Minutes - 03/13/1995 TAPE READING 0001 0015 0020 0030 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES March 13, 1995 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, MARCH 13, 1995. CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor councilor Kirksey Chadwick Figley Hagenauer Jennings Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Present Present Present (7:03 pm) staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Police Chief Wright, Park Director Holly, Finance Director Gritta, 9-1-1 Communications Manager Wolf, City Recorder Tennant MINUTES. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... approve the Council's February 27, 1995 regular meeting minutes and the March 2, 1995 workshop minutes; accept the Planning Commission minutes of February 23, 1995 and the Library Board minutes of February 22, 1995. The motion passed unanimously. APPOINTMENTS. Mayor Kirksey recommended the appointment of Wendy Veliz to serve on the Human Rights Commission. She also reminded the Council that the Ordinance provides for each Councilor to select a representative from their Ward to serve on the commission. She encouraged the Councilors to submit names to her for appointment to the Commission. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... approve the appointment of Wendy Veliz to the Human Rights Commission. The motion passed unanimously. Wendy Veliz expressed her appreciation to the Council for the appointment. Mayor Kirksey stated that Ms. Veliz is a young careerist candidate for the Business & Professional Women (BPW) district meeting on March 18th and, if she is selected, she will be participating in the State BPW competition. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 1) Budget Hearings begin on Tuesday, March 14, 1995, 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 13, 1995 r- , ,,~-~_. ,.._...--..-----~_..,,"-,_. "....'_._~_._",._...__._...,..._._.- - - TAPE READING 0124 0180 0230 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES March 13, 1995 2) The Woodburn School District Bond Levy Task Force will meet on Tuesday, March 14, 1995, 7:00 p.m., at the French Prairie Middle School. 3) Ballot boxes for the March 28, 1995 election will be located in the City Hall lobby March 14 - 28, 1995. 4) The st. Patrick's Day Parade will be held on Saturday, March 18, 1995 with the parade route starting at Bi-Mart and ending on Hwy. 99E near Cleveland street. 5) A Council workshop will be held with the Wastewater Advisory Committee on Monday, March 20th, 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers. 6) The City Council will hold a public hearing on March 27th, 7:00 p.m., city Hall, regarding the Urban Growth Boundary annexation proposal for property located in the southwest quadrant of the 1-5 interchange area (Davidson Farms, Inc.). 7) The Wastewater Advisory Committee will hold an Open House on March 30, 1995, 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm, in the city Hall Council Chambers. PROCLAMATION - DAFFODIL DAYS. MARCH 15-18. 1995. Mayor Kirksey proclaimed March 15-18, 1995 as Daffodil Days in Woodburn in support of the American Cancer Society's fundraising campaign. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Kimberly Schmidt, representing the Chamber Board, stated that the monthly Chamber forum will be held on Wednesday, March 15th, at Yun Wah's restaurant. Guest speaker will be Public Works Director Tiwari who will address the City's wastewater plan. The Chamber will be participating in the st. Patrick's Day parade. Lastly, the tulip and daffodil fields will be open for public viewing beginning March 20th at the Wooden Shoe Bulb Co.. Dallas Figley, 601 S. Settlemier, expressed his thanks to Mayor Kirksey in setting an example to encourage Councilors and local residents to purchase bricks for the new swimming pool. He stated that he was giving his form and money to the Parks Director tonight, however, he made a pUblic announcement that his wife, Councilor Figley, had not purchased a brick as of this date. Bricks will be sold until April 1, 1995 and he suggested that the public not miss this opportunity to donate towards this community project. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 13, 1995 1-.. . _..,."._.....~-- "..... .......---.., ~ -""-~-,..,, _.~- ---_.~-----_._.--~.,._._--,._,._,. . WI TAPE READING 0493 0504 0614 0805 0837 COUNcrL MEETrNG MrNUTES March 13, 1995 srTE PLAN REVrEW #95-01 - FLEETWOOD ENTERPRrSES. At their February 23rd meeting, the Planning Commission approved the site plan with conditions for the construction of an approximate 6,000 square foot storage shed and concrete test pad. No action was taken by the Council on this issue. STAFF REPORTS. A) Council Goals for 1995-96 -- Administrator Childs summarized the Council goals that were discussed during the March 2nd work session. The goals outline the Council's direction over the next two years, some of which will take less time while others will be more long term. JENNINGS/PUGH.... goals from the workshop be entered into the record as the goals for the City Council. The motion passed unanimously. B) Application Form for Boards/Commissions/Committees __ Mayor Kirksey stated that she will start using the forms immediately to create an applicant pool from which she can select candidates for the various positions. In the future, she suggested that guidelines be established relating to policies and procedures to be followed by members of these boards, commissions, and/or committees. Councilor Jennings encouraged citizens to obtain an application form from the City Administrator's office at City Hall. JENNrNGs/FrGLEY.... form as presented be adopted as the official application for board, commission, and committee positions. The motion passed unanimously. PUGH/FIGLEY... adopt the same type of form for City Council vacancies. The motion passed unanimously. C) Mill Creek Pump station Update -- Public Works Director Tiwari sated that the repairs have been made at no cost to the City since the original repairs were not done properly by the contractor. D) Proposed Vacation of Nekia Street -- The memo from Public Works recommended that the Transportation Task Force analyze the traffic flow issue in this area and reflect it's recommendation in the overall transportation plan to be submitted to the Council. Councilor Pugh stated that he preferred Mayor Kirksey's suggestion of allowing a cul-de-sac rather than the staff's recommendation. He stated that the property has an odd shape and currently the City does not take care of the property. Neighbors and/or adjacent property owners have had to mow the area, keep the weeds down, and the litter picked up and they would prefer the vacation or cul-de- sac concept. He strongly urged the cul-de-sac or vacation Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 13, 1995 I _.. - ...- ..- - -. ...--.-......---.-....-. .. . COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES March 13, 1995 TAPE READING options in order to preserve the neighborhood from increased traffic if and when a major development takes place to the east of the existing residential area. Mayor Kirksey stated that the residents do not want Woodland Avenue to become a network for traffic in that area and that is why she advocates a cul-de-sac. PUGH/SIFUENTEZ... direct staff to come back with a plan for cul-de-sacing Nekia st right-of-way. During a discussion period on this subject, Councilors Jennings and Figley expressed their opinions that options should remain open at this time and agreed with staff's recommendation to have the Transportation Task Force review the issue. On the other hand, Councilor Pugh and Mayor Kirksey continued to advocate the cul-de-sac issue to protect the neighborhood and instill a sense of security to the neighborhood that Woodland Avenue would not become a thoroughfare. On roll call vote, the motion was tied 3-3 with Councilors Jennings, Hagenauer, & Figley voting nay. Mayor Kirksey voted aye to break the tie and pass the motion. E) Building Activity report for the month of February 1995. F) Ballot Issues on the March 28th Mail-In ballot -- The public was reminded that city Hall was designated as a "drop- site" for ballots. The boxes will be located in the City Hall main lobby between March 14th and March 28th. Issues on this ballot include 1) director positions for the Fire District, School Board, Chemeketa, Marion ESD, and 2) 10-year serial levy for the Fire District. G) Annexation of Unincorporated Areas of Woodburn -- A memo from the Planning Commission advised the Council that they have been discussing the annexation of 15 potential sites that are considered as "islands" of unincorporated land. The Commission will make a recommendation to the Council once the study has been completed. Councilor Jennings stated that he was pleased with the Planning Commission's work on this issue even though this will be a highly debatable issue. JENNINGS/PUGH.... support in concept what the Planning Commission is doing regarding annexation of unincorporated areas. The motion passed unanimously. 1187 Councilor Jennings stated that he has been working with Bruce Thomas and WCAT regarding the upgrading of the sound system in the Council Chambers. One option is to build a cabinet at the rear of the Chambers to house sound equipment which would be hard wired. Additionally, lapel mikes would be used to send a Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 13, 1995 r ... ..~_.__ ,_ ___..,......_..., "'V__'.,',~, .. . COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES March 13, 1995 TAPE READING quality signal over the access channel. WCAT is willing to financially help the City to improve the sound system. Administrator Childs stated that he has also talked to Mr. Thomas on this issue, however, an agreed solution has not been reached as to how to improve the system. He informed the Council that some funds for this purpose have been included in the proposed 1995-96 budget which will be considered by the Budget Committee. Councilor Sifuentez wanted to re-assure the community that the Police Department and the City is doing the best they can with the gang situation that happened a couple of weeks ago. She encouraged citizens to contact the Police Chief if they have any concerns or if they have any ideas to make this a community a good place for all people. Councilor Figley questioned the status of the Settlemier Avenue resurfacing since the Country Club Road realignment paving has already been completed. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that there is a difference between asphalting directly onto gravel versus existing pavement. Resurfacing over existing asphalt requires warm and dry conditions. It is anticipated that the resurfacing project will be completed by mid-April. Councilor Figley reminded the public that the budget hearings begin tomorrow and public participation is encouraged since the annual budget impacts all of the city's residents. Mayor Kirksey stated that she had received several calls from Senior Estates residents complementing the staff on the Country Club realignment project. 1400 Administrator Childs commended the Council on the goals they have recently adopted of which they have already acted on the Human Rights Commission and the board/committee/commission application form. He, along with Chief Wright, had attended a meeting put on by the Chamber to explore the idea of a Community Leadership type program and he was impressed with the interest shown by participants. This program is patterned after an on-going program in Salem. Lastly, he encouraged citizen participation in the budget process. The first budget meeting will be videotaped but not all sessions will be taped since taping is done by volunteers who dedicate themselves to not only taping city issues but other programs that are of interest to members of the community. Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 13, 1995 T ~.".._~ ,.___ .~.~__.,_ ~_""U __".. .~_. __"..~,. ".~.,,__. ... . I' __ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES March 13, 1995 TAPE READING 0324 0380 0414 0466 0475 COUNCIL BILL 1612 - ORDINANCE RECLASSIFYING PROPERTY LOCATED ON HIGHWAY 219 BETWEEN WOODLAND AVE. AND ARNEY RD. FROM COMMERCIAL OFFICE (CO) TO COMMERCIAL RETAIL (CR) AND TO APPROVE A SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION (MILES CHEVROLET). Council Bill 1612 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. Recorder Tennant read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. The vote on the bill was 5-1 with Councilor Pugh voting nay. Since there was not a unanimous vote by the Council on the first night it was introduced and read, Council Bill 1612 will be brought back to the Council for another reading at the next regular meeting. COUNCIL BILL 1613 - RESOLUTION RECEIVING A GIFT FROM THE ESTATE OF MARTHA EISENEGGER TO THE WOODBURN COMMUNITY CENTER. Councilor Hagenauer introduced Council Bill 1613. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared the Council Bill 1613 duly passed. Councilor Jennings stated that the City had received a $10,000 bequest for the Woodburn Community Center. COUNCIL BILL 1614 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING BILL OF SALE AND AGREEMENT WITH WOODBURN CABLE ACCESS TELEVISION (WCAT). Council Bill 1614 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Councilor Jennings commended the actions of WCAT, in particular Bruce Thomas, for providing the community with a quality community access program. On roll call vote for final passage, Council Bill 1614 passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared the bill duly passed. LIOUOR LICENSE APPLICATION - WOODBURN FAST SERVE. INC.. Chief Wright recommended the approval of a Package Store liquor license transfer from Woodburn Chevron to Woodburn Fast Serve, Inc. as submitted by Robert J. & Mary C. Barman. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... recommend to OLCC the package store liquor license transfer to Woodburn Fast Serve, Inc.. The motion passed unanimoUSly. CLAIMS FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 1995. SIFUENTEZ/FIGLEy.... approve payment of voucher checks #26168- 26496 for the month of February 1995. The motion passed unanimously. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 13, 1995 r ,~- '-~--.---,.~._,~--_.~,~..._. '1\ . COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES March 13, 1995 TAPE READING 1510 Mayor Kirksey reminded the Council that the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast will be held tomorrow morning, 6:45 am, at the united Methodist Church. 1525 Councilor Jennings suggested that a workshop be held to standardize a set of policies and procedures that would be applicable to all boards, commissions, and committee members. Following a discussion on this issue, it was decided that Councilors Chadwick, Jennings and Hagenauer would meet with the Mayor on Wednesday, March 22nd, 11:00 a.m., at city Hall. Administrator Childs requested that city Recorder Tennant assist the group in this project. 1627 ADJOURNMENT. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.. ATTEST fl7c~ -c:~~ Mary T nant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 13, 1995 r _____. "..... _,..__--'-,",---"-,..., _.._.{.-_ ._M_.~__.._.,~,__+.._..____._M__'_ II ,