Minutes - 05/11/1992 - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 11, 1992 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, MAY 11, 1992. 0003 CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Council President Jennings presiding. 0010 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kyser Figley Galvin Hagenauer Jennings Sifuentez Steen Absent Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Finance Director Gritta, Park Director Holly, Police Chief Wright, Public Works Manager Rohman, City Recorder Tennant. 0027 MINUTES. FIGLEY /SIFUENTEZ.... approve the Council regular and executive session minutes of April 27, 1992; accept the Library Board minutes of April 22, 1992 and the Electric Railway Committee minutes of April 17, 1992. The motion passed unanimously. 0041 ANNOUNCEMENTS, The next regular Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 26, 1992, 7:00 p.m., since the regular meeting date of May 25, 1992 is a holiday. Police Week is scheduled for May 24 - 30, 1992. The Cable TV Advisory Board will meet on May 12, 1992, 7:30 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers. 0060 PROCLAMATIONS -- The following proclamations were issued by the Mayor and posted on the bulletin board: 1) Public Works Week --- May 16-22, 1992; Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 11, 1992 m --. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 11, 1992 TAPE READING 2) National Flag Day --- June 14, 1992; and 3) National Nursing Home Week -- May 10-16, 1992. 0066 ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMMITTEE REPORT. Nancy Kirksey, Chairman, requested that the Council adopt a Resolution or pass an appropriate motion to support the efforts of the Electric Railway Committee in securing a commitment from the Oregon Electric Railway Historical Society to relocate in Woodburn's downtown business district. Council support of the project will enhance the Committee's ability to receive grants and private donations and identify any city property that could be used used to accomplish the relocation of the railway museum. There would be no taxpayer support in securing funds or operational requirements. The project goal is to enhance businesses in the downtown area rather than taking it away. She also presented the Council with the following letters of support: Woodburn Downtown Association, Chamber of Commerce, Woodburn Comeback Campaign, U.S. Representative Mike Kopetski, and the Woodburn World's Berry Center Museum. This issue was discussed in more detail as a General Business agenda item (see tape reading 0838). 0313 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Greg Lundeen, representing the Chamber Board, provided the Council with the following Chamber report: 1) The Industrial tour is scheduled for Wednesday, May 13th, and tickets are still available. 2) The Chamber of Commerce supports the proposed relocation of the Oregon Electric Railway Museum to the downtown business district; and 3) The Chamber luncheon meeting is scheduled for May 13th at the Elk's Lodge with the Oregon Trail Celebration as the topic of discussion. 0346 LETTER FROM OREGON ASSOCIATION CHIEFS OF POLICE. Administrator Childs read the letter advising the Council that Police Chief Wright had been elected to serve on the Association's Board of Directors for another three-year term. The Association expressed their appreciation to the Council for supporting the Chief in his statewide work with the Association. 0359 LETTER FROM DRUMS OF FIRE, INC. Administrator Childs also read a letter from the organization requesting the closure of a portion of Park Avenue on the evening of the Drums of Fire performance to ensure the safety of performers crossing the roadway between the Armory and Legion field. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 11, 1992 " ---.. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 11, 1992 TAPE READING Chief Wright stated that the performance generates a lot of traffic on Park Avenue and the parking in the area is limited. He recommended that Park Avenue be closed between Alexander and James Street to help ease the traffic situation directly in front of the field. SIFUENTEZ/FIGLEY... close Park Avenue on Wednesday, July 1, 1992, between Alexander and James Street as recommended, The motion passed unanimously. 0441 CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS. Council President Jennings continued the public hearing at 7: 15 p.m.. Community Development Director Goeckritz stated that, after further review of the proposed changes to Chapter 1 (definitions - kennels) and Chapter 5 (code enforcement), the staff is recommending that no changes be made to the existing zoning ordinance language since the areas of concern are covered under other city ordinances. He also advised the Council that the proposed ordinance within the packet has a typographical error in Section 3(4) in that the reference should read Section 10.075(D). No one in the audience spoke either for or against the proposed amendments which pertain to driveway standards, site plan review, and parking of vehicles within the single family residential district. The public hearing was declared closed at 7:20 p.m.. 0595 COUNCIL BILL 1385 - ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 1807 (ZONING ORDINANCE) TO INCORPORATE CERTAIN REVISIONS TO DRIVEWAY STANDARDS. SITE PLAN REVIEW, AND SINGLE FAMilY RESIDENTIAl. Council Bill 1385 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. The two readings of the bill were read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, Council Bill 1385 passed unanimously. Council President Jennings declared the bill duly passed with the emergency clause. 0635 COUNCil Bill 1386 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF TRAFFIC SAFETY GRANTS RECEIVED DURING FISCAL YEAR 1991-92. Council Bill 1386 was introduced by Hagenauer. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Council President Jennings declared Council Bill 1386 duly passed. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 11, 1992 - - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 11, 1992 TAPE READING 0660 COUNCIL BILL 1387 - RESOLUTION CERTIFYING CITY'S ELIGIBILITY TO RECEIVE STATE-SHARED REVENUES DURING FISCAL YEAR 1992-93. Councilor Hagenauer introduced Council Bill 1387. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Council President Jennings declared Council Bill 1387 duly passed. 0678 COUNCIL BILL 1388 - RESOLUTION CERTIFYING CITY'S ELIGIBILITY TO RECEIVE STATE REVENUE SHARING DURING FISCAL YEAR 1992-93. Council Bill 1388 was introduced by Hagenauer. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote, Council Bill 1388 passed unanimously. The bill was declared duly passed. 0702 BID AWARD - DUCTILE IRON PIPE (#92-09), Bids were received from the following vendors for 1900 feet of ductile iron pipe: Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co., $14,761.00; Familian NW, $14,783.00; HD Fowler Co., Inc., $14,980.00; United Pipe & Supply Co., $15,161.00; US Pipe & Foundry Co., $15,382.00; and Consolidated Supply Co., $16,227.00. FIGLEY /SIFUENTEZ.... accept the low bid from Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company in the amount of $14,761.00 as recommended by staff. The motion passed unanimously. 0737 BID AWARD - WATER VALVES AND FITTINGS (#92-10), Bids were received from the following vendors for various valves and fittings: United Pipe & Supply, $5,839.00; Familian NW, $5,864.33; HD Fowler Co., $5,933.05; Pacific Water Works Supply, $6,006.00; and Consolidated Supply Co., $6,117.61. FIGLEY /SIFUENTEZ.... accept the low bid from United Pipe & Supply in the amount of $5,839.00 as recommended by staff. The motion passed unanimously. 0763 BID AWARD - ABANDONMENT OF TWO WATER WELLS. Public Works Manager Rohman stated that the two wells scheduled for abandonment are low-producers and the city does not use them on a regular basis. One well is located near the water tower and the other well is located on Astor Way. Bids were received from the following contractors: American Well Drilling, $8,575.00; Floyd Sippel Well Drilling, $9,700.00; Schneider Drilling, $13,780.00; Northwest Well Drilling, $14,100.00; Westerburg Drilling Inc., $19,900.00; and Staco Well Services, $42,172.51. Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 11, 1992 'I m - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 11, 1992 TAPE READING HAGENAUER/FIGLEY... award the bid to American Well Drilling in the amount of $8,575.00 for the abandonment of the two water wells. The motion passed unanimously. 0838 DISCUSSION - ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMMITTEE REQUEST. The Council briefly discussed the Committee's request for Council support in the development of a plan for relocation of the Railway Museum to the downtown business district. 0919 FIGLEY /SIFUENTEZ.... Council go on record expressing support for the Oregon Electric Railway Museum Committee and authorizing City staff to cooperate in anyway not involving the expenditure of city dollars in developing a concept to be returned to the City of Woodburn for further consideration. The motion passed unanimously. Administrator Childs stated that staff is willing to assist on this project, however, staff demands on other issues may limit the amount of available time on this project. 0960 Within the agenda packet, the following staff reports were submitted to the Council for their information: 1) Program activities scheduled for Public Works Week; 2) Code Enforcement report for April 1992; and 3) Building Activity report for April 1992. 0975 SIFUENTEZ/FIGLEY.... suspend Council rules and the next agenda item to be addressed is Mayor and Council reports. The motion passed unanimously. Council President Jennings stated that a letter to the editor was published in last week's Independent which referred to the Council as being un-American regarding the Hayes Street issue. He took exception to this particular letter since it was signed by Mr. Dickenson and included his title as Commander of American Legion Post #46. He stated that individuals have a right to express their opinions but it should not represent the entire organization. Councilor Jennings stated that he had received letters of apology from State Commander Mark Cooper and State Adjutant Barry Snider stating that Mr. Dickenson was not representing the views of the American Legion when he submitted the letter to the editor. Mr. Dickenson was in attendance at the meeting and made a public apology regarding the issue. Councilors Galvin and Sifuentez expressed their appreciation to the Council for the get-well cards and flowers delivered to them following their recent surgeries. Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 11, 1992 1Il ~ COUNCil MEETING MINUTES May 11, 1992 TAPE READING 1125 Councilor Figley stated that she has spoken with several individuals concerned about the Hayes Street traffic issue. She stated that she welcomed the comments made by the individuals and felt that citizens deserve to have their work paid attention to by the governing body. In addition, she acknowledged that a problem does exist and regrets that there have been delays and hard feelings associated with those delays. She also assured the public that the issue will soon be discussed in the city-wide traffic study and decisions will be made after that presentation. 1194 Councilor Steen stated that agreed with Councilor Figley's statement regarding citizen concerns on the traffic issue. 1 205 EXECUTIVE SESSION. FIGLEY /SIFUENTEZ... adjourn to executive session to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to negotiate real property transactions under the authority of ORS 192.660(1 )(e), The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned to executive session at 7:39 p.m. and reconvened at 8:04 p.m.. No action was taken by the Council following the executive session. 1 207 ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.. APPROVED ATTEST M~~--l Mary ant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 11, 1992 I rrr - 20/92 AlP CKECK LISTING FOR TKE MONTK OF APRIL 1992 Page Check NUlber Budgetary Account NUlber Vendor Nile Vendor Noaber Check - Date Written Alount of Check ......-----..--.. -----...------------------- ------------------------------ -.----------.. -------------.------ ..-..-....-.-...------ 14232 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 4/01/92 14233 BONDS U.S. BANK 020010 4/01/92 27,450.00 14234 BONDS CHASE MANHATTAN BANK 002380 4/01192 4,038.75 14235 BONDS LEE SOIERS 18830 4/01/92 115.00 14236 BONDS SECURITY PACIFIC CLEARING 18335 4/01/92 570.00 14237 BONDS BANK OF NEI YORK 001120 4/01/92 15,000.00 14238 BONDS SECURITY PACIFIC CLEARING 018338 4/01/92 175.00 14239 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 14240 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 14241 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 14242 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I 0 '4243 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I 0 14244 V I DEO-lI BRARY AMEA INSTITUTE OF SMALL BUS. 000265 4/03/92 55.45 14245 FREIGHT-POLICE APPLICATIONS DESIGN 000452 4/03/92 106.60 14246 REIMBURSEMENT-BUILDING ROBERT ARZOIAN 000536 4/03/92 41. 50 14241 COPIES-PARKS/911 AUTOMATED OFFICE SYSTEM 000563 4/03/92 110.11 14248 YOUTH PLAQUE-PARKS AIAROS AND ATHLETICS 000580 4/03/92 17 .90 14249 PLAQUE - PAR KS AlARD COMPANY OF AMERICA 000590 4/03/92 149.72 14250 INTERIOR DETAIL-POLICE AUTO DETAILS PLUS 000645 4/03/92 100.00 14251 BOOKS-LIBRARY BAKER & TAYLOR CO 001080 4/03/92 61.04 14252 CHEMICALS-IITP BEAR CREEK FARMS 001169 4/03/92 261.63 14253 OACP CONFERENCE-POLICE BEST IESTERN 001244 4/03/92 145.80 14254 HANDBOOK-LIBRARY BEYOND BASALS 001241 4/03/92 13.95 14255 SUPPLIES-'ITP/STREET/ITR B I-MART COR P 001215 4/03/92 104.88 14256 EX OUTLET-911 BLESSING ELECTRIC 001303 4/03/92 45,00 14257 REPAIR SEIER-STREET BOB'S BACKHOE SERVICES 001325 4/03/92 1,628.30 14258 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS BOISE CASCADE 001340 4/03/92 338,29 14259 ROllERS-STREET BRIM TRACTOR CO 001555 4/03/92 163.32 14260 PAGERS-POLICE/911 BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 001627 4/03/92 210.00 14261 ADVERTISING-MAYOR CABLE 10RlD 002011 4/03/92 225.00 14262 REIMBURSEMENT-CITY ADMIN CHRIS CHILDS 002486 4/03/92 26,90 14263 INSURANCE-NON DEPT CIS: CITY CTY INS. SERV 002488 4/03/92 14,015.04 14264 SUPPLIES-IITP/STRElT/ITR CONVENIENCECARD 002815 4/03/92 354.10 14265 SUPPLIES-PARKS/'ITP DAVISON AUTO PARTS 003080 4/03/92 268.00 14266 COMM DRIVERS LIC-TRANSIT CLYDE DENNING 003116 4/03/92 45.00 14267 PHYSICAlS-STAEET M.C. ENTENA ,110 004203 4/03/92 162.00 14268 SUPPL IlS-STREET EOFF ELECTRIC CO 004230 4/03/92 102.00 14269 TIRES-TRANSIT FARMERS OIL 005040 4/03/92 500.82 14270 SUPPLIES-STREET/PARKS FARM PLAN 005062 4/03/92 497.83 14211 COMM DRIVERS LIC-STREET MICHAEL FERGUSON 005016 4/03/92 90.00 14272 COPY MACHINE-CENT STORES FIRST BANK OF MARIETTA 005133 4/03/92 178.87 14273 YEARBOOK - POll CE FRENCH PRAIRIE MIDDLE SCHOOL 005331 4/03/92 8.50 14274 SERVICES-911 GERVAIS TELEPHONE CO 006143 4/03/92 95.44 14275 SCOREBOOKS-PARKS GRAND SLAM 006273 4/03/92 10.00 14276 SERVICES-911/PARKS G,T .E. MOBILHET 006313 4/03/92 96.94 14211 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS G.I. HARDIARE 006405 4/03/92 ',465.81 14278 FILTERS/LABOR-CITY HALL C.J. HANSEN 007055 4/03/92 320,00 14279 SHIRTS/PANTS-POLICE HARRIS UNIFORMS 007090 4103/92 141. 90 14280 MILEAGE REIIIB.-911 CAROL ANN liE I DE 001118 4/03/92 72.80 14281 SERVICES-IITP HIGHIAY FUEl CO 001200 4/03/92 51.50 14282 BUGSHIElD-POlICE RANDY HILGER 007218 4/03192 61.38 69,818.53 I "!If - -'20/92 A/P CHECK liSTING FOR THE MONTH OF APRil 1992 Page Check NUlber Budgetary Account NUlber Vendor Nue Vendor NUlber Check - Date Iritten Allount of Check ...........-.... .................................... ........................................ ................. ......................... ....................... 14283 BOOKS-liBRARY INGRAM DIST GROUP 008116 4/03/92 80.76 14284 TEMP EMPLOYEE-PI JOB SHOPPERS INC 009119 4/03/92 316.48 14285 SERVICES-COURT KAINO,JONES & PARTRIDGE 010019 4/03/92 112,50 14286 SEIERAGE SYSTEM-PI KIZER EXCAVATING 010092 4/03/92 32,773.67 14287 BOOK-liBRARY KllATT YOUNG ADULT PAPERBACK 010100 4/03/92 28.00 14288 SERVICES-COURT PETER KOMOVALOV 010295 4/03/92 20.00 14289 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS L & l BUilDING 011010 4/03/92 237.82 14290 BOOKS-LIBRARY LANDMARK EDITIONS IIC 011026 4/03/92 209.05 14291 RECEIPTS-PARKS lAZERQUICK 011171 4/03/92 175,38 14292 SUPPLIES-PARKS LIND'S MARKET 011240 4/03/92 27.68 14293 COMM DRIVER LIC-TRANSIT DOUG 1I VESA Y 011270 4/03/92 45.00 14294 CLEANING-IITP MARYATT INDUSTRIES 012240 4/03/92 250.86 lU95 BARKDUST-IATER RICK MCCORMICKS BARKDUST 012350 4/03/92 100.00 14296 COMM DRIVERS lIC-TRANSIT IESLEY MERR ITT 012436 4/03/92 63.00 14297 IINDOIS 3.1-PARKS IIICROSOFT IINDOIS 012471 4/03/92 134,43 14298 SERVICES-911 MONITOR CO-OP TELEPHONE 012550 4/03192 170 .00 14299 PUSH BAR- POLICE IIUFFLERS,HITCHES & MORE 012655 4/03192 40,00 14300 SERVICES-911 NEI 10RLD SYSTEMS 013183 4/03/92 2,910.19 14301 SERVICES-VARIOUS NORTHIEST NATURAL GAS 013350 4103/92 827.79 14302 SERVICES-NON DEPT/IATER NPA lEST 013389 4/03/92 115.00 14 303 CONFERENCE-POLICE OACP 014008 4/03/92 106.00 14304 BOOKS-CITY ATTORNEY OREGON DEPT OF GENERAL SERYICE 014200 4103192 7.80 14 305 NOTARY PUBLIC-POLICE OR SECRETARY OF STATE 01H80 4/03192 20.00 14306 PHYSICAL-STREET RODNEY E ORR,M.D. 014850 4103/92 97.50 14307 BOOK-LIBRARY OXIIOOR HOUSE 014665 4/03/92 23,20 14308 BUSINESS CAROS-POlICE PACIFIC PRINTEIS 01505B 4103192 57.00 14309 TAPE CARDS-STREET PERSONAL TOUCH COMPUTING 015295 4/03192 628.00 14310 SUPPLIES-POLICE PIONEER ELECTRONICS 015345 4/03/92 88.35 14311 BENDS-STREET PRIER PIPE & SUPPLY 015515 4/03192 120.56 14312 SERYICES-POLICE TERRY RAIl REZ 017050 4103192 92.00 14313 LAUNDRY-STREET RAILINSON'S lAUNDRY 017055 4/03192 24.70 14314 RETREAT STATOR-IITP REED ELEClA Ie 017143 4103192 592.00 14315 JACKETSIOVERAlLS-IATER RICE SAFETY EQUIPIIENT 017200 4/03192 134.48 14316 MOlER ROLLER-STREET RIYER CITY MACHINE 017238 4103/92 200.00 14317 COMM DRIVERS lIC-IATER DANIEL ROTH 01734 f 4/03/92 34,00 14318 PLAQUE-LIBRARY SALEM TROPHY CO 018141 4/03/92 91.60 14319 COMII DRIYERS lIC-IATER DENNIS SAMSON 018165 4/03/92 31. 00 14320 TIRESIREPAIRS-TRANSIT/PKS lES SCHIAB TIRE CENTER 018300 4/03/92 205.16 14321 SERVICES-lATER SERVICENTER 018360 4/03/92 302.75 14322 SERVICES-LIBRARY SOUND ELEVATOR 018610 4103192 146 . 17 14323 BOOKS-CITY ATTORNEY STAlE COUAT ADMINSTRATOA 018145 4/03192 60.00 14324 PUBlISHING-IITP STATESMAN JOURNAL 018160 4/03192 45.00 14325 BATTERIES-POLICE TAYLOR ELECTRIC SUPPLY 019030 4/03/92 70.43 14326 SUPPlI ES- POll CE TERRITORIAL SUPPLIES 019060 4/03192 499.39 14327 SERVICES-COURT ROBERT E. THOIIAS 019138 4/03192 282.00 14328 o fl- PARKS UNOCAL, ERNIE GRAHAM OIL 020010 4/08192 297.55 14329 SERVICES-VARIOUS UNITED DISPOSAL SERVICE 020020 4/03192 568.80 14330 SERVICES-VARIOUS U.S. lEST COMMUNICATIONS 020095 4/03192 319.36 14331 SUPPLI ES- PARKS VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 021180 4/03192 207.14 14332 REGISTRATION-LIBRARY IASHINGTON LIBRARY ASSOC 022049 4/03192 20.00 14333 TESTS-IITP IATERIFOOD & RESEARCH LAB 022062 4/03/92 1,130,00 14334 BONOS IEDSUSH MORGAN SECURITIES 02 2ft 6 4/03192 5,000.00 120,484.68 1Il - -/20/92 AlP CHECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1992 Page Check NUlber Budgetary Account NUlber Vendor Nue Vendor Nulber Check - Date Iritten Alount of Check ..--..............- -----.-...---.---........ --....--.----------.------....... --............-- -...-----.---------. ------.-.--...-- 14335 COMM DRIVERS LIC-DAR BRENDA IILlIAMS 022394 4'03/92 45.00 14336 SERVICES-CODE ENF/POLICE 1000BURN CARCRAFT 022508 4103/92 24.20 14337 SUPPLIES-I.TP/PARKS 100DBURN FERTILIZER & GRAIN 022590 4'03/92 1,065,70 14338 YEARBOOKS-POLICE 100DBURN HIGH SCHOOL 022615 4/03'92 41.95 14339 ADVERTISING-VARIOUS 100DBURN INDEPENDENT 022630 4/03/92 134,35 14340 SERVICES-PARKS 1000BUn LAles 022655 4/03'92 107.00 14341 GUTTER SPKES-PARKS 100DBURN LUMBER CO 022660 4/03/92 7.50 14342 SUPPlIES-PARKS,LIBRARY 100DBURN OFFICE SUPPLY 022670 4/03'92 92.63 14343 FllM.PUBLIC 10RKS 1000BURN PHARMACY 022680 4/03/92 32.78 14344 SERVICES-LIBRARY 1000BU.I RADIATOR & GLASS 022700 4/03'92 34.00 14345 SUPPLIES-STREET ZEP MANUFACTURING 025050 4/03/92 23.55 14346 BONOS CHASE MANHATTAN BANK 0002380 4'07/92 1,892.50 14347 BONDS SECURITY PACIFIC 018346 4'07/92 305.00 14348 CIS SPRING SEMINAR-POLICE CIS I CITY COUNTY INS. 0002488 4'07192 20.00 14349 PETTY CASH-VARIOUS CITY OF 100DBURN 015255 4'07/92 152.62 14350 LEGAL SERVICES-CITY ATTY N. ROBERT SHIELDS 018450 4'07/92 5,107.50 14351 SERVICES-lATER U.S. POST OFFICE 020090 4/10/92 222.87 14352 DANCE-PARKS SALEM YOUTH EXPRESSION 018138 4110/92 100.00 14353 T I CKETS-911 100DBURN TRAVEl 022729 4/10/92 976.00 14354 V 0 I D V 0 I 0 V 0 I D 14355 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 14356 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I 0 14357 OVERPAYMENT-lATER ERIK BERKEY NONE 4/10'92 26,21 14358 REFUNO-IA TER SERGUEI KUZIETSOV NONE 4/10'92 6.42 14359 OVERPAYMENT-lATER DAVID MARKHAM NONE 4/10/92 49.80 14360 OVERPAYMENT-lATER 100DBURN SEI EXCHANGE NONE 4110/92 11,68 14361 RHUND-BUILDING PAT HUOERSON NONE 4/10'92 95,50 14362 OVERPAYMENT-BUILDING IESTERN LIVING HOMES NONE 4'10'92 15,62 14363 REFUND- PARKS JEFF SHOOK NONE 4'10/92 30.00 14364 OVERPAYMENT-lATER CAM CONSTIUCTION NONE 4'10/92 7.45 14365 OVERCHARGE-BUILDING ERNEST -UNGLESBY NONE 4'10/92 52.50 14366 TRACTOR-STREET AG lEST sum Y 000096 4'10/92 18,892.00 14367 COPIER-911 ALCO CAPITAL RESOURCE INC 000104 4'10/92 86.67 14368 COPIER-POLICE AUTOMATED OFFICE SYSTEM 000563 4/10/92 172.75 14369 SERVICES-VARIOUS AT&T INFORMATION SYSTEM 000620 4'10/92 354,07 14310 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS BOISE CASCADE 001340 4/10'92 454.68 14371 IMPELLER-IITP CASCADE MACHINERY 002223 4/10/92 571.36 14372 CYL INDER-STREET CASE POIEA & EQUIPMENT 002270 4"0/92 344.84 14373 SUPPlIES-IITP CONVENIENCECARD 002815 4'10/92 123.97 14374 COPIER-CENTRAL STORES COPY OFFICE PRODUCTS 002875 4110/92 '78.15 14375 PHYSICAL-lATER M.C, EITENA,M,D, 004203 4/10/92 81.00 14376 BOlas FIAST IMTEASTATE RAil 005138 4/10/92 170.00 14377 SEMI NAR-POLlCE FRANKLIN INTL INSTITUTE 005332 4/10'92 170.00 14318 REPAIRS-CITY HALL C.J. HANSEN CO 007055 4'10'92 121.00 14379 SUPPLIES-STREET/I.TP INDUSTRIAL IELDING SUPPLY 008100 4/10/92 74 .49 14380 SUPPLIES-fiNANCE K-MART STORES 010015 4'10'" 21.74 14381 PAlCHES-CODE ENFORCEMENT KUSTOM KREATIONS 010315 4/10'92 380.00 14382 SUPPLIES-FINANCE L & L BUILDING SUPPLIES 011010 4/10/92 13.00 14383 CITATIONS-POLICE LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES 011110 4'10/92 606,68 14384 SERVICES-TRANSIT MAC'S RADIATOR 012035 4110'92 84.10 14385 RECORD FEES-PLANNING MARION COUNTY CLERK 012087 4'10/92 55.00 14386 PERMITS-BUILDING MARION COUNTY BLD6 INSPEC 012090 4110'92 2,215.03 156.336.14 III - .-.; /20 192 A/P CHECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF APRil 1992 Page Check Nu.ber Budgetary Account Nu.ber Vendor Nile Vendor Nu.ber Check - Date Iritten Allount of Check --...................... .................--...----...---.......... ....------.........-..........-.......--- .....----......-. ..-...........--.......--.. ----.-----.-.--- 14387 lEGAL COUNSEL-POLICE MAR IONS COUNTY FISCAL SERV 012140 4/10/92 90.00 14388 FUEL -VAR 10US METROFUELING INC 012448 4/10'92 578 .44 14389 21P CODE BOOK-IITP NATIONAL INFO CENTER 013070 4110/92 34.90 14390 LODGING-911 NORTHFIElD HilTON 013213 4'10/92 329.70 14391 SUPPlIES-IITP NURNBERG SCIENTIFIC 013424 4/10/92 353.00 14392 BOOK-911 OREGON CHAPTER OF APCO 014132 4/10192 35.00 14393 FEE REPORT-BUilDING OR. BLDG CODES AGENCY 014160 4/10/92 396.68 14394 VEHICLE RECORD-CODE ENF OR DEPT OF MOTOR VEHICLE 014240 4{10/92 58.00 14395 SUPPlI [S-IATER PAUL'S SMAll MOTOR SERV 015175 4/10/92 40.59 14398 SANITARY SEIER BORE-PI PI PE TECH I I NC 015337 4{IO'U 24,984.05 14397 SERVICES-VARIOUS PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC 015420 4/10/92 16,327.13 14398 SERVICES-POLICE TERRY RAM'REZ 017050 4{10/92 100.00 14399 LAUNDRY-lATER RAILINSON'S lAUNDRY 017055 41t 0/92 6,95 14400 sum I ES- POL ICE ROTH'S IGA 017340 4{l0/92 96.59 14401 REIMBURSEMENT-lATER DENNIS SAISON 018165 4/10/92 43.00 14402 SERVICES-NON DEPT SCOTT & ASSOCIATES 018310 4/10/92 1,626.30 14403 FUEL-POLICE/CODE ENF/TRAN SILVERFLEET SYSTEMS 018465 4/10/92 1,974,66 t 4404 AO CUSTODIAN-LIBRARY STATESMAN JOURNAL NEISPAPER 018760 4/10'92 142.50 14405 TRAINING-911 SUBIAY SANDIICHES 018814 4/10'92 32,00 14406 PAPER,TOIELS-CITY HALL SUPPlYIAYS INC 018845 4/10'92 3,826.70 14407 FUEL-CENTRAL GARAGE UNOCAll ERNIE GRAHAM Oil 020010 4/10/92 339.21 14408 SERVICES-VARIOUS U,S. lEST COMMUNICATIONS 020095 4/10'92 481.79 14409 CYLINDER RENT-IITP VALLEY IELDING SUPPLY 021050 4/10/92 8,70 14410 SECRETARY LUNCH-POLICE IBN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 022510 4/10/92 30.00 14411 CLOCKS-911 100DBURN OFFICE SUPPLY 022670 4/10/92 66.60 14412 SIGNS-STREET ZUMAR INDUSTRIES, 'NC 025045 4{10/92 1,806.94 14413 CLEANING SUPPLIES-WITP 2EP MANUFACTURING CO 025050 4/10/92 181.35 14414 REGISTRATION-lATER 1992 PNIS,AIIA 000660 4f13,92 320.00 14415 FIRE BONDS SECURITY PACIFIC BANK OREGON 018346 4/14/92 1,050,00 14416 fiRE BONDS fiRST INTERSTATE BANK 0005130 4/14/92 175.00 14417 lATER BillS-lATER U,S. POST OFFICE 020090 4/16/92 143.83 14418 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 14419 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 14420 V 0 I D V 0 I 0 V 0 I D 14421 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I 0 14422 V 0 I 0 V 0 I D V 0 I D 14423 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 14424 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 14425 POSTERS-PUBLIC 10RKS AMERICAN PUBLIC IKS ASSN 000300 4/17f92 78,00 14426 HEADSETS-911 APPlCOM BUSINESS COMMUNICATION 000454 4/17/92 1,328.50 14427 EXPENSES-911 61 NA AUDR ITSH 000542 4/17192 105.00 14428 SERVICES-VARIOUS AT & T 000623 4fI7192 130.20 14429 TRAVEL REIMB,-LIBRARY JUDY BRUNKAl 001510 4/17/92 16.00 14430 CONDENSOR-IA TER CESSCO, I NC 002330 4/17/92 24.02 14431 HOME STUDY BOOK-PI CLE INTERNATIONAL 002578 4/17192 260,00 14432 PARTS-IATER/IITP DAVISON AUTO PARTS 003080 4{17/92 117.11 14433 SEMINAR-IITP PGE ENERGY RESOURCE CENTER 004177 4/17192 170.00 14434 TIME MGMT-FINANCE FRANKLIN INTL INSTITUTE 005332 4fI7/92 85.00 14435 CORE FILM-LIBRARY GREAT lEST COMPANIES 006286 4/17/92 191.60 14436 REPAIRS-CITY HALL C.J. HANSEN CO, INC 007055 4/17/ 92 418 .00 14437 ELECTRODES-tlTP HIGH-PURITY CHEMICAL INC 007189 4/17/92 154.01 14438 MANA6EMENT BOOK-POLICE I.C.M.A. 008023 4/17/92 43.45 215,134.64 - ..-... --.c /20/92 AlP CHECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1992 Page Check Nuaber Budgetary Account N.abet Vendor Nue Vendor Nuaber Check - Date Written Alount of Check --.......... --....................... ..--.......................... ......-.--... ...................- -.--...----...-- 14439 TRAINING TAPES-NON DEPT I NF OSOURCE, I NC 008115 4/17192 301.81 14440 BOOKS-liT P GARY KOHFIELD 010096 4/17/92 38.50 14441 CAPS-CODE ENFORCEWENT KUSTOM KREATIONS 010315 4/17/92 24.00 14442 REGIONAL MEETING-FINANCE LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES 011 t 10 4117/92 50.00 14443 MAINTENANCE-COURT MSI GROUP, INC 012015 4/17192 125.00 14444 RE PA I RS-9t t MARION COUNTY FISCAL SVCS 012t40 4/17192 344 .58 14445 LAUNDRY-'ITP MARYATT INDUSTRIES 012240 4/17/92 136,31 14445 TRAVEL REIMB.-LIBRARY DonA MELENDEZ 012420 4/17/92 18 .00 14447 MA I NlENANCE-911 NEI 10RLD SYSTEMS 013163 4/17/92 4,950.00 14448 VIDEOS-LIBRARY OREGON LIBRARY FOUNDATION 014339 4/11/92 270.95 14449 MEMBERSHIP-CENTRAL STORES PACE MEMBERSHIP IAREHOUSE 015003 4/17/92 35.00 14450 BACKUP TAPE CARDS-VARIOUS PEISONAL TOUCH COMPUTING 015295 4/17192 628.00 14451 lEDGE LAMP-IITP PLATT ELECTRIC 015340 4/17192 13.00 14452 SERV I CES-911 PTI COMMUNICATIONS 015580 4/17192 120.00 14453 INTERPRETER SERV-COURT TERRY RAMIREZ 011050 4/17/92 94.00 14454 EXPENSES-911 ED RECTOR 011120 4ft 7192 245.00 14455 SUPPLI ES-nTP SCIENTifiC SUPPLY & EOUIP 018294 4/17/92 82,81 14456 TRAVEL REIWB.-LIBRARY LINDA SPRAUER 018110 4/17192 160.50 14457 RELAY.IATER STUSSER ELECTRIC CO 018870 4/17192 48.02 14458 REPAIRS-IITP TECHNICAL SYSTEMS INC 019077 4117/92 770.00 14459 981-3007-VARIOUS U,S, lEST COMMUNICATIONS 020091 4/17192 345,50 14460 981-3007-VARIOUS U.S. lEST COMMUNICATIONS 020095 4/11/92 1,769.08 14461 TEST I NG-IITP IATERLAB 022065 4/17192 240.00 14462 REIMBURSEMENT-LIBRARY LI NDA IA TSON 022104 4/11/92 20.00 14463 TRANSIENT TAX-NON DEPT IBN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 022510 4/17192 283,00 14464 POLO MIX-lATER In FERTILIZER 022590 4117/92 85.00 14465 CLASSIFIED AD-nTP 100DBURN INDEPENDENT 022630 4/ t7192 78.90 14466 LEAVE REPORTS-POLICE YES GRAPH I CS 024025 4/ tTl92 130.00 14467 REIMBURSEMENT-VARIOUS CITY OF 100DBURN PETTY CASH 015255 4/22/92 155,39 14468 lATER BILLS-lATER US POST OFFICE 020090 4/23/92 146.30 14469 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 14470 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I D 14471 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 14472 BUff J08- POL ICE AUTO DETAILS PLUS 000645 4/24/92 45.00 14473 JANITOR SERV-IITP BLUE RIBBON JANITORIAL 001305 4/24/92 260.00 14474 SUPPLIES-YARIOUS BOISE CASCADE 001340 4/24/92 482.10 14475 PAPER-ENGINEERING BRUNIN& CO 001500 4/24/92 154.38 14476 CYLINDER TEST-ENGINEERING CARLSON TESTING, INC 002143 4/24/92 57.00 14477 ENG SERVICES-ENG/IITP CH2M-H ILL 002478 4/24/92 15,220.49 14478 PROP INSURANCE-NON DEPT CISICITY CTY INS. SERV 002488 4/24/92 164.00 14479 SERVICES-ENGINEERING DE HAAS l ASSOCIATES 003108 4/24/92 1,574.83 14480 REPAIR BREAK-tITP ENGELMAN ELECTRIC 004190 4/24/92 100.50 14481 SUBSCRIPTION-POLICE EXECUTIVE BOOK SUMMARIES 004440 4/24/92 79,50 14482 CARTRIDGES-lATER GLOBAL COMPUTER SUPPLIES 006212 4/24/92 216.98 14483 PHONE CHARGES-911/1ITP G.T.E. MOBILNET 006373 4/24/92 28.99 14484 LUNCHES-RSVP JilL HARVEY,DIRECTOR 007045 4/24/92 56.34 14485 LAMP ASSY-IATER HERSHBERGER MOTORS 007150 4/24/92 35.20 14486 REPAIRS-IITP HYDRAULIC SERVICES 001342 4/24/92 45.00 14487 TEMP EMP-ENGINEERING JOB SHOPPERS,INC 009119 4/24/92 316,48 14488 SUPPLIES-IATER/IITP L & L BUILDING SUPPLIES 011010 4/24/92 36.75 14489 CONFERENCE-LIBRARY LINCC 011238 4/24/92 175 .00 14490 LAUNDRY-IITP IARYATT INDUSTRIES 012240 4/24/92 112.51 246,002.34 " - - 5/20/92 A/P CHECK liSTING FOR THE MONTH OF APRil 1992 Pagt Check NUlber Budgetary Account NUlber Vendor Naae Vendor Nulber Check - Date Iritten Alount of Check --........... ..........-....---.....--- ......-....-------...----------- ----.......... ---.-.-..---.-.-..-.... .-.-..---..-...--- lU91 FUEL-VARIOUS METROFUELING INC 012448 4/24/92 428.83 lU92 CLOTHING AllOI-POLICE L T, PAUL NUll 0134 20 4/24/92 70.00 lU93 SCREEN PROJ-CODE ENFORCE OREGON DEPT OF GEN'L SERVICES 014200 4124/92 15.00 IU94 BUSINESS CARDS-POLICE PACIFIC PRINTERS 015058 4/24/92 22.50 14495 SERVICES-VARIOUS PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC 015420 4/24192 7 I 462 ,18 lU96 POSTAGE.VAR 10US POSTAGE BY PHONE 015488 4/24/92 700.00 14497 BLOIER-LIBRARY POIER SHOP 015469 4124/92 199.95 14498 POSTER-F INANCE REMARKABLE PRODUCTS,INC 011165 4/24/92 40.35 14499 PHYSICAL ROTH-lATER SllVERTON FAMILY CLINIC 018461 4/24/92 52.00 14500 SEAY I CES-911 SILVERTON FIRE DISTRICT 018468 4/24/92 U.11 14501 SERVICES-nTP TECHNICAL SYSTEMS 019040 4124/92 330.00 14502 FUEL -IITP UNOCALIEANIE GRAHAM Oil 020010 4/24/92 500.25 14503 1991 COPY.nTP US GOVERNMENT BOOKSTORE 020061 4/24/92 30.00 14504 SERVICES-911 U.S. lEST COMMUNICATIONS 020095 4/24/92 It 5 .00 14505 CRUSHED ROCK-lATER VIESKO REDI MIX 021140 4/24/92 773.94 14506 ADS-POLICE/PLANNING 100DBURN INDEPENDENT 022630 4124/92 292.35 14507 SUPPLIES-BUILDING/POLICE 100DBURN OFFICE SUPPLY 022610 4/24192 44.51 14508 REIMBURSEMENT.POLICE KENNETH IR IGHT 022830 4/24/92 35.53 14509 SOAP-WlTP ZEP MANUFACTURING CO 025050 4/24/92 50.88 14510 PETTY CASH-VARIOUS CITY OF 100DBURN 015255 4/29/92 187.05 14511 REGISTRATION-LIBRARY MID VALLEY VOLUNTEER MANAGERS 012172 4/29/92 15.00 14512 FICA SICK PAY-POLICE IRS 60300 4/30/92 3.81 14513 V 0 I 0 V 0 I D V 0 I 0 14514 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 14515 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 14516 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 14517 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I 0 14518 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 14519 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I D 14520 REFUND-IA TER KEVIN TOAL NONE 4/30/92 32.03 14521 OVERPAYMENT-lATER CL UB CAFE NONE 4/30/92 58.82 14522 REFUND ELEC-BUILDING FRED KASACHEV NONE 4/30/92 351 .00 14523 REFUND-BUILDING KITTY FERRANTE NONE 4/30/92 70.00 14524 REFUND-LIBRARY DOYlE HOYT NONE 4/30/92 6.50 14525 IATERISEIER BILLS-lATER ADVANTAGE BUSINESS FORMS 000073 4/30/92 424.46 14526 PA I NT -STREET AG lEST SUPPLY 000096 4/30/92 19.51 14527 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOC 000250 4/30/92 119.49 14528 RENTAL-PARKS AMERICAN RED CROSS 000280 4/30/92 36.00 14529 MilD STEEL-STREET AMERICAN FABRICATORS 000370 4/30/92 138,94 14530 MATS-CITY HALL/POLICE ARATEX SERVICES, INe 000535 4/30/92 64.30 14531 COP I ES-IITP AUTOMATED OFFICE SYS 000563 4/30/92 13.56 14532 NAMEPLATES.PLANNING AIARDS AND ATHLETICS 000580 4110/92 10.00 14533 FICA SICK PAY.POLICE BANK OF AIEl I CA 001130 4/30/92 70.16 14534 BOOKS-LIBRARY BANTAM DOUBLEDAY DELL 001134 4/30/92 223.00 14535 BEARINGS-IITP BEARINGS,INC 001110 4/30/92 41. 80 14536 FILM/FRAME-ENGINEERING BI-MART CORPORATION 0012 TS 4/30/92 38.67 14537 SUPPLIES-BUILDING BOISE CASCADE 001340 4130/92 219.95 14538 PAGER-POLICE BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 001627 4/30/92 150.00 14539 PAGER-tll BUSINESS CONSULTANTS 001628 4/30/92 60,00 14540 SERVICES-POLICE CASE AUTOMOTIVE 002190 4/30/92 109.01 14541 SUBSCRIPTION-LIBRARY CDA INVESTMENT TECHNOLOGIES 002296 4130/92 415.45 14542 MAILERS-LIBRARY CHEMEKETA CO..UNITY COLLEGE 002410 4/30/92 222.96 260,918.45 1If .-, -~ /20192 A/P CHECK liSTING FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1992 Page Check NUlber Budgetary Account NUlber Vendor Nile Vendor NUlber Check - Date Irltten Alount of Check .....--...... .........-....................... ....--.............................--...... .............. ....................... ...........-....... 14543 ELECTRICAL 10RK-LIBRARY CHERRY CITY ELECTRIC INC 002424 4/30/92 708.57 14544 CHEMICALS-LIBRARY CHU-AQUA 002435 4/30/92 403.57 14545 REIMBURSEMENT-CITY ADMIN CHRIS CHILDS 002486 4/30/92 33.34 14546 BATTERY-IITP COLE-PARMER INSTRUMENT 002630 4/30/92 671.13 14547 SCHOLARSHIP GUIDE-LIBRARY COLLEGE PLANNING NETIORK 002631 4/30/92 23.95 14548 BLADE/SCARIFIER-STREET COLUMBIA EQUIPMENT INC 002670 4/30/92 304.00 14549 SUPPLIES-IATER/IITP CONVENIENCECARD 002815 4/30/92 44 .16 14550 SERVICES-POLICE DANIELS PHOTOGRAPHY 003030 4/30/92 143.22 14551 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS DAVISON AUTO PARTS 003080 4/30/92 512.85 14552 SUPPL I ES-POL ICE DAVISON AUTO PARTS 003081 4/30/92 94.30 14553 BOOKS/LABELS-LIBRARY DElICO 003110 4/30/92 141.17 14554 MS DOS UPGRADE. PARKS EGGHEAD DISCOUNT SOFTWARE 004088 4/30/92 59.00 14555 ADAPTER/COUPLER-STREET EDIARDS EQUIPMENT 004091 4/30/92 1,162.99 14556 TIRES-TRANSIT/POLICE FARMUS OIL 005040 4/30/92 456.84 14557 TUBES-STREET FARMERS STEEL CO 005050 4/30/92 51,52 14558 HARDIARE-STREET/PARKS FARM PLAN 005062 4/30/92 17 4.18 14559 ICEPAKS-PARKS GRAND SLAM 006213 4/30/92 40.00 14560 BOOKS-liBRARY GTE DISCOVERY PUBLICATIONS 008312 4/30/92 53.91 14561 SERVICES-POlICE/911 G. T.E. lIOBILNET 008373 4/30/92 786.50 14562 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS G.I. HARDIARE CENTER 008405 4/30/92 564.93 14563 MAtNTENANCE-lIBRARY C.J. HAISEN CO,INC 007055 4/30/92 566.49 14564 SUPPLIES-liBRARY/POLICE HARRIS UNIFORMS 001090 4/30/92 404.80 14565 RENTAl/PARTS-PARKS/IATER HERSHBERGER lIOTORS 007150 4/30/92 201,40 14566 FOAM TAPE-liBRARY HIGHSMITH CO INC 001215 4/30/92 3.68 14587 PARTS-lATER HUBBARD GARAGE 007320 4/30/92 31.07 14568 FITTINGS-STREET HYDRAULIC SPECIALTY INC 001340 4/30/92 14T .81 14569 BOOKS-LIBRARY INGRAM DIST. GROUP 008116 4/30/92 937.50 14510 TERMINAL-LIBRARY JADTEC COMPUTER GROUP 009050 4/30/92 314 .25 14571 TEMP ElIP-ENGINEERING JOB SHOPPERS INC 009119 4/30/92 158.24 14512 SERVICES-CITY HALL JR ELECTRIC 009185 4/30/92 423,97 14573 TARGETS-LIBRARY KNOGO CORPORATION 0010293 4130192 807,97 14514 SUPPlIES-PARKS/STREET/ITR L & l BUILDING SUPPLIES 011010 4/30/92 121.01 14575 VIDEOS-LIBRARY liBRARY VIDEO CO 011248 4/30/92 68.20 14516 EXCEL KIT-LIBRARY lYBEN COMPUTER SYSTEMS 011345 4/30/92 86.60 14577 VIDEOS-LIBRARY MADERA CINEVIDEO INC 012036 4/30/92 125.94 14518 BOOKS-liBRARY MACMILLAN PUBLISHING CO 012040 4/30/92 78.00 14579 MAPS-CODE ENFORCEMENT liAR ION COUNTY ASSESSOR 012210 4/30/92 59.50 14580 lAUNORY.IITP MARYATT INDUSTRIES 012240 4/30/92 142.32 14581 SUPPLIES-CENT GARAGE/ITR lIR P'S AUTO PARTS 012510 4/30/92 21,24 14582 SUBSCRIPTION-FINANCE IONEY lIAGAZINE 012547 4/30/92 18,99 14583 BROKEN liRE-BUilDING IUrFLERS,HITCHES & IeRE 012655 4/30/92 30,00 14584 CHElIICALS.PARKS NATIONAL CHEISEARCH 013030 4/30/92 639.07 14585 SERVICES-STREET NORTHIEST NATURAL GAS 013350 4/30/92 16.29 14586 WEMBERSHIP FEE-liB/FIN OFFICE CLUB 014029 4/30/92 40.00 14587 BOOKS-LIBRARY OLYMPIA BOOK CORP 014043 4/30/92 95,21 14588 CONFERENCE-BUilDING OR BUilDING OfFICIALS 014125 4/30/92 55.00 14589 SEMINAR-CITY ATTY/FIN OR CITY ATTYS ASSN 014128 4/30/92 150.00 14590 35 PLAN-911 OREGON CHAPTER OF APCO 014132 4/30/92 15.00 14591 BOOKS-LIBRARY OR COUNCIL fOR HUMANITIES 014134 4/30/92 9,90 14592 FUEl- TRANS I T OR DEPT OF GENERAL SERVICES 014200 4/30/92 250.00 14593 lAI REVIEI-CITY ATTY OREGON lAI REVIEI 014335 4/30/92 20,00 14594 SAFETY INSPECT.PI PACifiC NI BUSINESS COUNCil 015034 4/30/92 15.00 273,423.69 .-, 5/20/92 A/P CHECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1992 Pag& Check NUlber Budgetary Account NUlber Vendor Nale Vendor NUlber Check - Date Irltt&n Allount of Ch&ck ..--..............-.. --.....................-............-- ....................---...............-.. --.................. -.-................-........ ...................... 14595 NEISLTR/PASSES-RSVP/TRANS PACIFIC PRINTERS 015058 4/30/92 163.45 14596 COUPL I NG-IA TEA PACIFIC lATER 10RKS 015085 4/30/92 76.00 14597 SHOTGUN SHELLS-POLICE PAYLESS DRUG STORE 015200 4/30/92 31. 92 14598 SERVICES-flTP/POLICE PIONEER ELECTRONICS 015345 4/30{92 71.47 14599 CARTRIDGES-CENT STORES PIRIE & CO 015348 4/30/92 315.00 14600 SERVICES-PARKS PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC 015420 4/30/92 18.40 14601 BOOK-LIBRARY POIELL'S BOOKSTORE INC 015487 4/30/92 23.46 14602 CUTTERS- PARKS POIER SHOP 015469 4/30/92 150.00 14603 ODOR ELIMINATOR-POLICE R & R UNifORMS 017003 4/30/92 19.00 14804 REPAIRS-POLICE R & L PRECISION RADAR 017009 4/30/92 159.80 14805 MEMBERSHIP FEE-911/POLICE RAIN MARION COUNTY FISCAL 017042 4/30/92 7,037.75 14606 LAUNDRY-ITR/CENT GARAGE RAILINSON'S LAUNDRY 017055 4/30/92 58.95 14607 MEETING-MAYOR SArElA Y STORES 018025 4/30/92 14,61 14608 ASPHAL T -STREET SALEM BLACKTOP & ASPHALT 018060 4/30/92 249.00 14609 BROCHURES-LIBRARY SALEM PUBLIC LIBRARY 018113 4/30/92 8.00 14610 BOOK-LIBRARY SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN LIBRARY 018281 4/30/92 28.28 14611 TIRES/CYLINDER-VARIOUS LES SCHIAB TIRE CENTER 018300 4/30/92 130.17 14612 SUPPLIES-PARKS SCOT sum Y 018308 4/30/92 780.45 14613 SERVICES-CITY ATTY N ROBERT SHIELDS 018450 4/30/92 4,308.75 14614 SUPPLIES-PARKS SHOP-N-KART 018451 4/30/92 114 .09 14615 REPA IRS-POLICE THE SHUTTERBUG 018455 4/30/92 88.45 14618 RE PA I RS- POll CE SLATER CO.MUNICATIONS 018522 4/30/92 151.00 14617 SUPPLIES-POLICE TERRITORIAL SUPPLIES INC 019060 4/30/92 10.23 14618 VIDEO-LIBRARY TIME LifE BOOK.MUSIC 019180 4/30/92 28.22 14619 REBINDING BOOKS-LIBRARY TRAPPIST ABEEY BOOKBIND 019240 4/30/92 558.00 14820 STEEL -STREET TRUSS-T STRUCTURES 019260 4/30/92 81.77 14621 FUEL-CENT GARAGE/STREET UNOCALIERNIE GRAHAM OIL 020010 4/30/92 1,186.75 14622 6" RING GLAND-lATER UNITED PIPE & SUPPLY 020030 4/30/92 89.92 14623 BOOKS-LIBRARY USIEST DlnCT 020092 4/30/92 8.40 14624 SERV ICES-911 U.S. lEST COMMUNICATIONS 020095 4/30/92 37.76 14625 MICROFILM-LIBRARY UNIVERSITY Of OREGON 020150 4/30/92 68.00 14628 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY VIDEO STORE SERVICES 021112 4/30/92 68.86 14627 lATER SAMPLES-lATER IATER,FOOD & RESEARCH LAB 022082 4/30/92 225,25 14628 SUBSCRIPTION-LIBRARY IIllAMETTE lEEK 022375 4/30/92 40.00 14629 SUBSCRIPTION-LIBRARY H.I, WILSON CO 022418 4/30/92 91,00 14630 fERTILIZER-PARKS/IITP 100DBURN FERTILIZER & GRAIN 022590 4/30/92 364.80 14631 PUBLIC NOTICE-TRANSIT WOODBURN INDEPENDENT 022630 4/30/92 15.75 14632 WHITE SANo-IITP WOODBURN LUIBER 022880 4/30/92 31.80 14633 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS 100DBURN OfFICE SUPPLY 022670 4/30/92 154.06 14634 SERVICES.POlICE 100DBURN PHAR.ACY 022680 ./30/92 22.39 14635 IINDSHIELD-TRANSIT 100DBURN RADIATOR & GLASS 022700 4/30/92 260.49 14638 VIDEO-LIBRARY XSElL TEAM,INC 023200 4/30/92 34.95 14637 SERVICES-RSVP ELIZABETH BRODESSER 035067 4/30/92 7.68 14838 SERVICES-RSVP HelEN GRAHAM 035300 4/30/92 11.64 14639 SERVICES-RSVP SHIRLEY HACKETT 035311 4/30/92 33.60 14640 SERVICES-RSVP MARGARET KANE 035390 4/30/92 19.20 14641 SERVICES-RSVP LEO LA ROQUE 035465 4/30/92 168.00 14642 SERVICES-RSVP JUNE SIMPSON 035648 4/30/92 38.40 14643 SERVICES-RSVP ISABELU SMITH 035659 4/30/92 12.98 14844 SERVICES-RSVP BRABARA STALZER 035668 4/30/92 36.00 14645 SERVICES-RSVP ROBERT STlllllAN 035667 4/30/92 28.86 14846 SERVICES-RSVP CHARLES IIGlE 035748 4/30/92 38.40 291,198,81 - 5/20/92 AlP CHECK LISTING fOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1992 Pag~ Check NUlber Budgetary Account NUlber Vendor Nue Vendor Nulber Check - Date Iritten Allount of Check ....---.........---- -----......-----.....----------- -------...----------------...----- ............-..------- --------...----------- ----..---...------- 14647 SERVICES-RSVP GERALD 1000 035790 4/30/92 38.88 14648 SERVICES-RSVP Bill YOUNGER 035810 4/30/92 35.28 14649 SERVICES-OAR HA HI E CLARK 045100 4/30/92 68.40 14650 SERVICES-OAR CORNELIUS DONNELL V 045230 4/80/92 143.76 14651 SERVICES-OAR WINNlfRED FACHINI 045245 4/30/92 23.47 14652 SERVICES-OAR ERNA M. OSBOUE 045510 4/30/92 16.08 14653 SERVICES-OAR BETTY PARK 045515 4/30/92 18,22 14654 SERVICES-OAR GERTRUDE REES 045545 4/30/92 55.68 14655 SERVICES-OAR JAMES STROUP 045595 4/30/92 139.44 14656 SERVICES-OAR BARBARA STROUP 045596 4/30/92 59.28 14657 SERVICES-OAR EDITH IllLlAMS 045707 4/30/92 90.00 14658 SERVICES-OAR JUDY YOUNG 045740 4/30/92 36.48 14659 lATER BillS-lATER U,S. POST OFFICE 020090 4/30/92 159.71 292.083.49 !Il