Agenda - 06/27/1997 Spec MtgNOTICE I, Nancy A. Kirksey, the duly elected Mayor of the City of Woodbum, Oregon, do hereby call a special meeting of the Woodburn City Council to be held on Monday, June 30, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. at Woodburn City Hall, Council Chambers, 270 Montgomery Street, Woodburn, Oregon, specifically to consider the following agenda. Dated this 27th day of June, 1997. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CA[~ 3. GENERAL B USINF~$ : ,4. K Sg¥, M ¥OR / / Council Bill No. 1809 - Ordinance adopting a budget for Fiscal Year 1997-98, making appropriations and levying taxer 3.4 B. Council Bill No. 1810 - Resolution approving transfer of operating contingency appropriations. 3B C. Acdeptance of utility easement on school property. 3C D. Contract Award: Parr Road Improvements. 3D E. Contract Award: Gravity sewer constructior~ 3_.~ F. Insurance renewals for FY 1997-98. 3F ADJOURNMENT [ THIS SPECIAL MEETING IS INDEPENDENT OF THE COUNCIL WORKSHOP CONCERNING PLANNING FEES AND SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES (SDCs)'ALSO SCHEDULED AND NOTICED FOR 7:00 p.m. THE SAME EVENING.] MEMO TO : FROM : DATE : SUBJECT : MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Mary Tennant City Recorder June 25, 1997 1997-98 CITY BUDGET RECOMMENDATION: Approve the accompanying Council Bill which adopts the 1997-98 budget, establishes the appropriations for each fund, and levies taxes. BACKGROUND: The City Budget Committee approved a budget for Fiscal Year 1997-98 and a public hearing was held before the City Council on June 23, 1997. The next step in the budget process is Council adoption of a budget prior to July 1st. Oregon Budget Law allows for adjustments to the budget provided that any. increase in a fund does not exceed 10% of the appropriations as approved by the Budget Committee. Adjustments are being proposed within certain funds in order to incorporate the Budget Committee recommendation, and subsequent Council adoption of the recommendation, to reduce wage/salary expenditures for certain management/non-union employees whose wage adjustment in 1996-97 is in excess of 4% from the 1996-97 budgeted amount. In most cases, reductions in these line items are reflected in an increase in the operating contingency line item. The City is applying for a Bureau of Justice Grant (BJA) in the amount of $17,368 which will be used for future purchase of Police Department equipment. These grant dollars, along with savings in various General Fund Personnel Services categories, will be transferred to the General Fund Capital Improvement Fund (Unappropriated Balance Reserve for Public Safety line item). The increase in Non-Departmental Materials & Services (Contractual Services line item) provides for the carryover of unexpended funds to pay for consulting fees relating to the development of a performance appraisal system which was previously authorized by the Council. The Parks Master Plan is currently being developed by a Consultant and completion of this project will be during Fiscal Year 1997-98 rather than the current fiscal year as originally shown in the budget document. Recently, the Aquatic Center set-up a concession stand rather than utilizing vending machines in the lobby. This new venture has experienced good results during the first month and it is anticipated that actual revenues will be approximately $15,000 to $20,000 while the estimated expense is $10,000. For budgeting purposes, the Parks revenue budget reflects an increase of $10,000 with an expenditure offset in the Aquatic Center's materials & services category. The proposed budget also includes pass-through revenue and expense for the final Museum land contract payment due July 1st. -~ Page 2 - Memo Council Bill RE: 1997-98 Budget Within the Wastewater Fund, the City is required to keep a minimum level of unappropriated balance (reserve fund) in order to comply with DEQ loan provisions. Revenues for user fees are anticipated to be higher than originally expected, therefore, these additional revenues will be shown in the document as Unappropriated Balance. The Technical & Environmental Services Fund will have additional working capital carryover funds because some budgeted computer expenses have been postponed to next year and additional construction fees have been received. Therefore, the proposed budget includes additional appropriations in Planning and Engineering to be used towards the purchase of a computer related expenses. The City also collects Marion County fees for electrical and plumbing inspections forwarded to the County once the inspections are completed. These fees are considered as ,,pass-through", therefore, an increase in the revenue line item corresponds to the increase in the expenditure line item for this purpose. The balance of the appropriation adjustments within this fund are being allocated to operating contingency. A summary of all proposed budgetary changes is listed below. Increase (Decrease) GENERAL FUND: Revenues: Working Capital Carryover BJA Equipment Grant General Fund Revenues 5,000 17,368 Appropriations: City Admn Off-Pers Services Court/Rec Off - Pers Services Finance - Pers Services Police - Pers Services Non-Dept. -Mtls & Services Transfer Genl Fd CIF General Fund Appropriations 5,000 30,093 1,171) 511) 1,659) 9,384) LIBRARY FUND: Appropriations: Personnel Services Operating Contingency Library Fund Appropriations 771 771) Net Adj us tment 22,368 22,368 -0- Page 3 - Memo Council Bill RE: 1997-98 Budget Increase PA~KS, AND RECREATION FUND: Revenues: Working Capital Carryover Concession Receipts Museum Payment Pass Through Parks & Recreation Fund Revenues Appropriations: Admn. - Pers Services Leisure Serv - Pers Services Swimming Pool - Pers Services Swimming Pool - Mtls/Servs. Non Dept. -Matl. & Services Non Dept. - Capital Outlay Operating Contingency Parks & Recreation Fund Appropriations 13,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 13,000 5,000 8,523 FEDERAL PROGRAMS FUND (RSVP): Appropriations: Personnel Services Operating Contingency 1,112 Federal Programs Fund Appropriations ~RNERAL FUND CAPITAL IMPRV FUND: Revenues: Transfer from General Fund General Fund CIF Revenues Appropriations: Unapp Balance: Reserve for Public Safety General Fund CIF 30,093 30,093 WATER FUND: Revenues: Working Capital Carryover Water Fund Revenues Appropriations: Water Admn-Pers Services Meter Rding-Pers Services Water Fund Appropriations 1,776 2,423 WASTEWATER FUND: Revenues: Working Capital Carryover Sewer System Receipts Wastewater Fund Revenues Appropriations: Plant Operation-Pers Serv Operating Contingency Unappropriated Balance Wastewater Fund Appropriations 40,000 30,000 2,050 70,000 (Decrease) ( 1,785) ( 1,020) ( 5,718) ( 1,112) ( 647) ( 2,050) Net Adj us tment 28,000 28,000 -0- 30,093 30,093 1,776 1,776 70,000 70,000 Page 4 - Memo Council Bill RE= 1997-98 Budget Increase (Decrease) Net Adjustment TE¢~NICAL & ENVIR. SERVICES FUND: Revenues: Working Capital Carryover Marion Cnty Elect/Plumb Tech. & Envir Serv. Fund Revenues 36,000 75,000 Appropriations: Operating Contingency 30,604 Engineering - Pers Services Engineering - Capital Outlay 5,000 Building Div - Pers Services Building Div - Mtls & Serv. 75,000 Planning Div - Pers Services Planning Div - Capital Outlay 5,000 Tech & Envir Serv Fund Appropriations ( 1,628) ( 1,308) ( 1,668) 111,000 111,000 COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997-98 MAKING APPROPRIATIONS, LEVYING TAXES, AND DECLARINGAN EMERGENCY. THE CITY OF WOODBURN ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS= Section 1. That the budget for fiscal year 1997-98 is hereby adopted as set forth below. Section 2. That the taxes levied for fiscal year 1997-98, beginning July 1, 1997, as provided for in the budget adopted in Section 1 of this ordinance in the aggregate amount of $4,841,437 and that these taxes are levied upon all taxable property within the City as of 1:00 a.m. July 1, 1997. The following allocation and categorization subject to the limits of Section llb, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution make up the above aggregate levy: Subject to the General Government Limitation Excluded from the Limitation Tax Base Library Continuing Levy Parks Continuing Levy Bonded Debt $ 2,130,543 987,270 1,533,261 $ 190,363 Category Total $ 4,651,074 $ 190,363 TOTAL LEVY $ 4,841,437 Section 3. That the budget amounts for fiscal year 1997-98, and for the purposes shown below, are hereby appropriated as follows: · Bage 1.-' COUNCIL BIL~'NO. ORDINANCE NO. City Council and Mayor City Administrator's Office Municipal Court/City Recorder's Off. City Attorney's Office Finance Department Police Department City Maintenance Division Non-Departmental - Materials & Services Capital Outlay Interfund Transfer - Tech. & Envir. Serv. Fd Interfund Transfer - RSVP Federal Prgms Fd Interfund Transfer - Invst. & Seizure Fd Interfund Transfer - General Fund CIF Interfund Transfer - Data Processing Fund Operating Contingency $ 7,298 88,946 72,665 85,497 104,753 1,879,401 83,645 283,511 74,400 98,388 20,000 10,000 180,093 60,000 128,743 TOTAL GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS TRANSIT SYSTEM FUND -- City Transit System $ Interfund Transfer - Transit/DAR Eqp. Repl Fd Operating Contingency Dial-a-Ride Program Interfund Transfer - Transit/DAR Eqp. Repl Fd Operating Contingency 87,045 2,400 2,236 68,303 1,800 6,565 TOTAL TRANSIT SYSTEM FUND APPROPRIATIONS LIBRARY FUND -- Personal Services Materials & Services Capital Outlay Operating Contingency 372,621 149,388 35,272 35,771 TOTAL LIBRARY FUND APPROPRIATIONS PARKS AND RECREATION FUND --- Administrative Services Parks & Facility Maintenance Leisure Services Swimming Pool Non-Departmental - Materials & Services Non-Departmental - Capital Outlay Operating Contingency 217,288 291,420 134,583 301,674 27,386 18,000 58,523 TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION FUND $3,177,340 $ 168,349 $ 593,052 $1,048,874 Page 2 - COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. INVESTIGATION AND SEIZURE FUND --- Materials & Services $ 29,500 TOTAL INVESTIGATION & SEIZURE FUND APPROPRIATIONS STATE REVENUE SHARING FUND --- Materials & Services $ Capital Outlay TOTAL STATE REVENUE SHARING FUND APPROPRIATIONS 42,284 89,716 ECONOMIC DEVELOPN~NT R~VOLVING LOAN FUND --- Materials & Services Capital Outlay $ 150,000 1,200,000 TOTAL ECON. DEVLP REV LOAN FUND APPROPRIATIONS HOUSING ~K~kBILITATION FUND --- Materials & Services Capital Outlay Operating Contingency $ 25,690 200,000 76,233 TOTAL HOUSING REHABILITATION FUND APPROPRIATIONS F_~D_ERAL PROGRAMS FUND (Retired Senior Volunteer Progr,m) -- Personal Services Materials & Services Operating Contingency $ 67,592 14,212 3,329 TOTAL FEDERAL PROGRAMS FUND APPROPRIATIONS CABL~ FRANCHISE MANAGEMENT FUND --- CATV Access Program CATV Franchise Management Operating Contingency $ 11,350 7,700 6,106 TOTAL CABLE FRANCHISE MANAGEMENT FUND APPROPRIATIONS STREET FUND --- Street Repair & Maintenance Street Cleaning Non-Departmental - Materials & Services Interfund Transfer - Tech. & Envir. Serv. Fd Interfund Transfer - Pub. Wrks Const. Fund Interfund Transfer - Street Equip Repl Fund Operating Contingency ~ ~OTAL'STR~T FUND APP~0PRIATIONS '~ ...... Page 3 - COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. $ 489,888 58,761 35,250 150,000 20,000 30,000 35,900 $ 29,500 $ 132,000 $1,350,000 $ 301,923 $ 85,133 $ 25,156 $' 819,.799 CITY C~AS TAX FUND --- Materials & Services $ 10,000 Capital Outlay 113,000 TOTAL CITY GAS TAX FUND APPROPRIATIONS $ BONDED DEBT FUND --- Debt Service - Principal Ensuing Year $ 90,000 Debt Service - Interest Ensuing Year 78,230 TOTAL BONDED DEBT FUND APPROPRIATIONS $ BANCROFT BOND REDEMPTION FUND --- Debt Service - Principal Ensuing Year $ 100,000 Debt Service - Interest Ensuing Year 3,600 TOTAL BANCROFT BOND REDEMPTION FUND APPROPRIATIONS $ ~__~NERAL FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND --- Capital Outlay $ 178,567 TOTAL GENERAL FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND $ 123,000 168,230 103,600 178,567 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND --- Materials & Services Capital Outlay Debt Service - Bond/AsSessment Expense TOTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND APPROPRIATIONS STR~T/STORM DRAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND --- Materials & Services Capital Outlay $ 67,600 875,000 23,000 $ 435,000 299,992 TOTAL STREET/STORM DRAIN C.I.F. APPROPRIATIONS PARK & RECREATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND --- Park Projects Centennial Park Project Neighborhood Park Projects Community Center Project TOTAL PARK & RECREATION C.I.F. APPROPRIATIONS 27,079 100,130 21,568 24,068 965,600 734,992 172,845 Page 4 '- COUNCIL BILL NO. · ' ORDINANCE NO. ~ 3A CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION FUND --- Materials & Services $ 4,000 TOTAL CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION FUND APPROPRIATIONS DATA PROCESSING/CAPITAL PROJ. M6~4T FUND --- Materials & Services $ 45,000 Capital Outlay 125,000 Operating Contingency 23,000 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT FUND APPROPRIATIONS TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE FUND --- Materials & Services $ 150,000 Capital Outlay 847,000 Interfund Transfer - PW Shop Const. Fund 10,000 Interfund Transfer - Econ. Devlp Rev. Loan Fd 50,000 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE FUND APPROPRIATIONS STORM WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FUND --- Materials & Services $ 130,000 Capital Outlay 237,000 Interfund Transfer - PW Shop Const. Fund 10,000 TOTAL STORM WATER SYS DEVLP. FUND APPROPRIATIONS TRANSIT/DIAL-A-RIDE EQUIP. REPL. RESERVE FUND --- Capital Outlay $ 14,465 TOTAL TRANSIT/DAR EQUIP. REPLC RES FUND APPROPRIATIONS STREET EQUIP. REPLACEMENT RESERVE FUND --- Capital Outlay $ 135,000 TOTAL STREET EQUIP. REPL. RES. FUND APPROPRIATIONS SEWER CAPITAL iMPROVEMENT FUND --- Materials & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL SEWER C.I.F. APPROPRIATIONS WATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND --- Materials & Services Capital Outlay · 'TOTAL'WATER C.I.'F. APPROPRIATIONS. Page 5 - COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. $ 47,860 290,140 $ 10,000 39,000 $ 4,000 $ 193,000 $1,057,000 $ 377,000 $ 14,465 $ 135,000 $ 338,000 .: ... ' '.. ..: $ ' "49.,'0 0 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT CONSTRUCTION FUND --- Personnel Services Materials & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL WWTP CONSTRUCTION FUND APPROPRIATIONS $ 11,783 3,600,000 2,490,217 COLLECTION SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION FUND --- Personnel Services Materials & Services Capital Outlay $ 3,134 440,000 $2,654,866 TOTAL COLLECTION SYSTEM CONST FUND APPROPRIATIONS WATER WELL SOURCE/DISTRIBUTION CONSTRUCTION FUND --- Materials & Services $ 35,000 Capital Outlay 350,000 TOTAL WATER WELL SOURCE/DIST. CONST. FD APPROPRIATIONS WATER FUND --- Water Administration Meter Reading/Accounting Misc. Water Accounts - Materials & Services Interfund Transfer - Tech. & Envir. Serv. Fd Interfund Transfer - Water Equip. Repl Fd Interfund Transfer - PW Shop Construction Fd Interfund Transfer - Data Processing Fund Interfund Transfer - Econ Devl Rev Loan Fund Operating Contingency TOTAL WATER FUND APPROPRIATIONS $ 769,146 139,872 12,500 225,000 15,000 35,000 5,500 25,000 33,069 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FUND --- Treatment Plant Operations Sewer Line Maintenance Misc. WWTP Accounts - Materials & Services Interfund Transfer - Tech. & Envir. Serv. Fd Interfund Transfer - Water Fund Interfund Transfer - WWTP Equip Repl Fund Interfund Transfer - WWTP Construction Fund Interfund Transfer - PW Shop Construction Fd Interfund Transfer - Data Processing Fund Interfund Transfer - Wastewater Collect. Fund Operating Contingency 954,295 238,614 27,200 245,000 55,000 75,000 2,000,000 40,000 4,400 937,688 44,094 TOTAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FUND APPROPRIATIONS Page 6 - COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. $6,102,000 $3,098,000 $ 385,000 $1,260,087 $4,621,291 WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND --- Materials & Services Capital Outlay Interfund Transfer - PW Shop Const. Fund Interfund Transfer - Econ Devlp Rev. Loan Fd $ 80,000 693,000 10,000 75,000 TOTAL WATER SYSTEM DEVLP. TRUST FUND APPROPRIATIONS WASTEWATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND --- Materials & Services Capital Outlay Interfund Transfer - Econ Devlp Rev. Loan Fd Interfund Transfer - WW Collection Const Fd Interfund Transfer - PW Shop Const. Fund Interfund Transfer - WWTP Const. Fund $ 45,000 322,000 75,000 750,000 10,000 250,000 TOTAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DEVLP. TRUST FUND APPROPRIATIONS PUBLIC WORKS SHOP FACILITY CONSTRUCTION FUND --- Capital Outlay $ 172,000 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY CONST. FUND APPROPRIATIONS WASTEWATER EQUIP. REPLACEMENT RESERVE FUND --- Capital Outlay $ 110,000 TOTAL WASTEWATER EQUIP REPLC RES FUND APPROPRIATIONS WATER EQUIP. REPLACEMENT RESERVE FUND --- Capital Outlay $ 152,500 TOTAL WATER EQUIP. REPLAC RES. FUND APPROPRIATIONS WORKING CAPITAL FUND (Central Stores) --- Materials & Services $ 15,000 TOTAL WORKING CAPITAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS SELF-INSURANCE FUND --- Materials & Services $ 293,158 Operating Contingency 148,436 TOTAL SELF-INSURANCE FUND APPROPRIATIONS $ 858,000 $1,452,000 $ 172,000 $ 110,000 $ 152,500 $ 15,000 $ 441,594 Page'7 ~.~OUNcIL"BILL'N0.' ORDINANCE NO. TECWNICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FUND --- Public Works Administration Operating Contingency Engineering Division Interfund Transfer - Cap. Proj. Mgmt. Fund Central Garage Building Division Planning Division $ 156,510 55,067 513,861 4,400 56,535 231,444 219,634 TOTAL TECH. & ENVIRONMENTAL SERV. FUND APPROPRIATIONS LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND --- Operating Contingency $ 89,058 TOTAL LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL OPERATING RESERVE FUND --- Capital Outlay Operating Contingency $ 20,000 180,365 TOTAL GENERAL OPERATING RESERVE FUND APPROPRIATIONS MAMMOTH PARK TRUST FUND --- Materials & Services $ 6,000 TOTAL MAMMOTH PARK TRUST FUND APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS -- ALL FUNDS UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE (BY FUND): General Fund Library Fund Park & Recreation Fund Bonded Debt Fund Bancroft Bond Fund General Fund Capital Imprv. Fund Genl Fund CIF - Reserve for Public Safety Data Processing Fund Wastewater Treatment Plant Fund Working Capital Fund General Fund Operating Reserve Fund $ 100,575 153,093 129,296 138,234 178,878 116,000 60,093 19,250 295,000 25,930 210,000 TOTAL UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE -- ALL FUNDS TOTAL 1997-98 CITY BUDGET $1,237,451 $ 89,058 $ 200,365 $ 6,000 $32,545,771 $ 1,426,349 $33,972,120 Page 8 COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. Less: Budget Resources other than taxes to be levied $30,891,819 Taxes necessary to balance budget Taxes estimated not to be received ensuing year Total Taxes levied by Section 2 of this Ordinance $ 3,080,301 $ 1,761,136 $ 4,841,437 The following tax allocations constitute the above aggregate levy: General Fund $ 2,046,811 Transit Fund 83,732 Library Continuing Levy 987,270 Parks Continuing Levy 1,533,261 Bonded Debt Fund 190.,363 Total Taxes Levied $ 4,841,437 Section 4. That the City Recorder shall certify the tax levy to the County Clerk and County Assessor of Marion County, Oregon, made thereby and shall file with the Department of Revenue and the Division of Audits of the Secretary of State, State of Oregon, a true copy of the budget as finally adopted in accordance with the provisions of the Local Budget Laws of the State of Oregon. Section 5. That if any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or portion of this ordinance for any reason shall be adjudged invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, section or portion of this ordinance directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment is rendered. Section 6. This ordinance being necessary for the public peace, health and safety, in that a budget for fiscal year 1997-98 needs to be adopted by July 1, 1997 in order to continue City services, an emergency is declared to exist and this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Approved as to Form: City Attorney Date APPROVED Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder NANCY A. KIRKSEY, MAYOR ATTEST Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 9 - COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. MEMO TO : FROM : DATE : SUBJECT : MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MARY TENNANT, CITY RECORDER JUNE 26, 1997 TRANSFER OF OPERATING CONTINGENCY APPROPRIATIONS DURING FISCAL YEAR 1996-97 RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt the accompanying Council Bill to transfer operating contingency appropriations within the Wastewater Treatment Plant Fund. BACKGROUND: In late December 1996, a pump located in the Mill Creek Lift Station was damaged due to heavy rain conditions. An emergency contract in the amount of $10,100 was executed by staff, subsequently approved by the Council, in order to expedite the repair the pump. Staff has been monitoring the Treatment Plant Operations appropriations which are currently below the total allowable expense for the year, however, necessary repairs during the current month may exceed the appropriations limit originally established for plant operations. Passage of the proposed Council Bill will insure the City's compliance with Local Budget Law for this fund. COUNCIL BILL NO. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF OPERATING CONTINGENCY APPROPRIATIONS DURING FISCAL YEAR 1996-97. WHEREAS, Oregon Revised Statutes 294.450(2) allows for the transfer of operating contingency appropriations within a fund to an existing appropriations category within the same fund during the year in which appropriations are made, and WHEREAS, the Wastewater Fund requires a transfer of operating contingency appropriations to meet unanticipated expenditures in the Equipment Repair and Maintenance line item due to an emergency repair of a damaged pump at the Mill Creek pump station, now, therefore, THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That authorization is hereby given to transfer the following operating contingency appropriation within the 1996-97 budget: TRANSFER FROM: Wastewater Fund Operating Contingency (72-730-921.000) $ 10,000 TRANSFER TO: Wastewater Fund: Treatment Plant Operations Materials & Services (72-720-620.001) $ 10,000 Approved as to Form: City Attorney Date APPROVED Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder NANCY A. KIRKSEY, MAYOR ATTEST Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 1 - Council Bill No. Resolution No. MEMO TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Council through City Administrator Public Works Director ~ June 26, 1997 Ac, ceptance of Utility Easement on School Property RECOMMENDATION: Accept attached utility easement that has been officially approved by the school board for city use. BACKGROUND: Attached is a copy of the utility easement (map and legal description) from school district to City of Woodburn that will be used during the construction of gravity sewer on the property. The sewer line construction is planned as a part of I-5 collection system improvement. GST:Ig Attachment ,~IIGHEAS.CC PROPOSAL FOR CITY OF WOODBURN I-5 GRAVITY SEWER AND DITCH IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION ON WOODBURN JUNIOR I/IGH SCHOOL PROPERTY The City of Woodbum is proposing that a gravity sewer pipeline be built along the western and northern sides of the Junior High School property. In addition, improvements to the ditch located on school property immediately north of the northwest portion of the existing fence are proposed. The following paragraphs descn'oe the proposed easement for the pipeline and ditch improvements and the construction process. EASEMENT The proposed easement with its accompanying map precisely describes permanent easements for the pipeline and ditch improvements and a temporary easement for cotmmctio~ The pemument easements are proposed to allow the City access for maintenance. The temporary easement is proposed to provide the City's conUactor with adequate area to be able to construct the pipeline and ditch improvements. The temporary easement will cease to exist upon construction completion. Please refer to the easement and accompanying map for the easement location~. Generally, the permanent pipeline easemeat i., 16 feet wide, except in the northeast comer of tho property where the width varies to avoid conflict with buildings and to include a 6-inch City water line that serves the school. The pennanem easement for the ditch improvements abuts the pipeline easemem. The temporary easement is 25 feet wide and abuts the pemument pipeline easement CONSTRUCTION PROCESS Construction is proposed for the 1997 summer during the time when school is out. If construction is not completed by the timo ghool begins, a temporary fenoe will be erected around the work area within the easemeat boundaries to isolate consuuofion activity. A trench will be excavated in which the pipeline will be placed. Backfdl will be placed over the pipeline, and grass seed/sod will be plamed to replace excavated gra,ns as desired by the school district. The asphalt ~n~arete drive along the north side of the propmy will be repaved. The not be disturbed. Two to four of the trees lining Highway 214 may need to be removed and replaexxl. Upon completion, the area will look essentially the same as it does now. Manholes in the lawn area will be completely buried with the lids at an elevation one foot below ground surface. One manhole in the asphalt concrete drive will be buried with the lid flush with the pavement mu~-ac~. Following completion, the City's conuactor w/Il be respotm'ble for replacement of all defecthre work and products for a period of one year. HENRY'S FARM SUBDIVISION -- DITCH EASEMENT 7286.50' N8654-'W 30,00' EL 5 -- PARCEL 1 PARCEL 2 WOODBURN JR. HIGH SCHOOL I PARCEL 1 1184.10' S88'50'E STAT~ ~/~/ / / / /, S88'30'E LEGEND: ~ PERMANENT SEWER EASEMENT TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT l.i:!ii!i!i!iiii!i!i!i!i!:ii!i!] PERMANENT DITCHIMPROVEMENT & MAINTENANCE EASEMENT · '-" ......... ~X[~ // .- ', TAX LOT 8600 · ':~ FAX: ('503) 654-2575 · . , TSS 'RtW, WM UTILITY EASEMENT 3C KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PKES~S, That SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 103C OF MARION COUNTY, ORF, CK)N for ~ consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable considerations to them paid, the reoelpt whereof hereby is aclmowledged, hereby do forever grant unto the City of over and along the full w~dth and length of the premises described A portion of that tract of land situated in the Northwest comer ofthe B. F. HaH Donation Land Claim, in the west ono-half of Section 7, Township $ South, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, Marion County, City ofWcodlxa~ O~gon and being more panicut~ desaibed ~ a Wmmy Deed to the School District No. 103c of Marion CootS, Oregon, recorded in Deed Volume 411, Page 625 of Marion County Deed Records. Permanent Sewer Easement: Parcel 1 This easement is for eight (8) feet in width on both sides of the following described centerline. C°mmen~ at an h'on PiP~ as de~atbed tn Deed Volume 41 !, Page 625 of Marion County Deed Rec0rds, South a distance of 800.77 feet and East a distance of 1276.11 feet from the Northwest comer of the B. F. Hall Donation Land Ciahn, in the West one-half of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence ,So~h 7°20' West a distance of 986.81 feet to a point 40 feet North of the South ~ of the B. F. Hall Donation Land Claint; thence South 88 °30' East parallel to said South D.LC. line, a distance of 53~22 feet to the Point ofB~'nnlt~, ~ North 6 °4833"East a distance of 892.98 feet; thence North 78 °05'59'E4ut a distance of 260.00 feet; thence South 86 °04~4" East a distance of 450.00 feet; thence Sottth 88 °19'25" East a distance of 296.34 fee, t; thence South 83 °34'17# East a distance of 215.02 feet, said point being the end ofthe described centerline, said point being North 56 o23' 25# East a distance of 1 $83.89 feet from the Point of Beginning. All sidelines of said strip shall be shortened or extended so as to intersect with the boundaries of-said lands. This easement also includes additional width on the south side of the last segment that bears Southg3 O34'17" East adistan0eof 215.02 feet. Beginning at the west emi, of this segment, an additional 18 feet tape~ to an additional 15 foet at the east end, of this segment. All sidelines of said strip shall be shortened or extended so as to intersect with the boundaries of said lands. Parcel 2 In addition, the following described parcel of land: Commencing at an iron pipe, as described in Deed Volume 411, Page 625 of Marion CoUnty Deed Records, South a distance of 800.77 feet and East a distance of 1276.11 feet from the Northwest comer ofthe B. F. Hall Donation Land Claim, in the West one-halfofso~tion 7, Township S South. Range !Wm oftbe Urdlamette Meridian; thence South 7 °20' West a distance of 986.81 feet to a point 40 feet North of the South line of the B. F. Hall Donation Land Claim; thence South 88 o30' F. ast parallel to said South D.L.C. line, a distance of 53.22 feet; thence North 6 °4g'33" East a distance of 736.63 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence North 82 °40' 00" West a distance of 46~.1 feet, said point being the end of the de~ed centerline. All sidelines of said strip shah be sho~ or extended so as to intersect with the boundaries of said lands. Parcel 3 In addition, the following descn~xl parcel of land: Commencing at an iron pipe, as described in Deed Volume 411, Page 625 of Marion County Deed Records, South a distance of $00.77 feet and East a distance of 1276.11 feet from the Northwest comer of the B. F. Hall Donation Land Claim, in the West one-half of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 1 West of the W'dlamette Meridian; thence South 7 °20' West a distance of 986.81 feet to a point 40 feet North of the South line of the B. F. Hall Donation Land Claim; thence South 88 °30' East parallel to said South D.L.C. line, a distance of 53.22 feet; thence North 6 °48~3" East a distance ofS92.98 feet to the Point. of Begitming; thence North 82 °40'34" West a distance of 44.13 feet, said point being th~ end of the deson'bed centerline. All sidelines of said strip shall be shortened or extended so as to intersect with the boundaries of said lands. Temporary Construction Easement: 3C A strip of land twenty (25) feet in width coincident with and running the full length of the Easterly and Southerly ~ide of th~ ~bow i~m~ent easement for P~cel 1, era?a~ for the last ~gment 215.02 feet bearing South 83 °34'i7" ~_~_. A ~ of hind twenty (25) f~ in width coincident with and runnlng th~ ~ lellgth ofthe Southerly side of the above permanent emement for Parcel 2 and Pare, el 3. All sidelines of said strips shnll be shortened or extended so as to intersect with the boundaries of tatid lands. Peraume~ Ditch lmprovem~ & Maintenance E&sement: Point OfBe~i_'nnln~ ~ ~ ~n ~ m d~ ~ ~ Vol~ 411, P~ 6~ ~on ~ D~ ~ ~ a~~.~ f~ ~ a ~ of1276.11 ~~N~~ ~B. F. ~~~~ h~W~ ~of~ 7, T~ 5 ~ ~ ~ W~ of~~ M~ ~ ~ 7 ~ W~ a ~ of~.~ ~ ~ ~N~ ~ P~ 3 P~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 82 °~4" ~ ~ ~ N~ ~ of ~ P~ 3 P~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of 43.25 f~ to ~ No~ ~ ~ p~ 1 P~mt Sow~ ~ ~ N~ 78 ~Y59' ~ ~o~ ~d No~ ~ ~ p~ 1 P~t ~ ~ a ~ ~.76 ~; &~ No~ 7 ~ ~" ~ to ~ N~ ~ of~ ~ of ~ ~ ~ ~ V~411, ~ 6~ ~on ~~~ ~ a ~ of 16.~ f~; · en~ N~ 86 o54' ~' W~ ~o~ ~d No~ l~e a &~ of~9.47 f~ to ~ Po~ of B~g. W'tth the right, privilege and attthority, to said City, to construct, maintain, replace reconstruct, remove and add to, a UTILFrY pipeline or pipelines, with nil appurtenances incident thereto or necessary flm'ewith, in, under and across fl~e said premises, and to cut and remove from said 6ght-of-way any trees and other obmuctiom which may endanger the safety or interfere with the use of ~id pipelines, or appurte~s~ aE~_~_'~_'~_'~_'~_'~d ~' com~d ti~xewith; ~nd the right ofingre~ ~l egre~ to mui over s~fid above de~ribed prm~i~ ~t any and ~llim~ for the purpose of doing m~hing nece~um] or u~ul or convenient for the enjoyment of the easemmt hereby granted. TttE CITY SHAI~, upon each sad eve~ occasion that such UTILITY ~ is constructed, ~ repla~d, reconnnm~ oc removed, or added to, restore the premise~ of the Grantor~ and any improv~nnm disturbed by tl~ City, to as good condition as tbey were in prior to any such instaltation or work, but if not pnmfica~e, then lmy to Grantors reasonable compensation. EXCEPTION: No structure shall be placed within the e~ement, or within 45( projection upward from the bottom of the pipe. School District No. 103c of M~on County, Oregon Name: -:- ~,~.~ ~). /i%~_ ~,,.~ q_. Accepted by the Woodbum City on ,1997 Mary T~n~m;, City Recorder City of Woodbum, Oregon IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC Comn s on supires: Tiff e: '.~'~,'2e~-z)Z'~/1 c'/e//~- STATE OF'OREGON ) )SS COUNTY OF MARION ) Onth/sthe o2J,/'~j dayof ~/~,/?~. , 1997, before me a Notary Public in and for the County and State personally ~.ared, ,_/o,~ ~ h. Ree~e~; know to me to be the ~m~ l~r~on(s) whose names ~re subseribed to tl~ within instrument and acknowlodge that they volunmily executed the same for the purpose therein contained. MEMO To.' From: Subject: Date: City Administrator for Council Action tV./ Randy Scott C.E.Tech IH, through Public Works Director Parr Road LID, Street Improvement June 25, 1997 3D RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council award the construction contract to the lowest responsible bidder, D & D Paving, for the Street improvements on Parr Road, in the amount of $542,814.06. BACKGROUND: Parr Road will be widened to 39 feet in width complete with 5 foot sidewalks and a 10 foot wide bikelane. Settlelmier intersection will also be improved with mm lanes and the realignment of Front Street with Parr Road. The project will be funded by using sources identified in Council approved Resolution 1400 for Parr Road LID. Staff received a total of 5 qualified bidders, as listed below 1. D & D Paving $542,814.06 2. D & D Concrete Utilities $560,645.70 3. M.L. Houck Construction $571,189.75 4. North Santiam Paving $589,043.80 5. Morse Bros. $657,727.00 The Engineers Estimate $S66,741.00 (Note: Low bidder is 5% below the Engineers estimate) The lowest bidder had a discrepancy between the written and the numerical proposal. The city specification states that the written amount supersedes the numerical amount. The lowest bidder has indicated that the written amount is the correct figure. The difference in the written and numerical numbers is in the amount of $26,632.85 less the $2,632.85 or $24,000.00. The contract amount recommendation has accounted for the error correction with the final amount being $542,814.06. Note 1: Note 2: Most of the Right-of-Way issues have been resolved and construction in certain portions of the project would be withheld umil legal documents of authorization have been received. The city is moving forward on the contract award because of the walkways needed for school age children. Some formalities regarding fund exchangd agreements for the non-LID portion of the project .will be completed by the end of July. TO: : FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: City Council through City Administrator Dean Morrison, P.E., Assistant City Engineer Contract award for I-5 Gravity Sewer Project. June 27, 1997 3E RECOMMENDATION: That Woodbum City Council award the Contract to low bidder, Moore Excavation, in the amoum of $279,653.09 for the construction of the I-5 Gravity Sewer Project. BACKGROUND: The Engineering Department properly advertised and received seven legal bids for the above named project. The bids were publicly opened and read at City Hall on Thursday June 26, 1997 at 11:00 am. The bid results, including the Engineer's Estimate, are as follows: Moore Excavation Marshall Excavation S-2 Contractors Valley Excavating Alliance Corp. Miller & Sons Davidson Utilities $279,653.09 $281,984.00 $307,308.00 $335,900.00 $342,592.00 $353,345.80 $434,374.65 Engineers Estimate $346,750.50 The lowest bid of $279,653.09 was received from Moore Contractors and is less than the Engineer's Estimate. File: 15projoct(97004312Xcounawr&wpd 3F MEMO TO: FROM = DATE : SUBJECT= MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MARY TENNANT, RECORDER ~ JUNE 26, 1997 LIABILITY, PROPERTY, AND WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997-98 RECOMMENDATION: Authorize, by motion, the continuation of existing insurance coverages through City County Insurance Services (CIS) during fiscal year 1997-98. BACKGROUND: The City's Insurance Agent of Record, Huggins Insurance Services, obtained quotes from various insurance companies for the City's liability/auto and workers' compensation insurance. In March 1997, the Council accepted a property insurance proposal from CIS which provided a continuity in coverage rates through June 30, 1998, however, it is necessary for the City to authorize the continuation of the property insurance coverage since the CIS policy cycle is from July 1st to June 30th of each year. LIABILITY/AUTO PHY$ICAL DAMAGE INSURANCE: This year's quotes came from CIS ($77,595) and Northland Insurance ($80,876). CIS continues to provide the broadest coverage at the lowest price. It should be noted that this year's quote is approximately $5,000 higher than 1996-97 which is due, in part, to increased payroll which affects the liability insurance costs. WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE: The City has utilized CIS as our Workers' Compensation carrier since the mid-1980's. Under CIS, we have been able to take advantage of a deductible program that has saved us thousands of dollars in premiums and yet protected us from incurring a loss in excess of the quoted premium rates for any one year. Quotes were obtained from CIS ($85,445.83) and SAIF Corp. ($75,226). These quotes include deferred and/or discounted premiums, and, in the case of CIS, a $25,000 deductible which is only paid if claim losses occur (prior year deductibles were $35,000 due to slightly higher premiums paid by City). Examples of our claims loss history over the past few years is as follows: 1992-93 $20,528.34 ($35,000 deductible) 1993-94 3,093.16 ($35,000 deductible) 1994-95 26,429.37 ($35,000 deductible) 1995-96 3,442.31 ($35,000 deductible) 1996-97 (est) 24,500.00 ($35,000 deductible) As you can see, the CIS quoted premium of $85,445.83 could actually range from $60,445.83 to $85,445.83 depending on losses during the upcoming year. Staff, along with our Insurance Agent of Record, has analyzed these quotes and recommend that we continue to participate in the CIS Workers' Compensation program. Page 2 - 1997-98 Insurance Memo June 26, 1997 The CIS Trust has been disbursing net income to participating agencies for many years which is in addition to any other discounts, deferred premiums, and/or unused deductibles applicable to a specific fiscal year. Over the last few years, our dividends have increased substantially which enables the City to keep a fund balance within our own self-insurance fund to help offset rising insurance costs. To recap more recent years' net income distribution to the City, listed below is the amount the City has received since 1994. Liability/Auto 1994 $16,435.76 1995 $16,238.37 1996 $23,205.40 1997 $59,990.91 1997 credit used Workers Comp $ 7,155.31 $ 17,767.20 $ 35,076.82 $ 68,888.09 Property $ 8,145.77