Minutes - 04/19/1994 Workshop - COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES April 19, 1994 TAPE READING QQQ1 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, APRIL 19, 1994. ~ CONVENED. The Council met in a workshop session at 7:00 p.m. with the Wastewater Advisory Committee. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kelley Figley Galvin Hagenauer Jennings Mitchell Sifuentez Present Present Present Absent Absent Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Childs, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Wastewater Superintendent Sinclair, Public Works Manager Rohman, City Recorder Tennant Wastewater Advisory Committee members: Preston Tack, Gilbert Flaugher, JoAnn Bjelland, Forrest Mills, Scott Burlingham Consultants Present: Daria Wightman, Gordon Merseth 0046 Public Works Director Tiwari provided a brief overview of the environmental issues facing the citizens across the country and the impact of these issues on local government to help clean-up the environment. He reviewed the following process which is designed to meet EPA and DEQ guidelines: 1) Planning process; 2) Approval of Facilities Plan by DEQ and subsequent permit negotiations; 3) Engineering Design of recommended option; 4) Funding decision finalized by governing body; 5) Approval of design documents by DEQ; 6) Contract Award; and 7) Plant Construction. At this time, the City is in the facilities planning process which is scheduled for conclusion in January 1995. He reviewed the accomplishments of the Wastewater Advisory Committee which include 1) developing an understanding of wastewater systems, 2) understand the regulatory system, 3) regional service providers concept, 4) toured existing wastewater plant, 5) reviewed future plant options, and 6) reviewed alternatives for projected population. Page 1 - Council Workshop Meeting Minutes, April 19, 1994 r TAPE READING ~- - COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES April 19, 1994 ~ Barbara Lucas discussed the Committee's approach for encouraging public involvement during the facilities planning stage. She reviewed the Open House format which would be used on June 6, 1994 as a method of encouraging citizens to participate in the public input process without having to appear before the Council during a formal public hearing, since in most cases, citizens have questions to ask rather than state an opinion at this early stage of the public input process. During the open house, there will be several displays and citizens can ask questions or informally discuss the options with staff and committee members, then complete a questionnaire or provide written comments which will be taken into consideration by the committee prior to a final recommendation being made to the Council. Methods to be used to notify the public of the open house include letters to water/sewer customers, press releases, and announcements at various community group meetings. 16Q3. 2322 Tape 2 0075 Director Tiwari stated that the letter to the public regarding the open house does include sewer rate information from the City of McMinnville to give the public an idea as to how much the monthly sewer rate may be in the future. He stated that he did not want to provide estimated rate figures to Woodburn residents until a plant design is selected and policy issues on various funding alternatives are addressed by the Council. Gordon Merseth, Consulting Engineer, briefly reviewed options being addressed by the Committee on a regional basis to determine what services could be provided to other local communities such as laboratory work and acceptance of septage. Participants in this provider study include Clackamas and Marion Counties, several surrounding cities, State Parks Division, and Oregon Dept. of Transportation. Daria Wightman, CH2M Hill, stated that the Committee had evaluated alternatives and have tentatively selected to upgrade and expand the existing treatment facilities and provide for mechanical filtration. They will be further analyzing two disposal options: (1) discharge to the Pudding River with an 88 acre storage lagoon for July and August; and (2) Irrigation at Agronomic Application Rates for May through October with 58 acre storage lagoon and 300 acres irrigable land. She also reviewed the numerous alternatives which have not been selected by the Committee as of this date. Projected cost for all the alternatives in 1997 dollars range from $53,300,000 to $92,335,000. Director Tiwari stated that the Committee had considered all of the options and risk factors before arriving at their recommendation. It was found that the Page 2 - Council Workshop Meeting Minutes, April 19, 1994 ,. ,- ---. COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES April 19, 1994 TAPE READING benefits of some options were not great enough to warrant the more expensive options. Discussion was held regarding irrigation and the need to purchase approximately 4,000 acres which would then be rented back to local farmers. The recommendation of the Committee may be modified after the open house based on comments received from the public. Further discussion was held regarding the letter which will be sent to water customers and the inclusion of the McMinnville anticipated sewer rate without having a qualifying statement within the letter since estimated project costs and future sewer rates will not be determined until more project details and policy decisions are made. It was suggested that another open house be held prior to the public hearing in November at which time residents would be provided with more detail on project costs and estimated sewer rates. 1150 ADJOURNMENT. The workshop adjourned at 9:07 p.m.. APPROVED ~ 1f;~ LEN KELLEY , MAYOR ATTEST fY1~ ~ Mary Te nant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 3 - Council Workshop Meeting Minutes, April 19, 1994 r