Minutes - 02/02/1994 Workshop -- ~, COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES February 2, 1994 TAPE READING QQQ1 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, FEBRUARY 2, 1994. QQQ.J. CONVENED. The Councjl met in a workshop session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kelley presjdjng. The workshop was convened for the purpose of revjewing the proposed ORS 190 jntergovernmental agreement. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councjlor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councjlor Councilor Kelley Figley Galvin Hagenauer Jennjngs Mjtchell Sifuentez Present Present Present Absent Present Present Present Staff Present: City Admjnjstrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, 9-1-1 Djrector Wolf, Police Chjef Wright, Police Lt. Null, City Recorder Tennant 9-1-1 User Board Chairman: Bob Benck QQ31 Chief Wright stated that djspatch service for City Police began jn 1967 whjch contjnued until 1981 at which tjme Woodburn Police and Fire dispatch was consolidated. A few years later, state legjslative action mandated the formatjon of 9-1-1 emergency centers. The City dispatch center then became a Public Safety Answerjng Point (PSAP) and multjple police and fire agencies, along wjth the Ambulance servjce, became members of center whjch js now known as NORCOM. Durjng the early years of the NORCOM center, the dajly operations were administered by the Police Department. There was some general djssatjsfaction amongst the users during this period due to conflicts of interest. Eventually, management of the center was transferred to the City Admjnjstrator and a Djrector was hjred to oversee the operatjons and work with the user agencies. Agencies were billed for services, however, there never was a consjstent method of payment formulated. The establishment of the ORS 190 agency will provjde for a separate agency to serve the needs of North Marjon County resjdents. Director Wolf stated that telecommunicatjon standards for dispatchers will be in place by July 1, 1994. Dispatchers are required to have trajning in the areas of Police, Fire, and Emergency Medical Services (EMS). Other agencjes that have moved to a 190 agency have found the change to be posjtive and jt Page 1 - Council Workshop Meeting Mjnutes, February 4, 1994 - - ~ COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES February 2, 1994 TAPE READING benefits both citizens and employees. The negative aspect is the fiscal support which has been addressed jn the draft agreement. The Councjl began jts revjew of City Attorney Shjelds' memo which commented on proposed revisions to the agreement. Areas of discussion jncluded 1) Organjzatjonal unjt, 2) Budget, 3) Equjpment & Assets, 4) Shared Liability and 5) Integration. Organizatjonal Unit -- NORCOM would be comprised of a policy board (representatjves from each agency), an executive board (for day to day operations), the Djrector, and Dispatchers. Budget Fundjng -- A User Board sub-committee js workjng on a new fee schedule that would be more equitable to user agencjes. Additionally, there would be a phase-in process that would eventually produce a 60/40 split wjth 60% pajd by police agencies and 40% pajd by fire/EMS agencies. Equjpment and Fixed Assets -- Most of the equipment and fixed assets currently used by the Center were purchased by 9-1 ~ 1 dollars. Shared Liabjljty -- The language accepted by the User Board provided for user agencjes to share a proportjonal share of any liability. A lengthy djscussjon was held regarding each agency having an equal share versus a proportional share of the liability. The Center would carry liability insurance, however, the 190 Agency js not a djstrjct and, jf sued, all parties involved may be named in the lawsuit. In addition to 190 agency Ijability jnsurance, each partjcipating jurjsdictjon would also be requjred to carry liability insurance. It was noted that there is a maxjmum liability amount under Oregon State Tort Clajms Act, however, there is no maxjmum amount if a Federallawsujt was filed. It was the consensus of the Council to send this jssue back to the User Board for further revjew. Integration' -- This language provides that this agreement would supersede any prjor wrjtten or oral discussions or agreements or portions thereof. Mayor Kelley questioned if new agencies would pay an initjatjon fee or only be obligated to pay a formula amount. Bob Benck stated that jf increased costs are incurred with a new agency, then those costs will be factored into their initial fee. If no additional costs are incurred, then they will only be charged a proportional cost of total operations. Further djscussion was held regardjng the composition of the Policy Board, terms of appojntment, and decision of the User Board to change the proposed Page 2 - Council Workshop Meeting Minutes, February 4, 1994 111" - ~ COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES February 2, 1994 TAPE READING language to allow the Djrector the ability to hjre and fire personnel without the Board's consent. Chjef Wrjght stated that the 9-1 ~ 1 program has provided a closer bond between Police, Fire, and Ambulance agencies over the last few years. Bob Benck also stated that the citjzens will contjnue to recejve necessary emergency assistance when necessary. 1817 ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m.. APPROVED ~;(~ LEN KELL Y, MAYOR ATTEST~~ ~ Mary e. nant, Recorder Cjty of Woodburn, Oregon Page 3 - Councjl Workshop Meeting Minutes, February 4, 1994 I1r