Agenda - 01/22/1996 Workshopr CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP Monday, January 22, 1996, 5:30 P.M. Liquor License Renewals and Recommendations, policy direction. > Growth > Council Policy, Resolution 1037 > New Outlets > Tools Negative Recommendations No Recommendations Special Conditions Impact Area Question? Does the council wish to change, add or develop liquor license criteria? If so, what would the council want to consider and how would the council want this policy applied? COUNCIL Bill NO. /J'2 ~ RESOLUTION NO. J 03 7 a RESOLUTION ADOPTING POliCY GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES REGARDING LIQUOR LICENSE RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, the City of Woodbum is required to recommend liquor license renewals per ORS 471.210, 471.21 3; and WHEREAS, a defined policy on said liquor license applications will ensure equitable and consistent treatment of liquor license applications; and WHEREAS, the adoption of said liquor license policy will protect the interest of the general public and provide consistent direction to staff in the processing of said applications, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: That the "Policy on liquor license Recommendations" is hereby adopted by the City Council, a copy of which is attached for reference. Approved as to form City Attorney Date APPROVED: Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder ATTEST: Mary Tennant, Deputy Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon FRED W. KYSER, MAYOR Page I - COUNCIL BILL NO. RESOLUTION NO. CITY OF WOODBURN POLICY ON LIQUOR LICENSE RECOMMENDATIONS AUTHORITY: Review of liquor license application pursuant to ORS 471.210, 471.21 3 OBJECTIVE: Approval of the recommendations of this report will establish as Council policy that a specific number of liquor-related complaints will cause an automatic denial of a liquor license renewal application. BACKGROUND: During the 1990 renewal period, the staff developed a definitive criteria to be used in making license renewal recommendations. All liquor licenses are renewed annually between January and March. STANDARDS: Oregon law provides criteria to be used by OLCC for license refusal which can be adapted into criteria for police department recommendations. The specific offenses are: Fights or assaults liquor law violations by the licensee or their employees Excessive or obtrusive noise Illegal drug use or sales on the premises Trespass on private property Public Drunkenness Failure of the licensee to take appropriate action to prevent or control problems caused by patrons on the premises or within the local vicinity. GUIDELINES 1. A recommendation to deny the renewal application will be made when there are persistent problems involving the types of police calls listed above related to the sales or service of alcohol. The police department will automatically recommend denial of a renewal application when there is a record of ten arrests, in the prior 12 months, of employees or patrons of the licensed business for unlawful activities related to the sale or service of alcohol under the license either on the premises or in the immediate vicinity. o Actions by the licensee which might tend to mitigate the problems should be considered by the City Council Examples of mitigating actions are seeking and following recommendations by the OLCC,-neighbors, or police, and increased security measures. The recommendation by the police department is only one component of the liquor license recommendation process. Community input is a significant factor in a complete review of applications by the Council. Prior to the annual renewal period, city staff will provide a general notice to the public. Page 2 Policy on Liquor License Recommendations ALCOftOLIC LIQUORS GENERALLY 471.297 license may be issued for any special aucl. hm, idcnic, convention, Fair, civic or community enterprise or business promotion on a licensed premises at ..................................... S 10 per da3 Spedal events winery license may be issued to a winery licensee at .................... S 10 per day Bed and breakfast license ............................. S 5 per guest uniL Brewery-Public Ihmse, including Certificate of Approval ........................... S250 $ t,000 Grower's sales privilege ticensc ......................................S250 S 1,000 Special events grower's sales privilege Agent ............................... S125 [br five years Salesperson .............................. S 25 kn' five years Winery Salesperson ....................... S 35 kn' live years [Amended by 1955 c657 §9; 1957 c.lll §2; 1965 c2~0 §3; 1967 c.2,~: §1; 1967 c.44,~ §1; 197l c.470 §1; 1973 c,ql3 §1; 1973 c.395 §5; t975 c.494 §3; 1979 c.264 §7; 19si c59~ §1; 19'~5 c.360 §1; 1995 c.591 §2; t985 c.628 §3; 19~5 c649 §2; 19~9 c l%q §4; 19~¢9 c553 §2; 19S9 c.740 §31 471.295 Grounds for refusing to issue license. The commission may refuse to li- cense any applicant if it has reasonable ground to believe any of the following to be true: (1) That there are sufficient licensed premises in the locality set out in the appli- cation, or that the granting of a license in the locality set out in the application is not demanded by public interest or convenience. (2) That the applicant has not furnished an acceptable bond. (3) That, except as allowed by ORS 471.456, any applicant to sell at retail for consumption on the premises has been fi- nanced or furnished with money or property by, or has any connection xvith, or is a man- ufacturer of, or wholesale dealer in, alcoholic liquor. (4) That the applicant: (a) Is in the habit of using alcoholic beverages, habit-forming drugs or controlled substances to excess. (b) Has made false statements to the commission. (c) Is not a citizen of the United States, or is incompetent or physically unable to carry on the management of the establish- ment proposed to be licensed. (d) Has been convicted of violating any of the alcoholic liquor laws of this state, general or local, or has been convicted at any time of a felony. (e) Has maintained an insanitary estab- lishment. 15'- O (fl Is not of good repute and moral char- acter. (g) Did not have a good record of com- pliance with the alcoholic liquor laws of this state and the rules of the commission when previously licensed. (h) Is not the legitimate owner of the business proposed to be licensed, or other persons have ownership interests in the business which have not been disclosed. (i) Is not possessed of or has not demon- strated financial responsibility sufficient to adequately meet the requirements of the business proposed to be licensed. (j) Is unable to read or write the English language or to understand the Liquor Con- trol Act or rules of ~he commission. (5) That there is a history of serious and persistent problems involving disturbances, le;vd or unlawful activities or noise either in the premises proposed to be licensed or in- volving patrons of the establishment in the immediate vicinity of the premises if the ac- tivities in the i~mmediate vicinity of the premises are related to the sale or service of alcohol under the exercise of the license privilege. Behavior which is grounds for re- fusal of a license under this section, where so related to the sale or service of alcohol, includes, but is not limited to obtrusive or excessive noise, music or sound vibrations; public drunkenness: fights; altercations; harassment; unlawful drug sales; alcohol or related litter; trespassing on private prop- erty; and public urination. Histories from premises currently or previously operated by the applicant may be considered when rea- sonable inference may be made that similar activities will occur as to the premises pro- posed to be licensed. The applicant may overcome the history, by showing that the problems are not serious or persistent or that the applicant demonstrates a willingness and ability to control adequately the premises proposed to be licensed and patrons' behavior ~n the immediate vicinity of the premises which is related to the licensee's sale or service of alcohol under the licensee's exer- cise of the license privilege. I^mended by t953 c.14 §2; 1979 c.744 §33a; ~979 c.S81 §3; 1989 c.785 §8[ 471.297 Temporary license or letter of authority on change of ownership; fee; revocation; procedure. (1) The commission may grant a temporary license or letter of authority for a period not to exceed 90 days on change of ownership applications for li- censes granted under this chapter and ORS 474.105 and 474.t15 if the applicant pays the fee prescribed by the commission for a tem- porary license or letter. (2) The commission summarily and with- out prior administrative proceedings may re- RS ALCOttOLIC LIQUORS GENERALLY 471.297 license may be issued for any special aucthm, I,icnic, convenLion, fair, civic or coHu~uiliLy enterprise or business promotion on a licensed premises aL ................................... S lO per day Special events winery license may be issued Lo a winery licensee at .................... $ 10 per day Bed and breakfast license ...................................... $ 5 per guesL unJL Brewery-Public tlouse, including Certificate of Approval ............................ S2%0 S 1,000 Grower's sales [)rJvilo~o license ................................ S250 $ 1,000 Special evenLs grower's sales privilege i~conse ............................... S l0 per day AKenL .................................. S125 For five years Salesperson .................................S 2~ ~or five years ~VJnery SaJesperson ........................ ~ 3S fiJr five years IAmended hy 195,5 c657 §9; 1957 c.lll §2; 1965 c.280 §3; 1967 c2S §l; 1967 c44X §1; 1971 c.470 §1; 1973 c.313 §t; 1973 c395 §5:1975 c.494 §3; 1979 c.264 §7; 1981 c.598 §1; 19.85 c360 §1; 1985 c.591 §2; 1985 c.628 §3; 1985 c.649 §2; 1989 c 178 §4; 1989 c553 §2; 1989 c.740 §3J 471.2915 Grounds for refusing to issue license. The commission may refuse to li- cense any applicant if it has reasonable ground to believe any of the following to be true: (1) That there tire sufficient licensed premises in the locality set out in the appli- cation, or that the granting of a license in the locality set out in the application is not demanded by public interest or convenience. (2) That the applicant has not furnished an acceptable bond. (3) That, except as allowed by ORS 471.456, any applicant to sell at retail for consumption on the premises has been fi- nanced or furnished with money or property by, or has any connection xvith, or is a man- ufacturer of, or xvholesale dealer in, alcoholic liquor. (4) That the applicant: (a) Is in the habit of using alcoholic beverages, habit-forming drugs or controlled substances to excess. (b) Has made false statements to the commission. (c) Is not a citizen of the United States, or is incompetent or physically unable to carry on the management of the establish- ment proposed to be licensed. (d) Has been convicted of violating any of the alcoholic liquor laws of this state, general or local, or has been convicted at any time of a felony. (e) Has maintained an insanitary estab- lishment. (f) Is not of good repute and moral char- actor. (g) Did not have a good record of com- pliance with the alcoholic liquor laws of this state and the rules of the commission when previously licensed. (h) Is not the legitimate owner of the business proposed to be licensed, or other persons have ownership interests in the business which have not been disclosed. (i) Is not possessed of or has not demon- strated financial responsibility sufficient to adequately meet the requirements of the business proposed to be licensed. t j) Is unable to read or write the English language or to understand the Liquor Con- trol Act or rules of the commission. (5) That there is a history of serious and persistent problems invotvir~g disturbances, lewd or unlawful activities or noise either in the premises proposed to be licensed or in- volving patrons of the establishment in the immediate vicinity of the premises if the ac- tivities in the immediate vicinity of the premises are related to the sale or service of alcohol under the exercise of the license privilege. Behavior which is grounds for re- fusal of a license under this section, where so related to the sale or service of alcohol, includes, but is not limited to obtrusive or excessive noise, music or sound vibrations; public drunkenness; fights: altercations; harassment; unlawful drug sales; alcohol or related litter; trespassing on private prop- erty; and public urination. Histories from premises currently or previously operated by the applicant may be considered when rea- sonable inference may be made that similar activities will occur as to the premises pro- posed to be licensed. The applicant may overcome the history by showing that the problems are not serious or persistent or that the applicant demonstrates a willingness and ability to control adequately the premises proposed to be licensed and patrons' behavior in the immediate vicinity of the premises which is related to the licensee's sale or service of alcohol under the licensee's exer- cise of the license privilege. IAmended by 1953 c.14 ,52; 1979 c.744 §33a; 1979 c.881 §3; 1989 c.785 §8J 471.297 Temporary license or letter of authority on change of ownership; fee; revocation; procedure. (t) The commission may grant a temporary license or letter of authority for a period not to exceed 90 days on change of ownership applications for li- censes granted under this chapter and ORS 474.105 and 474.115 if the applicant pays the fee prescribed by the commission for a tem- porary license or letter. {2) The commission summarily and with- out prior administrative proceedings may re- 15 - ()RS ALCOIIOLIC LIQUORS GENERALLY 471.297 license may be issued for any special aucthm, picnic, convenLion, ['air, civic or COIlllllUIli[y enterprise or business promotion on a licensed premises at ................................ S I0 per day Special events winery license may be issued Lo a winmy licensee at ............... S 10 per day Bed and breakfast license S 5 per guest unit Brewery-I'ublic [louse, including Cet'tificate of Approval S250 S 1.000 Grower's sales privilege license ................ S250 S 1.000 Special events grower's sales privilege [tcense ................. S 10 per day Agent .............. S125 [hr five years Sa[esperson .................. S 25 For five years Winery Salesperson ..... S 3.~ for five )'ears [,\metaled hy 1955 c657 §9:1957 c 111 §2; 1965 c.2,~0 §3; 1967 c.2'q §1; 1967 c.44.~ §1; 1971 c.470 §1; 1973 c.313 §1; 1973 c.395 §5; 1975 c.494 §3; 1979 c.264 §7; 19/ql c.59.g §1; 19~5 c360 §1; 19g.:, c.59l §2:1985 c.62,~ §3; 19N5 c.649 §2; 19~19 c 17,q §4; 19,~9 c.553 §2:19.q9 c.740 §3[ 471.295 Grounds for refusing to issue license. The commission ma), refuse to li- cense any applicant if it has reasonable ground to believe any of the following to be true: (t) That there are sufficient licensed premises in the locality set out in the appli- cation, or that the g2'hnting of a license in the locality set out in the application is not demanded by public interest or convenience. (2) That the applicant has not furnished an acceptable bond. (3) That, except as allowed by ORS 471.456, any applicant to sell at retail for consumption on the premises has been fi- nanced or furnished with money or property by, or has any connection xvith, or is a man- ufacturer of, or wholesale dealer in, alcoholic liquor. (4) That the applicant: (a) Is in the habit of using alcoholic beverages, habit-forming drugs or controlled substances to excess. (b) Has made false statements to the commission. (c) Is not a citizen of the United States, or is incompetent or physically unable to carry on the management of the establish- ment proposed to be licensed. (d) Has been convicted of violating an3, of the alcoholic liquor laws of this state, general or local, or has been convicted at any time ora felony. (e) Has maintained an insanitary estab- lishment. (t) Is not of good repute and moral char- acter. (g) Did not have a good record of com- pliance with the alcoholic liquor laws of this state and the rules of the commission when previously licensed. (h) Is not the legitimate owner of the business proposed to be licensed, or other persons have ownership interests in the business which have not been disclosed. (i) Is not possessed of or has not demon- strated financial responsibility sufficient to adequately meet the requirements of the business proposed to be licensed. (j) Is unable to read or write the English language or to understand the Liquor Con- trol Act or rules of the commission. (5) That there is a history of serious and persistent problems involving disturbances, lewd or unlawful activities or noise either in the premises proposed to be licensed or in- volving patrons of the establishment in the immediate vicinity of the premises if the ac- tivities in the fmmediate vicinity of the premises are related to the sale or service of alcohol under the exercise of the license privilege. Behavior which is grounds for re- fusal of a license under this section, where so related to the sale or service of alcohol, includes, but is not limited to obtrusive or excessive noise, music or sound vibrations; public drunkenness; fights; altercations; harassment; unlawful drug sales; alcohol or related litter; trespassing on private prop- erty; and public urination. Histories from premises currently or previously operated by the applicant may be considered when rea- sonable inference may be made that similar activities will occur as to the premises pro- posed to be licensed. The applicant may overcome the history by showing that the problems are not serious or persistent or that the applicant demonstrates a willingness and ability to control adequately the premises proposed to be licensed and patrons' behavior in the immediate vicinity of the premises which is related to the licensee's sale or service of alcohol under the licensee's exer- cise of the license privilege. [Amended by 1953 c.14 §2; 1979 c.744 §33a; 1979 c.88t §3; 19S9 c.785 §81 471.207 Temporary license or letter of authority on change of ownership; fee; revocation; procedure. (1) The commission may grant a temporary license or letter of authority for a period not to exceed 90 days on change of ownership applications for li- censes granted under this chapter and ORS 474.105 and 474.115 if the applicant pays the fee prescribed by the commission for a tem- porary license or letter. (2) The commission summarily and with- out prior administrative proceedings may re- 15 - ()RS ALCOIIOLIC LIQUORS GENERALLY 471.297 license may be issued for any special auction, picnic, convention, fair, civic or community enLerprise or business promotion on a licensed premises at .................................... S ~0 per day Special events winery license may be issued to a winery licensee at ..................... $ 10 per day Bed and breakfast license ................................... $ 5 per guest unit Brewery-Public Ilo.se, including Certificate of Approval ............................. S250 S 1,000 Grower's sales privilege license ................................... S250 S 1,000 Special events grower's sales privilege licease .......................... S 10 per day Agent ............................ S125 [~r five years Salesperson .......................... $ 25 for five years Winery Salesperson ................... S 35 for five years [Ameaded hy 1955 c657 §9:1957 c.lll §2; 1965 c280 §3; 1967 c2S §l; 1967 c44S §1; 197t c.470 §1; 1973 c.313 §1; 1973 c.395 §5; 1975 c.494 §3; 1979 c.264 §7; 1981 c.59~ §I; 19s}5 c360 §1; 19,q5 c.591 §2; 1985 c.628 §3; 19h5 c.649 §2; 19~9 c 178 §4; 19~:9 c553 §2; 1fl~:9 c.740 471.295 Grounds for refusing to issue license. The commission may refuse to li- cense any applicant if it has reasonable ground to believe any of the following to be true: (1) That there are sufficient licensed premises in the locality set out in the appli- cation, or that the gq'anting of a license in the locality set out in the application is not demanded by public interest or convenience. (2) That the applicant has not furnished an acceptable bond. (3) That, except as allowed by ORS 471.456, any applicant to sell at retail for consumption on the premises has been fi- nanced or furnished with money or property by, or has any connection with, or is a man- ufacturer of, or wholesale dealer in, alcoholic liquor. (4) That the applicant: (a) Is in the habit of using alcoholic beverages, habit-forming drugs or controlled substances to excess. (b) Has made false statements to the commission. (e) Is not a citizen of the United States, or is incompetent or physically unable to carry on the management of the establish- ment proposed to be licensed. (d) Has been convicted of violating any of the alcoholic liquor laws of this state, general or local, or has been convicted at any time of a felonv. (e) Has maintained an insanitary estab- lishment. (f) Is not of good repute and moral char- acter. (g) Did not have a good record of com- pliance with the alcoholic liquor laws of this state and the rules of the commission when previously licensed. (h) Is not the legitimate owner of the business proposed to be licensed, or other persons have ownership interests in the business which have not been disclosed. (i) Is not possessed of or has not demon- strated financial responsibility sufficient to adequately meet the requirements of the business proposed to be licensed. (j} Is unable to read or write the English language or to understand the Liquor Con- trol Act or rules of the commission. (5) That there is a history of serious and persistent problems involving disturbances, lewd or unlawful activities or noise either in the premises proposed to be licensed or in- volving patrons of the establishment in the immediate vicinity of the premises if the ac- tivities in the immediate vicinity of the premises are related to the sale or service of alcohol under the exercise of the license privilege. Behavior which is grounds for re- fusal of a license under this section, where so related to the sale or service of alcohol, includes, but is not limited to obtrusive or excessive noise, music or sound vibrations: public drunkenness; fights; altercations; harassment; unlawful drug sales; alcohol or related litter; trespassing on private prop- erty; and public urination. Histories from premises currently or previously operated by the applicant may be considered when rea- sonable inference may be made that similar activities will occur as to the premises pro- posed to be licensed. The applicant may overcome the history by showing that the problems are not serious or persistent or that the applicant demonstrates a willingness and ability to control adequately the premises proposed to be licensed and patrons' behavior in the immediate vicinity of the premises xvhich is related to the licensee's sale or service of alcohol under the licensee's exer- cise of the license privilege. [Amended by 1953 c.14 §2; 1979 c.744 §33a; 1979 c.881 §3; 19S9 c.785 §8} 471.297 Temporary license or letter of authority on change of ownership; fee; revocation; procedure. (1) The commission may grant a temporary license or letter of authority for a period not to exceed 90 days on change of ownership applications for li- censes granted under this chapter and ORS 474.105 and 474.115 if the applicant pays the fee prescribed by the commission for a tem- porary license or letter. (2) The commission summarily and with- out prior, administrative proceedings may re- 15 - ()RS ALCOIIOLIC LIQUORS GENERALLY 471.297 license may be issued for any special auclion, picnic, convenLion, fair, civic or community enterprise or business promotion on a licensed premises at ................................ S 10 per day Special events winery license may be issued to a winmy licensee at ........... S 10 per day Bed and breakfast license ............................ $ 5 per guest unit Brewery I'ublic Ihmse, including Certificate of Approval .................. S230 S 1,000 Grower's sales privilege license S230 S 1,000 Special events grower's sales privilege license S 10 per day Agent ......................... S12~ for five years Salesperson S 23 for five years Winery Salesperson .................... $ 33 for five years [Amcmlcd by 1955 {:6,;7 §9:19.:,7 c.lll §2; 1965 c.2,s0 §3; 1967 c.2,s §l; 1967 c.44.s §I; t971 c.470 §1; 1973 c.313 §1; 1973 c.395 §5; 1975 c.494 §3; 1979 c.264 §7; 19~:1 c.59S §1; 19~5 c360 §l; 19.~5, c.59l §2; 19% c62g §3; [9~:5 c.6,19 §2; 19~9 c.178 §4; 19,S9 c553 §2:~9s9 c.740 §3] 471.295 Grounds for refusing to issue license. The commission may refuse to li- cense any applicant if it has reasonable ground to believe any of the following to be true: (1) That there are sufficient licensed premises in the locality set out in the appli- cation, or that the granting of a license in the locality set out in the application is not demanded by public interest or convenience. (2) That the applicant has not furnished an acceptable bond. (3) That, except as allowed by ORS 471.456, any applicant to sell at retail for consumption on the premises has been fi- nanced or furnished with money or property by, or has any connection with, or is a man- ufacturer of, or wholesale dealer in, alcoholic liquor. (4) That the applicant: (a) Is in the habit of using alcoholic beverages, habit-forming drugs or controlled substances to excess. (b) Has made false statements to the commission. (c) Is not a citizen of the United ~;tates, or is incompetent or physically unable to carry on the management of the establish- ment proposed to be licensed. (d) Has been convicted of violating any of the alcoholic liquor laws of this state, general or local, or has been convicted at any time of a felony. (e) Has maintained an insanitary estab- lishment. (f) Is not of good repute and moral char- acter. (g) Did not have a good record of com- pliance with the alcoholic liquor laws of this state and the rules of the commission when previously licensed. (h) Is not the legitimate owner of the business proposed to be licensed, or other persons have ownership interests in the business which have not been disclosed. (i) Is not possessed of or has not demon- strated financial responsibility sufficient to adequately meet the requirements of the business proposed to be licensed. (j) Is unable to read or write the English language or to understand the Liquor Con- trol Act or rules of the commission. (5) That there is a history of serious and persistent problems involving disturbances, lewd or unlawful activities or noise either in the premises proposed to be licensed or in- volving patrons of the establishment in the immediate vicinity of the premises if the ac- tivities in the immediate vicinity of the premises are related to the sale or service of alcohol under the exercise of the license privilege. Behavior which is g~ounds for re- fusal of a license under this section, where so related to the sale or service of alcohol, includes, but is not limited to obtrusive or excessive noise, music or sound vibrations; public drunkenness; fights; altercations; harassment; unlawful drug sales; alcohol or related litter; trespassing on private prop- erty; and public urination. Histories from premises currently or previously operated by the applicant may be considered when rea- sonable inference may be made that similar activities will occur as to the premises pro- posed to be licensed. The applicant may overcome the history by showing that the problems are not serious or persistent or that the applicant demonstrates a willingness .and ability to control adequately the premmes proposed to be licensed and patrons' behavior in the immediate vicinity of the premises xvhich is related to the licensee's sale or service of alcohol under the licensee's exer- cise of the license privilege. IAmended by 1953 c.14 §2; 1979 c.744 §33a; 1979 c.88l §3; 1989 c.755 §8} 471.297 Temporary license or letter of authority on change of ownership; fee; revocation; procedure. (1) The commission may grant a temporary license or letter of authority for a period not to exceed 90 days on change of ownership applications for li- censes granted under this chapter and ORS 474.105 and 474.115 if the applicant pays the fee prescribed by the commission for a tem- porary license or letter. (2t The commission summarily and with- out prior administrative proceedings may re- 15 - ()RS ALCOItOLIC LIQUORS GENERALLY 471.297 license may be issued for any special auction, picnic, convention, fair, civic or community enterprise or business promotion on a licensed premises at ............................. S 10 per day Special events winery license may be issued to a winery licensee at ............. S 10 per day Bed and breakfast license ............................. S 5 per guest unit Brewery-l'ublic thmse, including Cel'tificale of Approval ............ S250 S 1,000 Grower's sales privilege license S250 S 1,000 Special events grower's sales privilege license .................. S 10 per day Agent S125 fbr five years Salesperson ................. S 25 fl)f' five years kkinery Salesperson $ 35 fl~r five ymu's [:\metaled },y 1955 c657 §9; 1957 clll §2; 1965 c250 1'.~67 c2~q §1; 1967 c.44s ~1; 197l c.470 ~1; 1973 c.313 '~973 c.395 ~5; 1975 c.494 ~3; 1979 c.264 ~7; 1981 c.59.~ ~1; 19s5 c360 ~1; 19.R5 c.591 ~2; 1985 c.62S ~3; 19~5 c.649 ~2; ]9s9 c 178 ~4; 19~9 c55~ ~2; 19.S9 c.740 471.2~ Grounds for refusing to issue license. The commission may refuse to ti- cense any applicant if it has reasonable ~'ound to believe any of the following to be ti-lie: (1) That there are sufficient licensed premises in the locality set out in the appli- cation, or that the ~'anting of a license in the locality set out in the application is not demanded by public ~nterest or convenience. (2) That the applicant has not furnished an acceptable bond. (3) That, except as allowed by ORS 471.456, any applicant to sell at retail for consumption on the premises has been fi- nanced or furnished with money or property by, or has any connection wi[h, or is a man- ufacturer of, or wholesale dealer in, alcoholic liquor. (4) That the applicant: (a) Is in the habit of using alcoholic beverages, habit-forming drugs or controlled substances to excess. (b) Has made false statements to the commission. (c) Is not a citizen of the United States, or is incompetent or physically unable to carry on the management of the establish- ment proposed to be licensed. (d) Has been convicted of violating any of [he alcoholic liquor laws of this state, general or local, or has been convicted any time of a felony. (e) Has maintained an insanitary estab- lishment. (O Is not of good repute and moral char- acter. (g) Did not have a good record of com- pliance with the alcoholic liquor laws of this state and the rules of the commission when previously licensed. (h) Is not the legitimate owner of the business proposed to be licensed, or other persons have ownership interests in the business which have not been disclosed. (i) Is not possessed of or has not demon- strated financial responsibility sufficient to adequately meet the requirements of the business proposed to be licensed. (j) Is unable to read or write the English language or to understand the Liquor Con- trol Act or rules of the commission. (5) That there is a history of serious and persistent problems involving disturbances. lewd or unlawful activities or noise either in the premises proposed to be licensed or in- volving patrons of the establishment in the immediate vicinity of the premises if the ac- tivities in the immediate vicinity of the premises are related to the sale or service of alcohol under the exercise of the license privilege. Behavior which is grounds for re- fusal of a license under this section, where so related to the sale or service of alcohol. includes, but is not limited to obtrusive or excessive noise, music or sound vibrations: public drunkenness; fights; altercations: harassment; unlawful drug sales; alcohol or related litter: trespassing on private prop- erty; and public urination. Histories from premises currently or previously operated by the applicant may be considered when rea- sonable inference may be made that similar activities will occur as to the premises pro- posed to be licensed. The applicant may overcome the history by showing that the problems are not serious or persistent or that the applicant demonstrates a willingness and ability to control adequately the premises .proposed to be licensed and patrons' behavior m the immediate vicinity of the premises ~vhich is related to the licensee's sale or service of alcohol under the licensee's exer- cise of the license privilege. [Amended by 1953 c.14 {}2:1979 c.744 §33a; 1979 c.881 §3; 1980 c.785 §81 471.297 Temporary license or letter of authority on change of ownership; fee; revocation; procedure. (1) The commission may grant a temporary license or letter of authority for a period not to exceed 90 days on change of ownership applications for )i- tenses granted under this chapter and ORS 474.10,5 and 474.115 if the applicant pays the fee prescribed by the commission for a tem- porary license or letter. (2) The commission summarily and with- out prior administrative proceedings may re- 15 - ()RS ALCOttOLIC LIQUORS GENERALLY 471.297 license may be issued for any special au(:tion, picnic, convenLion, fair, civic or community enterprise or business promotion on a licensed premises at ................................... S 10 per day Special events winery license may be issued to a winery licensee at ................... $ I0 per day Bed and breakfast license ................................. $ 5 per guest unit Brewery-I'ublic Itouse, inch.ting Certificate of Approval ........................ S2.~0 S 1,000 Grower's sales privilege license .......................... S250 S 1,000 Special even[s grower's sa[es privilege license ............................... S 10 per day Agen~ ............................... S125 for five years Salesperson .................................S 25 for five years Winery Salesperson ............... S 35 fi~r five years t.,\memled by 1955 c.657 59; 1957 c.lll §2; I.%5 c.2,S0 5:1; 1967 c:2S §1; 1967 c.44,~ §l; 1971 c.470 §1; 1973 c.313 197:1 c395 §5; 1975 c.494 §3; [979 c.264 57; 19~ql c.59~1 §1; 19~$ c.360 51; 19R5 c.59l §2; 1985 c.628 §3; 19s5 c649 §2; 19~9 c.17,q §4; 1989 c.553 §2; 19'q9 c.740 §3] 471.295 Grounds for refusing to issue license. The commission may refuse to li- cense any applicant if it has reasonable ground to believe any of the following to be trtle: (1) That there are suPficient licensed premises in the locality set out in the appli- cation, or that the granting of a license in the locality set out in the application is not demanded by public interest or convenience. (2) That the applicant has not furnished an acceptable bond. (3) That, except as allowed by ORS 471.456, any applicant to sell at retail for consumption on the premises has been fi- nanced or furnished with money or property by, or has any connection with, or is a man- ufacturer of, or wholesale dealer in, alcoholic liquor. (4) That the applicant: (a) Is in the habit of using alcoholic beverages, habit-forming drugs or controlled substances Lo excess. (b) Has made false statements to the commission. (c) ts not a citizen of the United States, or is incompetent or physically unable to carry on the management of the establish- rnent proposed to be licensed. (d) Has been convicted of violating any of the alcoholic liquor laws of this state, general or local, or has been convicted at any time of a felony. (e} Has maintained an insanitary estab- lishment. (fl Is not of good repute and moral char- acter. (g) Did not have a good record of com- pliance with the alcoholic liquor laws of this state and the rules of the commission when previously licensed. (h) Is not the legitimate owner of the business proposed to be licensed, or other persons have ownership interests in the business which have not been disclosed. (i) Is not possessed of or has not demon- strated financial responsibility sufficient to adequately meet the requirements of the business proposed to be licensed. (j) Is unable to read or write the English language or to understand the Liquor Con- trol Act or rules of the commission. (5) That there is a history of serious and persistent problems involving disturbances, lewd or unlawful activities or noise either in the premises proposed to be licensed or in- volving patrons of the establishment in the immediate vicinity of the premises if the ac- tivities in the ~mmediate vicinity of the premises are related to the sale or service of alcohol under the exercise of the license privilege. Behavior which is grounds for re- fusal of a license under this section, where so related to the sale or service of alcohol. includes, but is not limited to obtrusive or excessive noise, music or sound vibrations: public drunkenness; fights; altercations: harassment; unlawful drug sales; alcohol or related litter; trespassing on private prop- erty; and public urination. Histories from premises currently or previously operated by the applicant may be considered when rea- sonable inference may be made that similar activities will occur as to the premises pro- posed to be licensed. The applicant may overcome the history by showing that th~ problems are not serious or persistent or that the applicant demonstrates a willingness and ability to control adequately the premises proposed to be licensed and patrons' behavior in the immediate vicinity of the premises ~vhich is related to the licensee's sale or service of alcohol under the licensee's exer- cise of the license privilege. [Amended by 1953 c.14 §2; 1979 c.744 §33a; 1979 c.881 §3; 1989 c.785 §8] 471.297 Temporary license or letter of authority on change of ownership; fee; revocation; procedure. (1) The commission may grant a temporary license or letter of authority for a period not to exceed 90 days on change of ownership applications for li- censes granted under this chapter and ORS 474.105 and 474.115 if the applicant pays the fee prescribed by the commission for a tem- porary license or letter. (2) The commission summarily and with- out prior administrative proceedings may re- 15 - ()RS ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS GENERALLY 471.297 license may be issued [or any special auctimL picnic, convention, fair, civic or community enLerprise or business promotion on a licensed premises aL ................................ S ]0 per day Special evenLs winery license may be issued Lo a winmy licensee aL ................ S [0 per day Bed and breakfast license .............................. S 5 per guesL uniL Brewery-Public Ihmse, including Certificate of Apl~rova[ .................... S250 S 1,000 Grower's sales privilege license ......................... S250 S 1,000 Special events grower's sales privilege lmense ......................... S 10 per day Agent S125 for five years Salesperson .......................... S 25 for ~e years Winery Salesperson ........... S 35 fl~r five years [Amended by 1955 c657 §9; 1957 c Ill §2; 1965 c.250 §3; 1.367 c2~; 61; 1967 c.44x §1; 1!)71 c470 §1; 1973 c313 §1; 1972 c.395 §5; 1975 c494 63; 1979 c.264 67; 19,~1 c59X 61; 19.'i5 c.360 §1; lgR.:~ c.591 §2; 1985 c.62.~ §3; 19.~5 c649 §2; I9:';9 c 17q 64; I9;'19 c553 §2; 19~9 c.740 6.'tl 471.295 Grounds for refusing to issue license. The commission may refuse to li- cense any applicant if it ]'ms reasonable ground to believe any of the following to be true: (1) That there are sufficient licensed premises in the locality set out in the appli- cation, or that the granting of a license in the locality set out in the application is not demanded by public interest or convenience. (2) That the applicant has not furnished an acceptable bond. (3) That, except as allowed by ORS 471.456, any applicant to sell at re'ail for consumption on the premises has been fi- nanced or furnished with money or property by, or has any connection with, or is a man- ufacturer of, or wholesale dealer in, alcoholic liquor. (4) That the applicant: (a) Is in the habit o£ using alcoholic beverages, habit-forming drugs or controlled substances to excess. (b) Has made false statements to thc commission. (c} Is not a citizen of the United States, or is incompetent or physically unable to carry on the management of the establish- ment proposed to be licensed. id} Has been convicted of violating any o£ the alcoholic liquor laws of this state, general or local, or has been convicted at any time of a felony. (e) Has maintained an insanitary estab- lishment. (fl Is not of good repute and moral char- actor. (g) Did not have a good record of com- pliance with the alcoholic liquor laws of this state and the rules of the commission when previously licensed. (h) Is not the legitimate oxvner of the business proposed to be licensed, or other persons have ownership interests in the business which have not been disclosed. (i) Is not possessed of or has not demon- strated financial responsibility sufficient to adequately meet the requirements of the business proposed to be licensed. (j) Is unable to read or write the English language or to understand the Liquor Con- trol Act or rules of the commission. (5) That there is a history of serious and persistent problems involving disturbances, lewd or unlawful activities or noise either in the premises proposed to be licensed or in- volving patrons of the establishment in the immediate vicinity of the premises if the ac- tivities in the ~mmediate vicinity of the premises are related to the sale or service of alcohol under the exercise of the license privilege. Behavior which is grounds for re- fusal of a license under this section, ~vhere so related to the sale or service of alcohol, includes, but is not limited to obtrusive or excessive noise, music or sound vibrations; public drunkenness: fights; altercations; harassment; unlawful drug sales; alcohol or related litter; trespassing on private prop- erty; and public urination. Histories from premises currently or previously operated by the applicant may be considered when rea- sonable inference may be made that similar activities will occur as to the premises pro- posed to be licensed. The applicant may overcome the history by showing that the problems are not serious or persistent or that the applicant demonstrates a willingness and ability to control adequately the premises proposed to be licensed and patrons' behavior in the immediate vicinity of the premises which is related to the licensee's sale or service of alcohol under the licensee's exer- cise of the license privilege. [Amended by 1953 c.14 62; 1979 c.744 633a; 1979 c.881 §3; 1989 c.785 §8[ 471.297 Temporary license or letter of authority on change of ownership; fee; revocation; procedure. (~) The commission may grant a temporary license or letter of authority for a period not to exceed 90 days on change of ownership applications for li- censes granted under this chapter and ORS 474.105 and 474.115 if the applicant pays the fee prescribed by the commission for a tem- porary license or letter. (2) The commission summarily and with- out prior administrative proceedings may re- 15 - ()RS ALCOtIOLIC LIQUORS GENERALLY 471.297 license may be issoed for any special auction, picnic, convention, fair, civic or community enterprise or business promotion on a licensed prenfises aL ................................... S 10 per day SI,ecial events winery license may be issued to a winery licensee at ................ S 10 per day Bed and greakfast license ............................ $ 5 per guest unit Brewery-Public llouse, includinff Certificate of Approval ....................... S2S0 $ 1~000 Grower's sales privilege license ......................... S250 S 1.000 Special events grower's sales privilege license ............................. S 10 per day Agent S125 for fivb years Salespers(m S 25 for five )'ears Winery Salesperson .............. $ 35 f(n' five )'ears [AmemJcd by 1955 c657 §9; 1957 c.lll §2; 1965 c2~0 §3; 1967 c2.~ §I; 1967 c.44,~ §1; 1971 c.470 §1; 1973 c313 §1; 1973 c.395 §5; 1975 c.494 §3; 1979 c.264 §7; 19~1 c59~; §1; 19.S5 c.360 §1; 1995 c.591 §2; 1985 c.62,~ §3; 1955 c649 §2; 19.~9 c.17R §4; 19,~9 c.553 §2; 1989 c.740 471.295 Grounds for refusing to issue license. The commission may refuse to li- cense any applicant if it has reasonable ground to believe any of the following to be true: (1) That there are sufficient licensed premises in the locality set out in the appli- cation, or that the granting of a license in the locality set out in the application is not demanded by public interest or convenience. (2) That the applicant has not furnished an acceptable bond. (3) That, except as allowed bb- ORS 471.456, any applicant to sell at retail for consumption on the premises has been fi- nanced or furnished with money or property by, or has any connection with, or is a man- ufacturer of, or wholesale dealer in, alcoholic liquor. (4) That the applicant: (a) Is in the habit of using alcoholic beverages, habit-forming drugs or controlled substances to excess. (b) Has made false statements to the commission. (c) Is not a citizen of the United States, or is incompetent or physically unable to carry on the management of the establish- ment proposed to be licensed. (d) Has been convicted of violating any of the alcoholic liquor laws of this state, general or local, or has been convicted at any time of a felony. (e) Has maintained all insanitary estab- lishment. (O Is not of good repute and moral char- acter. (g) Did not have a good record of com- pliance with the alcoholic liquor laws of this state and the rules of the commission when previously licensed. (h) Is not the legitimate owner of the business proposed to be licensed, or other persons have ownership interests in the business which have not been disclosed. (i) Is not possessed of or has not demon- strated financial responsibility sufficient to adequately meet the requirements of the business proposed to be licensed. (j) Is unable to read or write the English language or to understand the Liquor Con- trol Act or rules of the commission. (5) That there is a history of serious and persistent problems involving disturbances, lewd or unlawful activities or noise either in the premises proposed to be licensed or in- volving patrons of the establishment in the immediate vicinity of the premises if the ac- tivities in the immediate vicinity of the premises are related to the sale or service of alcohol under the exercise of the license privilege. Behavior which is grounds for re- fusal of a license under this section, where so related to the sale or service of alcohol, includes, but is not limited to obtrusive or excessive noise, music or sound vibrations; public drunkenness; fights; altercations; harassment; unlawful drug sales; alcohol or related litter; trespassing on private prop- erty; and public urination. Histories from premises currently or previously operated by the applicant may be considered when rea- sonable inference may be made that similar activities will occur as to the premises pro- posed to be licensed. The applicant may overcome the history by showing that the problems are not seriOus'or persistent or that the applicant demonstrates a willingness and ability to control adequately the premises proposed to be licensed and patrons' behavior ~n the immediate vicinity of the premises which is related to the licensee's sale or service of alcohol under the licensee's exer- cise of the license privilege. IAmended by 1953 c.14 §2; [979 c.744 §33a; 1979 c.S.$l §3; 1989 c.785 §81 471.297 Temporary license or letter of authority on change of ownership; fee; revocation; procedure. (1) The commission may grant a temporary license or letter of authority for a period not to exceed 90 days on change of ownership applications for li- censes granted under this chapter and ORS 474.105 and 474.115 if the applicant pays the fee prescribed by the commission for a tem- porary license or letter. (2) The commission summarily and with- out prior administrative proceedings may re- 15 - ()RS ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS GENERALLY 471.297 license may be issued for any special auction, picnic, convention, fair. Civic or COlllllltllliLy enterprise or business promotion on a licensed l,remises at ................................... S 10 per day Special events winery license may be issued to a winery licensee at ..................... $ 10 per day Bed and breakfast license ......................................... $ 5 per guest Brewery t'ublic [louse, inch,ling Certificate of Approval ................................ S2h0 S Grower's sales privilege license ....................................... 5250 S Special events grower's sales privilege license .................................... 5 10 per day Agent ......................................... $125 Ibr fiv~ Salespers(m ..................................... S 25 for five Winery Satesl)erson ......................... $ 35 for five JAmemled by 19.;,5 c.657 §9; I957 c.lll §2; 1965 c.2,a 1967 c.2,s §1; 1967 c.44.g §1; 1971 c.470 §1; 1973 c.313 1973 c.395 §5; 1975 c.494 §3; 1979 c.264 §7; 1981 c.5!'- 19.55 c360 §1; 19~:5 c.591 §2; 1985 c.628 §3; 19b;5 c 64'.., ..'2. 19.'49 c.178 §4; 19~'~9 c.553 §2; 19;q9 c.740 §31 471.295 Grounds for refusing to issue license. The commission may refuse to !i- cerise any applicant if it has reason.d~,]e ground to believe any of the following to true: (1) That there are sufficient licensed premises in the locality set out in the appli- cation, or that the granting of a license the locality set out in the application is nCr demanded bv public interest or convenience. (2) That the applicant has not furnished an acceptable bond. (3) That, except as allowed by ORS 471.456, any applicant to sell at retail fo:- consumption on the premises has been nanced or furnished with money or property by, or has any connection with, or is a man- ufacturer of, or wholesale dealer in, alcoholic liquor. (4) That the applicant: (a) Is in the habit of using alcoholic beverages, habit-forming drugs or controlled substances to excess. (b) Has made false statements to the commission. (c) Is not a citizen of the United States. or is incompetent or physically unable to carry on the management of the establish- ment proposed to be licensed. (d) Has been convicted of violating any of the alcoholic liquor laws of this state. general or local, or has been convicted at any time of a felony. (e) Has maintained an insanitary estab- lishment. (F) Is not of good repute and moral char- acter. (g) Did not have a good record of com- pliance with the alcoholic iiquor laws of this state and the rules of the commission when previously licensed. (h) Is not the legitimate owner of the business proposed to be licensed, or other persons have ownership interests in the business which have not been disclosed. (i) Is not possessed of or has not demon- strated financial responsibility sufficient to adequately meet the requirements of the business proposed to be licensed. (j) Is unable to read or write the English language or to understand the Liquor Con- trol Act or rules of the commission. (5) That there is a history of serious and persistent problems involving disturbances, lewd or unlawful activities or noise either in the premises proposed to be licensed or in- volving patrons of the establishment in the immediate vicinity of the premises if the ac- tivities in the immediate vicinity of the premises are related to the sale or service of alcohol under the exercise of the license privilege. Behavior which is grounds for re- fusal of a license under this section, where so related to the sale or service of alcohol, includes, but is not limited to obtrusive or excessive noise, music or sound vibrations; public drunkenness; fights; altercations; harassment; unlawful dru~ sales; alcohol or related litter; trespassing on private prop- erty; and public urination. Histories from premises currently or previously operated by the applicant may be considered when rea- sonable inference may be made that similar activities will occur as to the premises pro- posed to be licensed. The applicant mav overcome the history by showing that th~ problems are not serious or persistent or that the applicant demonstrates a willingness and ability to control adequately the premises proposed to be licensed and patrons' behavior tn the immediate vicinity of the premises which is related to the 'licensee's sale or service of alcohol under the licensee's exer- cise of the license privilege. [Amended by 1953 c.14 §2; 1979 c.744 §33a; 1979 c.9~! §3; 1989 c.785 §8} 471.297 Temporary license or letter of authority on change of ownership; tee; revocation; procedure. (1! The commission may grant a temporary license or letter of authority for a period not to exceed 90 days on change of ownership applications for li- censes granted under this chapter and ORS 474.105 and 474.115 if the applicant pays the fee prescribed by the commission for a tem- porary license or letter. (2) The commission summarily and with- out prior administrative proceedings may re- 1 5 - ()RS ALCOItOLIC LIQUORS GENERALLY 471.297 license may be issued for any special auction, IfiCmc, convention, fair, civic or COllnllLllliLy enterprise or husJness pronlotJon 011 a licensed I)renlises aL ................................. S ]0 per day Special events winery license may be issued to a winery licensee aL ...................... $ 10 per day Bed and breakfast license .................................... S 5 per guest unit Brewery-Public Iiouse, inch,ling Certificate of Approval ............................ S250 S 1,000 Grower's sales privilege license S250 $ 1,000 St)ecia[ events grower's sales privilege license ................................ S I0 per day Agent ................................... S125 fbr five years Salesperson S 25 h~r five years Winery Salesperson ....................... S 35 for five years JAmen,ied by 19:55 c.657 {}9; 19,~7 c. Jll §2; 1965 c.2~0 1!)67 c.2~q §1; 1967 c44.~ ~1; 1971 c.420 ~1; 1973 c.313 ~1; 1973 c.395 ~5; 1975 c494 ~3; 1979 c.264 ~2; 19~1 c.59~ ~1; 19,~5 c.360 ~1; 19.R.~ c591 ~2; 1985 c.628 ~3; 19~5 c.649 ~2; 19~9 c 178 ~4; 19S9 c553 ~2; 1989 c.740 ~3J 471.295 Grounds for refusing to issue license. The commission may refuse to li- cense any applicant if it has reasonable ~ound to believe any of the following to be true: (1) That there are sufficient licensed premises in the locality set out in the appli- cation, or that the ~anting of a license in the locality set out in the application is not demanded by public interest or convenience. (2) That the applicant has not furnished an acceptable bond. (3) That, except as allowed by ORS 471.456, any applicant to sell at retail for consumption on the premises has been fi- nanced or furnished with money or property by, or has any connection with, or is a man- ufacturer oh or wholesale dealer in, alcoholic liquor. (4) That the applicant: (a) Is in the habit of using alcoholic beverages, habit-forming drugs or controlled substances to excess. (b) Has made false statements to the commission. (c) Is not a citizen of the United States, or is incompetent or physically unable to carry on the management of the establish- ment proposed to be licensed. (d) Has been convicted of violating anv of the alcoholic liquor laws of this state, general or local, or has been convicted at any time of a felony. (e) Has maintained an insanitary estab- lishment. (f) Is not of good repute and moral char- acter. (g) Did not have a good record of com- pliance with the alcoholic liquor laws of this state and the rules of the commission when previously licensed. (h) Is not the legit{mate owner of the business proposed to be licensed, or other persons have ownership interests in the business which have not been disclosed. (i) Is not possessed of or has not demon- strated financial responsibility sufficient to adequately meet the requirements of the business proposed to be licensed. (j) Is unable to read or write the English language or to understand the Liquor Con- trol Act or rules of the commission. (5) That there is a history of serious and persistent problems involving disturbances, lewd or unlawful activities or noise either in the premises proposed to be licensed or in- volving patrons of the establishment in the immediate vicinity of the premises if the ac- tivities in the immediate vicinity of the premises are related to the sale or service of alcohol under the exercise of the license privilege. Behavior which is grounds for re- fusal of a license under this section, where so related to the sale or service of alcohol, includes, but is not limited to obtrusive or excessive noise, music or sound vibrations; public drunkenness; fights; altercations; harassment; unlawful drug sales; alcohol or related litter; trespassing on private prop- erty; and public urination. Histories from premises currently or previously operated by the applicant may be considered when rea- sonable inference may be made that similar activities will occur as to the premises pro- posed to be licensed. The applicant may overcome the history by showing that the problems are not serious or persistent or that the applicant demonstrates a willingness and ability to control adequately the premises proposed to be licensed and patrons' behavior ~n the immediate vicinity of the premises which is related to the licensee's sale or service of alcohol under the licensee's exer- cise of the license privilege. [Amended by c.14 {}2; 1979 c.744 §33a; 1979 c.88l §3; 19S9 c.785 §81 471.297 Temporary license or letter of authority on change of ownership; fee; revocation; procedure. (1) The commission may grant a temporary license or letter of authority for a period not to exceed 90 days on change of ownership applications for li- censes granted under this chapter and ORS 474.105 and 474.115 if the applicant pays the fee prescribed by the commission for a tem- porary license or letter. (2) The commission summarily and with- out prior administrative proceedings may re- 15 - ()RS CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP Monday, January 22, 1996, 5:30 P.M. Liquor License Renewals and Recommendations, policy direction. > Growth > Council Policy, Resolution 1037 New Outlets > Tools Negative Recommendations No Recommendations Special Conditions Impact Area Question? - Does the council wish to change, add or develop liquor license criteria? - If so, what would the council want to consider and how would the council want this policy applied?