Minutes - 07/12/1993 TAPE READING 0001 0003 0017 0021 0033 0084 - -~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES July 12, 1993 DATB. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OP MARION, STATB OP OREGON, JULY 12, 1993. CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kelley presiding. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kelley Figley Galvin Hagenauer Jennings Mitchell Sifuentez Present Present Present Absent Present Present Present staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Finance Director Gritta, Police Chief Wright, Park Director Holly, Public Works Manager Rohman, City Recorder Tennant MINUTES. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... approve the Council minutes of June 21 and 28, 1993 and accept the Planning Commission minutes of June 24, 1993. The motion passed unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mayor Kelley advised the audience that he had served on a panel of Judges for the My Fair Lady Queen of the Marion county Fair contest and Ms. Goldman from Senior Estates won the contest. A public hearing on the proposed storm drain and transportation system development charges will be held on Monday, July 26, 1993, 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers. An informational Budget Committee workshop will be held on Thursday, July 15, 1993, 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers. DONATION - MEN'S BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION. Park Director Holly advised the Council that the Park Board has just received a $1,000 donation from the Men's Basketball Association with the proceeds to be dedicated towards the improvement of Centennial Park. The Mayor and Council expressed their appreciation to the association for their generous donation. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 12, 1993 Ill" TAPE READING 0103 0131 0148 0198 0377 ~ - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES July 12, 1993 city Administrator Childs requested that the Council suspend the rules and move agenda item 10C next on the agenda for discussion. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... suspend the rules and move agenda item 10C (renewal of property insurance coverage) to just before agenda item 7 (Business from the public). The motion passed unanimously. CHAMBER OF COKKBRCE REPORT. Susan King, representing the Chamber Board, reminded the council of the July 21st Chamber forum, 12:00 noon, at Brack's Restaurant with a representative of Portland Pride Soccer Team as guest speaker. On August 4th, 7:30 a.m., Public Works Director Tiwari will speak to the Chamber members on the recent transportation study. WOODBURN COMEBACK CAMPAIGN REPORT. Councilor Figley thanked the participants and volunteers for their involvement with the July 4th celebration. Additionally, a special thank you was given to Don Eubank, Vee ott, the Kiwanis, and Larry Krieghauser for organizing various aspects of the event. RENEWAL OF CITY PROPERTY INSURANCE COVERAGE. Mayor Kelley questioned the procedure followed in obtaining the property insurance quotes. He referred to the City's Contract Review Board Rules and the application of the rules as it relates to the Agent of Record. He stated that his main concern on this issue was to insure that all local agents have an opportunity to bid on the insurance coverage. Attorney Shields stated that he did not feel that there was a problem in how the insurance quotations were obtained since it was part of the overall job responsibility of the Agent of Record to secure some competitive bids. He did not feel that advertising in local newspaper was a requirement in obtaining the bids. It was also noted that the State statute addresses the Agent of Record selection process which does call for a publication process and the Agent of Record is retained for a three year period. Attorney Shields suggested that he be allowed to further research the issue if the council feels that a more definitive answer is necessary. Jim Camburn, City's Agent of Record from Durham & Bates, stated that the city's property insurance was up for renewal this year. Over the last several years, the City has participated in the City/County Insurance Services which is a self insurance pool comprised of a large number of cities and counties. The City will continue to receive liability, automobile, and workers' compensation coverage from CIS even if the council elects to accept the insurance proposal from Chubb Insurance. Bids were obtained from the following Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 12, 1993 IIr TAPE READING 0670 0716 - COUNCIL MBETING MINUTBS July 12, 1993 companies: Chubb Insurance, $14,889; CIS Insurance, $20,744; and Northbrook Insurance, $17,284. Mr. Camburn stated that Chubb is an experienced property insurance carrier and is a solvent company. They currently underwrite policies for 20 to 30 governmental agencies in Oregon. He reviewed the differences between Chubb and CIS, and advised the Council of the loss of discounts on the liability, automobile, and workers' compensation coverage if the City elects to change carriers. Administrator Childs briefly reviewed the staff recommendation to enter into a one-year property insurance policy with Chubb Insurance, however, he suggested that the change in coverage be subject to the review of City Attorney Shields. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... authorize staff, with the assistance of the city's Agent of Record, to enter into a one-year property insurance policy with Chubb Insurance subject to the review of the City Attorney. Mayor Kelley reiterated his statement that he wanted to be able to give local agents an opportunity to bid on insurance coverages purchased by the city. On roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. CONTINUATION OP PUBLIC BEARING - 591 N PRONT STREET (I.O.O.P.) Mayor Kelley declared the continuation of the hearing open at 7:25 p.m.. Community Development Director Goeckritz stated that the parapet had been removed and the property owner is in the process of securing additional funding for some additional repairs. Since the structural repairs have been made, he recommended that the building be removed from the dangerous building list. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... close the public hearing on this building and remove it from the dangerous building list. The motion passed unanimously. CONTINUATION OP PUBLIC BEARING - 237 N. FRONT STREET (BABAI). Mayor Kelley declared the continuation of the public hearing open at 7:28 p.m.. community Development Director Goeckritz stated that representatives of the group had scheduled a meeting for July 15th to select a contractor to do the repairs. Dawn Adams, representing BAHAI, stated that they have had a difficult time in securing bids from brick masons to complete the project within the monetary means that the organization had available. She also stated that the owners of the building live out of the area making it difficult to communicate with them on the repairs. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... continue the public hearing until August 9, 1993, 7:00 p.m.. Councilor Jennings stated that it is the intent of the Council Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 12, 1993 J TAPE READING 0855 1015 1273 -- - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES July 12, 1993 to get the work completed as soon as possible. councilor Mitchell suggested that the organization look in the classified ads of the local newspaper for additional names of brick masons to contact. Administrator Childs stated that staff has also had a problem with knowing who within the BAHAI organization is a contact person and he requested Ms. Adams to give Director Geockritz the name and address of a contact person. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - 573 N. FRONT STREET (POOL HALL) . Mayor Kelley continued the hearing at 7:32 p.m.. Community Development Director Goeckritz reviewed the report from the County Building department along with a summary of the meetings held with Dave Trapp Engineers and the County Building Official to discuss construction alternatives. Director Geockritz stated that extensive repairs may impact adjoining buildings and another meeting with the engineers and County officials has been scheduled for July 14th. Staff recommended that the hearing be continued until July 26, 1993. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... hearing be continued until July 26, 1993 and hopefully this issue will be resolved. The motion passed unanimously. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - 199 N. FRONT STREET (OLD BANK BUILDING). Mayor Kelley continued the hearing at 7:36 p.m.. Steve Morash, attorney representing property owner Nora Fives, distributed a packet of information from Landmark Realty which is being used to market the property. He referred to a letter from Structural Engineer Skip Breshears which states that the building seems to be stable at this time. He requested that the Council allow a 3 month continuance of the hearing, with monthly updates to staff, to allow the realtor to market the property. Councilor Jennings stated that the building was not in very good shape before the earthquake, therefore, he did not object to the continuance. councilor Figley stated that the major concern of the city was to take care of any problems that would cause an immediate danger to the public. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... hearing be continued until September 14, 1993 at 7:00 p.m.. The motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - ANNEXATION 193-01 AND ZONE MAP AMENDMENT 193- 02 RE: APPROXIMATELY 115 ACRES ADJACENT TO BOONES FERRY ROAD NORTH OP WOODBURN HIGH SCHOOL. Mayor Kelley declared the public hearing open at 7:44 p.m.. Community Development Director Goeckritz read the required land use statement and submitted the following documents into Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 12, 1993 II" ---- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES July 12, 1993 TAPE READING 2050 the record: 1) Conditional Use for Golf Course - Marion County, May 1991; 2) Marion County order of February 1992 which gives conditions of approval; 3) Hazelnut application for PUD - City; 4) Hazelnut PUD staff report with the name later becoming Miller Farm because of duplication of the same name in Marion County; 5) Traffic Analysis - Calculations for the Golf Course; and 6) staff report for the annexation and map amendments for the Golf Course. Director Goeckritz proceeded to summarize the Planning Commission's recommendation to annex approximately 115 acres of land and to amend the zone from Marion County Urban Transition Farm (UTF) to single Family Residential (RS) with some conditions. He stated that Planned Unit Developments (PUD) are allowed in a RS zone and they also allow for open space which includes a golf course. The development of the land began in 1991 and was scheduled to be phased-in over a period of years. This proposed annexation and zone map amendment encompasses Phase 2 of the project. Phase 1 of the project is known as Miller Farm and is currently under construction. The Oregon Golf Association has made an agreement with the owners of the property to develop a 9-hole golf course. Future proposals for development include expansion of the golf course and additional residential homes. He stated that Country Club Road would not be directly connected to the Miller Farm development and an access road from the development to Boones Ferry Rd. will be located north of Country Club Road. A traffic analysis study has been completed which indicates that there would be no impact on the Boones Ferry Road intersection at this time, however, there made be some improvements required when future developments are submitted for review. Future plans of the developers include the OGA museum and a restaurant. In regards to the development of the golf course, the Planning commission still needs to review the development plans prior to any construction. Mayor Kelley questioned what benefit this development will provide the city since the OGA is a non-profit organization and would not be paying property taxes. Mike Campbell, representing the applicants Jay Glatt Inc. & Charles & Neelie A. Schultz, stated that the applicants are in agreement with the staff report. He addressed the benefit issue stating that taxes will be paid for by OGA since it is a for-profit golf course. The golf course will be a top quality competitive play course which will attract a large number of golfers. In general, the development will be an asset to the community. Wes Bauer, 1190 Randolph Rd., recommended approval of the annexation and zone change proposal even though increase traffic will eventually need to be addressed. His reasons for approving the annexation include (1) expediting a traffic Page 5 - council Meeting Minutes, July 12, 1993 w TAPE READING 2289 2575 - - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES July 12, 1993 resolution; (2) assistance of new developers and their residents to influence Dept. of Transportation to mitigate traffic flow; (3) be more fully recognized by Dept. of Transportation for future funding in 6-year plan; and 4) the need to work together with the City's Transportation Task Force to deal with the Dept. of Transportation. Mary Schultz, 1999 Jansen Way, expressed her opinion that the golf course would be a great asset to the community. Barbara Lucas, representing shirley Mixell of the Senior Estates Neighborhood Association, stated that they had met with Mike Campbell after the Planning Commission hearing regarding the potential traffic problems. She stated that their organization had no more comments to make on this issue, however, they do feel that as a whole group a solution will be forthcoming. Councilor Figley questioned as to who will pay for the installation of infrastructure and related systems development charges. Staff advised the Council that all infrastructure costs and systems development charges will be borne by the developer. However, they may not be paying the full amount of the park system development charge since they are constructing an on- site pool facility within the PUD. The Mayor declared the public hearing closed at 8:15 p.m.. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ.... approve the recommendation of the Planning commission to annex approximately 115 acres and direct staff to prepare an ordinance with the appropriate findings and zone amendment. The motion passed unanimously. Councilor Jennings congratulated the developers in putting together a proposal which will enhance the City. Following this hearing, the Council took a 5 minute recess. COUNCIL BILL 1483 - RESOLUTION CALLING POR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE COUNCIL'S INTENT TO MAKE A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR INSTALLATION OP SIDEWALKS ALONG HIGHWAY 99E PROM LINCOLN STREET TO THE NORTH CITY LIMITS WHERE THERE BAD BEEN NO SIDEWALKS IN PLACE PREVIOUSLY. Council Bill 1483 was introduced by Councilor sifuentez. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Public Works Manager Rohman distributed copies of the maps which were referred to as exhibits within the Resolution. On roll call vote for final passage, Council Bill 1483 passed unanimously. Mayor Kelley declared the bill duly passed. Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 12, 1993 Ir - - COUNCIL KEETING KlNUTES July 12, 1993 TAPE READING 2703 COUNCIL BILL 1484 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A CONTRACTUAL SBRVICBS AGRBEKBNT WITH DOB CAREY , ASSOCIATES. council Bill 1484 was introduced by Sifuentez. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. councilor Galvin questioned the staff regarding specific language in the agreement since he was concerned that the funds allocated to do the study would not look at all aspects of reconstruction. Park Director Holly stated that the agreement would provide for $23,000 in consulting services which is the study phase for the project. A public input process will be held, along with meetings with the council, Pool Committee, and Park Board, to further define the scope of work. He stated that the Pool Committee is discussing the possibility of remodeling the existing pool and making some additional changes such as extension of the pool and providing a future water slide. Councilor Figley, who is also a member of the Pool committee, stated that redesigning and refurbishing the existing pool will probably be the least expensive method to accomplish the project. She stated that the consultant has an extensive background in this area and the committee is looking for ways in which the City can get the most for their money. The committee also wants to be flexible in order to end up with something that the city can be proud of using FEMA money along with donations and other sources of funds. Administrator Childs stated that the FEMA money is specifically dedicated to the repairs of the existing pool and any expansions would be extra dollars to be paid by the city. Tape 2 Councilor Figley reiterated that there will be public input during this study phase. Councilor Jennings stated that his only concern is that the City does not get locked into only fixing the cracks at the swimming pool. After some further discussion on this issue, roll call vote was taken and the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kelley declared Council Bill 1484 duly passed. 0127 BID AWARD - DART/BI-MART TRAPFIC SIGNAL. Public Works Manager Rohman stated that the State had approved the award of the project, however, they had requested that the City also approve the bid award. Bids were received from the following contractors: Linnco Electric, $75,198.50; Albany Electric, $80,956.00; Cherry City Electric, $84,060.00; and Benson Electric, $88,677.47. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ.... approve the low bid from Linnco Electric in the amount of $75,198.50. The motion passed unanimously. Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 12, 1993 Ir TAPE READING 0179 0191 0552 -.. - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES July 12, 1993 STREET CLOSURES - NATIONAL NIGHT OUT. police Chief wright recommended that he be given authority to close specific streets for block parties on Tuesday, August 3rd, from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. as part of the "10th Annual National Night Out". JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... street closure request of the Police Chief be authorized. The motion passed unanimously. COIITINUING EDUCATION TRAINING SEMINAR RE: CITY GOVERBMEIIT KAllAGBKBIIT. Mayor Kelley stated that he had been working with a faculty group from Willamette University who offer a 16 hour seminar on various city government management and administrative issues. He recommended that the Mayor, Council, Budget Committee, and several Department Heads (20 individuals maximum) attend the seminar series which will cost $5,000.00. He requested Council approval of the seminar and allocation of the funds. Councilor Jennings stated that the city could be remiss in spending this amount of money when there is no guarantee that the individuals can attend all of the seminars. Mayor Kelley suggested that the return to the City on this type of program would be more beneficial than the monetary value involved. Councilor Mitchell expressed concern on how all of the sessions are tied together and he personally could not attend all of the sessions. He also stated that, as a Councilor, he would prefer to pay for additional training sessions that he attends out of his own pocket rather than having the city pay for the cost. Mayor Kelley stated that he would be willing to supply each Councilor with a packet of information on each training session. Administrator Childs stated that the training funds are not budgeted for within the 1993-94 Mayor/Council budget, however, he would be willing to look for other areas in which to pull funds from. Councilor Figley expressed some objections to the proposed seminar, however, she stated that she would consider the program if she knew the specifics. Councilor Sifuentez stated that she would not be able to take time off in order to attend a training session until October. She also stated that she would need to know the specifics of the program before she would consider approving the expenditure of funds. Councilor Galvin expressed his opinion that there be no program. Mary Schultz, Budget Committee member, requested that the Council not vote on approval of the funds until this issue is discussed further. Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 12, 1993 ",. - - COUNCIL HEETING XIBUTES July 12, 1993 TAPE READING Barbara Lucas, Budget Committee member, questioned what additional information can be obtained from attendance at these sessions since current staff members already are very knowledgeable on this subject. She suggested that this issue be discussed at the July 15th Budget Committee workshop. JENNINGS/ ....proposal be tabled. The motion died for lack of a second. JENNINGS/GALVIN.... classes not be taken. The motion passed unanimously. Councilor Jennings stated that he is in favor of continuing education but he is not in favor of this particular program. 0710 UPDATE -- WATER CONTAMINATION REPORT. Public Works Manager Rohman stated that additional samples continue to show positive results in a small confined area near Country Club Road. The Health Division has required 4 additional samples around this particular area and 5 samples in other parts of the City which were drawn today. The results of the samples will be available tomorrow afternoon. If the results continue to be positive, more extensive chlorination around the area will be done. The type of bacteria growth is not known to cause disease, therefore, the Health Division has allowed the City an extended time period in which to flush and chlorinate lines. 1011 Harry Klien, 1135 Astor Way, stated that there is quite a rust problem with the City's water and he felt that the City should have some filtration system in place to reduce this problem. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that the City does have a lot of minerals in the well water. He suggested that concerned residents install a water conditioner to remove these minerals from their household water. He assured the Council that the bacterial problem will be taken care of. 1161 Councilor Sifuentez expressed her frustrations regarding the conflicts between the Mayor and Council. She suggested that there be open communications between them so that the community knows that the Mayor and Council are working for them to better this community. 1221 Councilor Jennings requested that the Department Heads let the their employees know that something will soon be happening to show them the community'S appreciation for their work. 1249 Councilor Figley questioned the status of setting up a meeting with individuals interested in revitalizing the downtown area. Administrator Childs stated that he is still in the communications stage to identify individuals who are willing to participate but it is hoped that a meeting will be scheduled later this month. Page 9 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 12, 1993 If TAPE READING 1445 ATTEST - - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES July 12, 1993 She also expressed concern regarding existing downtown structures that may have additional damage from subsequent aftershocks such as widening of cracks and/or falling mortar. community Development Director Goeckritz stated that our Building Official continues to investigate the exterior of the buildings occasionally but he has not done an extensive review. He has noticed some additional damage but not to the extent in which the public safety's is a concern. councilor Mitchell agreed with the Councilor Sifuentez's concerns and urged the Council and Mayor to work together. He reiterated that he was not against additional education and that he is willing to pay for educational sessions out of his own pocket since it is for his benefit. Mayor Kelley stated that the cost for the continuing education program could be funded through the savings in the insurance premiums. ADJOURIIHBNT . The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.. APPROVED cfrLf(~ MAYOR fY\~I~ Mary Ten nt, Recorder city of Woodburn, Oregon #--. Page 10 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 12, 1993 If