Minutes - 09/27/1993 TAPE READING 0001 0003 0022 0020 0031 _. '"'"' COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 27, 1993 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, SEPTEMBER 27, 1993. CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kelley presiding. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kelley Figley Galvin Hagenauer Jennings Mitchell Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Finance Director Gritta, Park Director Holly, Library Director Sprauer, Police Chief Wright, Public Works Manager Rohman, City Recorder Tennant MINUTES. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... approve the Council minutes of september 9 and 13, 1993; and accept the Planning commission minutes of September 9, 1993. The motion passed unanimously. APPOINTMENTS - WOODBURN CITIZEN'S REVIEW COMMISSION. Mayor Kelley read his memo to the Council appointing the following individuals to the citizen's Review Commission: One year terms - William Larson, James Equall, and Marie Gonzalez; Two year terms - Pam Davis, Mike Bizon, and Gary Marrell; Three year terms - Don Bray, Dunya Posnikov, and Lydia Chadwick; Alternates: Alan Arntzen, Mike Padburg, and Shirley Radamaker. Administrator Childs stated that additional information regarding the origination of the Commission and its current status was requested by the Council at the last meeting. However, Attorney Shields was unable to provide the information for this particular meeting and a memo was placed in the agenda packet advising the Council of a report to be distributed in the October 11th agenda packet. Councilor Jennings stated that he had originally requested information as to its applicability at this time and he would still like to obtain that information before the appointments are voted on by the Council. FIGLEy/JENNINGS.... table until the October 11, 1993 meeting. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 27, 1993 ~ TAPE READING 0407 0491 0552 - - --', I COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 27, 1993 Councilor Mitchell stated that he did want the committee appointed if it is necessary. He also requested that questions regarding the legality of the committee and whether or not it is needed should be addressed by the City Attorney. Councilor Figley expressed her opinion that there are two separate questions that need to be addressed. If the committee is not formed, there is a continual need for individuals to serve on other city committees and she would encourage them to volunteer their time to assist the City in those areas. Mayor Kelley distributed a list of incidents or concerns which could have been addressed by the Review Commission. Several Councilors objected to the list that was provided since the incidents were not directly related to the Police Department and some of the reasons involve the Council rather than individual departments. Mayor Kelley expressed his disagreement with the statements made by the Councilors. Councilor Jennings reiterated the need for a review of the ordinance. Councilor Mitchell also suggested that maybe the ordinance should be revised to expand the responsibilities of the committee. Attorney Shields stated that he would provide a staff report along with some legal advice regarding the Committee. The vote on the motion to table this issue passed unanimously. PRESENTATIONS - DONATIONS TO CENTENNIAL PARK FOND. 1) Proceeds from the Hispanic Softball Tournament were donated to the City in the amount of $350.00; 2) The Adult Softball Association donated $325.00; and 3) Dan Glennon, representing Woodburn Ditch Open, presented Park Board Chairman Watson with a check in the amount of $1,007.00 which was the proceeds from this year's event. Chairman Watson and the Council thanked the organizations for their generosity and enthusiastic involvement in developing the Park. PROCLAMATION - DISABILITY EMPLOYMENT AWARENESS MONTH. Administrator Childs read the proclamation which urged our local citizens observe the month of October 1993 as Disability Employment Awareness Month to assure that all citizens with disabilities are included within the social, cultural, and economic mainstream. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Patrick Vance, Chamber Board member, briefly reviewed the goals and functions of the Chamber: 1) Promote local activities, businesses, and services; 2) Promote growth, health, and vitality of the community and Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 27, 1993 ~ I 'If TAPE READING 0614 0634 0678 0743 0854 - -', I COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 27, 1993 he urged Council support of the Comeback campaign, Downtown Association, police Department and City staff in their efforts to revitalize the Downtown Historical Business district; and 3) represent the interest and concerns of its members. He also requested that the Chamber be provided with a courtesy copy of the Transportation Task Force agendas so that they may remain active in this planning process. COMEBACK CAMPAIGN REPORT. councilor Figley urged the community to attend the Gang Forum on Tuesday, September 28th, 7:00 p.m., at the French prairie Middle School. Barbara Lucas, 214 E. Clackamas CI, distributed to the Council recently printed brochures on Senior Estates which will be primarily used as a marketing tool for the realtors, however, it does provide useful information on the facilities and programs available to residents of Senior Estates. Peppi Kosikowski, 611 Harrison, stated that they were the victim's of a recent gang shooting because they live next door to a major gang house. She advised the Council that she has requested copies of ordinances from Portland which she will provide to the staff for review and hopefully there may be some ordinances that can be enacted that will help the City to control the gang problems within our community. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - 347 N. FRONT STREET (SALUD BUILDING). Mayor Kelley continued the public hearing at 7:28 p.m.. Community Development Director Goeckritz stated that Mr. Al Nunez, Salud Executive Director, will be meeting with the Farmers Home Administration (FHA) on September 29th to discuss options which are available to the Clinic for relocation. Director Goeckritz recommended that the hearing be continued until October 11th at which time more information will be available. Brief discussion was held regarding the third story of the building which was an add-on from the existing structure. Director Goeckritz stated that the staff will be trying to retain the third story even though its used for other purposes such as housing mechanical equipment. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ.... continue the public hearing to October 11, 1993. No vote was taken at this time (refer to TR 0941). CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - 199 N FRONT ST (OLD BANK BUILDING) . Mayor Kelley continued the public hearing at 7:31 p.m.. Nora Fives, owner of the property, stated that her brother has decided to purchase the building and do a total restoration. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 27, 1993 ~ I 1Ir TAPE READING 0941 0956 1200 - ~.\ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES september 27, 1993 He will be in the area around October 16th at which time he will make necessary arrangements for engineering plan design and financing. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... continue the public hearing until October 25, 1993. The motion passed unanimously. JENNINGS/MITCHELL.... continue the public hearing until October 11, 1993 on the dangerous building located at 347 N. Front Street. The motion passed unanimously. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - TRANSPORTATION PLAN. Mayor Kelley declared the continuation of the public hearing open at 7:35 p.m.. Director Goeckritz stated that the Transportation Task Force has recommended that the public hearing be continued to November 8, 1993 in order to address the concerns of the Oregon Department of Transportation and to address various items which were submitted to the Council at the September 27th public hearing. Councilor Mitchell questioned a reference made in a letter from ODOT representative John deTar as to the City's potential ineligibility to receive State funds if certain policies were adopted within the Transportation Plan. Director Goeckritz stated that the State does have some concerns regarding some of the policies proposed by the city and SENA (senior Estates Neighborhood Association). Councilor Jennings stated that the Task Force needs another meeting to work out problems that have arisen, some of which were created when rules may have been changed by the State. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... continue the public hearing on the Transportation Plan until November 8, 1993. The motion passed unanimously. HIGHWAY 99E SIDEWALK ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (Tabled Business). JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ.... remove the Highway 99E sidewalk assessment issue from the table. The motion passed unanimously. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that he has been negotiating with the state Transportation Department for an adjustment to the sidewalk assessment. His negotiations are close to completion and he requested that the issue be tabled until October 11th. In addition, he briefly reviewed the history of the widening project and stated that the cost for the sidewalks was less than 2% of the total project cost. ODOT did agree that some of the property owners may have received conflicting statements, however, negotiations are taking place in a good faith effort with the hope that all parties, including the affected property owners, will be satisfied. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ....table the Highway 99E sidewalk Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 27, 1993 ~ I 1IT TAPE READING 1418 1628 - - I COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES september 27, 1993 assessment until October 11, 1993. The motion passed unanimously. SWIMMING POOL RENOVATION CONCEPTS. Park Director Holly stated that prior Council workshops on this project have indicated that a plan must be formulated that would provide long-term use and generate sufficient revenues to keep the operational costs requiring taxpayer support similar to the current amounts. The County has allowed the city to continue operations of the pool for many years under a grandfather clause even though the pool and bathhouse is not totally up to code. The damage done by the earthquake has expedited the need to make the repairs and bring the facility into code. Flurry stone, Pool Committee Chairman, stated that Consultant Don Carey will be reviewing four concepts for the Council to consider. It is imperative that the Council provide the Committee with some direction as to which concept to pursue so that design plans can be prepared and funding options can be explored. He also stated that the Pool Committee recommends approval of the Plan 3 concept and if this concept is approved, he requested a joint workshop with the Council, Park Board, and Pool Committee to discuss funding issues. Don Carey stated that he had prepared pool concepts which would be most self-supporting as possible utilizing a design that would allow for multi-programming. options available include: 1) Repairing the pool using FEMA funds - continue the outdoor pool with no major renovations to the bathhouse. The County may require that the bathhouse be brought up to code within the near future. The estimated cost is $260,000. 2) Outdoor Facility be re-designed which would enhance the seasonal pool and a new bathhouse would be constructed. The pool would be 10-lanes and a teaching pool would also be installed. The main pool would be a lap pool with depths ranging from 3.5 feet to 5 feet. This type of pool is also considered as a family fun center and is large enough to accommodate multi-programming. The estimated cost is $950,000. 3) Indoor Facility - same design as the outdoor facility but it would be covered and include a water slide along with spectator seating. The estimated cost is $1,975,000. 4) Indoor Facility - same basic design as concept #3, however, the lap pool would be 8 lanes rather than 10 lanes. Discussion was held regarding the renovation of the outdoor pool (concept #2) with the option to cover the pool over the next few years. It was also noted that the water slide generates a lot of revenue at a minimal operational cost. Councilor sifuentez stated that the Pool committee consists of several dedicated and conservative people who are looking at Page 5 - council Meeting Minutes, September 27, 1993 'IT' TAPE READING 2491 2672 2702 2725 - --., COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES september 27, 1993 ways to put the lowest burden onto the taxpayers. This includes looking at low interest loans, grants, and donations to help offset any bond issue that may be required. Councilor Figley stated that the earthquake made the city realize that repairs to the pool are required. Money is being made available through FEMA but it will only be there for another 18 months. Councilor Jennings expressed his opinion that an indoor facility is greatly needed within the community. City Administrator Childs stated that the consulting service contract with Mr. Carey covers the work that has been done at this point, however, if concept #2, 3, or 4 is selected by the council another resolution will be necessary to allow him to continue the architectural and engineering design work. SIFUENTEZ/FIGLEy.... adopt concept #3 as recommended by the Pool Committee and plan a joint workshop with the council, Park Board, and Pool Committee for October 4, 1993. The motion passed 5-1 with Councilor Mitchell voting nay. BID AWARD - LOADER BACKHOE FOR THE WATER DEPARTMENT. Bids were received from the following vendors for a tractor with a loader and backhoe: The Halton Co., $46,544.00; star Rentals, $47,012.00; Salem Ford, Inc., $47,180.00; Western Power & Equipment, $49,378.00; and Hessel Tractor, $50,080.00. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... accept the low bid from The Halton Co. in the amount of $46,544.00. The motion passed unanimously. LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION REOUEST. A copy of the grant application submitted to the Oregon State Library for a Children's Services Improvement Grant was provided to the council for their endorsement. The grant would provide funding for the OMSI traveling exhibit entitled Animals As Architects. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... approve the library development grant application. The motion passed unanimously. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (FCC) CERTIFICATION TO REGULATE BASIC CABLE RATES. Administrator Childs recommended that the city make preliminary application to the FCC to regulate basic cable service rates as authorized by the 1992 Cable Act. Regulation of service rates would not apply to satellite stations or pay channels. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ..... authorize the city Administrator to make application to FCC to regulate basic cable service rates. The motion passed unanimously. Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 27, 1993 ~ I !If TAPE READING 2746 2816 2896 2943 Tape 2 -. .- .~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 27, 1993 COUNCIL BILL 1497 - RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO AN ADDENDUM AGREEMENT WITH MARION COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY. council Bill 1497 was introduced by Hagenauer. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kelley declared Council Bill 1497 duly passed. SITE PLAN ACTIONS. The Planning Commission approved the site plans submitted by Silvercrest/Western Homes for an addition to their manufacturing plant and to French prairie Care Center for the development of a 40 unit assisted living care facility. Councilor Galvin questioned if sufficient parking spaces would be available at the French prairie center. Director Goeckritz stated that staff has emphasized to the developers that "No Parking" will be allowed on Evergreen or Stacy Allison Way. The Commission agreed with the applicant that sufficient on- site parking would be available as provided for within the plan. No action was taken by the Council on either site plan. BI-MART/SHOP N KART FENCE ISSUE. Director Goeckritz stated that Security Fence was proceeding today with the installation of a six-foot fence along the south and west property lines of the Bi-Mart property. CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENT - 9-1-1 COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER. Administrator Childs read his memo advising the Council of the appointment of Marianne Wolf as the new 9-1-1 Communications Center Manager. Councilor Galvin suggested that the Council move forward on the levying of a utilities Privilege Tax as a source of funding transportation needs within the City. Administrator Childs stated that he had submitted a memo to the Task Force outlining another funding option. The tax would be a separate line item on the Portland General Electric bill and is separate from the franchise fee paid by PGE. The maximum tax that could be levied under this program is 1.5%. If the City were to impose the tax, we would be required to advise Portland General Electric at least 60 days in advance. Discussion was held regarding the imposition of this tax as it relates to Measure 5. The staff will research this issue and provide additional information on the proposed tax at a later date. GALVIN/JENNINGS.... instruct the staff to draft an ordinance on the privilege tax and notify PGE of the City'S intent to impose a tax. Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 27, 1993 ~ I :rr TAPE READING 0300 0484 ATTEST - -- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 27, 1993 During discussion of the motion, it was the consensus of the Council that the ordinance specifically state that the funds generated by this tax be placed within the Transportation Fund for future capital improvements. On roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. Councilor sifuentez stated that she hoped the October 4th meeting would generate a lot of ideas for funding of an indoor pool facility. Councilor Hagenauer questioned the staff as to when the sidewalks will be replaced on Hardcastle Avenue. Director Tiwari stated that the sidewalk replacement is part of the overall waterline project and the bids will be opened within the next week. Councilor Figley stated that she appreciated all of the good news brought out at this meeting such as the donations to Centennial Park, rehabilitation of the old Bank Building, and the swimming Pool. Mayor Kelley stated that he was still working on the Veteran's Home project. He has met with several groups and some obstacles still need to be addressed. Discussion was held regarding the State's requirement of $4.6 million match funds as part of the project. Mayor Kelley stated it is his understanding that other sources of revenue may be used to meet the grant requirements such as land donations, and lottery or block grant funds. Additionally, he has received support from State Senator Jim Bunn and State Representative Patti Milne for this project. ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.. APPROVED ~ ~ EEN KELLEY, YOR ;11 ~+ Mary ~nant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 27, 1993 I Tr