Minutes - 06/21/1993 Workshop
June 21, 1993
0003 CONVENED. The Council met in a workshop session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor
Kelley presiding.
Staff Present:
City Administrator Childs, Public Works Director Tiwari, Police Chief Wright,
Finance Director Gritta, Park Director Holly, Library Director Sprauer, City
Recorder Tennant
0025 Mayor Kelley read the meeting notice stating that the purpose of the workshop
was to provide the Council with a briefing of the meetings held June 16, 17, &
18, 1993 between the Mayor and department staff/city employees regarding
alleged low morale.
The Mayor stated that he had taped the sessions with the management staff
and Library personnel, however, the general employee session was not taped
due to objections from numerous employees. He also provided the Council
with a transcript of the June 16th management meeting which he had
personally prepared and short memos summarizing the other two employee
City Administrator Childs also stated that he had copied letters from 8
employees for their review. At the end of the June 18th meeting, the Mayor
advised the employees that they could write letters to the Council addressing
their concerns. He did not include 3 letters that were received because they
were unsigned and one was withdrawn at the request of the employee. He
also requested that the Council consider the letters confidential and exempt
from public disclosure at this time under ORS 192.502(1) until City Attorney
Shields has an opportunity to review the statute and determine if it is
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, [
June 21, 1993
Councilor Figley suggested that the same exemption should apply to the June
16th transcript.
Mayor Kelley stated that he had finished the transcript just before the Council
meeting and no one has seen any of the materials he has provided. He also
suggested that his memos be exempt from public disclosure until the City
Attorney has had time to review the statute.
0461 During Council discussion regarding the memos, the Mayor stated that he had
taken notes at the meetings and summarized the main points discussed by the
employees as it relates to low morale.
Councilor Jennings questioned the Mayor's statement within the memo for the
June 18th meeting in which he accounted for much of the comments made by
the employees as scuttlebutt and heresay. He expressed his opinion that those
comments are just as important in getting down to the main source of the
problem as those from individuals willing to give their name and cite specific
The Mayor also commented on the fact that he represents the citizens of the
community and they have a right to know facts.
Councilor Sifuentez stated that she has confidence in the City staff, some of
which are also citizens within the community who contribute towards the cost
of city services. She felt that the morale was low amongst employees and the
Mayor and Council need to do something to improve the morale.
Further discussion was held as to what should be done by the Council at this
0600 Administrator Childs reiterated his request to only make the City employee
letters exempt from public disclosure at this time. He did not feel that the
Mayor's transcript or memos should be included in the exemption.
Councilor Mitchell suggested that open communication is the key to resolving
the problem. Employees should not feel compelled to speak their concerns for
fear of retribution and he encouraged employees to speak at this workshop so
the Council could understand their concerns.
Administrator Childs stated that many employees attended the June 18th
meeting, however, the City is still in negotiations with AFSCME represented
employees and they are unwilling to discuss specific details until such time as
negotiations have concluded and a contract is in place.
Mayor Kelley stated that the intent of the meetings was to get the information
out to the Council. He was not looking for fault but looking for a cure to a
0775 Mayor Kelley briefly reviewed his memos and stated that 11 employees
expressed concerns regarding the low morale. Additionally, in his opinion, the
Library employees did not see a morale problem.
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Councilor Figley expressed her appreciation to the employees who wrote letters
to the Council. She stated that the employees do a terrific job for the City and
steps need to be taken towards positive communications between the staff
and Mayor/Council. Dialogue needs to be opened up in order for the
employees and Council to work as a team which hasn't been the case over the
last few months. She encouraged openness between the employees and
Council for the purpose of talking things out and getting any adversarial issues
out and into the open.
0914 Councilor Jennings stated that he takes pride in the work done by the city
employees. He also hoped that the employees have enough faith in the
Council to work things out and he apologized to the employees for not telling
them often enough the great job they are doing.
Councilor Hagenauer expressed similar comments as Councilors Figley and
Councilor Sifuentez stated that most of her contacts are with Departments
Heads who provide the public with accurate information. She felt assured that
that the represented people get the information and she has always maintained
an open door policy. She also assured the employees that they are doing a
good job for the City.
Councilor Galvin stated that the Mayor and Council should apologize to the
employees for allowing this situation to even exist.
1034 Mayor Kelley stated that his dialogue with the employees has opened up an
opportunity for the Mayor and Council to get the information out.
1090 Larry Minard, 333 Smith Drive, stated that he took issue with Mayor Kelley's
statement that he represents the citizens and not the employees. He did not
feel that the Mayor should have gone directly to the employees, rather, he
should have appointed an objective committee to solicit employee concerns
and the committee would be responsible for reporting back to the Council with
a summary of their findings. As a former City Councilor, he stated that the
Council needs to work hard to protect the employees in addition to addressing
the concerns of the public.
1179 Gary Kohfield, Wastewater Treatment Plant employee, stated that the most of
the employees want to work for Woodburn. He felt that the morale problem
was not between staff members from City Administrator on down, instead, the
problem began when Mayor Kelley took office. Comments regarding wages
and benefits have contributed to the problem. He expressed his displeasure in
the way the Mayor has cut the management staff down by trying to put blame
on them. He also stated that he did not feel that the Mayor accurately
summarized the June 18th employee meeting.
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1300 Police Chief Wright stated that the tone of the meeting on June 16th with
management staff was adversarial. Goals need to be established by the Mayor
and Council so that management staff can carryout their plans. At this point in
time, the Mayor and Council has not established any new goals or provided any
direction in which to follow.
1458 Public Works Director Tiwari stated that the City has wonderful employees,
most of which are not use to speaking in large crowds but they still think
similar thoughts. Low morale cannot be boiled down to only one issue and it is
the responsibility of the Mayor and Council to make those employees feel
comfortable so that they will tell the whole story. He emphasized the need for
the person who is conducting the meeting to create an atmosphere in which
people are willing to share information. As a manager, he respects those
employees who produce well and, in return, it provides better dialogue and
respect from the Council and Mayor. He encouraged the Council to continue
working toward a solution.
1691 Colleen Rehm stated that, as a part-time employee and a citizen of Woodburn,
she resented the Mayor's statement that he represented the citizens and not
the employees.
Mayor Kelley disagreed with her comment.
Administrator Childs stated that he had not had an opportunity to review
Mayor Kelley's memos or the transcript of the management staff meeting. He
questioned the Mayor as to whether or not there is a morale problem, however,
the Mayor did not answer the question. He commended the staff and
employees for approaching the Mayor and Council in a professional manner and
felt that a constructive plea was being asked of the Mayor and Council to
become positive of the City's organization and become part of the team.
1817 Councilor Jennings assured the employees that no adverse action would be
taken against anyone who spoke at this meeting, wrote letters, or would be
speaking on this issue in the future. All of the Councilors agreed with
Councilor Jennings statement.
The workshop adjourned at 8:05 p.m..
ATTEST t1~ ~~
Mary nnant, Recorder
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