Minutes - 11/10/1997 TAPE READING 0001 0005 0027 0033 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 10, 1997 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, NOVEMBER 10, 1997. CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kirksey Chadwick Figley Hagenauer Jennings Pugh Sifuentez Present Absent Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Police Chief Wright, Finance Director Gillespie, Library Director Sprauer, City Recorder Tennant Councilor Chadwick was not in attendance due to illness. MINUTES. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... approve the regular and executive session Council minutes of October 27, 1997. The motion passed unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) Board/Commission Vacancies -- Mayor Kirksey reminded the Councilors that various positions on the Budget Committee, Planning Commission, Recreation & Park Board, Library Board, and Cable TV Advisory Board are due to expire on December 31, 1997. She requested the Councilors to submit names of interested citizens to her for potential appointment to positions. She will be considering reappointment of incumbents, however, citizens interested in serving on a specific board, commission, and/or committee should contact their Councilor or the City Administrator's office to receive an application form. B) Veterans Day - November 11, 1997 -- City offices and the Library will be closed on November 11th in observance of Veterans Day. Mayor Kirksey stated that the Veterans of Foreign Wars is having a service at Belle passi on Tuesday at 10:00 am. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 10, 1997 ~. . - _. -~.-.. ._,'"-"~~'" ."--"_."-"'-'--~-"---'~.---' .. ~ I TAPE READING 0071 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 10, 1997 C Public Hearing -- The City Council will hold a public hearing on garbage rates and yard debris recycling on Monday, November 24, 1997, 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers. DJ Council Workshop -- The City Council will hold a workshop on Tuesday, January 27, 1998, 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers to discuss employee salaries. PRESENTATION - DEQ REPORT ON WASTEWATER PROJECT AND CH2M HILL REPORT ON PERMIT ISSUES. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that permit negotiations have been going on between the City and DEQ for quite a long time. Certain issues are not fully resolved but the City continues to provide supporting data to DEQ as part of the permit negotiations process. Mark Hamlen, Compliance Division of DEQ, stated that he has been the permit writer for the City which has been a long process involving DEQ, CH2M Hill, and City staff. The permit is currently being reviewed by city staff and, once returned to DEQ, the next proceeding will be a public hearing before DEQ with final approval of the permit to be given by the Environmental Quality Commission. There are still a number of issues of outstanding with the dilution waiver being of major interest to the City. CH2M Hill is compiling information to support the City's request for a dilution waiver. He thanked Director Tiwari and his staff for their cooperation with DEQ staff. Daria Wightman, CH2M Hill, reviewed the status of the permit negotiations with DEQ which started soon after the Facilities Plan was submitted to DEQ. The City's existing permit expired last month, however, we are still operating under the conditions of the old permit until a new permit is issued. The new permit, once issued, will be in effect for 5 years. There will be a public hearing held before DEQ on January 25, 1998 in the Woodburn City Hall Council Chambers and the anticipated issuance date of the permit is March 1998. Key issues negotiated with DEQ include: 1) new parameters for effluent and flow based ammonia limits will allow irrigation under the new matrix; 2) filtration will be used during summer months only which will save a lot of capital costs; 3) mixing zone in the Pudding River was increased from 40 feet to 300 feet; 4) elimination of ground water monitoring; 5) request has been made for an increase in the mass load limits to accommodate higher loads; Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 10, 1997 'II I ~ ,._..,._'u,.'__ ",..._,_.->_.__w.~_,__.,'''_~"_.~._.,.__~..._ TAPE READING 0425 0460 0521 0583 0599 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 10, 1997 6) DEQ will delay the development of a Temperature Management Plan until such time as DEQ decides what they want in the plan; 7) added flexibility within the permit regarding Level II and Level III effluent put on the poplar plantation; 8) DEQ has accepted the co-application of bio-solids with liquid irrigation; and 9) reduce expensive bio-acid testing and monitoring from once a quarter every year to once a quarter for one year. She also stated that the Inflow Removal Program has been acknowledged by DEQ. In summary, these negotiations will save treatment plant capital and operational costs, and at the same time, make sure of the protection of the Pudding River and the pudding River Recovery Program. Director Tiwari assured the Council and the public that the environment is not comprised with these negotiations. On issues that have not been finalized, the City continues to work with DEQ to obtain a permit that is best for the community. PROCLAMATION - NATIONAL BIBLE WEEK. Mayor Kirksey proclaimed the week of November 23-30, 1997 as National Bible Week. She reiterated that she honors requests for proclamations. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Randy Saunders, representing the Chamber, thanked the participants of the Business Showcase and the Chamber Auction. Both were successful and attendance was good at both events. A portion of the funds raised at the auction will be utilized for the Chamber's "Welcome To Woodburn" sign project. Upcoming events are as follows: 1) November 13th - Business after Hours, Valley Pacific Floral, beginning at 4:30 p.m.; and 2) November 19th - Chamber Forum, Woodburn Medical Center, with the guest speaker being Congressman Darlene Hooley. Planning Commission member Bruce Gunderson had attended the meeting on November 5th involving the Council of Governments and Metro. He has reported back to the staff the issues discussed at that meeting. LETTER FROM STEPHEN SMITH RE: 276 E. LINCOLN ST. Mayor Kirksey read the letter from Mr. Smith dated November 2, 1997 requesting clarification of statements in the Mayor's letter of response dated October 30, 1997. She also read the letters from the City dated May 5, 1997, July 21, 1997, and October 30, 1997 outlining the process Mr. Smith needs to follow to address his concerns on this issue. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 10, 1997 - ~ . TAPE READING 0868 0990 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 10, 1997 Councilor Jennings referred to the City Charter to clarify supervision of employees and he reiterated that the City Administrator answers to the Council and all other employees answer to the City Administrator. Mayor Kirksey reiterated that the issue needs to go before the Planning Commission and the process has been laid out to Mr. Smith in prior communications. LETTER FROM SECRETARY OF STATE'S OFFICE RE: WRITTEN COMPLAINT ON BROCHURE RELATING TO FUEL TAX MEASURE. Councilor Pugh stated that he would like to see this letter in the Woodburn Independent since the original letter from Marc Nelson was full-blown in the Woodburn Independent following its filing with the Secretary of State. Administrator Childs read the letter (addressed to Marc Nelson) from the Elections Division of the Secretary of State informing him that they have determined that the presentations in the brochure are made in a factual and objective manner. Since they have not found an election law violation, the Secretary of State's office is closing this case. Stephen Smith, 286 E. Lincoln St., showed a picture of the structure at 276 E. Lincoln Street before and during the re- construction phase of the back portion of this building. He stated that a permit to reconstruct the dwelling was issued in December 16, 1996, and, as provided for within the zoning ordinance (Section 5.20 C) there is a maximum of six months that shall be allowed for completion of the exterior of any reconstruction. The six-month period expired in June 1997 and to date the exterior has not been completed. Therefore, he requested that the Council either withdraw or void the building permit. In his opinion, false documents were submitted to the City in order to obtain the permit. He also stated that the ordinance also addresses the percentage of structure that may be destroyed without losing its nonconformity and adhering to standards of the zoning ordinance which was not applied when the permit was originally issued. In regards to the Mayor's response to the letter, he stated that the City Administrator and City Attorney have failed to enforce the ordinance and feels that they failed in performing their positions by not complying with Section 28 of the City Charter (Oath of Office). He reiterated that the Council should void the building permit, issue a stop work order at 276 E. Lincoln St, and the matter be looked into properly by the Planning Commission or City Council. Councilor Jennings questioned the false documents that Mr. Smith has been referring to in this case. Mr. Smith stated that it was in his letter to the Council submitted two weeks ago. In his opinion, the property owner Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 10, 1997 ---1"--" ..,'-"'~--- .,.- .. . ~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 10, 1997 TAPE READING is claiming that he owns more property on the east side of his property than he actually owns. Therefore, he is not conforming to the ordinance requirements. Councilor Jennings stated that it was his understanding that a property owner could build a single family dwelling more than one story in height provided that it stayed within the building's footprint and stayed within the setbacks. Mr. Smith continued to make his claim that the Planning Department made their decision on false information. Attorney Shields stated that, in his opinion, the Council is dangerously close to getting into a land use interpretation issue. In this case, Mr. Smith is alleging false information and it is very close to a non-conforming use issue which is a land use issue, therefore, it needs to go to the Planning Commission. He reminded the Council and Mr. Smith that the owner of the property, Mr. Doman, is represented by Attorney JoAnne Beck. Mayor Kirksey stated that this issue needs to go to the Planning Commission for review. JENNINGS/PUGH... issue be tabled. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Smith stated that he would like to address the issue of impropriety of city employees. He stated that he has had numerous discussions with the City Administrator and has not received a clear answer as to why the reconstruction continues to be allowed. He understands that other employees are delegated to enforce the zoning ordinance but the Administrator is ultimately responsible which is why he went to him, and, after not getting a definite answer, has come to the Council. Mayor Kirksey re-read the City Administrator's letter dated July 21, 1997 which outlines the process Mr. Smith needs to follow to address his concern on the property. Mr. Smith questioned if the Planning Commission was going to address the issue of improprieties by city staff. Mayor Kirksey stated that the Council addresses the issue of impropriety of the City Administrator. Councilor Jennings stated that if any citizen has a complaint against the City Administrator or other management staff, they are to be submitted in writing in specifics and the Council will address the issue. Administrator Childs stated that he has talked to Mr. Smith on two separate occasions. In addition to the letter of July 21st, Administrator Childs read into the record a letter he had written to Mr. Smith dated January 14, 1997 which addressed issues of concern to Mr. Smith along with the procedure to follow involving the Planning Commission. Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 10, 1997 r -_..,.._,~".,---,---~..~'-~_..,._>--~~~_..~._---~. 11 I . TAPE READING 1694 1790 2129 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 10, 1997 Barbara Lucas requested that the Council place on their calendars the Earth Day Celebration scheduled for April 15, 1998. This meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers, 6:00 p.m., for the purpose of acquainting the public with efforts to cleanup Oregon streams and the role the poplar trees play in this cleanup effort. PUBLIC HEARING - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION FOR SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing open at 7:55 p.m.. Public Works Manager Rohman reviewed the proposal to submit a grant request for a Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $750,000 for the purpose of obtaining funding assistance to improve the Mill Creek lift station, addition of 24" force main to the wastewater treatment facility, and to correct inflow/infiltration problem areas in the wastewater collection system. This particular grant program is only available to cities and counties for water and sewer systems. The City qualifies for submitting a grant application since we are under a stipulated final order to reduce the amount of pollutants discharged into the Pudding River. During discussions with the Oregon Economic Development Department (ORED) on the City's eligibility for submitting a grant, ORED had commented on the City's sewer rates being on the "lower end" of what they consider an acceptable range for sewer charges as a part of their review. JENNINGS/ .... staff be instructed to apply for the Community Development Block Grant for wastewater improvements. Since the public hearing procedure had not been completed, Councilor Jennings withdrew his motion. Mayor Kirksey called for testimony by proponents and opponents, however, no one in the audience spoke on this issue. She declared the public hearing closed at 8:03 p.m.. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ.... instruct staff to apply for the grant. On roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - ANNEXATION 97-01. ZONE CHANGE 97-01. AND SUBDIVISION 97-01 ADDENDUM FOR PROPERTY LOCATED BETWEEN EAST BLAINE STREET AND AZTEC AVENUE. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing open at 8:05 p.m.. Recorder Tennant read the land use statement as required under ORS Chapter 197. Community Development Director Goeckritz stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the annexation, a zone change from urban transition farm to single family residential, and the partition of the parcel to lots. He stated that the applicants had initially proposed a 4-lot subdivision, however, they modified their original proposal by deleting the subdivision and replacing it with a minor Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 10, 1997 'T'~' ,__ ._._~._~_~.__._..v'........_....._.,. _. _ ._..______".._,..<_....~__w_______._ .. ~ I COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 10, 1997 TAPE READING partition to divide the property into 2 parcels. The reason for the annexation request is because of a health hardship issue in that the wells on the site are contaminated and the septic tank during seasonal high water has a tendency to fail. If approved, a manufactured home will be placed on parcel #2 (access onto Aztec Ave.). Parcel #1 currently has a trailer and garage on the property and has access onto E. Blaine Street. Director Goeckritz stated that staff has incorporated into the packet an ordinance to annex the property at this meeting which is outside of the normal procedure. In this situation, the applicant would like to place the manufactured home on parcel #2 as soon as possible since the family of seven presently resides in a trailer and garage and living conditions are uncomfortable for the family. Brief discussion was held regarding the annexation of property that is considered a "postage stamp" annexation, however, staff reminded the Council that it is in the best interest of the City to annex when health hardship cases are the basis for the annexation. Attorney Shields stated that, provided there is no request to keep the record open, the hearing can be closed after testimony is presented and no further motion is necessary since the proposed ordinance is in the agenda packet. 2757 Dennis Rehder, 1640 E. Lincoln, stated that he had purchased the property for his sons and their families so that they could live close to them. He stated that one son currently lives in the trailer on parcel #1 while the other son with 5 children live in the garage. The manufactured home will house the family living in the garage. They applied and received permits for the utilities and have recently connected the sewer line to parcel #1 to eliminate further contamination created by the failing septic system. No one in the audience spoke either for or against the proposed annexation, zone change, and minor partition. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing closed at 8:22 p.m.. JENNINGS/PUGH.... suspend the rules on Council Bill 1837 at this time. unanimously. and consider taking action The motion passed COUNCIL BILL 1837 - ORDINANCE ANNEXING PROPERTY LOCATED ON A SITE NORTH OF PAULINE'S ADDITION SUBDIVISION AT THE EAST END OF AZTEC AVENUE; CHANGING THE ZONING DESIGNATION FROM UTF TO RS; AND ACKNOWLEDGING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF A MINOR PARTITION. Councilor Hagenauer introduced Council Bill 1837. Recorder Tennant read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 10, 1997 - ".~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 10, 1997 TAPE READING for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. declared Council Bill 1837 duly passed with the clause. Mayor Kirksey emergency 3011 PUBLIC HEARING - ANNEXATION #97-07. PLAN MAP AMENDMENT #97-02. AND ZONE CHANGE #97-11 -- PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF BOONES FERRY RD. AND SOUTH OF PARR RD (CENTENNIAL PARK) . Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing open at 8:25 p.m.. Tape 2 Recorder Tennant read the land use statement required under ORS Chapter 197. Director Goeckritz stated that the Planning Commission is recommending Council approval of the proposed annexation, comprehensive plan map amendment (residential to parks and open spaces), and zone change (Marion County urban transition farm to City public parks) to the proposed Centennial Park site located south of Parr Rd. and west of the School District property. The property consists of approximately 24.89 acres and was originally purchased by the City in 1985 for a future city park. City Administrator Childs (interim Park & Recreation Director) stated that the Centennial Park Committee has met several times over the last few months to develop a preliminary plan and plan of action to proceed with the development of the park. Phase I of the proposed plan would include 2 youth soccer and baseball fields, the extension of water and sewer lines for a restroom facility, and a small maintenance building. Driveway and parking areas would not be paved as a part of this phase. The estimated cost to complete Phase I is $508,900 of which $192,370 has already been expended, another $204,350 is either available in the current budget or pledged by private donors/service organizations, leaving a balance of $112,180. He stated that he is applying for a $35,000 grant from the Rural Investment Fund, however, it is a competitive grant and staff hopes that they will look favorably on the City's application. Of the $112,180, volunteer labor, donated materials such as grass seed or sprinkler components, and donated services such as a plumber or surveyor will offset a portion of the remaining costs. Richard Siewart, 1285 S. Front St., stated that the proposed park is a much needed addition to the community especially with the new schools and focus of development in that area. He stated that Woodburn has developed into one of the soccer centers of the northwest and we do have a lack of facilities to accommodate this sport. Salem has an indoor soccer facility in Salem that is booked up 7 days a week and he feels that Woodburn may want to consider this type of facility in the future. Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 10, 1997 T'.' ,--, .,.__...".....---~-'----.~"-~.- _._..._--~_.,,-_._.~_..._~~.- 11 I TAPE READING 0663 0888 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 10, 1997 No one in the audience spoke in opposition to the proposed annexation. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing closed at 8:46 p.m.. FIGLEy/PUGH.... instruct staff to prepare findings and draft an ordinance for annexation, comprehensive plan map amendment, and zone change for the next regular Council meeting. The motion passed unanimously. COUNCIL BILL 1838 - RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO AGREEMENT WITH CONNECTIVITY, INC. TO PROVIDE COMPUTER HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, AND SERVICES. Council Bill 1838 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Councilor Jennings questioned the acronym for WAN. Finance Director stated that WAN stands for Wide Area Network. He briefly reviewed the contract which includes the hardware and services to install the software. Software will be purchased off of the State contract. The expected completion date is in about 4 months. The contract amount is for about one-half of the total cost. Cabling will be purchased for connection to the Pool and Library and we will lease cabling from the telephone company for the Wastewater, Street, and Water facilities. A portion of the cost includes upgrades to some of the existing personal computers and 19% of the budget has been allocated for training personnel. Councilor Pugh stated that he would like to see more input and demonstration by the Finance staff than what the Council has seen to date. He did not object to the computer technology upgrades but felt strongly that more presentation and understanding is necessary before major expenditures are made. Councilor Jennings questioned if all departments were going to be included in the wide area network for internal communication purposes. He also encouraged staff to look closely at document imaging software. Director Gillespie stated that, once completed, all departments will be able to communicate with each other on the computer system. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed 4-1 with Councilor Pugh voting nay. Councilor Pugh reiterated that he is in favor of the computer upgrades but voted no due to the lack of information provided to the Council on this project. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1838 duly passed. MAYOR'S PROPOSAL REGARDING EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION. Councilor Figley stated that she had read and reviewed the Mayor's proposal addressing compensation adjustments to individuals who had not received a 3% COLA adjustment and were Page 9 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 10, 1997 ~ .__........ .'_n._........_.' _~_,_ ."___._.._______..,,_,_._~.,.,._.~__ . .,~. . COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 10, 1997 TAPE READING still within the 4% budget amount between 1996-97 and 1997-98. She stated that the City is still in the middle of the study for performance evaluation and that the project needs to be completed. She also feels very strongly that the City needs consistent personnel rules that apply to all city employees which includes handling of experienced and exceptional employees. Personally, she has no interest in dealing with a situation that pertains to an individual but would rather do something in the context that applies fairly to all affected employees. In her opinion, the action taken from an administrative point of view was not intended that people get pay cuts simply because of where they fell on the salary matrix. Councilor Sifuentez questioned the number of individuals that would be affected by this proposed adjustment. Administrator Childs stated that 3 individuals who received a minimal increase in November 1996 did receive a 3% COLA adjustment in July 1997 whereas two individuals did not receive a base pay adjustment in November 1996 or July 1997. FIGLEY/HAGENAUER.... 3% COLA retroactive to July 1, 1997 be given to all employees who did not get an increase of 4% or more. Councilor Pugh requested that the Mayor reconvene the Budget Committee to review this situation and let them make a recommendation to the Council. He stated that he was not going to vote to override the Budget Committee's decision. Councilor Jennings stated that he did not want to override the Budget Committee either, however, two individuals did not get a 4% pay raise nor did they get a 3% pay raise in July. This motion would give them a 3% pay raise retroactive to July which is below the 4% recommended by the Budget Committee. Councilor Hagenauer expressed his opinion that those individuals who did not get an increase should be given the COLA adjustment. Councilor sifuentez stated that she also wants to abide by the Budget Committee recommendation and, in reviewing the situation, individuals who did not receive any adjustment should be given the adjustment. However, any merit adjustment or bonus should be held off until the next budget year. Mayor Kirksey stated that the Budget Committee does not make policy. In her opinion, a decision on this issue needs to be made by the Council. On roll call vote, the motion passed 4-1 with Councilor Pugh voting nay. Councilor Jennings requested that the performance evaluation study be completed by the January 27, 1998 workshop. Administrator Childs stated that he will try to have it completed by the workshop date, however, he reminded the Council that consultants are involved in this project and it Page 10 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 10, 1997 TO' -.--.. ..,._~._--,...".--~...,....--~'---~--_...--._,_._-_._'----- .. I " TAPE READING 1315 1394 1405 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November la, 1997 is unknown as to how long it will take them to complete the work. Mayor Kirksey stated that in any event, there are a number of unresolved pay issues involved such as employees doing equal work for unequal pay in this City. An attempt was made last year to do away with inequity, however, it has not been corrected as of this date. She feels that the Council needs to address this compensation issue. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS - OCTOBER 1997. Councilor Hagenauer questioned the voucher check issued to the Local Government Personnel Institute. Chief Wright stated that entry level Police Officer written exams are obtained through LGPI. Additionally, checks to Dr. Miller and Dr. Jones cover pre-employment medical and psychological tests. SIFUENTEZ/HAGENAUER.... approve voucher checks #38518 - 38952 issued during the month of October 1997. The motion passed unanimously. SITE PLAN ACTIONS. A) Site Plan Review #97-12 -- Woodburn Fertilizer: No action was taken by the Council on this site plan. B) Site Plan Review #97-13 -- Nortbwood Office Park: No action was taken by the Council on this site plan. STAFF REPORTS. A) Appeal of Sign Ordinance Interpretation to LUBA. In a memo from Attorney Shields, he informed the Council that their decision regarding the sign ordinance interpretation has been appealed to LUBA. B) Status Report - Downtown Alley Improvements. The engineering staff provided a memo on the status of this project which should be completed by the end of November. Councilor Jennings reminded the public that this project, along with the Parr Road improvements, are being funded through a local improvement district and through revenue sources other than property taxes. In regards to the alley, it has been a health hazard and in need of improvement for many years. C) Parr Road Street Improvements. The storm sewer work has been completed whereas the street improvements are not progressing as expected due to poor weather conditions. It is unknown as to when this project will be completed, however, staff is doing what they can to get the project completed as soon as possible. D) Preliminary Election Results. The most recent tally of votes on Measure #24-93 (City Gas Tax measure) is 814 yes votes and 3,459 no votes. Page 11 - Council Meeting Minutes, November la, 1997 T .-..".... .,._..,..~.~.,.."._-,~.,..,.._~_..".._----."._..,---_..,,".--"., 11 I TAPE READING 1505 1565 " COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 10, 1997 E) Planning Commission resignations. Planning Commission member James Atkinson (Position #3) has submitted his resignation effective immediately and Planning Commission member Robin Palmer (Position #4) will resign effective December 13, 1997. Mayor Kirksey also stated that it is her understanding that the individuals serving on the Library Board are not eligible for re-appointment. Administrator Childs stated that the Library Director was going to confirm that information with the City Attorney and he has not heard back from the Director as to the outcome of her discussion with our Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. Administrator Childs stated that he had attended the LOC conference last weekend and commended the Councilors who took time to attend the conference for their interest and participation. He also stated that the 2nd Anniversary Party for the Aquatic Center was held on Sunday, November 9th. Lifetime memberships were given to members of the Pool Committee who worked hard on this project and to former Park & Recreation Director Nevin Holly for his technical role in seeing the project through from the beginning to the end. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS. Councilor Figley stated that she enjoyed congratulating the pool staff and committee members on two years of operation. She also enjoyed attending the Saturday session of the LOC conference with the highlight being our Councilors and staff having an opportunity to meet with the ODOT Director to discuss transportation projects that the City feels need to be done in our community. She also thanked Administrator Childs for his presentation on Phase I of Centennial Park. Councilor Jennings stated that the City of Dallas is in the middle of wastewater facility improvements and is envious of Woodburn since their soil will not permit them to plant poplar trees. They were also impressed on the work done by the Task Force. In regards to discussions held with the ODOT Director, he felt that it was a positive talk in which she encouraged the Councilors to submit plans, through the Mid Willamette Valley Commission on Transportation, for Highway 214 widening and more banda ids for the interchange. On the January agenda, the 1-5 corridor will be discussed. Councilor Jennings also requested that the Council set a workshop soon to address issues brought forth during the last budget meetings. The Committee had requested that the budget process begin the first part of February. Page 12 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 10, 1997 .. .. r-- ..-.-..-.." ~_..." ...,.,. .."--....,-----~~.---.,...----..-... ._-_.__._,---..........~_.... . COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 10, 1997 TAPE READING Councilor Figley stated that things need to be discussed but it is still unknown as how much property tax revenue will be received by the City. With the holiday season soon to arrive, she suggested that the Council wait until early January to hold a workshop. Councilor Jennings also suggested that budget goals be discussed in the workshop. Mayor Kirksey suggested that a workshop be held on Tuesday, January 13, 1998 which will give the City time to obtain tax information. Councilor Hagenauer stated that he enjoyed the conference and did learn a few things from the meetings and in talking to other city officials. Councilor Sifuentez also stated that she had a good weekend at the conference and the gas tax measure did put Woodburn "on the map". Councilor Jennings stated that US West has a product out that has a camera mounted in the ceiling area that is voiced control. It costs approximately $10,000 and he will be giving WCAT the information. Mayor Kirksey suggested that a motion be made to direct the City Administrator to schedule his evaluation with the Council. Administrator Childs stated that he would submit evaluation forms to the Councilors early next week. 1984 ADJOURNMENT. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ.... meeting be adjourned. passed unanimously. The meeting concluded at The motion 9:28p.m.. L"'-" ',7 APPROVED ./~,,",,__.4 NANCY A. KIRKSEY, MAX R ATTEST fI\ c~/~__+ Mary Ten nt, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 13 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 10, 1997 r.' _ _. ~_~'___.--'.~~_".."u,_,.___.~..,~..__.,,_ .. . .~.