Minutes - 10/24/1994 TAPE H.EADING 0001 0013 0034 0045 00:55 P)~l 7 .- ~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 24, 1994 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY BALL, CITY OP WOODBURN, COUNTY OP HARION, STATE OP OREGON, OCTOBER 24, 1994. CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kelley presiding. Administrator Childs informed the Council that Attorney Shields was not available to attend tonight's meeting, however, his associate, Sharon Mitchell, was present at the meeting to answer any legal questions that may arise. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kelley Figley Galvin Hagenauer Jennings Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Childs, Attorney Sharon Mitchell, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Police Chief Wright, Finance Director Gritta, Public Works Manager Rohman, Park Director Holly, Library Director Sprauer, 9-1-1 Communications Manager Wolf, City Recorder Tennant MINUTES. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... approve the Council minutes of October 10, 1994 and accept the Planning commission minutes of October 13, 1994 as presented. The motion passed unanimously. APPOINTMEIR - CITY COUNCIL WARD I. Mayor Kelley appointed Fred Kasachev to fill Ward I position which expires December 1996. Councilor Figley reiterated her comments made at the last meeting and questioned if there was more support from the constituents for Mr. Kasachev's appointment. She stated that citizens within the Ward are in support of another individual and she feels that the wishes of those citizens should be considered. FIGLEY/JENNINGS... appointment be rejected. On roll call vote, the motion passed 4-1 with Galvin voting nay. MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS. The Wastewater Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday, November 1, 1994, 7:00 p.m., at Woodburn city Hall. Pa(1e 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 24, 1994 'Il' rAPE RF..ADING 0150 0245 0280 0308 -- ....." COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 24, 1994 Councilor Jennings also advised the public that the Transportation Task Force is now meeting the first and third Thursday of each month from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. COKKITTEB REPORT -- WORLD BERRY MUSEUM. I Nancy Kirksey, representing the Museum Board, statJd that the Museum had their first "old time" matinee on October 6th and the next "old time" matinee is scheduled for November 23, 1994. Additionally, the Museum will soon be selling 1995 calendars which is a major fundraiser for the Museum to help pay the annual lease payment for the building. Pauline Neal spoke on behalf of the Cub Scouts, Pack 152, who will be selling the calendars. The scouts will receive $.50 for each calendar sold which helps contribute to their fundraising efforts. She urged the pUblic to support this local fundraising activity. Mayor Kelley stated that he had attended a meeting at the local PGE office regarding programs that they had available and would be willing to assist the city in anyway possible. Councilor Figley stated that she, along with other Councilor Hagenauer and other staff members, had attended the same meeting and was told by PGE that they have people and funds available to help in worthwhile projects towards the goal of strong families and healthy communities. COUNCIL BILL 1587 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF OPERATING CONTINGENCY APPROPRIATIONS DURING FISCAL YEAR 1994- 95 REI HABITAT FOR HUMANITY PROJECT. Council Bill 1587 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kelley declared Council Bill 1587 duly passed. COMPUTER AIDED DISPATCH (CAD) CONTROL PROCESSING UNIT UPGRADE. Communications Manager Wolf recommended in her memo to the Council the authorization to upgrade the current control processing unit to provide a substantial performance improvement with the current software system and to meet future growth requirements. The cost of the new unit is $39,676.12 plus shipping and handling. Funds within the 9-1-1 Development fund are available to pay for this upgrade. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... authorize the upgrade of the Control Processing Unit (CPU) within the communications center pursuant to the existing customer agreement with International Business Machines Corp. (IBM). On roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 24, 1994 'I!" TAPE RF~ING .9335 0360 Qll.l 0453 0467 ....... --,. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 24, 1994 CONTRACT AWARD - COUNTRY CLUB ROAD REALIGNMENT PROJECT. Bids were received from the following contractors: Gelco Construction Co., $246,395.60; Kerr Contractors, $279,310.00; North santiam Paving co, $302,719.05; Brock Construction, $320,403.50; and D & D Paving, $366,958.78. It was noted within the staff report that the low bid was 12% over the engineer's estimate, however, a majority of the overage was due to recent upgrades to ODOT's standard specifications for traffic signal installation. Funding sources for the project include the state fund exchange program and the direct state Signal Modification program fund. The project includes the removal of two existing traffic signals and the installation of one traffic signal along with the construction of the realigned roadway. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... contract be awarded to Gelco Construction Co. in the amount of $246,395.60. On roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. REOUEST FOR INSTALLATION OF "NO PARKING" SIGNS ON JAKES STREET NEAR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT SUBSTATION. Staff recommended the installation of "No Parking" signs on the north side of James Street opposite the Fire substation and on the south side between the substation driveways to allow for easier access to the substation. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... approve the request for "No Parking" sign installation. The motion passed unanimously. AMBULANCE PRANCHISE RENEWAL - COUNCIL WORKSHOP. In a brief review of his memo, Administrator Childs stated that Woodburn and Mt. Angel are the only two known cities that have ambulance franchises, however, Washington or Clackamas County recently entered into some form of a franchise with their ambulance services. It was the consensus of the Council to hold a workshop on this issue on November 2, 1994, 7:00 p.m., at City Hall. CLAIMS POR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1994. SIFUENTEZiGALVIN... approve voucher checks #24412 - #24794 for the month of September 1994. The motion passed unanimously. Rosemary Hammack, 1225 Hardcastle, stated that the apathy within the City shows when there seems to be no support from her neighborhood, the Council, or other local citizens on trying to get some ordinances passed to curtail the gang problem in Woodburn. She stated that people are moving from Woodburn because of the gang situation and she also expressed her opinion that the Gang Task Force is not doing anything to help solve the problem. Councilor Jennings reiterated that staff is working on the nuisance housing ordinance which should be presented to the Council for review next month. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 24, 1994 'lI" TAPE F,EADING 0575 0611 0986 .- '""" COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 24, 1994 Layton Frawley, 1243 Woodland Ave., expressed his sympathy for the two (2) individuals who are willing to serve as Councilor in Ward I and he hoped that something could be worked out to an amicable solution in the near future. STAPF REPORTS. (A) Playa de Oro Liquor License Application Update -- Chief Wright stated that the 21 conditions imposed by the Council were reduced to 12 conditions by OLCC license investigators. The video camera conditions were removed by OLCC staff, however, Mr. Rodriquez has assured the Police Department that he will install the video system even though it is not part of the final conditions. Even though the department's preference would be for non-issuance of the license, he felt that Mr. Rodriguez is intent on trying to insure a well-maintained establishment. (B) Woodburn Bank Building, 199 N. Front street -- Community Development Director Goeckritz stated that the state and County Building Code officials have reached an agreement on the rehabilitation measures to be taken and the City should receive the plans back from the County later this month. Hopefully, all permits will be issued within a few weeks and work will begin to rehabilitate the building. (C) Salud Medical Building, 347 N. Front street -- Director Goeckritz stated that Executive Director Al Nunez, along with Curt Arthur and Board member Patrick Vance, will be in attendance at the November 14th meeting to update the Council on the status of this building. (D) Water Test Results -- Public Works Manager Rohman advised the public that, following chlorination of waterlines in the Wilson street area, test results for coliform bacteria show negative. Notices will be sent to customers around November 4th as required by Health Dvision rules. (E) Library Remodeling -- Library Director Sprauer stated that the remodeling project is getting closer to completion and that they had found cracks in the floor in most areas. The mezzanine will reopen in a few days and the Childrens' Library section by next week. Cracks in the walls are also being repaired and the interior is being repainted. While work is being done in the main entry, the Library will be closed from Thursday, November 10th through Monday, November 15th. She thanked the staff and the library patrons for their cooperation while this project has been in progress. (F) Railroad Crossing Improvement -- The materials for the Young Street crossing are at the site and improvement of the crossing will be done as soon as Southern Pacific crews are Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 24, 1994 - TAPE READING 1000 1030 1376 - .....,. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 24, 1994 available to complete the work. It is anticipated that the work will be done before the first of the year. Mayor Kelley stated that two complaints regarding election law violations had been filed with the Secretary of State's Office after those citizens had received a letter from him in response to the appointment of an individual to the Ward I Councilor position. The Secretary of State's office has provided him with a response to the complaints stating that they did not feel that there were any violations of law with the letter. Councilor sifuentez expressed concern regarding Ms. Hammack's statements that nothing is being done about the gang situation in town. She stated that, as an individual, she cares about the community and gives endless hours to make things better within the community. She requested that Chief Wright provide the Council with a verbal status report on this issue. Chief Wright stated that he felt that the Council and staff had been doing something to address this issue which is not only a problem in Woodburn but in most other cities in the area. The City, in concert with the School District and Juvenile Department, have recently hired Gang Intervention Specialists to work with individuals and families involved in gangs. He briefly reviewed the number of calls reported this last weekend on gang related activities as it compares to total calls received and stated that one of the calls did involve the discharging of a shotgun by an individual at a parked vehicle that had no occupants. On the next Council agenda, staff will be presenting a proposed Nuisance House ordinance. In the past, his staff has worked with landlords to expedite the eviction process, however, it is hoped that the proposed ordinance will make the process even smoother. He reminded the public that neighborhoods need to be vigilant and residents need to call the Police Department when something occurs since any piece of information can be used to solve a crime that has been committed. Councilor Jennings also stated that he shares the concern on gang issues and he feels that it takes time to accomplish a task that will hold up later in court. He also expressed his opinion that the Gang Task Force has done a lot of good in the community. Councilor Figley stated that she would like to see the registration of all rental homes in Woodburn even though licenses may not be required for a single unit for the purpose of knowing who to contact when the need arises. She also felt that citizens need to talk to their legislators on gun control issues. Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 24, 1994 '11" TAPE READING 1488 1503 1577 1588 1694 - -,.. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 24, 1994 Mayor Kelley urged the citizens to exercise their right to vote at the November 8th general election. Dick Pugh, 1460 Willow, expressed his appreciation to the Council and staff for not instituting laws without first investigating all of the legal aspects. He suggested that citizens take on more responsibility, such as stronger neighborhood watch programs, which may eventually discourage gang activity within the community. EXECUTIVE SESSION. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... adjourn to executive session under the authority of ORS 192.660(1) (d) to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to carryon labor negotiations. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned to executive session at 7:52 p.m. and reconvened at 8:32 p.m.. COUNCIL BILL 1588 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MEMORANDUM OP AGREEMENT WITH AMERICAN PEDERATION OP STATE. COUNTY' MUNICIPAL (APSCME) EMPLOYEES REGARDING COMPENSATION AND RECLASSIPICATION MATTERS. Council Bill 1588 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. Recorder Tennant read the bill in full since it had not been presented to the Council as part of the original agenda packet. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kelley declared Council Bill 1588 duly passed. ADJOOlUOlENT. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.. APPROVED ~ ~ LEN ELLEY, MAYO ATTEST CJ~"j< d= Mary ~arit~corder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 24, 1994 -