Minutes - 04/11/1994 TAPE READING 0001 0010 0030 0042 0075 - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 11, 1994 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY BALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, APRIL 11, 1994. CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kelley presiding. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kelley Figley Galvin Hagenauer Jennings Mitchell Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Present Present Present staff Present: City Administrator Childs, city Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Police Chief Wright, Public Works Manager Rohman, Library Director Sprauer, Finance Director Gritta, City Recorder Tennant MINUTES. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... approve the Council minutes of March 28, 1994; accept the Planning Commission minutes of March 24, 1994 and the Library Board minutes of April 5, 1994. The motion passed unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS. A workshop has been scheduled between the Council and Woodburn School District for Wednesday, April 13th, 7:00 p.m., city Hall, for the purpose of discussing items of mutual concern. The swimming Pool Committee will hold an Open House at the Community Center on Saturday, April 16th, at 12:00 noon. As part of Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, a 9-1-1 Intergovernmental Display will be set-up at Walmart on Saturday, April 16th. A Council workshop will also be held on April 19th, 7:00 p.m., City Hall, to discuss wastewater issues with the Wastewater Advisory Committee. The Transportation Task Force will meet on Thursday, April 21st, 7:00 p.m., at Woodburn City Hall. PROCLAMATIONS. (1) Mayor Kelley proclaimed April 10 - 16, 1994 as Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. (2) Mayor Kelley also proclaimed April 17 - 23, 1994 as National Library Week. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 11, 1994 '11" TAPE READING 0086 0132 0159 0186 0254 ,-. ~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 11, 1994 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Gerry Bosch, Chamber representative, advised the Council of the following events: (1) Monthly Chamber forum will be held on April 15th, 12:00 noon, at Yum Wah's Restaurant. Guest speaker will be a member of the Woodburn School Board. (2) Casino night will be held on April 22nd at the Woodburn Fire Department. Tickets are still available for this annual fundraiser. (3) The Greeter's program is an on-going Friday morning activity in which Chamber members visit a local business between 7:30 a.m and 8:30 a.m.. WOODBURN COMEBACK CAMPAIGN. Councilor Figley stated that the group will be meeting on Wednesday, April 13th, 6:00 pm, to discuss the direction the Committee will take in the future. citizens are invited to the meeting to provide input regarding this on-going program. LETTER FROM OREGON DEPT. OF VETERAN'S AFFAIRS. Mayor Kelley stated that he had just received a letter from Lyle Frazier, Project Director, Oregon Veteran's Home, advising the City that, following the initial evaluation of applications, the City'S application was not among the final proposed sites. Barbara Lucas, 214 E. Clackamas CI, stated that SENA had filed a Notice of Appeal with the City, however, they had not been notified of this meeting. Community Development Director Goeckritz stated that, procedurally, the Council needs to review the appeal and, if applicable, set a hearing date for the appeal. Once the date is set, all interested parties will be contacted in addition to the required legal publication. Ms. Lucas also questioned the staff report regarding Neighborhood Associations since she was under the impression that a workshop would be held on this issue. Director Goeckritz stated that he had provided a staff report to the Council and it is their decision as to what the next step should be. COUNCIL BILL 1535 - RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO A PROFESSIONAL AGREEMENT FOR BOND COUNSEL SERVICES. Council Bill 1535 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. It was noted that Attorney Richard Roberts has served as the City'S Bond Counsel for many years. On roll call vote for final passage, Council Bill 1535 passed unanimously. Mayor Kelley declared the bill duly passed. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 11, 1994 11" TAPE READING 0305 0339 0366 0419 ,-' -, COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 11, 1994 COUNCIL BILL 1536 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE OREGON NATIONAL GUARD (Gang Enforcement services). Council Bill 1536 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Councilor Jennings expressed his appreciation to the National Guard for their continued funding of this program. On roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. Mayor Kelley declared Council Bill 1536 duly passed. NOTICE OF APPEAL - BAKER/BROWN (Site Plan Review #94-01 and variance #94-03). An appeal of the Planning Commission's decision was filed by Attorney Wallace Lien on behalf of the Senior Estates Neighborhood Association (SENA) within the 10 day filing period as required by the city's zoning ordinance. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... staff be directed to set a public hearing date a the earliest time permitted by Oregon law and order that the Planning commission certify and transmit to the Council its complete record in these cases. The motion passed unanimously. WAR MEMORIAL POOL - STATUS OF OPERATION. A staff memo to the Park Board provided various options available to the City regarding pool operations for 1994. After reviewing the options, the Park Board voted to approve the permanent closure of the pool in order to insure a sufficient level of appropriations to operate for 3 full months in fiscal year 1994-95. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ.... support the position of the Park Board and the swimming pool not be opened this summer. The motion passed unanimously. Administrator Childs stated that the Park Department will use some of the remaining portion of the 1993-94 pool budget to provide alternative recreational programs for youth this summer. BASKETBALL HOOPS WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. Administrator Childs had prepared a memo to the Council which recommended that letters be sent to occupants of residents that have basketball hoops requesting voluntary compliance of removal or relocating the basketball hoop to an area outside of the public right-of-way. Councilor Jennings reiterated that even though he is taking an active part on having the basketball hoops removed from the right-of-way, this issue was initiated by complaints from constituents concerned about the safety of children who play basketball in the streets. Discussion was held regarding the letter which only requests for voluntary compliance. In addition, it addresses the Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 11, 1994 '1f TAPE READING 0722 0735 0751 - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 11, 1994 possibility of receiving a citation for Disorderly Conduct if traffic is impeded which carries a maximum penalty of 6 months in jail and/or a $5,000 fine. It was noted that sending a letter requesting voluntary was a discretionary action on the part of the Council for tort liability purposes. Mayor Kelley advised the Council that the two parties involved in the dispute on Joyce street have agreed to work on their differences through the Neighbor to Neighbor program. Discussion was also held on alternative areas for children and/or adults to play basketball since safety is a major concern of the City. Mayor Kelley also expressed his opinion that there are times that problems can be solved within neighborhoods through better communications rather than the enactment of new laws. JENNINGS/MITCHELL.... staff send out the letter included as Exhibit A to occupants of all residences identified by staff which have basketball hoops located in street right-of-way. The motion passed unanimously. ACCEPTANCE OF STORM SEWER EASEMENT. A storm sewer easement has been signed by the Joseph Ziebart, Ziebart Homes, Inc., for the purpose of providing additional storm water runoff storage during a 100-year storm event. The easement is within Lot 7 of the platted Ziebart Addition. JENNINGS/HAGENAUER.... storm water retention easement from Ziebart Homes, Inc., be accepted. The motion passed unanimously. BID AWARD - ABOVE GROUND FUEL TANK. Bids for a 1100 gallon above-ground fuel tank to be located at the Wastewater plant were received from the fOllowing vendors: NW Pump and Equipment, $4,304.34; C & K Petroleum Equipment Co., $6,790.26; Ace Tank, $10,735.59; Northwest Construction, $14,613.00; and Diversified Mechanical, $17,601.00. Staff recommended the acceptance of the bid from C & K Petroleum Equipment since the low bidder did not include the cost of labor within their bid which was part of the specifications. HAGENAUER/JENNINGS.... accept the bid from C & K Petroleum Equipment in the amount of $6,790.26. The motion passed unanimously. INTERAGENCY GANG INTERVENTION PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION. The Police Department requested authorization to submit a grant application to the Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Program for federal assistance in funding an interagency gang intervention program. The purpose of the grant is to reduce juvenile crime rate and gang activity and to provide a community-wide education and assistance program inVOlving gang members and their families. If the grant is approved for funding, the City would hire two Gang Intervention Specialists with matChing funds to supplement the grant being paid by the Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 11, 1994 'If TAPE READING 0776 0807 0835 1028 -- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 11, 1994 City, Woodburn School District, and Marion County Juvenile Department. The City's match amount for budget year 1994-95 would be $12,200. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... application be submitted to the Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Program in the amount of $104,596.00. The motion passed unanimously. REOUEST FOR STREET CLOSURE - MONTGOMERY STREET. Library Director Sprauer requested that, on April 20, 1994, the Council restrict parking on Montgomery street between First and Second Street from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM and close the same street area between 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM for the purpose allowing a skateboard performance by local teens. This activity is in conjuction with the National Library Week and the opening of the city's "Teen Center" in the Library. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... restrict parking and close Montgomery Street between First and Second Streets on April 20, 1994 as requested by staff. The motion passed unanimously. CLAIMS FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1994. SIFUENTEZ/GALVIN.... approve payment of voucher checks #22042 - 22451 for the month of March 1994. The motion passed unanimously. Preston Tack, 2197 Camilla Way, read a letter, signed by Gilbert Flaugher and himself, to the Council regarding citizen involvement. They encouraged more public participation and suggested that all communications to the Council be either read or summarized, staff reports be summarized and Council discussion be held on each item, proposed ordinances be published to allow citizen review and/or pUblic hearings, and distribution of a bi-weekly newsletter or postcard outlining agenda items. STAFF REPORTS. (1) Discussion Paper on Neighborhood Associations - Councilor Figley stated that she would be interested in a workshop, however, she would like the workshop to include Planning Commission members and staff members from the City of Salem and Portland who work with Neighborhood Associations in order to obtain as much information as possible about associations before making any decision on this issue. Councilor Sifuentez also felt the need to invite the Planning commission since so many of the issues currently being discussed by SENA are related to growth and development. Discussion was held regarding the need to obtain information and yet not centralize the discussion on a site specific basis. In regards to setting a date for the workshop, JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... staff report back at the next meeting with a recommended date for the workshop. The motion passed unanimously. Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 11, 1994 'Ir TAPE READING 1500 1530 - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 11, 1994 (2) Art Print Donation - In a memo from the Library Director, it was noted that Dr. Larry Davis has donated another 49 numbered art prints framed to museum standards. Many of the prints are by artist John Pitcher and plans are being made to have Mr. Pitcher present a program at the Library on May 10, 1994 at 7:00 p.m.. (3) Tree Maintenance on stacy Allison Road - In Public Works Director Tiwari's memo, he stated that his review of the city ordinance and agreement with the property owner of Barclay Square indicates that the property owner is responsible for the maintenance of the trees. However, the City would be required to pay $500 per tree if it is determined that the tree died because of the project excavation and root damage within five years of the project. (4) Jail Inspection Report - The city's jail facility was inspected by the state Corrections Department and the report is on file in the Police Department. (5) united Disposal Service - Between March 25 - 27, 1994, dumpsters were made available at numerous sites within Woodburn to allow residents an opportunity to clean-up their yard and dispose of the debris at no charge to the residents. (6) Final Official Results of the March 22, 1994 bond issue levy as certified by the Marion County Elections Division. Councilor Mitchell stated that the Wastewater Advisory Committee is planning on an Open House for June 6, 1994 at which time they will review wastewater alternatives with interested citizens and provide tours of the current wastewater facility. Councilor Figley questioned staff progress in reducing the amount of vehicular traffic that uses the abandoned gas station as a bypass to Rainier Road. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that there has been enough activity in that area lately (development proposal and real property negotiations) that he felt this issue should be addressed after the negotiations are completed. He stated that he had not approached Mr. Baker or Mr. Brown regarding the barricading of the entrance to their property. Councilor Figley expressed her concern that the problem continues to exist and she feels for the property owners (Mr. & Mrs. Thomas) who have had to put up with this situation for a long period of time. In any event, she did not want the issue to be dropped by the City. Director Tiwari stated that the City could 1) talk to the property owners of the gas station about the installation of a barricade or 2) City barricade the lot. He reassured Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 11, 1994 .". - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 11, 1994 TAPE READING Councilor Figley that some sort of action would be taken within the next couple of months. Councilor Jennings felt that the issue was important and the Thomas's should receive some assistance from the City in reducing and/or eliminating the problem. He also suggested that the state Highway Department cover the traffic signal which is located on the south side of the Oregon Way intersection to deter motorists from using the private driveway as a pUblic roadway. Councilor Figley informed the public that the donation made by United Disposal Service for the drop boxes amounted to $25,854.83. She stated that United Disposal Service continues to show their generosity by providing this service once each year free to the residents of Woodburn. Councilor Sifuentez stated that the Swimming Pool Committee will continue to sell bricks and tiles over the next several months. In addition, they are planning other fundraisers to generate more dollars to offset the pool construction costs. 1815 ADJOURNMENT. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m.. APPROVED ~ ,r~ LE KELLEY, MAY R ATTEST /1..~ ~ Mary~nant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 11, 1994 .". _. 4/07/94 A/P CHECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1994 Page Check NlJllber Budgetary Account NlJllber Vendor Name Vendor NlJllber Check - Date Written Amount of Check ----............ ..--.......--.-----...--- .............----------------- ------------- .-----.........----- ---------------- 22042 REIMBURSEMENT-POLICE WANDA ANDERSON NONE 3/01/94 597.80 22043 SERVICES-WATER US POST OFF I CE 020090 3/03/94 228.53 22044 PETTY CASH-VARIOUS CITY OF WOODBURN 015255 3/03/94 146.08 22045 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22046 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22047 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22048 REGISTRATION-LIBRARY CLASSIC CLEANING COURSE NONE 3/07/94 50.00 22049 REGISTRATION-LIBRARY OLA CONFERENCE NONE 3/07/94 162.00 22050 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY AFRO AMERICAN PRESS 000097 3/07/94 286.03 22051 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS AUTOMATED OFFICE SYS 000563 3/07/94 109.81 22052 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY BARNES & NOBLE 001135 3/07/94 228.99 22053 SUPPLIES-STREET BEN-KO-MATIC INC 001200 3/07/94 210.00 22054 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY BI-MART CORPORATION 001275 3/07/94 14.38 22055 SUPPLlES-ENG BLUEPRINT SPECIALTY 001310 3/07/94 28.44 22056 REIMBURSEMENT-LIBRARY JUDY BRUNICAL 001576 3/07/94 92.00 22057 SUPPLIES-LIB/CITY ATTY BUTTERSWORTHS LEGAL PUBLISH 001590 3/07/94 222.03 22058 SERVICES-POLICE CASE AUTOMOTIVE 002190 3/07/94 2,195.96 22059 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY CHEMEKETA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 002410 3/07194 57.29 22060 SUPPLI ES- LI BRARY CHERRY CITY ELECTRIC 002424 3/07/94 407.52 22061 SERVICES-WTP CINTAS 002484 3/07/94 133.83 22062 SUPPLIES-CITY ATTY CLARK BOARDMAN CALLAGHAN 002543 3/07194 99.05 22063 SUPPLIES-WATER CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY CO 002770 3/07/94 2,047.00 22064 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY CY DECOSSE 002990 3/07/94 156.82 22065 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY DEMCO MEDIA 003110 3/07/94 27.81 22066 SERVICES-LIBRARY DURHAM & BATES AGENCIES 003338 3/07/94 150.00 22067 SUPPLIES-CODE ENFORCE FARMERS OIL 005040 3/07/94 110.54 22068 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY FEATURE FILMS FOR FAMILIES 005073 3/07/94 94.85 22069 SUPPLIES-POLICE FRANKLIN QUEST CO 005332 3/07/94 66.80 22070 SERVICES-PUBLIC WORKS GELCO CONSTRUCTION CO 006061 3/07/94 27,267.17 22071 SERVICES-911 GERVAIS TELEPHONE CO 006143 3/07/94 95.44 220n SUPPLIES-POLICE GLOBAL COMPUTER SUPPLIES 006212 3/07/94 128.33 22073 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY GRUNKO FILMS INC 006368 3/07/94 33.95 22074 SERVICES-911/CITY ADMN G.T.E. MOBILNET 006373 3/07194 6.58 22075 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY GUMOROP BOOKS 006385 3/07194 795.98 22076 SERVICES-LIBRARY C.J. HANSEN CO INC 007055 3/07/94 916.00 22077 SUPPLI ES - POll CE HARRIS UNIFORMS 007090 3/07/94 523.15 22078 SUPPLIES-POLICE HUNTING SHACK INC 007336 3/07194 840.84 22079 SUPPLI ES -WTP INDUSTRIAL MACHINING CO 008075 3/07/94 100.00 22080 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY INGRAM DIST GROUP 008116 3/07/94 782.26 22081 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY JACKSON'S BOOKS 009046 3/07/94 170.39 22082 SERV I CES- POll CE DR ROBERT H. JONES 009147 3/07/94 298.00 22083 SUPPLI ES- LI BRARY JEAN ICARR & CO 010030 3/07/94 33.50 22084 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY KIWANIS CLUB OF FRENCH PRAIRIE 010054 3/07/94 30.00 22085 SERVICES-POLICE/LIBRARY KILROY'S SELF STORAGE 010088 3/07/94 202.00 22086 SERVICES-LIBRARY LANDIS & GYR 011032 3/07/94 228.70 40,375.85 '1f .- - 4/07/94 AlP CHECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1994 Page 2 Check NlMIDer Budgetary Account NlMIDer Vendor Name Vendor NlMIDer Check - Date Written Amount of Check --...-------- ------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------- -------------------- ---------------- 22087 SERVleES-eClJRT MSI GRClJP INe 012015 3/07194 125.00 22088 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY MARION CO HEALTH DEPT 012165 3/07/94 6.00 22089 SUPPLIES.VARIClJS METROFUELING INC 012448 3/07/94 1,386.92 22090 SERVICES-911 MONITOR CO-OP TELEPHONE 012550 3/07/94 170.00 22091 SERVICES-WTP NATIONAL SEMINARS INC 013135 3/07/94 98.00 22092 SERVICES.911 NEW WORLD SYSTEMS 013163 3/07/94 4,950.00 22093 SERVICES.VARIClJS NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS 013350 3/07/94 383.44 22094 REGISTRATION-POLICE OACP 014008 3/07/94 122.00 22095 SUPPLIES-PUBLIC WORKS OFF I CE DEPOT 014029 3/07/94 62.37 22096 SUPPLIES-FINANCE OREGON DEPT OF JUSTICE 014210 3/07/94 12.00 22097 SERVICES-CODE ENFORCE OR DEPT OF MOTOR VEHICLE 014240 3/07/94 40.00 22098 SUPPLIES-WTP PACIFIC PURE BOTTLED WATER 015059 3/07/94 36.00 22099 SUPPLI ES-PARKS PAPERDIRECT INC 015112 3/07/94 85.85 22100 SUPPLIES-POLICE PERF PUBLISHING 015230 3/07/94 55.95 22101 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY POCKET PRESS INC 015366 3/07/94 13.00 22102 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY POOL & CREW 015371 3/07/94 141. 90 22103 SERVICES-COURT TERRY RAMIREZ 017050 3/07/94 47.00 22104 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY REGENT BOOK COMPANY 017148 3/07/94 30.02 22105 SERVICES-911 ST PAUL COOPERATIVE TELEPHONE 018035 3/07/94 1n.60 22106 SUPPLIES-WATER SALEM FORD NEW HOLLAND 018095 3/07/94 25.00 22107 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY SCOT CUSTODIAL SUPPLY 018308 3/07/94 120.15 22108 SEWER BOND COUPONS SEAFIRST BANK 018314 3/07/94 265.00 22109 SERVICES-PARKS SECURITY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 018333 3/07/94 27,022.75 22110 SUPPLIES-WATER SILVERTON SAND & GRAVEL 018490 3/07/94 769.18 22111 SERVICES-LIBRARY SOUND ELEVATOR CO 018610 3/07/94 158.36 22112 SUPPLIES-CITY ATTY STATE COURT ADMINISTRATOR 018745 3/07/94 35.00 22113 OFF STREET COUPONS STATE STREET BANK 018775 3/07/94 279.00 22114 SERVICES-POLICE SUN RIVER 018848 3/07/94 210.56 22115 SERVICES-VARIOUS TELECOMM SYSTEMS INC 019043 3/07/94 75.70 22116 REIMBURSEMENT-FINANCE MARY TENNANT 019055 3/07/94 37.70 22117 SUPPLIES-POLICE TERRITORIAL SUPPLIES INC 019060 3/07/94 260.00 22118 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY TIME-LIFE BOOKS 019160 3/07/94 37.99 22119 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY TIME WARNER VIEWERS EDGE 019164 3/07/94 210.81 22120 SUPPLIES-C GARAGE UNOCAL:ERNIE GRAHAM OIL 020010 3/07/94 319.17 22121 SERVICES-VARIOUS UNITED DISPOSAL SERVICE 020020 3/07/94 506.20 22122 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY USWEST DIRECT 020092 3/07/94 16.40 22123 SERVICES-VARIOUS U.S. WEST COMMUNICATIONS 020095 3/07/94 144.20 22124 SERVICES-COUNCIL VALLEY PACIFIC FLORAL 021046 3/07/94 38.00 22125 SUPPLIES-WTP VALLEY WELDING SUPPLY 021050 3/07/94 9.00 22126 SUPPLIES-POLICE VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 021180 3/07/94 166.93 22127 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY WAL-MART STORES INC 022035 3/07/94 7.75 22128 SUPPLIES-CITY ATTY WEST PUBLISHING CO 022160 3/07/94 156.50 22129 SUPPLIES-WTP WESTERN POWER & EQUIPMENT 022228 3/07/94 7.21 22130 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY JOHN WILEY & SONS INC 022317 3/07/94 368.18 22131 SERVICES-LIBRARY WOODBURN FLORIST 022600 3/07/94 20.00 22132 SERVICES-NON DEPT WOODBURN INDEPENDENT 022630 3/07/94 26.25 79,611.89 - - 4/07/94 A/P CHECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1994 Page 3 Check NLlJt)er Budgetary Account NLlJt)er Vendor Name Vendor NLlJt)er Check - Date Written Amount of Check ------------ ------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------- -------------------- ---------------- 22133 SUPPLI ES.VAR IClIS WOODBURN LUMBER CO 022660 3/07/94 542.68 22134 SERVICES-PARKS WOODBURN MASONRY INC 022663 3/07/94 4,450.00 22135 SERVICES-LIBRARY WOODBURN RADIATOR & GLASS 022700 3/07/94 997.80 22136 SUPPLIES-POLICE YES GRAPHICS 024025 3/07/94 320.00 22137 SUPPLIES-ENGINEERING MARION COUNTY TAX ASSESSORS 012210 3/07/94 33.80 22138 PETTY CASH-VARIOUS C I TV OF WOODBURN 015255 3/09/94 175.53 22139 SUPPLIES-PARKS US POST OFFICE 020090 3/10/94 174.00 22140 SERVICES-WATER US POST OFFICE 020090 3/10/94 150.10 22141 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 22142 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 22143 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I 0 22144 REGISTRATION-LIBRARY OLA CONFERENCE NONE 3/10/94 192.00 22145 SUPPLIES-POLICE AMERICAN RED CROSS 000280 3/10/94 19.30 22146 SUPPLIES-POLICE AUTOMATED OFFICE SYS 000563 3/10/94 410.79 22147 SERVICES-911 AT&T INFORMATION SYSTEMS 000620 3/10/94 97.75 22148 SERVICES-911 AT&T CONSUMER PRODUCT DIV 000640 3/10/94 27.50 22149 SUPPLIES-STREET BEN-KO-MATIC INC 001200 3/10/94 391.50 22150 SUPPLIES-ENGINEERING BUILDING TECH BOOKSTORE 001587 3/10/94 148.35 22151 SERVICES-PUBLIC WORKS CARLSON TESTING INC 002143 3/10/94 72.00 22152 SERVICES-911 CELLULAR ONE 002305 3/10/94 15.61 22153 SERVICES-ENGINEERING CH2M-HILL 002478 3/10/94 1,710.71 22154 SUPPLIES-CODE ENFORCE CONVENI ENCECARD 002815 3/10/94 27.15 22155 SERVICES-PUBLIC WORKS DANEAL CONSTRUCTION INC 003028 3/10/94 28,661.36 22156 REIMBURSEMENT-FINANCE V JEAN DEEN 003107 3/10/94 26.45 22157 SUPPLIES- LI BRARY GENERAL ELECTRIC CAPITAL 006079 3/10/94 136.00 22158 REIMBURSEMENT-FINANCE NANCY GRITTA 006325 3/10/94 19.30 22159 SERVICES-CODE ENFORCE G.T.E. MOBILNET 006373 3/10/94 49.49 22160 SUPPLIES-CODE ENFORCE HARRIS UNIFORMS 007090 3/10/94 39.80 22161 SERVI CES-911 IBM CORPORATION 008010 3/10/94 1,300.00 22162 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS INDUSTRIAL WELDING SUPPLY 008100 3/10/94 109.20 22163 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY JACKSON'S BOOKS 009046 3/10/94 77.05 22164 SERVICES-ENGINEERING JOB SHOPPERS INC 009119 3/10/94 1,434.00 22165 SUPPLIES-POLICE LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES 011110 3/10/94 147.99 22166 REIMBURSEMENT-LIBRARY DONNA MELENDEZ 012420 3/10/94 22.00 22167 SUPPLIES-VARIClIS METROFUELING INC 012448 3/10/94 624.94 22168 SUPPLI ES-PARICS NASCO WEST INC 013020 3/10/94 85.29 22169 SERVICES-VARIOUS NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS 013350 3/10/94 1,092.20 22170 SERVICES-VARIOUS ONE CALL CONCEPTS INC 014054 3/10/94 41.25 22171 REIMBURSEMENT-FINANCE VEE on 014685 3/10/94 20.63 22172 SUPPLIES-WWTP PACIFIC PRINTERS 015058 3/10/94 49.90 22173 SERVICES-STREET PIONEER GLASS 015330 3/10/94 126.59 22174 SUPPLIES-STREET PIONEER ELECTRONICS 015345 3/10/94 61.98 22175 SERVICES-VARIOUS PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC 015420 3/10/94 17,827.99 22176 SERVICES-COURT TERRY RAMIREZ 017050 3/10/94 39.50 22177 SERVICES-COURT SHEREEN RICOY 017196 3/1 0/94 197.38 22178 SERVICES-CITY ATTY N ROBERT SHIELDS 018450 3/10/94 4,556.25 146,315.00 'W -, 4/07194 AlP CHECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1994 Page 4 Check NYlber Budgetary Account NYlber Vendor Name Vendor NYlber Check - Date Written Amount of Check ------------ ------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------- -------------------- ---------------- 22179 SUPPLIES-CODE ENFORCE SILVERFLEET SYSTEMS 018465 3/10/94 63.78 22180 REIMBURSEMENT-LIBRARY MAUREEN SMITH 018564 3/10/94 100.00 22181 SERVICES-WWTP SPENCER ENVIRONMENTAL SERV 018679 3/10/94 70.25 22182 SERVI CES-POLl CE TELEC<JotI SYSTEMS 019043 3/1 0/94 97.50 22183 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS THE J. THAYER COMPANY 019100 3/1 0/94 195.88 22184 SERVICES-ENGINEERING DAVID L TRAPP & ASSOC 019210 3/10/94 890.00 22185 LOAN PAYMENT-NON DEPT US BANK OF OREGON 020059 3/10/94 20,999.74 22186 SERVICES-VARIOUS US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 020091 3/10/94 385.42 22187 SERVICES-VARIOUS US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 020095 3/10/94 3,406.61 22188 SUPPLIES-POLICE VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 021180 3/10/94 104.55 22189 SERVICES-WWTP WATER,FOOD & RESEARCH LAB 022062 3/10/94 55.00 22190 SERVICES-ENGINEERING WILLAMETTE VALLEY TITLE 022356 3/10/94 240.00 22191 REGISTRATlON-911 WILLAMETTE VALLEY COMMUNICATNS 022387 3/10194 90.00 22192 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY NICOLETTE WONACOTT 022478 3/10194 130.74 22193 SUPPLI ES- STREET WOODBURN RENT-ALL 022708 3/10194 120.00 22194 SERVICES-POLICE KILROYS SELF STORAGE 010088 3/10/94 75.00 22195 POSTAGE MTR-VARIOUS POSTAGE BY PHONE SYSTEM 015466 3/15/94 600.00 22196 SERVICES-WATER US POST OFFICE 020090 3/18/94 173.28 22197 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22198 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22199 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22200 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22201 V 0 I D V 0 I 0 V 0 I 0 22202 REFUND-PARKS JULIANNA KUSCHNECK NONE 3/18/94 9.00 22203 SEMINAR-LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NONE 3/18/94 276.00 22204 SUPPLlES-911 ALCO CAPITAL RESOURCE INC 000104 3/18/94 238.50 22205 SUPPLI ES- STREET ALLIED SAFETY INC 000144 3/18/94 302.08 22206 SUPPLIES-WATER ARATEX SERVICES INC 000534 3/18/94 5.30 22207 REIMBURSEMENT-BUILDING ROBERT ARZOIAN 000536 3/18/94 215.48 22208 SERVICES-VARIOUS AT&T INFORMATION SYSTEMS 000620 3/18/94 379.45 22209 SERVICES-VARIOUS AT & T 000623 3/18/94 196.08 22210 SUPPLIES-ENGINEERING OCE-BRUNING INC 001500 3/18/94 185.85 22211 SUPPLIES-STREET CHEVRON U.S.A. 002430 3/18/94 56.37 22212 SERVICES-WTP CINTAS 002484 3/18/94 294.87 22213 SERVICES-COURT MARGOT COMLEY 002686 3/18/94 20.00 22214 SUPPLIES-WATER/WTP CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY CO 002770 3/18/94 3,125.70 22215 SERVICES-C STORES copy OFFICE PRODUCTS INC 002875 3/18/94 178.75 22216 SERVICES-PUBLIC WORKS GELCO SUPPLY CO 006062 3/18/94 2,771.25 22217 SERVICES-VARIOUS G. LE. MOBILNET 006373 3/18/94 76.91 22218 SUPPLIES-POLICE HARRIS UNIFORMS 007090 3/18/94 579.80 22219 SUPPLI ES- STREET HELFRICH EQUIPMENT CO 007122 3/18/94 306.50 22220 SERVICES-BUILDING HILLYERS MID CITY FORD 007228 3/18/94 414.32 22221 SUPPLIES-WTP INDUSTRIAL FASTNERS 008073 3/18/94 16.72 22222 SERVICES-BUILDING MARION COUNTY BLDG INSPEC 012090 3/18/94 3,648.54 22223 SERVICES-WTP GORDON L. MERSETH P.E. 012434 3/18/94 3,420.00 22224 SERVICES-WWTP NORTHWEST COMPUTER SUPPORT 013264 3/18/94 1,320.00 192,150.22 - - 4/07194 AlP CHECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1994 Page 5 Check NUJi)er Budgetary Account NUJi)er Vendor Name Vendor NUJi)er Check - Date Written Amount of Check ------------ ------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------- -------------------- ---------------- 22225 REGISTRATION-WWTP OREGON DISTRICT ATTYS ASSOC 014225 3/18/94 50.00 22226 SUPPLIES-CITY ATTY OREGON STATE BAR 014500 3/18/94 100.00 22227 SUPPLlES-WWTP PACIFIC PURE BOTTLED WATER 015059 3/18/94 46.50 22228 SERVICES-W\lTP PARKER BUILDINGS 015167 3/18/94 4,432.00 22229 SUPPLI ES-WWTP PIONEER ELECTRONICS 015345 3/18/94 59.99 22230 SERVICES-STREET PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC 015420 3/18/94 8,626.97 22231 REGISTRATION-PLANNING FRED PRYOR SEMINARS INC 0155n 3/18/94 59.00 22232 SERVICES-COURT TERRY RAMIREZ 017050 3/18/94 32.00 22233 SERVICES-WATER SERVICENTER 018360 3/18/94 319.85 22234 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS THE J. THAYER COMPANY 019100 3/18/94 100.93 22235 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS UNOCAL:ERNIE GRAHAM OIL 020010 3/18/94 513.40 22236 SERVICES-911 U.S. WEST COMMUNICATIONS 020095 3/18/94 156.80 22237 SERVICES-WATER U.S. WEST COMMUNICATIONS 020096 3/18/94 60.00 22238 SERVICES-WATER WATER,FOOD & RESEARCH LAB 022062 3/18/94 351.00 22239 SERVICES-POLICE WOODBURN FLORIST 022600 3/18/94 92.50 22240 PETTY CASH-VARIOUS CITY OF WOODBURN 015255 3/23/94 143.34 22241 SERVICES-WATER US POST OFF I CE 020090 3/24/94 156.03 22242 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22243 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22244 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22245 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22246 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22247 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22248 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22249 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22250 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22251 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22252 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22253 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22254 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22255 SUPPLI ES-POLl CE MOBA MEDIA INC NONE 3/25/94 65.00 22256 SUPPLIES-POLICE THE INNOVATION GROUPS NONE 3/25/94 33.70 22257 REFUND-BUSINESS LICENSE THOMAS MCGARVEY NONE 3/25/94 35.00 22258 SIDEWALK SUB-STREET GUARDIAN MANAGEMENT CORP NONE 3/25/94 500.00 22259 SUPPLIES-POLICE AMERICAN RED CROSS 000280 3/25/94 170.00 22260 SERVICES-POLICE/911 AT&T LANGUAGE LINE SERV 000659 3/25/94 225.76 22261 SUPPLI ES - WTP BARBO MACHINERY COMPANY 001136 3/25/94 1,650.00 22262 SERVICES-W\lTP BURLINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL INC 001573 3/25/94 2,423.93 22263 SERVICES-ENGINEERING CH2M-HILL 002478 3/25/94 340.96 22264 SUPPLIES-POLICE DANNER SHOE MFG CO 003036 3/25/94 65.00 22265 SERVICES-CITY ADMIN DATA TECHNOLOGY INC 003053 3/25/94 1,265.00 22266 SERVICES-POLICE DIP-N-DONUTS 003224 3/25/94 20.00 22267 SERVICES-POLICE F.B.I. 005071 3/25/94 15.95 22268 SERVICES-POLICE FOX LOCK & SAFE INC 005325 3/25/94 30.00 22269 SERVICES-POLICE G. I.E. MOBILNET 006373 3/25/94 548.38 22270 SUPPLIES-POLICE GTE MOBILNET 006374 3/25/94 178.00 215,017.21 - - 4/07194 A/P CHECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1994 Page 6 Check. Nunber Budgetary Account Nunber Vendor Name Vendor Nl.IIIber Check. - Date Written Amount of Check. ---....------- ------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------..-...- -------------------- ---------------- 22271 REIMBURSEMENT-LIBRARY GENE HAGEN 007035 3/25/94 6.00 22272 SUPPLI ES-POLI CE HARR I S UN IFORMS 007090 3/25/94 623.85 22273 SUPPLIES-911 IMAGE RESOURCES 008029 3/25/94 1,066.00 22274 SUPPLI ES-911 INC MAGAZINE 008064 3/25/94 18.75 22275 SERVICES-WWTP JAMES ABBOTT ELECTRIC 009058 3/25/94 111.00 22276 SERVICES-ENGINEERING JOB SHOPPERS INC 009119 3/25/94 294.00 22277 SERVI CES-POLI CE KEIZER AUTOMOTIVE 010050 3/25/94 52.00 22278 SUPPLIES-CODE ENFORCE KUSTOM KREATIONS 010315 3/25/94 42.40 22279 SERVICES-PUBLIC WORKS LINNCO ELECTRIC CO 011261 3/25/94 16,477 .18 22280 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS METROFUELING INC 012448 3/25/94 1,229.71 22281 SERVI CES-POLI CE DR. CLEON MILLER 012509 3/25/94 362.00 22282 SERVICES-WWTP NORTHWEST COMPUTER SUPPORT 013264 3/25/94 225.00 22283 SERVICES-ENGINEERING NORTHWEST GEOTECH INC 013287 3/25/94 2,500.00 22284 DUES-POLICE OREGON D.A.R.E. OFFICERS ASSOC 014060 3/25/94 60.00 22285 SUPPLI ES-WWTP PARKER BUILDINGS 015167 3/25/94 120.00 22286 SERVICES-911 PTI COMMUNICATIONS 015580 3/25/94 120.00 22287 SUPPLIES-POLICE R & R UNIFORMS INC 017003 3/25/94 259.10 22288 SERVICES-COURT TERRY RAMIREZ 017050 3/25/94 32.00 22289 REIMBURSEMENT-PARKS FRANK SCHEER 018297 3/25/94 189.72 22290 SUPPLIES-ENGINEERING SILVERTON FOUNDRY 018477 3/25/94 900.00 22291 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22292 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22293 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22294 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22295 SUPPLIES-POLICE VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 021180 3/25/94 1,037.74 22296 SERVICES-POLICE WOODBURN FLORIST 022600 3/25/94 48.00 22297 SUPPLIES-PLANNING YES GRAPHICS 024025 3/25/94 20.00 22298 SUPPLIES-POLICE TANDY NATIONAL PARTS 019015 3/25/94 84.55 22299 SUPPLIES-POLICE TERRITORIAL SUPPLIES INC 019060 3/25/94 3,104.17 22300 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS THE J. THAYER CO 019100 3/25/94 20.58 22301 SUPPLIES-WATER UNITED PIPE & SUPPLY CO 020030 3/25/94 1,512.59 22302 SERVICES-911 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 020095 3/25/94 69.80 22303 SERVICES-STREET UTILITIY EQUIPMENT LEASING 020161 3/25/94 535.00 22304 SUPPLIES-WWTP VIESKO QUALITY CONCRETE 021140 3/25/94 333.53 22305 REGISTRATION-CITY ADMIN ICMA - OREGON SECTION 008026 3/25/94 211.00 22306 EXPENSES-WWTP MARVIN DANIELS 003035 3/25/94 32.00 22307 EXPENSES-WWTP LARRY ARENDT 000497 3/29/94 32.00 22308 PICKUP-PARKS DAME ROW FORD CO 003025 3/30/94 10,073.00 22309 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22310 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22311 V 0 I D V 0 I D V 0 I D 22312 SUPPLIES-WATER ERNST NURSERY NONE 3/31/94 32.00 22313 REFUND-WATER/SEWER DONALD W. JONES NONE 3/31/94 21.65 22314 REFUND-WATER/SEWER KATHY HILBERS NONE 3/31/94 23.27 22315 REFUND-WATER/SEWER T. STOUTT NONE 3/31194 21.65 22316 REFUND-WATER/SEWER NUEVO AMANCER XWALSH CONST NONE 3/31194 7.36 256,925.81 ". -- 4/07194 AlP CHECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1994 Page 7 Check Nl.Ilber Budgetary Account Nl.Ilber Vendor Name Vendor Nl.Ilber Check - Date ~ritten Amount of Check ------------ ------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------...--- -------------------- ---------------- 22317 REFUND-~ATERISEYER TRACY SZCZESNY NONE 3/31/94 6.50 22318 MEMBERSHIP-POLICE NORTH~EST GANG INVEST ASSOC NONE 3/31/94 30.00 22319 REFUND-BUILDING SCHLECHT CONSTRUCTION NONE 3/31/94 50.00 22320 REFUND-PARKS BARBARA LI NO NONE 3/31/94 12.00 22321 REGISTRATION-FINANCE THE CAMBRIDGE INSTITUTE NONE 3/31/94 125.00 22322 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY OLA CHILDRENS SERVICES DIV NONE 3/31/94 24.50 22323 REGISTRATION-POLICE CLACKAMAS COUNTY CRIMINAL NONE 3/31/94 125.00 22324 WORKSHOP-FINANCE/POLICE LANE,POWELL,SPEARS, LUBERSKY NONE 3/31/94 28.00 22325 SERVICES-WTP A & A PEST CONTROL INC 000011 3/31/94 170.00 22326 MEMBERSHIP-PARKS ALDUS CORPORATION 000137 3/31/94 179.00 22327 REGISTRATION-POLICE AMERICAN RED CROSS 000280 3/31/94 15.00 22328 SERVICES-VARIOUS ARATEX SERVICES INC 000534 3/31/94 55.00 22329 SERVICES-POLICE/CITY HALL ARATEX SERVICES INC 000535 3/31/94 115.65 22330 SERVICES-PARKS/POLICE AUTOMATED OFFICE SYS 000563 3/31/94 733.36 22331 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY AT&T TECHNOLOGIES INC 000657 3/31/94 30.50 22332 SUPPLIES-PARKS FRANK BASHOR SUPPLIES 001160 3/31/94 54.50 22333 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY BEYOND BASALS 001248 3/31/94 14.95 22334 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS BI-MART CORPORATION 001275 3/31/94 82.09 22335 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS BOISE CASCADE 001340 3/31/94 34.60 22336 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY BRODART INC 001570 3/31/94 50.61 22337 SUPPLIES-FINANCE BUREAU OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES 001605 3/31/94 30.00 22338 REGISTRATION-POLICE CANBY POLICE DEPT 002051 3/31/94 30.00 22339 SERVICES-POLICE CASE AUTOMOTIVE 002190 3/31/94 2,161.39 22340 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY CHELSEA HOUSE PUBLISHERS 002408 3/31/94 329.56 22341 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY CHILTON COMPANY 002457 3/31/94 27.94 22342 SERVICES-WTP CINTAS 002484 3/31/94 176.89 22343 SERVICES-NON DEPT CIS:CITY COUNTY INS SERVS 002488 3/31/94 17,994.69 22344 SERVICES-911 CLACKAMAS COMMUNICATIONS 002540 3/31/94 294.10 22345 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS 002684 3/31/94 244.57 22346 SUPPLlES-~ATER CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY CO 002no 3/31/94 1,649.07 22347 SUPPLIES-~ATER/PARKS CONVENI ENCECARD 002815 3/31/94 70.86 22348 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY CO COMMUNICATIONS 002890 3/31/94 34.00 22349 SERVICES-WTP DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE 003020 3/31/94 22.13 22350 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS DAVISON AUTO PARTS 003080 3/31/94 457.95 22351 SUPPLIES-POLICE DAVISON AUTO PARTS 003081 3/31/94 21.83 22352 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY DEMCO MEDIA 003110 3/31/94 26.11 22353 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY EBSCO SUBSCRIPTION SERV 004040 3/31/94 16.65 22354 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY FACTS ON FILE INC 005010 3/31/94 158.46 22355 SUPPLIES-POLICE FARMERS OIL 005040 3/31/94 450.41 22356 SUPPLIES-WTP/PARKS FARM PLAN 005062 3/31/94 92.64 22357 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY FIELD ASSOCIATES LTD 005092 3/31/94 23.20 22358 SUPPLIES-C STORES FORCE 4 COMPUTER 005242 3/31/94 431.25 22359 SUPPLIES-RSVP FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY 005347 3/31/94 25.00 22360 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY GALE RESEARCH COMPANY 006015 3/31/94 62.31 22361 SUPPLI ES - POll CE GLOBAL COMPUTER SUPPLIES 006212 3/31/94 137.51 22362 SUPPLIES-PARKS GREG LARSON SPORTS INC 006317 3/31/94 30.14 283,860.73 .... -" 4/07194 AlP CHECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1994 Page 8 Check Nl.IIlber Budgetary Account Nl.IIlber Vendor Name Vendor Nl.IIlber Check - Date Written Amount of Check ------------ ------------------------- ------------------------------ -.----------- -------------------- ---------------- 22363 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY GROLIER EDUCATIONAL CORP 006365 3/31/94 306.00 22364 SERVICES-VARIOUS G.T.E. MOBILNET 006373 3/31/94 35.75 22365 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS G.W. HARDWARE CENTER 006405 3/31/94 384.52 22366 SUPPLI ES- LI BRARY HIGHSMITH CO INC 007215 3/31/94 479.87 22367 SUPPLI ES-ENG/PARKS HILLYER'S MID CITY FORD 007228 3/31/94 110.52 22368 SUPPLIES-WTP INDUSTRIAL MACHINING CO 008075 3/31/94 50.00 22369 SUPpLI ES- LI BRARY INGRAM DIST GROUP 008116 3/31/94 287.29 22370 SUPPLI ES- LIBRARY INGRAM C<JlMTRON 008117 3/31/94 52.52 22371 SERVICES-PARKS JAMES ABBOTT ELECTRIC 009058 3/31/94 222.00 22372 SERVICES-ENGINEERING JOB SHOPPERS INC 009119 3/31/94 537.00 22373 SUPpLI ES- LI BRARY JEAN !CARR & CO 010030 3/31/94 33.50 22374 SERVI CES-POL ICEILIBRARY KILROY'S SELF STORAGE 010088 3/31/94 197.00 22375 SUPPLIES-RSVP KNIGHT GRAPHICS 010107 3/31/94 45.00 22376 SUPPLIES-WATER L & L BUILDING SUPPLIES 011010 3/31/94 10.56 223n SUPPLIES-LIBRARY LEISURE ARTS 011203 3/31/94 17.90 22378 SUPPLI ES-PARKS LONG LIFE LIGHTING 011325 3/31/94 433.44 22379 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY MADERA CINEVIDEO INC 012036 3/31/94 80.D3 22380 SUPPLI ES-PARKS MAJESTIC SALES 012055 3/31/94 3,690.97 22381 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS MR P'S AUTO PARTS 012510 3/31/94 92.21 22382 MEMBERSHIP-LIBRARY NATIONAL ASSOC FOR FEMALE EXEC 013015 3/31/94 45.00 22383 SUPPLI ES- LI BRARY NW COMPUTER RIBBON 013267 3/31/94 12.66 22384 SUPPLI ES- LI BRARY OFFICE DEPOT 014029 3/31/94 13.47 22385 SUPPLI ES- LI BRARY OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 014655 3/31/94 55.16 22386 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY OXMOOR HOUSE 014665 3/31/94 46.40 22387 SUPPLIES-PARKS PAC-WEST DIST 015001 3/31194 119.60 22388 SUPPLIES-RSVP/LIBRARY PACIFIC PRINTERS 015058 3/31/94 171.64 22389 SUPPLIES-PARKS PAPERDIRECT INC 015112 3/31/94 85.85 22390 SERVI CES-POLl CE PEERLESS HANDCUFF COMPANY 015217 3/31/94 6.75 22391 SUPPLI ES-PARKS/WTP PIONEER ELECTRONICS 015345 3/31/94 11.51 22392 SUPPLIES-POLICE R & R UNIFORMS 017003 3/31/94 479.00 22393 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY REED REFERENCE PUBLISHING 017145 3/31/94 147.39 22394 SUPPLI ES- LI BRARY REGENT BOOK COMPANY 017148 3/31194 85.84 22395 SUPPLI ES-PARKS SAFFRON SUPPLY CO 018020 3/31194 48.96 22396 SUPPLI ES-STREET SALEM BLACKTOP 018060 3/31/94 149.40 22397 SUPPLIES-PARKS SAX ARTS & CRAFTS 018220 3/31/94 470.65 22398 SERVICES-PARKS SCHOOL BUS SERVICES 018270 3/31194 203.00 22399 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN LIBRARY 018287 3/31/94 30.51 22400 SERVICES-WTP LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER 018300 3/31/94 9.50 22401 SERVICES-PARKS SECURITY CONSTRUCTION CO 018333 3/31/94 16,750.00 22402 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY SINGER SEW REFER LIBRARY 018501 3/31/94 17.55 22403 SERVICES-POLICE SLATER COMMUNICATIONS 018522 3/31/94 503.60 22404 SERVICES-NON DEPT SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE 018712 3/31/94 85.00 22405 SUPPLIES-CITY ATTY STATE COURT ADMINISTRATOR 018745 3/31/94 35.00 22406 SERVICES-WTP SUPERIOR ELECTRIC MOTOR SERV 018832 3/31/94 250.00 22407 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS THE J. THAYER COMPANY 019100 3/31/94 171.78 22408 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY THORNDIKE PRESS 019150 3/31/94 56.75 310,988.78 - - 4/07/94 AlP CHECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1994 Page 9 Check NlJIi>er Budgetary Account NlJIi>er Vendor Name Vendor NlJIi>er Check - Date Written Amount of Check -.---------- ------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------- -------------------- ---------------- 22409 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY TlME-L1 FE BOOKS 019160 3/31/94 19.25 22410 SUPPLIES-WATER UNITED PIPE & SUPPLY CO 020030 3/31/94 132.03 22411 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY U.S. GOVERNMENT BOOKSTORE 020061 3/31/94 20.00 22412 SUPPLIES-PARKS VIESKO REDI MIX 021140 3/31/94 189.00 22413 SUPPLIES-PARKS VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 021180 3/31/94 69.94 22414 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY VISIBLE COMPUTER SUPPLY 021200 3/31/94 43.82 22415 SUPPLIES-POLICE WAL.MART STORES INC 022035 3/31/94 503.78 22416 SUPPLIES-CITY ATTY WEST PUBLISHING CO 022160 3/31/94 30.00 22417 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY JOHN WILEY & SONS 022317 3/31/94 368.18 22418 SUPPLIES-PARKS WOODBURN CLEANERS 022530 3/31/94 17.00 22419 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY WOODBURN FERTILIZER 022590 3/31/94 80.00 22420 SUPPLIES-PARKS/ENG WOODBURN LUMBER CO 022660 3/31/94 214.54 22421 SERVICES-LIBRARY WOODBURN MOVING & STORAGE 022666 3/31/94 236.10 22422 SUPPL I ES-PARKS/POL ICE WOODBURN OFFICE SUPPLY 022670 3/31/94 64.57 22423 SERVICES-POLICE/CODE ENF WOODBURN PHARMACY 022680 3/31/94 61.39 22424 SUPPLIES-PARKS WOODBURN RENT-ALL 022708 3/31/94 41.50 22425 SERVICES-RSVP GEORGE CUSTER 035128 3/31/94 46.32 22426 SERVICES-RSVP LEONARDO GONZAl 035290 3/31/94 34.00 22427 SERVICES-RSVP RITA HENKES 035335 3/31/94 50.64 22428 SERVICES-RSVP LEO LA ROQUE 035465 3/31/94 174.24 22429 SERVICES-RSVP VADA OWENS 035583 3/31/94 64.56 22430 SERVICES-RSVP ALMEDA QUIRING 035608 3/31/94 39.60 22431 SERVICES-RSVP JUNE SIMPSON 035648 3/31/94 90.00 22432 SERVICES-RSVP HEINZ SCHWABE 035655 3/31/94 10.80 22433 SERVICES-RSVP ROBERT STILLMAN 035667 3/31/94 57.60 22434 SERVICES-RSVP BETTE WHITETHOR 035747 3/31/94 10.08 22435 SERVICES-RSVP JAY WOODS 035763 3/31/94 124.80 22436 SERVICES-RSVP GERALD WOOD 035790 3/31/94 115.20 22437 SERVICES-DAR HATTIE CLARK 045100 3/31/94 75.12 22438 SERVICES-DAR GRACE DAVIDSON 045210 3/31/94 21.60 22439 SERVICES-DAR CORNELIUS DONNELLY 045230 3/31/94 211.92 22440 SERVICES-DAR WINNIFRED FACHINI 045245 3/31/94 75.36 22441 SERVICES-DAR FREMONT GREEHllNG 045290 3/31/94 17.52 22442 SERVICES-DAR MARVIN GRIMM 045295 3/31/94 20.16 22443 SERVICES-DAR TONY HALTER 045310 3/31/94 66.24 22444 SERVICES-DAR WARD O'BRIEN 045497 3/31/94 88.80 22445 SERVICES-DAR MARILYN PARADIS 045512 3/31/94 50.76 22446 SERVICES-DAR GERTRUDE REES 044545 3/31/94 26.76 22447 SERVICES-DAR JAMES STROUP 045595 3/31/94 89.04 22448 SERVICES-DAR BARBARA STROUP 045596 3/31/94 116.30 22449 SERVICES-DAR HATTIE VANDECOVERING 045670 3/31/94 11.28 22450 SERVICES-DAR GENE IlELLS 045698 3/31/94 105.12 22451 SERVICES-DAR LOWELL WI KOFF 045705 3/31/94 125.76 314,999.46 'If