Minutes - 10/10/1995 WWTP Advis
Members Present:
Council Present:
Marv Shelby
Rich Barstad
G.S. (Frank) Tiwari
JoAnn Bjelland
Preston Tack
Gilbert Flaugher
Walter Lawson
Don Hagenauer
Mary Chadwick
Elida Sifuentez
Mayor Kirksey
Members Absent:
Public Information:
Forest Mills
Scott Burlingham
Barbara Lucas
John Dickey, CH2M Hill
Alicia Lanier, CH2M Hill
Hal Rose, Peridot Nursury
Mark Madison, CH2M Hill
Dean Morrison
Chris Childs
Frank Sinclair
Marvin Daniels
Marv Shelby opened the meeting at 4: 15 pm.
Frank Tiwari introduced Mark Madison, CH2M Hill, the agricultural engineer and
consultant on the plantation.
Mark Madison briefly discussed the current growing season of the trees. He stated
that the trees at this plantation were planted late in the season. The normal planting
season is March and April. The trees were planted late May and some replanted in
July but they have done extremely well for being planted so late. The trees first two
months after being planted established a root system rather than top growth. Once
they were established they began to have top growth. A soil and plant tissue analysis
was done last week and that data should be back next week. It will tell how healthy
the trees really are. He stated there are 8 different clones, 4 rows of each type.
There is dramatic separation in the growth rate of each clone. He discussed the
leaves of the different clones and the diseases that affect each clone. Biosolids
(sludge) will be applied during late fall, winter and early spring. This will put iron, zinc
and micro-nutrients back into the trees.
Frank Tiwari stated that this is a test plot; to learn what rate of biosolids and plant
effluent application the trees will take. No storage lagoon will be used to store the
wastewater that cannot be put into the Pudding River during the summer months, the
wastewater will be used on the plantation. Disposal of wastewater is the integral part
of the wastewater system. He asked Mark Madison to explain the wastewater
disposal method and the control sensor device.
Mark Madison explained that after secondary treatment the water goes into the
contact chamber gets chlorinated, flows through a serpentine channel that gives it a
contact time, and just before it flows out of the chamber to the outfall it is pumped
out into a filter station for irrigation. A flush valve is used in the filter station to flush
any debris that may be caught in the system. Any water that is flushed through the
system is recycled back through the treatment plant. A Time Domain Reflectometry
(TOR), is the instrumentation used to monitor soil and moisture in the field. We have
probes in the fields which measure moisture from the surface down, one from 1 to 4
ft and another from 4 to 8 ft. The TOR's report back to the controller at the pump
station and tells the pump how wet the field is. The controller gives continuous data
on pump operation and flow meter out in the system. The result is precise control of
the system with minimum labor. The object is to keep the surface of the field wet to
maximize evaporation loss and enhance water uptake.
Preston Tack asked Mark how he related what was happening at the probe to the rest
of the field.
Mark answered that the two fields were being sampled separately because the fields
are planted one as short trees and the other as tall trees. There is a difference in the
water uptake. Biomass (pounds per acre of new growth) production is being
monitored in each clone that provides needed information. In a couple of weeks an
analysis of all the data collected for each clone will be done.
Gilbert Flaugher asked if the planting of the different varieties of trees give a chance
to select the tree that does the best job?
Mark answered yes. They would choose three or four of the clones to be established
on the plantation.
Rich Barstad asked Mark how the ground water is being monitored (for quality) at the
8 ft. probe.
Mark answered that the 8 foot probe tells what the moisture is at that depth. At the
end of the season they will sample Iysimeters, which are a suction device that extract
the water out of the soil, in each of the fields to see what the quality of the water is.
Also the existing monitoring wells located upgrade and downgrade, will be used to
determine the groundwater quality. Quarterly sampling is done at each monitoring
Rich Barstad asked what method they would be using in applying biosolids.
Mark answered they would be using liquid biosolids sprayed over the top of the trees
with a big gun sprayer. Another method they have talked about using is the hose to
the big gun and placing a spreader nozzle on it and spraying between the trees only
on every other row, applying only a film on the field.. When applying biosolids you
don't want to spray into the trees because the pressure from a big gun sprinkler will
damage the bark. A truck spreader can also be used to spread sludge on the rows
that are 12 ft. wide. The current spreader the city has cannot be used at the present
time due to the irrigation system sprinklers being placed 18 inches high to stay above
the weed growth. A truck with higher wheel clearance could be used or the sprinklers
be lowered down.
The meeting paused at 4:55 to tour the control system and the plantation.
Marv Shelby called the meeting back to order at 5:30 pm. Joanne Bjelland stated that
the plantation was very impressive.
Hal Rose, Peridot Nursery, thinks this test plot will bring a lot of attention to
Woodburn and their ability to accept the forefront of technology.
Mark Madison stated that an annual report would be sent to DEQ.
Marvin Daniels stated that he hoped to give a paper on the test plot at the PNPCA
(Pacific Northwest Pollution Control Association) meeting next year in Boise, Idaho.
Marv Shelby stated that the advisory committee had not met since June 20, 1995.
He stated that the agenda included historical information on Resolution #1308 Final
Draft Approval of Wastewater Facilities Plan by City Council, Ordinance #2157
Council Approval of Modified Wastewater Rates for Implementation of Plan, and
Resolution #1331 Council Approval of Modified System Development Charge (SDC)
for Implementation of Plan. Also included were the minutes of the last meeting on
June 20, 1995.
Joanne Bjelland moved/Rich Barstad seconded to approve the minutes of June 20,
A vote was taken and the minutes were approved as written.
Frank Tiwari explained the sewer rate brochure, which Barbara Lucas passed out to
all attenders. He stated that this brochure along with a rate card to help will be sent
to each and every customer account address to help keep everyone informed.
Preston Tack asked how the rates would be applied as of November 1, 1995.
Frank answered that it will start the winter cycle as outlined in the ordinance that
reads November/December cycle through February/March cycle.. Every week there
is a meter and billing cycle started. There will be four reading and billing cycles each
month. The effective date will be the month it started.
Preston Tack asked if the rates would be going up effective as of the billing after
November 1, 1995.
Frank answered yes. In fact it will be the November usage. The first bill you get in
December will be based on your new winter rate.
General Information:
Information was given that the consultant selection process is underway
through a committee and a recommendation of the committee is expected in
January 1996.
Information on DEO approval process was given. It was stated that Frank
Tiwari, Frank Sinclair, Daria Wightman and Dean Morrison will be meeting with
DEO on October 11, 1995 to discuss the final draft of Facilities Plan and to
initiate process of negotiating a permit. Permit negotiations will be quite a
technical process but it is in the city's interest to bring this to near completion
prior to start of pre-design and design activities.
Other Discussion:
In response to Mayor Kirksey's inquiry, Marv Shelby stated he felt the
committee had done their duty and now it was up to the City Council.
Joanne Bjelland moved/Rich Barstad seconded that WAC be disbanded.
A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Preston Tack asked what the time frame was for the plantation and how did it fit into
the construction of the new plant?
Frank Tiwari answered that the plantation would be established the summer before
the new plant is brought on line. He stated that the requirements of the permit must
be met. A letter has been sent to Maclaren School stating that the city is interested
in a portion of their land.
There being no further business the WAC meeting adjourned at 5:55.