Agenda - 12/19/1994 CITY OF WOODBURN 270 MONTGOMERY STREET .... WOODBURN, OREGON AGENDA WOODBURN CITY COUNCil DECEMBER 19, 1994 -7:00 P.M. 1. 2. 3. _1tII".111Bf"_ ,.:'.' ~..~::~.: ~. .:. ....:~. .: .w. .' M~I >~~~::.~:~~.~~,. .~ . ,.: ::.:.,:: L..:, _81 . :: :::' ::.....: ::1::: ~ ~ . IVII1II A. B. Council minutes of December 12, 1994 regular and executive sessions. Library Board minutes of November 23, 1994. 4. A. APPOINTMENTS: 1. 2. 3. David Vancil and Flurry ?tone to Budget Committee. Mary Schultz and KareK" Henkes to the Planning Commission. Sue FofanJ-Dura, Michael Rodriguez, Frank Anderson and Larry Watson to the Recreation and Park Board. Dorothy Jaeger and Gloria Predeek to the Library Board. Jam~~ Green to the Cable TV Advisory Board. Lillie Pinson to the RSVP Advisory Committee. 4. 5. 6. B. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1. Council workshoo: Januarv 5. 1995, 7:00 p.m. at City Hall to discuss agreement for 9-1-1 communication services. 2. Transportation Task Force, Thursday, January 12, 1995 12:00 noon - 1 :00 p.m. at Woodburn City Hall. 3. Wastewater Advisory Committee: Tuesday, January 17, 1995 7:00 p.m. at Woodburn City Hall. 4. Council workshoo: Januarv 30. 1995. 7:00 o.m. at City Hall to discuss ambulance franchise issues. C. PROCLAMA liONS 5. A. Chamber of Commerce B. Other Committees 6. _In..1 :..: .: '1 :':.' .:. .' . ... . ......... . .. " ~....'. ....,: .... Page 1 - Council Agenda, December 19, 1994 ~ .3f! ~ 7. 8. 9. 10. .......r.I....'....:II.....:...~.lllr...JlI III DIe ,':,. .:. .11:::::: :: :. . ..:::; .'. :'(1': .,. .w.N.w. , ~ W. "N.~.". '.." (This allows public to introduce items for Council consideration not already scheduled on the agenda.) ...:.:.1".....111,_ l1li" ~.w' ".W.W. N - _ To conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to carry on labor negotiations. ORS 192.660(1 (d) 11._ THE TEXT OF COUNCil Bill NOS. 1593. 1594 and 1595 WILL BE PROVIDED AT THE MEETING A. Council Bill No. 1593 - A resolution amending the retirement plan for the employees of the City of Woodburn administered by Pacific Mutual Life Insurance. B. Council Bill No. 1594 - A resolution authorizing an amendment to the money purchase retirement plan (Section 401 (a)) managed by International City Manager Association (ICMA) Retirement Corporation. C. Council Bill No. 1595 - A resolution amending the Personnel Policy and Procedure Manual for City employees. D. Acceptance of public right-of-way in conjunction with the Commerce Way improvement. 1..1.D. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1 1 A-C - d~i! fJ~i ~id . A. -. . . ~ . .:. . . ... ..... . . .. . . ....... SPR 94-22, Woodburn Construction Co. administrative offices located in Northwood Office Park. .1.5A 16._ 16. 17. A. B. C. D. E. Population and housing totals. Draft agreement for 9-1-1 communication services. Council workshop on ambulance franchise issues. Mill Creek pump station. City office closures during Christmas and New Years holidays. 16A 1.6B 12C 1.2Q .1.2E -.... . . .. . , " '.' . '. .. . ..' '. .. 0" . .... Page 2 - Council Agenda, December 19, 1994 TAPE READING , .QQQl .QQll .Q.Q.ll QQ2.Q .QllQ .Qll..2. .QZ.QJ. QZ.2Q 3A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES December 12, 1994 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY BALL, CITY OP WOODBURN, COUNTY OP MARION, STATE OP OREGON, DECEMBER 12, 1994. CO~NED. The Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. wi Mayor Kelley presiding. Mayor Kelley thanked the community for the opportunity to be Mayor over the last two years and he e~ressea his hope the future will be better for all of our citizens. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kelley Figl~y Galv1n Hagenauer Jennings Sifuentez Present Present (arrived 7:07) Present Present Present Present staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari community Development Director Goeckritz, Police Chief wr19ht, Finance Director Gritta, Park Director Holly, Library D1rector Sprauer, 9-1-1 Communications Manager Wolf, Public Works Manager Rohman, city Recorder Tennant O~TH OP OPPICB. . C1ty Recorder Tennant administered the Oath of Office to Nancy Kirksey (Mayor) and Mary Chadwick (Councilor Ward IV). ELBCTIOf ~P COUNCIL PRESID,NT. Mayor K r sey acce~ted nom1nations for Council President whose term would expire 1n December 1996. HAGENAUER/FIGLEY... nominate Dick Jennings for Council President. SIFUENTEZ/HAGENAUER.... nominations be closed. On roll call vote, the Council unanimously elected Dick Jennings to serve as Council President. MINUTES. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... approve the Council regular and executive session minutes of November 28, 1994; and accept the Planning Commission minutes of November 10, 1994. The motion passed unanimously. PRESENTAT~ON OP AWARDS. Mayor Kir sey presented Len Kelley with a placque for his service as Mayor from 1992 to 1994. Mayor Kirksey also presented a placque to Joe Galvin in appreciation for his service as Councilor in Ward IV from 1990 to 1994. APPOImENTS. Counc or Jennings stated that he, along with several other Councilors, are re~esting that the Mayor appoint Richard pugh as Councilor in Ward I. Mayor Kirksey stated that she has been supportive of Mr. Pugh over the last several weeks, therefore, she appointed Richard Pugh to serve as Ward I Councilor. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, December 12, 1994 - TAPE READING .QllA .QJ..H Q1ll .Q.ill ~ 3A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES December 12, 1994 JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... appointment of Richard Pugh as Councilor Ward I be approved. The motion passed unanimously. JENNINGSLFIGLEY... suspend the rules to have the oath of office administered. ~he motion passed unanimously. OATH OlP OFFICE. Recorder Tennant administered the Oath of Office to Richard Pugh (Councilor Ward I). Councilor Jennings also submitted the name of Walt Lawson to serve on the Wastewater Advisory Committee to replace former Councilor Bill Mitchell. Mayor Kirksey stated that she was pleased to appoint Walt Lawson to the Wastewater Advisory Committee. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... appointment of Walt Lawson to the Wastewater Advisory Committee be approved. The motion passed unanimously. Ruth DeSantis representing the Pool Committee, invited the Mayor, councii, and general public to the Kick-Off ceremonies for the Woodburn Memorial Aquatic Center. The re-ground breaking event will be held on Wednesday, December 14th, 2:00 p.m. Settlemier Park, to celebrate the commencement of construction activities. She briefly recounted the history involved in the original War M~morial Pool which was constructed in 1947. ANNOUNCBMffiS. Mayor Kir sey stated that a Council workshop will be held on Wednesday, December 14th, 7:00 p.m., City Hall, for the purpose of interviewing citizens who are interested in serving on various City committees and commissions. The Woodburn Public Library will host an Open House on Thursday, December 15th, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Mayor Kirksey stated that the regular Council meeting of December 26th has been rescheduled to Monday, December 19, 1994, 7:00 pm, City Hall. A Council workshop concerning wastewater issues has been scheduled for Tuesday, January 17, 1995, 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers. eo 91 COKKOCE REPORT. M n y Smlth, representing the Chamber Board, congratulated Mayor Kirksey for her election to office. Chamber announcements include: 1) Business of the Year _ Northland Cable; 2) Chamber of the Year - Michael Jaeger, U.s. Bank ( and Tony orlandi, HWI; and 3) the new Chamber Pres~dent is Donna Hendricks of Northland Cable. She also reminded the public that the Chamber and Kiwanis are sponsoring the Holiday lighting contest with judgin9 to be done on December 14th and the announcement of the w~nner in the December 22nd issue of the Woodburn Independent. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, December 12, 1994 ~ TAPE READING 0520 ~ .2U1. 0872 3A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES December 12, 1994 extended her that the Chamber on issues of Jane Kanz, Chamber Executive Director, also congratulations to Mayor Kirksef and stated is looking forward to working w1th the city growth and livability. Joan Garren, re~resenting Woodburn Together (Drug and Alcohol Prevention Comm1ttee for the city's Youth), stated that their committee has been working with the Pool Committee on the brick program. She encouraged the citizens to "Buy a Brick" as soon as possible since the order will soon need to be placed with the tile companf. She also stated that they had recently sponsored a Parent1ng for a positive Future training funded by a grant from Portland General Electric. The program was not as successful as they had anticipatedc therefore, they will be working with the school district to f1nd other ways of doing parent training. The Committee meets the second Wednesaay of every month, 9:30 am - 11:00 am, at the Woodburn community Center and the public is invited to attend the meetings. WASTEWATIB ADVISO,y COMM~TTEE. Marv Shelby, Comm ttee V1ce-Chair, updated the Council on the Committee's work in formulating the wastewater facilities ~lan. He stated that a maior facility upgrade and e~ansion 1S required by 1999 to meet federal mandates. He briefly reviewed options which the Co~ittee has considered to minimize cost and yet meet the DEQ standards. The Committee has been formulating their plans based on a 20 year plant. The cost of the uP9rade and e~ansion would be completed in two stages. The f1rst stage w1ll cost approximately $39 million and will accommodate a population of 31,000. The second stage will involve future expansion when the need arises and will cost approximately ~10 million to serve a total population of 43 000. It was the consensus of the Committee to do the future expansion at a later date in order to utilize any new wastewater technology. In regards to rates, prelim1nary numbers will be available at the January 17th workshop. The final plan must be submitted to DEQ in July 1995 with the plant fully o~erational by 1999. He also stated that the committee was or1ginally appointed for an 18 month period which ends December 1994, however, the Committee has requeGted that their terms be extended to one month beyond the sucmission date of the final facilities plan to DEQ (planned submission scheduled for July 18, 1995). Beverly Koutney and Lia Martinez, representing the Business and Professional Women's Group, presented Hafor Kirksey with a floral arrangement and extended their best w1shes in accomplishing the tasks she will be undertaking as Mayor. C G - 0 IT DEVE 0 M BOCK G PROGRAM Mayor K1r sey eclared the pub11C hear1ng open at 7:31 p.m.. Public Works Manager Rohman stated that the purpose of this hearing was to solicit comments from the public on projects relating to housing, public infrastructure improvements, and improving access to pUblic facilities and services by persons with disabilities. The State anticipates approximatelf $16 million in federal funds to grant to cities for commun1ty development projects. There are two public hearings required Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, December 12, 1994 TAPE READING .lQll 1.2ll .u.n 3A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES December 12, 1994 before application can be made for funds. This hearing provides citizens an opportunity to express community development needs while the second public hearing ~rovides citizens an opportunity to comment on s~ecific proJects. At this time, the staff has preliminarily 1dentified another Housing Rehabilitation program and a public works infrastructure proiect as potential projects for grant funding. It was also noted that the maximum level of grant funds for water and wastewater projects is $750,000. No one in the audience provided any comments on this issue. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing closed at 7:36 p.m.. COUNCIL BILL 1591 - RECONSIDERATION OP COUNCIL BILL 1591 (ORDINANCB DEPINING CHRON~~ NUISANCE P~OPERTY). JENNINGS/FIGLEY... CounC1 Bill 1591 e brought back before the Council for reconsideration. The motion passed unanimously. At the November 28th Council meeting, the Council had unanimously passed the bill, howevert Mayor Kelley returned the bill to the Council along with h s objections to the proposed bill as required by the City Charter. ~ENNINGS/FIGLEY.... move for passage of Council Bill 1591. On roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey expressed her opinion that it was a good ordinance which had been diligently researched bf staff and implementation of the ordinan~e is necessary to 1mprove the living standards in our community. On roll call vote for final passage, the Council Bill 1591 passed unanimously with the emergency clause. Counc1 or Hagenauer Council Bill 1592. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Counc1l Bill 1592 duly passed. CO~~CT AeaB - CfTY ~L '~G~ 52fPI~G SYS~BK. . Pu c Wor s Direc or T1war1 s a e ha in t e city Hall building, there is a need to separate the storm water from the wastewa~er system in order to eliminate the continual gas odors from the downstairs restroom facilitf caused by an inade~ate Pumpin9 system. Bids were rece1ved from ~he fOllowing contrac~ors: DaNeal construction, $35,728.83; R & G Excavating, ~39i830.00i EMK Construction Co., $42,200.00; and Triad Mechan1ca Inc( ~44,895.00 (bid rejected since it was improperly submitted}_ staff recommended the acceptance of the low bid from DaNeal Construction since it was only 5.5% over the engineer'S estimate. Councilor Jennings expressed concern over the use of 9-1-1 Communications funds to help paf for the cost of the project. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ... table unt1l the next meeting. The motion and second were withdrawn. Administrator Childs stated that a lift station was installed in the City Hall basement when the building was built in 1976, however, it had not been tested until the 9-1-1 Center was Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, December 12, 1994 ~ TAPE READING .l.J.ZQ ll.3..2 llll 3A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES December 12, 1994 installed in the basement. The lift station design was inadequate and we have received a written warning from OR-OSHA that the problem needs to be taken care of by the City. The majority of costs for the lift station would be paid for through the City Hall Construction Fund, however, $10,000 of 9-1-1 funds will be used since their operation is housed in the basement. The 9-1-1 User Board has agreed to utilize 9-1- 1 funds towards this project. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... approve the contract with DaNeal Construction in the amount of $35,728.83. The motion passed unanimously. CLAIMS FOR NOVEMBER 1994. SIFUENTEZ/CHADWICK.... approve voucher checks #25114 - 25490 for the month of November 1994. The motion passed unanimously. Layton Frawley, 1243 Woodland Ave., stated that the Mayor'S appointment of Mr. Pugh to the Council was unexpected and he qgestioned if the Mayor had contacted Mr. Kasachev in advance of the meeting of the pending appointment. Mayor Kirksey stated that she haa not spoken to Mr. Kasachev about the appointment, however, she intended to contact him the following day and to not only express her appreciation but see if he would be interested in serving on some other committee. 'TflF RBPORTS. A State Leased Office Space -- Director Goeckritz stated that the Emplorment office activities are considered an ancillary serV1ce carried on by the college to make services more reaaily available to their students. The modular unit will provide a Life Skills classroom and the Employment Office, if relocated to 120 Lincoln st., will occupy one room of the existing center. (Bl Regional Library Funding -- In a memo from Administrator Ch1lds, he outlined a pro~osed financing package inVOlving Chemeketa cooperative Reg10nal Library Service (CCRLS) in which legislative action may be taken next year to place CCRLS in the non-school category of property taxes. Administrator Childs stated that changing the category of taxes will impact the City'S revenues under Measure 5 compression, however, CCRLS is e~eriencing a greater amount of revenue loss as long as it is st1ll considered a school category under Ballot Measure 5 limitations. Mayor Kirksey also shared some statistical information with the public that shows the number of volumes checked out by library patrons and through the interlibrary loan program. (C) Status of City Hall/Library HVAC Systems -- A detailed report will be made to the Council in the spring of 1995. No comments were made on this issue by the Council. (D) Proposed Oregon Department of Transportation Finance Package -- No comments were made by the Council on this issue. Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, December 12, 1994 3A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES December 12, 1994 TAPE READING (E) Canvass of November 8, 1994 ballots -- Election results were as follows: Mavor - Kirksey Kelley Write-Ins Overvotes Undervotes 2,635 1,769 25 2 320 Councilor Hagenauer Allen Write-Ins Overvotes Undervotes Ward III - 254 165 2 o 66 counC~l~r Ward ChadwJ.c Write-Ins Overvotes Undervotes 459 7 o 304 couycilor Ward Fig ey Martin Write-Ins Overvotes Undervotes v - IV - Tax Base -- Yes Votes No Votes Overvotes Undervotes 526 311 3 1 254 2,253 2,127 1 370 (F) status of Mill Creek Pump station -- Recently, one of two main pumps has not been fully operational and an overhaul of the equipment will probably not solve all of the problems. It appears that the control system is not working ~roperly and staff is having General Electric and CH2M Hill engJ.neers to look into the problems. currently, the control system is planned for an upgrade in 1998 ana it is hoped that this expensive project will not need to be completed any earlier than planned. The remaining pump continues to move the wastewater to the treatment facility, however, if this pump or control panel fails, the City may experience some major problems. Staff has been looking at all options and it is hoped that everything will be resolved without any problems. (G) Building Activity Report -- Director Goeckritz stated that the City has generated about $7 million in building activity since July 1, 1994 andi if this trend continues, the City may experience $20-$21 mil ion of building activity by June 30, 1995. 1794 JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... go back to New Business agenda item. The motion passed unanimously. Mayor KJ.rksey 9Uestioned Councilor Pugh if he had resigned from the PlannJ.ng Commission. Councilor Pugh stated that he had submitted his resignation at the last Planning Commission meeting. WASTEWAT~ ADVISORY COM!XTTEE TERNS. Mayor Kir sey recommen ed that the Council extend the terms of the Wastewater Adviso~ Committee for one month after the submission of the Facilities Plan. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... extend the terms of the Wastewater Advisory Committee to December 31, 1995. The motion passed unanimously. Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, December 12, 1994 ~ TAPE READING .1.Ua. 2180 2191 3A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES December 12, 1994 Councilor Figley expressed her thanks to the voters for their partici~ation in the election ~rocess. She stated that she was exc1ted about the opportun1ty to serve both the citizens in her Ward and in the C1ty, and she hoped to have a productive 4 years on the council. Councilor Hagenauer also expressed his thanks to his constituents for their vote of support. Councilor Sifuentez expressed her thanks to Len Kelley and Joe Galvin for the work they did while serving their terms of office. She also congratulated Mayor Kirksey on her election to office. Councilor Chadwick stated that she was glad to be a part of the Council and to be given the chance to help serve the citizens in her Ward. Councilor Pugh thanked his supporters in Ward I and stated that he would do his best to serve their needs. Mayor Kirksey thanked her opponent, Len Kelley, for participating in a "clean" race for office. She also stated that she has spoken with representatives of the 3-Valley Project which provides training for groups in cross-cultural communications. Woodburn has been chosen as a site for this project which is funded by the Rockafeller Foundation. Councilor Sifuentez stated that she had been working with the 3-vallef Project representatives over the last 3 months. The group w1ll consist of a~proximately 40 individuals. She has given them names of ind1viduals to contact within the city, noweverc more names of interested participants are needed. Mayor K1rksey stated that she woula be assisting the project coordinators in making appointments to this group and any interested citizen is encouraged to contact her. EXECUTIVE SESSION. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... adjourn to executive session under the authority of ORS 192.660(1) (d) to conduct deliberations with persons aesignated by the governing body to carryon labor negotiations. The motion passed unanimously. The council adjourned to executive session at 8:09 p.m. and reconvened at 9:48 p.m.. Mayor Kirksey stated that the Council would be taking no action on items discussed in executive session. councilor Pugh requested that he be given an o~portunity to cast a vote for Council President. After a br1ef discussion on Roberts Rules of Order, Councilor Pugh's vote for Dick Jennings was recorded. Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, December 12, 1994 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES December 12, 1994 T~E READING 2220 ADJOURNMENT. SIFUENTEZ{PUGH.... motion to adjourn. The motion passed unanimous y. The meeting adjourned at 9:53 p.m.. ~PROVED NANCY A. KIRKSEY, MAYOR ATTEST Mary Tennant, Recorder city of Woodburn, Oregon Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, December 12, 1994 3A 3A Executive Session COUNCil MEETING MINUTES December 12, 1994 DATE. CONFERENCE ROOM. CITY HAll. CITY OF WOODBURN. COUNTY OF MARION. STATE OF OREGON. DECEMBER 12. 1994. CONVENED. The Council met in executive session at 8: 15 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. ROll CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kirksey Chadwick Figley Hagenauer Jennings Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields. City Recorder Tennant labor Consultant: Don Scott The executive session was held under the authority of ORS 192.660(1 )(d) to conduct dl3liberations with persons designated by the governing body to carry on labor negotiations. Mayor Kirksey reminded the Councilors and staff present that information discussed in executive session is not to be discussed with the public. The staff members updated the Council on Ballot Measure 8 and its impact on City employees. ADJOURNMENT. The executive session adjourned at 9:47 p.m.. APPROVED NANCY A. KIRKSEY , MAYOR ATTEST Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 1 - Executive Session. Council Meeting Minutes, December 12, 1994 38 MINUTES MONTHLY MEETING OF WOODBURN PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD DATE: November 23, 1994 ROLL CALL: Willy Baldwin - Present Nancy Bowman - Absent Dorothy Jaeger - Excused Gloria Predeek - Present Jean Weatherill - Present STAFF PRESENT: Linda Sprauer, Director Judy Coreson, Recording Secretary GUESTS: None CALL TO ORDER: Vice-President Gloria Predeek called the meeting to order at 12 Noon. SECRETARY'S REPORT: The monthly Board minutes of October 26, 1994 were approved as submitted. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Monthly Statistics: The monthly statistics were self-explanatory. Activities: A list of activities was distributed to the Board. Thursday, December 15, at 6:30 PM is the Grand Re-Opening - Holiday Open House. Light refreshments will be served. The library will be open from 8:00 AM to 12 Noon on Friday, December 23; will be closed the 24th, 25th, and 26th for the Christmas Holiday; and will be closed December 31, January 1 and 2 for the New Year's Holiday. OLD BUSINESS: Building Repair Project: The repairs are near completion. Grant Brown will be installing the ceiling tile, which the library has already purchased to replace the water damaged tiles. The trees in the atrium had to be removed because the roots had grown between the foundation and the framework of the window and were causing leaks. 1 ~ 38 Sunday Hours: The library will be open Sundays from 1 :00 to 4:00 PM beginning December 4 through the month of April. CCRLS Update: Linda explained the changes in the funding of CCRLS due to Ballet Measure 5. NEW BUSINESS: December Monthly Meeting Date: The Board voted to not have a December monthly meeting. Appreciation Letter: Vice-President Gloria Predeek signed a letter of appreciation for the grant of $64 from the Frank W. Settlemier Public Library Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation. BUSINESS TO/FROM THE CITY COUNCIL AND/OR MAYOR: None ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 PM. Respectfully Submitted, ~Jr ~~ Judy Coreson Recording Secretary Library Board Minutes - 11/23/94 2 >? ,~ / ()7( - rr~)( - 4A MEMO TO: WOODBURN CITY COUNCIL I\~~ FROM: f' NANCY A. KIRKSEY, MAYOR DATE: DECEMBER 15, 1994 SUBJECT: BOARD/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS After conducting a workshop with the Council on December 14, 1994 on the subject , of making various board/committee appointments, I make the following selections: Budget Committee: David Vancil - Appoint to Position 4, expiring in December 1997. Flurry Stone - Reappoint to Position 5, expiring in December 1997. Planning Commission: Mary Schultz - Appoint to Position 7, expiring in December 1998. Karen Henkes - Appoint to Position 9, expiring in December 1998. Recreation and Park Board: Sue Fofana-Dura - Reappoint to Position III, expiring in December 1997. Michael Rodriguez - Reappoint to Position IV, expiring in December 1997 Frank Anderson - Reappoint to Position V, expiring in December 1997. Larry Watson - Appoint to Position VI, unexpired term ending in December 1996. Librarv Board: Dorothy Jaeger - Reappoint to Position I, expiring in December 1998. Gloria Predeek - Reappoint to Position II, expiring in December 1998. Cable TV Advisorv Board: James Green - Reappoint to Position 2, expiring in December 1997. *Note: There are two vacancies on this committee for which I am seeking potential appointees. RSVP Advisorv Committee: Lillie Pinson - Appoint to one term on the RSVP Advisory Committee. Lillie Pinson resides at 1479 Rainier Road and has been active with the Chamber of Commerce and Powers Historical Society. Some of her accomplishments include establishment of Powers Chamber of Commerce, restoration of Powers Museum, and routing of a scenic highway through the community of Powers, Oregon. [: "F I f? ~ (?) ~ 11 A-C [VIEMO SUBJ.: Mayor and City Council Chris Childs, City Administrator ~ Implementation of Ballot Measure 8 TO: FROM: DATE: December 15, 1994 Much of the discussion of the recently passed Ballot Measure 8 has focused on the Public Employe's Retirement System (PERS). It should be clearly understood that no Woodburn city employees are currently members of PERS. The city has two plans, a defined benefit plan administered through Pacific Mutual Insurance Company and a 401 A plan with ICMA Retirement Corporation. However, as a legal matter, the language of the ballot measure is so broad that it applies to any public IIretirement system or plan established by law, II whether or not it is administered by PERS. For this reason, the implementation of Ballot Measure 8 will require certain modifications in the city's retirement plans. All of these language changes are of a technical nature and have been prepared at my request by the city's retirement plan administrators, and are addressed by Council Resolution as Council Bills No. 1593, 1594 and 1595. Because the appropriate language to be inserted in the required resolutions will vary depending upon the Council's determination of certain issues to be discussed in executive session, the text of the resolutions has not been included in your packet. After the necessary Council decisions are reached, resolutions containing proper implementation language can then be introduced. To accommodate the public interest in the Council's business, the resolutions should be read in full after they are introduced. ~ 11 D MEMO SUBJECT: City Administrator for Council Action Randy Scott, C.B. Tech ill, through Public Works Director 1<5, Acceptance of Public Right-of-Way TO: FROM: DATE: December 14, 1994 RECOMMENDATION: It is being recommended that the City Council accept the attached public right-of-way in conjunction with the Commerce Way improvement. BACKGROUND: The right-of-way to be conveyed to the City is in conjunction with the street improvement on Commerce Way. The existing right-of-way varieS in width between 25 feet and 40 feet. The additional right-of-way to be conveyed will provide for a consistent width of 50 feet. The street was constructed subject to the additional right-of-way being conveyed to the City. The owner of the property is out of town at the time of this memo, however, they have agreed to sign and convey the property. A copy of the documents and a map showing the area described is attached. A:COMMERCE.ROW ~ FORM- Warrenty Deed Clndlvldull at carpome) WARRANTY DEED KNOW AlL MEN BY 'IIIESE pRESENTS. JJuII SCOTT M. BURLINGHAM ~ CtIlW 1M fNIIIDI',for 1M coIIII/knIIIDII ,..,....,.,.., III f"tIIIID' ptIlil by CITY OF WOODBURN, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, 1wM1I4It., ClIIlW r1N grGlllu, .. M1wby 1fYIIII, 11tu'pln. ,.zz all txRt'Jq IUIID 1M ItIl4 JnIIII. _ "."..'1 1wIn, ,l/CCGMR'IlJ1f4 -41U, t1uIt CII1alIt TftJl JIIY1PG'f1, wIt1t 1M ,.,..".,,; ~ _ qplll1ailltCG t1amwtto bcltmlIAI or ",~, ,iIUIIUd '" 1M 0JuNy of MarltNI_ Slate ofOrqOll, ducrib<<llllfollt1wl,lD-WIt: BeginnIng It the Southwut comer of that traCt of land conveyed to Scott M. BurUngham by deed recorded In Reel 844, Pagl 4&1, Dead Recorda which point Is recorded u being 755.77 fMt and North 87"69' Wilt and 25.74 fNt North 41. East from the moat northetly Northwut comer of the B. S. Bonney Donat\On Unci Claim No. 47 In Township 5 South, Range 1 Wut of the Wlllamltte Meridian, MlrIon County, Oregon; thence North 41.' &'00. East along the W'e.t8I'Iy 11M of aid net, a dlatance of 698.08 feet to the Northwelt corner thereof; thanee Sou1h 84-01' Eat on the northerly I1ne of ulclllurllnclham net, a cI1Itance of 12.2& feet; thence South 41-' &'00. Welt 443.48 feet: thence aouthwuterly along the an: of I 183.00 foot radius curve to the left (tha chord of which bMta South 28004'01- Welt 83.48 feet) I cfiltance of 84.20 feet; thence aoutherIy .Iong the arc of e 28.00 foot radlul cut'Ytl to the 11ft (the chord of which bears South 8-21 'oe- ealt 20.29 fMt) a distance of 20.76 flit; thInct IOUd1tutIIIY IIong the arc of. 60.00 foot radiul curve to the left (the chord of which beers South 41-ocr31- bit 38.47 feet) I dIItance of 37.33 fNt to I point on the northerly r1ght-of. way line of H.rdcutle Avenue; thence North 88~'00- Waat llong 1.1d right-of-way line . dlatance of 104;67 . .feet to the point of beginning. Contalnl 8788 aqulre fNt of land, more or lu.. For roadway purpose. ! (If' SPAC! INllUFFIClNT. cONTlNUI OUClUl'TlON ON REVERSE SlOE) To He..,. 11114 '0 HoW ,,,~ ,e",. .11'0 ,11. ,eld ,rllll'.' lIIUl,rell'..', It.'r" ,.cc.llor, elld fU"'''' fllr...,.r. Au ,e'd ,relllor It.r.., CO".IIellt"o eu wltlt ,aid "elll.. .u "...".', It.'r,. 'IICC."O" .1Id",,""'. thllt ,ralltor " '.w/.'ly ,.'Z.d '"/" II"'pl. 0/ tit. .bo". ,rlllltH pr.",',." Jr.. fro", ell .IIc_brtlllc" 110 11114 rh.t "utor will wem*"t .IId/o,n.r 1l./.IIIl ,h, Itdll pr,..',,, .u...,,,, p." .M p.,c.' tlu,.o/.,.',.,t ,h. 'aw"" ~'II'1fU eN Il...rub of aU p.r.o", wlto",'o."'''. ac'pr ,ho" cl.'",,", .IIde, ,It. ."". d"cr,..d ,lIcumbranC.I. n. "., .114 .ctlUlI cOIU'd.rllrloll paid for tll', rr.III/.r, .ttu.d '" t1rlfU tI/ lioU.r,. ,. so.oo . 'How.".r. ,It. .erNI co,.,Id",.tloll co,.,,,,, 0/0' IIIcl,",,, orlt., prop.,." or 'lei.. ,1'1'11 0' I'ro.".d which " ill, who"ll'.rt 0/ tit, co,.,'d.~loII (llIdlc.,. wll'ch)! (77c. ..IIrnc. i"w"II tll. "","11, V N' .ppllcd". ,ho.W .. d.l.t.d. S.. ORS9J.OJO.) . III cOlllt7'.'II, ,,,,, tl..d .1Ul wh". ,Iu COIll.Xl '0 r.t"'''', ,It. ,,",.'.r IIIcl.d" tll. pl.rtd .1Ul.ll,rlUlllll4ltlc.' ch.II," ",.U b. ''''pll.d 10 ",.b llu proy'IIo", II.r.o/.pp" "..U, to ~orporlll'o'" .1Ul '0 '1Ul1,,'Il..". III Willi'" ""'.r.o/, ,It. ,rllllror ItfU .z.Cllt.tl th', IlIIt,.."../II ,,,,, _ li47 0/ ' 19--,' '/ a corpor." ,'.IItO'. It It", c.."d ", .... to H ",..d alUll" ...1 tif/bt,tl "1." ofllc., or o,h., p.r,oll duly ..,rlaorhed '0 do .0 II, ortl.r 0/1" bo.,l 0/ dl,.ero". THIIINITRUMeNT WILL NOT ALLOW US. 0' TH' 'ROI'.R" 0.. ICRIIIO IN THII IUTIIUMINT IN VIOLATION 0' API'UCAILI LAND uS! LAWI AND UGULATtONI.IIJ10RIIIGNING 01 ACCIPTlt/G THIIINITRUMENT. THE P.RION ACQUIRING JIll T1Tl.I TO THI I'RO"'"" SHOULD CHICK WITH THI A""Rap'UATE CITY OR COUNTY JOu.NNING DEPARTMENT TO VIRIn' APPROVED UIES. STAn OF OREGON, CO.1II7 tI/ TIll, 'IIItr_.1II WU .cbowl.d,.d ."0'. .. Oil by . Tltl, IlIItr...II' WIll .cbowled,.d b./o,. ... 0" b, tu lIf. ft,. .19_, .19_. No'..., P.bllc lor Or"oll lIy co",,,,,..loII ,zplr.. Af,. ......."" """" till .IIAfITII". NAMI AND "DV"... "'ACt ~alPIVIO PM ~ICOIlDIA" ula STAn OF OREGON, C4.II'1 0/ M.rloll . } I cmlh thlll tla. wl,h'lI III"'.. ",..t 11/411 rlc.,.,.l/or r.corl Oil th, _u,of. .19 , .'_0 'clock _M., elld ,.c;;l.d '" book'r..''''ol... No. ,Oil I'e,. or fU f,,/fII.lll11rr.. ""lItl",'croJl""tr.c.pt'oll No R.co,d tI/ D..41 of laid COUll". W'tll'" "'1 Ia."d 4I1Id "a' lI/ Co.,." t1/Ji1C.d. .IIANTQfI~. "'AM. AND ADOR.. IIAMr.;asDmI. II" UMU . ...... .. "4HItNl .. .. .~ ..... .. .... .. .... ........ .,..... 11_ TIM IIA11a. ADOUQ;iIp ., De,.., ~ '+ ~v ~ ~ .()~ ~ ~ {y ~ (.) o ,... o 11 D -.....-... .. . oSe iJ=C~ 2100 n!/6O(J()(J 2100 A 1 I2MOOOf !t:.LJ/(v. "A" ' A" 'ZG..t"~t" 1:.. , 811.00' t..,- 8.". &.0' lc.~ 5~e.04'O""\V 8::'.4'-' '. ~c.u~ve 'e" A.. 4-Z.'Z,s'47" .R ..' ~ 8.oa' J..' %,Q.7G' , 'Le., s a..2./'O~"f& ~a.T." I . UP.ve 'C." .' . zQ"'(,'/~j\REA TO 'R a · to, ~7.!!o~,. If fel S ~'.oo ~~ Ir ~ ..!5c., -47' B 1111 10 HARDCA'STLE '" ,~, , , , , , , , 10.1 50.07 2700 4Z "-13 .2600 4R4$2O(J(J .... s I 174.80 . N1.Y NW CO B S BONNEY OLC 4 2400 4Z44<<JOO ~ ~ 'p; FORM. W."anty DHd (Indlvlduel or corporetel 11 D .wARRANTY DEED KNOW AIL JiBN BY THESE PRBSENl'S, 2Mt WOODBURN FERTU.aER AND GRAIN, INC. ~ ~ tM Jl'IIIIUH', lor 1M couldm#ld" ~ "tIUtl, ID ".",.]IGlIl ", CITY OF WOODBURN, A MUNICIPAL CORPORAnON, ~ C4ll<<l tM"""', .. ,..,., 1fUI, ..,,,,,., NIl aI. ClMW)' aID tM IIIU ,~M aI. "..,..', Iwln, 'U<<1IUtm aI. _"JII. tlUJt MUlII ,.., propmy, MIla 1M """"""', ~... l1li4 fIppIII'UII/IIf ~ HlMIu., or ~,1InMIUd lit r1w CofUIIy ofMarloIf aI. SU1U ofOrwpll, tIGt:rlW a.folltJw, 1D-WlI: . Beglnnlng It the Southwe.t comer of that trlct of land conveyed to Woodburn Fenllizer Ind Grlln, Inc. by deed recorded In Reel 396, Plge 314, Deed RecofdI for Marlon CountY, Oregon which point I. record.d I' being SOU1h eros' Ealt 32.36 f..t Ind North 4'.'6' Ea.t 636.65 f..t from I point marking the InterSlctIon of the centerline of Hardc:utle Avenue and the Eat r1ght.of.wlY line of the Southern PlcIfic RllIroId and being lituated In Townahlp I South, Ring. 1 Weat of the Wlllamatte MerIdIln, MlrIon County,' O~ i thence north 4'.'5'00. East along the weaterly 1M of aid Woodburn Fer1ll1ur tract, I dlltanee of 443.33 flit to the Northwut comw 1herIOfi thence South 4r36'14. Ealt llong the northerly Un. of AId trIct, I e11lt1nee of 2&,00 flit; thence South 41.' 5'00. Weat parallel with the weaterly line of .ald tract, I dlltanee of 426.68 flit to I point on the IOUtherIy line of aid tract; thence North 84-01' We.t llong .11d aoutherly Une, I dIItInce of 30.62 f..t to the point of beginning. Containl 10,881 aquar. feet of land, more or ..... For roldway purpo... (IF S"Ace INSUfFIClNT, CONTINUE DESCRIPTION ON REVERSE SIDE> To Htn. .u,o HoW ,11. 'CIII' ."'. ,11. ,.U ,r."',,." ,r."'..', IIdr" "cc.llor, 0" 01l'lU/or.".r. AII4 ,.'4 ,ro,.,.r It.r.", C.Y,,,..., ,. c" w"" ,.'4 ,r.II"..1I4 ,NA'''', ",'r" ,.cc.llor, IUUl ,.,11,", dJlII ,rall,or " 'cw""" ..'z.d ,"/.. ,'mp" 0/ '11. c60". ,r.",.d pr.",'"" fr../r.", .11 ..c.mbr..c., aN ,,,., ,,.."'or will w.rr..' c.d/orn.r deJ.u ,,,. ,c'd pr.",'," ." 'N" par' C" p.rc.' ,1I.r,o/c,.'III"It. 'ewflll .rc,,,., oNIl,.c1Uh of.1I p.r,olll W"'""O.II.'. ""P' rlto,. d.'.'", ...4.r rI" aOIl.Il"cr'b.d .IIcumbrGIIC" . D, 'r.. C" ccr.tal c.",U.r,,'oll pc'4/.r ,It" 'r."',', ".,.4 ,,, ,,""' 0/40"'r6, U so.oo . 'Ho_II,r, ,,,. CcrIlO' COIII,4.rc,'oll C."'UII 0/.' '.elM" .,,..,. propnry 0' ".,.. ,'Y'" .r pro.'," wh'ell', ,h. w"o',".11 O/'M eOllll4",."." ""'CIII. wlt'elt)! (D' ".""C. """"11 ,,,, "."olt, 1/ N' .p,"eu", ,'"',d4 ". ddetltl. 8.. 01t89J.OJO.) '" COIII,""", ,,,,. 4.,4 .JUl wlt,r. ,la, eOIl'O"O r'f.'rll, ,Ite IIlI,ulGr '"clrul., ,It. p'"r.' .1I4.11 ,r"",,,,,,'cG' chait'" ,".U II. ""pll,4 '0 ",cb ,,,. pro."IIo111 ".no/ q," 'fU.'" '0 e.rpo,.,'olll ",.4 '0 '"""4uZ,. ,. W"..II WJc",.o/, ,II. """'0' ,.., ".e...1I ,It"~ '111"II1II'11' ,It II _ II., ./ . , 19_: 1/ . eorp.r.', ,rulor, " lull c....4 '" ..",. ,. II. ",,,,4 .114 ". "., 1I/Jbl.4 II, .11 oJ1lc.r .r o,lt.r p.r,oll 4uly GII'''orlz.4 ,. do '0 6)1 .,4.r 0/'" 1I0"N o/II',..,.r,. . THa. INST"UMENT WILL NOT ALLOW UaI! OF THE P"OPUTY DE- SC'UIED IN THIS INST"UMENT IN VIOLATION OF Uf'UCAILILAND USE LAW, AND IIGULATlON.. IEFOllE IIGNING Oil ACCEPTING THII INSTRUMENT, THI...IlS0N ACOUIIlING'F.. TITLE TO TH. PROPIRTY SHOULD CHICK WITH THE APPRO""'ATI CITY 01 COUNTY PlANNING DE'ARTMENT TO VE"IFY A...."OVlD UIEI. STATE OF OREGON, COUll" 0/ rid, '111"II1II'''' wu lIe1ll0w"4,.4 kfor. "" O. b, Db ,"'".",,'" wu cebow,.4,,4 lI.f.r, III' O. b, o oj JII. ,19_, ,19~, No'." ,"blle for 0"'0/1 M1 co",m'"'o,, up"" "'..... ........ ,....."... ."MTI". MXII\ AND ADD"I.. "ACI AI.UVED fOil IIICOIlOU" U'I 8TAm OF ORBGON, COIIII'Y 0/ Ma,'o. } Ie.nlb ,IuI, ,h. ...."h'" 'lII'ru- m.1II wu r,c,,".d lor r.cor4 0.. ,h. _1l1IY 01. ,19 . . a' . 'clod: M., ...4 recor4.it '" biOfh...lI"o'';;; No. . .011 pc,. or ., /../fl"""'''II- ""II,IIft'crofl'",lr,t:,p,'oll No R'CON 0/ Dllth 0/ ,.'4 COIIII". WI,,,.,, Ift,Ia"JUl .,.4 "td 0/ Cou.." 4/fln4. _IIAIITO"" NAMrDDARul. NAME. ADD"ln. II" UMlI........ Ie _eN" 'u _....... -..... ~ -"., 11.- TlIIe IIAMI. AlIolilrr.1lp IY. 0_, .....~~- j 103 03" 0.3 .0 103 0 , COE l' .' 2200 n!J4<<JZO AD] .. 2100 'S4OIJ(J(J 2100 A1 . nMtXXJt , i7LJ/{ve "Ii." ' . u'" 2~.t" .R.. '''' ~t. . . _~~.~o' ." J .~ I I T fORM- WOlfeRt DoMd IIMMdUlI IN' _ratol 11 D W~ DEED KNOW AlL MEN BY THESE pRESENTS, 'Dull DON BURLINGHAM FAMILY CORPORATION ~ CfIlW 1M ,nmtm',for Ill' COIIIIMraIIma hRdM,ft.IUIUtl, III fI'IUIlor pIIMl", CITY OF WOODBURN, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, ~ CIJlW Ih. ,,.,,... doa 1NNby ,""", lHuIlIbI, ,dl Mil COftw,)' ",.,. 1M ItII4 fI'IUIlH Mil,,..,,,.', MIn, 'IICCGIOI'I #I1IIl"""III, thtJI cmaln rral~, wlI1t 1M ,.,."."" IwtwlIttJlMltll MilI1pp111U1t1111< IMmutItI ".,.,,,,, or IIppmllbll"l, ,iluaud III 1M CormIy of MariDIJ MIl Stau ofOtwpt, tlut:rIJM tIIfDIl-I, UMVII: BeglMlna at the Southwelt corner of Parcel 5 .1 d,acrIbId In lnatrumtnt conveyed to Don BurUngham Family . Corporation by deed ,.cordedln Reel 1126, Page 782. Deed Recorda for Marlon County, Oregon which point II recorded .. ~Ing north 41., 5' ~It 1088.20 fNt from the Interaectlon point of the cenwrtlne of H...dcutle Avenue with a line paranet to and 55.00 feat measured at right ana'" from the centerline of the Southern Pacltlc RaIlroad, Iltuated In SectIon 7, Townahlp Ii South, Range 1 Wast of the W11lM\ette Meridian, Marion County, Or-aon; thence north 4'.'5'00. ~at along the w..-w Une of said Parc.l1i and the northuaterly extension thereof, a distance of 184.98 feet; thence South 48.46'00. Eut 25.00 feet thence IOuth 4'.'5'00. West plraUll with the weatetty line of said Parc115, a 4Ilatance of 186.03 feet to. point on the aoutherty 11M of said Parcell; thanee North 48"38'14w Welt along uIcI aoutherIy line, a d1atlncl of 26.00 feet to the point of beginning, Contelns 4126 Iquare feet of land, more Of lul. For roadwlY PUrpol.. ., ""ACI! lNSUFRCI!NT. CONTlHUf OPCM'TION ON Rl!VIMI! llOl!I To HII'" II,", '0 Ho14 ,h. 'lUll' ..'0 ,h. '11'4 ,,..,.,.. .u "..,..',Ia."" '"CC.IIO" .'"' 111"'111 fo""", A" ,.14 "".,., II.rd, c."."."" ,. .u w"" ,,,'4 ,,,,,.,.. II,", ,rllll"'" It."" 'IICC.IIO" .'"' u"'''', ,h,,, ,rlllllo,', 'awfll'" ,.1%.4 IlIf.. ''''1''' of , 11. 1Ib0""'II,,,.4 p"III11."fr..fro",." .IIC"lIIb'IIIIC.' . ~ I '. .lId ,hll' ,rIIllI'O' will WII"II'" II,", fo,."., 4./." ,h. ,.14 1"'11111.. ..4 '''.ry 1'." .,,4 pII,cd ,'..,.of .'1111'" ,h. 'IIW/U' c,.,'''' ." 4.,'111,",' 0/ ." 1""0111 wltOMlo,"", .zc.p' ,lto.. cl4l'",'", ruuJ., ,It. UOII' 4t,c,'b.d 'JlClllllb'IIJlCn, Th. Inl. ""II "et".' cOIll14.,.".. 1'11'4/0' ,It" ',IiIIfI/." "...11 ,. ,.",., 0/40'''''', II SO.DO . I How,,,,,, ,It. .nlUl' COIII'U,IU'O. COlli"" 0/.' '.c'ruh. o,u,p,op.rty 0' II.'''. ,Ill'. or p,..'ud wldclt " ,It. ",ho..lp." 0/ ,h. ~ollllll.,."o. ('lUllc,,'. wldclt)! (771. ,.,.,."e. i.tw... ,It. ""'011, if "0' .pplle..... 11..,,14 be d,I".4. 8.. ORIIJ.OJO.) 111 ~Ollltr1l'''' ,It II u.4 .u wit.,. ,It. eo,.,"' '0 "f."'" ,It. "",,,,., '"e'IUI., II.. p'"rll' ",", .",r._.rlc," Chllll'U ,IIa"',. ''''pll.4 ,. ..d. ,It. p,o'llll'ollllt.,.o/ "Ppl, 'f.II", ,. ..,porll,'olll ",", '0 ',",''11'4""". ,,, W"".II Wh.r.,,/, ,h, ,r_'o, lau u...,.4 dI"IIII".....' ,ltl, _ 4Iq _/ ' 19---, if /I co,p,,'." "."'0', " It., cIIIII.4 III ..... ,. b. "'''" .IUlI" ".'1IJJfJl.4 ", .. .I/I~" 0' .,It., pn'o" 4." all,h",,~.d '0 do ,. b, om, 0/'" b"",,1 ./4'''''0''. THII INIT"UMENT WILL NOT ALLOW UII 0' THE '''OPEATY DI. IC""ID IN TH.I INITRUMINT IN VIOLATION 0' ""UCA..I LAND USI! LAWS AND REGULATlONI. ..'OAII.IIN'NG OA ACCIPTlNG THlIlNlnUMlNT, THE 'I"ION ACQ"'''ING '11 TITLE TO THI .: '''O'I''TY IHOULD CHECK WITH THI! ...""O'''IATI CITY 0" COUNTY 'UNNING DE'ARTMENT TO VI"lfY A"'ROVED UIII, ST.4TE OF ORBGON, COli." of 7711, '"It'UIII.'" Will IIckllow..4,." b~o,. ... o. by 111" '111".111'''' wu "cbow,.d,,,, "~.,, III' .. by III O/. )11. ,19_, " .19_, NO'4ry P,,""./or 0"'0" 111 co"u,dlllolt upl,,, Ahll ........ r.hInIMa .""NtRa NAIl. ~II ADDIl'" ...AClIlUIIlVlO POll IIICOIlOIIl'I UII STAm OF OREGON, Co..ty ,,/ M.,'oll 1 c."l/1 ,It III ,It. w"h'" '11"'''- III'''' Will ,.cdll.tl/o, ,.co,4 Oil ,h. _d"7o/. ,19_, .,_o'c'ock _II., IJIUl r.cortUd I. bDOkl"..ho'""" No, ,Oil 1'.,. 0' III /../fl..IIII"'u- 111.,.,1111"'0/1'",1""1"'011 No R.co,d 0/ D..d, 0/'414 CO.II'" WI'''.IIIII)' h.rul .lId ..4' 0/ CD""" afflz.tl. } .GlITllll'1T~I"1gllr AlJDMII "AMI. ADOA'... II' U.,UI.......... _teol III 1aI._ _ lie _............._. NI.' TI... Ifmr,xwown., II~ I, DI,"', 110 .;'00 ~, ......... ~.l'o ..5.~ ~A o~ )'4- o~ , .>. ~oo , 103 03 03 '5 , . t(/C "-1\9D . co80eI::J '-:~, ,!!I ., , .'- . l<iS ~ ~:of30cr , .' ~,'~. ....-. ~ . ~ 103 .\.t, .,J I ,) I I / 15A MEMO TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Woodburn Planning Commission SUBJECT: Site Plan Review "5 L~ DATE: December 13, 1994 At their hearing of November 8, 1994 the Planning Commission approved Site Plan 94-22, with conditions. I. APPLICANT: Randy Saunders, RSS Architects 2263 Country Club Road Woodburn, OR 97071 For Woodburn Construction Company II. NATURE OF APPLICATION: The structure will serve as administrative offices for Woodburn Construction Company. The building, site improvements, landscaping, and parking are as delineated on the attached and enclosed drawings. The proposed project is in compliance with applicable requirements as stated in the City of Woodburn Zoning Ordinance. The owner has intentions of further developing this parcel in later phases of construction as shown on the submitted site plan. III. RELEVANT FACTS: . The property is located on lot 6 of Northwood Plaza office park on Ray J. Glatt Circle. . The site is zoned CO Commercial Office. . The proposed use is permitted outright. . A site plan is attached. ~ r-">, '< ) 15A OVICINITY MAP I t- o: o z ~ , : ~ _, II oIV -0 15A ~~~~~ 43'- ~ :!: ':l~~ ~~li~ ~ ~~~~~ - ~:;~~~ -\ ~-h~ \l' j~~~~ _ -0 +~~~ , - >> ~~ Z :i~ ~. lJ 'Et...z: -c- ~2~ ~-O %:"O;J Z. -~- ........,.~L "'"" C -( :z .... - V""l> ~ . ,. Ut .. O~ .. ~~ Z:z. GS- X ~! ti ~~ 'Q..( - ~n - 'ii - i VI J ~'"tJ II I r~ 9 ~ ~I .. ~ ~!II ! WI ::0"6 ~ll I m ..0. [ ~ .....:f I I II \)I' ~ -!! . lJ CIP'CL.E ( ': . ---- 16A MEMO TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Community Development Department ~J-~. SUBJECT: Population and Housing Totals DA TE: December 15, 1994 The city has recently received the population and housing totals that were gathered by Portland State Population Research Center Personnel. Additional information as to age and sex characteristics, population distribution by census area are forthcoming. Additionally, staff anticipates that center will be providing an economical profile of the city. T City of Woodburn 16A Total Population 15232 All Occupied Units 5280 Household Population 14927 owner Occupied 3392 GrOup Quarters Population 305 Persons 8369 Renter Occupied 1656 Persons 5719 Unknown Occupied 232 j. All Housing Units 5461 Persons 839 Uninhabitable 10 Single Family, Site-built 3391 Owner Occupied 2782 Persons 7147 AU Inhabitable Units 5451 Renter Occupied 450 Vacant or Seasonal 171 3.1% Persons 1764 Occupied 5280 96.9% Unknown Occupied 159 Population 14927 Persons S03 PefSOM per household 2.83 Apartment or Duplex unit 1226 Single Family, Site-built 3508 Owner Occupied 12 Vacant or Seasonal 117 3.3% Persons 42 Occupied 3391 96.7% Renter Occupied 1173 Population 9414 Pef$oM 3846 Persons per household 2.78 Unknown Occupied 41 Persons 271 Apartmem or Duplex unit 1253 Vacant or seasonal 27 2.2% Manufacturecl or Mobile Home 650 Occupied 1226 97.8"- Owner Occupied 591 Population 4161 Persons 1170 Persons per household 3.39 Renter OCcupied 29 Persons 93 Manufactured or Mobile Home 671 Unknown Occupied 30 Vacant or Seasonal 21 3.1% Persons 61 Occupied 650 96.9% PopUlation 1324 Other Units 13 Persons per household 2.04 Owner Occupied 7 Persons 10 Other Units 19 Renter Occupied 4 Vacant or Seasonal 6 31.6% Persons 14 . Occupied 13 68.4% Unknown Occupied 2 Population 28 Persons .- Persons per household 2.15 ~ 168 M E M 0 RAN DUM December 14, 1994 To: City Council through the City Administrator From: Communications Manager Marianne Wolf ~ SUBJECT: ORS 190 DRAFT AGREEMENT Attached for your review is the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement for Communications Services (ORS 190 9-1-1 Agency). This document is intended to accomplish the creation of an independent ORS 190 agency as originally visualized and discussed at a Council workshop held on March 29. 1993. The Council further considered this matter on April 26, 1993. in the form of discussion of a letter from the User Board requesting the city's part i ci pat ion in the research and p 1 anni ng of an independent ORS 190 agency. The initial draft of this agreement was provided to Council in August, 1993, and a Counci 1 workshop was held on February 2, 1994, to discuss it. The Council voiced general support of the agreement during the workshop, however considerable discussion was spent on the issues of shared liability (equal vs. proportionate) among the participating agencies, and the desire for an executive board to be established in addition to the user/policy board. At the conclusion of the workshop, the Council's direction was to revisit the issue once the agreement was to the point of requiring Council action. Since that workshop. many hours have been invested in developing and fine tuning an agreement which addresses the concerns of the city and of the other user agencies. This draft represents the ninth progressive working draft of the agreement, whi ch in some respects has seen si gni ficant changes since last reviewed by the Council. The numerous agencies currently receiving services from the communications center have a vested interest in this agreement moving forward, however the City of Woodburn is the largest of the agencies involved with the center, with realistically the most at stake in financial terms. Therefore it is extremely important that the Council spend time reviewing the agreement and meet to discuss with staff, issues or concerns that they have regarding the agreement prior to making any final commitment by the city to such an agreement. Staff recommends a Council workshOp be held on Thursday. January 5. 1995. at 7:00 p..., to discuss the agreement prior to formal approval. This workshop date was selected to prov; de the greatest degree of balance between the regul ar January Council meeting dates and other workshop sessions that will likely need to be scheduled during the month. ~ 168 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PREAMBLE THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the Aurora Fire District, City of Aurora, City of Donald, City of Gervais, Hubbard Fire District, City of Hubbard, Monitor Fire District, Woodburn Fire District, City of Woodburn, St. Paul Fire District, Marion County Sheriff's Office, Woodburn Ambulance, and the City of St. Paul. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the undersigned desire to establish and maintain a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) and consolidated communications center, and WHEREAS, ORS 190.010 authorizes governmental entities to agree to the joint provision of communications services and to create an Agency to provide these services; and WHEREAS, it is one of the objectives of said Agency to provide consolidated telephone, radio and alarm communications and dispatching services; and WHEREAS, the creation of said Agency will provide improved police, fire and medical aid service communications within the boundaries of the area served; and WHEREAS, the establishment and maintenance of such services will be of substantial benefit to the citizens of the undersigned member jurisdictions and the public in general. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed and as follows: SECTION I - DEFINITIONS The terms used in this Agreement shall have the meanings set forth in this section. A. Agencv - North Marion County Communications (NORCOM) B. Agreement Communications Services. This Intergovernmental Agreement for C. Designated Votina Reoresentative The individual who has been authorized by a member agency or member jurisdiction to vote on issues before the User Board. D. Director - The chief administrative officer of NORCOM. PAGE 1 - INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT 168 E. Fiscal Year - One funded year of operations, beginning on July' and ending on June 30 of the following year. F. Member Agencv - A non-governmental entity that has signed this Agreement. G. Member Jurisdiction - A governmental entity that has signed this Agreement. H. NORCOM - Acronym for North Marion County Communications. I. Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) - A 24 hour communications facility answering 9-'-' calls originating within a given service area, and processing those calls by direct dispatch, call relay or transfer to the appropriate public or private safety agency. J. Quorum - A majority of the members of the User Board who must be present for the valid transaction of business. K. Second Vice-Chair - The officer elected by the User Board to act as User Board Chair in the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair. l. ~ - An entity using the services of NORCOM, including but not limited to member agencies and member jurisdictions. M. User Board - The governing board of NORCOM as further specified in this Agreement. N. User Board Chair - The officer elected by the User Board to preside over the User Board. O. Vice-Chair - The member elected by the User Board to act as the Chair in his or her absence. SECTION .. - POWERS AND AUTHORITY A. There is established an Agency to be known as North Marion County Communications, and referred to as NORCOM. Said Agency shall have the responsibility and authority, among others, for emergency service communications and functions incidental thereto, for the purpose of communicating and dispatching in the furtherance of public safety and emergencies within the boundaries of its service area. B. Supervision and management of NORCOM shall be exercised by a Director by authority of the NORCOM User Board. C. NORCOM is vested with all powers, rights and duties necessary for performing the functions of a 9-'-' Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) PAGE 2 - INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT T 168 and initiating appropriate response pursuant to ORS 401.710 to 401.790, including, but not limited to, contracting for such services. SECTION III - NORCOM USER BOARD A. The User Board shall consist of the following members: 1 . One elected official and one administrative representative from each member jurisdiction, and 2. One administrative representative from each member agency. 3. As of the date of this Agreement, the member jurisdictions and member agencies with designated voting representatives on the User Board, are as follows: (a) City of Aurora (b) City of Donald (c) City of Gervais (d) City of Hubbard (e) City of St. Paul (f) City of Woodburn (g) Aurora Fire District (h) Hubbard Fire District (i) Monitor Fire District (j) St. Paul Fire District (k) Woodburn Fire District (I) Woodburn Ambulance (m) Marion County Sheriff's Office 4. Ex-officio non-voting agencies on of the User Board (a) Oregon State Police (b) Buck Ambulance 5. Additional member agencies and member jurisdictions may be added provided in Section XIII. 6. Each member agency and member jurisdiction, except ex-officio non-voting agencies, shall have one vote that may be exercised by its designated voting representative. Designated voting representatives shall be entitled to vote on all matters before the User Board unless prohibited by law. 7. Each member agency or member jurisdiction may exercise its own vote but shall not represent another member agency or member jurisdiction by proxy. PAGE 3 - INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT T 168 8. In the event of a vacancy, the affected member agency or member jurisdiction shall submit, in writing, within 30 days, the name of a representative to fill the vacancy. 9. When an entity is no longer a user of NORCOM, its representation on the User Board shall cease. New member agencies or member jurisdictions of NORCOM added subsequent to the execution of this Agreement shall be entitled to representation on the User Board as outlined in subsections 1 and 2 above. B. The User Board shall be governed by the following procedures: 1. Officers of the User Board shall be the Chair, First Vice-Chair and Second Vice-Chair. (a) The User Board shall elect officers at the first organizational meeting and the term of these officers shall be through December 31 st of the following year. (b) Officers shall be elected, thereafter at the first meeting in January of even numbered years. (c) The term of office for officers shall be two years. (d) If an officer is unable to complete his or her term, he or she will notify the User Board in writing. The User Board shall accept nominations for the vacant position, and hold an election at the next regularly scheduled meeting to fill the vacancy. 2. The User Board shall meet monthly. Special meetings may be called at any time by the User Board Chair or at the written request of any three (3) member agencies or member jurisdictions upon at least three (3) days prior written notice. An emergency meeting may be held on such notice that is reasonable under the circumstances. 3. For the purpose of conducting business, a quorum shall consist of the designated voting representatives of no less than 51 % of member agencies and member jurisdictions. 4. The affirmative vote of a majority of the designated voting representatives of the User Board present at a board meeting, shall be necessary to decide any question or issue before the User Board. 5. All meetings of the User Board shall be noticed and held in accordance with the Oregon Public Meetings Law, ORS 192.610 - 192.690. 6. Unless otherwise provided, Robert's Revised Rules of Order shall govern all procedural matters relating to business before the User Board. PAGE 4 - INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ~ 168 7. The User Board may adopt such policies and procedures as may be necessary to conduct its business, consistent with this Agreement. 8. The User Board may approve, modify or terminate agreements on behalf of NORCOM to provide emergency service communications to include emergency call reception and/or dispatch services to any person, firm, corporation, local government or agency of government. C. The User Board shall be responsible for: 1. Establishing employment terms and conditions, including compensation and termination of a Director. 2. Establishing NORCOM service levels. 3. Adopting an annual operating budget, in accordance with ORS 294.900 to 294.930, including determination of participating jurisdiction assessments (in accordance with an agreed upon User Fee Formula). Refer to Section VII. 4. Providing an annual audit of NORCOM's finances by an independent accounting firm (CPA) for the purposes of receiving an opinion on the financial statements of NORCOM. 5. Promulgating rules for the orderly management of NORCOM's personnel matters. 6. Approving new users of NORCOM. 7. Adopting a Personnel Policies Manual and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) for NORCOM. SECTION IV - DIRECTOR A. The User Board shall select and appoint a Director based upon administrative and technical competence. B. The Director shall be the chief administrative officer of NORCOM and shall be responsible for: 1 . Agency administration, personnel, purchasing and budget functions, in conformance with 9-'-' policies and rules adopted by the User Board. 2. Dispatching, phone answering, record keeping, security and other NORCOM functions in conformance with 9-'-' policies adopted by the User Board. PAGE 5 . INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT T 168 3. Hiring, training, discipline and/or discharge of all subordinate NORCOM personnel, subject to applicable Agency rules and policies. 4. Attending and providing executive staffing of User Board meetings. 5. Preparing and presenting a Personnel Policies Manual and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) to the User Board for review and adoption. 6. Preparing and presenting to the User Board a proposed budget for each budget year. SECTION V - PERSONNEL A. The Director shall submit to the User Board a proposed Personnel Policies Manual for adoption. Personnel policies shall conform to state and federal law. B. The Personnel Policies Manual shall provide for initial appointment to the Agency's staff, in accordance with Oregon law. Subsequent employees shall be appointed by the Director in accordance with the approved operating budget and the Personnel Policies Manual. SECTION VI - P.S.A.P. DESIGNATION A. NORCOM is designated by the member agencies and member jurisdictions as their P.S.A.P. and shall be responsible for coordinating and controlling emergency telephone communications planning and operations including dispatch and telephone answering services. B. NORCOM shall receive and disburse 9-1-1 telephone tax revenue in accordance with the requirements of Section 2 of the Emergency Communications Act of 1981 (ORS 401.710 through ORS 401.790, including Sections 10 to 20, chapter 533, Oregon Laws 1981.) 1. Quarterly 9-1-1 telephone tax revenue received by the cities of Woodburn, Aurora, Donald, Hubbard, Gervais and St. Paul, and that portion received by Marion County for the 981, 982, 634, 792, and 678 prefix areas outside the corporate limits of the aforementioned cities, shall be consolidated into a single 9-1-1 Communications Fund that shall be maintained by NORCOM. 2. Revenues and expenditures from said fund shall be administered by NORCOM in accordance with its operating policies and procedures and Oregon law. PAGE 6 - INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT 16B 3. P.S.A.P. telephone tax revenue shall be expended as allowed under Oregon Administrative Rule 140-80-060 and any other applicable law. SECTION VII - BUDGET FUNDING A. The proposed operating budget shall be developed by the Director, and presented to the User Board for review and adoption. The Agency budget process shall conform to Oregon Budget Law. B. The Director shall forward to each member agency and member jurisdiction, a proposed budget by the fourth Monday in January preceding the budget year and the NORCOM budget committee shall, to the extent practicable, approve a budget by the fourth Monday in March. To the extent practicable, the budget shall be distributed by the Director in adequate time for each member agency and member jurisdiction to make decisions and include the appropriate amount in its annual budget. The budget period shall be on a fiscal year basis beginning on the first day of July of each year and ending on the thirtieth day of June of the next succeeding year. C. Each member agency and member jurisdiction participating in cost sharing shall pay its share of the budget in twelve equal installments payable on or before the tenth of each month or quarterly payments due on or before the first day of the next quarter. D. below: Funding shall be based upon the cost sh8ring formula described 1. As a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), NORCOM shall receive and disburse the 9-1-1 telephone tax revenue received from member jurisdictions in accordance with Oregon law pertaining to the collection and expenditure of such funds. 2. To the extent that this Agreement is in effect during fiscal year 1994-95, operational costs which exceed anticipated annual 9-1-1 telephone tax revenue, shall be assessed to users on a percentage basis determined by the number of computer aided dispatch entered calls for service, per user. 3. The funding formulas between law enforcement and fire/EMS users in the support of NORCOM shall be as follows: (a) In fiscal year 1995-96, needed funding in excess of 9-1-1 telephone tax revenue shall be assessed with law enforcement users paying 65 % and fire/EMS users paying 35% of projected required revenue. 1 . Law enforcement user fees shall be determined by population. Population figures shall be obtained from the PAGE 7 - INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT 168 most current certified Portland State University annual census statistics available. Each user's percentage of the total shall be the percentage used to assess that user's fee. 2. Fire/EMS user fees shall be assessed to the user's percentage basis determined by the number of computer aided dispatch entered calls for service, per user. (b) In fiscal year 1996-97, needed funding in excess of 9-1-1 telephone tax revenue shall be assessed with law enforcement users paying 60% and fire/EMS users paying 40% of projected required revenue. (c) The 60/40 distribution formula shall be reviewed by the User Board when there is any change in the number of users. The distribution formula may also be reviewed at any time at the discretion of the User Board. In the event new user assessments are negotiated and adopted by the User Board, the assessment formula shall be attached to this Agreement as an addendum. (d) Any changes in the funding formulas concerning law enforcement and fire/EMS users shall be attached to this Agreement as an addendum. E. New users who contract with .NORCOM shall be assessed an initial, one-time fee equal to 10% of that user's projected user fee; OR an impact fee (as appropriate) which shall be determined by the User Board with consideration being given toward user call activity, needs for additional staffing and/or equipment to support the new user; whichever is greater. SECTION VIII - EQUIPMENT A. Attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A, is an inventory of all assets of the communications center ,which shall be transferred to NORCOM upon execution of this Agreement. Also identified are those assets located within or utilized by the communications center that shall remain the property of member agencies or member jurisdictions. B. The User Board is responsible for providing and maintaining the basic equipment to serve the users. This includes, but is not limited to, the 9-1-1 telephone system, NORCOM business lines, CAD computer system, and radio dispatch consoles. The User Board is responsible for maintaining the existing base radio stations. Each local entity shall be responsible for purchasing, maintaining and repairing their own mobile and portable radio equipment. If a user wishes to add specific equipment to NORCOM to enhance their operation, it must be authorized by the User Board. PAGE 8 - INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ~ 168 C. Individual equipment added by a user must be purchased and maintained by that user. The user and the Director shall maintain inventory records to show what items are NORCOM owned or individual user owned. In case of dissolution of NORCOM, or withdrawal of the lending user from NORCOM, such assigned or loaned items shall be returned to the lending user. In the case of dissolution of NORCOM, all other items, or funds derived from the sale thereof, shall be refunded and distributed to the member agencies and member jurisdictions in proportion to their financial participation averaged over the preceding three-year period. SECTION IX - RADIO FREQUENCIES Nothing in this Agreement is intended to alter or effect the existing proprietary rights of the users in certain radio frequencies. All users shall retain any and all legal rights to radio frequencies which they possessed prior to their execution of this Agreement. SECTION X - INSURANCE NORCOM shall provide such available liability insurance coverage as will suffice to cover its total exposure under the Oregon Tort Claims Act. In addition, each participating member jurisdiction and member agency shall provide its own coverage for any liability which may result from membership in NORCOM. SECTION XI - REVIEW AND EVALUATION This Agreement shall be reviewed annually, prior to December 31 st, by the User Board to evaluate the efficiency of the present organizational structure. SECTION XII - AMENDMENTS The terms of this Agreement may only be amended with the consent of two-thirds of the member agencies or member jurisdictions who have signed this Agreement or any addenda hereto. ECTlON XIII - ADMISSION OF NEW PARTIES Additional member agencies or member jurisdictions, may be added to this Agreement upon such terms and conditions as agreed upon by two-thirds of the member agencies and member jurisdictions who have signed this Agreement. The admission of such additional member agencies or member jurisdictions shall be incorporated by written addenda to this Agreement, signed by all then existing parties and any additional member agencies and member jurisdictions. SECTION XIV - ARBITRATION PAGE 9 - INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ~ Any controversy in regard to the application or interpretation of this Agreement may be submitted to and determined by arbitration in accordance with ORS 36.330 - ORS 36.365. 168 SECTION XV - TERMINATION This Agreement shall be automatically extended from year to year. No member agency or member jurisdiction may terminate this Agreement without giving written notice to all other member agencies and member jurisdictions not less than six (6) months prior to the end of the fiscal year. Such termination shall become effective at midnight of the last calendar day of the fiscal year in which such notice is given. SECTION XVI - NOTICE Any notice provided for under this Agreement shall be sufficient if in writing and delivered personally or deposited in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested. SECTION XVII - INTEGRATION A. This Agreement contains the entire agreement and supersedes any prior written or oral discussions or agreements. B. Specifically, the Intergovernmental Agreement between member Agencies of the Woodburn 9-1-1 P.S.A.P., (executed in 1987) is repealed and replaced by this Agreement. C. To the extent that this Agreement is inconsistent with the Annexation Agreement between the City of Woodburn and Woodburn Rural Fire Protection District #6 (effective July 1, 1984) this Agreement repeals and replaces the provisions of the Annexation Agreement. SECTION XVIII - EFFECTIVENESS OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall become effective on July 1, 1995. SECTION XIX - COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be signed in counterparts. Each member agency and member jurisdiction shall send one copy of this Agreement signed by its authorized signatory to: Director, NORCOM, 270 Montgomery Street, Woodburn, OR 97071. Such copy shall also list the name and address of the person to whom all notices under this Agreement are to be sent. PAGE 10 - INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ~ 16C MEMO TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Chris Childs, City Administrator tAt, SUBJ.: DATE: December 14, 1994 Following the council workshop of November 2, 1994 concerning the merits of continuing a franchise arrangement for ambulance service, I provided a summary recap of the workshop to the council at its November 14, 1994 meeting. The concensus of discussion at that time suggested that a second such workshop would be in order to allow for broader participation on the part of council members. It was agreed that a workshop should be scheduled after the first of the year, with an exact date dependent on the availability of representatives of the Marion County Ambulance Service Area (ASA) board. I have accordingly been able to schedule this workshop for Mondav. Januarv 30. 1995. 7:00 o.m.. city council chambers. Mr. Joe Fowler of the. Marion County Health Department and Mr. Mike Hanson, liaison from the Marion County Legal Counsel's office, have graciously agreed to meet with the council that evening to give an overview of the Marlon County ASA Plan and discuss or answer questions regarding the relative levels of ambulance regulation provided through the ASA Plan and/or applicable state regulations. A clear understanding in this area will assist the city in determining the appropriate level of regulation desireable locally (through city franchise ordinance). We are fortunate in that January provides an "extra" Monday on which this workshop could be scheduled in such a manner that it does not conflict with other equally important council workshops also scheduled for the month of January. ~ . .' 160 MEMO FROM: City Council through City Administrator Community Development Director~ Mill Creek Pump Station Status Report \ 1 ~ TO: SUBJECT: DATE: December 15, 1994 (10:00am) I would like to inform the council that the 200 HP motor has been overhauled but the backup pumping system for Mill Creek Pump Station is not functioning properly. Although two parts flown from Illinois have been installed, the difficulty with the control system is still causing a problem and GE engineers have not been able to resolve it. We will have CH2M Hill engineers analyze the situation on Monday. To increase the reliability, staff is working on the following: 1 ) A contract to construct a switching device that will allow use of motor "1" or motor "2" using the available good control board. The estimated cost of material and labor for this device is $5,000. This work will be considered to be very urgent, and it will take approximately one to two weeks to accomplish it. 2) Engineering evaluation and planning to replace the unreliable control system. An electrical engineer from Corvallis office of 'CH2M Hill will start analysis on Monday. This work is being considered as urgent also, but not as pressing as item "1. above. Please note the following: A) The existing working motors and control system are capable of pumping the entire city sewage from Mill Creek to the plant, unless some other problem arises. B) Replacement of the unreliable control system can be accomplished within the approved budget, therefore, the governing body does not have to worry about the money to solve this problem. Note: Federal agencies have insisted that treatment facilities must include equipment replacement fund and City of Woodburn has followed this policy. Any new development will be brought to the attention of the council at the regular meeting of December 19. MCSTAT .CC T 16E MEMO TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARY TENNANT, CITY RECORDER DATE: DECEMBER 15, 1994 SUBJECT: OFFICE CLOSURES DURING CHRISTMAS/NEW YEAR HOLIDAY As provided by the AFSCME contract and the city personnel manuel, paid holidays are granted to full-time employees on the following December/January dates: December 24th December 25th January 1 st The last half of the day Full day Full day This year, Christmas and New Year's Day holidays fall on Sunday, necessitating the closure of certain offices on different days. For your information, aschedule of office closures is provided below. Administrative Offices. Finance. Court. Public Works. and Parks: These offices will be closed on Friday, December 23, 1994 from 12:00 noon until Tuesday, December 27, 1994 and also will be closed on Monday, January 2, 1995. Woodburn Public Librarv: The Library will be ooen on Fridav. December 23 at 8:00 a.m. until noon. will close at noon and reopen on Tuesday, December 27, 1994. The Library will be closed on December 31, and January 1 and 2, 1995. Woodburn Police Business Office: The Woodburn Police business office will be closed on Friday, December 23, 1994 from 12:00 noon until Tuesday, December 27, 1994. This office will also be closed on Monday, January 2, 1995. /