Minutes - 06/08/1992 - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 8, 1992 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, JUNE 8, 1992. QQQ3 CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kyser presiding. 0008 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kyser Figley Galvin Hagenauer Jennings Sifuentez Steen Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Finance Director Gritta, Police Chief Wright, Library Director Sprauer, City Recorder Tennant. 0021 MINUTES. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... approve the Council minutes of May 26, 1992 and the Council executive session minutes of June 1, 1992; and accept the Library Board minutes of May 27, 1992. The motion passed unanimously. 0050 CHAMBER REPORT. Keith Robinson, representing the Chamber Board, reminded the Council of the following Chamber activities: 1) Founders Day - June 19th through 21 st -- a Pancake Breakfast is scheduled for June 19th at the Fire station with various activities scheduled throughout the weekend; 2) the monthly Chamber forum will be held on June 17th at the Elks Lodge with representatives from the Visitor's Strategic Action Plan to discuss tourism issues. 0100 WOODBURN COMEBACK CAMPAIGN REPORT. Councilor Figley, representing the Comeback Campaign, stated that the committee is taking an active part in coordinating the food and entertainment portions of the second annual city-wide Old Fashioned 4th of July picnic. She Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 8, 1992 !II .---, COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 8, 1992 TAPE READING stated that the committee is looking for volunteers to assist in a variety of work such as operating food booths, crowd control, and entertainment. 0125 Mayor Kyser also reminded the public that donations are being accepted for the fireworks display. 0147 LETTER FROM JAMES O. CLARK. III. RE: STORAGE OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. Administrator Childs advised the Council that a letter was received from Mr. Clark, 1468 Woodland Ave., expressing his concern about the storage of construction materials on an unimproved street right-of-way near his home. He also stated that staff members are looking into this situation. 0168 PUBLIC HEARING - MID-WILLAMETTE VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS BY LAW CHANGES. Mayor Kyser declared the public hearing open at 7:06 p.m.. Administrator Childs briefly reviewed the Council of Government's (COG) request to approve a revised Charter Agreement for COG. Ray Teasley, Economic Development Programs Manager for COG, stated that no changes have been made to the charter since 1975. A committee of member governments thoroughly reviewed the charter which has resulted in a number of proposed changes to the charter. As an organization, COG is an intergovernmental body that 1) operates a few regional programs such as Economic Development, 2) provides a forum for a variety of intergovernmental concerns, and 3) assists member governmental units in grant applications. In a staff memo to Administrator Childs, Attorney Shields questioned the intent of Section IV(6) regarding legal liability. Mr. Teasley stated that as a Committee member, an individual is not personally accountable for actions taken since it is of an advisory nature. However, a Board member acting in that particular capacity would be personally accountable. Since there were no further comments from the audience, Mayor Kyse"r declared the public hearing closed at 7: 15 p.m.. 0407 COUNCIL BILL 1393 - ORDINANCE APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT RECHARTERING THE MID-WILLAMETTE VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS. Council Bill 1393 was introduced by Hagenauer. City Recorder Tennant read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, Council Bill 1393 passed unanimously. Mayor Kyser declared the bill duly passed with the emergency clause. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 8, 1992 ~ --" COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 8, 1992 TAPE READING 0443 COUNCIL BILL 1394 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH STEPHEN JOLIN FOR EMPLOYMENT AS A CABLE TELEVISION CONSULTANT. Council Bill 1394 was introduced by Hagenauer. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kyser declared Council Bill 1394 duly passed. 0470 COUNCIL BILL 1395 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT WITH BRICE INVESTMENT REALTY RE: GRACE VILLAGE PROPERTY. Councilor Hagenauer introduced Council Bill 1395. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Brief discussion was held regarding a 30 day termination clause and management fees to the agent. On roll call vote for final passage, Council Bill 1395 passed unanimously. Mayor Kyser declared the bill duly passed. 0522 COUNCIL BILL 1396 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENGINEERING REPORT FOR A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PROJECT RELATED TO INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT K-MART/BI-MART ACCESS TO HIGHWAY 214. Council Bill 1396 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that the State Highway Department has found that warrants have been met to install the traffic signal. The engineering report will initiate the process to have the benefitted property owners (K- Mart/Bi-Mart) pay for the costs of the signalization. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kyser declared Council Bill 1396 duly passed. 0608 REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF INSURANCE COVERAGE. The staff recommended the extension of the City's liability insurance to cover the activities scheduled for the 4th of July Celebration. The program will begin at approximately 11 :00 a.m. and conclude with a Fireworks Display. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... authorize extension of the City's insurance coverage to cover the activities scheduled which includes the Fireworks display. The motion passed unanimously. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 8, 1992 III ---. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 8, 1992 TAPE READING 0634 CONNECTION FEE PAYMENT - HABITAT FOR HUMANITY. Public Works Director Tiwari briefly reviewed his memo which identifies which budget line items would pay for the water and sewer connection fees for the house located on Bradley Street and future requests would be reviewed on a case by case basis. No action was taken by the Council since the decision was made at the prior meeting to assist the organization with this community project. 0683 ACCEPTANCE OF WATER MAIN EASEMENT - HARDWARE WHOLESALERS. ~ The staff recommended the acceptance of a water main easement located adjacent to the south property line of the development. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ.... water main easement from Hardware Wholesalers, Inc., be accepted. The motion passed unanimously. 0713 STAFF REPORTS. The following staff reports were submitted to the Council: 1) Building Activity report for May 1992; and 2) Cam Subdivision. Councilor Jennings stated that he had requested a status report on the Cam Subdivision since he had been approached by concerned citizens regarding potential building activity within the proposed subdivision. As stated within the staff report, the Planning Commission had not approved of the final subdivision plat as of June 4, 1992, since conditions had not been met by the developer. Councilor Figley also expressed a general concern regarding the location of Parr Road extension to Highway 99E since this subdivision is in close proximity to where the proposed roadway would be constructed. 0809 EXECUTIVE SESSION. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... adjourn to executive session to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to negotiate real property transactions under the authority of ORS 192.660(1 He). The motion passed unanimously. The Council adjourned to executive session at 7:28 p.m. and reconvened the regular meeting at 7:53 p.m.. 0817 For the record, City Attorney Shields stated that no final action was required by the Council as a result of the executive session. Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 8, 1992 I1r ..--" .....-... COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 8, 1992 TAPE READING ~ Councilor Figley questioned the staff regarding the transportation study on the Highway 214 and Hayes Street issues. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that staff was proposing a Council workshop on June 29th on the transportation issue and formal action would be taken by the Council at their July 13th meeting. It was the consensus of the Council to hold the workshop on June 29, 1992, 7:00 p.m., as recommended by staff. Councilor Figley also questioned the staff as to whether or not the Economic Development Department had responded to the City regarding the disposition of the Grace Village property. Administrator Childs stated that he had contacted Yvonne Addington on this issue and she stated that she did not feel comfortable about attending a workshop with the Council until the State had an opportunity to respond to the City's letter regarding the disposition of the property. Councilor Figley expressed her opinion in that 1) the proposal deserves some discussion since the issue of low-income housing will not go away, and 2) nothing should be built or managed by Marion County Housing Authority due to their lack of property management. She reiterated her support for farmworker housing and if it is not at the Grace Village site then some other site within the City. Councilor Jennings stated that he had originally supported the workshop concept, however, he now has concerns about holding a workshop for this particular proposal and not for subsequent proposals that may be submitted to the City. He suggested that the City proceed with selling the property to the highest bidder as originally planned. Councilor Sifuentez stated that she agreed with statements made by Councilor Figley and feels that the City should listen to this group or any other group once the door is opened for proposals. Councilor Sifuentez also urged the Council to attend the RSVP Volunteer Recognition Party on June 18th, 2:00 p.m., at the Woodburn Community Center, and to attend the Founder's Day Strawberry Social on June 21 st at Settlemier House. Councilor Galvin stated that he would prefer that the Grace Village property be sold to the highest bidder. Mayor Kyser reflected on some of the past actions on the disposition of the Grace Village property and expressed his opinion that the Council should go back to their original agreement to sell the property to the highest bidder. Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 8, 1992 IIf -- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 8, 1992 TAPE READING Councilor Figley stated that she would stand by her motion of May 26th provided that the Economic Development Department gives the City an agreeable response. She also stated that if the Economic Development Department or County Commissioner(s) were unwilling to meet in a workshop setting, she would reconsider her position on this issue at the next regular meeting. 1520 ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 8: 16 p.m.. APPROVED ::;~~ ATTEST 17/~ ~ Mary T nant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 8, 1992 III' -, -- 'i6 '~2 ~/P CHECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF HAY 1992 Page Check Vendor Check - NumrJer Budgetary Account Number V etldo r Name Number Date Written AmOullt of Check ------------------------- ------------------------------ ..--------- ...--------...-- ---------------- 14660 INjRREST ON BOND FIRST INTERSTATE BANK 005130 5/01/n IB,360.00 14661 POSTAGE- PARKS US POSTMASTER 020090 5/05/92 125.00 14662 LODGING-911 NORTSFIELD HILTON 013213 5/06/92 164.B5 14663 DIFFERENCE ON AIRFARE-911 WOODBURN TRAVEL 022729 5/06/92 274.00 14664 EXPRNSES-911 BRENDA WEAVER 022123 5/06/92 245.00 14565 PETTY CASH-VARIOUS CITY OF WOODBURN 015255 5/06/92 146.55 14665 REIMBURSEMENT-PARKS ARIAN SJOTBUN 018456 5/07192 399.99 14667 WATER BILLS-WATER US POST OFFICE 020090 5/08/92 224.50 14658 PETTY CASH-VARIOUS CITY OF WOODBURN 015255 5113/92 16B.65 14669 FIRE BOND U . S. BANK 020070 5/14/92 172.50 14670 wATER BILLS-WATER US POST OFFICE 020090 5/14192 143.30 14671 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 14672 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 14573 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 14674 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 14675 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D -.> 14676 WITNESS FEE-CITY ATTY ALBERT ADAI{S NONE 5115192 B.20 14677 WITNESS FEE-CITY ATTY DAWN BUSHEK NONE 5/15192 9.80 146iB WiTNESS FEE-CITY ATTY ERrCK~ GARSTKA NONE 5115/92 10.12 14579 COPIER RENTAL-911 ALeO CAPITAL RESOURCE 000104 5115/92 86.67 146BO TRAINING VIDEOS-POLICE ~NTI-DEFAM~TION LEAGUE 000407 5f15/92 45.00 14681 MAINTENANCE-RSVP A-QUALITY TYPEWRITER 000420 5/15192 110.50 14682 SERVICES-CITY HALL ANDERSON ~PPLIANCE 000428 5/15/92 57.50 14683 SUPPLIES-PW APWA OREGON CHAPTER 000456 5115/92 50.00 14684 COPIES-POLICE/9il AUTOMATED OFFICE SYSTEMS 000563 5f15/92 196.14 14685 SERVICES-VARIOUS AT&T INFORM~TION 000620 5/15192 351.19 14586 SERVICES-VARIOUS ~TH 000623 5115192 165.14 14687 DARE CAR-POLICE AUTO DETAILS PLUS 000645 5/15/92 45.00 1468B REPAIR TVIVCR-POLICE B & B TV & APPLIANCE 001026 5115192 125.00 14689 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY BI-MART CORPORATION 001275 5115/92 144.59 14690 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS BOISE rASCADE 001340 5/15192 255.70 14691 PAGER-911 BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 001627 5/15/92 60.00 14592 LETTER DARE CAR-POLICE CAMPBELL COMMUNICATIONS 002083 5115/92 140.00 14693 TESTS-PW CARLSON TESTING INC 002143 5115/92 4B.00 14694 BOOKS-CITY ATTY CLARK BOARDMAN CALLAGHAN 002543 5/15192 90.BO 14695 SUPPLIES-PARKS/POLICE CONVENIENCECARD 002815 5/15192 163.65 14696 MAINT. COPIER-CENT STORES COpy OFFICE PRODUCTS INC 002875 5115/92 17B.75 14697 ~DVERTISING FOR BID-WATER DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE 003020 5i15/92 18.00 14698 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY DEMCO 003110 5115/92 154.57 14699 SUPPLIES-WWTP/STREET FARM PLAN 005062 5/15192 59.05 14iOO COPIER-CENTRAL STORES FIRST BANK OF MARIETTA 005133 5/15192 UB.B7 14701 PAINT-STREET FOX VALLEY MARK SYS 005330 5115/92 174.11 14702 SUPPLIES-STREET G.K. MACHINE 006009 5115/92 115.01 14703 SERVICES- 911 GERVAIS TELEPHONE CO 006143 5115/92 95.44 14,04 SUPPLIES-ENGINEERING GRAPHIC PRODUCTS 0062BO 5115/92 157.25 14i05 SERVICES-911 G.T.E MOBILNET 006373 5/15/92 3.29 14705 PARTSIREPAIRS-CITY H~LL C.J. HANSEN CO,INC 007055 5115/92 222.00 14707 PANTS-POLICE HARRIS UNIFORMS 00i090 5115/92 85.00 14i08 SERVICES-PUBLIC WORKS LYLE HENDERSON 007139 5115/92 73 6.00 14709 TWO-LINE-911 I B H 008010 5115/92 72 2.00 25,4B7.68 11r 6/16/92 hiP caReR LiSTING FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1992 Page - ([lee k Vendor Clleek - Number Budgetary Account Number ii endo r Name Number Date Written Amount of Check ------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------- -----------... ---------------- 14710 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS INDUSTRIAL WELDING SUPPLY 008100 5f15192 174.91 Hill TEMP EMPLOYEE-PW JOB SHOPPERS INC 009119 5i15192 316.48 147i 2 SERVICES-PW KIZER EXCAVATING 010092 5115192 68,198.94 14713 SECURITY SYS.-LIBRARY KNOGO CORPORATION 010293 5/15/92 17,492.68 14il4 BhGGER-WWTP LENON IMPLEMENT CO 011210 5i15192 285.00 Im5 INTERPRETER-COURT ELIZABETH LOSCUTOFF 011365 5115/92 20.00 14il6 SANDBLAST-WWTP MARION AG SERVICE INC 012079 5115192 74.00 14717 RECORDING FEE-PW MARION COUNTY CLERK 012087 5/15/92 60.00 l4ilS PERMITS-BUILDING MARION COUNTY BLDG INSPEC 012090 5115192 1,641.15 14719 LANDFILL CHGS-CITY HALL MARION COUNTY FISCAL SVCS 012140 5i15192 42.00 14720 LAUNDRY-WWTP MARYATT INDUSTRIES 012240 5115192 240.32 14721 FUEL-VARIOUS METROFUELING,INC 012448 5/15/92 459.26 14722 SERVICES-911 MONITOR CO-OP TELEPHONE 012550 5 115/92 170.00 14723 BELT-POLICE A.E. NELSON LEATHER CO 013150 5115/92 38.70 14724 SERVICES-9i1 NEW WORLD SYSTEMS 013163 5/15192 2,970.00 14725 CURB-STREET NOMARCO INC 013198 5115192 200.00 14726 SERVICES-VARIOUS NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS 013350 5115/92 436.21 14727 CABLES-LIBRARY NORVAC ELECTRONICS INC 013373 5115/92 90.35 14728 MAINTENANCE-NON DEPT/WTR NPA WEST 013389 5115192 i75.00 14729 SUPPLIES-LIBRARYiCENT ST OFFICE CLUB 014029 5115/92 273. 52 14730 DUES-WWTP ORE ASSOC OF CLEAN WATER 014040 5115192 150.00 14731 FUEL-TRANSIT OREGON DEPT OF GENERAL SERV 014200 5115/92 420.00 14732 VEHICLE RECORD-CODE ENF OR DEPT OF MOTOR VEHICLE 014240 5/15192 38.00 14733 TRAINING CLASS-POLICE O.ILL.A 014663 5115192 125.00 14734 SUPPLIES-STREET PACIFIC RUBBER OF OREGON 015093 5/15/92 479.26 14735 SUPPLIES-RSVP ADDYSE L. PALAGYI 015105 5115/92 100.00 14735 SOFTWARE-NON DEPT PERSONAL TOUCH COMPUTING 015295 5115/92 145.00 1473i REPAIR SKYLITE-CITY HALL PIONEER GLASS 015330 5115/92 559.95 14718 VIDEO TAPES-POLICE PIONEER ELECTRONICS 015345 5/15192 105.00 14739 SERVICES-VARIOUS PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC 015420 5115/92 13,469.11 147 40 CONFERENCE-POLICE PORTLAND POLICE BUREAU 015445 5115192 490.00 14741 VINYL SEAT-CODE ENFORCE RABE UPHOLSTERY 017004 5/15/92 155.00 147 42 SERVICES-COURT TERRY RAMIREZ 017050 5115/92 156.00 14743 REPAIR MOTOR-WWTP REED ELECTRIC COMPANY 017143 5115192 283.00 14744 RENTAL WASHER-LIBRARY ROD'S RENTAL & REPAIR 017285 51i5192 25.00 14745 SERVICES-911 ST PAUL COOPERATIVE TELEPHONE 018035 5/15192 117 .60 14746 BELTIGENERATOR-STREET SALEM FORD NEW HOLLAND 018095 5/15/92 132.96 14747 PAPER BADGES-POLICE SALEM TROPHY 018141 5115192 320.63 i4748 REPAIRS-PW SAUVAIN MOTORS 018210 5/15192 55.98 14i49 SERVICES-WATER SERVICENTER 018360 5115 f92 237.25 14750 FURL-VARIOUS SILVERFLEET SYSTEMS 018465 51i5f92 765.35 14751 CRUSHED ROCK-WATER SILVERTON SAND & GRAVEL 018490 5115/92 739.62 14752 SERVICES-POLICE SLATER COMMUNICATIONS 018522 5115192 m.35 14753 MAINTENANCE-LIBRARY SOUND ELEVATOR CO 018610 5115192 146.17 14754 BOOK -CITY ATTY STATE COURT ADMINISTRATOR 018745 5/15192 125.00 14755 ADVERTISING-PARKS STATESMAN JOURNAL 018760 5115192 168.14 14756 PAPER TOWELS-VARIOUS SUPPL'iWAYS INC 018845 5115/92 356.25 14757 FUEL-CENTRAL GARAGE UNOCAL: ERNIE GRAHAM OIL 020010 5115/92 446.81 14758 SERVICES-VARIOUS UNITED DISPOSAL 020020 5115/92 932.90 14i59 BPA jOURNAL-WWTP U.S. GOV'T PRINTING OFFICE 020060 5/15192 10.00 14760 POSTAGE-RSVP U.S. POST OFFICE 020090 51i5192 52.00 141,510.53 I1r (; Ii 6 9Z ~;p CaECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF N~Y 1992 Page .-, Cileck Vendor eil eck - NumlJer Budgetary ~ccount Number Venoor Name Number Date lirittell Amount of Check ------------------------- ------------------------------ --.....----.... --......-------... ---------------- 14761 SERVICES-VARIOUS U,S. IiEST COMMUNICATIONS 020091 5/15192 393,67 14752 SERVICES-VARIOUS U.S. WEST COMMUNICATIONS 020095 5/15/92 2,463.94 i4763 CyLINDER RENT-WWTP VALLEY WELDING SUPPLy 021050 5/15192 8.70 14164 CRUSHED ROCK-POLICE VIESKO REDI-MIX 021140 5/15/92 301. 25 14765 SAMPLES-WATER WATER,FOOD & RESEARCB LAB 022062 5/15/92 1,050.00 14i66 MILEAGE/MEAL-911 BRENDA WEAVER 022123 5/15192 14.99 14167 ~DVERTISING-WATERIPLAN WOODBURN INDEPENDENT 022630 5/15/92 44.63 14 7 68 SUPPLIES-POLICE WOODBURN OFFICE SUPPLY 022670 5/15/92 46.94 14769 FILM-ENGINEERING WOODBURN PHARMACy 022680 5/15192 57 ,86 14770 POSTAGE METER-VARIOUS POSTAGE BY PRONE 015466 5/21/92 800.00 14771 WATER BILLS-WATER U,S. POST OFFICE 020090 5122/92 158.04 1m2 v 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 14713 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 14774 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 14775 IJ 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 14776 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 147i7 V 0 I D V 0 I i) V 0 I D 14778 FIRST AID CLASS-VARIOUS AMERICAN RED CROSS 000280 5/22/92 55.00 1477 9 RIBBONS/INK ROLLS-FINANCE A-QUALITY TYPEWRITER 000420 5/22192 23.00 14780 BELTS/BEARINGS-WWTP ANDERSON APPLIANCE 000428 5/22i92 131. 00 14781 REIMBURSEMENT-BUILDING ROBERT ARZOIAN 000536 5/22192 201.38 14782 REIMBURSEMENT-911 ROCHELLE BALL WEBER 001075 5/22/92 46.95 14783 SUPPLIES-V~RIOUS BOISE CASC~DE 001340 5/22192 158.01 14784 QUATTRO UPGR~DE-V~RIOUS BORLAND INTERNATION~L 001362 5/22/92 459.53 14785 ENGINEERING SERVICES-Pw CH2M-BILL 002478 5/22/92 424.76 14786 BOOK-CITY ATTY CLARK BOARDMAN CALLAGR~N 002543 5/22/92 92.41 14 i 87 SUBSCRIPTION-P~RKS THE COBB GROUP, INC 002589 5/22/92 39.00 14188 REIMBURSEMENT-911 LINDA COGGINS 002592 5/22/92 21.15 14789 wATER METERS-WATER CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY 002770 5122192 1,811.00 14190 SERVICES-POLICE CTR BUSINESS SYSTEMS 002978 5/22/92 168.00 14791 SERVICES-ENGINEERING DE HAAS ~ ASSOCIATES INC 003108 5/22/92 1,083,31 14792 SUPPLIES-POLICE EGGHEAD DISCOUNT SOFTW~RE 004088 5122192 54.00 14793 WORKSHOP-ENGINEERING PGE/ENERGY RESOURSE CENTER 004177 5/22/92 50.00 14794 FIRE HYDRANT-WATER H D FOWLER CO INC 005210 5122192 4/560.00 14m SERVICES-COURT MARK J. GEIGER 006057 5/22/92 96.00 14196 CELLULAR PHONE-911 G. T. E. MOBILNET 006373 5/22/92 13.83 14797 SUPPLIES-RSVP ,JILL HARVEY 007045 5/22192 32.54 14798 SUPPLIES-STREET J2 DISTRIBUTING & CONSULT 009100 5/22/92 1,142.95 i4799 TEMP EMPLOYEE-PW JOB SHOPPERS INC 009119 5/22192 158,24 14800 SAFETY GLASSES-WWTP LAB SAFETY SUPPLY 011024 5/22192 119.19 14801 LAUNDRY - liWTP MARYATT INDUSTRIES 012240 5/22192 104.01 14802 FUEL-VARIOUS METROFUELING,INC 012448 5/22/92 461.08 14803 REIMBURSEMENT-PW JULIE MOORE 012585 5/22/92 50.74 14804 PAINT-STREET MORTON INTERNATIONAL INC 012617 5/22/92 2,126.20 14805 PAGERS-WATER OREGON PAGING 014405 5122192 106.24 14806 PIPE-WATER PAC STATES CAST IRON PIPE 015050 5/22/92 15/039.01 14807 VALVE BOX-WATER PACIFIC WATER WORKS SUPPLY 015065 5/22192 1,188.00 14808 SERVICES-PW PIPE TECH INC 015337 5/22/92 32,632.15 14809 SERVICES-VARIOUS PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC 015420 5/22/92 6,488,22 14810 SERVICES-911 PTI COMMUNICATIONS 015580 5/22/92 120.00 14 811 REIMBURSEMENT-911 ED RECTOR 017120 5/22/92 25.95 216,133.40 I1r 5il6 j2 ~;t rRErK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF HAY 1992 ?age 4 ..-, Check Velldor Check - Number Budgetary Account Number Vendor Name Number Date Written ~mount of Check .------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- -----_......---- ---------------- 14812 SUPPLIES-PW S~FEW~Y STORES 018025 5/22/92 12,50 14813 SEF'JICES-911 U.S. WEST COMMUNIC~TIONS 020095 5/22/92 115.00 14814 SEHINhR-LIBR~RY WESTERN OREGON ST~TR COLLEGE 022200 5/22/92 154.00 14815 GLOVES-PW WOODBURN PHhRMhCY 022680 5/22/92 13.94 14816 SRRVICES-W~TER YES GR~PHICS 024025 5/22/92 65.00 1481i 76 OFF STREET BONDS U.S. B~NK 020070 5/22/92 606.50 14818 W~TER BILLS-W~TER U,S. POST OFFICE 020090 5 f28 in 163.02 14819 PETTY C~SH-VARIOUS CITY OF WOODBURN 015255 5/29/92 152.42 14820 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 14821 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 14822 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 14823 OVERPhYMENT-WhTER/SEWER MhRK BE~SON NONE 5/29/92 27.89 14824 OVERPAYKENT-WhTER/SEWER ,J~MES WILLIS NONE 5/29/92 36.20 14825 OVERP~YMENT-WhTER/SEWER ChRLEY j. KENDRICK NONE 5/29/92 22.17 14826 OVERPhYKENT-W~TER/SEWER D~LE H~RTZLER NONE 5/29/92 1.53 14827 OVERP~YMENT-WATER/SEWER li~YNE G~RRISON NONE 5/29/92 23.72 14828 OVERP~YMENT-W~TER/SEWER ROBERT ROSE NONE 5/29/n 21.65 14829 TAPPING SLEEVE-W~TER h & ~ DRILLING 000010 5/29/92 2,600.00 14830 SERVICES-CITY HALL A AABCO RESCUE ROOTER 000056 5/29in 60.00 14831 PLhNTS-PhRKS hL'S FRUIT & SHRUB CENTER 000160 5/29/92 145.56 14832 hBhNDON 2 WELLS-WATER AMERIChN WELL DRILLING 000362 5/29/92 8,575.00 14833 MhTS-POLICE/CITY HALL hRhTEX SERVICES/INC 000535 5/29/92 93.45 i 4834 COPIES- PARKS AUTOMATED OFFICE SYSTEMS 000563 5/29/92 144.58 14835 BOOKS-LIBRhRY BhKER & T~YLOR-Ch & NV 001090 5/29/92 42.66 14836 MASTER PUNCH-POLICE BOISE CASC~DE 001340 5/29/92 33 ,93 14837 SERVICRS-W\\'TP BOONES FERRY ELECTRIC 001352 5/29/92 2,003.24 14838 BOOKS-LIBRhRY BOUND TO SThY BOUND BOOKS INC 001360 5/29/92 1,102.19 14839 2 BOOKS-LIBRhRY RON BREMER PUBLIChTIONS 001425 5/29/92 20.00 14840 PAGERS-POLICE/911 BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 001627 5/29/92 235.00 14841 ~SHPALT-STREET CANBY SAND & GRAVEL 002060 5/29/92 191.04 14842 BELT-WWTP ChSR POWER ~ EQUIPMENT 002270 5/29/92 26.27 14843 COURIER SERVICE-LIBRhRY CHEMEKETh COMMUNITY COLLEGE 002410 5/29/92 240.00 14844 CAR WhSH TICKETS-VhRIOUS CLhSSIC C~R WASH 002573 5/29/92 160.00 14B45 BOOK-LIBRhRY COMMEMORhTIVE PUBLIChTION 0026BB 5/29/92 38.45 14B46 SUPPLIES-STREET/PhRKS CONVEN rENCEC h RD 002815 5/29/92 17 ,43 14847 HUGS-POLICE DANIELS PHOTOGRAPHY 003030 5/29/92 3,86 14848 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS DAVISON hUTO PARTS 003080 5/29/92 435.40 14849 SUPPLIES-POLICE DAVISON AUTO PhRTS 003081 5/29/92 IB.10 14850 SUPPLIES-LIBRhFY DEMCO 003110 5/29/92 29,34 14851 BOOKS-LIBRhRY RDU-TECH CORP 004087 5/29/92 31. 23 14852 TIRES-POLICEiTRhNSIT FhRMERS OIL 005040 5/29/92 283.32 14853 SUPPLIES-STREET/PhRKS FhRM PLAN 005062 5/29/92 676.96 14854 DONATIONS-LIBRhRY FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY 005347 5/29/92 250,00 14855 ThPES-LIBRARY GhYLORD BROS, INC. 006030 5/29/92 98.70 14856 SUPPLIES-STREET/PhRKS GR~ND STJ~M 006273 5/29/92 421.19 14857 SUPPLIES-LIBRhRY GRAY SUPPLY CO 006287 5/29/92 31.24 14858 SERVICES-911/PhRKS/POLICE G.T,E, MOBILNET 006373 5/29/92 715,19 14859 SUPPLIES-VhRIOUS G.W. HARDWARE CENTER 006405 5/29/92 387.90 14860 SUPPLIES-WWTP HIGH-PURITY CHEMICAL INC 007189 5/29/92 400.25 14861 BOOKS-LIBRhRY INGRhM DIST GROUP 00B116 5/29/92 339.14 14862 PUHP HOSE-WWTP ISCO ,INe 008730 5/29/92 242.00 237,641.57 I1r t /: 6 i 92 AlP CHgCK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1992 Page --... Check Vendor Check - NumlJer Budgetary Account Number If elldo r Name Number Date Written Amount of Check ------------------------- --.--------------------------- ---.------ ------------ ---------------- i4853 BOOKS-LIBRARY JEAN KARR & CO 010030 5/29/92 31.30 14864 SERVICES-PUBLIC WORKS KIZER EXCAVATING 010092 5/29/92 69,695.57 14865 BOOKS-LIBRARY KI 2 BOOKS 010095 5/29/92 76.65 14866 SUPPLIES-PARKS/STREET L & L BUILDING SUPPLIES 011010 5/29/92 3 6i.7 5 14867 SUPPLIES-PARKS LINDS MARKET 011240 5/29/92 50.00 14868 BOOK-LIBRARY MACDUFF BUNT ASSOC 012027 5/29/92 15.50 14869 BOOKS-LIBRARY MARSHALL CAVENDISH CORP 012235 5/29/92 113.09 14870 LAUNDRY-WWTP MARYATT INDUSTRIES 012240 5/29/92 142.32 14871 BARKDUST-VARIOUS RICK MCCORMICK'S BARKDUST 012350 5/29/92 1,620.00 148i2 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS MR P'S AUTO PARTS 012510 5/29/92 249.69 14873 SOFTWARE-VARIOUS MOUNTAIN NETWORK SOLUTIONS 012627 5/29/92 53.50 14874 WORKSTATION-POLICE NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE 013023 5/29/92 337.00 14875 BOWL CLEANER-CITY HALL WALTER E NELSON CO 013153 5/29/92 21,40 14876 FILM-PUBLIC WORKS NESSeO SUPPLY INC 013160 5/29/92 293.97 1487J RIBBONS-LIBRARY NW COMPUTER RIBBON 013267 5/29/92 23.22 14878 BOOK-LIBRARY OLA % OREGON STATE LIBRARY 014027 5/29/92 6.00 14879 BOOKS-LIBRARY OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY 014310 5/29/92 44.86 14880 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY OREGON LIBRARY ASSN 014327 5/29/92 17.00 14881 SUPPLIES-POLICE/RSVP PACIFIC PRINTERS 015058 5/29/92 110.00 14882 SUPPLIES- PARKS J.D. PENCE AQUATIC SUPPLY 015223 5129/92 378.08 14883 SERVICIS-VARIOUS PORTLAND GENERAL ILECTRIC 015420 5129/92 238.49 14884 SUPPLIES-STREET POWIR RENTS INC 015490 5/29/92 285.00 14885 MOTOR-WWTP REED ELECTRIC CO 017143 5/29/92 1,504.25 14886 SUPPLIES-WWTP/PARKS ROD'S RENTAL & REPAIR 017285 5/29/92 178.00 14887 SERVICES-POLICE ROY'S BIKI SHOP 017353 5/29/92 40.00 14888 SUPPLIES-PARKS SAFFRON SUPPLY CO 018020 5/29/92 80.96 14889 SUPPLIES-PUBLIC wORKS SAFEWAY STORES 018025 5/29/92 69.57 14890 SUPPLIES-RSVP SALEM TROPHY CO 018141 5/29/92 238.99 14891 BOOK-LIBRARi' SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN LIBRARY 018287 5/29/92 28,26 14892 SERVICES-PARKS/STREET LIS SCHWAB TIRE CENTER 018300 5/29/92 36.09 14893 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY SCOT CUSTODIAL SUPPLY 018308 5/29/92 297.40 14894 SERVICES-CITY ATTORNEY N. ROBERT SHIELDS 018450 5/29/92 5/388.75 14895 SERVICES-911 SILVERTON FIRE DISTRICT 018468 5/29/92 44.77 14896 BOOK-LIBRARY SISTER MAGDALEN 018508 5/29/92 15.00 14897 SERVICES-POLICE SLATER COMMUNICATIONS 018522 5/29/92 99.00 14898 SUPPLIES-PARKS SOLO SPECIAL EDITION 018603 5/29/92 264.00 14899 SUPPLIES-POLICE SUBWAY SANDWICHES 018814 5/29tn 62.16 14900 SUPPLIES. LIBRARY TIME-LIFE BOOKS 019160 5/29/92 44.86 14901 FUEL-CENTRAL GARAGE UNOCAL:ERNIE GRAHAM OIL 020010 5/29/92 228.00 14902 SUPPLIES-WWTP UNITED PIPE & SUPPLY 020030 5129/92 126.65 14903 STAMPS-PARKS U.S. rOST OFFICE 020090 5/29/92 116,00 14904 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY USWEST DIRECT 020092 5/29/92 55.75 14905 SERVICES-91! U.S, WEST COMMUNICATIONS 020095 5/29/92 69.80 14906 CONCRETE-STREET VIESKO REDHUX 021140 5/29/92 185.00 14907 PAPER-PARKS VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 021180 5/29/92 71.88 14908 SUBSCRIPTION-FINANCE WALL STREET JOURNAL 022030 5/29/92 139.00 14909 SAMPLES- WATER. WATER, FOOD & RESEARCH 022062 5/29/92 235,75 14910 SUPPLIES-WWTP WILLAKETTE SCREW & SUPPLY 022355 5/29/92 436.94 14911 SERVICES-POLICE WOODBURN CARCRArT 022508 5/29/92 157.25 14912 SUPPLIES- PARKS WOODBURN FERTILIZER 022590 5/29/92 19.50 14913 SERVICES-P~RKS WOODBURN LANES 022655 5/29/92 120.88 322,166.42 I1r ,.. '. ," .. ~ '" D i 1 t ' :t L AiP rHECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF HAY 1992 Page --, Check Vendor Check - NumlJH Budgetary Account Number Vendor Name Number Date Writtell Amount of Check ------------------------- ------------------------------ -...---_._-- --...-...---...--- ---------------- 14914 SUPPLIES-PARKS WOODBURN LUMBER 022660 5iZ9i92 13.94 14915 SUPPLIES-PW/PARKS WOODBURN OFFICE SUPPLIES 022670 5/29/92 33.79 14916 FILM-POLICE WOODBURN PHARMACY 022680 5i29/92 100.00 14917 SERVICES-RSVP ELIZABETH BRODESSER 035067 5/29/92 5.76 14918 SERVICES-RSVP MARION BUOY 035085 5129192 128.38 14919 SERVICES-RSVP GWEN GUNTER 035297 5f29192 26.28 14920 SERVICES- RSVP HUGH GUNTER 035298 5129i92 25,14 14921 SERVICES-RSVP SHIRLEY HACKETT 035311 5129/92 20.16 14922 SERVICES- RSVP ELEANOR HOWE 035343 5/29f92 7. 68 14923 SERVICES-RSVP ROBERT JOHNSTON 035367 5/29f92 48.48 14924 SERVICES-RSVP MARGARET KANE 035390 5/29f92 14.40 14925 SERVICES-RSVP LE LA ROQUE 035465 5/29/92 17 9 . 04 14926 SERVICES-RSVP RRNA OSBORNE 035580 5/29192 15.12 14921 SERVICES-RSVP JUNE SIMPSON 035648 5/29/92 38.40 14928 SERVICES- RSVP ANDREA SCHOOLER 035652 5/29192 79.92 14929 SERVICES-RSVP ISABELLE SMITH 035659 5/29/92 38.88 14930 SERVICES-RSVP BARBARA STALZER 035666 5129/92 20,64 14931 SERVICES-RSVP ROBERT STILLMAN 035667 5/29/92 38.40 14932 SERVICES-RSVP CHARLES WIGLE 035748 5/29i92 19.20 14933 SERVICES-DAR HATTIE CLARK 045100 5129/92 73. 92 14934 SERVICES-OAR GRACE DAVIDSON 045210 5129/92 18.00 14935 SERVICES-DAR CORNELIUS DONNELLY 045230 5/29/92 169.44 14936 SERVICES-OAR ~INNIFREO FACHINI 045245 5/29/92 12.96 14937 SERVICES- OAR FREMONT GREEBLING 045290 5/29/92 13.68 14938 SERVICES-DAR ERNA OSBORNE 045510 5/m92 63.12 14939 SERVICES-OAR BETTY PARK 045515 5f29/92 21.24 14940 SERVIC&S-DAR GERTRUDE REES 045545 5/29/92 71.52 14941 SERVICES- OAR JAMES STROUP 045595 5/29/92 48.00 14942 SERVICES-OAR BARBARA STROUP 045596 5129/92 45.86 14943 SERVICES-OAR EDITH WILLIAMS 045707 5/29/92 128.40 14944 SERVICES-OAR ,JUDY YOUNG 045740 5/29/92 25.92 323,712.09 -