Minutes - 10/27/1997 TAPE READING 0001 0005 0023 0033 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 27, 1997 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, OCTOBER 27, 1997. CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kirksey Chadwick Figley Hagenauer Jennings Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Police Chief Wright, Finance Director Gillespie, Library Director Sprauer, City Recorder Tennant MINUTES. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... approve the regular Council minutes of October 13, 1997 and Commission minutes of October 9, 1997. unanimously. and executive session accept the Planning The motion passed APPOINTMENTS - PLANNING COMMISSION POSITION NO.9. Mayor Kirksey appointed Bruce Gunderson, 230 Workman Drive, to fill the unexpired term ending December 31, 1997. PUGH/FIGLEY... appointment of Bruce Gunderson to the Planning Commission be approved. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Gunderson introduced himself to the audience and stated that he has been a resident of the City for over 35 years and served on the City Council from 1966-68. For many years, he worked for Birds Eye Corp. as an Engineer in construction management. He stated that he is anxious to serve on the Commission to see how he can be of help to the City. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY OPEN HOUSE - - - An open house will be held on Saturday, November 1, 1997, at the Woodburn Public Library from 2:00 pm to 4:00 p.m.. BALLOT DROP SITE --- City Hall is a designated Ballot drop site in Marion County for the November 4, 1997 election. The ballot box is located in the main lobby of City Hall. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 27, 1997 ~.".. ._..,.."__.._.~.___._.__<..~__M.~._ . - TAPE READING 0128 0222 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 27, 1997 PUBLIC HEARINGS --- On November 10, 1997, will hold public hearings on the following a) Annexation of property located west of and south of Parr Rd (Centennial Park) b) Annexation of property located between Aztec Ave. c) Community Development Block Grant the City Council issues: Boones Ferry Rd. E. Blaine St. and CANCELLATION OF DECEMBER 22, 1997 COUNCIL MEETING. The Mayor stated that she had canceled the regular Council meeting scheduled for December 22nd due to its close proximity to the Christmas holidays. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING AND WORKSHOP ON DECEMBER 15, 1997 Mayor Kirksey called for a special meeting and workshop to be held on December 15, 1997, 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers. The purpose of the workshop is to look at what the Water Master Plan committee will be asked to do and to decide how long the committee will remain intact. She suggested that the Councilors provide names for appointments after the first of the year. PRESENTATION -- RECOGNITION OF LILLIAN WARZYNSKI. Mayor Kirksey presented Lillian Warzynski with a placque for her many years of dedicated service as a Planning Commission member (1988-1997). Mayor Kirksey also informed the audience that Mrs. Warzynski has been a member of numerous other committees and/or programs such as RSVP Advisory Council and the Three Valleys Project. In her opinion, Mrs. Warzynski is only taking a "time-out" and will resume her role as an active community participant once she is in better health. Councilor Sifuentez stated that she has been a very dedicated volunteer who has served our community with all her passion and loving every minute of it. Lillian Warzynski expressed her appreciation to the Mayor, Council, planning staff, all of the Planning Commission members who have served with her, and to the citizens who are a part of this great town. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Geri Bosch, representing the Chamber Board, thanked the public for their support of the Business Showcase held last week and she thanked the City for being a part of the event. She also reminded the public that the annual Chamber auction will be held on Friday, November 7th, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm, at the Woodburn Fire Department. A portion of this year's proceeds will go towards the "Welcome To Woodburn" sign fund. Mayor Kirksey stated that the Business Showcase was a success and very well attended. She displayed the banner and department signs that were created by Library Director Sprauer Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 27, 1997 'T'-. "'__.~~~..M__' IT I i TAPE READING 0318 0351 0466 'I COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 27, 1997 who did the work in setting up the booth. She expressed her appreciation to Director Sprauer for her creativity and assistance in manning the booth at the event. She also informed the Council that she will attending the auction while several Councilors are attending the annual League conference. LETTER OF NOTIFICATION FROM SECRETARY OF STATE'S OFFICE RE: POSSIBLE ELECTION VIOLATION. Attorney Shields stated that a written complaint was filed with the Secretary of State's Office alleging possible election violations regarding the brochure that was distributed by the City. He stated that staff did everything they could to make the flyer fair and impartial and we will be cooperating fully with the State in their investigation. Mayor Kirksey stated that she had received letters from the cities of Ashland, Klamath Falls, and LaGrande in response to the resolution that the Council passed encouraging the State to take action on a state-wide fuel tax. Mayor Kirksey also stated that a hand-delivered letter was received from JoAnne Beck, attorney representing D. Doman who is the owner of property at 276 E Lincoln Street. Administrator Childs read the letter which requested postponement of discussion on concerns and/or complaints surrounding this remodeling project until the next regular meeting to allow adequate preparation for an informed discussion on the project. In her letter, she stated that Mr. Smith is aware that Mr. Doman is represented by her, however, he has not provided her with specific concerns or complaints which need to be addressed. Mayor Kirksey stated that she felt the Council should allow public comments to be made on this issue but, in fairness to the Domans, it should be scheduled as a future agenda item. Attorney Shields stated that it is a potential land use issue but, at this stage, there is nothing pending and it is at the Mayor's discretion to hear any citizen that comes before the Council. He had mentioned to Ms. Beck that it would be appropriate for her to write a letter to the Council on this issue. Steven Smith, 286 E. Lincoln Street, stated that it is a legal matter that should be of interest and concern to the Council and community. He provided the Council with written information which included a picture of the property, tax map, plot plan submitted with the application for a permit, excerpts from the City's zoning ordinance, and his comments on points relating to each excerpt. He stated that he has dealt with the City staff and, in his opinion, this issue goes beyond city employees and needs to be addressed by the Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 27, 1997 '" . .....__.. .._..4..___.._"___."._...._~'~".~____.___.~.~'___~_ TAPE READING 0560 0578 0622 0695 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 27, 1997 Council. He requested that the Council grant his property the protection that the zoning ordinance provides to all property owners. TABLED BUSINESS - WDA REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF TREES ON FRONT STREET. No action was taken by the Council to remove this item from the agenda. COUNCIL BILL 1834 - ORDINANCE RECLASSIFYING PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF ARNEY ROAD FROM INTERCHANGE DISTRICT TO COMMERCIAL RETAIL - (HERSHBERGER MOTORS) . Council Bill 1834 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. Recorder Tennant read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1834 duly passed with the emergency clause. COUNCIL BILL 1835 - ORDINANCE INTERPRETING ORDINANCE NO. 2092 (SIGN ORDINANCE) REGARDING INTEGRATED BUSINESS CENTER. Council Bill 1835 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. The two readings of the bill were read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Councilor Jennings stated that he still does not feel that the interpretation as presented in this bill is correct, however, he will be voting aye at this time so as not to hold up the passage of the bill. Councilor Figley expressed her belief that the current sign ordinance needs to be updated and clarified within the near future. Councilor Jennings stated that he also feels that the ordinance needs to be updated and will be offering a motion under "New Business" to review the sign ordinance. Councilor Pugh stated that, regarding this Council Bill, he did not feel that the staff should weaken the position they have made regarding their decision. On roll call vote for final passage, Council Bill 1835 passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared the bill duly passed with the emergency clause. COUNCIL BILL 1836 - ORDINANCE AMENDING THE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION ORDINANCE AND EXTENDING THE EXPIRATION DATE TO DECEMBER 31. 1998. Councilor Hagenauer introduced Council Bill 1836. Recorder Tennant read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1836 duly passed with the emergency clause. Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 27, 1997 ..-'^ .._-"<...-~-~--_., 11 J I TAPE READING 0727 0748 0771 " I COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 27, 1997 APPROVAL OF HANDICAPPED PARKING IN DOWNTOWN WOODBURN. A staff memo reviewed the locations of on-street and off- street handicapped parking spaces currently located in the downtown central business district and recommended the installation of 3 additional handicapped on-street parking spaces. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... approve the installation of 3 on-street handicapped parking spaces as designated on the map attached to the staff report which are the (1) first position on the north side of Grant St., (2) the first position on the north side of Hayes St., and (3) the south side of Hayes St. right by First Street. The motion passed unanimously. SURPLUS PROPERTY TRANSFER. Over the last two years, computer upgrades have been necessary to enhance city operations and make our computer system compatible with other computer software programs currently used by the City. As a result, a number of computers originally purchased in 1988-89 are outdated and are not upgradable. Staff recommended that these computers be declared as surplus property and be given to the Woodburn High School computer lab to be used in student training on computer use and repairs. It was also noted that sale of the computers at the State Surplus Auction would not generate much money, therefore, giving the computers to the school for student training would be far more beneficial to our community. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... approve the transfer of the surplus city computers to the Woodburn School District. The motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS - SIGN ORDINANCE REVIEW. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... Council instruct city staff to put a priority to revisions to the sign ordinance. Councilor Jennings stated that there should be no doubt that the Council seriously wants this ordinance looked at. In his opinion, there are several things wrong with the ordinance such as sign clutter, grandfather provisions, size, etc., and inconsistent legal definition of an integrated business. The Council may know what the intent was but the legal definition is not clear. He feels that integrated business language needs to be removed from the sign ordinance, restrict all signs to 75 sq. feet, and revisit the grandfather clause. He feels that the ordinance needs to be thoroughly reviewed by the Council and staff before it comes before the Council for final action. Council Pugh stated that the Planning Commission has worked on this issue in the past and expressed his opinion that they should be involved in this process. Councilor Jennings did not object to the Commission participating in this process but strongly feels that the Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 27, 1997 .. ,_.~_._~.." ..'.."........-... ....~.__.~,~.~_..~ "~_..._--_... '!Ii I i 't COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 27, 1997 TAPE READING Council should be more actively involved in the review process. Following a brief discussion on the motion, the motion passed unanimously. 0925 SITE ACTION PLAN #97-04 -- FOUR LOT SUBDIVISION LOCATED AT 798 WILSON STREET. No action was taken by the Council on this site action plan. 0935 STAFF REPORTS. Status Report on Northbound I-5 Traffic Signal and Ramp Improvements --- Work on the widening of the ramp is nearly complete, however, the traffic signal has been delayed due to the availability of the pole. The anticipated completion date for this project is November 14, 1997. Salem Transit District Public Forum on Transit Services --- Councilor Jennings stated that the City should take a close look at what is being discussed and encouraged Council and citizen participation in attending this forum at the Woodburn Family Medical Center on Thursday, October 30th, from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm and from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm. He stated that this could have some very strong ramifications to the North Marion county area since it deals with the expansion of the Salem Transit services to the rural areas. He stated that he would be out of town that day, otherwise, he would attend the forum. In his opinion, the service should not be extended to Woodburn until the City takes a good look at our own transit district. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that information is being distributed in the Senior Estates area to inform those residents of the upcoming forum. Mayor Kirksey stated that she, along with staff members, will be in attendance at the forum. Marion County Public Safety Coordinating Council --- Administrator Childs briefly review his memo outlining the role of the County Public Safety Coordinating Council which is an advisory group established under State Senate Bill 1145. Currently, there is one or more vacancies on the Coordinating Council and the County is soliciting for names of interested elected officials who would like to serve as a member of this group. "How The Times Have Changed" --- Copy of an old city letterhead, dated by to as early as the 1920's, was provided to the Council as a reminder of how times have changed in Woodburn. Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 27, 1997 ~_. ,--------- --.,~.- '" . TAPE READING 1200 1306 'It COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 27, 1997 ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. Administrator Childs commended Library Director Sprauer for coordinating the City's entry in the Business Showcase and his appreciation to Mayor Kirksey for her commitment of time to assist Director Sprauer in staffing the booth during the event. He also stated that he had recently received a letter from Wells Fargo Bank indicating that the downtown bank branch located at First & Garfield St. will close at the end of January 1998. He stated that the loss of this business will be a large dent in the work being done by the Downtown Association in revitalizing the downtown area. The Council was provided new Ordinance books. Attorney Shields expressed his appreciation to Secretary Kay Vestal for her work in updating the books. By doing this project in house, the City has saved a substantial amount of money over the years. This is an on-going project and updates will be provided on a periodic basis. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS. Councilor Pugh questioned if the information on the Wells Fargo Bank had been forwarded to the Downtown Association and, if applicable, the Downtown Association could contact other banks in the greater Portland/Metro area to see if another bank is interested in this site. Councilor Figley thanked the Public Works Director for his role in moving the Parr Rd. improvements along. She also stated that the catch basin work done in the Tout/Front Street area is still in poor condition with a lot of standing water in the roadway area when it rains. Councilor Jennings stated that he had received a telephone call from Dave Galati, Council of Governments, requesting that he attend a meeting on November 5th in Portland which involves COG and Metro. Councilor Jennings stated that he would not be able to attend, however, if a city staff member or elected official is interested in attending, they should contact Mr. Galati. He also stated that the contractors are pouring concrete faster in the alley than on Parr Rd.. This has been one of his pet projects for many years and it will soon be done. Councilor Jennings also questioned the status of the appointments to the County Waste Advisory Committee since he continues to see announcements in the newspaper recruiting names for the vacant positions. Mayor Kirksey stated that she had hand-delivered the Council's recommendations to appoint David Vancil and Ron Lilienthal. She stated that she had contacted the County about two weeks ago to check on this issue but, for some reason, they have not Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 27, 1997 T- ,~,,~- .....---....-- .,..~,- .~."._- ,-. ,-.......-....._..~._--",._-~-~- - . . TAPE READING 1744 " COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 27, 1997 taken any action to appoint individuals to the committee. She will recontact the County to find out what is going on at the county level. Councilor Jennings also questioned why the Parr Rd. contractors had compacted the gravel then had to dig it back up. Public Works Director briefly compared the Alley project with Parr Rd. in that the digging of the area was done at different times. Heavy rainfall created a problem on Parr Rd. in that the soil had failed and the contractor was required to change how the work was done before asphalt is laid. On Parr Rd., there was no requirement for geotextile material, however, the failure of the soil created a need to lay the material and, in some places, increase the rock depth to 8". If the weather holds, the contractor will be laying a 3" asphalt base tomorrow with two more layers of asphalt to be applied after the sun comes out. In regards to the catch basin issue, Director Tiwari stated that he will have his staff look into the situation and make necessary corrections. Councilor Sifuentez stated that she had received the information from Mr. Smith over the weekend and she was glad that it had been distributed to the Council for their review. Councilor Jennings stated that one of the major Portland TV Channels had a news story on the hazards of leaves on the roadways and/or sidewalks and he suggested that Director Tiwari reviewed the City's program along with problems created with leaves in the roadway. Director Tiwari stated that one of the hazards with leaves is that, after rainfall or when damp, they are very slick resulting in a motorist's inability to stop as quickly. School children walk along Settlemier which generally has a high volume of leaves on the sidewalk and/or next to the curb which can be very dangerous if the leaves are slick or in such a large pile next to the curb that they play in the leaves along the roadway. Residents need to be cautious as to when they rake the leaves to the roadway area so as to minimize hazards. In regards to the street sweeper, leaves should be raked out in such a manner as to not clog the street sweeper. He reminded the public that the Wastewater Treatment Plant does accept leaves for composting and no fee is charged for this service. Other alternatives include 1) bagged leaves can be picked-up by United Disposal Service for a fee and 2) residents doing their own composting. He stated that Marion County has a composting program in which residents can purchase composting bins at cost from certain stores. Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 27, 1997 ...~ -,."-,'~ ,^,_.. ...".. ..---.-.-- ,-,_._-~-,---"_._--,~_.,~.~.. "I> COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 27, 1997 TAPE READING Residents interested in purchasing composting bins should contact the Marion County Recycling program. In regards to the Parr Rd. improvement, Director Tiwari stated that the sidewalks were finished on time, however, the roadway has been a problem. He requested that residents and other motorists to be patient and the end result will be worth the wait. Councilor Sifuentez stated that she had received an invitation today from the Marion County Commissioners inviting the community to participate in the interest and issues concerning juvenile crime. The meeting will be held on November 3rd, 7:00 p.m., at Woodburn City Hall. She encouraged the public to attend and voice their concerns and/or opinions on this issue. Mayor Kirksey also suggested that the Council prepare a tentative calendar to include time in which Councilors let her know when they will be gone for meeting planning purposes. It was the consensus of the Council to recess at 8:02 p.m. and they reconvened at 8:07 p.m.. 2041 Councilor Pugh stated for the record that a representative from the Woodburn Independent was not present at this meeting. PRESENTATION -- MILL CREEK FORCE MAIN/PUMP STATION. Director Tiwari stated that the wastewater plan is comprised of three components: 1) collection system, 2) treatment system, and 3) poplar tree plantation. To update the Council and public on the status of the $3.2 million collection system project, he had arranged for consultant Steve Kebbe, Crane & Merseth, to provide technical information on this project. A question was raised regarding the difference between a force main and a pump station. Director Tiwari stated that a pump station forces sewage up to the force main which is under pressure to move the sewage to the plant. Steve Kebbe reviewed the accomplishments over the last 8 months which have included: 1) 1-5 pump station (south of Wal-Mart) will have two larger pumps installed to move sewage flow (bid awarded with construction to start within next few weeks) ; 2) 1-5 Force Main extension from the 1-5 gravity to connect to the force main recently installed behind the school then to Mill Creek (part of pump station contract) ; 3) 1-5 Gravity sewer line behind the Jr. High School (just completed) ; 4) Mill Creek Force Main is a 2nd new force main to move sewage to the treatment plant and it will be a 24" line versus Page 9 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 27, 1997 .,......... ._.._..",-,.- ... . TAPE READING 2828 2894 2908 ""l COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 27, 1997 the existing 18" line (design should be completed by February 1998 with construction completed by summer 1998); 5) Infiltration/Inflow Reduction will also be evaluated to determine how much storm water is in the sewer lines and how much can be reduced in order to not overload the system (if construction is necessary to reduce infiltration and/or inflow, it will probably begin in the summer of 1998); and 6) Mill Creek Pump Station improvements include mechanical and structural changes to determine what is causing the vibration of the pumps in addition to the 20 year age of the pump station. In summary, he stated that once the collection system project is completed it is expected to have a greater capacity in the system to transport wastewater to the treatment plant facility. Director Tiwari invited Councilors interested in touring the Mill Creek pump station to contact his office and a tour will be scheduled. He also stated that there is a possibility that the City could obtain a $500,000 grant towards the Infiltration/Inflow Reduction study and staff will be working to secure grant funding. EXECUTIVE SESSION. JENNINGS/PUGH... adjourn to executive session under the authority of ORS 192.660(1) (e) to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to negotiate real property transactions. The motion passed unanimously. The Council adjourned to executive session at 8:26 pm and reconvened at 8:57 p.m.. Mayor Kirksey stated that no action was being taken by the Council as a result of the executive session. ADJOURNMENT. JENNINGS/PUGH.... meeting be adjourned. unanimously. The meeting adjourned at The motion passed 8:58p.m.. / . :zt/ APPROVED-:?~ g ...~~ ~/ NANCY A.:AhRKSEY, MAYOR/ ./ ;" / ATTEST~~~- Mar nant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 10 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 27, 1997 . ._.__ ,._.w._._..-~.._._~_.__~,._~._,_.~ 'IT .