Agenda - 09/25/1995 CITY OF WOODBURN 270 MONTGOMERY STREET .... WOODBURN, OREGON AGENDA WOODBURN CITY COUNCIL September 25, 1995 - 7:00 P.M. 1. 2. 3. __111'_- -- . ~ :- :X.,,:- ',' :-: .. . .......-.v.......v.....................I'............ BIBB'''''"''''..'''... . , ... ....:.:.:..:..:.... A. Council minutes of September 6, 1995 workshop, September 11, 1995 regular and executive meeting, September 19, 1995 special meeting. M ~ B. Planning Commission minutes of September 14, 1995. C. Recreation and Park Board minutes of August 21 and September 11, 1995. ~ 4. A. APPOINTMENTS: Nominations for Human Rights Commission. B. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1. Woodburn Aquatic Center opening (full schedule included with agenda item 15A) 4A 2. PRESENTATION: Dan Glennon - Cash donation from Woodburn Ditch Open Golf Tournament Committee. 3. Woodburn Transportation Plan hearing: October 9, 1995, 7:00 p.m. Woodburn City Hall. 4. Liquor license application public hearing - LaMichoacana Restaurant October 9, 1995, 7:00 p.m., Woodburn City Hall. C. PROCLAMATIONS Disability Employment Awareness month - October 1995. 4C 5. .11_- A. Chamber of Commerce B. Other Committees 6. 7. - . . .., ... . . .. .. . ........ (This allows public to introduce items for Council consideration not already scheduled on the agenda.) Page 1 - Council Agenda, September 25, 1995 8. _...".....,/.~'!...:..-::-:..~....'!...,..-:...:o. ,'::.. . .,..:'..: ':~.:....:'..'''..:... ...: .:.' 9. - ..^~...................:................: .,......: ......;,y;o;..... :.......,....,..... 10. - A. Council Bill No. 1670 - Resolution directing placement of stop signs in Tukwila Phase II. 11. Noti~~ ~,f Appeal: S~~livan/Baker vs. WO"Odb, urn",(LU~B h", } ',>-, " C;3 ,,p /1- f'~.", /',1" .?/ ", ,111E...,.~.-o. ((/It;ri,...1'4' l.<' _I. .b. -,,) ! ,.is ;07;;'- ("re/ (',"',......-//"7 'Lt...!"",.!)" b'U.,," 11,;,."\,..".(~d."'';;;f'ifl Fr~~ -' .. ...:..:....~~.........~":. ~ .. " . ". . . ^"" .~. D. Ill'. I..'_..~'. ..". " '''''~'III' .. 12. ~~__:::: . ..;<'................................ ........ ..". 13._ 14._ A. Site Plan Approval - 5,120 square foot office/retail center situated at the existing site of the Woodburn Professional Center located at 1359 N. Pacific Highway. 15._ A. Woodburn Memorial Aquatic Center opening (schedule attached). B. Treatment Plant design consultant selection process. C. Community Development Fact Sheet. D. Herotage Awards Program. 16. 17. 18._ Page 2 - Council Agenda, September 25, 1995 1QA lim 14A 1M ~ 1.5C. ThO. 3A COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES September 6, 1995 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF KARION, STATE OF OREGON, SEPTEMBER 6, 1995. 0003 CONVENED. The Council met in a workshop session at 7:25 p.m. with Council President Jenninqs presidinq. The purpose of the workshop was to update the Council on the draft Transportation Plan which has been tentatively scheduled for a public hearinq on september 25, 1995. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor councilor Councilor Councilor Kirksey Chadwick Fiqley Haqenauer Jenninqs puqh sifuentez Absent Present Absent Present Present Present Absent staff Present: city Administrator Childs, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Public Works Manaqer Rohman, Public Works Director Tiwari, City Recorder Tennant 0016 Council President Jennings stated that the Transportation Task Force has completed a draft plan which encompasses the entire City. The plan calls for a split diamond interchange south of the existinq interchange but within the Urban Growth Boundary. He stated that the state Department of Transportation (OooT) has told the Task Force that they must stay within the Urban Growth Boundary, however, the City may include in their Plan a suggestion that a second interchanqe at Butteville Rd/Parr Rd be constructed which would then connect to the proposed south by-pass. He stated that the Task Force has been workinq on this plan for approximately two years and he spoke highly of the work performed by Kittleson << Associates in incorporating the recommendations of the Task Force into the plan. Public Works Manager Rohman stated that the Plan is a set of guidelines identifyinq not only traffic patterns/street designations but funding sources for future improvements. Ultimately, Council action will be needed to determine funding sources of projects anticipated over the next 20 years. community Development Director Goeckritz briefly reviewed the letter from ODOT which approved the draft Plan in total with a couple of chanqes to the narrative portion of the document. He stated that the Planning commission has held a public hearing on the proposed plan and their recommendation is to make the proposed Parr Road interchange alternative as first priority but the plan itself not be changed. Council President Jennings reiterated that ODOT has indicated Page 1 - Council Workshop Meetinq Minutes, september 6, 1995 3A COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES September 6, 1995 TAPE READING that they will not accept the Parr Rd. interchange as part of the plan, however, the City can put the Parr Rd. interchange in the plan as a suggestion. He reminded the Cou~cil that the Transportation Task Force has worked with numerous citizens and local agency representatives to prepare a plan which addresses the concerns of the local residents. Additionally, the Task Force held 3 open houses in which suggestions from interested citizens and group/business representatives were taken into consideration, some of which were incorporated into the Plan. Councilor Pugh expressed concern regarding Woodland Avenue and the continued designation of Nekia Street east of Woodland Avenue as an available street for future developments. Staff assured him that all new development requires a site plan review process before the Planning Commission and the plan does not include any future development of the property which is currently outside of the city limits. It was noted that the document was prepared with alternatives to the use of a automobile as a means of transportation. The Council will need to look at increasing bus service in the future and will ultimately need to look at a Transit District or the city will eventually be absorbed by Tri-Met or the Salem Transit District. The proposed plan does include Park n Ride locations which indicates a need for more bus service. Public Works Director Tiwari also stated that the plan will need more extensive work in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) area to balance the program. This work can be accomplished at a later date and does not need to be completed before final approval is given by the State. Director Goeckritz stated that the plan directs the city to implement ordinances that are directed out of that plan such as the zoning ordinance, subdivision ordinance, access management plan, capital improvement plan, and various other plans. Discussion was also held on how soon projects can be completed. Public Works Manager Rohman reminded the Council that larger projects must be coordinated with the State for funding but smaller projects could be accomplished by the City as funding becomes available. Discussion was also held regarding continuation of the Task Force versus the appointment of a Transportation Advisory Committee once the plan has been adopted. Councilor Jennings suggested that the Task Force probably would like to be relieved of their commitment but he did advocate the appointment of a transportation committee consisting of local citizens and business representatives at a later date to address specific topics within the plan. Page 2 - Council Workshop Meeting Minutes, September 6, 1995 TAPE READING 1335 2050 ATTEST 3A COUNC~L WORKSHOP KEET~NG H~NUTES september 6, 1995 Staff reminded the Council that any interchange development will probably be 6 to 10 years in the future. Once the plan is approved, the City needs to begin lobbying ODOT to consider moving this project forward on their project list. Councilor Jennings expressed his opinion that the plan should be adopted, however, he reiterated his objection to the Planning Commission's recommendation to make the 2nd interchange as a top priority. Discussion was also held regarding the proposed south by-pass. The workshop concluded at 8:28 p.m.. APPROVED NANCY A. KIRKSEY, MAYOR Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 3 - Council Workshop Meeting Minutes, September 6, 1995 TAPE READING 0001 0003 0013 0022 0045 0062 3A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 11, 1995 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OP MARION, STATE OP OREGON, SEPTEMBER 11, 1995. CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kirksey Chadwick Figley Hagenauer Jennings Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present (7:12 pm) Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, community Development Director Goeckritz, Finance Director Gillespie, Police Chief wright, Library Director Sprauer, Park Director Holly, Public Works Manager Rohman, City Recorder Tennant MINUTES. JENNINGS/SlFUENTEZ... approve the Council meeting minutes of August 28, 1995; accept the Planning Commission minutes of August 17 and 24, 1995 (special and regular meeting minutes) and the Library Board minutes of August 30, 1995. Councilor Pugh requested that his memo clarifying his objections to Council Bill 1664 (tape reading #0766) be attached to the Council minutes. The motion passed unanimously (Councilor Figley not in attendance at the time of the vote). ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) Community Development Director Goeckritz advised the Council that the public hearing on the Transportation Plan has been rescheduled to Monday, October 9, 1995, 7:00 p.m., in the city Hall Council Chambers. B) Ballots for the september 19th Special Election can be dropped off at City Hall during normal business hours and up until 8:00 p.m. on September 19th. PROCLAMATION - CONSTITUTION WEEK. SEPTEMBER 17 - 23. 1995. Mayor Kirksey read the prOClamation designating the week of September 17-23, 1995 as Constitution Week within the City in commemoration of the 208th anniversary of the signing of the united States Constitution. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 11, 1995 3A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 11, 1995 TAPE READING 0119 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE REPORT. Donna Hendricks, Chamber President, reminded the Council of the following upcoming Chamber activities: 1) Business Showcase, September 14th, Woodburn Armory, between 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm.; 2) Greeter's program, september 20th, 8:00 am, at Silver Creek Care Center; and 3) Chamber Forum, September 20th, 12:00 noon, at Yum Wah's Restaurant. This month's program will be presented by representatives from the Bureau of Labor. 0166 PUBLIC BEARING ON OREGON LIOUOR CONTROL COMMISSION (OLCC) APPLICATION - LA MICBOACANA RESTAURANT. 450 N. FIRST ST. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing open at 7:08 p.m.. Chief Wright stated that Guadalupe Pena, applicant, did not receive the hearing packet on the staff reports, therefore, she has requested an extension of the hearing to september 25, 1995. Chief Wright also recommended that the hearing be extended since the information was not submitted in a timely manner. councilor Jennings stated that he would like to be in attendance when the hearing is held, however, he will not present at the September 25th meeting. He suggested that the hearing be held on October 9th. Since there were no objections, JENNINGS/HAGENAUER.... hearing be continued until October 9, 1995, 7:00 p.m.. The motion passed unanimously. 0219 PVBL~C HEAR~NG - ANNBXAT~ON #95-02 AND ZONE HAP AMENDMENT #95- 03 (ADDlicant - Jerrv , Nancv osteraaardl. The Mayor declared the pUblic hearing open at 7:09 p.m.. Recorder Tennant read the required land use statement into the record. Director Goeckritz submitted the following exhibits into the record: 1) Staff Report; and 2) Applicant's statement which includes explanations to his application and various maps/legal data to make it a full record. The application consists of the annexation of approximately 5.71 acres of land located west of S. Boones Ferry Road and an amendment to the zone map from County Urban Transition Farm to City Single-family Residential. The property is within the Urban Growth Boundary and contiquous to the existing city limits. The current proposal is for a Planned Unit Development, however, the Planning commission has not taken any action on the subdivision or variance proposal since the developer has agreed to look at design alternatives. The Commission is recommending that the Council approve the annexation and RS zone map amendment request and, at a later date, the Commission will review design alternatives to determine which design will best fit the area. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 11, 1995 TAPE READING .QRJ. 3A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 11, 1995 Richard Siewert, agent for the Ostergaard's, stated that the is landlocked with the railroad tracks on the east side of the, property and the school property is on the west side. This parcel of land is too small for farming purposes, therefore, the applicant would like to have the property annexed to the City for a future SUbdivision. It was noted that Elana Drive currently stops at the Ostergaard property line and infrastructure is available. The applicant has been working with LCDC's design department on a preliminary design, however, a final design has not been prepared. Once the applicant has decided on a final design, they will be required to go through the Planning Commission process for site plan review and SUbdivision approval. In reqards to the property's close proximity to the railroad tracks, it was noted that there is currently dense veqetation between the two parcels of land alonq with a barbed wire fence. Additionally, the applicant is proposing the dedication of land sufficient for a bikepath/pedestrian walkway to the school property. No one in the audience spoke in opposition to the proposed annexation and zone map amendment. The Mayor declared the public hearing closed at 7:27 p.m.. Councilor Pugh stated that he would like to have the Council make a recommendation back to the Planning Commission that a chain link fence along the railroad be required as part of a SUbdivision/site plan approval. Following a brief discussion on the fence issue, JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... accept the findings of the Planning Commission and direct staff to prepare ordinance with findings of approval. The motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - ANNEXATION #95-03 AND ZONE MAP AMENDMENT #95- 04 (ADDlicant - Don Comstock). Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearinq open at 7:29 p.m.. Councilor Jennings stated that he had made a site visit that day with a staff member. Recorder Tennant read the land use statement required by ORS 197.763. Director Goeckritz entered into the record the following exhibits: 1) Staff report, 2) Applicant's Report and Application, 3) Exhibits of maps and diagrams of the area that were evaluated during the processing of this application, and 4) Letters from proponents and opponents of this development proposal. The property encompasses approximately 14 acres south of Brown Street and east of Warren Way. He stated that the developer's oriqinal proposal before the Planninq Commission was to develop the property into a Mobile Home Park which would require a zone map change to RM with a Conditional Use for a Mobile Home Park. The Planninq Commission held a pUblic hearing on July 13, 1995 regarding this application and following the close of the hearinq, the Commission moved to have findings of denial prepared by staff. Subsequently, the Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 11, 1995 3A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 11, 1995 TAPE READING applicant submitted a letter to the city requesting withdrawal of the application for a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment to RM and the Conditional Use request for a Mobile Home Park. The Commission reviewed this information at their July 27th meeting and recommended Council approval of the annexation with an residential single-family (RS) zone change. The applicant has submitted a development proposal for this parcel and the staff is in the process of preparing a staff report on the subdivision proposal. This proposal will then be submitted to the Planning Commission for their review and approval at a later date. He also reviewed the required improvements to Brown Street and the improvements to the storm drain system which will be taken care of by all three property owners in this area prior to the development of this property and Steklov Subdivision. councilor Jennings stated that he went to this location today for a site visit because of his concerns surrounding the storm drainage system. Director Goeckritz assured the Council that storm drain improvements will be made so that it does not cause additional water flow and/or ponding on surrounding properties. He reminded the Council that the issue before them only involves the annexation of property and a residential single-family zone map amendment. 1295 Don Comstock, applicant and owner of Summit Properties Development, stated that the three property owners involved in the storm drain issue have the basics of an agreement laid out but the details need to be finalized. No additional testimony was submitted from either proponents or opponents. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing closed at 7:44 p.m.. Councilor Jennings stated that he had visited the site today with Director Goeckritz since his concerns dealt with the road and storm drain improvements. The staff has assured him that the developers will be paying for all of the improvement costs and property owners who live on the east side of Brown Street will not have to pay towards these improvements. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... annexation be approved, a lot line adjustment be made, and the property be zoned Single-Family residential which does not become a Mobile Home Park. On roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. 1460 PUBLIC HEARING - ANNEXATION #95-04 AND ZONE MAP AMENDMENT #94- 06 (Aoplicant Nancv Bacchi and Pave Zimmer). Mayor Kirksey declared the pUblic hearing open at 7:48 p.m.. Recorder Tennant read the land use statement required by ORS 197.763. Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 11, 1995 TAPE READING 1751 1857 1912 3A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 11, 1995 Councilor Jennings stated that he had made an on-site visit to this parcel of land prior to the hearing. Director Goeckritz entered into the record the following exhibits: 1) Staff report, and 2) the Applicant's application. He stated that the Planning Commission had reviewed the application at their July 27, 1995 meeting and subsequently recommended approval of the application. The proposed annexation involves approximately 1.8 acres of land (tax lot #1400) into tax lot #1300 which would then be conveyed to Pete Cam. This property will then be used by Mr. Cam as part ofa later phase of his development of stick-built homes. The property proposed to be annexed lies adjacent to the existing city limits. Director Goeckritz also complimented the applicants on the thoroughness of their application. Nancy Bocchi, co-owner of the property, stated that they became involved when Pete Cam (Steklov Subdivision) contacted them regarding the sale of this small parcel of land so that he could make the necessary street improvements on Parr street and Brown street. A portion of the land could also be used for storm water detention or additional lots. She also stated that she and Ms. Zimmer have donated a small portion of the land for road purposes in order to allow Mr. Cam to complete Parr Street. They also feel that the most effective use of this property is to incorporate it into a larger addition rather than isolating this small parcel. No additional testimony was submitted by either proponents or opponents. Mayor Kirksey declared the hearing closed at 7:59 p.m.. Councilor Jennings stated that he had visited this site since he had the same concerns as those relating to Annexation #95- 03 and comments made during that hearing would apply to this hearing. All of his questions regarding drainage and road improvements were answered by staff satisfactorily. JENNINGS/PUGH.... approve the annexation and zone map amendment with the conditions set forth by the Planning Commission and direct staff to prepare findings to substantiate the approval. On roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. The Mayor recessed the meeting at 8:00 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 8:08 p.m.. COUNCIL BILL 1666 - ORDINANCE APPROVING NEW WASTEWATER SERVICE RATES TO BECOME EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1. 1995. Council Bill 1666 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. Administrator Childs stated that page 2 of the memo from the Public Works Director may have been left out of the packet, therefore, the memo was re-printed and distributed just prior Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 11, 1995 3A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 11, 1995 TAPE READING to the meeting. The Councilors took a few minutes to read the memo prior to the reading of the bill. Recorder Tennant read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1666 duly passed. 2099 COUNCIL BILL 1667 - RESOLUTION ESTABLISHXNG A NEW SCHBDULB FOR WASTEWATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES AND AMENDXNG RBSOLUTXON 1079. Councilor Hagenauer introduced Council Bill 1667. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Councilor Jennings questioned if this is the same system development charge (SDC) that has been steadily increasing over the last several years. Director Tiwari stated that this Council Bill only relates to increasing the system development charges for wastewater. In 1992, the methodology was established and SDC charges established for wastewater, water, and parks. For single family residential homes, the wastewater SDC has increased by approximately $500 each year since 1992, however, the proposed increase for 1996 is $145. On roll call vote for final passage, Council Bill 1667 passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared the bill duly passed. 2219 COUNCIL BXLL 1668 - RESOLUTION AUTHORXZXNG PAYMENT TO CH2M HILL FOR ADDITIONAL WORK PERFORMED ON WASTEWATER FACXLXTXES PLAN. Council Bill 1668 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1668 duly passed. 2249 COUNCIL BILL 1669 - RESOLtJ'l'ION ACKNOWLEDGING THE ABATEMENT OF THE PUBLIC NUISANCE AT 199 N. FRONT STREET AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 1220 (OLD BANK BUILDING). Council Bill 1669 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Councilor Jennings commended Nora Fives and her brother for their willingness to rehabilitate the structure. Mayor Kirksey also expressed her appreciation to the property owners for their restoration of the building. On roll call vote for final passage, Council Bill 1669 passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared the bill duly passed. Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 11, 1995 3A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 11, 1995 TAPE READING 2341 CONTRACT AWARD - LIBRARY BVAC RETROFIT PROJECT. Bids were received from the following contractors for the removal and replacement of two vane axial fans in the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning system along with associated duct work, and for the acoustical upgrade of the furnace room's entry door and return air duct: General Sheet Metal Works, Inc., $28,307.00; C.J.Hansen Company, Inc., $43,816; Riehl Industries, $46,583; and Roth's Heating, $72,825. The staff recommended the acceptance of the low bid from General Sheet Metal Works, Inc., which was well below the engineer's estimate of $52,000. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... accept the low bid from General Sheet Metal Works, Inc., in the amount of $28,307.00 for the Library HVAC project. The motion passed unanimously. 2362 SOUND AMPLIFICATION REQUEST - SALun MEDICAL CLINXC HEALTH FAIR. Staff recommended the approval of a request from Los Amigos de Woodburn and Salud Medical Center to use sound amplification equipment at Library Park on September 16, 1995, from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. The purpose of the event is to celebrate "El Grito" (Official independence day of Mexico) and to hold a Health Fair. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ... request for a sound amplification permit by Los Amigos de Woodburn and Salud Medical Center be approved. The motion passed unanimously. 2371 CLAIMS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1995. SIFUENTEZ/FIGLEY... approve voucher checks #28376 - 28743 issued for the month of August 1995. The motion passed unanimously. 2402 STAPF REPORTS. A) Building Activity Report for August 1995 B) Childrens' Services Grant Application - The Library staff has submitted a grant application to the Oregon State Library for the purpose of further developing the computer area for youth in our Library. Last year, the city received a grant award in the amount of $1,551 from this source and the Library has budgeted $1,600.00 in anticipation of receiving this grant during fiscal year 1995-96. C) Development Fact Sheet -- Statistical information will be included in the next agenda packet. D) Director Tiwari informed the Council that the recently approved wastewater ordinance and resolution leads to the implementation of policies as recommended by the Wastewater Advisory Committee. A Council workshop with the Wastewater Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 11, 1995 3A COUNCZL MEETZNG HZNUTES September 11, 1995 T~E READING Advisory Committee will be held by mid-October to answer questions and review action taken to date. The Committee is also ~onsidering the distribution of a pamphlet to its wastewater customers since residential rates will be changing as of November 1, 1995. He emphasized that the wastewater rate will remain as a flat rate for a 12-month period, however, the wastewater rate for each household will be based on an average 4-month water use during the winter months. 2606 E) Update on Aquatic Center -- Park Director Holly advised the Council that an Open House has been tentatively scheduled for October 8th with the first swim night (invitation only) starting October 9th. Special event nights for each school will begin around October 10th and ending with a Grand Opening around October 20th. He assured the Council that the facility will be a wonderful addition to the City and the public will be surprised as to the what they got for their tax dollars. It was also noted that there will be 150 more bricks offered for sale at $75 each. The bricks are being sold at a higher price since it now costs more to have them fired. 2742 Administrator Childs reminded the Council that the annexation hearings only involved annexation of land and zone changes from a County to City zone designation. He stated that these annexations will help to square up the city limits and, in suggesting additional annexations, it is up to the property owners and developers rather than the taxpayers to insure that the proper infrastructure and street improvements are provided to the areas annexed. In regards to the System Development Charges (SDC), he commended the staff and Council in implementing SDC charges a few years ago to a level which has resulted in this year's modest increase of $145. Lastly, he referred to the Library HVAC project in which the bid was well below the $52,000 engineer's estimate. He reminded the Council that this bid did provide us with a substantial savings over what was budgeted, however, not all bids provide the City with this type of savings. 2910 Councilor Jennings stated that he had graduated from Woodburn High 50 years ago and last weekend, as part of the class reunion activities, they received a tour of the new aquatics facility. Members of his class were impressed with the center which seems to be a state of the art facility. There will be 150 more bricks to be sold some of which will be purchased by his classmates. They were impressed by the spacious locker rooms, office space, sauna, exercise programs to be offered, and by the size of the pdol. Even though the pool is not olympic size, it is the' proper size for swim meets. Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 11, 1995 3A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 11, 1995 TAPE READING Additionally, the parking area will be extended to the east and south of the facility. Tape 2 Councilor Jennings stated that he was still disturbed by the City'S annexation policies and he referred to one of the annexations approved by the Council at this meeting. In this particular annexation case (#95-03), part of the property is contiguous to the city limits while another portion of the property is not contiguous. He feels that future annexations should be looked at very closely since he does not feel that property should be annexed in this manner. Additionally, he objected to providing city services to property owners who are outside of the city limits. Councilor sifuentez reminded the public that there are numerous part-time positions open at the new aquatic center especially for lifeguards. Training will be available and she encouraged qualified youths to contact the Parks Department for information.on employment opportunities. Councilor Chadwick stated that she was looking forward to the opening of the new pool which will provide both recreational programs and part-time job opportunities. She also informed the Council that her son was involved in an ATV accident over the weekend and sustained multiple injuries. He has been in the Emmanuel Hospital trauma ward and is very lucky to be alive. Mayor Kirksey stated that she had just returned from San Antonio, Texas, and she is glad to be back in Woodburn. She does have a new grandson who, along with his mother, is doing just fine. She also reminded the Councilors that she is in need of names for appointment to the Human Rights Commission. She also questioned the Councilors as to whether or not residents within the School District should be considered as potential appointees to this commission. It was the consensus of the Council that only residents of Woodburn should be appointed to the commission. 0262 EXECUTIVE SESSION. JENNINGS/PUGH... adjourn to executive session under the authority of: 1) ORS 192.660(1) (h) to consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a pUblic body with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be filed; and 2) ORS 192.660(1) (e) to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to negotiate real property transactions. The motion passed unanimously. Page 9 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 11, 1995 3A COUNCIL MEETING HINUTES September 11, 1995 TAPE READING The Council adjourned to executive session at 8:47 p.m. and reconvened at 9:48 p.m.. 0278 Following the executive session, JENNINGS/PUGH... City staff be instructed to proceed with the closure of the property just south of City Hall which involves the donation from Mendenhall and the purchase of 1/2 interest from the Sawtelle Trust. The motion passed unanimously. ~ ADJOURNMENT. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.. APPROVED NANCY A. KIRKSEY, MAYOR ATTEST Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 10 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 11, 1995 3A Executive Session COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 11, 1995 DATE. CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, SEPTEMBER 11, 1995. CONVENED. The Council met in executive session at 8:47 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kirksey Chadwick Figley Hagenauer Jennings Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Park Director Holly, City Recorder Tennant Press: Shelby Case, Woodburn Independent The executive session was held under the authority of: 1) ORS 192.660(1 )(h) to consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be filed; and 2) ORS 192.660(1 He) to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to negotiate real property transactions. Mayor Kirksey reminded the Councilors, staff, and press that information discussed in executive session is not to be discussed with the public. Attorney Shields provided the Council with updates on pending litigation cases of City v. Salud Medical Center, and Mar-Dene Corp. v. City of Woodburn. City Administrator Childs provided the Council with information regarding potential real property transactions. ADJOURNMENT. The executive session adjourned at 9:46 p.m.. APPROVED NANCY A. KIRKSEY, MAYOR ATTEST Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 1 - Executive Session, Council Meeting Minutes, September 11, 1995 TAPE READING 0001 0019 0028 3A SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 19, 1995 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, SEPTEMBER 19, 1995. CONVENED. The Council met in special session at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor councilor councilor Councilor councilor Councilor Kirksey Chadwick Figley Hagenauer Jennings Pugh sifuentez Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present.: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, community Development Director Goeckritz, city Recorder Tennant CONSIDERATION OF HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT WITH MILES CHEVROLET. In summary, the original site plan submitted by Miles Chevrolet included a two-story structure of approximately 14,000 square feet which was later changed at during the hearing process before the Council to a one-story structure that would involve an estimated 2,000 sq. ft. increase in the size of the building. However, final plans submitted to the building department provided for the building to be in excess of 30,000 sq. ft.. Representatives of Miles Chevrolet have admitted that they erred in not submitting a revised site plan for review showing the correct size of the building. They have filed paperwork with the community Development Department seeking a site plan modification from the Planning Commission. This issue is scheduled for Planning Commission consideration at their October 12, 1995 meeting. In the meantime, Miles Chevrolet is requesting permission to pour the concrete foundations and footings while the weather conditions continue to be favorable for construction activities. They have proposed a Hold Harmless Agreement for the city's consideration which would allow them to proceed at their own risk with some of the construction activities based on the expanded building size. Under the agreement, Miles Chevrolet would be responsible for concrete removal or other site restoration efforts if the revised site plan is not approved by the Planning Commission. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... authorize the city Administrator to sign the Hold Harmless Agreement as presented. The councilors took a few minutes to review the content of the Hold Harmless Agreement which was distributed just prior to Page 1 - Special council Meeting Minutes, September 19, 1995 TAPE READING 0216 ATTEST 3A' SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 19, 1995 the meeting. Councilor Pugh questioned if the City would be incurring any concrete costs if the revised site plan is denied by the Planning Commission and/or the City council. Administrator Childs stated that the agreement authorizes Miles Chevrolet to perform specific construction activities on the site at their own risk. Following a brief discussion, the Council voted unanimously to authorize the signing of the Hold Harmless Agreement. ADJOURNMENT . JENNINGS/FIGLEY... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:09 p.m.. APPROVED NANCY A. KIRKSEY, MAYOR Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 2 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, september 19, 1995 38 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 1995 1) ROLL CALL: Chairperson Vice Chairperson Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Mrs. Warzynski Mrs. Bjelland Mrs. Schultz Mrs. Henkes Mrs. Davis Mr. Will Mr. Frawley Mr. Atkinson Mr. Palmer Present Present Present Absent Absent Present Present Present Present Staff Present: Steve Goeckritz, Community Development Director Teresa Engeldinger, City Planner 2) MINUTES: The minutes of August 17, 1995 and August 24, 1995 were accepted as written. 3) BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE: None 4) COMMUNICATIONS: None 5) PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Subdivision 95-05 Don Comstock Staff read the statement necessary to begin the hearing. Staff read the Approval Criteria, the Raise it or Waive it Rule, the Right to Have the Record Remain Open, and the Right to a Continuance. Staff stated that the applicant, Don Comstock, wished to create a 59 single PCM\PCM9-14.95 SG:bw 1 38 family lots. The property is located west of the Cam Subdivision, east of Brown Street, and south of Walker Subdivision. The annexation was approved by City Council. The lots range from 6000 sq. ft to 10,000 sq. ft. There is a 64 ft. right of way and 34 ft. wide streets with sidewalks and curbs. There is a stub road for future connection to the south. The applicant plans to put manufactured homes on these lots. There will be certain requirements for the manufactured homes. Staff read over the conditions of approval from all city departments. The proposal meets all the requirements for a subdivision. Staff stated that the Parks & Recreation Director (Board) stated that the Parks & Recreation Department would like cash in lieu of land of the proposed playground. Staff felt that the play ground was needed. There is currently no park type facilities in this area. He stated that he needed direction from the Planning Commission as to whether to take this proposal back to the Parks & Recreation Director (Board) for discussion. The applicant, Don Comstock, 12020 SW 118th, Tigard, OR 97223, stated that the suggestion of a pocket park was being supported. It would be great for small children. Chairperson Warzynski asked the Commission members if they had any questions for the applicant. Commissioner Will asked about the water drainage comment from his last proposal. Mr. Comstock answered that it referred to digging 2 to 3 feet into the ground to pit set the homes. Water still gets under the homes no matter what type of drainage is put in. Commissioner Will asked about the fire district report regarding street name changes. Mr. Comstock answered that the street name changes had been made. Commissioner Will asked how many lots there were. Mr. Comstock answered 59. Commissioner Will asked about the street lighting. Mr. Comstock answered that at this time he had not read the city ordinance. PCM\PCM9-14.95 SG:bw 2 38 Commissioner Schultz asked if it was manufactured homes on foundations? Mr. Comstock answered that it was manufactured homes on perimeter foundations. Chairperson Warzynski asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak for this project. Michael Borshowa, 1839 Woodland. He stated that he had owned the 10 acre parcel for 25 years. He stated that only in severe heavy rains did he have any flooding. He had put in an 18" culvert and in 25 years it had handled all the flooding. Chairperson Warzynski asked if there was anyone who wished to speak against this proposal. Rudy Sonnen, 888 Brown Street, stated that he was concerned about being encircled by manufactured homes. He stated that this proposal had a real drainage problem. Mr. Comstock stated that with the water issue crossing from Cam's, through Sonnen's and then into Walkers. Engineering staff has recommended that a 24 inch pipe to run from the other side of Brown Street all the way back to the rear corner of Walker Estates. He stated that the retention pond is for a 25 year event. Commissioner Frawley asked about the age of the manufactured homes on these lots. Mr. Comstock stated that the City Ordinance stated that only new manufactured homes could be placed on the lots. Mr. Sonnen stated that his project did not have a drainage problem. It was the Walker Estates project. Commissioner Bjelland had concerns about the fencing along the property. Mr. Comstock answered that as the need arises, independently owed lots should be able to choose if he has a fence or not. Commissioner Bjelland stated that before the Commission had always requested a uniform fence. PCM\PCM9-14.95 SG:bw 3 38 Mr. Comstock stated that all the existing residences surrounding his property have small children and some have already put up fences between his property and theirs. Commissioner Will asked for clarification regarding Mr. Sonnen's remark on there being no drainage problem on this project. Mr. Comstock answered that a huge culvert is located on the back of the Walker property and it has large metal gates. In a 25 year event this culvert could become very full. He explained how a future access road onto Sonnen property would help clear up this issue. He stated that himself, Pete Cam and Rudy Sonnen have already been discussing how to solve this problem. Chairperson Warzynski closed the public hearing. Commissioner Atkinson stated he would be in favor of keeping land for a park. All of the Commissioner members were in favor of keeping the land and instructed staff to take this recommendation to the Park Board/Director. Commissioner Schultz asked if this was to be a new trend to develop park land. Staff answered that it would depend upon the location of the development proposal. Commissioner Will asked if Mr. Comstock wold be putting in play equipment in the park? Staff answered that it can be done several ways, cash in lieu of land, a combination of both, etc. Commissioner Bjelland stated that Centennial Park is a good concept but it is too far way for some children to go to on a regular basis. Personally she would like to see play areas in more subdivisions. Commissioner Palmer stated he was concerned with play equipment in a flood area would be ruined by the standing water. Staff reminded the Commissioners that it was addressing a 25 year event. In most cases it would drain in 24 hours. Commissioner Bjelland asked about the statement from Mr. Comstock regarding a street between lots to connect Mr. Sonnen's property. She asked if this was PCM\PCM9-14.95 SG:bw 4 '38 being approved at this meeting. Staff answered no that this would come to the Commission as a new proposal. Commissioner Will made the motion to approve Subdivision 95-05 with conditions listed in the staff report and the park modification recommendation made by the Commission. Commissioner Frawley seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed. B. SPR 95-19 Woodburn Professional Office Addition - Scott Beck, Architect Staff read the statement necessary to open the public hearing. He read the Approval Criteria, the Raise it or Waive it Rule, the Right to Have the Hearing Remain Open, and the Right to a Continuance of the Hearing. Commissioner Bjelland abstained from discussion and voting on this application. Staff stated that the applicant wished to add 5120 sq. ft. office retail building to his existing office complex. The property is located along Hwy 99E south of Burger King. There are two existing buildings. There is adequate landscaping and parking. Commissioner Will asked staff if they could explain solar access that is in the Chapter 8 General Standards of the Zoning Ordinance. Staff explained that anyone who has solar panels may register with the city and be protected from other developments/shadows blocking their solar access. The applicant, Scott Beck, 361 NE 3rd, Canby, stated that this project is a small infill community project. Woodburn is a growing city with a need for more professional buildings. He showed a picture of what building is patterned after in Canby. He was concerned about items c and d on the fire department comments. He stated that at the pre-application meeting a 1 hour fire wall could be used instead of sprinkled and only 1 fire hydrant would be necessary. Staff stated that a clarification from the fire department could be obtained. Chairperson Warzynski asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished PCM\PCM9-14.95 SG:bw 5 38 to speak for this project. There was none. She then asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished to speak against this project~ There were none. She closed the public hearing. Commissioner Palmer stated that this was excellent use of the land. He made the motion to approve SPR 95-19. Commissioner Will seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed, with 1 abstention from Commissioner Bjelland. 6) REPORTS: A. SPR 95-17 Central Homes Office Addition Administrative approval was given to Central Homes for expansion of their office facility. A manufactured home will be used for their office expansion. They meet landscaping standards. The manufactured homes they have stored on the back half of their property are on single family residential. They are working to get the zone changed to commercial or move the homes. B. Minor Partition 95-04 Dennis Wolf - Create 3 lots Administrative approval was given. C. Lot Line Adjustment 95-08 - United Disposal Administrative approval was given. D. Land Use Inventory Staff gave an overview of the fact sheet. E. Building Activity for August 1995. 7) BUSINESS FROM THE COMMISSION: Commissioner Bjelland had concerns regarding the drainage problem on the Walker property. Staff answered that he would discuss this issue with the Public Works Director. PCM\PCM9-14.95 SG:bw 6 38. Commissioner Bjelland asked if it would be possible for the Planning Commission to recognize the businesses along 99E who have improved their appearance by landscaping, etc. Staff stated that they would prepare a draft letter and bring back to the Commission. Commissioner Bjelland stated that she saw the landscaping that the city had done on the Country Club/Oregon Ct. right of way area. Staff stated that Jason Tuck, Assistant Planner, has been diligent in the tree planting program that you see along Hwy 99E. He has been in charge of that tree planting program. This is under the PGE/City tree program where PGE donated the trees and the City plants them in the right of way. There are two trees slated for the Country Club/Oregon Ct. right of way. Commissioner Schultz asked if a certificate of excellence could be sent out with the recognition letter to the businesses who have improved their appearance. Staff answered yes. Chairperson Warzynski asked if staff could provide copies of the road map on how to make a motion. Staff answered yes. Commissioner Will stated that at the Council meeting he was confused on the annexation. A Councilor was disturbed by city policy on annexation. Staff believed that the Councilor was disturbed by the fact that a portion of land is outside the city limit and felt that we would be creating another island of land outside the city limits. Commissioner Will asked if the Commission could discuss making a recommendation to the Council on the TIF fee/Gas tax increase. Staff said after the Transportation Plan was looked at by Council then recommendations could be made to the Council. 8) ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the Planning Commission meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm. PCM\PCM9-14.95 SG:bw 7 3C MINUTES WOODBURN RECREATION AND PARKS BOARD REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 21,1995 WOODBURN AQUATIC CENTER 1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 5:20pm at the Woodburn Aquatic Center by Chairman Frank Anderson. 2. ROll CAll Board Members Present: Frank Anderson, Dave Ott, Sue FoFana-Dura, Barbara Rappleyea, Mike Rodriguez. Board Members Absent and excused: Lee Ehrens Staff Present: Nevin Holly, Director; Shirley Pitt, Secretary; Kathy Willcox, Aquatic Manager and John Pitt, Parks and Facilities Superintendent 3. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Director Holly requested that Unfinished Business - Parr Acres Systems Development Fee - Mick DeSantis be moved to the top of the Agenda to accommodate Mr. DeSantis. MOTION: S. FOFANA-DURA: Moved to accept Agenda as presented with requested change. D. OTT: Seconded the Motion Motion passed unanimously. 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Parr Acres Svstems Development Fee Waiver Issue - Mick DeSantis. Mr. DeSantis explained that he was at the meeting to request re-consideration of a fee waiver for his Parr Acres and Manufactured Home Community. He told the Board that he understood that his initial request was denied, however he was not at the meeting when the request was denied and he would like to take this opportunity to plead his case. He told the Board that since they had waived a fee for another development earlier in the year he felt a precedent had been established and that he too should have the same consideration. Sue FoFona Dura said that she was unaware of the waived fee, as was the majority of the Board. Nevin said that this action was taken at a meeting where Barbara and Sue were absent. Mr. DeSantis stated that he felt that his development fee for Parr Acres should be considered for waiver because he had plans for developing a detention basin into the park, landscaping: installing a automatic sprinkler system, lawn seeding and plant material; a tennis court and 2 basketball courts which would be located on the tennis court. The total of this was $46,500.00. He initially said that by his doing this in his development it would relieve the load from the rest of the Parks Maintenance, he would maintain it. He initially felt that dedicating the property to the City was a possibility, however, after reconsidering he felt the amenities should remain for the use of its residents only. 3C Page - 2 Park Board Minutes August 21, 1995 Dave Ott asked Mr. DeSantis if this area would be open to the general public for use. Mick said it would be for Parr Acres residents only. Centennial Park which is across the street from Parr Acres was discussed. Mick indicated he was disappointed with Centennial Park in that the property had been purchased when he was. on the Park Board and to date, nothing has been done. Mick said even when Centennial is developed children would not cross Parr Road to go to it. MOTION: S. FOFANA-DURA: Moved to close discussion and take the matter up again later in meeting. B. RAPPLEYEA: Seconded the Motion. Motion passed unanimously. Discussion: Sue FoFana-Dura asked if the Board could move into executive session to discuss this issue. Mr. DeSantis said all discussion had to be held with him present and that the Board could not discuss this in an executive session. The matter was closed and will be discussed, with Mr. DeSantis present at the Monday, September 11th meeting. 5. SPECIAL ORDERS OFTHE DAY: a. Board Attendance The Director reported to the Board that the Mayor had informed him that if a Board Member had 2 consecutive absences, without excuse, from meetings they could be replaced at the discretion of the Mayor. b. Board Member's Resignation Nevin told the Board that he had been contacted by Board Member, Larry Watson who had submitted his resignation because of moving out of the City. Board Chairman Frank Anderson said it was with regret that Mr. Watson had to resign and he asked that a letter thanking him for his participation be sent. Several names were suggested and will be given to Mayor for her consideration. It was also suggested that Director Holly ask if the Mayor could find time to attend a Board Meeting and talk about this matter. and others. 6. SETTLEMIER PARK/AQUATIC CENTER PARKING ISSUE Dave Ott asked about the parking issue at the new swimming pool. He is concerned about the availability of parking with so much activity. Discussion on the possibility of the City purchasing adjacent properties to help alleviate the most certain impact in this area. The Board discussed the possibility of being able to connect City Hall and the Aquatic Center. They felt this would be a very positive move to improve not only the area of City Hall and the Aquatic Center, but downtown as well. Nevin will research this possibility. Page 3 Park Board Minutes August 21, 1995 3C 7. ADOPTION OF POOL RATES Kathy Willcox, Aquatic Manager presented the Board with her suggested pool rates. Nevin Holly told the Board that these prices were arrived at after an extensive study done by Administrative Intern Scott Spence, of outlying and same size communities fees. Nevin told the Board that Scott Spence had been very thorough and had presented and excellent report enabling Kathy and him to come up with what they felt was a fair charge for this community. Pool Rates: ADMISSION FEES IN-DISTRICT Free $1.25 $2.00 $1.75 AGE o to 3 years, with paying adult Youth- 4 to High School (with Student ID card) Adult - 18 to 54 years Honored Citizen (senior and disabled) MEMBERSHIPS Three Month Memberships Individuals (ages 4-99) Couples Family RESIDENTS $37.50 $60.00 $75.00 LESSONS 8 Lessons $20.00 (a 10% discount per child if more than 1 child in family are registering at same time) OUT OF DISTRICT $1.75 $2.50 $2.25 NON-RES $50.00 $80.00 $100.00 $25.00 Anyone who pays property taxes within the Woodburn School District are considered In-District. POOL RENTALS Pool rentals will be $50/hour for up to 50 people (2 lifeguards) with an additional charge for JacuZ?:i or Sauna. MOTION: 5. FOFANA-DURA: Approve pool rates as presented. M. RODRIGUEZ: Seconded the Motion. Motion passed unanimously. 8. AQUATIC CENTER SPECIAL OPENING FESTIVITIES Nevin reported that the staff and the Pool Committee were in the process of preparing a series of special opening festivities. Instead of one single Grand Opening they are going to have special evenings for different groups. An example: A special evening for each 3C Page 4 Park Board Minutes August 21, 1995 school in the City. A special evening for the "Brick" people, a special evening for those who sold bricks, a special evening for Employees, Boards and Council. This will eliminate a huge crowd that would be anticipated if there were only one day for the grand opening. A special evening for tours will also be considered. - 9. UPDATE ON MAINTENANCE/SWIMMING POOL John Pitt - Parks and Facilities Maintenance John told the Board that construction at the pool was in full swing and still anticipated being ready by first of October. Some HVAC installation was going slower than he liked but was getting done. Tile was in. Kathy and people from the Pool Committee sorted wall tiles and they should be in and grouted soon. Painters were busy, they were concerned because they had under bid, John said he was keeping a close eye on this. All in all, John said it is very busy. John then apologized for the conditions at some of the Parks, told the Board that they were falling behind in some of the areas because of pool construction needing to be supervised. This will be remedied as soon as construction ends. John said he was very pleased with the way Legion Park was left after the Fiesta. They did a great job of clean up. Vandalism is down in the Parks, however it has increased slightly at the Library. Custodial services are having difficulty keeping part-time help and there is a large turn-over causing some problems. John is also working toward getting a full-time custodian for the pool. 10. BUSINESS FROM THE BOARD Sue Fofana-Dura expressed concern over the Pond located in Meadow Park There is no access to this area, she asked about the easement around the perimeter and asked that Nevin check into this for discussion at some future meeting. 11. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 7:45pm. Next meeting date: Monday, September 11 th at 6:00pm at the Woodburn Aquatic Center. 3C MINUTES RECREATION AND PARKS BOARD REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11,1995 WOODBURN AQUATIC CENTER 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:10pm by Chairman Frank Anderson. 2. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Dave Ott, Barbara Rappleyea, Lee Ehrens, Sue Fofana-Dura and Frank Anderson. Board Member Absent and excused: Mike Rodriguez. 3. MINUTES: Minutes from the August 21, 1995 were reviewed. MOTION: D.OTT: Accept Minutes of the August 21,1995 Recreation and Parks Board Meeting as written. S. FOFANA-DURA: Seconded the Motion Motion passed unanimously. 4. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Frank Anderson asked for a motion to accept the agenda. Dave Ott moved we accept the Agenda as presented with the exception of the Park Board Vacancy. Director Holly said Mayor Kirksey would not make the meeting to discuss this issue as she was just arriving back in Woodburn from out of town. The Agenda was unanimously accepted with correction. 5. PARR ACRES SUBDIVISION Dave Ott moved that we move the Parr Acres Subdivision Impact Fee Waiver Request up on the Agenda to be discussed next. The Board unanimously agreed. Chairman Anderson said he had additional information relevant to this decision. He asked Director Holly for a staff report. Director Holly indicated that in response to this inquiry from Mr. DeSantis requesting an SDC fee waiver, he had done a great deal of research, including consulting with the City's SDC Consultant, Mr. Ganer he found out that SDC credits are not to be given for private subdMsion developments. These subdivisions have to turn developed park lands over to public ownership. Therefore, Director Holly said, the fee waiver had been mistakenly allowed in the case of Heritage Estates. Director Holly said that Heritage Estates Developers were being contacted by the Planning Department to explain this.. In the case of Heritage Estates they will be required to pay the SDC fee in full, or offer the developed play area in title and deed as a public park. The donation of the park would be subject to the acceptance of such a donation by the Woodburn Recreation and Parks Board and the City Council. Director Holly explained the same would apply to Mr. DeSantis and his Parr Acres Development. Mr. DeSantis said he was willing to pay the SDC charges and that the only reason he had requested the fee waiver was that he felt he should be treated the same as other developments. The Park Board discussed the issue and closed the subject with the understanding that Parr Acres would pay their full Parks SDC Fee and that Heritage Estates would be handled separately adhering to the new information. 3C Page 2 Park Board Minutes September 11, 1995\ 6. DESIGNATING CERTAIN PARK AREAS AS PASSIVE AREAS. The discussion of designating certain park areas as passive use areas was postponed until the next meeting. . 7. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Holly gave an update on the status of the Aquatic Center. Nevin outlined the opening event calendar. October 8 will be the first public open house. Beginning October 9th will be a series of special events which will culminate with the grand opening slated for Friday, October 20th. 8. ADJOURNMENT Lee Ehrens moved the formal meeting be adjourned. Barbara Rappleyea seconded the motion and the meeting adjourned at 7:40pm. At the conclusion of the meeting the staff and Recreation and Parks Board toured the Aquatic Center. 4A " MEMQ TO: City Council Members FROM: Nancy A. Kirksey, Mayor SUBJ.: Nominations for Human Rights Commission DATE: September 21, 1995 I remind each of you that lam still in need of nominations from the various Wards for persons who would be qualified and interested in serving on the Human Rights Commission. Please assist me in fulfilling our objective of getting this commission up and running. Also, there is currently a vacancy on the Recreation & Parks Board. Suggestions for prospective appointees to this position would also be very helpful. l 4C CITY OF WOODBURN 270 Montgomery Street · Woodbum, Oregon 97071 · (503) 982-5222 TOD (503)982-7433 · FAX(503)982-5244 PROCLAMATION DISABIliTY EMPWYMENT AWARENESS MONTH OCTOBER 1995 WHEREAS, Congress has declared October, 1995, as Disability Employment Awareness Month in the United States of America, and WHEREAS, Governor Kit1haber has done likewise in the State of Oregon, and WHEREAS, Americans with disabilities have a disproportionately high rate of unemployment, and WHEREAS, studies have shown t1uzt a two-thirds majority of adult Americans with disabilities are able and want to wort, and WHEREAS, architectural, communication and attitudinal barriers prevent people with disabilities from working, and WHEREAS, government budgets are drained by benefits paid to persons with disabilities who want to work and cannot find jobs. NOW, THEREFORE, by the power vested in me as Mayor of the City of Woodburn, I hereby proclaim October, 1995 as Disability Employment Awareness Month in the City of Woodburn and I ask citizens of Woodburn to join me in encouraging and promoting the employment of people with disabilities, removing barriers which prevent themfrom fully participating in all aspects of daily living and encouraging independence for all individuals with disabilities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and cause the seal of the City of Woodburn to be qffixed this 21st day of September, 1995. .., !:{ 'I. ,<"'(~\).,,) '".) /;.~. ..' 'J \~\" "'l,:/, ,. Ii: ,,;~ ,:{';. ,,\t:,,). it./I (:.\'\ ~, t... ' t. I: "" \. <.,~.,,,) }.';, . ''''''1;;/,....,.\ '" :..~: ~(:: I.".' .,') I., ,l' '0 t::'.{ VI '1'1 ,'. ' \ \ .. , ') ',I ,! ", ~ / ". '. ", \ I~'" /.~" r"'" ,.~ ~, ';'''\''~'\~.' ('k""'"" <,~'4;:\ / '/,t'I'" f,"~ '\'<\\",'J . ''>;./1< ".. ~/.... .. ~ . . 'J j ," /f~A9(~ Nancy A. Kirksey, Mayor City of Woodburn '\ 10A MEMO TO: City Administrator for Council Action SUBJECT: Public Works Director Julie Moore, C.E. Tech ~ STOP sign requests, TukwiIf ~e IT ~ ~ THROUGH: FROM: DATE: September 20, 1995 RECOMMENDATION: It is reconunended that Council approve the attached resolution authorizing the installation of seven STOP signs in the second phase ofTukwila at the following intersections: 1) on Tukwila Drive at Boones Ferry Road, 2) on Hazelnut Drive at Boones Ferry Road, 3) on Miller Farm Road at Tukwila Drive, and 4) a four way stop at Tukwila Drive and Hazelnut Drive. The STOP signs are needed in these locations to designate right-of-way and increase traffic safety. Tukwila will provide their own custom posts for the signs as they did in the first phase. BACKGROUND: TukwiIa developers have requested seven STOP signs be installed throughout the second phase of Tukwila at the locations listed above. They request the signs be installed on posts to match the existing posts in the first phase, which the developers will provide. The locations are shown on the attached map, The Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) states that stop signs can be warranted on a street entering a through street. This type of situation exists on Tukwila Drive at Boones Ferry, on Hazelnut Drive at Boones Ferry and on Miller Farm Road at Tukwila Drive. The developers are also requesting a four-way STOP at TukwiIa Drive and Hazelnut Drive because of the golf cart traffic that is there now and the increase of vehicular traffic due to increased development. Once the development is completed, this intersection will be more congested because it is near the club house area. Therefore, it is recommended that seven STOP signs be approved for installation. The developers will provide the posts and any replacements when needed. The signs will designate right of way and increase traffic safety. - ~ , 10A COUNCIL BILL NO. JiP? 0 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION DIRECfING THAT STOP SIGNS BE INSTALLED IN TUKWILA PHASE HAT THE FOlLOWING WCATIONS: 1) ON TUKWILA DRIVE AT BOONES FERRY ROAD, 2) ON HAZELNUT DRIVE AT BOONES FERRY ROAD, 3) ON MILLER FARM ROAD AT TUKWILA DRIVE, AND 4) FOUR WAY STOP AT THE INTERSECfION OF TUKWILADRIVE AND HAZELNUT DRIVE. WHEREAS, ORS Chapter 810 grants to the City of Woodburn, the authority to install stop signs at various locations within the City limits, and WHEREAS, the City Council bas received and considered the attached staff report recommending that stop signs be placed at the following locations: 1) on Tukwila Drive at Boones Feny Road, 2) on HazeJuut Drive at Boones Feny Road, 3) on Miller Farm Road at Tukwila Drive, and 4) a four way stop at the intersection of Tukwila Drive and Hazelnut Drive, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLWWS: Section 1. That STOP signs be installed at the following locations: 1) on Tukwila Drive at Boones Ferry Road, 2) on Hazelnut Drive at Boones Feny Road, 3) on Miller Farm Road at Tukwila Drive, and 4) a four way stop at the intersection ofTukwila Drive and Hazelnut Drive. <J1 ~101/:=>. ... Approved as to form:. . City Attorney ~J- Z I J11 S- , Date Approved: Nancy A Kirksey, Mayor Page 1 - COUNCIL BILL NO. RESOLUTION NO. N ~ 10A \J.J / ~Ja..~lJ1'"' O~ 'Z- 5.De., .~w/., ~., ~e:-'z;'~~ ~.wJ.....~~ ~. ~_~12fi . - I 10B .. MEMO FROM: Mayor and City Council Chris Childs, City Administrator fM"t" TO: SUBJ.: Sullivan and BpJ<er v. Woodburn (LUBA No. 95-195) Applicant: Gary LaPoint DATE: September 21, 1995 RECOMMENDATION: By motion, direct the City Attorney to file the required Record of Proceedings in LUBA Case 95-195, but not make a legal appearance at LUBA on behalf of the City. BACKGROUND: On August 28, 1995, the City Council passed Ordinance 2156 approving the site plan review application of Gary laPoint for the development of a Texaco service station and car wash facility. Mr. LaPoint is represented by attorney Dale Crandall. On September 20, 1995, the City received notice that the Council's decision is being appealed to the state Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) by Barry Sullivan and Dale Baker (see attached). Messrs. Sullivan and Baker are represented by attorney Vance Croney. CONSIDERATIONS: This matter involves a private development application where the Council acted as a decision maker . However, there appear to be no issues of general significance to the City of Woodburn or to the Woodburn taxpayers. Both the appellants (Sullivan and Baker) and the applicant (LaPoint) are represented by legal counsel. Whether or not the City makes a legal appearance at LUBA, the applicant (LaPoint) has the right to intervene in the case on behalf of his own interests. While the City has a legal obligation to produce the Record of the Proceedings, it would seem that the City's legal and staff resources could best be spent on other matters. Due to the volume of land use applications received and processed in the past several years, the City has carefully tried to establish and continue a precedent, dating back to 1992, wherein the defense of LUBA appeals involving private interests is largely left to those with the specific interests involved. There may be occasions when the City unquestionably should make an appear- ance before LUBA in the event that land use actions of distinct significance to the City are appealed. This would particularly include actions initiated by the City such as, for example, an annexation intended to facilitate a significant transportation facility. - . '* RECIO '* SEP 20 1995 Oregoo WOODBURN CITY ATTORNEY LAND USE BOARD OF APPEALS September 19, 1995 Bob Shields Woodburn City Attorney 270 Montgomery Street Woodburn, OR 97071 RE : Sullivan v. Woodburn LUBA No. 95-195 Dear Mr. Shields: This is to advise you that a Notice of Intent to Appeal was filed on September 18, 1995, in the above matter and that OAR 661-10-015 requires that service of the notice of intent to appeal be made upon the respondent within 21 days after the date of the land use decision being appealed. The record is to be prepared by respondent and transmitted to the Board within 21 days of the date of such service. Enclosed is a summary of the specifications for preparation of the record as set out in OAR 661-10-025(4). Notioe: Pursuant to ORS 197.860, all parties to a LUBA appeal may at any time stipulate that the appeal proceeding be stayed to allow the parties to enter into mediation. Mediation information and assistance can be obtained from Greg Wolf or Dale Blanton at the Department of Land Conservation and Development, telephone 373-0062. Very truly yours, p, R~~g~ Office Specialist cc: Vance M. Croney Enclosure .,j \. .l .~ .... 306 State Library Bldg. 250 Wmter Street NE Salem, OR 97310 (503) 373-1265 (Voice/TIY) 14A MEMO TO: Mayor and City Council through City Administrator FROM: Planning Commission SUBJECT: Site Plan Approval - A 5120 Sq. Ft. Office/Retail Center DATE: September 20, 1995 At their hearing of September 14, 1995 the Planning Commission approved, with conditions, the expansion of the Woodburn Professional Center. Attached is a brief description of the proposal with accompanying site plan and elevation. 14A CITY OF WOODBURN 270 Montgomery Street . Woodburn, Oregon 97071 . 982-5222 STAFF REPORT Site Plan Review 95-19 APPLICANT: Scott R. Beck, Architect 361 N.E. Third Ave. Canby, OR 97013 Freedom Properties, Inc; Roger B. Midura 1761 Breakers West Blvd; West Palm Beach, FL 33411 II NATURE OF THE APPLICATION: The applicant is requesting Site Plan approval for a 5,120 sq. ft. structure, which would be built at the existing site of the Woodburn Professional Center, located on North Pacific Hwy., south of Jefferson Ave. The proposed structure would be free standing from the existing buildings" A" & "8". III RELEVANT FACTS: The property is located at 1359 N. Pacific Hwy. Woodburn, OR. The property can be specifically identified on Marion County Assessors map T5S, R1W, Section 8DB, Tax Lot's #1900 & 2000. The site is zoned CR Commercial Retail. The proposed use may range from retail to office use. There may be a total of 1 to 5 tenants occupying the building. The facility is proposed to be 5,120 sq. ft. The structure will be one story in height. The attached project narrative provides site plan elevations. The site plan illustrates 20% of the lot to be landscaped. This exceeds the 15% required Landscaping in a commercial retail zone. Page 1 - SPR95-19 - "'1iI~'"'"" .~ , II r il II . p. I .. I~ ~ ~ I " ! : ',' I.,. .: . .'~:' ~. i 0"#'. .... '... , '. . '::', II J --- II ~J il "~~ "." i~ II !I'!I 1I1I1 .1 I .1 I 'J!J . i ~ I-IUN'. C!ICJ!lE , } I 8"' > I I I .- I e it "II . E .- WOODBURN PROFESSIONAL CENTER L-r :fi,~lITi,1. - PIIIDCIII r.::;;:.,- DIC. ~ ~~.. -...- '" ..... -------------. - 14A . ~ SCOTT R. BECK ARCHITECT ".1 K.I. 1BIID &aMVB =:r.r=: 17011 .~. ....-14A ,. .....~. : ~' ",' '. ~. f. .~. (" ~~ m(J) <"-; . :m 7-r ~m ~ -f 2 " . ~'. ::'::;~~:i~ ,I '. ", ~~: ~ if . 15A STAFF REPORT TO: THRU: Mayor and City Council Chris Childs, City Administrator FROM: Nevin Holly, Director Recreation and Parks SUBJECT: Woodburn Memorial Aquatic Center Opening DATE: September 21, 1995 LETS DIVE IN!! Years of concentrated and dedicated efforts on the part of our aquatics team and years of anxious anticipation on the part of our community will culminate with the exciting opening of our aquatic center. The aquatic center is scheduled to be officially given over to the City of Woodburn on October 5, 1995. Until that date, the aquatic center is still being controlled by Woodburn Construction Company. Access is being controlled as many workers work toward construction completion. A punch list is being prepared this week by Project Architect Larry Matson. We anticipate that the large majority of the items in the punch list will be completed prior to opening. There will be a few weeks of odds and ends which Woodburn Construction will be handling. additionally, there probably will be call backs during the first year of operation of Woodburn Construction Company and Cascade Pools. Opening festivities begin on Sunday, October 8th with a non-swimming open house, and continuing through Friday, October 20th, at which time we hold the Grand Opening. Attached is a copy of the Woodburn Memorial Aquatic Center Opening Schedule. I want to thank in advance, the Woodburn Recreation and Parks Board and the Woodburn Pool Committee for their assistance during opening festivities. - ow~~~~~ Wfwnin? ~~ .1.9.95 clf'~, 'tW~ B ~, ~.9 1:00- 5:0Oftm 'iWJ'-~~tc.~.IW~ 6':00- .9:0f?'- :o/J~ 'r~. ~ W~ :o/J~ 'Pl3~ :o/JooI~~ wiIA~ <ff"'~, ~ 10 0:00- B:Of?'- ~ clf'ckoI cvV~ ~~I--~jeay~# OW'~, ~ 11 0:00- B:Of?'- cvVdZ;, o&u. clf'ckoI GIV~~Q6 ~ <ff"'~, ~ 12 0:00- B:Of?'- OW'~ clf'ckoIcvV~~Q6 ~ ~, ~ 1.1 ')':00 - 10:0f?'- ~:o/J~ ~ rYckoIG/V~ rY~, ~ 1/1 7:00 - 10:0f?'- o/f'oodk- ~ rYckoI cvV~ clf'~' ~ 15 1:00 - Q:Of?'- clt:. W~ PlJay (1/2 o/f~fie) ~, ~ 10 0:00 - B:OOftm rJ1i. 2:uks clf'ckoI ~ Q6 ~ <ff"'~, ~ 17 7:00 - .9:0f?'- 'PJJooI clf'~ cvV~ - ~ 'Pl3~ ~~04-fi-~ OW'~, ~ IB 7:00 - .9:0f?'- :o/JooI clf'~ cvV~ - ~ Q6 a60-.. <ff"'~, ~ 1.9 5...10 - 8:0f?'- ~ o/OW'oodk- ~ -I- ~ ~, ~20 ***~~ Wfwnin?*** 1:0f?'- ~ ~- ~~ ~ 1:.10-5..0f?'- 'iWJ'- clf'wUn 5..00-0:0f?'- 2rr clf'wUn o:OO-.9:.1Oftm 'iWJ'- clf'wUn 15A clf'~, ~21 u~#1o. - MEMO 158 ATTACHED FOR COUNCIL INFORMATION ONLY DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: September 20, 1995 Members of the Consultant Selection Task Force Public Works Director/City Engineer Defining the Major Task and Suggested Framework for Consultant Selection Task Force TASK: Recommend consultant or consultants for pre-design and design activities for city's wastewater treatment facility. TIME FRAME FOR RECOMMENDATION: Three and one-half to four months. .M21e.: Please note that Christmas will be in the middle, therefore, extra work may need to be done earlier. Also, be aware that public bOdy decision making process takes longer because of legal requirements. ASSISTANCE: At your direction, a consultant would provide you written document to which design engineers could respond. CITY ENGINEER'S COMMENTS: Most of us know that a properly designed wastewater faCility could save the community a large sum of money during the construction phase. A well designed and well constructed facility could save the city an even larger sum of money in its maintenance for the next 20 years. Therefore, it is very important that the consultant selection process involves qualified knowledgeable individuals, such as yourselves, who will analyze the information for a cost effective solution. Please think of the long term effects on the community in your analysis and decision. Generally, an analysis of this kind is made by the members of the city technical staff and then the recommendation is forwarded to council for their review and approval. In this situation, a variation in process is desirable because of the large amount of funds involved in this project. No doubt your knowledge in the technical and financial area will assure the public that their interest is well served. Although public debate is not necessary for decision making, the process should be kept open to the public. Please do not be discouraged if your decision is not appreciated by a few despite your best efforts. The community at large certainly will be appreciative of your efforts. You will be assisted by a consultant who will write the requirement you specify and provide technical insight in the complex matters. As always, we would like to keep the cost of the selection process low, but it should be kept in proper perspective in terms of the amount of Woodburn's future investment and not just the few dollars saved today. I sincerely appreciate your decision to serve on the Consultant Selection Task Force and look forward to receiving your recommendation. Sincerely, G. S. (Frank) Tiwari, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer GST:lg TASICDEF.CON MEMO 158 TO: City Council through the City Administrator FROM: Public Works Director ~ ~ _ ~ _ SUBJECT: Start of Treatment Plant Design Consultant Selection Process by a "Consultant Selection Task Force~ DATE: September 20, 1995 INFORMATION: Consultant selection for treatment plant design is being started by a .Consultant Selection Task Force.. Knowledgeable people who would make a positive contribution to the process were selected for this responsibility. The individuals who have agreed to serve are as follows: 1. Marv Shelby: Vice President, Operation Services at Agri-pac and qualified mechanical engineer 2. Scott Burlingham: Owner of Woodburn Fertilizer and served as Chair of Woodburn Wastewater Advisory Committee 3. Steve Starner: Environmental Services Manager for Wilsonville (has agreed tentatively) 4. Dean Morrison: Assistant City Engineer 5. Frank Sinclair: Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent Gordon Merseth, P.E., Crane & Merseth: Non-member consultant BACKGROUND: Generally, consultant evaluation and selection process is performed by the city technical staff prior to developing a recommendation for city council's approval. However, outside resources are being utilized in this case because of the size of this project. All members selected for the committee have the expertise to be able to make a contribution in the consultant selection process. At the direction of the task force, a consultant will prepare written document to which design engineering companies will respond. It will be the responsibility of the task force to review, analyze and make recommendation, on the selection of the design consultant. Although this process is a little lengthy and it will initially cost more, the selection of a proper consultant would save the city a much larger sum in the construction and plant maintenance phase.- We have assumed that the city council will want the consultant selection process to be kept an open process without losing its value from a technical perspective. The attached memo from the city engineer to the task force gives details and defines their task and the time frame within which the work needs to be completed. Ultimately, the city council will make the decision on the treatment plant consultant contract that will be brought to them in about four months. Staff expects DEQ approval of city's facilities plan by the time the design consultant is selected. GST:lg YWESIGN.CC 15C MEMO TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL THROUGH CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FACT SHEET DATE: AUGUST 29, 1995 The attached Fact Sheet incJudes all of the activity in the city which is scheduled to come on-line approximately within the next two years. The Fact Sheet includes residential, commercial and industrial development. Some of the projects have begun and should be completed soon, others may not come to fruition. This Fact Sheet is intended to keep you informed of development which will occur in our city. We think this information is important and will be useful for the City Council. In summary, there is a total of 639 dwelling units which could be developed within the next two years. Commercial and Industrial development is continuing to grow and diversify (refer to the second page of the Fact Sheet). There has been a total of 114.02 Acres Annexed to the city within the last two years. 15C FACT SHEET RESIDENTIAL: Single Familv: Subdivisions Tukwila Stecklov Henry Farms Heritage Park A-Street Homestead Acres (Pending) Woodburn Crest Estates (Pending) Meadowwood (Pending) TOTAL #ofLots 30 77 79 144 6 24 7 59 ~ Partitions West of 99E and South of Cleveland Lincoln & Gatch 797 Hardcastle 988 E. Lincoln "A" Court 1284 Blaine Brown Street (Pending) TOTAL #ofUnits 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1Q Multi-Family: Manufactured Home Parks Parr Acres Woodburn Crest Manufactured Home Park (Pending) TOTAL #ofUnits 115 40 jM Apartments & Other Heritage Apartments Meuret Duplexes 2 * 2 Alzheimer Care Facility 5 Units 6 rooms per Unit (Pending) TOTAL #ofUnits 14 4 30 48 COMMERCIAL: 15C G.W. Hardware Warehouse Addition Warehouse Addition to Fairway Plaza Woodburn Discount Foods's Addition to Warehouse Automotive Service Center 18,000 sq. ft. Woodburn Construction Office 4,000 sq. ft. Washington Federal Savings Fir Grove Motel 4 new units Store I Delicatessen Super 8 Motel Texaco Service Station Chavitas Mexican Restaurant Alzheimer Care Facility Mufflers Hitches & More Addition (Pending) Northwood Medical Facility Tukwila Sales Office INDUSTRIAL: Patrick Industries 137,000 sq. ft. Manufacturing Plant Fleetwood Homes of Oregon 48,000 sq. ft. Addition Specialty Polymers 20,000 sq.ft. & 1,800 sq.ft. Covered Deck Warehouse Woodburn Fertilizer Inc. Zone Change to Light Industrial Smuckers Office Expansion Fleetwood Office Addition ANNEXATIONS: Acres 18 22 34.5 5.71 12.51 1.8 94.52 Parr Acres Henry Farms Heritage Park Homestead Acres (Pending) Meadowwood (Pending) Bocchi TOTAL UGB EXPANSION: Acres 19.5 llJi Davidson Farms TOTAL - 15D MEMO TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Chris Childs, City Administrator ~ SUBJ.: Informational - Victoria. BC Heritage Awards Program DATE: September 22, 1995 As you may recall from the Council goal-setting session last March at the P.G.E. building, Councilor Jennings referred to a program in Victoria, B.C. in which they apparently award plaques to residences that maintained certain standards of appearance. Councilor Jennings had subsequently mentioned this to me on several other occasions, and most recently asked me to write to Victoria for more specific information, which I have done. The letter I received from a Mr. Miller in Victoria accompanies this memo. His letter suggests that the Heritage Awards Program is a very formal and somewhat resource-intense process with some very distinct legal ramifications. On the other hand, it bears some similarity to some of the things Woodburn has already done, such as the Downtown Historic District designation and the Housing Rehabilitation Program. I initially forwarded the Victoria material to our Community Development Director for review. His response is attached and, interestingly, makes mention of a YiWl similar, but more limited, program that apparently existed in Woodburn for one year (in 1989). The material received from Victoria also included a couple of brochures which, in the interests of time and cost-saving, I did not include in this packet, but they are certainly available in my office for review by any Councilor. This would seem to be a timely and appropriate topic for discussion if a workshop session is scheduled in the near future by the Council to conduct a "mid- term" review of its goals. . ~ 15D PLANNING DEPARTMENT City Hall Centennial Square Victoria, Vancouver Island British Columbia V8W 1P6 City oj VICTORIA :British Columbia Telephone (604) 361-0jR2 FAX (604) 361-0386 August 22, 1995 CITY OF WOODBURN 270 Montgomery Street Woodbum, Oregon 97071 Attention: Chris Childs City Administrator Dear Mr. Childs: Re: Heritage Awards Thank you for your enquiry regarding the City of Victoria's Heritage Plaque Program. This program is administered by the City of Victoria Planning Department, of which I enclose an information package "City of Victoria Heritage Program - A Summary." The "certain" older houses you referred to must be heritage designated. Owner requests for designation are received by the City of Victoria's Planning Department and are placed on the monthly agenda of the Heritage Advisory Committee for recommendation to Council. Upon acceptance of the recommendation by Council, the City Solicitor drafts a bylaw which regulates all future changes to the exterior, which in turn, must be reviewed by the Heritage Advisory Committee for recommendation to Council. The City of Victoria presents all owners of heritage homes which have been "designated" during the year, with a heritage plaque. These plaques are presented at an annual awards night, which include a brief presentation of their property, why it received heritage designation, and what rehabilitation work was done (if applicable). The costs for the City of Victoria to administer this program include Planning Department resources by way of the Heritage Planner and Secretary, to research, report and administer the designation process. Plaques cost approximately $50.00. #1t "'J - ~ .. City of Woodburn -2- 150 August 22, 1995 In addition, the Victoria Heritage Foundation administers a "House Grants Program," of which I enclose for your information. The annual cost to administer this program is approximately 13% of an $80,000 budget, the remainder is used to provide funding. assistance to homeowners for exterior rehabilitation work. I trust that this information is helpful. Yours truly, Murra G. Miller Acting Heritage Planner MGM:mm Enclosure C:\WP61 \l995\LTR\MM... WOODB.A22 - 15D MEMO TO Chris Childs, City Administrator FROM: Steve Goeckritz, Community Development Djrector SLG, SUBJECT: Victoria B.C. Heritage Awards Program DATE: September 21, 1995 BACKGROUND At your request I reviewed the packet of information you received from Victoria B. C. regarding their Heritage Awards program. The overall objective of that program is to encourage the preservation of historical structures. To facilitate this program city planning staff are interfaced with a Heritage Advisory Committee. Their goal is to provide owners of historically significant structures assistance in insuring that when renovations take place those renovations maintain their historic architectural integrity. This committee is also responsible for providing some financial assistance for renovations and recommending to the City Council structures that should receive recognition for renovations through an awards program. This awards program is held on an annual basis. WOODBURN'S (1989-90 AWARDS PROGRAM Woodburn's past housing awards program mirrors, in some respects, Victoria B.C.'s in that in 1989-90 Woodburn Planning staff assisted the Housing Rehab Committee in selecting homes throughout the community for recognition for home owners who took the initiative to improve the appearance of their dwellings. Additionally Woodburn has put in place a historic district of our "Old Downtown" with design standards to insure the preservation of the historic integrity of it's buildings. As for Woodburn's Awards program in 1989 the Housing Rehabilitation Committee took on the additional task of developing a program for homeowners that had improved, on their own initiative, the appearance of their dwellings. Initially, the task call for committee to do a city wide search of dwellings home owners had improved the appearance of that year. The basic criteria the committee used to evaluate these homes were: · Painting 15D Chris Childs, City Administrator September 21, 1995 page 2 . Landscaping . Structural Repairs . Renovations . Attractive Additions . Other Improvements that Increased the Overall Curb Side Appeal of the Dwelling . Homes Securing Housing Rehabilitation Loans did not Qualify After the Housing Rehabilitation Committee had evaluated several dwellings they chose five for awards. The five homeowners were contacted, the newspaper was notified and a plaque awards ceremony was held at Settlemier House. The plaque was one that could be placed on the exterior of the dwelling preferably by the front door. The awards recipients appeared quite pleased with the recognition the city gave them for their efforts to upgrade the appearance of their dwellings. PROPOSAL: If the Mayor and Council wish to resurrect this program, staff would suggest the council direct the Housing Rehabilitation Committee develop a similar program as in place in 1989 with the possible inclusion of commercial businesses. Interestingly enough) the Planning Commission has suggested Planning staff prepare a program to provide Certificates of Appreciation for commercial businesses that improve their buildings and landscaping. MEMO TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Chris Childs, City Administrator ~ SUBJ.: Additions to Council Agenda DATE: September 25, 1995 Enclosed for your review, with staff reports, are two Council Bills that I request be added to tonight's Council agenda under "General Business". They are: Council Bill #.12Z1 - Resolution authorizing Memorandum of Agreement with Woodburn Ambulance Service, Inc. Council Bill #.1.612. - Ordinance granting Woodburn Ambulance Service, Inc. a new 5-year non-exclusive franchise. We worked diligently all last week to get these documents ready for this meeting's agenda, literally until the "eleventh hour". However, at mid-day Friday, with no word from Woodburn Ambulance's attorney forthcoming (as to their concur- rence with the document language), I was forced to pull these items from the agenda (this, in fact, is why your regular agenda packets weren't out until Friday afternoon). Only late this morning, I was advised that the documents 2N completely acceptable to Woodburn Ambulance Service, Inc. and their attorney. All parties involved, including the City Attorney and myself, concur in the adviseability of Council action on these documents at tonight's meeting. One critical aspect involves the October 1 st effective date for the new franchise. If the matter has to be held over until a subsequent October Council meeting, numerous changes to the ordinance language would have to be made to accomodate a different effective date. This material is being provided to you at the earliest possible opportunity for your review prior to tonight's Council meeting. Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions. These documents represent the culmination of a long and occasionally difficult negotiation process, but all oarties are in agreement that these Council Bills accomolish what is necessarv, and they are now ready for final Council action/ approval. - ,- City of Woodburn Police Depart ent IMIJEIMl (f)) l&.hNJl))TJJIMl Woodburn, Oregon 97071 (503) 982-2345 Date: To: Mayor and Council Thru: C. Childs, City Administrator Subject: Sound Amplification The Police Department has received the attached letter from Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (p.C.U.N.) requesting the use of sound amplification equipment. This event is to take place Sunday, October 8th, from 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM. The purpose of the event will be a memorial to their late President, Cipriano Ferrel, who passed away on September 13, 1995. We have received other sound amplification requests from PCUN over the past few years. The surrounding property owners and residents have been advised of the sound amplification request and have not contacted my office. The Police Department has not received complaints resulting from P.C.U.N.'s prior requests. RECOMMENDATION - The Council grant Northwest Treeplanter and Farmworkers United, 300 Young St. request the use of sound amplification equipment on Sunday, October 8th, 1995 from 2 PM - 5 PM. B:PCUNsnd.95 - Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste Northwest Treeplanters and Farmworkers United 300 Young 81. / Woodburn, Oregon 97071 / (503) 982-0243 / (503) 982-1031 (FAX) September 22, 1995 Mr. Ken Wright, Police Chief Woodburn City Councilors 270 Montgomery Woodburn, Oregon 97071 REC'O SEP '2 '2 1995 " "iJUUf\'"' P~L\cE OEP1 HAND DEliVERED Dear Chief Wright and Council Members, We write to request City Council permission to use public sound amplification equipment for an event we intend to hold at our headquarters on the afternoon of Sunday, October 8, 1995. The purpose of the event will be a memorial to our late President, Cipriano Ferrel, who passed away on September 13th. We expect the event to begin at 2:00 PM and last until about 5:00 PM. As you are aware, we have previously requested and received permission for similar activities, all of which were carried off without incident and with a minimum of inconvenience to our neighbors and the public. We expect that this occasion will be no different. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need any further information in order to act on our request. I apologize for the shortness of notice regarding this request, but I believe the circumstances plainly demonstrate the cause for it. Zi'elY YL ~~mman Secretary -Treasurer 1Bi~85-C - City of Woodburn Police Depart ent lMllElMl ([j) ll?A.NJjJ)TIJlMl Woodburn, Oregon 97071 (503) 982-2345 Date: To: Mayor and Council Thru: C. Childs, City Administrator Subject: Sound Amplification The Police Department has received the attached letter from Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (p.C. U.N.) requesting the use of sound amplification equipment. This event is to take place Sunday, October 8th, from 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM. The purpose of the event will be a memorial to their late President, Cipriano Ferrel, who passed away on September 13, 1995. We have received other sound amplification requests from PCUN over the past few years. The surrounding property owners and residents have been advised of the sound amplification request and have not contacted my office. The Police Department has not received complaints resulting from P.C.U.N.'s prior requests. RECOMMENDATION - The Council grant Northwest Treeplanter and Farmworkers United, 300 Young St. request the use of sound amplification equipment on Sunday, October 8th, 1995 from 2 PM - 5 PM. B:PCUNsnd.95 - .. . ." .. t I'" Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste Northwest Treeplanters and Farmworkers United 300 Young St. / Woodburn, Oregon 97071 / (503) 982-0243 / (503) 982-1031 (FAX) September 22, 1995 Mr. Ken Wright, Police Chief Woodburn City Councilors 270 Montgomery Woodburn, Oregon 97071 REG' 0 SEll 221995 ~~ vviJUU r", PQue\:. oEP HAND DELIVERED Dear Chief Wright and Council Members, We write to request City Counci! permission to use public sound amplification equipment for an event we intend to hold at our headquarters on the afternoon of Sunday, October 8, 1995. The purpose of the event will be a memorial to our late President, Cipriano Ferrel, who passed away on September 13th. We expect the event to begin at 2:00 PM and last until about 5:00 PM. As you are aware, we have previously requested and received permission for similar activities, all of which were carried off without incident and with a minimum of inconvenience to our neighbors and the public. We expect that this occasion will be no different. Please donlt hesitate to contact me if you need any further information in order to act on our request. I apologize for the shortness of notice regarding this request, but I believe the circumstances plainly demonstrate the cause for it. Sincerely yours, ~m~ Secretary -Treasurer 1Il>~85-C -