Minutes - 04/13/1992 ,'- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 13, 1992 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, APRIL 13, 1992. 0003 CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kyser presiding. 0015 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kyser Figley Galvin Hagenauer Jennings Sifuentez Steen Present Present Present Present Present Present Absent Staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Finance Director Gritta, Park Director Holly, Police Chief Wright, Library Director Sprauer, Public Works Manager Rohman, City Recorder Tennant. 0021 MINUTES. JENNINGS/FIGLEY...approve the Council minutes of March 23, 1992; accept the Library Board minutes of March 25, 1992, the Planning Commission minutes of March 12, 1992, and the Recreation and Park Board minutes of March 9, 1992. The motion passed unanimously. Councilor Jennings questioned the location of Site Plan Review Case #92-04 as discussed in the Planning Commission minutes. Director Goeckritz stated that the property is located near Gatch and Young Street adjacent to the Rosemont Apartments. 0061 PRESENTATION - LIBRARY EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR. Library Director Sprauer presented Librarian Rebecca Dusek with the Employee of the Year Award. Mrs. Dusek has been employed by the City since 1987 and currently serves as Circulation Librarian. 0122 APPOINTMENTS. Mayor Kyser recommended the appointment of Richard Pugh to the Planning Commission to fill an unexpired term ending December 1994. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 13, 1992 r ,- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 13, 1992 TAPE READING JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... approve the appointment of Richard Pugh to the Planning Commission as recommended. The motion passed unanimously. 0133 MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS. A Council workshop has been scheduled for Monday, April 20, 1992, 7:00 p.m., City Hall Council Chambers, to discuss wastewater issues. The Cable T.V. Advisory Board will hold their next meeting on Tuesday, April 21, 1992, 7:00 p.m., at City Hall. A Public Informational meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 15th, 2:00 p.m., City Hall, to provide interested citizens with information regarding the proposed tax base. 0154 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Joanne Beck, representing the Chamber Board, reminded the Council of the upcoming Chamber events: 1) General membership meeting at the Elks Lodge on Wednesday, April 15th, 12:00 noon, with guest speakers of Jose Castro and Paul Castro; and 2) Luncheon and Spring Fashion show will be held on Secretaries Day, April 22nd, 12:00 noon, at the United Methodist Church. 0216 Barbara Lucas, 214 E. Clackamas Circle, referred to a staff report within the Council packet which provides the Council with the Wal-Mart Access Road Construction schedule. She stated that at the January 30th Planning Commission meeting, the Commission recommended that the Council consider a cul-de-sac on West Hayes Street at the west end of Barclay Square Apts. Her concern is that the main road construction to access Wal-Mart will be completed prior to the completion of a transportation study and the road construction includes extension of West Hayes Street. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that the main access road to be constructed is Stacy Allison Road, however, Lawson Ave. and W. Hayes Street will experience some additional traffic once completed. The State Highway Division is preparing a traffic computer model to analyze potential traffic problems in this area and until this model is completed, which is scheduled for mid-June, the staff is delaying any modified recommendation to the Council on this issue. Councilor Jennings stated that their would be no further public hearings on this issue, however, the Council will review the Planning Commission's recommendation and computer model when the information becomes available. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 13, 1992 li ,- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 13, 1992 TAPE READING Ms. Lucas suggested that the Council not allow the paving of the extension of West Hayes Street until after the June 15th report to the Council. 0425 PUBLIC HEARING - 1992-93 CITY BUDGET. Mayor Kyser declared the public hearing open at 7: 15 p.m.. Administrator Childs provided the Council with a staff report on the 1992-93 city budget, which includes the State Revenue Sharing Fund, as approved by the Budget Committee. The total proposed budget for all funds is $12,383,078 of which the Committee has recommended a total tax levy of $2,569,358. The proposed tax levy is 6% over the existing 1991-92 tax levy. A breakdown of the proposed levy is as follows: Library levy, $442,570; Park & Recreation levy, $549,368; and a proposed tax base of $1,577,420. The proposed tax base will be submitted to the voters on May 19th. No one in the audience spoke either for or against the proposed 1992-93 budget. Mayor Kyser declared the public hearing closed at 7:20 p.m.. 0570 COUNCIL BILL 1383 - ORDINANCE AMENDING URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY. ANNEXING 10.7 ACRES. AMENDING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP. AMENDING WOODBURN ZONING MAP. AND APPROVING PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT - SEVEN OAKS SUBDIVISION. Council Bill 1383 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. Recorder Tennant read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Attorney Shields stated that he had just received a 5 page letter Attorney Wallace Lien, representing Patricia & Robert Payne, in opposition to Council Bill 1383. He requested that the Council take a 5 minute recess to allow him to review the letter and discuss the issue with Attorneys Lien and Kelley as to whether or not the letter should be included in the record. Councilor Jennings expressed concern regarding the title of the proposed ordinance since it did not include the conditions of the Council. Brief discussion was held regarding the motion that was made by Councilor Figley at the March 10th meeting addressing the Council's conditions and/or concerns. The Council recessed the meeting at 7:24 p.m. and reconvened at 7:35 p.m.. Attorney Shields stated that he had met with both attorneys and since the letter raises numerous arguments, it was his opinion that reading the letter into the record would require a new public hearing before the Council. If the ordinance is approved and the action is appealed to LUBA (Land Use Board of Appeals), the arguments could be raised by the opponents at that time. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 13, 1992 ~r ,- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 13, 1992 TAPE READING 0791 FIGLEy/GALViN.... the 5 page letter from Attorney Lien not be allowed as part of the record. The motion passed 4-0-1 with Jennings abstaining. Councilor Jennings expressed his concern regarding the conditions imposed by the Council and where, within the proposed ordinance or staff report, those conditions are specified. Following some discussion on this issue, Attorney Shields suggested that an amendment to the proposed ordinance be made which specifically addresses the waterline loop at the southerly end of the property. 1083 FIGLEy/JENNINGS.... amend Council Bill 1383 as follows: After Section 7, at the end of the existing line which says Exhibit B., the periOd be deleted, a comma be inserted, add language "and based as well on the condition that no development be allowed prior to the completion of waterline loop over southern portion of property as indicated on proposed plat.". The motion passed unanimously. 1110 Attorney Shields also requested Council amendment of the bill to correct two technical issues regarding the Urban Growth Boundary Agreement: 1) amend the title by deleting". .declaring an emergency" and inserting "..setting an effective date".; and 2) Section 8 be replaced with the following language: "Section 8. This ordinance is effective upon formal approval of the above-described Urban Growth Boundary amendment by the Marion County Board of Commissioners pursuant to the terms of the Urban Growth Boundary Agreement signed by the City and adopted by Ordinance 2021.". 1205 JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... approve the amendments to Council Bill 1383 as read by City Attorney Shields. The motion passed unanimously. On roll call vote for final passage, Council Bill 1383, as amended, passed unanimously. Mayor Kyser declared the bill duly passed. 1219 LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION - CLUB CAFE. Chief Wright recommended the change of ownership Class A liquor license application request submitted by Juan and Aurora Ruiz for the business currently known as the Club Cafe. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... recommend approval of the license to OLCC in accordance with the recommendation from the Police Chief. The motion passed unanimously. Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 13, 1992 ,- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 13, 1992 TAPE READI NG 1236 REQUEST FOR SIGNS DESIGNATING A 5 MPH SPEED AND CHILDREN PLAYING ON "A" COURT AND "A" STREET. Residents of "A" Court and "A" Street have requested the above named signs to forewarn motorists of children playing in the area. The staff report recommended that the speed designation sign and children playing sign not be installed since it may give parents false security of their child's safety. However, the staff did recommend that a Dead End sign be placed on A Street north of Stark Street. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... follow the recommendation of the staff and deny the request for signs on "A" Street and "A" Court. The motion passed unanimously. 1282 REQUEST FOR "NO PARKING" SIGN ON CHERRY STREET. As stated within the staff report, a resident along Cherry Street had requested the installation of a "No Parking" sign on one side of Cherry Street since cars were parking on both sides of the street and blocking mailboxes. The staff recommended that the sign be installed on the south side of the street since the street is less than 30 feet in width and it is the City's policy to prohibit parking on the south and east sides of a street when parking is allowed only on one side of the street. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... approve the staff recommendation to install "No Parking" signs on Cherry Street. The motion passed unanimously. 1292 CLOSURE OF HARDCASTLE STREET FOR HIGHWAY 99E PROJECT. The staff requested closure of Hardcastle Street to through traffic during the installation of a 30" storm drain line which is required in conjunction with the Highway 99E widening project. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... approve the street closure as required during the construction period. The motion passed unanimously. 1321 Jerry Petzel, 509 Cherry Street, requested that the Council reconsider their motion to eliminate parking on the south side of Cherry Street. He stated that the mailman has not complained about vehicles parking in front of his mailbox and prohibiting parking in front of his house would eliminate 75 % of the parking available to him. In addition, he has a small shop in his garage and it is necessary to have the parking in front of his house. Margie Brunner, 172 Cherry Street, stated that she lives on the same side of the street as Mr. Petzel, however, she does have a problem with people parking on both sides of the street. She stated that she did not object to allowing parking in front of Mr. Petzel's house which is located further west of Front Street. Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 13, 1992 lr -- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 13, 1992 TAPE READING A letter from Laura Asper, 208 Cherry Street, was also submitted to the Council expressing her desire to installing "No Parking" signs on the hydrant side of the street (north side) and a speed sign designating 20 MPH. Mayor Kyser stated that the staff will further investigate the concerns of the residents and will get back to the property owners within the next week. 1480 STAFF REPORTS. The Council received staff reports on the following items: 1) Traffic issues - OSHD federal aid construction projects and Wal-Mart access road construction schedule; 2) Wastewater issues - Meeting with Gervais Council regarding sewage treatment issues, DEQ statewide project list for loan program, and Mill Creek pump station limitations; 3) Law Enforcement - Traffic Safety grant of $3,360; 4) Building activity report; and 5) Code Enforcement report. 1 500 Councilor Figley stated that she and Councilor Sifuentez had attended a meeting last Friday evening which involved parents, school district officials, and the Police Department. The meeting focused on problems associated with students who have nothing to do after school. It was the consensus of the parents attending the meeting that the community provide more things for the students to do after school hours and that parents take some responsibility for the actions of their children. 1575 Councilor Sifuentez informed the Council that she had recently learned that the Eugene School District brings their students to Woodburn for an annual field trip as part of their cultural learning program. 1619 Administrator Childs advised the Council that the League of Oregon Cities will be holding a regional workshop in Corvallis on Monday, April 20th. Councilors are welcome to attend the workshop, however, individual names must be forwarded to the League office no later than April 14th. 1670 ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.. APPROVED ~%,~ ATTEST fY/~ ~=---"'. Mary T nant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 13, 1992 lr r -, ~/21/~ AP CHECK USTING Page 2 MARCH, 1992 Check NUlber Budgetary Account Nu.ber Vendor Nale Vendor NUllber Check - Date Written Amount of Check ------------ ------------------------- ------------------------------ ------...------ -------------------- ---------------- 13929 EXP REIIIBURSIINT-CTY ADIIIN CHRIS CHILDS 002HB 3/12/92 67.49 13930 H6 SERVICES-PW CH2M-HIll 002478 3/12/92 12,714.91 13931 RE6ISTRATION-WUTP CLACKAMAS COMM COLLEGE 002550 3/12/92 225.00 13932 VIDEOS-LIBRARY CONNTRON 002143 3/12/92 79.90 13933 IIEPTUNET/I0-WATER CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY CO 002770 3/12/92 2,156.00 13934 CRIMP UIRE/COIL/SAW-WATER CONVE N IE NCECAR 0 002815 3/12/92 56.86 13935 SHIRTS-WATER COVERALL UNIFORM SUPPLY 002920 3/12/92 378.14 13936 SO FHlAR E -P ARK S DATA-CAL CORPORATION 003047 3/12/92 73.50 13937 BEARINGS/BELT/PARTS-UWTP DAVISON AUTO PARTS 003080 3/12/92 396.95 13938 BOOKS-LIBRARY DAVIDSON TITlES 003086 3/12/92 27.35 13939 CASES/PAPER/LABELS-LIB DEIICO 003110 3/12/92 985.65 13940 TEE SHIRTS-WATER EMPIRE UNIFORMS 004160 3/12/92 96.55 13941 WORKSHOP MARV-UWTP ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING 004220 3/12/92 195.00 13942 SUPPLIES-STREET fARM PLAN 005062 3/12/92 8~.87 13943 COPY PHOTOS-POLICE FOT9 MAGIC 005258 3/12/92 11. 00 139U SUPPLIEHUHP CONREY ELECTRIC 005341 3/12/92 380.00 13945 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY 6AYLORO BROS, INC 006030 3/12/92 90.40 13946 SERVICES-911 GERVAIS TELEPHONE CO 006143 3/12/92 95.U 13947 WASTEUII-POLICE GLOBAL EQUIPMENT 006213 3/12/92 H.96 13948 LETTERING-LIBRARY GOWER GRAPHICS 006270 3/12/92 45.00 13949 SERVICES-911/PARKS G. T. E. 1I0BIl NET 006373 3/12/92 64.78 13950 SUPPLIES-WWTP/WTR/STREET G.W. HARDWARE CENTER 006405 3/12/92 276.17 13951 UNIFORMS-POLICE HARRIS UNIFORMS 001090 3/12/92 259.60 13952 VAN RENTAL-PARKS HERSHBERGER NOTORS 007150 3/12/92 69.99 13953 BOOKS-LIBRARY HOllE PLANNERS, INC 001295 3/12/92 40.26 13954 NEIIBERSHIP/BOB A-BUILDING ICBO 00B003 3/12/92 to.OO 13955 LEASE-9f1 I B II 008010 3/12/92 3,280.00 13956 TOWELS-STREET INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO 008090 3/12/92 100.45 13951 CYL/HOSE/PROPANE/WWTP/WTR INDUSTRIAL WELDIIIG SUPPLY 008100 3/12/92 69.40 13958 BOOKS-LIBRARY INGRAII OIST GROUP 008116 3/12/92 302.51 13959 FIRE EXT SER-CITY HALL INSTANT FIRE PROTECTION 008140 3/12/92 554.80 13960 TEIIP UP-ENG JOB SHOPPERS INC 009119 3/12/92 316.48 13961 SERVICES-POLICE DR ROBERT H JONES 009147 3/12/92 768.00 13962 BOOKS-LIBRARY JEAN URR , CO 010030 3/12/92 31. 30 13963 SOIL-WATER KEIZER SAND' GRAVEL 010052 3/12/92 73.50 1396~ BOOK SECURITY SYS-LI8RARY (NOGO CORPORATION 010094 3/12/92 563.44 13965 SUPPLIES-STREET/WWTP L . L BUILDING SUPPLIES 011010 3/12/92 186.43 13966 BOOK-LIBRARY LEISURE ARTS 011203 3/12/92 11.90 13967 SUPPLIES-POLICE LIGHTNING POWDER CO 011230 3/12/92 15.58 13968 SUPPLIES/JAMBOREE-PARKS LIND I S MARKET 011240 3/12/92 137.35 13969 SOFTUARE-LIBRARY IIAC WAREHOUSE 012033 3/12/92 302.00 13970 VIDEO-LIBRARY MADERA AZTEC 012037 3/12/92 63.70 13971 BOOKS-LIBRARY MACMILLAN PUBLISKING CO 012040 3/12/92 24.96 13912 MATERIALS/LAUNDRY-WWTP/PK MARYATT INDUSTRIES 012240 3/12/92 27 4.38 13973 FUEL-VARIOUS METRO FUELING INC 012448 3/12/92 518.15 13974 HOSE-BUILDING MR pIS AUTO PARTS 012510 3/12/92 11.49 13975 SERVICES-911 MONITOR CO-OP TELEPHONE 012550 3/12/92 17 0.00 13976 AEROSOL-WWTP NATIONAL CHEMSEARCH 013030 3/12/92 1~3.49 13977 BOOKS-LIBRARY NCPCA PUBLISHING DEPT 013145 3/12/92 19.25 13978 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES-C HAL WALTER E NELSON CO '013153 3/12/92 90.44 13979 SERVICES-VARIOUS NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS 013350 3/12/92 901.71 13980 RECORDS-CODE ENFORCEMENT OR DEPT OF HOTOR VEHICLE 01~240 3/12/92 60.00 61,437.20 1~ 4/21/92 . Page -- ;- AP CHECK LISTING MARCH, 1992 Check NUlber 8udgetafy Account Humber Vendor Nale Vendor NUlber Check - Date Uritten AMount of Check ------------ ------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------- -------------------- ---------------- 14033 SERVICES-RSVP GUEN GUNTER 035297 3/12/92 44.40 14034 SERVICES-RSVP HUGH GUNTER 035298 3/12/92 76.62 14035 SERVICES-RSVP SHIRLEY HACkETT 035311 3/12/92 20.16 14036 SERVICES-RSVP NARGUET UNE 035390 3/12/92 9.60 14037 SE RVICE S-RSVP lED lA ROQUE 035465 3/12/92 134.88 14038 SERVICES-RSVP fRANK NEEKS 035504 3/12/92 31. 08 14039 SERVICES-RSVP ERNA OSBORNE 035580 3{12/92 10.80 14040 SERVICES-RSVP JUKE SINPSON 035648 3/12/92 32.40 14041 SERVICES-RSVP ANDREA SCHOOLER 035652 3/12/92 53.28 14042 SERVICES-RSVP ROBERT STIllNAN 035667 3/12/92 48.00 14043 SERVICES-RSVP CHARLES IIIGLE 035748 3{12/92 48.00 14044 SERVICES-RSVP GERALD 11000 035790 3{12/92 25.92 14045 SERVICES-RSVP BILL YOUNGER 035810 3/12{92 19.20 14046 SERVICES-OAR LOIS CANUCK 045098 3{12{92 50.40 14047 SERVICES-OAR HATTIE CLARK 045100 3{12{92 132.00 14048 SERVICES-OAR CORNELIUS DONNEllY 045230 3{12/92 114.24 14049 SERVICES-OAR IIINNIfREO fACHINI 045245 3{12{92 23.04 14050 SERVICES-OAR fRENONT GREEHLING 045290 3/12/92 12.72 14051 SERVICES-OAR ERNA OSBORNE 045510 3/12/92 45.60 14052 SERVICES-OAR GERTRUDE REfS 045545 3/12/92 34.56 14053 SERVICES-OAR JANES STROUP 045595 3/12/92 104.64 14054 SERVICES-OAR BARBARA STROUP 045596 3/12/92 41.71 14055 SERVICES-DAR BERT IIHLUN 045696 3/12/92 12.00 14056 SERVICES-OAR EDITH IHLLIANS 045101 3/12/92 24.96 14057 WATER BILLS-WATER US POST OfFICE 020090 3/13/92 142.5B 1405B REGISTRATION-WIITP PNPCA CONTINUING EDUCATION 015358 3/18/92 150.00 14059 V 0 I 0 V 0 I D V 0 I 0 14060 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 14061 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 14062 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 14063 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 14064 OVERPAYNENT-WATER NIKE GRIffITH NONE 3/20/92 40.66 14065 OVERPAYMENT-IIATER BARBARA ROSZkO NOliE 3/20/92 28.03 14066 ALARM MONITOR-IIWTP ALARM SYSTEMS 000117 3/20/92 198.00 14061 BUffET LUNCH-POLICE ALBANY POLICE DEPARTMENT 000121 3/20/92 16.10 14068 SUPPLIES/PLANTS-CITY HALL AL'S fRUIT & SHRUB CENTER 000160 3/20/92 65.31 14069 HEADSET -911 APPLCOM BUSINESS COMMUNICATION 000454 3/20/92 323.00 14070 fUSE-Wlm ARGO INOUSTRIAl 000485 3/20/92 438.16 14011 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS BOISE CASCADE 001340 3/20/92 1,060.96 14072 STATUES-CITY ATTY BUTTERIIORTH 001598 3/20/92 18.66 14013 FIl E-ENG INEE RING CITY LIQUIDATORS 002506 3/20/92 139.00 14014 TUITIOHJIITP CLACKAMAS COMM COLLEGE 002550 3/20/92 81.00 14015 COUPlING/METERS-IIHTP/WTR CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY 002710 3/20/92 3,355.90 14016 LEASE COPIER-CITY HALL COpy OffICE PRODUCTS 002875 3{20/92 178.15 14011 SPECTACLE KIT-IIIITP l N CURTIS & SONS 002960 3/20/92 56.98 14078 MILEAGE REIIIB.-fINANCE V JEAN DEEN 003101 3/20/92 8.40 14079 SERVICES-ENGINEERING DE HAAS , ASSOCIATES 003108 3/20/92 1,184.10 14080 SERVICES-CITY HALL EDEN SYSTENS INC 004065 3/20/92 225.00 14081 ANNUAL REGISTRAR-CTY HAll fIRST INTERSTATE BANK 005130 3/20{92 682.08 14082 MOUSE-POLICE GLOBAL COMPUTER SUPPLIES .G06212 3/20/92 &5.28 14083 MOBIlNET-IIIITP/911/UATER G. 1. E. "OBHNET 006373 3/20/92 156.74 14084 PAINT -PW G.II. HARDWARE CENTER 00&405 3/20/92 31. 33 116,681.52 lr - 4/2,W2 AP CHECK LISTING Page MARCH, 1992 Check NUlber Budgetary Account Number Vendor Nalle Vendor NUllber Check - Date ~ritten AMount of Check ------------ ------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------- -------------------- ---------------- 140B5 SUPPLIES-WIHP HACH CHEMICAL CO 007030 3/20/92 321.70 14086 fILTER RACKS-CITY HAll c.J. HANSEN CO 001055 3/20/92 212.00 14087 RAIN JACKETS-POLICE HARRIS UNIFORMS 007090 3/20/92 841.90 14088 CONSULTANT-PARKS HENDERSOH,YOUNG & CO 007140 3/20/92 502.50 14089 800KS-LIBRARY HUMBERS BOOKS 007229 3/20/92 101.49 14090 GEAR lUBE-STREET HYDROHX OD7360 3/20/92 701. 25 14091 LABOR-911 INTERMOUNTAIN BUSINESS MACHINE 008232 3/20/92 85.00 14092 fR SANPlR-~lm ISCO,INC 008370 3/20/92 11,010.54 14093 TEMP ENPLOY-ENGINEERING JOB SHOPPERS, IHC 009119 3/20/92 158.24 14094 SERYICES-PW KIZER EXCAVATING 010092 3/20/92 29,965.08 14095 SECURITY SYSTEM-LIBRARY KNOGO CORPORATION 010293 3/20/92 4,150.00 14096 ORD.DISK-CITY ATTY LEAGUE Of OREGON CITIES 011110 3/20/92 10.50 14097 MAINTENANCE-COURT MSI GROUP,INC 012015 3/20/92 125.00 1409B EXCEL-LIBRARY MAC IIAREHOUSE 012033 3/20/92 299.00 14099 RECORDING fEE-PII MARION COUNTY CLERK 012087 3/20/92 175.00 14100 PERMITS-BUILDING NARION COUNTY 8LDG INSPEC 012090 3/20/92 7,361.57 141 01 SIIIM POOL LICENSE-PARKS MARION COUNTY ENV. HEALTH 012125 3/20/92 160.00 14102 LAUNDRY-IIIITP MARYATT INDUSTRIES 012240 3/20/92 136.31 14103 fUEl-VARIOUS METROFUELIN6 INC 012448 3/20/92 400.78 14104 CLEANING COMP.-CITY HALL WALTER E NELSON CO 013153 3/20/92 52.80 14105 SERYICES-911 NEW IIORLD SYSTENS 013163 3/20/92 3,210.00 14106 CONPUTER LAW HOBK-CTY ATY OREGON STATE BAR 014500 3/20/92 99.00 14107 SERYICES-911 US WEST CONMUNICATIONS 015030 3/20/92 231. 25 14108 HVY HEX NUTS-IIATER PACIFIC IIATER WORKS 015065 3/20/92 310.00 14109 WAll MT , CABLE-911 PERSONAL TOUCH COMPUTING 015237 3/20/92 254.00 14110 LSE POSTAGE NACH.-CENT ST PITNEY BOllES 015350 3/20/92 161.00 14111 SERVICES-VARIOUS PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC 015420 3/20/92 14,528.61 14112 POSTAGE-VARIOUS POSTAGE BY PHONE 015466 3/20/92 600.00 14113 COYERALLS-POLICE UR UNIfORNS 017003 3/20/92 28.08 14114 NEETING , EXPENSES-911 ED RECTOR 017120 3/20/92 153.45 14115 LODGING-BUILDING RED LION - EUGENE 017126 3/20/92 138.69 14116 D'RINGHJIHP ROSEMOUNT INC 017325 3/20/92 104.55 14117 PLATE-WWTP RUGGED Nf6 017361 3/20/92 6.00 14118 SUPPLIES-STREET/WATER SAFfRON SUPPLY CO 018020 3/20/92 691. 00 14119 fLAT REPAIR-TRANSIT LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER 018300 3/20/92 6.50 14120 AUDIT fILING fEE-CTY HALL SECRETARY Of STATE 018348 3/20/92 200.00 14121 COlLECTIONS-IIATER SERYICEHTER 018360 3/20/92 220.00 14122 FUEL-TRANSIT SILVERfLEET SYSTEMS 018465 3/20/92 181.23 14123 YIDEO-POllCE SHALL BUSINESS AOYANCEMENT 018538 3/20/92 69.00 14124 800TS-POlICE SNC DISTRIBUTORS 018574 3/20/92 68.00 14125 AD-1I8RARY STATESMAN JOURNAL 018160 3/20/92 4.01 14126 PRICE DIffERENCE-POLICE TERRITORIAL SUPPLIES 019060 3/20/92 3.40 14121 CRUSHED ROCK-WATER VUSKO REDHIX 021140 3/20/92 797.89 14128 SAMPLES-~~TP/UATER WATER,fOOD & RESEARCH LA8 022062 3/20/92 363.25 14129 SERVICE S-WA TE R ~ATER SYSTEM SUPPLY 022085 3/20/92 644.13 14130 SPRING BREAK TRIPS-PARKS TERRY UIllIAMS 022396 3/20/92 95.00 14131 HERBICIDE-STREET ~BN fERTILIZER 5 6RAIN 022590 3/20/92 490.15 14132 fl OIlE R S - P 0 LIC E WOODBURN fLORIST 022600 3/20/92 58.50 14133 YOUTH BOIILING-PARKS WOODBURN LANES 022655 3/20/92 139.63 14134 TRUCK SEAT-TRANSIT UOODBURN UPHOLSTERY 022760 3/20/92 60.00 14135 REPORT COVERS-POLICE YES GRAPHICS 024025 3/20/92 45.00 14136 CLEANER-IIIITP ZEP MANUfACTURING 025050 3/20/92 58.82 197,538.98 lr 4/21/9).... AP CHECK LISTING Page 6 - MARCH, 1992 Check NUlber Budgetary Account NUlber Vendor Malle Vendor NUllber Check - Date Written AlIount of Check ------------ ------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------- -------------------- ---------------- 14131 WATER BILLS-WATER US POST OffICE 020090 3/20/92 157.11 14138 COUPONS-NON DEPT fIRST INTERSTATE BANK 005130 3/24/92 91. 50 14139 REGISTRATION-WWTP PNPCA CONTINUING EDUCATION 15358 3/24/92 15.00 14140 PETTY CASH-CITY HALL CITY Of WOOOBURN 015255 3/24/92 201. 29 14141 CDL ISSUANCE-WATER GEORGE VISTICA 021202 3/25/92 31. 00 14142 UATER 8IllS-WATER US POST OffICE 020090 3/21/92 159.26 14143 OffICE SUPPLIES-LIBRARY HONE CLUB WAREHOUSE 001291 3/21/92 119.96 14144 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 14145 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 14146 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 14141 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 14148 OVERPAYNENT-WATER MAPS CREOIT UNION NONE 3/21/92 22.92 14149 GROUP ACCIO INS-POLICE ALEXANOER , ALEXANOER 000141 3 {21 {92 18.00 14150 NATS-POLlCE ARATEX SERVICES INC 000535 3/21/92 68.56 14151 SERVICES-VARIOUS AT&T IMfORMATION SYSTEMS 000620 3/21/92 138.65 14152 SERVICES-VARIOUS ATn 000623 3/21/92 245.62 14153 CRAME WORK-WWTP BUER , BROWN 001010 3/21/92 115.00 14154 JANITOR SERVICES-WWTP 8LUE 81RRON JANITORIAL 001305 3/21/92 260.00 14155 ElEC.WORl-WIJTP 800NES FERRY ELECTRIC 001352 3/21/92 6,603.81 14156 ORI LIC FEE-PARKS EOIE BUNCH 001518 3/21/92 32.00 14151 BOOKS-CITY ATTY BUTTERSIJORTH LEGAL PUBLISH 001590 3/21/92 203.19 14158 REPAIRS-POL ICE CASE AUTOMOTIVE 002190 3/21{92 1,511.11 14159 REPAIR SPLIT-CITY HALL CENTRAL VALLEY ROOFING 002312 3/21/92 10.00 14160 ENGINEERING SERV-PW{WWTP CH2M-HIll 002418 3/27/92 2,045.02 14161 U-UYOR DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE 003020 3/21/92 40.50 14162 PHOTOS-POLICE DANIELS PHOTOGRAPHY 003030 3/21/92 107.51 14163 RULERS/BALLOONS-POLICE DARE AMERICA 003031 3f21/92 111.60 14164 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS DAVISON AUTO PARTS 0030BO 3/21/92 311. 31 14165 STRAPS-POLICE DAVISON AUTO PARTS 003081 3/27/92 8.38 14166 DUES-fINANCE EDEN SYSTEMS USERS GROUP 004066 3/27/92 25.00 14167 TIRES-POtICE FARMERS OIL 005040 3/27/92 359.40 14168 KRYPTON BULBS-POLICE GAlt' S ac 006011 3/21/92 35.40 14169 GTE SER/POtICE 6.1.[, MOBIlNET 006313 3/21/92 690.91 14110 SHIRTS/PANTS-POLICE HARRIS UNIFORMS 001090 3/21/92 1,226.45 14111 TAPE LABELING-WIJTP HIGH PURITY CHEMICAL 001189 3/27/92 152.10 14112 POIJER CORO-WIITP HYORONU INC 001350 3/21/92 164.06 14113 DUES-POLICE INTL ASSOC Of LAW ENfOREMENT 008210 3/21/92 20.00 14174 TEMP EMPLOYEE-PW JOB SHOPPERS INC 009119 3/21{92 158.24 IH75 SUBSCRIPTION-fINANCE JOURNAL Of ACCOUNTANCY 009163 3/21/92 40.00 14176 TEST POWER lINES-UWTP lTO ENER&Y SPECIALITIES 0011233 3/21{92 251.00 14177 SHIPPIN6 CHAR6ES-FINANCE H&T PUBLISHING INC 012022 3/21/92 1. 50 14118 LE6AL COUNSEL-911 MARION COUNTY fISCAL SVCS 012140 3/21/92 18.00 14119 TAX ASSESS-STREET HARIOM COUNTY TAX COLLECT 012220 3/21/92 32.24 14180 LAUNORY-Wlm MARYATT INDUSTRIES 012240 3/21/92 104.01 14181 SUPPLIES-IIATER/WWTP/STR MR P'S AUTO PARTS 012510 3{21/92 136.98 14182 SURCHARGE-BUILDING OR BlOG COOES AGENCY 014160 3/21/92 826.65 14183 PUBLIC RECOROS-CITY ATTY OREGON OEPT OF JUSTICE 014210 3/21/92 12.00 14184 LINCOLN ST-P\.I OR DEPT TRANSPORTATION 014260 3/21/92 63.000.00 14185 PRINTING-UUTP/RSVP PACIfIC PRINTERS 015058 3{21192 158.00 14186 CAMERA-POLICE PAYLESS DRUG STORE ,015200 3/27/92 33.98 14181 SUPP LIES-PO LI CE PIONEER ELECTRONICS 015345 3/21/92 18.20 14188 SERVICES-UATER/WWTP/PARKS PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC 015420 3/21/92 1,218.99 219,115.11 lr l'