Minutes - 01/23/1995 l'j,P E READING 0001 0015 0023 0032 0'J53 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 23, 1995 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, JANUARY 23, 1995. CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kirksey Chadwick Figley Hagenauer Jennings Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present Absent Absent Present Present staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Manager Rohman, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Police Lt. Eubank, Park Director Holly, 9-1-1 Communications Manager Wolf, City Recorder Tennant MINUTES. FIGLEy/PUGH.... approve the Council workshop minutes of January 5, 1995 and the regular and executive session minutes of January 9, 1995; and accept the Planning Commission minutes of January 12, 1995. The motion passed unanimously. APPOINTMENTS TO WOODBURN CABLE TELEVISION ADVISORY BOARD. Mayor Kirksey appointed Don wilson and Jane Estrada to the Cable Television Advisory Board with their terms expiring on December 31, 1997. FIGLEy/PUGH.... appointments of Don Wilson and Jane Estrada be approved. On roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS. On January 30, 1995, a Council workshop will be held in the City Hall Council Chambers to discuss the Ambulance Franchise issue. The Transportation Task Force will hold a workshop at the French prairie Middle School on Wednesday, February 1st, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.. Mayor Kirksey reminded the public that an "I LOVE WOODBURN" Party will be held on Tuesday, February 14th, City Hall Council Chambers, at 5:00 p.m. and all citizens are encouraged to attend. Refreshments will be served and she will be giving a "State of the City" address at 6:30 p.m.. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 23, 1995 T'- _ _~~ ..~_ ...~._ """'_"."".~"_h .,., TAPE READING OO~~8 0155 0222 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 23, 1995 UPCOMING PUBLIC HEARINGS. The city council will be holding public hearings on the following issues during the month of February 1995: (1) February 13th - 7:00 p.m. Henry Farms Annexation and Zone Change; (2) February 27th - 7:00 p.m. Dangerous building located at 182 Young street; and (3) February 27th - 7:00 p.m. Liquor License non-renewals for 1995 (if necessary). PROCLAMATION - CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK. Mayor Kirksey proclaimed the week of January 30 - February 4, 1995 as Catholic Schools Week in recognition and appreciation to the contributions the school makes in our community. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Patrick Vance, Chamber Board member, invited the Council and public to attend the annual First Citizen Award Social to be held on Wednesday, February 8th. At this event, the Chamber will name and honor a 1) Senior First citizen, 2) Junior First citizen, 3) Outstanding Young Farmer, 4) outstanding Educator, and 5) outstanding service Organization Member. This event is a coffee and dessert social to be held at the United Methodist Church. Tickets are available at the Chamber office and will also be sold at the door. He also stated that the Chamber is beginning to plan for a Leadership Woodburn program whereby the Chamber would put together annually an educational program for a limited number of leaders and potential leaders in the community to learn more about the community through a series of regular sessions with government, social, and civic leaders to develop more comprehensive knowledge of the community and to prepare them to take leadership positions within the community and other organizations. LETTER OF RESIGNATION. Mayor Kirksey stated that she has also received a letter of resignation from Ron Wilson who has been a member of the Woodburn Cable Television Advisory Board. Administrator Childs briefly reviewed the duties of Advisory Board which meets only on an as-needed basis and recommendations are forwarded to the Council for any action that may need to be taken. He noted that the Board will be reviewing the North willamette Telecom application for a Cable TV franchise in Woodburn. Mayor Kirksey encouraged citizens interested on serving on this Board to contact her at city Hall. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 23, 1995 r' _........n... ...._._........_.__., '~"_",,"".._ .._-,_..__..,..._,~__..._._..~_~_ . '01 'rAPE READING 0:!91 0577 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 23, 1995 PUBLIC HEARING - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing open at 7:11 p.m.. Community Development Director Goeckritz reviewed the staff report which recommends the submittal of a Community Development Block Grant application in the amount of $300,000 for a city-wide housing rehabilitation program and, in addition, to utilize $100,000 paid back to the City from prior housing rehabilitation programs as the City's share of the grant proposal. He stated that under this proposal, no city tax dollars would be used to either administer or rehabilitate homes. If the grant is approved, low interest loans would be made available to qualified homeowners which are paid back to the City at the time of sale or transfer of title. In some cases, low income homeowners may qualify for a no interest loan to make immediate repairs to their homes. It is anticipated that the program will provide for the rehabilitation of 40 homes in Woodburn. He reviewed the positive results of the program which include energy efficiency, extended life of the dwelling, and a positive contribution towards the community beautification. Director Goeckritz also stated that this is an on-going program in which we will eventually get money back and can use it in the future to continue the program. steve Martinenko, Housing Rehabilitation Specialist, will be administering the city's program. It was noted that Mr. Martinenko worked for over 10 years in the Washington County program and is very knowledgeable about housing rehabilitation. In addition, he is a Woodburn resident and will be close by to help residents with problems or concerns that they may have. No comments were made on the proposed grant application by members of the audience nor were any letters from the public received regarding the program. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing closed at 7:19 p.m.. FIGLEY/PUGH... Community Development Block Grant application for housing rehabilitation be approved. On roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. Councilors Pugh and Figley commented on the positive results the rehabilitation program has made within the community, especially in the downtown area. Mayor Kirksey also encouraged citizens interested in serving on the loan review board to contact her at city Hall. PUBLIC HEARING - PARATRANSIT PLAN. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing open at 7:22 p.m.. Public Works Manager Rohman stated that the city must annually solicit comments from the citizens, primarily from those who have disabilities, to address the services provided by the paratransit program. The Dial-a-Ride program consists of two components, one of which is the Dial-a-Ride van and the other is usage of volunteer drivers to take elderly and disabled Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 23, 1995 r -,. .'. ..___..___-,..-._~.,_.,_'."~ .'..N__~..._~.".._ ,__. ._____.~".,..~_,~.__ . - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 23, 1995 TAPE READING citizens to medical appointments. Federal Transportation Administration rules require the paratransit plan to implement the provisions of the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act. To be in compliance with federal regulations as it relates to the van service, the city must ultimately provide a comparable service to the fixed service route and meet the following six criteria: 1) Service Area, 2) Response Time, 3) Fares, 4) Trip purposes, 5) Hours and Days of Service, and 6) capacity Constraints. Currently, the city does not comply with Response Time and the Hours and Days of Service. In regards to response time, "next day" service must be provided which would require a Monday through Friday operation of the van. The criteria regarding Hours and Days of Service would also require van operation Monday through Friday. In July 1994, a third day of operation was added to the van schedule. Even though the van has experienced a 40% increase in ridership since July, staff does not feel that there is enough clientele with disabilities in the community to warrant a 5 day service. It was noted that compliance is required by January 26, 1997, however, the City could apply for an undue financial burden waiver if the City cannot meet the compliance date. More detailed review of this requirement will need to be addressed later this year or during the next annual review of the paratransit plan and no Council action is necessary at this time. Manager Rohman also advised the Council that a proposal will be submitted to the State legislators that would provide additional funds for transit services through increased vehicle registration fees. This proposal, however, would require an initiative process by the legislature and passage by the voters before it would take effect. If approved by the voters, it would provide a stable source of funding to the City and early estimates indicate that the City would receive $100,000 or more annually for transit services. lone Muell, Shalimar Mobile Park, was unable to attend the hearing, however, she had requested Manager Rohman to tell the Council that, as an individual with an eye problem, the Dial- a-Ride Van Service keeps her functioning and provides her with necessary transportation to locations within the city. Councilor Sifuentez also stated that she knows of several Hispanic seniors who regularly use the paratransit van service and she hears of nothing but good comments on the program. Mayor Kirksey also stated that a friend of hers, Foster Rigler, had told her that he was very glad that the Dial-a- Ride van service was available in the community to help the elderly and disabled citizens. No other comments were received from members of the audience. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing closed at 7:32 p.m.. Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 23, 1995 T" _ _,,_ _"_"_"__'__'~"_"_"_'~'__"'n~_.>>.',"_'~'_' TAPE READING 0913 0971 1004 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 23, 1995 PUBLIC HEARING - MILES CHEVROLET ZONE MAP AMENDMENT AND SITE PLAN APPROVAL. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing open at 7:33 p.m.. Councilor Pugh declared a conflict of interest on the grounds of moral and ethical consideration. He stated that he declines to participate and vote on this issue since he has already voted on this issue as a Planning Commission member and feels it is inappropriate for him to vote on it as a Council member. Mayor Kirksey stated that one of her policies has always been that full Council participation is necessary on controversial issues. Therefore, she requested Council continuation of the public hearing until Monday, February 27, 1995, 7:00 p.m., at which time the full Council will be present. FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ... due to now the absence of a quorum since Councilor Pugh unwilling to participate for understandable reasons, and due to the nature of the hearing, the public hearing be continued until the February 27, 1995 Council meeting. On roll call vote, the vote was 3-0-1 with Councilor Pugh abstaining. COUNCIL BILL 1604 - RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO ORS 190 AGREEMENT FOR 9-1-1 COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. Councilor sifuentez introduced Council Bill 1604. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no Objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1604 duly passed. CITY HALL/LIBRARY HVAC SYSTEMS. Administrator Childs reviewed his memo requesting Council authorization to proceed with preparation of specifications and advertisement for bids to upgrade the existing Library HVAC (Heating/Ventilation/Air-Conditioning) system and to replace the existing City Hall HVAC system. The upgrades to the Library system, which will cost approximately $52,000, include replacement of two large axial fans and modifications the mechanical room ductwork. In regards to the City Hall system, three options were provided by the Consultants of which staff has selected the option with the least cost (estimated $72,000). The current multi-zone system would be replaced by a combination of seven "package unit" single zone HVAC units. This option will be designed to utilize a combination of gas and electricity, and it will have an estimated 5-year energy savings payback. FIGLEy/PUGH.... proceed with the specifications and bid advertisements to replace the City Hall HVAC system and upgrade the Library HVAC system. The motion passed unanimously. Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 23, 1995 " "-.,----.,-~-...,...~--....--.~,_., ......_ '"~"~~_-"'-"_._., _~_._..~o. , TAPE READING 1103 1159 1211 1281 D54 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 23, 1995 John Zobrist, 923 Willow, questioned if utility companies, through their energy efficiency programs, participate in the housing rehabilitation program whether it be through providing low cost fixtures, appliances, or other energy saving devices. Community Development Director Goeckritz stated that, during the last program, Northwest Natural Gas Co. was a participant in the weatherization program and they provided door hangers in three languages to advertise the rehabilitation program. James Green, 366 Acacia, brought to the Council's attention that the turning radius for trucks from Hwy. 214 onto Evergreen Rd is to narrow and something should be done to restrict truck traffic on Evergreen. He stated that he had to wait on Evergreen Rd. for 4 traffic signal changes before traffic on Evergreen could move onto Hwy. 214. Councilor Pugh stated that he had also experienced this type of problem on Evergreen Road. SITE PLAN REVIEW #94-23 -- ONE-COMK CORPORATION. The Planning Commission has approved the site plan by One-Comm Corporation for the installation of an enhanced specialized mobile radio communication facility to be located at 2780 Progress Way. SITE PLAN REVIEW #94-24 -- OREGON GOLF ASSOCIATION. The Planning commission has also approved the site plan for the expansion (1200 sq. ft.) of a ground maintenance facility to be located west of Mill Creek on Hazelnut Drive. PUGH/FIGLEY... site Plans #94-23 and #94-24 be approved. The motion passed unanimously. STAFF REPORTS. A) Country Club Road Realignment Project -- It is anticipated that work will begin at the Country Club Rd/Oregon Way/Hwy. 214 intersection by the first part of February. B) Settlemier Avenue Resurfacing Project -- This project will continue to be delayed until weather conditions have changed. The contract has been extended to May 1st, however, the contractor will be laying the final course of asphalt as soon as weather permits. Mayor Kirksey stated that she had recently heard of some concerns from local residents regarding the traffic saturation patrol that was held last Friday morning. Lt. Eubank stated that state law provides that a police officer can enforce any laws in other jurisdictions provided that the officer has the permission from the jurisdiction's Chief. Several months ago, several smaller agencies in our Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 23, 1995 T' ->.._. "~"-~'.'"" TAPE .READING 1515 1585 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 23, 1995 area, which includes Woodburn, formed a consortium to help each other enforce laws that are of a particular concern in each community. Once each month, the officers from the different agencies meet at a designated location to enforce laws such as traffic, DUll, narcotics, and to assist with law enforcement activities at major functions such as the Oktoberfest. In addition to the smaller agencies, the Marion County Sheriff's Department and Oregon State Police participate in the program. He also reminded the Council and public that the city does have a Ride-a-Long program to give interested citizens an opportunity to see what the officers do out in the field. Councilor sifuentez reminded the public that bricks for the Swimming Pool can be purchased until the latter part of March. She would also welcome any suggestions from the public for fundraisers that would generate more dollars for the new pool. Councilor Figley enthusiastically support the revival of the Housing Rehabilitation program to improve homes especially within the downtown area. She expressed her opinion that the prior program has turned portions of this area into a quality and attractive residential neighborhood which seems to get better each year. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. Administrator Childs stated that a safety fence has been installed in front of the Salud building along Front Street. He expressed his appreciation to the Street Department for the installation of the fence. He advised the Council that the owner(s) of the building located at 182 Young st. (formerly housed Rugged Manufacturing) have started to demolish the front portion of the building. More information will be available on or before the dangerous building hearing set for February 27th. He also informed the Council that preparatory work is going on at the old bank building (199 N. Front) and a report will be made at the next council meeting. Mayor Kirksey informed the Council that the Administrator had worked with Salud regarding the safety fence and, as a result, Salud paid for a portion of the safety fence, the City crew installed the fence, and the City will keep the fence once it is removed from the site. She expressed her appreciation to the Administrator for making this project a win-win situation for both parties. Mayor Kirksey reiterated her invitation to the public for the "I LOVE WOODBURN" party scheduled for February 14th. Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 23, 1995 T -- -.-- ".,._-"---~...._.._~.._.. .__.,,~ '-"~' ........-.,...~.....-".__."..~...."---- 'II I - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 23, 1995 TAPE READING .1686 ADJOURNMENT. FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ.... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:56 p.m.. APPROVED ,1bJ.fJi.i;('jYOR ATTEST /11 ~ Mary~nant, Recorder city of Woodburn, oregon Page 8 - council Meeting Minutes, January 23, 1995 -~ ---.--.. .,~_.._-~~,_.._.. .-.- - _..._._~-----_.-.,-"....._"_.~...._--'-_.- ~ .