Minutes - 01/18/1993 Workshop ,~, ,...~ -" COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES January 18, 1993 TAPE READING ' 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HAlL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNlY OF MARION, Sf ATE OF OREGON, JANUARY 18,1993. 0003 CONVENED. The Council met in a workshop session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kelley presiding. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss goals and concerns of the Mayor and Council. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kelley Arntzen Figley Galvin Hagenauer Jennings Sifuentez Present Present Present Absent Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, City Recorder Tennant 0033 Mayor Kelley read a statement regarding the purpose of the meeting and stated that See cerrections discussion items would be limited to comments from the Council, Mayor and staff. to minutes attached to 1/11/93 Council minutes. Councilor Jennings expressed concern regarding Budget Committee appointments. During the discussion on this issue, it was suggested that the Council be included in the process through various methods such as submittal of names for consideration, establishment an interview process, and/or receipt of a resume from the Mayor on the individual's qualifications. In order to fully represent the community, it was suggested that the Committee be comprised of individuals living in all sectors of town and not the majority living either on the east side or the west side of the railroad tracks. Several Councilors requested the Mayor to communicate with them more regularly so that they are not caught unaware of agenda items which could be controversial in nature. Mayor Kelley stated that he had reservations in contacting individual Councilors prior to their meetings since members of the public could construe that decisions are being made in advance of the meeting. The Councilors assured him that decisions were not being made, only information was being provided to give the Council ample time to consider specific items. Page 1 - Council Workshop Meeting Minutes, January 18, 1993 l' TAPE READING 1394 1692 2450 2512 ATTEST ~ - - , COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES January 18, 1993 Mayor Kelley questioned the Councilors as to what other problems the City is currently experiencing or things that should be done to enhance the City. Items of discussion included the need for more youth programs; re-evaluating senior programs; increased police patrols and implementation of the Deferred Response Program to keep the police available for patrol; the need to address housing code problems; and Code Enforcement. Mayor Kelley suggested that the Woodburn Independent give Woodburn a positive pitch. He encouraged the Council and Administrator to do likewise on a regular basis in order to bring out the good within the community. Councilor Arntzen suggested that a City goal may be to have Woodburn a smoke- free City since there is now so much publicity about second hand smoke and it's impact on an individual's health. Councilor Jennings also stated that one of the biggest complaints that he has heard deals with Business Registration. The concern is not in having the ordinance in effect but in the fact that the City is not enforcing the ordinance. Councilor Figley also stated that individuals have expressed concern as to how the money is being spent. Mayor Kelley stated that there is a wide credibility gap that needs to be narrowed and he proposed that a monthly newsletter be sent to every household within the City. In addition, newsletters could be placed at local stores and handed out to customers. The Councilors agreed that a newsletter may be something that can be done by the City to promote better communications with the public. Councilor Jennings also requested that the Council meetings follow Roberts Rules of Order. He offered his assistance to the Mayor to act as Parliamentarian. ADJOURNMENT. The workshop adjourned at 8:25 p.m.. APPROVED ~~~YOR /'l ~ ~. Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 2 - Council Workshop Meeting Minutes, January 18, 1993 ,'"