Minutes - 01/14/1991 TAPE READING 0001 0002 0015 0026 0036 0056 0124 - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 14, 1991 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, JANUARY 14, 1991. CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Kyser presiding. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Krser Flgl~y Galvln Hagenauer Jennings sifuentez steen Present Present Present Present (7:32 pm) Present Present Present staff Present: City Administrator Quinn( city Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Communlty Development Director Goeckritz, Park and Recrea~ion Director Holly, Police Chief Wright, Finance Director Gritta, Deputy Recorder Tennant. MINUTES. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ.... approve the special Council meetin9 minutes of December 17, 1990; accept the Planning Commisslon minutes of December 13, 1990, the Recreation and Park Board minutes of November 29, 1990, the Downtown Association minutes of December 4 and 11, 1990, the Rural Fire District minutes of December 11, 1990, and the RSVP Advisory Council minutes of December 12, 1990. The motion passed unanimously. APPOINTMENTS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Mayor Kyser recommended the appointments of the followin9 inaividuals to the Planning Commission: Chris Park, Posltion 6, term expiration date of December 1994; Therese Sprauer, position 9, term expiration date of December 1993; Joe Guerra, position 4( term expiration date of December 1993; and Harlen Scott, Posltion 8, term expiration date of December 1992. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ.... approve the appointments/reappointments as recommended. The motlon passed unanimously. RESIGNATION OF CITY ATTORNEY SHIELDS. Administrator Quinn read Attorney Shield's resignation letter advising the Council of his intent to enter into private law practice in Tualatin. During the transitional period, he expressed his willingness to assist the city in legal matters through his private office. JENNINGSjHAGENAUER.... resignation of city Attorney Shields be reluctantly accepted. The motion passed unanimously. Administrator QUlnn advised the Council that he would be presenting a proposal at the next regular meeting regarding contractual legal services during the transitional period. COMMITTEE REPORT - WOODBURN COMEBACK CAMPAIGN. Susan Packer advised the Council that the committee is in the planning stages of organizing a family event to be held at the pix theater ln the near future. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 14, 1991 TAPE READING 0162 1049 ~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 14, 1991 PUBLIC HEARING - BUSINESS REGISTRATION. Mayor Kyser declared the public hearing open at 7:35 p.m.. Administrator Quinn reviewed the proposed ordinance which included several recent changes from the original draft ordinance. The proposed ordinance would include rental homes within the definition of business if two or more homes are owned by the same individual. An initial registration fee of $50.00 would be imposed on a business with an annual renewal fee of $25.00. An individual who owns multiple businesses or locations would be required to register each business or location but would only pay one registration fee. A violation of the business registration ordinance would be classified as a civil infraction with a maximum fine of $500.00. Administrator Quinn also read a letter from the Woodburn Comeback campaign supporting the concept of a business re9istration and suggested that the ordinance contain language Wh1Ch would dedicate revenues generated to the enforcement of city ordinances. They also suggested that a plan be developed to address the displacement of 1ndividuals ana families from rental units due to overcrowding of rental units. Wes Bauer, 1190 Randolph Rd., spoke in favor of the proposed business registration ordinance. Bob Post, 1136 Randolph Rd., also spoke in favor of business registration, however, he expressed his concerns regarding enforcement and public education of the required registration. Mike Bizon, 896 Kelowna, questioned the use of revenues generated by the proposed ordinance. Administrator Quinn stated that the revenues would be included in the general fund which supports the city's code enforcement program. Nancy Kirksey, 1049 McKinley, spoke in favor of business registration since it provides pertinent information to public officials relating to public health and safety. David Trapp spoke in opposition to the business registration ordinance. He expressed his opinion that the proposed ordinance would not solve current problems experienced within the Cit~. Terry W1thers, 182 S. Settlemier, stated that he opposed the proposed ordinance as it is currently written. He also submitted a letter from the Chamber of Commerce expressing their willin9ness to work with the Council to develop a business reg1stration program which would be on a voluntary basis with no additional expense to the business owners. Len Kelley, 931 Gatch street, stated that existing ordinances should provide the necessary enforcement tools to the city without establishing a business registration ordinance. Carl Brown, 914 Meadowvale, expressed his opinion that a housing code needs to be adopted by the city. He also favored a volunteer business registration program. Al Sprauer, 245 Marshall ( objected to the exemption of wholesalers from the def1nit1on of business within the proposed ordinance. Charles piper, 2625 Meadow Lane, stated that the Fire Department is already aware of hazardous materials located within the cit~ and has a list of persons to contact at each business locat1on. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 14, 1991 TAPE READING 2609 3082 Tape 2 0367 0649 -- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 14, 1991 Jim Audritsh, 16775 Butteville Rd., also spoke in opposition to the proposed ordinance. He submitted letters of opposition to the council from the following individuals: (11 Brenda Glodt, J's Restaurant; (2) Melvin Titchinen, Trans1t Homes of Americai (3) James Audr1tsh, Jim's Cleaning Service; and (4) Tom & L1nda Dishon, Dishon's Repair & Installation's. Paul Samarin, 830 Stark Street, opposed the inclusion of rental units under the proposed orainance and suggested that this problem be addressed on an individual basis. Dan Brown, expressed his opposition to the proposed ordinance since it had no means of helping the city. The followin9 individuals also spoke in opposition to the ~ro~osed ord1nance citing similar concerns as expressed by 1nd1viduals who spoke previously on the issue: Alvina Sanchez, 671 Corby st.; Henry Jaeger, 1830 E. Hardcastle; Edie' Bunch, 1225 E. Lincoln; Jerry ostergarrd, 998 E. Cleveland; Earl Doman; Dale Nelson; Des Hanarahn; and Al Hilderbrand, 960 Blaine Street. Administrator Quinn stated that the business registration ordinance was not designed as an enforcement ordinance and would provide business information only. The staff will be drafting a housing ordinance to address the housing problems within t.he City. The public hearing was declared closed at 8:58 ~.m.. Following the hearing, the Councilors briefly d1scussed the concerns addressed by the citizens. It was the consensus of the Council to modify the proposed ordinance and work with the business community in designing an acceptable business registration program. The council recessed at 9:12 p.m. and reconvened at 9:18 p.m.. COUNCIL BILL 1271 - ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF A LOAN IN THE AMOUNT OF $518.345.00 FROM THE STATE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FOR INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS. Councilor Hagenauer introduced Council Bill 1271. The two readings of the bill were read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Public Works Director Tiwari advised the Council that a pUblic notice was published in the local newspaper as required by the State regarding the consideration of the loan acceptance by the Council. He reviewed the infrastructure improvements to be made with the loan and grant funds from the State. The loan consists of $233,345 to be repaid by the City and $285,000 to be repaid bf property owners. On roll call vote for f1nal passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kyser declared Council Bill 1271 duly passed with the emergency clause. COUNCIL BILL 1272 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CITY ENGINEER TO INITIATE A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ENGINEERING REPORT RELATING TO A STORM DRAIN MAIN LINE TO MILL CREEK FROM HIGHWAY 214 AND PROGRESS WAY. Council Bill 1272 was introduced by Hagenauer. The bill was read bI title only since there were no objections from the Counci. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kyser declared Council Bill 1272 duly passed. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 14, 1991 TAPE READING 0745 0774 0871 0899 0918 0981 1113 1207 ATTEST - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 14, 1991 CLAIMS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 1990. SIFUENTEZ/FIGLEy.... approve voucher checks #3767 - 4100 issued during the month of December 1990. The motion passed unanimously. Sharon Schmidt, 1493 Greenview Court, requested that Nelson Park be developed to accommodate the needs of children in that area. She also suggested that the No Loitering and No Parking signs located in the Mall 99 area be posted in the English, Spanish, and Russian languages. Councilor Steen stated that he would like to see the Council pursue the business registration proposal. councilor Fi9ley also expressed her desire to pursue a business reg1stration program. Councilor Jennings briefly discussed the code enforcement program and suggested that civil infraction citations rather than warnings be issued to individuals who violate city ordinances. Councilor Hagenauer stated that the City should advise Goodwill that the area around the trailer needs to be cleaned up daily. Mayor Kyser stated that he has asked the staff to prepare an upaated public document fee schedule for Council cons1deration at the next meeting. He also stated that he should know by February 7th if the museum will be able to receive funding resources. In addition, he expressed his opinion that the only way to get a business re91stration program within the City is to do it at the Counc11 level. ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m.. APPROVED 1~~~ --r Tennant, Deputy Recorder of Woodburn, Oregon Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 14, 1991