road to a 5/8 inch iron rod with an aluminum cap; thence North 89' 32' 50' East 290.40 feet parallel with the Southerly boundary line of the herein described tract of land to a 5/8 inch iron rod with an aluminum cap; thence South O' 27' 10" East 300.00 feet along said Westerly right of way line of Evergreen Road to the point of beginning. PARCEL II ' A parcel of land situate in Sections 12, 13 and 14, Town~hip 5 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Marion County, Oregon, which is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Easterly right of way line of the Interstate Freeway (I-5) and the Westerly boundary line of the A. Dubois Donatton Land GlaimNo. 98, in Twoship 5 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Marion County,.Oregon, said intersection bears South O' 28' 30" West 1491.32 feet from the Northwest comer of said Dubois Donation Land Claim and running thence. South 0' 28' 30" West 1972.25 feet along said Easterly DonationLand Claim b%undary line to a 1 3/4 inch iron bar marking the Northwesterly corner of that tract .~f='land described in Volume 507, Page 796, Marion County Record of Deedsi thence South 0° 40' 10" West 1,000.75 feet, more or less, along the Easterly boundary line of that tract of land described in Volume 573, Page 677, to a 1 1/4 inch iron pipe marking the Southeasterly corner of said tract of land; thence North 89' 32' 20" West 2110.88 feet along the Southerly boundary line of said tract of land described in Volume 573, Page 677, to a 5/8 inch iron rod with an aluminum cap on said Easterly right of way line of the Freeway; thence North 35° 53' 22" East 3,648.55 feet along said Easterly right of way line to the point of beginning. SAVE AND EXCEPT: Beginning at the intersection of the Easterly right of way line of the Interstate Freeway (I-5) and the Westerly boundary line of the A. DuBois Donation Land Claim No. 98, Township $ South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Marion County, Oregon, said intersection bears South O' 28' 30" West 1,491.32 feet from the Northwest comer of said Dubois Donation Land Claim; and running thence South 0' 28' 30" West 1,714.81 feet along said Westerly Donation Land Claim Boundary line to a point; thence No~th 89' 32' 29" West 1,219.51 feet parallel to Southerly boundary line of that tract of land described in Volume 573, Page 677, Marion County Record of Deeds, to a point on said Easterly right of way line of the freeway; thence North 35' 53' 22" East 2104.47 feet along said Easterly right of way line to the point of beginning. Real Property Tax Account No.: 44159-000; 44155-000 Situs Address as disclosed_by Marion County Tax Roll: NONE SHOWN COUNCIL BILL NO. 1300 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE ELIGIBILI'I'? OF THE CFI'? OF WOODBURN TO RECEIVE STATE-SHARED REVENUES DURING FISCAL YEAR 1991-92. WHEREAS, Oregon Revised Statute 221.760, Section 1, provides that the officer responsible for disbursing funds to cities under ORS 323.455, 366.785 to 366.820, and 471.805, within a county having more than 100,000 inhabitants according to the most recent federal decennial census, shall disburse such funds only if the c'~j provides four or more of the following services: (1) police protection; (2) fire protection; (3) street construction, maintenance and lighting; (4) sanitary sewers; (5) storm sewers; (6) planning, zoning, and subdivision control; and (7) one or more utility services, and WHEREAS, city officials recognize the desirability of assisting the state officer responsible for determining the eligibility of cities to receive such funds in accordance with 221.760, now, therefore, THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City of Woodbum hereby certifies that it provides the following municipal services as enumerated in ORS 221.760: (1) Police Protection (2) Street Construction, Maintenance, and Lighting (3) Sanitary Sewers (4) Storm Sewers (5) Planning, Zoning, and Subdivision Control Approved as (6) One Utility Servic~,~?_.._./-,,,% to ,orm..~.'~~/~.,c.~ ~.~ ~-- '''~- ~/' City Attorney Date APPROVED FRED W. KYSER, MAYOR Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the office of the Recorder A'FI'EST Page I- Mary Tennant, Deputy Recorder City~Woodburn, Oregon' COUNCIL BILL NO. -/.~o o RESOLUTION NO. COUNCIL BILL NO. RESOLUTION NO. 1_5o/ A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CITY'S ELECTION TO RECEIVE STATE REVENUES DURING FISCAL YEAR 1991-92. WHEREAS, Oregon Revised Statutes 221.770 requires the City to provide documentation to the State of Oregon advising them of their intention to participate in the State Revenue Sharing Program, now, therefore, THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Pursuant to ORS 221.770, the City of Woodburn hereby elects to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1991-92. Approved as to form..~) .~ ~ ~" "~- ~ .~ City Attorney Date APPROVED FRED W. KYSER, MAYOR Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder ATTEST Mary Tennant, Deputy Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 1- COUNCIL BILL NO. J.5 ~ / RESOLUTION NO. MEMO TO: THROUGH: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: City Administrator for Council Action Public Works Director Julie Moore, C.E. Tech III ~ v On-street parking congestion on 'W' Court May 8, 1991 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that approval be made to install NO PARKING signs on the South side of "A" Court because of the narrow right-of-way and congestion which prohibits residents at the East end to access their homes. BACKGROUND: Residences along "A" Court have sent a written complaint about cars parking along the narrow street and blocking access to and from the houses at the East end of the street. The residents also cited that the mailboxes were frequently blocked and mail was not being delivered. ~ "A" Court is a dead end road that has a twenty foot right-of-way and runs less than 300 f. east of 'W' Street. There are three houses whose only access is along this right-of-way. The other houses can be accessed by A Street or Stark Street. The surface is gravel with no other street improvements. The mail boxes are all located on "A" Street on the north side of "A" Court. (See attached map) According to the Transportation and Traffic Engineering Handbook, parking should be prohibited on both sides of the roadway if the width does not exceed 20 feet. The residents were notified by mail about the proposed parking restrictions. None of the residents opposed to having NO PARKING signs installed. Therefore, since there are just a few residences, it is recommended that the parking be restricted on the South side of the street to allow access to the houses at the end of the street. ATTACHMENTS: Map Letter from Property Owners January 21, 1991 Mike Quinn, City Administrator City of Woodburn 270 Montgomery Street Woodburn, Oregon 97071 Re: Parking Congestion on "A" Street, Woodburn Gentlemen: We live at 340 "A" Street, Woodburn. In our immediate area, there are rentals to the South of our house. Since our street is a dead-end street, we have to go back and forth in front of these rentals daily. Currently, there is constant traffic congestion. We do not know how many people actually reside in these rentals, but, between the junk cars, and the cars constantly parked in front of these rentals, it is impossible to get to our house, or, for that matter, to go anywhere from our house. The street is a gravel street, approximately 20' wide. ~ere are no curbs, and, conversely no designated places to park. . ~ We request that the City of Woodburn install NO PARKING signs on our street, and enforce the no parking. Unless we can devise some other method of going to and from our home, we will be waging an on-going problem in this area. FP/clw Feodor Piatkoff 340 "A" Street Woodburn, Oregon 97071 Telephone: 981-4154 /? / / ./ o ~ I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I ~ t 07/91 ATE CHK N3 A/P CHECK LISTING VENDOR AMOUNT PAGE DESCRIPTION 02/91 02/91 0Z/91 02/91 CJI/91 02/91 JZ/91 C~Z/91 02/91 04/91 05/91 05/91 05/91 ~8/91 28191 08/91 ~9/91 09191 11/91 1Z/91 1~191 1S/91 15191 16/91 16191 16/91 16191 lb/~1 lo/91 1~/91 1~/91 16/91 16/91 10/91 lo/91 16/~1 10/~1 16/91 1~/~1 1~/91 1~/~1 1~/~1 16/91 1~/91 1~/91 1~/91 16/91 16/91 1~/91 lo/91 lb/~1 1~/91 lO/~1 5050 5051 5052 5053 5054 5055 5056 5057 ~076 )077 5078 5079 5080 5081 5082 50~5 50~4 5085 5086 5087 5088 5089 5090 5091 509Z 5093 5094 5095 .5096 5097 .5098 5099 5100 5101 5102 5103 5104 ~105 5106 5107 510~' 5109 5110 5111 5112 ~11~ 5114 5115 51t6 Sl17 5118 5119 5120 POSTAGE BY PHONE CHASE MANHATTAN 6K N A NY PIONEER TRUST CORPANY D.A. DAVID)ON & CO SECURITY PACIFIC CLEARING SECURITY PACIFIC CLEAR2NG FIRST INTERSTATE 3ANK SECURITY PACIF[C :LEARING BANK OF N~ YORK U. So NATIONAL ~ANK OF OR OFFICE CLUe UNITED STAT£S POSTAL GERv PETTY CASH - CITY HALL U. S. NATIONAL ~ANK OF OR ~ASTE~ATER NETgOR~ SUBWAY SANDg2CHES FIRST INTERSTATE ~ANK CIS: CZTY-CTY INS. SERVS. N. ROgERT SHIELDS U~ITED STATES POSTAL ~ERV UN2TED STAT~$ POSTAL SgRV BANK OF A~E~ICA PZTTY CAS~ - CITY HAL~ VOID V 0 ! D VOID VOID VOiD ALCO CAPITAL RESOURCE A~ERZCAN CCHP~TER & EL£CT ALeS FRUIT & SHRU~ C£NTER AdTO~TED OFFICE ATOCNE~ NORT~ AHgRICA AgARDS AND ATHLETICS AT&T iNFORMATION SY~T~HS AT&T 6LA~D CONSTRUCTION BOISE CASCADE ~OONE~ F~RRY ~L~CTR~C BOgLAND INTERaATI~NAL ~D~HAN DISTZ~UTZO~ ~OTTERSgORTd~ L~GAL CaASE MANHATTAN ~K N A NY CHEREKETA COMRUN~Y COLL CONSOLiDATE~ SUPPLY CO. CR~ME PREVENTION ESSO&. D~SCHUT£S COUNTY ~-1-1 DYCOR ~UPPLY /NC. EOFE ELECTRIC CO FLO~ INSTRUHENTAT~ON MAR~ J. G~RVAiS 3£L~PHONE CO. GREAT ~EST COMPANIES MANY HARRIS HARRIS UNIFORMS 600.00 7.053.75 350.00 525.00 175.00 570.00 5.1S7.50 5.000.00 20.000.00 1.250.00 ~,9.99 211 .:~0 171.01 11,015.0~ 4,418.25 50.00 175.00 30.00 4,4~1.25 120.00 139.50 Z7,~5.00 Z~l .$7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 86.67 2.058.60 11~.30 401.14 2,S88.50 lo3.98 428.05 159.17 4~5.00 7rs. ga 4.176-80 54-95 :~4.77 1 4.13 1?0.00 79.03 532.85 29.C0 .55.00 475.00 Y5.7~ 6,404.50 2g0.5~ 35.51 2Z0.33 1/312.5,~ 78.51 SUPPLIES - VARIOUS BONDS/COUPONS**** BONDS/COUPON~**** BONDS/COUPONS**** BONDS/COUPONS**** BONDS/COUPONS**** BONDS/COUPONS**** BONDS/COUPONS**** BONDS/COUPONS**** 60NDS/COUPONS**** SUPPLIES - FINANCE SUPPLIES - ~ATER PETTY CASH*** aONDS/COUPO~S**** S~RVICES - WWTP SERVICES - PUSLIC ~ORKS BONDS/COUPONS**** SERVIC£S - VARIOUS SERVICES - CITY ATTORNEY SUPPLIES - PARKS SERVICES - ~ATER PAYROLL* PETTY CASH*** V 0 I D VO-ID VOID V O I D ~ VOID SERVICES - 911 COMM SERVICES - NON DEPT SUPPLIES - ~HTP SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - ~TP SERVICES - PARKS & PUB WK SERVICES - VARIOUS SERVICES ' VARIOUS SERVICES - LI6RARY SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SERVICES - ~TP SUPPLIES ' WWTP SUPPLIE3 - STREET ~UPPL%E$ ' CITY ATTORNEY BONOS/COUPONS**** SERVICES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - STREET SERVICES - POLICE S~PPLIE~ - 911COMM SUPPLIES - STREET SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - ~TP SERVICES - COURT ~ SERVICE3 - 911 COMM SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SERVICES - CITY ATTORN£Y SUPPLIES - POLICE /07/91 )ATE CHK NO A/P VENDOR C H-: C K L~STING ANOUNT PAGE DESCRIPTION 2 ~'16191 ~'16/91 '16/91 '16/9i '16/91 '16191 '16191 '16/91 '1o/91 '16/91 '16/91 '16191 '~3/89 '1b/91 '16/91 '16/91 '1o/91 '16/91 '16/91 ~16/91 ~16/91 '16191 ~16191 ~16/91 ~10/91 ~16/91 '16191 '16/91 '16/91 '16/91 '16/91 '16/91 '16/91 '16/91 '16/91 '16/9t '16191 '16/91 '16/91 '16191 '16/91 '10191 r16191 '16/91 '16/91 '16/91 '16/91 '1o/91 '1619~ ,161<)1 '16/91 '16191 '16/91 '16191 "16191 512.2 5123 5124 5125 5126 5127 3128 3129 5150 515Z 5133 5154 5155 5137 515 F., 5139 $160 5144 5145 5146 51,v7 5148 51/+9 5150 5151 5152 515.5 5154 5155 5156 51.57 5158 ..5159 51~0 ~1~1 5162 5163 ~1o4 $165 51o0 3167 ~1o8 ~1o9 ~170 5173 5174 .5175 5176 RONALD M. HELLENELL 96.00 HERSHaERGER MOTORS 69.00 HIGH-PURITY CHEMICAL INC 75.50 HUg~ARD HARDWARE & LUM~ER- 47.75 INDUSTRIAL WELDIN~ SUPPLY 429.61 KAINO JON~$ & PATRI~G~ P~T~R M. KONOVALOV ~0.00 LANDIS T~OMA$ L. LA EOLLETT LTD ENERGY ~?ECIALITI£S 80.00 LZPTON~ STEPHEN A.~ ATTY 359.75 DON LUTHER CONSTRJCTION C 718.00 LOTd$ DEVELOPMENT CORP 55.03 MAC'S RADIATOR 56.65 MARION COUNTY DI~T ATTY 6&6.20 ~ARION COUNTY FISCAL SVCS 1~2Z.00 MARYATT INDUSTRIES 230.40 RiCK MCCORMICK'S 3ARKDUST 95.00 ~£~QUITE RO0~O TAPES 56.90 HETRO~UELING/ INC. M~TRO NATOA 10.00 MgCRO FOCUS 1.35~.23 MONITOR CO-OP T~L~PHON£ 170.0~ KARLIN $. MYERS ?7.00 NORTHdEST NATURAL GA5 ?~6.9~ NPA W~$T 775.09 OJO PUBLICATIONS ~0.00 OMFOA 2.5.00 OREGON DEPT OF GEN'L SERV 50.00 OREGON METER ~EPAIR 316.00 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 2.902.66 US W£ST COMMUNICATIONS PAYLESS DRU~ 5TORE P.C. MAGAZINE 02.46 AZNOLD W. POOLE 154.52 JEFFREY PO~OLOWiT: a A$$C PORTLAND GENERAL £LECTRIC PORTLAND GENERAL ~L~C[RZC 1.145.75 POaTLAND GE~£~AL EL£CTRIC P~OVEN SOLUTIONS 5?2.50 RAM CONSTRUCTION 2.1Z5.~2 T~RRY RAMIR~Z 300.00 RAWLINSON=$ LAUNDRY 6.95 ED RECTOR 39.99 R~R AMMO ~MEREEN RZCOY ?5.25 RID'S RENTAL ~ ~EPAiR SgI£NTIFiC SUPPLY & EAUIP 285.0~ S~OT ~UPPLY i~g ~10.80 SCOTT & A$SaCiATE~ ~,7~3.45 SeCURiTY PACI~lg ~ANK ORE 325.00 SERViCENT~R Z01.40 31LVERFCEET SYSTEMS 1,936.53 SERVICES - COURT SERVICES - PARKS SUPPLIES - WWTP SUPPLIES - PARKS SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SIRVICES - COURT SERVICES - COURT SERVICES - LI9 & CTY HALL SERVICES - COURT SUPPLIES - WWTP SERVICES - COURT SERVICES - CITY A~MZN SERVICES - COURT SERVZCES- HOUSING SUPPLIES - FINANCE SERVICES - TRANSIT SERVICES - POLICE SERVICES ' POLICE SUPPLIES - ~WTP SUPPLIES - WATER SUPPLIES - LIaRARY SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SERVICES - CITY AOMIN SUPPLIES - NON DEPT SERVICES - 911 COMM SERVICES --COURT SERVICE~ =- VARIOUS $£RVICES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - CITY ATTORNEY SERVICES - FINANCE SUPPLIES - POLICE SERVICES - WATER SERVICES - VARIOUS SERVICES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - PARKS SUPPLIES - FINANCE SERVICES - COURT SERVICE~ - HOUSING SERVICES - VARIOUS SERVICES ' VARIOUS SERVICES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - POLICE SERVICES ' HOUSING SERVICES - COURT SUPPLIES - WAFER SUPPLIES - 911 COMM SUPPLIES - POLICE SERVICES - COURT SUPPLIES - STREET SUPPLIES - ~TP SUPPLIES - LI£RARY SERVICES - VARIOUS BONDS/COUPONS**** SERVICES - WATER SUPPLIES - VARIOUS ~ATE CHK N3 AlP CH£CK LISTING VENDOR AMOUNT PAGE DESCRIPTION 3 '16191 '16/91 '16/91 '16191 '16/91 '10/91 '10/91 '16/91 '1b/91 '16/91 '16/91 '16/91 '16/91 '16/91 '16/91 '16/91 '16/91 '16/91 '16/91 ~16191 r16/91 '16/91 ~16/91 ~ lo/91 ~16/91 ~16/91 ~16/91 10/91 '16/91 '16/91 '16/91 ~16/91 ~16/91 ~'16/91 ~'17/91 ~17191 f16/91 f18/91 ~1b/91 ~18191 / .,'2191 t25191 ~25/91 '25/91 '04/89 ~26/91 ~26/91 t29/91 f30191 ~30/91 ~50/91 :)177 5176 5179 5180 51cH 51&2 5183 5186 5;185 51 ~7 5168 5189 51 ~0 51~1 5192 5194 5195 519o 5197 5198 51 99 5200 5201 ~202 5203 520~ 5~06 5207 5Z~8 52~9 5ZIC 5211 5212 ~14 5215 5216 52t8 ~g19 ~225 52~0 5227 5229 5231 S[LVERTON SAND & GRAVEL SLATER CON~N[CATIONS ~OUN~ ELEVATOR CO SPEEDDN~TER SERVICE L - SUPPLY~AYS INC. FRANK ~UTTER TAYLOR ELECTIC SUPPLY TERRITORIAL SUPPLIES INC. ROS~RT E. THOMAS III TONY'S VIDEO TDgN ~ COUNTRY PEST C~NTR UNOCAL:ERNIA bRAflA~ OIL UNITE~ STAT~$ POSTAL ~ERV UTZLZTY EQUIPMENT INC. VALLZY ~ELDZNG SUPPLY VIESKO V/SIBLE COMPUTER SUPPLY ~ZLLARETTE INDUSTRIES- ZN ~OLF£RS HEATING & AiR CON ~DBRN COAST TO COAST ~O0O~RN FLORIST kOODBURN ~NDEPEND:NT ~OODBUR~ LU~R C3. kOOD~UR~ OFFICE SdPPLY KENNET~ ~KIGHT Y~$ GRAPHIC~ Z~TRO~ - INC. .EPAK CORP gEE MEDICAL SErViCE CD. CTS INC HZCK O~SANTIS HO~2~UI~DER dOYCE E- ?~TTA ANN SHEVCHUA V 0 ~ D F~RST INT£RSTATE POSTA$£ BY PHON~ ALEXAND£R & ALEXA:~D~R ~OY SCOUTS OF A~E~CA WdN CHAMg~R OF COMMERCE U~ POST OFFICE D3NALD L ~U3ANK P~TTY CASH - CITY H~LL S£CURITY PACiFiC 3ANK ORE M~I GROUP, :NC. TERRY L. RIC~ARD$ON ~ANK CF A~EIICA VOID V 0 i D V 0 I D VOID A~S FRUIT ~ ~HRU~ CENTER 650.66 925.15 139.75 ZO. O0 729.70 1 35.64 28.0ct 8 .OD ;.74.75 109.90 400.00 424.04 ~00.00 1,~50.00 8.7~3 ~6.00 259.9~ 1,311.0~ ~6.00 35.15 241 432.2~ 33.3~ 2~2.40 157.50 57.50 1 43.10 8Z8.93 6.45 19.95 13.~2 O.OO 455.00 6rJO.OD 14.43 74.~0 40.00 155.12 3.000.00 153.28 1,050-00 125.00 1,910-0~ 1,575.00 12~, 21 2.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 354.70 262.46 SUPPLIES - STREET SERVICES - STREET SERVICES - LIBRARY SERVICES - STREET SUPPLIES -VARIOUS REIMBURSEMENT - ~ATER SUPPLIES - POLICE SUPPLIES - POLICE SERVICES - COURT SUPPLIES ' :[aRARY SERVICES ' PARKS & d~TP SUPPLIES - CENT. GARAGE SERVICES - RSVP S~PPLIES - STREET SUPPLIES ' W~TP SUPPLIES - ~ATER SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES ' CENTRAL STOR£S SZRVICES - W~TP SUPPLIE~ - TRANSIT SERVICES - VARIOUS SERVICES - VARIOUS ~UPPLIES - STREET SUPPLIES - ~TP REIMBURSEMENT - POLICE SERVICES --VARIOUS SUPPLIE~ ~ 911 CORM SUPPLIES - WWTP SUPPLIES ' STREET OVERPAYMENT - WATER OVERPAYMENT - WATER OVERPAYMENT - ~ATER OVERPAYHENT - ~ATER VOID ~ONOSICOUPONS**** SUPPLIES - VARIOUS S~RVICES - POLICE S~RVICES - POLICE SERVICES ' POLICE SERVICES ' WATER SdPPLZES ' POLICE PETTY CASH*** BONDS/COUPONS**** SERVICES ' LIBRARY SERVICES - WATER SUPPLIES - COgRT SUPPLIES - ~0~ DEPT PAYROLL* VOID VOID VOID V 0 Z D VOID SERVICES - POLICE & 911 SUPPLIES - PARKS ~7/9~ ,ATE CHK ND A! P VENDOR CHECK LISTING AMOUNT PAGE DESCRIPTION 4 ,'/,4 30191 50191 30191 30/91 501~1 ~0191 30191 '~0191 $01~1 '30191 '$0/91 '$0191 ~30191 ~30/91 '~0/91 ~30/91 ~30191 ~0191 /30/91 ~0191 ~30/91 f30/91 '50/91 ~0/91 ~01~1 ~30t91 '30191 '30191 '30/91 '30191 '30/91 '30/91 30/91 '30/91 '50191 50191 50191 '~0191 '30/91 '$0191 '30/91 '30/91 '50191 5252 5233 3254 5235 5256 5Z37 5236 5239 5240 5241 5242 5244 5245 5246 5247 5249 5251 52S3 5254 5255 5257 ~259 5261 S~62 5203 ~204 ~265 ~266 5267 52~8 5269 ~70 ~27~ 5273 527~ 5276 5977 ~27~ 527~ 5231 ~2 5234 5236 AMERICAN LIBRARY AS$OC A-QUALITY TYPEWRITER AND ARATEX SERVZC~S~ INC. AUDIO HEARING AID SERVICE- A~AR~S AND ATHLETIC5 A~ARD COMPANY OF AM£RZCA MATTHEW BENDER & CO., INC ~N-KO-MATIC INC. O~TT~R HOME~ S GARDEN~ ~-MART CORPORATION BcUE RIBBON JANITORIAL EORLAND INTERNATIONAL BRACK~N~ROUGH REMODELING CASE AUTOMOTIVE CASCAD£ COMPUTER ~AINT. C~2M-HILL CLARK~ LINDAUER~MCCLINTON COLUMBIA RIVER CHPT C~MPUADD COMMTRON CONVE~IENCECARD COPY OFFICE PRODUCTS~ D~NIE~$ PHOTOGR~PdY DAVISON AUTO PARTS D~VISON AUTO PARTS DAVI$ON AUTO PARTS DAVISON aUTO PARTS D£MCO DRI-DEK CORPORATION D.W. PAINTING & HOME REP. EDEN ~YSTEM$ DONALD L EUBANK FARMERS OIL FARM PLAN F~DERAL EAPRESS CORP F~ENAUG~TY ~ACHZNERY F[L~$ FIRST ~A~ ~F ~AR[ETTA FOTO A.A. ~EAY [ CO G.T.E. ~O~[L~ET diLL C. HARVEY~ ~[R£~TOR HARRZ~ AND HgRSHBERG~R MOTORS H~RTZ F~R~IT~RE SYSTEMS HZLL-DONNELLY D[RECTORiE~ HdmmARD GARAGm INSTANT FIE~ PRO~ECTION KENCO LOCKSMITH SdPPLY K~W - TV8 ~kE~ ~. KYSER L & L ~IL~[N& SUPPLI[S L & L 6dZ~D[NG SUPPLIES G~RAL~ LEiM~AEH 25.00 SUPPLIES - LIBRARY 1S0.00 SERVICES - LIBRARY & RSVP 68.30 SERVICES -POL & CITY HAL 75.00 SUPPLIES - CODE ENFORCE 79.00 SERVICES --PUBLIC WORKS 178.90 SUPPLIES - PARKS 99.00 SUPPLIES - LIBRARY 237.00 SUPPLIES - STREET 29.~S SUPPLIES - LIBRARY ?9°04 SUPPLZES- VARIOUS ~95.00 SERVICES - CITY HALL 179.~0 SUPPLIES - VARIOUS 764.65 SUPPLIES - NON DEPT 2,200.50 SERVICES - HOUSING 30.35 SERVICES ' BUILDING 175.00 SUPPLIES - WWTP 52xB~5.g~ SERVICES - PUBLIC WORKS 1~2&8.62 SERVICES - NON DEPT 10.00 SERVICES - SUILDING 3~2.00 SUPPLIES - WWTP 252.21 SUPPLIES - LISRARY 158.71 SUPPLIES - VARIOUS 178.75 SUPPLIES - CENTRAL STORES 151.43 SERVICES - POLICE 319.66 SUPPLIES - VARIOUS 1~6.8~ SUPPLIES --VARIOUS ?2.22 SUPPLIE~~- VARIOUS 27.½~ SUPPLIES - POLICE 210-94 SUPPLIES - LIBRARY 307.57 SUPPLIES - STREET & b~TP 1~719.00 SERVICES - HOUSING 40.03 SERVICES - NON DEPT 52.50 SUPPLIES - POLICE 224.03 SUPPLIES - VARIOUS 3~8.'4a SUPPLIES - VARIOUS 15.50 SERVICES - MAYOR 155.0g SUPPLIES - STREET 398.40 SUPPLIES - LIBRARY 178.87 SUPPLIES - CENTRAL STORES 4.6~ SERVICES - POLICE ~00.00 SUPPLIES - WATER ?09.78 SERVICES - POLICE & 911 320.40 R~ZM~URSEMENT - R~VP 1.000.00 ~E~VICES -VARZOUS 109.0~ SERVICES - PARKS 397.4~ SUPPLIES - LIBRARY 257.84 SUPPLIES - POLICE 10.60 SERVICES - STREET 22.25 SERVICES - POLICE 1~1.56 SUPPLIES - PARKS ~9.95 SUPPLIES - LIBRARY 39.50 REIMBURSEMENT - MAYOR 279.83 SUPPLIES - VARIOUS 277.40 SUPPLIES - VARIOUS' 79.24 REIMBURSEMENT - FINANCE )ATE CWK NO AlP CHECK LISTING VENDOR AMOUNT PAGE DESCRIPTION 5 !30191 f30191 '30191 f30191 f3b191 ~50191 '30/91 '$0191 '50191 '30191 ~50191 '30191 i50/91 I30/91 '$0/91 150191 t~0/91 f30191 ~50191 f50191 ~30/91 t30191 1~0191 ~0191 1301~1 /]0191 130191 1~0191 150191 ~3b/91 f30/91 130/91 15G/91 1~0/91 ~0/91 52~9 5290 ~292 529~ 5295 ~2~7 5299 ~00 5301 5302 ~303 5304 ~305 5~06 530~ 5~09 5310 ~311 5~1Z 5313 5514 ~315 5316 ~317 5316 5320 5321 5322 5323 532~ 5331 5332 533~ 533~ 5340 ~3~1 M~I GROUP. INC. MAC'S RADIATOR MAD£RA ClNEVIDEO INC- MAR~ON COUNTY BLDG IN~PEC' MARYATT INDUSTRIES MCCUROY TRAVEL ~£I-MICRO CENTER M£TROFUELIN~- ~R PeS AUTO PARTS MINTFINDER~ INC. KARL~N $- MYERS MT. ANGEL TOWERS. LTD NAT'L GEOGRAPHIC gOCiETY N£SSCO SUPPLY INC. NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS NPA WE~T 02EGON APCO g~EGON COAST GETAWAY GUID OZ. ~LDG. COD~S AGENC~ OREGON DEPT O~ GEN"L gERV OREGON MICROGRAPHICS- INC G~ STATE POLICE T~EASURER 02EGO~IAN P~LISHING CO. PACiFiC ~UILDING SYST£MS U~ W£$T COMMUNICATION~ PACIFIC PRINTERS PACIFIC WATgR WORKS ~dPPL PAYLESS DRUG STORE JACKSON PdE~PS CONSTRUCT · JEFFREY POGOLOWITZ & ASSC PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC PORTLAND GENERAL ~LECTRIC PZi~R PIP~ & SUPPLY- MICHAEL GUINN RADI~ ~HACK T~RRY RAMIR~2 RAWLON$ONeS LAUNDRY ED REgTOR ~£D WING SHOE STe~£ RAMARKA~LE PRSD~CT~. INC. ~MER£%N RIC~Y ROURK~ 2U~LISHING GROUP S & P ~LECT~IC bAL£M FSRO NEw HOLLAN~ SALSA POOL & ~dPPLY- SALEM TYP~ CORPAN¥ L£$ S£HaA~ TIRE C~NTEA ~ERVICENT~R ~iLV~AFLEZT SYST-E~S S£N~ER SEW REFER LIBRARY SLATER ~OMMUN£CATIONS L~NDk SPRAU~- S?AND~R~ RE~$T~R 10.200.00 3?5.50 155.$9 1.5~3.48 238.;'3 27e.6o 105.75 ~b.40 36.25 525.00 120.00 14.95 4?$.96 106.56 331.25 120.00 12.95 507.32 108.00 160.50 5.00 215.60 23.20 37.60 lb4.80 321.00 22~.62 ~8.46 33.55 570.00 Z,353.00 7.£D7.79 o33.O~ 35.57 Z4.65 36.85 I 35. OO 50.40 157.9~ 90.95 17.95 519.75 337.45 2Z3.67 86.62 5~9.80 30.50 294.00 218.82 59.13 17.50 74.18 ~33.73 115.63 SUPPLIES-' COURT SERVICES - TRANSIT SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SERVICES - BUILDING SUPPLIES - PARKS & ~TP SERVICES ' RSVP SUPPLIES - CENTRAL STORES SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES ' LIBRARY SERVICES - COURT SUPPLgES - RSVP SdPPLIES - LIgRARY SUPPLIES - PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES ' STREET & ~ATER SUPPLIES ' NO~ DEPT SERVICES - 911 CORM S~PPLIES - LIBRARY SERVICES - ~UILDING SERVICES - PARKS SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - POLICE SERVICES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - LISRARY SERVICES ' CODE ENFORCE SERVICES -*VARIOUS SERVICE9=- RSVP SUPPLIES - ~ATER SUPPLIES - PARKS SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SERVICES - STREET SERVICES ' HOUSING SERVICES - VARIOUS SERVICES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - STREET REI~BURSEHENT - CiTY ADRI SUPPLIE~ - POLICE & FZNAN S~RVZCES - COURT SUPPLIES - VARIOUS REIMBURSEHENT - 911 COMM SUPPLIES - ~WTP SUPPLIES - WWTP SERVICES - COURT SUPPLIES - LIBRARY ~RVICES - TRANSIT SERVICES - PARKS SUPPLIES - PARKS S~RVICES - PARKS $~RVICE$ - STREE1 S£RVICES - HATER SUPPLIES - CODE ENFORC~- SUPPLIES - LI3RARY $~RVICES - POLICE R~I~BURSEMENT - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - VARIOUS '07/91 ~ATF- CHK N3 AlP VENDOR CHECK LISTING AMOUNT PAGE DESCRIPTION 6 .30191 3019<l 50191 30/91 '30191 50191 50/91 50191 $0/91 30/91 30/91 '30191 '~0191 '30191 '5Gi91 '50191 '~0191 '30191 ~30/91 ~30191 t30/91 ~50/91 ~30/91 150191 130191 I~01~1 t~0191 130191 150191 f30/91 f30191 15G/91 ~50/91 ~/91 ~0/~1 '50/91 ~30/91 ~30191 ~50/91 '~/~1 ' ~0/9~ ~50~91 ~/91 t-50191 5342 5343 5344 5345 5346 5347 5348 5349 5350 5351 53~2 5353 5354 5355 5356 535? 535~ 5359 5360 5361' 5362 5363 5304 5365 5~07 5366 5369 5370 5371 5373 5374 ~375 ~376 5377 5379 53~0 ~381 53~2 53~3 5384 53~5 5386 5387 5359 53~G 5391 ~3~ SUPPLYWAYS INC. SUSSMAN. SHANK~ WAPNICK T.U. 0f OREGON TECHNICAL ASS/STANCE UNIT TIME-LIFE BOOKS/MJSIC DAVID L TRAPP & ASSOC. TRO~C3 CO. TUTHILL coRPORA[ION U~OCAL:ERNIE GRAHAM O;L WASTE~ATER NETWORK WATER. FOOD & RESEARCH LAB ~ATERLA~ kESTERN PLASTIC PRODUCT5 TERRY WILLIARS H.W. ~ILSON CO ~DBRN COAST TO COAST ADORN COAST TO COAST W~5RN FERTILIZER ~ GRAIN WOODBURN ZNDEPENDENT ~OODBURN LU~gER CO. ~OODBERN OFFICE SUPPLY ~OOD~URN PHARNACY EOODBURN TRU£-VALUE kOOD~URN TR~E-VALdE Hb~E ZUMAR Z~DUSTRIE$. INC. ROBERT ~EAN~ON DDNNIE CUTLER STEPHEN FEDORKO GaEN ~UNTER HUGH GUNTER RALPH HARMONY R~ERT JOHNSTON LEO LA ROeUE FRANK M£EKS ERNA O$~ORN~ A~M£DA QUIRIN~ JUNE SIMPSON A~DREA SCHOOL:R ISA~ELLE SMITH TREVO~ CHARLES ~IGLE HATTIE CLAR~ CORNELIUS DONNELLY ~RNA Mo 5¥RON d. PEFFLY G~RTRUDE RE~S aA~gS BAR,ARA STEOUP E~iTH ~ILLIAES OZEGON ~EPA~T. OF REV~UL ~EA~U£ OF OREGOn-~ITiE$ OTTO $CHLOTTffiANN A~THUR .& VE~A Mi.LS T~PLETON~$ HARMONY HDM£ VOiD 70.70 324.41 120.00 55.50 75.00 35.00 319.36 684.00 1,145-00 172.50 ~05.00 446.42 54.50 249.0D 146.65 161.56 166.45 1,271 .?0 81.03 135.99 1 93.81 106.20 458.94 66.40 240.00 9~.9~ 12.30 16.5.6 48.G0 35.16 223.68 48.54 Z6.80 ~2.40 79.92 12.54 23.04 32.40 76.80 ~2.40 16.40 98.60 Z6.ZO ~2.40 ~9.10 ~4.00 657.37 2Z,9~3.47 19.95 19.95 20.18 0.00 SUPPLIES SERVICES SERVICES SUPPLIES SdPPLIES SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SUPPLIES - WATER - NON DEPT - 911 COMM - LI3RARY -' LIBRARY - PUBLIC WORKS - STREET - WWTP - VARIOUS - ~TP - WATER - ~WTP - RSVP REIMBURSEMENT - PARKS SUPPLIES - L2. BRARY SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - PARKS SERVICES - VARIOUS SUPPL/ES - STREET & SUPPLIES - PARKS SUPPLIES - POLICE SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - VARIOUS SUPPLIES - STREET SERVICES -- RSVP SERVICES =- RSVP SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES ' RSVP SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES- RSVP SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES ' RSVP SERVICES - RSVP SERVICES - RSVP S~RVICES ' RSVP SERVICES - DIAL-A-RIDE SERVICES - DIAL-A-R/DE SERVICES - DIAL-A-RIDE SERVICES - DIAL-A-RIDE SERVICES - DIAL-A-RIDE SERVICE~ - DI~L-A-RIDE SERVICES - DIAL-A-RIDE SERVICES - DIAL-A-RIDE PAYROLL* PAYROLL* OVERPAYMENT - WATER OVERPAYMENT - WATER OVERPAYMENT- WATER VOID PARKS ~ATE CHK NO VENDOR CHICK LISTING AMOUNT PAGE DESCRIPTION 7 ~IA '50191 '30/91 '30/91 '30191 t3U191 130191 '$0191 ~30/9t 130191 130/91 ~01~1 '30/91 '50191 '30/91 '30191 ~30/91 I30/91 130191 '30/91 t30191 150191 t30/91 '50191 '30/91 ~$0191 ~$0191 ~50/91 150/91 150191 /30/91 t30/91 130191 r30191 ~0191 f30/91 I30/9J 5401 5402 5403 5404 5405 ~40b ~407 ~4~9 ~411 5~12 541~ 541~ 5415 5416 5417 ~41~ 5419 5420 $4Z1 ~422 54Z4 5425 p427 5~29 ~30 5431 5433 54~4 ~435 5~36 5457 5439 ~44~ 544g 54~3 5444 5445 5446 5447 544~ VOID VOID V C I D A AABCO RESCUE RO3TER A~ARDS AND ATHLETICS AaWA / PNWS ~AK~R g TAYLOR CO. - NY ~AK~R & TAYLOR - CA & NV 6ANK OF AMERICA OREGOii £ANTAM DOdBLE~AY B~YOND ~ASAUS HI-MART CORPORATION BLUE HERON PUbLISHiNG C~EMEKETA COM~UNITY COLL DAY RAN~ER ~MCO FIRST INTERSTATE ~ANK OF GAYLORD BROS~ INC. ~RAY SUPPLY HAtH CHEMICAL G.C. HEAT~ ~ COMPANY HiLL-BONN ELLY DIRECTORIES I~GRAH DtST. &ROUP L ~ L BUILDING ~UPPLiES MARSHALL ~AVENDiSM CORP. NASCO WEST~ ~AT'L GEOGRAPHIC ~OCIETY S:OT SUPPLY TEN SPEED THORNDIKE PRESS HELEN D BOYgE-ULVERSCROFT USWAST DIRE&T ~2BRN COAST ~0 COAST WPBRN COAST TO COAST OREGON DEPART. OE REVENUE P~CIFIC FlaT,AL LIFE iNS ICP;A RETIREMENT TRUST U~iTED WAY ~AR-PO FED. CREDIT UNION A~gRICAN FAMILY CANCER WOOD,URN POLICE ATHLETIC g~ACKAMAS COMMUNITY AFS&.~. COLONIAL LIFE ~ ACC. iNS. I~TgRNAL REVENUE SERVICE OfiiO NAT'L giFE INS. :0. V 0 ~ 0 0.00 0.00 0-00 74.50 34.1D ~0.00 13.60 13.9~ 57,210.26 14.00 13.95 ¢6.99 15.55 667.02 97.61 53.95 173.63 1 67.50 439.61 12.43 128.05 11.67 99.2~ 1,248.92 1~0.73 110.70 103.90 32.20 18.72 91 ~0.02 9&.50 35.20 173.36 47.6~ 12,470.8~ 20,044. Z 6 o,000.65 54.00 7.797.4~ 258.36 ~*0.00 356.07 ~05.00 1.6~7.8J -30. O0 2,124.45 0.00 VOID VOID VOID SERVICES - LIBRARY SERVICES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - WWTP SUPPLIES - LIBRARY $~RVICE$ - LIBRARY PAYROLL* SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - WWTP SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - ~I3RARY S~PPLIES - LIBRARY SUPPLIES - LIBRARY BOND SI COUPONS**** SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIE~ SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIE~ PAYROLL* PAYROLL* PAYROLL* PAYROLL'* PAYROLL* PAYROLL* PAYROLL* PAYROLL* PAYROLL* PAYROLL* PAYROLL* PAYROLL* VOID - LI3RARY - LI3RARY - WWTP - LIBRARY -. LIBRARY - LIBRARY - WWTP -'LIBRARY =- LIBRARY - LIBRARY -LZBRARY -LIDRARY - LIBRARY - LIBRARY - LIBRARY - ~TP - WWTP $251/567.78 $555,66 $18~215.77 PAYROLL* TCDIB.A.** PETTY CASH*** BONDS/COUPONS**** MATERZALSISUPPLIES]ET¢. TOTAL FOR THE HONTH OF: APRZL 1991 MEMO TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: Community Development Director Bob Arzoian, Building Inspector Building Activity for APRIL, 1991 May 2, 1991 New Residence Value Multi Family Residential Adds &Alts Industrial Commercial Value Commercial Adds.& Alts. Fences Signs, Driveways Accessory Structures Mobile Homes TOTAL: No. 4 0 4 0 APR 1989 APR 1990 APR 1991 Dollar Amt No. Dollar Amt No. Dollar Amt $ 300,000 I $ 67,000 2 $136,000 0 0 0 0 0 10,750 15 73,500 7 62,500 0 0 0 0 0 2 20,500 3 117,000 3 118,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 28,300 1 2,000 5 6,000 1 8,500 12 6,500 0 0 0 0 8 38,000 I 7,000 5 180,000 8 280,000 16 $ 344,250 44 $ 475,000 41 $ 643,000 July 1-June 30 Fiscal Year-to-Date 94.140.855 $5.693.507 913.749.500 Robert Arzoian Building Official RS:Ig BLDACT04.91 COUNCIL BILL NO. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH THE WOODBURN POLICE ASSOCIATION. WHEREAS, the purpose of said labor negotiations is to reach an agreement on matters relating to wages, hours, working conditions, and fringe benefits for certain represented employees, and WHEREAS, the City of Woodburn and Woodburn Police Association have bargained in good faith and understand the personnel, financial, and organizational impacts related to said agreement, and WHEREAS, the two parties were unable to reach a common agreement on specific issues and binding arbitration was utilized to resolve the differences between the two parties, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Mayor and City Administrator are a.uthorized to execute and administer on behalf of the City of Woodburn the "Agreement Between the City of Woodburn and Woodburn Police Association", once the agreement is in an approved and final form based on the tentative agreements between the two parties and the arbitration award. Approved as to form: City Attorney Date APPROVED FRED W. KYSER, MAYOR Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the office of the Recorder A'I-rEST Mary Tennant, Deputy Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page I - COUNCIL BILL NO. I.5 o ~ RESOLUTION NO. WOODBURN 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION Sponsored by The City Of Woodburn General Chairman, Don Eubank 982-2345 EXT: 351 PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS: Woodburn Comeback Campaign Co-Chairs, Jtlda Ballweber and Ruth Herman Wells ~oodburn Kiwanis Club (Noon Club) Chairman, Lucten Klein French Prairie Kivanis Prestdent~ Cliff Zauner Dear Business Person/Citizen FUN FUN The City of ~oodburn, in conjunction with the WoodburnComeback Campaign and the Kiwanis Clubs are working together to bring Woodburn a glorious 4th of July Celebration. President Bush has suggested that this 4th of July Celebration should be the best ever, and we agree. Mayor Fred Kyser has dedicated $500.00 from the Mayor's fund toward the Fireworks Display as a starting point to build from. We have contacted Larry Krieghauser, who handled the fireworks at the Woodburn High School last year, and he has agreed to 'FT~K- them again for us. In order to have the 'BEST= display ever, a fund of $5000.00 is needed. A donation of any amount would be greatly appreciated. Funds donated will be used for Fireworks only. Donations should be made to: City of Woodburn "FI~OHES" 270 Montgomery Street Woodburn, Oregon 97071 .~' In addition to the Fireworks the night of the 4th, The French Prairie Kiwanis Club will be holdin~the Chuck ~agonBreakfast at Legion Park the morning of the 4th. After the breakfast and starttng at about Noon, The 4th of July Committee invites all citizens of Woodburn to a day of fun activities at Legion Park. Brtn~ your picnic lunch, family and friends and come have some old fashioned fun. There will be contests of all kinds includ~ng egg throwing, softball throw, softball games, sack races and many of your favorite events. T~A~.KYOU FOR YOUR HELF,