Agenda - 06/23/1997 AGENDA WOODBURN CITY COUNCIL JUNE 23, 1997, 7:00 P.M. City of Woodburn 270 Montgomery Street * * * Woodburn, Oregon 97071 CALL TO ORDER AND FLAG SALUTE A. Council minutes of June 9, 1997 regular and executive meetings. B. Planning Commission minutez of May 22, 1997. APPOINTM~NTS/ANNOUNCEMF~NTS/PROCLAMATIONS ,APPOINTMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Introduction of DEQ representative (re: wastewater funding issues). B. ~une 30, 1997, 7:00 p.m. Special Council meeting to consider adoption of 1997-98 City of Woodburn Budget and to consider approval of Parr Rd. contract. C. June ~0, 1997 Council Workshop concerning planning fees and system development charges. (following special meetln~ PROCLAMATIONS COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Chamber of Commerce B. Other Committees COMMUNICATIONS A. Letter from Benny Dodge. BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC (This allows the public to introduce items for Council consideration not already scheduled on thc agenda.) PUBLIC I-I~ARINGg A. City of Woodburn Budget Fiscal Year 1997-98 B. Liquor License: Raven Inn. 3A 6A 8A Page I - Woodburn City Council Agenda, June 23, 1997 10. TABI.ED BUSINESS A. Council Bill No. 1758 - Ordinance increasing local gas tax. B. WDA request for removal of trees on Front Street. C. WI)A request for parking restrictions. GENERAL BUSINESS A. Council Bill No. 1800 - Resolution certifying City's eligibility to receive State Shared Revenues during FY 1997-98. B. Council Bill No. 1801 - Resolution declaring City's election to receive State revenues during FY 1997-98. C. Council Bill No. 1802 - Resolution authorizing the transfer of operating contingency appropriations during FY 199697. D. Council Bill No. 1803 - Resolution authorizing the transfer of appropriations within a fund during FY 1997-98. E. Council Bill No. 1804 - Resolution entering into State Revolving Loan Agreement for financing wastewater system improvements. F. Council Bill No. 1805 - Resolution entering into construction finance agreement with Waremart. O. Council Bill No. 1806 - ~lufion entering into construction finance agreement with I-Iillyer's Mid-City Ford. H. Council Bill No. 1807 - Resolution entering into an agreement with the State for Highway 214 and 219 and 1-5 Interchange improvements. I. Council Bill No. 1808 - Resolution authorizing an addendum to an agreement with Moss Adams for data processing professional services. J. Contract award: Woodland Ave, Hwy 214 and 219 and I-5 Interchange improvements. K. Approval of restricted parking on Gatch Street near Johnson Street. L. Recreation and Park contract for services. M. Fourth of July Celebration requests: Insurance coverage and sound amplification. N. Sound amplification request for Library activities. O. Revision to discharge of weapons provision of Ordinance 1900. P. Clarification of formation and scope of committee to hire Park Director (no staff report; item requested by Mayor) 10A 10F 10H 10I lOJ IOK IOM ION Page 2 - Woodburn City Council Agenda, June 23, 1997 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS PUBLIC COMMENT NEW BUSINESS SITE PLAN ACTIONS/SUBDIVISIONS/MA/OR PARTITIONS A. Major partition: Capitol Development. STAFF REPORTS A. Senior Estates Park title report. B. RFP for IS hardware, software and installation. C. Recreation program contract form. D. United Disposal Service request for rate modifications and implementation of yard wast recycling program. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS ADJOURNMENT 14A Page 3 - Woodburn City Council Agenda, June 23, 1997 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 9, 1997 3A TAPE READING 000! DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF O~N, JUNE 9, 1997. ~ The Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. ROLL CALL Mayor Kirksey Present Councilor Chadwick Present Councilor Figley Present Councilor ltagenauer Absent Councilor Jen~nings Present Councilor Pugh Present Councilor Sifuentez Present 0016 OO56 Staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Finance Director Gillespie, Police Lt. Null, City Recorder Tennant JENNINGSfPUGH .... approve the Council minutes of May 27, 1997 and accept the Library Board minutes of May 27, 1~)7 as presented. The motion passed unanimously. APPOINTMI? I rr$ - CENTENNIAL PARK COMM1Tr . Mayor Kirksey stated that there had been some discussions on the appointment of a CeBlgnBial Park Committee in order to move forward with plans on the development of this project. She appointed the followilIg individuals to serve on this committee: Kathy Figley, Mel Schmidt (Park Board member), Randy Scott (staff) and John Pitt (staff). JENNINGS/PUGH... accept the appointments made by Mayor Kirksey. The motion passed _unanimously. Administrator Childs requested that he have an opportunity to meet with the Committee to identify the scope of work and scheduling of employee time as it relates to this project. INTRODUCTION OF REPI~g-qENTATIVE FROM OREGON YOUTH AUTHORITY REGARDING I,EASE PURCHASE AGR~;~:MENT WITH THE C1TY. Public Works Director Tiwari reminded the Council that the wastewater treatment plant facility is located on state-owned property (MacLaren School property) and the City is currently negotiating with the State for a new lease and/or purchase of property due to Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 1997 TAPE READING 0182 0201 0255 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 9, 1997 the expansion of the wastewater facility. He stated that representatives from the Oregon Youth Authority and State Administrative Servic~ have been working with the City to put the public interest foremost when negotiating an agreement. Director Tiwari introduced Bob Jester, Area Coordinator and former Director at MacLaren School, who has helped to keep this issue on the forefront with State officials. Mr. Jester stated that the State has-had a long association with the City and it has been a pleasure to work with City staff on this issue. He is certain that an agreement will be signed that will meet the needs of both the State and the City so that the City can move ahead with the new treatment plant facility. ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) City Council Workshop on Yard Debris Recycling-- A workshop will be held on Monday, June 16th, 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers. B) 1997-98 City Budget Hearing - On June 23, 1997, 7:00 p.m., the Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed 1997-98 City budget in the City Hall Council Chambers. C) City Council Workshop on Systems Development Charges and Planning Fees -- A workshop will be held on Monday, June 30th, 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT, Donna Hendrix, representing the Chamber of Commerce, stated that the NChamber at the Drags* has been rescheduled to July 23rd since it was rained out on June 4th. On June 12th, Chamber NAfter Hours* will be held at Northwood Health Center beginning at 4:30 p.m. and Chamber members are invited to attend. The monthly Chamber Forum will be held on June 18th at Nautilus of Woodbum, 2241 CounUy Club Rd., at 12:00 Mayor Kirksey stated that she would be unable to attend the July 23rd event and requested Council President Jennings to take her place in racing against Chamber Executive Director Jane Kanz. MAMMOTIt PARK COMMITTEE REPQRT, Mayor Kirksey stated that the Committee will meet on Wednesday, June llth, 7:30 p.m., at Bob Eagle's office. The Committee is contiml~ to accept donations and the financial needs are very close to being met. In regards to the use of city equipment, it will only be used when it is not being used for city jobs and authorized drivers are operating the equipment. The insurance coverage is being provided by the Woodburn School District and Oregon State University. The project is coming together and it looks as if-~e fn'st dig will be June 19th. ,3A ~ Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 1997 TAPE READING 0333 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 9, 1997 MEYER MEMORIAL TRUST GRANT. Mayor Kirksey informed the public that a grant request submitted by former Park Director Nevin Holly to re-roof the World's Berry Center Museum has been awarded by the Meyer Memorial Trust. The project needs to be completed by August 1998 which will give the museum plenty of time to do this project. She also stated that the museum will be celebrating their 10th anniversary on July 3, 199'/. TABLED BUSINESS - COUNCIL BILL NO. 175$: ORDINAN ~CI/~ INCREASING LOCAL GAS TAX. No action was taken by the Council to remove this item from the table. TABLED BUSINES~ - WOODBURN DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION REQUF_~T FOR REMOVAL OF TREES ON FRONT STREET. No action was taken by the Council to remove this item from the table. TABLED BUSINESS - WOODBURN DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION REQU~'~T FOR PARKING RESTRICTIONS (TABLED UNTIL JUNE 23, 1997). 3A COUNCIL BH,L NO. 1793 - ORDINANCE AM IDING ORD]NANC 1900 RFA3ARDING DISCHARGE OF WEAPONS, Council Bill 1793 was introduced by Councilor Sifuentez. City Recorder Tennant read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Councilor Sennings questioned the permit process since veterans are entitled to a gun salute in which weapons are discharged there does not seem to be a provision in this ordinance for this ceremonial action. He suggested that a separate paragraph be included in the bill which would specifically address funerals. Attorney Shields suggested that the Council may want to table this issue until the next meeting at which time the Chief will be in attendance at the meeting to answer specific questions. He also reminded the Council that the application to discharge firearms on June 21st would not be approved unless the bill, as currently written, is passed by the Council at thi.~ mee6n__g. He stated ~lmt the Council could adopt the Council Bill as currently presented and then amend it at a future date to incorporate changes to meet the concerns of the Council. He reiterated that the application for the weapons discharge is time sensitive and approval of the application is subject to the passage of this bill. Following a brief discussion on this bill, roll call vote was taken and the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1793 duly passed with the emergency clause. Attorney Shields stated that he will try to bring back an ordinance amendment at the next meeting. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 1997 TAPE READING 0602 0704 0751 0787 0809 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 9, 1997 COUNCIL BILL 1794 - ORDINANCE APPROVING PARR ROAD IA~AI. IIVI~ROYE~NT DISTRICT AND AUTHORIZING ~ IMPRQ~NT Councilor Sifuentez introduced Council Bill 1794. The two readings of the bill 'were read by title only since there were no objectiom from the Council. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that an amended page 2, Section 3, was provided to the Council prior to this meeting which includes the language to limit the depth from Parr Rd. fight of way to 500' on Tax Lot #100. On roll call vote for final passage, Council Bill 1794 passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared the bill duly passed with the emergency clause. COUNCIL BILL 1795 - ORDINANCE APPROVING ~ DOWNTOWN ALLEY LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND AUTHORIZING ~ IMPROV MENTo Councilor Sifuentez introduced Council Bill 1795. City Recorder Tennant read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1795 duly passed with the emergency clause. COUNCIL BILL 1796 - RESOL~ON ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT WITI.~ BOLDT, CARLI,_qLH, AND SMiTH FOR AUDITING SERVIFII~ FOR FIS(~I,T. YEAR 1996-97. 1997-98, AND 1998-99, Council Bill 1796 was inmxluc~ by Councilor Sifuentez. The bill was read by rifle only since there were no objections from the Council. On roil call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1796 duly passed with the emergency clause. COUNCIL BILL 1797 - R~'-SOLUTION EN'F~R~_{NG INTO AN AGRHHM]Z. NT 'iNITI:I THinZ CITY OF SAI.lgl~ FOR USE OF TIIH SAI.H]~ SENIOR ~ BY THE gl~-l'll,~l~ S~.ilhrlO]R VOL~'I'E~R PR~~ ~ Co~or S~z ~~ Co~ B~ 17~. ~ b~ w~ ~d by rifle o~y · e~ we~ ~ obj~fio~ ~m ~ Co~. On mH ~ vo~ for ~ p~ge, ~e bill p~ ~~ly. ~yor ~y d~l~ ~ B~ 17~ d~y ~. COUNCIL BILL 1798 - Ri~'-SOLUTION ENTERING INTO A CONTRACTUAl. SERVICES AGR~EM~:NT AND DF-_qlGNATING HUGGINS INSURANCI~. SERVICES AS THE C1'1'¥'S INSURANCE AGENT OF RECORD. Council Bill 1798 was introduced by Councilor $ifuentez. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1798 duly passed. , 3AL Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 1997 TAPE READING 0833 0874 0883 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 9, 1997 COUNCIL Bn,I, 1799 - RE,5OLUTION DIRECTING INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS AT ~ INTERS~ONS OF (1) COUNTRY CLUB RD AND UMPOUA RD AND (2) RAINIER .RD AND PRINCETON RD. Councilor Sifuent~ introduced Council Bill 1799. Councilor laugh stated that he would abstain from voting on this issue due to a possible conflict of interest. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, Council Bill 1799 passed 4-0-1 with Councilor Pugh abstaining. Mayor Kirksey declared the bill duly passed. CONTRACT AWARD - PARR ROAD STORM DRAIN PROJECT. Bids were received from the following contractors for the installation of storm sewer pipe which is one component of the Parr Rd local improvement district: 1) Scharff Bros., $102,957.00; 2) E & A Backhoe Inc., $127,500.50; 3) S-2 Contractors, Inc., $133,432.00; 4) Marshall Assoc. Contractors, $134,024.05; 5) Cushing Bros., $144,806.50; 6) R&D Construction, $146,023.95; 7) Alliance Corp., $164,935.00; 8) Bill Bocker Construction, $170 206.90; 9) Miller & Sons Contractors, $181,047.35; 10) Geico Construction, $182,571.00; and 11) Davidson Utilities, $195,869.90. As noted in the staff report, the engineer's estimate for thi~ project was $129,254.00 and the lowest bid was 20.3% below the engineer's estimate. JENNINGS/PUGIL.. award the construction contract to Seharff Bros. in the amount of $102,957.00 for the storm sewer improvements on Parr Road as recommended by staff. The motion passed unanimously. APPLICATION FOR A DEMONSTRATION DISCHARGE OF A FIREARM. The Northwest Artillery Club, Explorer Post//2741, has requested permission to discharge an authentic reproduction of a 19th century fieldpiece (1851 121b "Napoleon" Howitzer) on June 21, 1997 between the hours of 10:00 am and 4:00 pm. Various field pieces will be on display in the Walmart parking lot and the discharge of the Howitzer will occur away from any buildings or residences in an open field. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... approve the request of the Northwest Artillery Club for the discharge of a fu~am on June 21, 1997 between the hours of 10:00 am and 4:00 pm at the Walman store parking lot. Councilor Pugh questioned the number of times the Howitzer will be discharged since he is concerned that it does not create complaints from the local residents. Admires' trator Childs stated that he had been informed that the fieldpiece will be discharged multiple times during the day. On roll call vote, the motion passed 4-0-1 with Councilor Pugh abstaining since he did not receive an answer to his question on the specific number of times the Howitzer would be discharged. 3A Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 1997 TAPE READING 0945 1010 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 9, 1997 LIOUOR LI~.~i'$E TRANSFER - RAVEN INN TAVERN. Within the staff report, Chief Wright provided a recommendation for the Council to provide a negative recommendation to OLCC for a liquor license transfer to Ronald Wiebe. JENNINGSfFIGLEY... since a negative recommendation is pending, a public hearing be set for June 23, 1997 on this liquor license transfer request. Administrator Childs stated that the current owner, Tim Wiltsey, did bring in a letter today on this issue and it will be included in the next agenda packet as part of the public hearing testimony. The motion passed unanimously. TENTATIVE 199%98 MANAGEMENT/NON-UNION S?,LARW. q. Administrator Childs referred to his memo which outlines staff's current understanding of the discussion held at the June 2nd workshop. He reminded the Council that a few management/non-union employees would normally be entitled to a step increase during the course of the fiscal and it would appear that these individuals would not receive the step increase under the proposal to limit the total wages between the 1996-97 adopted figures and 199%98 proposed expense. During Council discussion on thi.~ issue, Councilor Jennings stated that it was not his intent to preclude step increases due to employees, whereas, Councilor Pugh stated that he felt the 4% overall increase was an absolute figure and step increases would not take place if it exceeded the 4 % value. Councilor Figley stated that she did not vote in favor of the Budget Committee's recommendation even though, in hindsight, the increases could have been implemented over the next two or three years and she supports the wage freeze into the merit range but is opposed to the limitation as proposed by the Budget Committee since she believes in the results of the study and is not interested in making any changes. Councilor Sifuentez stated that she would continue to support the Budget Committee's recommendation. Councilor Chadwick agreed with Councilor Figley's statements. JENNINGS/PUGH... Council adopt the 1997-98 management/non-union salary levels as outlined in the memo from the City Administrator. On roll call vote, the motion passed 3-2 with Councilors Chadwick and Figley voting nay. Mayor Kirksey stated that she feels that the Council needs to address the outstanding issue of merit on a timely manner since there are employees that deserve to be looked at for merit. Councilor Figley stated that it is very clear that merit is an issue and she is concern that merit is not the same as longevity and quantifible objectives are not found in every department. Councilor JenninEs agreed with comments made on the merit issue but the motion passed restric~ payment of wages into the merit range would not he allowed in 1997-98. , 3A~ Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 1997 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 9, 1997 3A TAPE READING Mayor Kirksey stated that, in her opinion, there is a difference in how the Council elects to implement a merit pay system and it will ultimately be the will of a majority of the Council when and how a system is implemented. Councilor Pugh expressed his opinion that the Council needs to respect the wishes of the Budget Committee even though some staff member~ are deserving of raises but the voters of Woodburn voted in favor, of Measure 47 to [imit property taxes. Fulllre planning on how to implement future increases may have a greater impact on the public's perception rather than ignoring the wishes of the public at this time. Mayor Kirksey stated that she did not feel that taking the leadership and looking at the merit issue is inappropriate at _this time, therefore a workshop on this issue should be called for within the near future. 1345 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS FOR MAY 1997. SIFUENTEZ/PUGH... approve claim #36813 - 37130 issued for the month of May 1997. The motion passed unanimously. 1360 SITE PLAN ACTIONS. A) Site Plan Review g97-04 RE: K_entec Heating Warehouse, 2129 N. Front Street. action was taken by the Council on this issue. No 1380 STA R PORTS. A) Preliminary Title Report for Woodburn Senior Estates Park -- Attorney Shields stated that the report has not been received back from the Title Company and he will be contacting them this week to obtain a status report. B) Evaluation and Work Program for Periodic Review of the City's Comprehensive P/an -- The report summarized the Planning Commission's review and recommendations of the work to be accomplished in updating the City's plan. C) City Hall Roof Repair ~ The contractor will begin the replacement of the roof on June 16th unless the wearer delays their completion of jobs at other locations which were scheduled to be completed before the City Hall project. D) 1997 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant- Staff will be applying for a direct 1997 IJ.g. RG award of $17,368 from the Bureau of Justice Administration and, if received, will be used to for capital improvements for public safety purposes in the 1997-98 budget. In 1996, _this same gram program provided funds for the purchase of the Police Department's new Community Action Vehicle (CAV). E) Building Activity Report for May 1997. Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 1997 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 9, 1997 TAPE READING .,1490 ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT Administrator Childs distributed copies of a recent legislative bulletin from the League of Oregon Cities alerting cities that a House vote on Transportation funding is expected for June 10th and they urged public officials to contact their representatives to support the bill. Mayor Kirksey briefly commented on the need to contact Rep. Milne to let her know of our support of this bill since she has publicly expressed her opposition to the Transportation package even though, at the Council's hearing on increasing the gas tax, she publicly stated that the City should not increase the tax rather it should be increased state-wide. 1689 _.MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS, Councilor $ifuentez stated that the City has an excellent staff and does a wonderful job in maintaining the City, however, the Council needs to listen to the public. Councilor Pugh stated that the City has some of the best people on staff, however, this issue is about the escalated method in which the implementation of the matrix was accomplished. He also stated that he had seen a comment in one of the local newspapers from our local representative who now suggests that the City vote for the $.02 gas tax which is contrary to her earlier opinion. In hin opinion, an overall state tax would be more fair since it would not treat our local gasoline dealers unfairly. Councilor Figley expressed her appreciation to the Adminin. trator for forwarding a copy of the list of issues for Council review and discussion over the next few months. Of these issues, the one she wanted to bring to the Council's attention is how to reward staff for efficient department management when such management results in cash savings, and, in her opinion, merit is involved which is an issue that needs to be discussed soon in a workshop format. She also thanked the Mayor for the appointment of a Centennial Park Committee and she hopes to get this project moving very soon. Councilor Jennings stated that he had attended a workshop with the Transportation Commi~ion on collaborative decision making which was very informative. He reminded the Mayor that she would be taking his place at this meeting on July 3rd and he will forward the agenda to her as soon as he receives it. In regards to the State Transportation Plan, this has been a topic of discussion at the Transportation Commission meetings and, ff it is passed by the legislature, it will be a relief to every city, county, and the state. In doing some research on thi~ issue, Woodbum will realize about the same amount of money that would be received if we were to pass the $.02 increase in our existing gas tax. The problem in the legislature is not the gas tax portion but the $1.20 per month charge on the telephone bill. . 3A Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 1997 TAPE READING 1850 1928 1948 1963 1985 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 9, 1997 Mayor Kirksey reminded the public that the 4th of July Celebration is coming up and donations for fireworks can be sent to the Woodbum Kiwanis, Noon Club, P.O. 1046, and she stated that she would be soliciting pledges from the-Council for this funddrive. PUGtFFIGLEY... Representative Milne be advised that the Council is on record in support of the stute-wide gas tax before the legislature so that there is no unfairness to local gasoline dealers. Following a brief discussion on the content of the motion,, the motion passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey also suggested that, after talking to several Councilors, workshops not be held on Saturday and longer meeting nights be scheduled to address issues on the list before the Council. EXECUTIVE SI~SION. JENNINGS/FIGLEY .... adjourn to executive session for the following purposes: 1) To conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to negotiate real property transactions under the authority of ORS 192.660(1)(e); 2) To consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be fried under the authority of ORS 192.c x1)Cn); and 3) To consider records that are exempt from public inspection under the authority of ORS 192.660(1)(0. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned to executive session at 8:05 p.m. and reconvened at 8:39 p.m.. JENNINGS/FIGL~Y... in the case of Mar-Dene vs Woodbum and Jensens, 96136 and 96219, that the ~ Attorney be insuucted to appeal the decision to the Oregon Court of Appeals. The motion passed unanimously. AD, 0 , JENNINGS/SII~'~__,Z... meeting be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 8:41 p.m.. The motion passed unanimously. 3A ATTEST Mary Tennant, Recorder City of'Woodbum, Oregon Page 9 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 1997 APPROVED NANCY A. KIRKSEY, MAYOR Executive Session COUNCIL MEETING MINLrrES June 9, 1997 .3A DATE. CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF O~N, JUNE 9, 1997. The Council met in executive session at 8:05 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. ROLL CALL. Mayor Kirksey Present Councilor Chadwick Present Councilor Figley Present Councilor Hagenauer Absent Councilor Jennings Present Councilor Pugh Present Councilor Sifuentez Present Mayor Kirksey reminded the Councilors, staff, and press that information discussed in executive session is not to be discussed with the public. Staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, City Recorder Tennant Press: Patrick Johnson, Woodbum Independent; Mark Goldstein, Northland Cable 1) The first part of the executive session was called under the authority of ORS 192.660(1)(e) to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to negotiate real property tran.~ctions. Public Works Director Tiwari left the meeting room before discussion began on the second part of the executive session. 2) The second part of the executive session was called under the authority of ORS 192.660(1)(h) to consult with legal counsel concerning the legal fights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be filed and under the authority of ORS 192.660(1)(0 to consider records that are exempt from public inspection. The executive session adjourned at 8:38 p.m.. APPROVED NANCY A. KIRKSEY, MAYOR ATTEST Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodbum, Oregon Page 1 - Executive Session, Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 1997 MINUTES WOODBURN PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 22, 1997 3]3 _Q.O..(~~. The Planning Commission met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Chairperson Atkinson presiding. ROLL CALL Chairperson Atkinson Present Vice Chairperson Will Present Commissioner Schultz Absent Commissioner Lawson Present Commissioner Frawley Present Commissioner Palmer Present Commissioner Torres Absent Commissioner Warzynski Absent ' Commissioner Young. Present Staff Present: Steve Goeckritz, Community Development Director Naomi Tejeda, Assistant Planner Teresa Engeldinger, City Planner MINUTES Commissioner Frawley motioned to approve the minutes, motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Will seconded. The BUSINESS FROM AUDIENCE None COMMUNICATIONS None PUBLIC HEARING SITE PLAN REVIEW 97.04 KENNETH Lr=DBETTER. PROPOSED 6.000 SQUARE FOOT STRUCTURE TO HOUSE KL=N'TE~S WAREHOUSE AND ADMINISTRATIVE Nr=r=_ns LOCATED AT 2'129 N. FROM STRr=L='T, Staff · Staff read the opening statement for land use headngs (required by ORS Chapter 197). · Site is zoned IL Ught Industrial. · Applicant has met all required setbacks. · Access from Front Street will be closed, a new access will be located off of Hazelnut Drive. · 15 parking~s, paces am required, there will be 21 spaces provided. A condition of approval is that the applicant acFjust the length of the parking stalls one foot and increase the aisle Page I - Planning Commission Minutes of May 22, 1997 width specified to rr. cct the paldng requirements. be moved from the front yard setback. The one parking stall in the front should Landscaping in the parking lot should include one large tree or an additional tree. The monument sign rr, c~,s the height and square footage requirements, however, the sign lies within 10 feet of the property line adjacent to Hazelnut Drive. A condition of approval will be to move the sign to comply with the Zoning Ordinance regarding vision clearance. Staff recommends approval of this SPR with conditions of approval as stated in the staff report. Commissioner Palmer · VVhy is there a request for awnings on the building? · Staff felt that since this was a metal building, awnings would provide a more aesthetic look. Chai .merson Atkinson · Verified that there will be I handicap parking space designated from a total of 15 parking spaces provided. If there are 15 employees, and all of Ihem are working, will this jeopardize the one handicap space. Staff · There will be 21 parking spaces including loading spaces. The parking requirements have been met. Chai _merson Atkinsoq · This project will be closing Front Street access and adding an access on Hazelnut. The access onto Hazelnut will contribute to additional traffic, thereby taking away the quiet street that was previously described in past meetings. Staff · Hazelnut will get busier as development off that road develops. There are not any other adjoining accesses on the opposite side of the street therefore them is good distances for this access. Chai .r0erson Atkinson · Are there any ex parte contacts? Commissi(~ners · There were none. Testimony of .A.~.o. licant - Corbin Shay, · Agree with most conditions of approval presented by staff. · Clarification of the medium tree in the staff report is actually an existing large tree. · Questioned the sidewalk requirements, what is the proposed development along Hazelnut? · Questioned.whY the golfcmxse maintenance facility across the street, that was built within the last four years, has not put in sidewalks. Why has this done bccn done? Page 2 - Planning Commission Minutes of May 22, 1997 3~B' Staff · Hazelnut represents a street that goes through a very large development area, at the time of full build out, there will probably be approximately 700 to 800 homes in that area. Therefore, sidewalks are required by developers. · The golf course maintenance facility will be required to put in sidewalks along that whole drive.- Vice-Chaimerson Will · Questioned if the developer did not want to put sidewalks in at this time. · At this time, Hazelnut has no traffic, or pedestrian traffic, it is not a through street, there is one maintenance facility down the road. He questions whether there is a sidewalk required at this time. Vi(;e-Chai .roerson Will · Questioned staff regarding the time requirement in puffing the sidewalks in, and verified that the sidewalks are a requirement of the approval. · Questioned ~#hy the golf course maintenance facility did not have a sidewalk in place at this time. · The sidewalks am required to be installed at the time the facility is built. VV'ithout that stipulation, it becomes much mom difficult in the future to have someone implement that improvement. Therefore, this condition of approval is required to prevent problems in the future. Due to the large school expansion and the future development of the homes in that area, all sidewalks in that area will be required. · Prior to occupancy, sidewalks will have to be installed. · The golf course maintenance facility Will be required to complete full mad improvements along with sidewalks. Staff will confirm this for the commission. Testimony of Pro.oonerlts · None Testimony of Oooonents · None Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Frawley · Verified that the sidewalks would be required as a condition of approval. Page 3 - Planning Commission Minutes of May 22, 1997 · Yes, this would be a requirement of approval. .. Commissioner Lawson motioned to approve SPR 97-04 with the stipulated conditions. Vice- Chairperson Will seconded the motion. A vote was taken, the motion passed unanimously. · Applicant ~ proposed a subdiVision and site plan for the Hollywood Video. In the somP~Se a~~ ~~~..I.l.l~__s~d__on__l~ ~ ..of the application, staff made .... · ~'~"~'g,.=,= ,.~rec~ regarolng me tact that Payless was a participant in this proposal. As you may recall at the public hearing there was a representative from the Safeway Corporation who stated that Payless is not part of this issue, they are on their own separate parcel. That needs clarification, 'therefore the applicant requested continuanco and waived the 120 day rule until June 12, 1997. Due to the amount of time that was taken on the front end of this application, after it was found to be complete, the amount of time it took to get to the actual headng which was held up because the applicant wanted to submit the subd'wision proposal along with the site plan, more time elapsed. Payle.ss has not yet been contacted as a partnership in this proposal. Safeway is in negotiation with this trust as to where uncertainty on this proposal, the Hollywood Video should be located. There is elar~. ing st. afl is required to process and follow tiTough to some conclusion of a land use anng on a issue within 120 days. With all' this confusion, the 120 days is fast approaching without resolution. Consequently, staff has the following options to prevent legal action. The first options are identified within the city attorney's memorandum to the staff. That identifies the alternatives that am before staff. Basically, before staff runs up against the 120 day rule, one oPtion is that the planning commission just deny the application. Ilklltll ["ark I-~l cor]~ .... ,/ .. aza, eying that an a reement will - have ua . . .g . soon I~..reached. Staff does not he woar~uidg I~m~le~si~ th~ ths*~nV~" be,~na~h~,.v,,e~l..~__re~ble ,!me._Mr. Wolf stated that recomme,,,~.-,=~--...,~_ng_, ..... ~ .a..1,.,, ,.,oy w~[v~ agreement rather than have the The city attorney wrote a 120 day waiver for the applicant to sign, which was faxed to Mr. Page 4 - Planning Commission Minutes of May 22, 1997 3B Mark Wolf for his signattxe. If this waiver is not signed or an agreement is not reached by the June 12 meeting, then staff will recommend denial of this application: However, if something can be worked out and written evidence is submitted that there is agreement of the parties, then the application will be addressed on the June 12 meeting. If the 120 waiver is signed, then time will not be an issue. Commissioner Palmer · When is the 120 day period up? · There is approximately 50 days remaining. Commissioner Palmer · His concern is that if the commission waits until June 12 and them is not a quorum, then this could be a problem for the comn~ssion. It appears that there is enough time before the 120 days expires. - · If one of the parties wishes to appeal a planning commission decision to the city council, then a 20 day notirmaaon would be required prior to the hearing. Consequently, time is still critical. Commissioner Palmer · Re-stated his concaTt reganling lhe meeting of June 12 and a lack of a quorum if this issue is not resolved by that time via a 120 day waiver. Commissioner Frawlev · As the state mandates this 120 day rule, can the waiver be denied by the state? Staff · · No the state allows this waiver of the rule in the statue. Vice-Chairoerson Will · Did Mr. Wolf kxficate, in his original testimony, that Lot 3900 was totally separate and that he did not have any control over it? Originally Mr. Wolf gave the impression that he controlled eva34hing. Mr. Wolf indicated that he had spoken to everyone, yet Mr. Wyman, from Safeway, stated lhat he did no~ meet the gentlemen. Personally, I feel that we should deny the application and start all over again. Staff · Yes, that is the way the application read. The application identified both tax lot 3900 and lot 4000, even though lot 3900 is actually the lot that is owned by Payless. The title 3]3 Page 5 - Planning Commission Minutes of May 22, 1997 ' 3B' company provides a list of property owners with 250 feet for a subdivision and 100 feet for site plan review and Payless was not listed as one of the property owners; they were not noticed and this is another problem with the application. There is miscommunication and misinformation regarding this application. Chaireerson Atkinson · If the commission is in continuance, can the commission deny the application if there is a request to continue the headng. Staff · The commission has the opporkxdty to deny the application. One of the difficulties with that is that the parties are not present, they should have an opportunity to speak to the issue. Mr. Wolf is meeting with all of the involved parties and is trying to work out all the issues involved with getting this project built. He stated lhat he would sign the waiver, the 120 day rule did not concern him. Commissioner Palmer moved to continue the Subdivision 97-02 & SPR 96-21 hearing until June 12, 1997. Vice-Chairperson Will seconded the motion. The motion passes unanimously. CLOSED PUBUC HEARING: PERIODIC REV!L-'2W EVALUATION OF THE COMPI~FH_ ENSIVF LAND USE PLANS AND IMPLEMENTING ORDINANC_$ (CONT'D FROM 5-8-97~. ADOPTION OF FINAL ORDER- · Presented a draft of the final work evaluation and proposed work tasks for staff to accomplish over the next three years. · Staff mad the following ooffections into the record: · Page 3 - Work Program Topics, S .ubtasks No 2: 'Coordinate with Marion County to develop a 20-year population projection to determine the potential demand for commercial and Industrial land by sector.' · Page 4 - Population/Housing/Economic% last sentences of paragraph: 'Staff does not have data to determine if there is a 20 year supply of land for industrial, commercial, residential, parks/open space, and land for public use. A buildable land inventory will be conducted as similar to requirements of ORS 197.296. · Page 4 - Wed( program Topics, ~ No. 2: 'Coordinate with Marion County to develop a 20-year population projection.' · Page 4 - Work Program Topics, Subtasks No. 10:. 'Analyze growth management measures/pubr~c facilities strategy and develop necessary ordinances.' · Page 4 - Work Program Topics, Sul:f(asks No. 11: Omit, the reason this is being omitted is because once staff does the buildabe lands Page 6 - Planning Commission Minutes of May 22, 1997 inventory there will be discussions and analysis of the UGB. · Page 5 - Work Program Topic, Subtask 2 & 3: · "Coordinate with Marion County to develop a 20-year population projection to determine the potential demand for critical services.' · 'Coordinate with Marion County to develop a 20-year population projection to determine the potential demand for essential services, i.e., parks/open space/schools.' Suggestions from the public hearing were added. Commissioner Palmer · Public or private meeting facilities and initial perking requirements should be included. Staff · This will be covered. · Final order was presented. Commissioner Lawsofl · Will one staff person be able to complete this task over the next three years? How much time is involved? · Staff believes lhat ~e planning may be funded by the state for providing consultants to assist staff in the completion of this project. Vice-Chaimerson Wi!~ · Does Public Works contribute funds to assist with the Wast°water Treatment/Storm portion of this project? Staff · Not exactly, Public Works will be doing 'a lot of the work. Technical documents have been .developed and the analysis and conclusions have already bccn done. All staff has to do ~a,x.~..~.~m ~ ~a~ ua~K [0 ~ [ecnlllcal Sl:UCIleS to substantiate the 13oa15 and oolici,a.< r.e will nccd to be a meeting on June 5, 1997 for the discu~sior, ,',~ ;~,~ e;~ velopmenL ....... '-""°" ' Commissioner Palmer motioned to approve the Periodic Review Evaluation Work Program as presented. Commissioner Young seconded the motion. A vote was taken, the motion passed unanimously. Staff · Complimented Teresa for her work, when the state looked at her review they found it Page 7 - Planning Commission Minutes of May 22, 1997 3B unique, readable and one of the better analyses of our programs. She did a very good job on this program. DISCUSSION ITEMS SPR 96-15 Oil Can Henpj's Staff · ODOT has decided they will require the right-turn-only, as requested by the staff and commission. They will also require a physical barrier that will permit only right tums. Commissioner Yo~rlg_ · Is that the only access to Oil Can Henry's, is there an access in the back?. · Originally there was going to be an access through Bi-Mart, however, this could not be negotiated between the two parties. SPR 97-03 Woodbum High School Expansion · A letter from ODOT regarding the closure of access on 214 was discussed and will be evaluated pending the outcome of a traffic study which will be conducted. Minor Partition 97-03 located at 849 W. Blaine Street · This was approved by stalf following the criteria requirements. The commission recognized this partition. A letter was received after this process, this letter was discussed with the applicant. The letter was from Joe E and Doris M. Walker, regarding their fence, this is not a land use issue, it is a civil issue. However, there was some concern regarding the recognition of the letter. There is a ten day appeal of this decision, however, the time for an appeal is pasL Notice was provided to surrounding properties. Testimony from audience - Eldon Clark. 845 McKinley Stree~t Received the notice in the mail on 'Itu,sday, wilh a requireme~ to have a letter into the city on Monday. He stated that more time for appeal would have been appreciated, he was not at home and did not have the time to appeal the decision. He does not feel that the division of the property is in the best interest of the city, the community, or property owners in the ama. Doris Walker. 777 Blaine Street · Their property is located next to the partitioned lot. There was a surveyor in March of 1996. There are three different stakes, she questions which is the correct mark. Page 8 - Planning Commission Minutes of May 22, 1997 Ap.olicarit - Pete Kelly · To address Mrs. Walker's concern, the original survey is still the same four-comers. The other stakes were for the placement of the manufacture home, the other one was to verify that setback requirements were met. Staff · When' the notice of decision is sent, there is a 10 day period from the date of when the notice is sent, not the date of the planning commission. · This is a matter for the property owners to resolve. Vige-Chaimerson Will · The letter from Mr. Engle states that since the fence was there for ten years or longer, this now establishes the property line. How is this handled ~ben an applicant comes before the commission or staff? · Was there any response to this letter from Mr. Kelly? Staff · Adverse possession in this case caused staff to be prudent and verify setbacks from the fence and property line to determine' that there would be adequate square footage to meet the standards, which in this case it does. · There was verbal response between Mr. Kelly and the attorney. Signing of the Phase Ii Preliminary Plat for Heritage Park Staff · This has been reviewed along with public works and engineering. The plat was signed by Chairperson Atkinson. Staff · Reminded commiSSion of June 5, 1997 meeting. Commissioner Palmer · Requested a reminder call. BUSINESS FROM THE COMMISSION None Motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed. Page 9 - Planning Commission Minutes of May 22, 1997 TO: FROM: SUBJ.: DATE: Mayor and City Council Chris Childs, City Administrator Correspondence from B. Dodq~ June 19, 1997 The mayor requested that a letter the Police Department received from a Benny R. Dodge be included in this council packet. Dodge's letter is attached along with the city's response, which reflects the existing city policy in regard to obnoxious vegetation. You may wish to refer also to a previous staff report regarding enforcement policies that was included in the April 28, 1997 council packet. BENNY R. DODGE P.O. Box 207 Hubbard, OR 97032 (503) 982-0237 June 12, 1997 Ken Wright WOODBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT 270 Montgomery Slreet Woodbum, OR 97071 Re: 1404 Hardcastle Dear Sir: I am addressing this letter to you in an attempt to stop what I believe is harassment by Officer Culver and the city of Woodbum. Once again we are receiving violation notices for our tax lot number 42522-000. A copy of this notice, dated May 28, 1997 is enclosed. Our tenant paid to have that lot mowedjust prior to that date. At that time the yard at 1404 Hardcastle was knee high in spots with a scant amount of dandelion weeds. However, the lot next door, which the owner nor the city has attempted to maintain for in excess of two years, is 5 to 8 feet tall in spots with weeds and berry bushes. We are constantly having to fight those same berry bushes to keep them fxom covering our property as well as our buildings. Enclosed are photoglaphs that were taken this date so that you might s~ ~aictly what I'm talking about. This was the same thing I had to go through last year with Office Culver in addition to many telephone calls etc. I do not know if the city assumes that the lot with the lack of maintenance belongs to us or if the city is choosing to harass me because I do respond to you. Last year I ended up going to the Doctor because of the perpetual .~ent concerning the lack of care to 1404 Hardcasfle I will not a~ continues ~ wm contact my attorney and file suit ,~i,~t ,~,, r,:,.. A,, ~,;_-~ .,,o ~,,,~ ~mu. msteaa, ~r this --~ ....... ~ m ~voooourn. in turn we will be contacting the owner of that property to see if the city has in fact sent him letters or fined him for the negligent maintenance of that lot at any time during the past 2 to 3 years. It becomes a fn'e hazard later in the summer and yet the city doesn't seem to feel that it should be maintained, only the lot at 1404 which as you can see grows dandelions - not berry bushes and weeds high enough to almost block the view of any house on 1404 or attached addresses on Carol. Please let lids also serve as notice that we will hold the City of Woodbum responsible if there is any damage to our property due to the lack of care to the neighboring lot. I do wish to receive a response from you and your police depamnent concerning this matter. cc: Nancy Kirksey, Mayor Officer Michael Culver John Heald, Attorney ,6A WOODB URN POLICE DEPARTMENT^ 270 Montgomery Street · Woodburn, Oregon · 97071 Phone (503) 982-2345 Fax (503) 982-2370 Chief of Police · Ken Wright Ctimiml ~ns · LC Don Eubank Paud Operations · LC Paul N~ll June 16. 1997 Benny R. Dodge P.O. Box 207 Hubbard, Or. 97032 Subject: 1404 Hardcastle Dear Sir/Madam, In response to your June 12, 1997 letter regarding harassment by Officer Culver and the City of Woodburn. R appears that your concern is for the violation notioo-that. I d~ Officer Culver to deliver. Fach year the city notifies numerous properly owners of the regulations of Ordinance 1822. Ordinance 1822 requires that obnoxious veg~n i.e., grass, weeds, and other undesirable vegetation to be mai~taed .at a height not to,~toOed 10 itw. hes. This ordinance is enforced ~hrough out the city between. May lst..and .~. ~ ~0th of each year since its passage in 1983. This year we have notified over fifty. Pmk. owners that their properties are or may be in violation. Upon receqX of your letter I went to the location at 1404 avd 1422 :~~ and reviewed both lots. !~~. that on Monday, June !6th, your regdeoco.'~.l~:~e had been mowed. The lot at 1422 Hardcastle had not been moW,eZl.~:~i~;. '.~e proPerty. owners of 1422 Hardcastle have been delivered a nOtice and'hlivC-~' l~th to mOW their property or will be in violation of city ordinance. The city will b0'otxlering the lot to be cut this week semiing the property owner the billing as requirgxi .by~..~dinlm~. ~ . Should you have any other questions or comments please do not he, Rate to contact me. Sincereb ,~,' Woodbum Police DeparUnent · * ' r TO: FROM: SUBJ.: DATE: Mayor and City Council Chris Childs, City Administrator Budget Hearing - Fiscal Ye.-r 1997-9T' June 19, 1997 The budget hearing scheduled for this evening (June 23, 1997) is for the purpose of receiving public comment on the City's F.Y. 1997-98 budget. No formal action is required on the part of the Council at the conclusion of the hearing; an ordinance adopting the budget will be presented for Council action at a special meeting to be held on Monday, June 30, 1997. The approved budget was passed unanimously by the City's Budget Committee on May 22, 1997. The Budget Summary and Notice of Hearing was published in the June 4, 1997 issue, and the Second Notice in the June 11, 1997 issue, of the Woodburn Indeoenderlt. This public hearing concerns the entire City budget, including consideration of how State Revenue Sharing funds will be spent, as required by state law. The 1997-98 budget reflects the impacts of Measure 47, passed by Oregon voters at the 1996 General Election, and its successor, Measure 50, passed by voters on May 20, 1997. The Budget Committee has determined the service levels and programs that will be available to residents within the constraints of these new property tax limitations. The total budget for all funds is $33,708,883. Total budgets for the principal tax-supported funds are as follows: General Fund - $3,255,547 (of this amount, 64.8% represents public safety; police, code enforcement and emergency dispatch services); Transit Fund - $168,349; Library Fund - $746,145; and Recreation & Parks Fund - $1,150,170. Of these amounts, a total of $382,964 has been reserved to unappropriated balances, meaning that those funds are unavailable for expenditure during the fiscal year. Other fund totals are as described in the budget documentation. Local property tax support of the approved budget consists of the following levy elements: Tax Base -i- Annexation Value Increases Library Continuing Levy Rec. & Parks Continuing Levy $2,130,543 $987,27O Page 2 - 1997-98 Budget Hearing (6/19197) 8^ Total Levy Authority Subject to Limitation Bonded Debt Levy (Outside of Limitation) Total - All Property Tax Levies $4,651,074 $4,841,437 Excluding the bonded debt levy, which falls outside of the Constitutional property tax limitations (created previously by Ballot Measure 5 and more recently by Ballot Measures 47/50), the City anticipates actually being able to collect some $2,907,071 of taxes levied, representing 60% of the Levy Authority noted above, The balance is lost to the artificial controlling factors created by Measures 47/50, Measure 5 "compression' or to allowances for delinquencies and uncollectible taxes, Very little detail needs to be repeated here. This budget has been one of the most widely publicized and discussed city budgets in recent years. There are no bold new initiatives or innovative additions to the 1997-98 budget. Rather, the budget is most notable for what has been preserved or kept from being lost in the face of the new property tax limitations. Fortunately, specific losses have been limited. The Budget Committee has determined that, to keep youth-oriented programs viable, Recreation & Parks senior leisure programs and a related Recreation Coordinator position will be eliminated. One other half-time permanent position has been eliminated elsewhere in the budget as a result of job-sharing and other adjustments. Also, an Aquatics Program Manager position (presently vacant) will be eliminated and a currently vacant Police Sergeant position will be left vacant for the 1997-98 fiscal year. Otherwise, the budget maintains remaining Recreation & Parks, Librery, Community Development, Transit and Dial-A-Ride programs, as well as most General Fund programs, at a generelly slimmer, but arguably 'status quo", level. As previously initiated by the city council, level of service and funding for legal services has actually been increased. Funds have been identified in various areas for increased capital purchases and improvements as well as needed technological upgrades. Public Works funds, which unavoidably represent the lion's share of the city budget due to the costs associated with the provision of all customary types of physical infrastructure, reflect the ongoing task of accommodating the rapid growth of the community. Most notably, the budgets reflect continuing progress toward the $40 + Million wastewater treatment plant and collection system upgrade, major street projects and initial implementation of elements of the city's Master Water Plan. Page 3- 1997-98 Budget Hearing (6/19/97) 8,~ Due to the unique effects of Ballot Measure 47 and, subsequently, Measure 50, the city's two continuing millage levies (Ubrary/Recreation & Parks) have been calculated to be levied at the maximum amount allowed under law. This will allow the city a one-time-only opportunity to have existing levy authority incorporated into a permanent tax rate created by the legislation. However, because of remaining uncertainties connected with the new tax limitation laws, the city has budgeted in a conservative manner such that existing programs will not be harmed if property tax revenues do not accrue as anticipated. A fundamental feature of the previous Ballot Measure 5 property tax structure still remains intact: No taxpayer will pay more than $10 per $1,000 of property value for all combined general government (non-school) purposes. The budget that has been developed should serve adequately for continued provision of basic city services during the coming year, as well as leave the city in a reasonably solid position to enter the ensuing second year under Measure 50; something that may indeed prove problematical for many local government entities. The final budget ordinance to be presented for approval on June 30th will reflect some minor adjustments to the manner in which it was approved by the Budget Committee. These reflect subsequent council actions, any changes resulting from this hearing, and updated re-budgeting of some current year projects that will not be completed by June 30, 1997. A considerable amount of detailed documentation concerning the F.Y. 1997-98 budget has been, and continues to be, available for public review. Staff is routinely available to answer specific questions in regard to various budget components. I commend the City's department heads and staff for the considerable time and effort dedicated to researching and presenting well documented and sensible departmental budgets based on many collective years of experience in understanding what is needed to operate a city of this size effectively. City of Woodburn Police Department STAFF REPORT Ken Chief o Date: May 23, 1997 Woodburn, Oregon 97071 (503) 982-2345 To: Mayor and Council Subj~t: Liquor License Recommendation Applicant: Wicbe Jr., Ronald D. 3435 Mock Orange Ct. S. Salem DOB:092051 Location: Raven Inn Tavern 262 N. Pacific Hwy. Woodbum Lie/Type: Recommendation: RMB (Retail Malt Beverage) The City Council provide a negative t~:om,m~oll to thc Oregon Liquor Control Commi~ion for liquor license approval of Mr. Ronald Wiebe Ir.. This recommendation based upon factual information of Mr. Wiebes' behavior and conduct prior to and during the application process. In approximately February 1997 I was contacted by the owner of the Raven Inn Tavern, Ms. Tina Wiltsey and a Mr. Pon Wiebe. Ms. Wiltsey stated that Mr. Wiebe was intending to purchase the Raven Inn Tavern. The OLCC required both owner and applicant to meet with the Woodburn Police and obtain a recommendation regarding the licel]se trnnnfer process. We discussed the compliance plan attached to the Raven Inn Tavern license and briefly discussed Mr. Wiebes' criminal history. At the end of our conversation I informed .Mr. Wiebe that it would be necessary for he and all other p 'rmcipals of the proposed purchase to provide individual history information on the applicable OLCC form. That then and only then could thc police department complete a inve~'gation and provide a informed recommendation. Raven eom.page 2 In approximately April 1997 applicant Wiebe provided the Individual History information on the provided forms. At this time the police department begin the investigative process and concluded the investigation in May 1997. Upon review of the completed investigation it is noted that in October 1993 Mr. Wiebe was arr~ted for Burglary 1st degree and Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicant. Additionally Mr. Wiebes' arrest record revealed he Was charged with numerom other offenses. During my February discussion with Mr. Wiebe, he had brought to my attention that he and his ex-wife had been involved in a volatile domestic dispute in 1993. And that all charges were dismissed by the district attorney. In review of Mr. Wiebe criminal history this was the case except that. It appears that aH charges were di.nmi.~?~cl accept for a Assault 4th Degree (mi~emeanor) charge. That on Feb. 28, 1994 Mr. Wiebe was coavicted of Assault 4th Degree. Additionally Mr. Wiebes' cr'uninal history reveals that Mr. Wiebe competed a diversion program on December 7, 1995 for the Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants. The diversion resulted in a dismissal of the conviction. In February 1997, during the licensing investigation process, it was reported that applicant Wiebe entered the Raven Taver~ informed the on-duty bartender he was buying the business and demanded free beer. Wiebe was on the premi.qes giving orders to the employees. At this same incident Wiebe yelled, 'turn down that wetback music!, when I talin over I'll get rid of aH this shit!!'. ~ occurred at approximately midnight and the on-duty bartender 'called owner Wiltsey at home. Wiltsey in turn called Wiebe Irs' father. Mr. Wiebe Sr. called applicant Wiebe Jr. on his cell phone and told Wiebe Ir. to leave the Imsine~s immediately. It was relayed to the police investigator that Mr. Wiebe Jr. was not taking is medication, lithium, and flaat was why he (Wiebe Jr.) was acting that way. Police were told that after thi.~ reported incidem Wiebe Sr. then traveled to a second cstabli.~hment owned by Wiltsey and caused a disturbance and was ejected by the on-duty bartender. In both February and April 1997 Mr. Wiebe provided sign documentation to comply with the previously established comp .ljance plan for the business of the Raven Tavern. Mr. Wiebe has submitted information of his intentions to remodel the tavern building and is negotiating a long term lease of the building with the buildings owner. Recommendation Based upon the incidents occurring in Albany in 1993-4 and the incidenlz in February 1997 in which alcohol was a factor and the repom~d medication affecting behavior. It is the reammendation that the City Council provide a negative recommendation to the Oregon Liquor Control Commi~ion. The racist comments reportedly made by Wiebe Ir. along with the~ alcohol abuse leads a reasonable person to believe that Wiebe Ir. would not comply with laws and be not able to control him~lf and responsibility of the business. OLCC Salem Appliean~t · 8B 8B WO~D~URN POLICE DEPA~R.'J]JENT Xnc£dent Repot't Distribution: Records OLCC 9'/-002503 Connect LI~OUR LICENSE C~AN~ OF O~NERSHIP Reported Date/T~m~ ~ 04/21/97 Occurred Date/T~et 04/21/97 Locationz 262 N PACIFIC 1310 hfs 1310 hfs to / / 0000 hrs HW WOODBURN OR SUMMARY On 041997 at 1310 hfs W£ebe requested a liqour license and a change of ownersh£p for the tavern, 'Raven Inn', located at 262 North Pacific Highway, Woodburn, Marion county, Oregon. The o~ner of the business is to be Weibe. I conducted a background investigation. In%olved persons WIEBE JR, RONALD DUDLEY DOB: 09/20/51 Age: 45 Hgt: 6'00" Wgt: 180 Hair: Brown Eye: Brov, en 3435 MOCK ORANGE CT S SALEM~ OR 97302 Phone: (503}378-7068 Type: ~c~ne OLN= 1306448 (OR) SSN= 544-54-8733 Employer/School: VALLEY APPLIANCE & T.V. OWNER-APPLICANT Involved persons WIEBE, RONALD W. Involved porsons WILTSEY, TINA MARIE DOB: 03/10/66 Age: 31 WF Hgt= 5'04' Wgt: 123 Hair: Brown Eye: Brown 4207 PAINTBRUSH CT NE SALEM, OR 97305 OLN: 3725215 (OR) SSN~ 541-98-3138 Employer/School~ RAVEN INN 262 N PACIFIC HW WOODBURN, OR 97071 OWNER Reporting'Officer= C.A. CUNNINGHAM~21286 Page Case status/Date~ EN 04/24/97 Approved: Follow-up Required: Assigned to Patrol or Detectives= Follow-up Assigned To: Date: By: C.M. Entry= Other: 97-002503 Involved person: STANDRIDGE; DARLENE DOB: 05/30/55 Age: 41 WF Employer/School: I~AVEN INN 262 N PACIFIC HW WOODBURN, OR 97071 BARTENDER Bus4~ess: 262 H PACIFIC HW WOODBURN, OR 97071 VALLEY APPLIANCE & T.V. 333 S LYON ST ALBANY, OR 97302 Phone= (541)926-9441 Type= Bus£ness Business= OREGON LIQO~R~ONTROL C~MM. 213 MADRONAAV SE SALEM, OR 97302 Phone~ (503)378-4871 Type~ Bus£ness INVESTIGATOR JANICE FORBES Businessz SECRETARY OF STATE AKA: CORPORATION DIVISION 158 TWELVETH ST NE SALEM, OR 97310 Phone~ (503}986-2200 Type= Bue£neHs OREGON DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION SALEM, OR 97301 Phone: (503)945-5098 Type~ Bus£nes8 MOTOR VEHICLES DMSION-AC~IDENTREPORTS SECTION Businessz BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU 333 SW 5TH ST Apt 300 PORTLAND, OR 97204 Phone: (503)226-3981 Type: Bue£nes8 · 8B Reporting Off£cer: C.A. CUNNINGHAM ~21286 Page 2 97-oo2sos gB LINN COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY P.O. BOX 100 ALBANY, OR 97321 Phone= (541)967-3836 Type: Business ALBANY POLICE DEPARTMENT 1117 JACKSON ST ALBANY, OR 97321 Phone= (541)967-4317 Type: Business Reporting Officer: C.A. CUNNINOHAM ~21286 Page 3 'SB BACKGI~UND INV~STIGAT[O~ WIEBE JRv RONALD DUDLEY me me Criminal History= Ronald D. Wiebe Jr was arrested in 1993 by the Albany Police Department and charged with Kidnapping I, Burglary I, Assault IV and Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants. Ronald D. Wiebe Jr was later convicted for A~sault IV, and Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants in L£nn County District Court (See attached copy of Albany Police report 93-19196}. In addition, Albany Police DepaL~cment requested a warrant for Ronald D. Wlebe Jr for violation of restraining order from the Linn County District Attorney's Office (See Albany Police report number 93-21998). I contacted the Llnn County District Attorney's Office in regards to the several felony charges that Ronald D. Wiebe Jr was arrested by the Albany Police Department. Ronald D. Wiebe Jr was only conv£cted on two (2) misdemeanor charges of Assault IV and D.U.I.I. The Llnn County District Attorney's Office advised that the victim was Ronald D. Wiebe Jr's g~rlfriend and that she requested that the charges be dropped as he had offered to marry the victim. As it appeared the victim was not going to testify, so Ronald D. Wiebe Jr was offered a plea agreement on the two misdemeanor charges. Operator License Status= Ronald D. Wlebe Jr has a valid Oregon Operator's license. Ronald D. Wlebe Jr's license was suspended in 1993 for BAC fail in District Court Llnn County. I also located a injury motor vehicle collision in 1995 in Salem, Oregon. Ronald D. Wiebe Jr was the euepeoted driver of the second involved vehicle in a three vehicle injury collision. Salem Police Departments invest~gation showed that the one of the vehicles was registered to Ronald D. Wiebe Jr's wife. It was determined from the investigation that Ronald D. Wiebe Jr was not the operator of the vehicle (See attached copy of Salem Police incident report 95-63488). CORPORATION -COMMISSION: Reporting Officer: C.A. CUNNINGHAM #21286 Page 4 me : 97-002503 Ronald D. Wlebe Jr had no lilting with the co~poration commission. The corporation commission has a single list£ng for Valley Appliance and T.V., Inc. Ronald W. Wiebe is listed as the president and treasurer of that business. The corporation co~ission sho~s as the listed president of the Raven Inn, Inc as Tins ~ilteey. BETTER BUSINESS BUREAUs 1. A single listing but no complaints were located against Valley Appliances and T.V. (See attached listing from Better Bus,ness Bureau). 2. No listings or complaints against the Raven lan. OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION= No listings or violations were located for Ronald D. Wiebe J~. The Raven Inn is currently under a compliance plan (See attached O.L.C.C. complianceplan). On 042197, I completed a background investigation for a change of ownership and liquor license for the business, "Raven Inn". The business is currently located at 262 North Pacific Highway, Woodburn. I contacted O.L.C.C. license investigator Forbes, she advised that when Ronald D. Wiebe Jr started the process for a change of ownersh~p/liquor license that Ronald W. Wiebe Sr was going to be a co-owner and he was providing some of the capital to make the purchase of the business. Investigator Forbes advised that Ronald W. Wiebe Sr has withdrawn as a co-o~ner/investor and that Ronald D. Wiebe Jr is the sole purchaser. ~nvestigator Forbes stated that a · letter was sent by O.L.C.C. to Ro~ld D. WiebeJr re~uesting an updated financial state~nt, state~ent of funding for~, written statement from Ronald W. Wiebe Sr withdrawing him fr~mo~nershlp and other information (See attached letter from O.L.C.C.). I contacted the current owne~of the business, Wiltsey. Wiltsey stated that in February 1997 that Ronald D. Wlebe Jr came into the Raven Inn in Woodburn and told the on-duty bartender, Standridge, that he was purchasing the business and d~ded free beer. Wlltsey stated that while Ronald D. Wiebe Jr was on the premises he Was giving orders to Standridge on whom to check identification and who not too. Wiltsey stated that Ronald D. Wiebe Reporting Officers C.A. CUNNINGHAM ~21286 Page 5 Jr yelled out in the bar 'Turn down that wetback muaicl! When I take over I'll get rid of all this shitll' W£1tsey stated that the Standridge called her at home at 0000 hfs and that she called Ronald W. W£ebe Sr and told him to get his son, Ronald D. Wlebe Jr, out of the bar and that he was trespassed from the Raven Inn and her other bar until the sale was completed and Ronald D. W£ebeJr became the owner. W£1tsey stated that ~nald W. WlebeSr Ronald D. Wiebe Jr on his cellular telephone and told him to leave the business immediately. Wlltsey stated that Ronald D. W£ebeJr then drove to her other bar in Salem and was ordering the employee's at that bar around. Wlltsey stated that the bartender in at the Yellow Rose Tavern in Gervais, Oregon ordered Ronald Wiebe Jr to leave that business also. Wiltsey stated that 9~nald W. Wiebe Sr told her that Ronald D. Wlebe Jr was not taking medication, lithium, and that was wh~ he was acting that way. Wlltsey stated that the trespass from the Raven Inn was not noted in the bar log, as pursuant to section six (6) of the compliance plan. I contacted Standridge and she advised that she was working as the bartender at the Raven Inn and that Ronald D. Wlebe Jr came into the business. Standridge stated that~ona~d D. Wlebe Jr had consumed between three (3) to four (4) be~rs. Standridge stated that she checked the identification for the age of a patron, pursuant to instructions from Wiltsey. Standridge stated that patron was not happy about having to produce identification. Standridge stated that Ronald D. W£ebe Jr told Standridge she did not need to request identification from that patron. Standridg~ stated she told Ronald D. Wiebe Jr that she was doingwhat her boss told her to do. Standridge stated that Ronald D. Wlebe Jr stated that he was the boss and that he had purchased the business, and that she should do what he said. Standr£dge stated that Ronald D. Wiebe Jr was yelling and created a disturbance. Standr£dge stated that Ronald D. Wiebe Jr was in her opinion, intoxicated. Standridge stated she called Wlltsey and Wiltsey later arrived and told Ronald D. Wiebe Jr to leave the business. 'Standridge stated that she will not serve Ronald D. Wlebe Jr alcoholi¢ beverages on her shift as she stated that in her opinion that Ronald D. Wiebe Jr 'Just can't hold his liquor'. From the documents submitted by Ronald D. Wiebe Jr, when he assumes ownership some remodeling of the business is planned. The business will operate from 1100 hfs to 0200 hrs. The menu appears to feature only mexican dishes, and food will be served from 1100 hrs to 0200 hrs. Ronald D. Wlebe Jr has signed a written document that he will be on the premises for forty (40) hours a week, tuesday through saturday. 97-002503 I contacted Ronald D. Wiebe Jr, he advised that he has not designated a manager for the business at this time. Ronald D. Wlebe Jr stated that he is going to operate the business for several months and then determine if a manager will need to be appointed;---Ronald D. Wlebe Jr advised that he will not have live music at the'business. Ronald D. Wiebe Jr confirmed that Ronald W. Wiebe Sr had withdrawn from the sale of the business and he has no Reporting Officer: C.A. CUNNINGHAM $21286 Page 6 · 7-oo so gB ownership or financial obligation for the business. I requested Ronald D. Wiebe Jr to sub, it written documentation from Ronald W. Wlebe Sr stating that he had withdrawn from the sale and ownership of the Raven Inn. I requested that Ronald D. Wiebe submit new information regarding his financial information for the purchase of the business, l(onald D. Wlebe Jr stated that the sale of the business has been completed and Wiltsey has been paid the purchase price of @$65,000.00 in full. Ronald D. Wiebe Jr stated the he had decided not to have any live music at the business. I also advised Ronald D. Wlebe Jr that he would 'need to submit a revised operating data questionnaire for the business. On 051697 X received copies of the documents that O.L.C.C. investigator Forbes and I had requested for the business. Ronald D. Wiebe Jr signed a agreement to abide with all the current restrictions on the business. Ronald D. Wlebe Jr also has obtained a servers permit from the O.L.C.C. to serve alcoholic beverages. I reviewed the financial documents provided by Ronald D. Wiebe Jr and they appear to be in order. During the background investigation I located the above listed information regar~ing ~onald D. Wlebe Jr. Reporting Officer: C.A. CUNNINGHAM ~21286 page 7 City of Woodburn City Counsel 270 Montgomery Street WoodbuTM, Oregon JUH 9 1997 June 7, 199.7 Dear Counsel Members: I currently have a pending sale with Ronald Wiebe for the pumhase of The Raven Inn Tavern. As you well know I have had this business for 11 years and I would finally like to get out of the bar business. I think Mr. Weibe has some good ideas for the establishment and is going to focus a lot on food. He is going to change the menu, and try to bring in a large food crowd and I believe breakfast too. He is going to put a lot of money into the premises for remodeling. He is going to update everything in the building, remodel and rearrange the floor plan to cater the lunch crowd. Currently, I am on the establishment about 20-30 hours per week. Mr Weibe will be on the premises at least 40 hours at least and will focus all of his attention to the Raven as this would be his only job. Mr. Wiebe has also agreed to enforce the Same rules and policies that I am currently using under my compliance plan. Mr Weibe will be trained by the manager on spotting drug deals, how to handle occurances and how to keep the bad element out the business. I will be liable on the lease for a period of time and I will do what I can to see that Mr. Wiebe is successful in his new business. I feel that Mr. Weibe will be successful and provide a nice place for the community in does the following. 1. Follow the existing compliance plan on a consistent basis. 2. Is on the premises for 40 hours plus per week. 3. Honors my existing 86 list and check list. The Raven Inn has done a excellent job on keeping a clean establishment in the last year and a half. This is due to the good employees I have. Having a experience manger and being present more than have in the past. I will be unable to be present at the counsel meeting on Monday, June 9, 1997. If you have and questions or concerns please call me at 373-9261 and I will be happy to accommodate you. I recommend a positive endorsement from the City. 8B Thank You, cc: Janice Forbes OLCC cc: Ken Wright cc: Mike Mills, Atty.. MEMORANDUM Date: To-' From:. May 13, 1997 Finance Director ~rerry Polston, Revenue Sharing Coordinator Statewide Central Disbursements DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STATE CONTROLLER'S DIVISION Re: Required Resolution - State-Shared Revenue ORS 221.760 · REMINDER State Revenue Sharing Law requires cities to pass a resolution each year stating that they want to receive state-shared revenue money. A copy of this resolution is to be filed with the State Controller's Division before July 31, 1997. The resolution has not been received from your city as of this date. Please make sure that the above resolution is in our office by the due date. We cannot authorize State-Shared Revenue payments to your city unless we receive this form. If your records show that the data has been sent, please submit a duplicate copy. If you have any questions, please call me at 378-3158 ext. 256. Enclosure: Resolution Form s:~wp~resolutn 155 Cottage Street NE Salem, OR 97310-0310 (503) 378-3156 FAX (503) 378-3518 10A COUNCIL BILL NO. 1800 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE ELIGIBILITY OF THE CITY OF WOODBURNTO RECEIVE STATE SHARED REVENUES DURING FISCAL YEAR 1997-98. WHEREAS, Oregon Revised Statutes 221.760 provides that the officer responsible for disbursing funds to cities under ORS 323.455, 366.785 to 366.820 and 471.805 shall, in the case of a city located within a county having more than 100,000 habitants according to the most recent federal decennial census, disburse such funds only if the City provides four or more of the following services: (1) Police protection, (2) Fire protection, (3) Street construction, maintenance, and lighting, (4) Sanitary sewer, (5) Storm sewers, (6) Planning, zoning, and subdivision control, and (7) One or more utility services, WHEREAS, City officials recognize the desirability of assisting the state officer responsible for determining the eligibility of cities to receive such funds in accordance with ORS 221.760, now, therefore, THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City of Woodburn hereby certifies that it provides the following four or more services enumerated in ORS 221.760: Approved as to form: (1) Police protection; (2) Street construction, maintenance, and lighting; (3) Sanitary sewers; (4) Storm sewers; (5) Planning, zoning, and subdivision control; and (6) One utility service. City Attorney Date APPROVED NANCY A. KIRKSEY, MAYOR Passed by the City Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the office of the Recorder ATTEST Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 1 - COUNCIL BILL NO. RESOLUTION NO. MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT OF Date: March 25, 1997 ADMINISTRATIVE To:. Finance Director SERVICES From: "~ ~'~~ STATE CONTROLLER'S Terr~ Polston, Statewide Central Disbursements DIVZSION State Revenue Sharing to Cities Re: State Revenue Sharing Law, ORS 221.770, requires cities to pass an ordinance or resolution each year stating that they want to receive state revenue sharing money. The law also requires that cities certify that two required public hearings were held. in order to receive state revenue sharing in 1997-98 your city must have levied property taxes in the preceding year and: I. Pass an ordinance or resolution approving participation in the program and file a copy of that ordinance with the State Controller's Division before July 31. 2. Hold the following hearings on the use of state revenue sharing funds: a) a public hearing before the budget committee to discuss possible uses of the funds; b) a public hearing before the city council on the proposed uses of the funds in relation to the entire budget. 3. Certify to the State Controller's Division by completing the form on the back of this memo, before July 31, that these hearings have been held. The requirements for an Actual Use Report due December 31 of each year and Long .Range Fiscal Projections due January 15 were repealed by the 64th Legislative Session. It is no longer necessary for you to file these reports. If you have any questions, please call me at 378-3158 ext. 256. 155 Cottage Street NE Salem, OR 97310-0310 (503) 378-3156 FAX (503) 378-3518 10B COU C?L BILL NO. 1801 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CITY'S ELECTION TO RECEIVE STATE REVENUES DURING FISCAL YEAR 1997-98. WHEREAS, Oregon Revised Statutes 221.770 requires the City to provide documentation to the State of Oregon advising them of their intention to participate in the State Revenue Sharing Program, now, therefore, THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Pursuant to ORS 221.770, the City hereby elects to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1997-98. Approved as to City Attorney Date APPROVED NANCY A. KIRKSEY, MAYOR Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder ATTEST Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 1 - COUNCIL BILL NO. RESOLUTION NO. 10C MEMO TO : THROUGH : FROM : DATE : SUBJECT : MAYOR AND COUNCIL City Administrator Mary Tennant City Recorder June 19, 1997 TRANSFERS OF OPERATING CONTINGENCY APPROPRIATIONS Childs RECOMMENDATION: Approve the accompanying Council Bill authorizing the transfer of operating contingency appropriations within the 1996-97 budget. BACKGROUND: Transfer of operating contingency appropriations are allowed under ORS 294.450 to meet unforseen financial obligations incurred during the fiscal year. State budget law requires the governing body to adopt the operating contingency transfers by resolution. The Building Division collects electrical and plumbing permit fees at the same time other building permit fees are collected and, in turn, forwards fees to the County once County building officials do their inspections ("pass-through, account). Building activity continues to be very strong within our community and the original budget projection for revenues and expenses within the line item, Marion County Electric/Plumbing Permit, was substantially lower than the actual revenue received/expenses paid out to. the County. Since the Technical & Environmental Services Fund has limited operating contingency appropriations for transfer to the Building Division, it is necessary to transfer appropriations from the General Fund in order to bring this budget into compliance with budget law. Even though a transfer of appropriations will take place with the passage of this Council Bill, there will be no transfer of actual General Fund revenues. 10C COUNCIL BILL NO. 1802 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF OPERATING CONTINGENCY APPROPRIATIONS DURING FISCAL YEAR 1996-97. WHEREAS, Oregon Revised Statutes 294.450(2) allows for the transfer of operating contingency appropriations within a fund to an existing appropriations category within the same fund during the year in which appropriations are made, and WHEREAS, Oregon Revised Statutes 294.450(3) allows for the transfer of operating contingency appropriations from the General Fund to any other fund when authorized by resolution, and WHEREAS, the Technical & Environmental Services Fund requires transfers of operating contingency appropriations from the Technical & Environmental Services and General Fund to meet unanticipated expenditures in the Marion County Electrical/Plumbing permit line item which is a pass-through of revenues collected from developers when obtaining building permits, now, therefore, THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: following budget: Section 1. operating That authorization is hereby given to transfer the contingency appropriations within the 1996-97 TRANSFER FROM: Tech. & Envir. Services Operating Contingency (82-825-921.000) General Fund Operating Contingency (01-090-921.000) $ 21,892 $ 80,000 TRANSFER TO: Technical & Environmental Services Fund: Building Division - Marion County permits Materials & Serv, i~e~ (82-845-6~.0~5) Approved as to Form: / /,( /'~/~~'~-~ City Attorney $101,892 Date APPROVED Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder NANCY A. KIRKSEY, MAYOR ATTEST Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 1 - Council Bill No. Resolution No. 1OD MEMO TO : MAYOR AND COUNCIL THROUGH : City Administrator Childs FROM : Mary Tennant ~ City Recorder DATE : SUBJECT : June 19, 1997 TRANSFERS OF BUDGETARY APPROPRIATIONS RECOMMENDATION: Approve the accompanying Council Bill authorizing the transfer of appropriations within certain budgetary funds. BACKGROUND: State budget law requires that budgetary expenditures cannot be over the appropriated amount at year-end. Budget appropriations in the original ordinance are reflected either by fund program (such as Police Department in the General Fund) or by category if a department or fund involves only one program. In the event appropriations within a specific fund program or category exceed the original appropriation, a Resolution is necessary to authorize the transfer of appropriations from other areas within the specific fund in order to bring our budget into compliance with State budget law. Each year, staff reviews the budget reports to determine if any budgetary appropriation is at risk of being over-expended by the close of the fiscal year (June 30th). This Council Bill will make appropriation transfers within specific funds that may need some adjustment in order to comply with State budget law. 1OD COUNCIL BILL NO. 1803 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN A FUND DURING FISCAL YEAR 1996-97. WHEREAS, Oregon Revised Statutes 294.450 allows the transfer of appropriations within a fund after the budget has been approved and during the year in which appropriations are made, now, therefore, THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following budgetary transfer of appropriations within each fund are hereby authorized to meet estimated operational expenditures during fiscal year 1996-97: GENERAL FUND: Transfer From: Police Department - Personnel Services (01-060-512.000) $ 16,000 Transfer To: City Attorney's Office - Personnel Services (01-040-512.000) $ 16,000 PARKS AND RECREATION FUND: Transfer From: Parks & Facilities Maintenance - Personnel Services (20-210-513.000) Materials & Services (20-210-635.030) Transfer To: Parks Administration - Personnel Services (20-200-512.000) FEDERAL PROGRAMS FUND (RSVP) : Transfer From: Materials & Services (38-380-610.011) Materials & Services (38-380-616.060) Transfer To: Personnel Services (38-380-512.000) Capital Outlay (38-380-710.005) $ 5,000 5,000 $ 2,500 1,000 $ 10,000 $ 2,500 1,000 Page 1 - COUNCIL BILL NO. RESOLUTION NO. 1OD SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND: Transfer From: Capital Outlay (60-600-723.012) Transfer To: Materials & Services (60-600-658.010) WATER FUND: Transfer From: Water Administration: Capital Outlay (70-700-713.020) Transfer To: Meter Reading/Accounting: Personnel Services Materials & Services WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FUND: Transfer From: Sewer Line Maintenance: Capital Outlay (72-725-714.003) Transfer To: Non-Departmental: Materials & Services (72-730-641.020) STORM WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FUND: Transfer From: Materials & Services (77-770-631.003) Transfer To: Capital Outlay (77-770-710.011) Approved as to Form:~ ~ 1'6 ~'V~' ~ City Attorney $ 38,000 $ 38,000 $ 7,000 $ 3,000 4,000 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 Date APPROVED NANCY A. KIRKSEY, MAYOR Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder ATTEST Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 2 - COUNCIL BILL NO. RESOLUTION NO. MEMO TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Council through City Administrator Public Works Director June 19, 1997 $20 Million Low Interest Loan Agreement with State IOE RECOMMENDATION: Approve the attached resolution authorizing the mayor to sign a Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CW SRF) Loan agreement for $20 million on behalf of the city. BACKGROUND: On June 19, 1995 the City was notified that it had been awarded a State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan of $2 million for design of an advanced wastewater treatment plant. Subsequently, final application materials were submitted to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for the loan. Additional work to design and construct pump station improvements and a new force main to the wastewater treatment plant was added to the SRF loan project description. In final stages of the process, DEQ representatives verbally informed the city that the loan amount may be increased to $4 million. That increase did take place and SRF Loan Agreement R98411 was entered into bythe council on June 24, 1996. The interest rate on this loan was 3.93% and payments do not begin until six months after project completion. In discussions with DEQ on other loan and treatment plant matters, the potential for an additional loan to cover a portion of the treatment plant costs was brought up and negotiated. The additional Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CW SRF) loan will be for $20 million at an interest rate of 3.87% with payment to begin six months after completion of the treatment plant or June 1, 2001, whichever occurs first. This loan will provide a major portion of the plant construction financing at a very good interest rate and repayment plan. It offers a substantial savings in interest costs, estimated at $253.725 each year for 20 years, during the entire term of the loan when compared with a comparable bond sale conducted by the city. Verbal commitments have been received from DEQ for additional Iow interest loan funding, if available, in the future. The agreement is similar to a previous SRF agreement approved by Council and it has been reviewed by the City Attorney. Council is requested to approve the attached resolution authorizing the mayor to sign this loan agreement on behalf of the city. GST:Ig Attachments: Letter from Peggy Halferty, DEQ Resolution Agreement STATE~OAN 110 E Frank Tiwari, Public Works Director City of Woodburn 270 Montgomery Street Woodbum, Oregon 97071 June 12, 1997 "r" ~i /12: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Re: CW SKF Loan R98412 for Wastewater System Improvements Dear Mr. Tiwari: Enclosed are two sets of a Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CW SKF) loan in the amount of $20,000,000 for continuation of the wastewater system project, including the treatment plant, poplar plantation, and collection system. The new loan agreement is in lieu of an increase in the existing loan since the amount of the increase is so much greater than the original loan amount. The interest rate is 3.87% if signed by the end of June. As we discussed on the phone, the first payment will be due six months after completion or June 1,2001, whichever comes first. The preliminary repayment schedule is on page 22. The required loan reserve amount is $1,472,242 or 50% of the loan disbursements, whichever is less. This will be adjusted after the loan is fully disbursed and the final repayment schedule is calculated. The next step is City Council approval of a resolution that (1) approves the loan "in an amount not to exceed...," (2) authorizes the establishment of the required loan reserve account, and (3) authorizes one or two people (by title) to sign the loan and related documents. After approval and signature on page 21, please remm both sets of the loan agreement to me with a copy of the resolution. When they have been signed by the Director, I will remm one set to the City for your records. I look forward to seeing you at the City Council meeting on June 23~. If you or your staff or legal counsel have any questions or concerns about the loan agreement, please call me at (503) 229-6412. Enclosures cc: Martin W. Loring, CA:WQD Jaime Isaza, WQ:WR:Eugene Sincerely, Peggy K. Halferty, Coordinator Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program Water Quality Division 811SWSixthAvenue Po~land, OR 97204-1390 (503) 229-5696 TDD(503) 229-6993 DEQ-1 ~ IOE cov c-. ] mL NO. 1804 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO STATE REVOLVING FUND LOAN AGREEMENT NO. R98412 WITH THE STATE OF OREGON, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN SAID AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF ~ CITY. WHEREAS, the City of Woodburn has applied for a State Revolving Fund loan for design and construction of an advanced wastewater treatment plant; development of a poplar plantation; and collection system improvements, including additional pump stations, force mains, and inflow and infiltration reduction; and WHI~REAS, the City of Woodburn has entered into negotiations with the Department of Environmental Quality for a loan to the City from the State Revolving Fund in the amount of $20,000,000, and WHF~REAS, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has provided to the City State Revolving Fund Agreement Number R98412; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City of Woodburn enter into State Revolving Fund Loan Agreement No. R98412 with the State of Oregon, Department of Environmental Quality, to borrow an amount not to exceed Twenty Million Dollars ($20,000,000) for the financing of project for Wastewater System Improvements. A copy of said loan agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 2. The City authorizes and approves the establishment and funding of designated reserve account to meet the "Loan Reserve" requirement of the State Revolving Fund Loan Agreement, and directs estab~_t of~ Loan Reserve. Section 3. That the Mayor of the City of Woodburn, acting for and on behalf of the City, is authorized to execute the State Rzvolving Fund Loan Agreement and ~uch other and additional documents as may reaso~ly be required for the consummation and closing of said loan, and any amendments required Approvedas to form: City Attorney Date Page 1 - COUNCIL BILL NO. RESOLUTION NO. Exlfibit "A" IOE . '~:S~E-.OF :OREGON AND TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE 1: ARTICLE 2: ARTICLE 3.' ARTICLE 4: ARTICLE 5: ARTICLE 6: ARTICLE 7: ARTICLE 8: ARTICLE 9: THE LOAN - SPECIFIC TERMS, CONDmONS AND PROVlSlONS .............................. 2 DEFINITIONS .............................. ~ ......................................................................... 3 GENERAL LOAN PROVISIONS ..................................................................... 5 TERMS, CONSmERATIONS, AND PROCEDURES ............................................ 7 GENERAL REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS ........................ 12 REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS ONLY ........................................................................ 14 RIGHTS OF DEQ; LIMITATIONS ON DEQ RESPONSmlcrriEs ............................ 16 DEFAULT AND REMEDIES ......................................................................................... 17 SRF PROCEOURES MANUAL ................................................................................... 19 ARTICLE 10: APPLICABLE FEDERAL AUTHORITIES AND LAWS ("CROSS-CUTTERS") ............. 19 -ARTICLE 11: LOAN EXECUTION ................................................................................................ 21 APPENDIX A: PRELIMINARY REPAYMENT SCHEDULE ............................................................. 22 APPENDLX B: RESOLUTION .......................................................................................................... 23 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ~TA'm ,R~VOLV~a F~ Exhibit "A' Page .-9. of-C/~' ARTICLE h THE LOA~ - SPECIFIC TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS (A) BORROWER: City of Woodburn. (B) LOAN NO.: R98412. (C) Lonn AMotnvr:. $20,000,000. (D) PROJECT ~E: Wastewater System Improvements. DATE OF AGREEMENT: June 12, 1997. (F) F, STIMATED COMPLETION DATE: January 1, 2001. (G) INTEREST RATE: 3.87% per annum. Calculation of interest is also discussed in Section 4(G) on page 10 and in Section 4(I) on page 10 of this agreement. (H) Lo~a~ PROCK~mG FEE: 1.5% of the Final Loan Amount will be due with the first repayment following the determination of the Final Loan Amount as discussed in Section 2(G) on page 4 and Section 4(H)(I) on page 10 of this agreement. (I) LOAN SERVICINGFEE: 0.5% of the outstanding principal will be due annually beginning with the second repayment as discussed in Section 4(H)(2) on page 10 of this agreement. (J) TERMS OltREPAYMF_~rr: Forty semi-annual payments beginning with an interest-only payment six months after project completion or June 1, 2001, whichever is earlier. When all disbursements have been made and the Final Loan Amount is determined, a repayment schedule amortizing the loan over the remaining repayment period will be prepared. Attached as Appendix A is a preliminmy repayment schedule based on an estimated disbursement schedule and the original Loan Amount. Repayment is also discussed in Section 4(I) on page 10 of this agreement. BORROWER*S ADDRESS: City of Woodbum 270 Montgomery Street Woodbum, Or.on 97071 (L) DF. SCRIFIION OF TIlE PROJECT: Design and construotion of advanced wastewater treatment plant; development of poplar plantation; and collection system improvements, including additional pump stations, force mains, and inflow and infiltration reduction. PAGE2 IOE (M) CONSTRUCTION COSTS. As of the date of this Loan Agreement, the Borrower has already incurred $0 in construction costs on the Project. CITY OF WOODBURN: R98412 ' 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT ORF_f._K)N DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STATE REVOLVING FUND Exh'bit "A" IOE PACE 3 (O) BORROWER'S AUTHORIZATION. The Borrower has authorized this agreement pursuant to ORS 468.439 by Resolution No. ., which was duly passed by the Borrower's City Council on ,1997. A copy of this document is attached as Appendix B. (P) PLEDGE. The Borrower hereby pledges its Net Operating Revenues to pay the amounts due under this Loan Agreement Thc Borrower covenants with the DEQ and any aSSignee of this Agreement that the Borrower shall not issue any other obligations which have a pledge or lien on the Net ~ Revenues which is superior to or on a parity with the pledge herein granted without the written permission of the DEQ. This loan is a parity obligation with all other State Revolving Fund loans between the DEQ and the Borrower. (Q) COVERACl~ REQUIREMENT. Until the loan is repaid in full, the Borrower covenants with the DEQ to maintain sewer rates sufficient to meet the requirements listed in Section 4(D) on page 8 with a debt service coverage factor of 105%. (R) LOA~ RESERVE REQUIREMENT. The Borrower covenants with the DEQ and any assignee of this Loan Agreement that the Borrower shall establish and maintain a Loan Reserve Account as described in Section 4(E) on page 9. The Loan Reserve Requirement shall be an amount that equals 100% of the average annual debt service as shown on the repayment schedule. Until the Final Loan Amount is calculated, the Loan Reserve Requirement equals the lesser of one- half of the total loan proceeds disbursed to date or $1,472,242. ARTICLE 2: D~.~moNs Unless the context othenvise requires, the capitalized terms used in this Loan Agreement shall have the meanings defined in this Article. (A) "BoRRoweR" means the public jurisdiction shown as the "Borrower" in Section 1 (A) on page 2. (B) "COMPLETION DATE" means either the date on which a facility planning project is accepted by the Department, the date on which a design project is ready for the contractor bid process, or the date on which a consm~ction project is substantially complete and ready for initiation of operations. (C) "Costa ov Ting PR~" means expenditures approved by the DEQ which arc necessary to construct the Project in compliance with DEQ requirements which may include but are not limited to the following items: (1) Obligations of the Borrower incurred for labor and materials and all costs which the Borrower shall be required to pay under the terms of any contract for the design, acquisition, construction or installation of the Project; (2) Engineering fees for the design and construction of the Project. CITY OF WOODBURN: R98412: 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STATE REVOLVING FUND Exhibit "A' P~ ~7t of.9~) IOE PAGE 4 (3) The costs of contract bonds and of insurance of all kinds that may be required or necessary during the course of completion of the Project; (4) The legal, financing and administrative costs of obtaining the loan and completing the Project; and (5) Any other co~ approved in writing by the DEQ. {D) "DEQ" means the State of Oregon, acting by and through the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality or the Director's authorized representative. 0g) "D~R" means the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality or the Director's authorized representative. systems. "FACILITY" means the Borrower's wastewater collection, treatment and disposal (G) "F~A~ LOAN A~OtmT" means the total of all loan proceeds disbursed to the Borrower including any Loan Agreement amendment increases or decreases. The Final Loan Amount will be determined when the project is complete or the Borrower indicates that no further loan funds will be requested, or all eligible expenditures have been reimbursed from the loan proceeds. The Final Loan Amount will be amortized over the balance of the repayment period on a final repayment schedule. (I'I) "LOAN AGREEMENT" or "AGREEMENT" means this Loan Agreement, its appendices, and any amendments or supplements thereto. (I) "LOAN AMOUNT" means the maximum amount the DEQ agrees to loan the Borrower as shown in Section I(C) on page 2. This amount may be changed by an amendment to the Loan Agreement approved by both parties. (J) "NET OPERATING RgVE~" means the gross sewer system revenues less the operating expenses. Gross revenues are all fees and charges resulting from operation of the sewer system, and any interest earnings thaeon. However, gross revenues for the purpose of this Loan Agreement does not include: any payments of assessments levied against properties; the proceeds of any grants; the proceeds of any borrowings for capital improvements; the proceeds of any liability insurance; or the proceeds of any casualty insmance which the Borrower intends to utilize for repair or replacement of the sewer system. Operating expenses includes all direct and indirect expenses incurred for operation, maintenance and repair of the sewer system, including but not limited to administrative expenses, financial and accounting expenses, insurance premiums, claims (to the extent that monies are not available from proceeds of insurance), taxes, legal and engineering expemes relating to the operation and maintenance, payments and reserves for pension, retirement, health, hospitalization, and sick leave benefits, and any other similar e~ to be paid to the extent properly and directly atlributable to operations of the sewer system. CITY OF WOODBURN: R98412: 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STATE REVOLVING FUND Exhibit "A" Page ?3 of.-~ IOE PAG£ 5 · (g) "OUTSTANDING LOAN AMOUNT" means the sum of all disbursements to the Borrower hereunder less the sum of all loan principal repayments. (L) on page 2. "PROJECT" means the facilities, activities or documents described in Section I(L) (M) "SRF" means the State Revolving Fund. The State Re~ving Fund is the same as the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund referred to in ORS Chapter 468, Division 423. means the State of Oregon. ARTICLE 3: GENERAL LOAN PROVISIONS (A) AGREEMENT OF DEQ TO LOAN. The DEQ agrees to loan the Borrower an amount not to exceed the Loan Amount, subject to the terms and conditions of this Loan Agreement, but solely from funds available to the DEQ under its State Revolving Fund program. The obligation of the DEQ to make the loan described in this agreement is subject to the availability of such funds, and the DEQ shall have no liability to the Borrower or any other party if such funds are not available, or are not available in amounts sufficient to fund the entire loan described herein. (B) AVAmA~naXY OF Ft~ms* The DEQ represents that it has available to it, or expects that it can obtain within a reasonable period of time, money to make the loan contemplated by this Loan Agreement. (C) TAX-eXeMPT STATUS. The Borrower covenants to comply with all provisions of the Code which are required in order for interest on the Loan to be excluded from gross income under Section 103(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended and any regulations or ruling issued thereunder. (D) SmaLg Auorr Act RgQvnUgMgm's. The State Revolving Fund (SRF) is a loan program of the DEQ which operates under the regulations of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and receives capitalization grants through the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) No. 66.458: Capitalization Grants for State Revolving Funds. As such, the SRF program and its loan recipients are subject to the U.S. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-128, "Audits of State and Local Governments" implementing the Single Audit Act of 1984. Borrowers are subject to Circular A-128 to the extent that loan proceeds include federal capitalization grant funds. The DEQ will notify the Borrower of the sources of the loan funds after the completion of each fisc~ year. The Borrower is responsible for compliance with A-128 audit procedures. (E) AGREEMENT OF BORROWER TO REPAY. The Borrower agrees to repay all amounts owed on this loan as described in Section l(J) on page 2. In any case, the Borrower agrees to repay all amounts ow~ on this loan within twenty years of the actual completion date of the Project. CITY OF WOODBURN: 1198412: 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STAT~ REVOLVING FUND Exhibit "A" Page (~ of ':).5 IOE PAGE 6 AUTHORIZATION. (1) - This Loan Agreement is given as evidence of a loan to the Borrower made by the DEQ pursuant to ORS Title 21 and ORS Chapters 190, 287, 288, and 468, as mended, and shall be subject to the present regulations of the DEQ and to its future regulations consistent with the express provisions hereof. (2) The Borrower has a~thorized this agreement pursuant to ORS 468.439 by a resolution or ordinance, which was duly passed by the Borrower's governing body as described in Section 1(O) on page 3. (G) TERMINATION Or LOAN AGm~EME~. Upon compliance by the Borrower with all of its obligations under this Loan Agreement, including payment in full of the Final Loan Amount, accrued interest and fees, this Loan Agreement will terminate and the DEQ shall take the steps necessary to release the DEQ's interest in any collateral given as security under thi's Loan Agreement. (It) NOT~CgS. All notices, payments, statements, demands, costs, approvals, authorizations, offers, designations, requests or other communications under this Loan Agreement by either party to the other shall be in writing and shall be sufficiently given and served uPon the other party if delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, and, if to the Borrower, addressed to the location listed in Section I(K) on page 2, "Borrower's Address," and if to the DEQ, addressed to: State Revolving Fund Program Water Quality Division Department of Environmental Quality 811 S.W. Sixth Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204-1390 or to such other addresses as the ~five parties may from time to time designate. (1) Co~rrRACT. This Loan Agreement shall constitute a contract between the Borrower and the DEQ which shall be binding on the parfie~ thereto upon their being separately executed by the parties. This Loan Agreement inoluding all related loan documents and instruments may not be amended, changed, modified, altered or ~~ withom the w~tt~ consent of the parties. (J) FURTII~R INSTR~ The Borrower and the DEQ agree to execute and deliver any written instruments necessary to carry om any agreement, term, condition or assurance in this Loan Agreement whenever occasion shall arise and reaso~le request for such instruments shall be made. (K) ASSlGNMZ~rr. The DEQ shall have the right to transfer the loan or assign this Loan Agreement at any time after its execution uPon written approval of the Borrower. This Loan Agreement shall be assigned by the Borrower only with the written approval of the DEQ. (L) LAWS GOVeRninG. This agreement shall be construed and accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon as the same from time to time exist. CITY OF WOODBURN: R98412: 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STATE REVOLVING FUND Exh?oit "A" Pn __Z of IOE PAG~ 7 , (M) JURISDICTION OF LITIGATION. Any litigation brought under this Loan Agreement shall be conducted in the courts of the county designated by the DEQ or in the courts of Marion County. (iN) VSLIOrrY AND SEV~O. mLITY. If any part, term, or provision of this Loan Agreement, or of any other loan document, shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void, voidab!e, or unenforceable by either party, the validity of the remaining portions or provisions shall not be affected, and all such remaining portions or provisions shall remain in fuil force and effect. (0) ARTICLE I-I~AoINGS. All headings contained herein are for convenience of reference only and are not intended to define or limit the scope of any provision of this Loan Agreement. (P) APPENDICES. The appendices attached to this Loan Agreement are a part of it. (Q) COUNTERPARTS. This Loan Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. ARTICLE 4: TERMS, CONSIDERATIONS, AND PROCEDURES (A) OPINION og LEaAL COVNSEL. The DEQ shah not be obligated to disburse any funds to the Borrower hereunder unless and until the Borrower has provided the DEQ with an opinion of the legal counsel to the Borrower, in form and substance satisfactory to the DEQ, to the effect that: (1) The Borrower has the power and authority to execute and deliver, and perform its obligations under this Loan Agreement; (2) This Loan Agreement has been duly executed, acknowledged where necessary by the Borrower's authofiz~ ~presentatives and, to the best knowledge of such counsel, all other necessary actions have been taken, so that this Loan Agreement is valid, binding, and enforceable upon Borrower in acco~ce with its terms, except as such enforcement is affected by bankruptcy, insolv~y, moratorium, or other laws affecting creditor's rights generally; and (3) To such counsel's knowledge, this Loan Agreement does not violate any other agreement, statute, court order, or law to which Borrower is a party or by which it is bound. (4) Interest on the SRF loan is excluded from gross income under Section 103(a) .of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended and any regulations or ruling issued thereunder. CITY OF WOODBURN .' R98412: 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STATE PIEVOLVING FUND Exhibit "A" P~ ~ of,~3 PAGE8 IOE (5) Revenues used as security for the loan will not constitute taxes which are limited by Section 1 lb, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution. (B) BORROWER'S FmANC~m RECOm}S. (1) The Borrower shall maintain appropriate and complete financial accounts for this Project, for this debt service fund, and for the loan repayment funding source at all times during the term of this Loan Agreement consistent with Generally Accepted Government Accounting Stan~, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and State Minimum Standards for Audits of Municipal Corpomtious. Separate accounting will be performed for the Facility producing the gross sewer revenues and for the Project. (2) The Borrower shall retain files and records relating to the Project and this Loan Agreement for at least three O) years after the project has been completed and all amounts due under this Loan Agreement are fully repaid. (3) Audit. Federal enabling legislation and rules require an audit of each SRF loan. DEQ agrees to accept the following as adequate to meet this requirement. (a) A full and complete accounting of Project costs incurred including doc, ument~ti_on to support each cost element with a summary of the total costs of the Project and the sources of funding submitted to the DEQ no more than six months following project completion; and (b) A copy the Borrower's annual audit report provided by December 31 st of each year until the loan is fully repaid. (C) INSURANCE. At its own expense, the Borrower shall procure and maintain insurance coverage (including, but not limited to hazard, flood and general liability insurance) adequate to protect DEQ's interest, and in such amounts and against such risks as are usually insurable in connection with s'nnilar projects and as is usually carried by entities operating similar facilities. The Borrower shall maintain this insurance until all amounts due under ~is Loan Agreement are fully repaid, and shall provide evidence of such insurance to the DEQ. 8¢1f insurance pursuant to a recognized municipal program of self insurance shall be adequate to satisfy this requirement. (D) SEWER RATE COVENANT. (1) Sewer Rates to Cover Debt Service Payments. The Borrower covenants with the DEQ and any assignee of this Loan Agreement that the Borrower shall charge fees in connection with the operation of the sewer system which are adequate to generate Net Operating Revenues in each fiscal year equal to or greater than the debt service coverage factor given in Section I(Q) on page 3 multiplied by the debt service payments due under this Loan Agreement in that fiscal year. CITY OF WOODBURN .' R98412: 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT OREC~N DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STATE REVOLVING FUND ExhibR "A" Page ~ offS5 IOE PAGI~ 9 (2) Sewer Rate Adjustments. If, in any fiscal year, the Borrower fails to collect fees sufficient to meet the coverage requirements described in paragraph (D)(1) of this Article, the Borrower agrees to promptly adjust its fees to assure future compliance and to transfer funds to the Sewer Fund from other sources in an amount equal to the deficiency. Any mmsfers or deposits to the Sewer Fund shall be maintained in the Sewer Fund and be used only for purposes for which the Net Operating Revenues may be used. The adjustment of rotes and the transfer of funds to cover a deficiency does not constitute the correction of the default created by the Borrower's failure to meet the coverage requirements. (3) Financial Reporting Requirement The Borrower shall provide the DEQ with a report which demonstrates the Borrower's compliance with the requirements of this section by December 31st of each year until the loan is repaid. If the audit report described in Section 4(BX3)(b) on page 8 identifies the Net Operating Revenues and contains a calculation demonstrating whether the Borrower satisfied the requirements of subsection (1) of this section, the audit report described in Section 4(B)(3)(b) on page 8 shall satisfy the requirements of this subsectiom (E) LOANRESERYEAcCOUNT. (1) The Borrower covenants with the DEQ and any assignee of this Loan Agreement that the Borrower shall create a restricted Loan Reserve Account, which it shall hold in trust for the benefit of the DEQ and any assignee of this Loan Agreement~ The Borrower covenants to use the funds in the Loan Reserve Account solely to pay amounts due hereunder until the loan, interest and fees have been fully repaid. (2) The Borrower covenants that it shall deposit an amount equal to the Loan Reserve Requirement as described in Section I(R) on page 3 into the Loan Reserve Account no later than the first day on which a disbursement is received hereunder. (3) The Borrower covenants that if the balance in the Loan Reserve Account falls below the Loan Reserve Req~ent, it will promptly deposit an amount sufficient to restore the balance from the first net revenues available after payment of thc amounts due hereunder unless the deposit has been made previously from other money of the Borrower. DISBURSEMENT OF LOAN PROCEEDS. (1) Bid Documents. The DEQ shall not be obligated to disburse any loan proceeds to the Borrower hereunder unless and until the Borrower has submitted a copy of the awarded contract and bid documents to the DEQ for the portion of the Project costs which will be funded with the disbursement. (2) Documentation of Expenditures. The Borrower shall provide the DEQ with written evidence of materials and labor furnished to and performed upon the premises, receipts for the payment of the same, releases, satisfactions and other signed statements and forms as may be reasonably required by the DEQ. CITY OF WOODBURN: R98412: 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STATE REVOLVING FUND Exhibit "A" Page I~) of .3~ ~) IOE ?AO~ 10 (3) Adjustments and Corrections. The DEQ may at any time, review and audit requests for disbursement and make adjustments for, but not limited to, ineligible expenditures, mathematical errors, items not built or bought and unacceptable work. Nothing herein contained shall require the DEQ to pay any amounts for labor or materials unless satisfied that such claims are reasonable and that ~_ch labor and materials were actually expended and used in the completion of the Project. In addition, the DEQ shall not be required to disburse loan proceeds in any amount greater than the total estimated cost of the work completed at the time of the disbursement as determined by the DEQ. (4) Contract Retainage Disbursemem. The DEQ will not disburse loan proceeds to cover contractor retainage unless the Borrower is disbursing retainage to an escrow account and provides proof of the deposit, or until the Borrower provides proof that retained funds were paid to the contractor. (G) I~r~R~ST EXPENSE. Interest will accrue at the rate specified in Section l(O) on page 2 from the date that a disbursement is mailed or delivered to the Borrower, or deposited into an account of the Borrower. Interest will accrue without compounding using a 365/366 day year until the Final Loan Amount is determined. After the Final Loan Amount is determined and the final repayment schedule is p~pared, interest on future scheduled payments will accrue on a 360 day year basis and compound semi-annually on the payment due dates. Scheduled payments will be applied to interest and principal according to the repayment schedule, rather than being applied based on the day the payment is received. (Il) FEES. (1) Loan Processing Fee. The Borrower agrees to pay a oue-time loan processing fee of one and oue-half percent (1.5%) of the Final Loan Amount The loan proeess~ fee shall be assessed after the Final Amount is determined and shall be due and payable as described in Section I(H) on page 2. (2) Loan Servicing Fee. The Borrower agrees to pay an annual loan servicing fee during the repayment period equal to one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the Outstanding Loan Amount The loan servicing fee shall be assessed and payable as described in Section l(I) on page 2. The loan servicing fee shall be calculated based upon the Outstanding Loan Amount prior to the posting of the payment due on that date. (3) Late Payment Fee. The Borrower agrees to pay immediately upon demand of the DEQ, a late fee equal to five percent (5%) of any loan payment which is not received by the DEQ on or before the tenth day after such payment is due. This late fee shall also due date. (I) LOAN REPAYMENT. - (1) Final Loan Amount. After the final request for loan proceeds is submitted by the Borrower and disbursed by the DEQ, the Final Loan Amount will be determined. The Final Loan Amount is the sum of all disbursements made including any amounts CITY OF WOODBURN: R98412 · 6112/97 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STATE REVOLVING F[IND Exhibit "A" Page. ti of-~:3 IOE PAGE l, 1 authorized by loan amendments. The Final Loan Amount less any principal payments received will be amortized over the balance of the repayment term specified under "Terms of Repayment" in Section 1 (J) on page 2. (2) Interim Payments. The Borrower agrees to make the first repayment on the loan as stated on the repayment schedule, but, in any case, no later than one year following the actual completion d_a_t¢ of the Project Semi-annual payments will continue to be due based upon a Preliminary or revised schedule until the Final Loan Amount is determined and the final repayment schedule is prepared. Any payments received during this period will be credited first to accrued interest as of the date due and then to loan principal. (3) Repayment Schedule. A final repayment schedule will be calculated after the final disbursement is made and the Final Loan Amount is determined. This schedule will record any interim payments which have already been made. The remaining scheduled payments will amortize the Final Loan Amount less any principal payments received over the remaining number of years or payments specified under "Terms of Repayment" in Section l(J) on page 2. Attached as Appendix A is a preliminary repayment schedule based on the estimated completion date and original Loan Amount. (4) Crediting of Scheduled Payments. Scheduled payments will be applied first to fees due, if any, and then to interest according to the repayment schedule, and then to principal. (5) Crediting of Unscheduled Payments. All unscheduled payments,, including any prepayments and partial payments, will be applied first to fees due, if any, and then to interest computed using.a 365/366 day year, and then to principal. Afl~ an unscheduled payment, the Outstanding Loan Amount will be reamorfized at the same interest rate and payment amount to reduce the loan maturity. After a partial payment, the Outstanding Loan Amount will be reamortized at the same interest rate for the same number of payments to increase the loan payment amount (6) Final Payment. All omdin4 loan principal, interest and fees will be due and payable no later than twenty years after the completion date. PREPAYMENT. (1) Optional Prepayment The Borrower may prepay any amounts owed on this loan without penalty on any business day upon 24 hours prior written notice. (2) Mandatory Prepayment. The Borrower shall prepay all amounts owed on this loan upon receipt of notice that the DEQ has accelerated the loan in accordance with the default provisions of this Loan Agreement -.0) Refinancing of Loan by Borrower. The Borrower warrants that if it refinances the portion of the Project financed by this loan, or obtains an additional grant or loan which is intended to finance the portion of the Project financed by this loan, it will prepay the portion of the Loan constituting a double benefit. CITY OF WOODBURN: R98412: 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STATE REVOLVING FUND Exhibit Page IOE PAGE 12 ARTICLE 5: GENERAL REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS (A) REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF ~ BORROWER. (1) The Borrower hereby certifies, recites and declares that all acts, conditions and things required to exist, happen and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Agreement have existed, have happened, and have been performed in due time, form and manner as required by law;, and that the Loan Amount together with all obligations of the Borrower does not, and will not, exceed any limits prescribed by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Oregon or the Borrower's authority. (2) The Borrower warrants that it is a duly formed and existing municipal corporation of the State of Oregon and has full corporate and other power to enter into this Loan Agreement. (3) The Borrower warrants that there is no material adverse information relating to the Project or the loan, known to the Borrower, which has not been disclosed to the DEQ. (4) The Borrower vamants that no litigation exists or has been threatened which would cast doubt on the enforceability of the Borrower's obligations under this Loan Agreement. (5) The Borrower warrants that this Loan Agreement does not create any unconstitutional indebtedness. (6) The Borrower wammts that neither the execution of this Loan Agreement, nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, nor the fulfillment of or compliance with any of the t~imS and conditions of this Loan Agreement, will violate any provision of law, or any order of any court or other agency of government, or any agreement or other instrument to which the Borrower is now a party or by which the Borrower or any of its properties or assets is bound, nor will same be in conflict with, result in a breach or constitute a default (with due notice or the passage of time or both) under any such agreement or other insUmnent, or, except as provided hereunder, result in the creation or imposition of any lien, charge or encumbrance of any nature whatsoever upon any of the property or assets of the Borrower. ~ (7) The Borrower yam-ants that any necessary local, state, and federal licenses, permits, and other approvals and authorizations for completion of the Project have been or will be obtained before the Project begins, and their provisions shall be complied with during the term of this Loan Agreement. (B) _.REPRESENTATIONS ANn WARRANTIES OF THE DEQ. The DEQ represents and warrants that the Director or the Director's representative has power under ORS 468 and OAR, Chapter 340, Division 54, to enter into the transactions contemplated by this Loan Agreement and to carry out the Department's obligations thereunder. By proper action of the State, the Director CITY OF WOODBURN: R98412: 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STATE REVOLVING FUND E bit"^" 10 E Page/'~ of~).~ PAGE 13 . and the Directox~s representative have been duly authorized to execute and deliver this Loan Agreement and to make the loan as contemplated hereby. (C) PROJECT ASSURm~CV.S. Nothing in this Loan Agreement prohibits the Borrower t~om requiring more assurances, guarantees, or indemnity or other contractual requirements from any pa~ty performing Project work. (I)) DEQ that: GENERAL COVENANTS OF THE BORROWER. The Borrower covenants with the (1) The Borrower shall use the loan funds only for payment of or reimbursement of costs of the Project in accordance with this Loan Agreement. (2) The Borrower is and will be the owner of the sewer system and the Project, and shall defend it against the claims and demands of all other persons at any time claiming the same or any interest therein. (3) The Borrower shall not sell, transfer, or encumber the sewer system without the prior written approval of the DEQ, which approval shall not unreasonably be withheld. Upon sale of the sewer system or the Project, in whole or in part, to a private purchaser, this SRF loan shall be immediately due and payable in full. (4) The Borrower shall undertake the Project, request disbursements under this Loan Agreement, and use the Loan Amount in full compliance with all applicable laws and rules of the State of Oregon, including ORS Chapter 468 and Oregon Administrative Rules Sections 340-54005 to 340-54-080, as they may be amended from time to time, and all applicable laws and rules of the United States, including Title VI of the Clean Water Act as amended by the Water Quality Act of 1987, Public Law 1004 and any subsequent amendments, and all applicable rules of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Article 10 on page 19 lists many of the applicable federal laws and authorities CCross-Cutters"). (5) To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Borrower shall indemnify, save, defend and hold the DEQ hoxml~ in any action, suit, or claim arising from the Borrower's failure to comply with any laws, requirements, permits and licenses relating to the Project or this Loan Agreement. (6) The Borrower shall disburse monies from the loan proceeds solely for the costs of the Project. (7) Concurrent with the execution and delivery of this Loan Agreement, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the Borrower shall take all steps necessary to cause the Project to be completed in accordance with ail applicable DEQ requirements. _ (8) If the Loan Amount is not sufficient to pay for the costs of the Project in full, the Borrower shall pay at its own expense from its own funds and without any fight of reimbursement from the DEQ all such costs of the Project in excess of the loan funds and additions thereto. CITY OF WOODBURN: Rgg412: 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT ORECK)N DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ~TATE ~EVOLVING FUND Exhibit "A" P~e /~of IOE I:'^~ 14 (9) The Borrower shall take no action which would adversely affect the eligibility of the Project as a State Revolving Fund Project, or cause a violation of any loan covenant herein. (10) The Borrower shall keep the sewer system in good repair and working order at all times and operate the system in an efficient and economical manner. DEQ that: PROJECT COVENANTS OF TIlE ]~ORROWER. The Borrower covenants with the (1) MBE, WBE and SBRA Affin-aafive Steps. The Borrower shall promote a fair share award to Small Businesses in Rural Areas, Minority Business Enterprises, and Women's Business Enterprises on all contract and subcontracts awarded as a part of the Project. (2) Surety Bond. Unless the DEQ provides a written waiver, the Borrower shall have all prime contractors execute and deliver a corporate surety bond acceptable to the DEQ for thc faithful performance of thc contract or subcon~t and payment of all liens and lienable expenses in connection therewith in a sum equal to the contract or subcontract price. (3) Retainage. Thc Borrower shall include a five percent (5%) retainage provision in all of the Borrowers contracts for purchases or completion of any part of the Project greater in cost than One Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dollars. (4) Change Orders. The Borrower shall submit all change orders to the DEQ. The Borrower shall not use amounts loaned under this Loan Agreement to pay for costs of any change order which has not been approved, in writing, by the DEQ. This subsection shall not prevent the Borrower from approving a change prior to approval by DEQ, as long as the Borrower accepts the risk of paying for costs of the change if it is not approved by DEQ. ARTICLE 6: REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS ONLY (A) COVENA~WrS. The Borrower covenants with the DEQ that: (1) Inspections. The Borrower shall provide inspections during the building of the Project as required by the DEQ to ensure that the Project complies with approved plans and specifications. These inspections shall be conducted by qualified inspectors under the direction of a registered civil, mechanical or electrical engineer, whichever is appropriate. The DEQ or its representatives may conduct interim building inspections to determine compliance with approved plans and specificatious and with the Loan Agreement, as appropriate. CITY OF WOODBURN: R98412: 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STATE REVOLVING FUND IOE PAGE 1.5 · (2) Asbestos. The Borrower shall ensure that any removal of asbestos which may be part of this Project will be performed by parties trained and qualified for asbestos removal. (3) ~on and Maintenance Manual. The Borrower shall submit a draft facility operation and maintenance manual before the project is filly percent (50%) complete. The Borrower shall submit a facility operation and maintenance manual which meets DEQ approval before the Project is ninety percent (90%) complete. (4) Project Performance Certification. Draft performance standards shall be submitted by the borrower before fifty percent (50%) project completion. Final standards shall be submitted and approved by DEQ before ninety percent (90%) project completion. The borrower shall notify the DEQ of the initiation of operation date within 30 days following the event. No later than 10.5 months after the initiation of operation, the borrower shall submit a performance evaluation report based on the approved performance evaluation criteria and standards. An affn'mafive or negative certification statement is required one year after the project's initiation of operation. If the project certification is negative, a corrective action plan shall be submitted to DEQ within two months of the certification to provide a basis for discussion and action to correct project deficiencies. The Project performance process is discussed in further detail in the 'SRF Manual for Construction Projects.' ($) Alterations After Completion. The Borrower shall not m~t_efially alter the design or smictmal character of the Project after the completion of the Project without the written approval of the DEQ. (B) Cos'rs ALV. ZAOY I~cvmum ~v mm4z Bom~owzg. (1) The Borrower represents that the mount of construction costs of the Project which have been incurred by the Borrower for the Project as of the date of this Loan Agreement do not exceed the amounts shown in Section I(M) on page 2. (2) The DEQ has relied upon Borrower's representation as to the amount of construction costs incurred prior to the date of this Loan Agreement If that sum is within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's definMon of"refinancing," the DEQ warrants that that amount is within the exception to the refimneing rule allowed by the EPA. As such, State Revolving Fund rules (40 CFR Part 35) allow disbursements to be made on a reimbursement basis. (C) PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. The Borrowees plans, specifications and related documents for the Project will be reviewed and approved by the DEQ. (D) PROJECT INITIATION OF OPERATIONS. (1) The Borrower shall notify the DEQ no more than thirty 00) days ~er the actual Project Completion Date. CITY OF WOODBURN: R98412: 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT OILEGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STATE REVOLVING FUND Exhibit "A" Page /~ of '~ IOE PAG£ 16 (2) If the Project is completed, or is completed except for minor items, and the Project is operable, but the Borrower has not sent its notice of initiation of operation, the DEQ may assign an initiation of operation date. ARTICLE 7: RIGHTS Og DEQ; LIMITATIONS ON DEQ RESPONSIBILITIES (A) QUALrrY Og MATEmALS. The DEQ does not warrant or guarantee the quality of materials supplied to and which become a part of the Project, the quality of the workn2mhip performed upon the project, or the extent and stage of completion of the Project, and no such warranty or guarantee shall be implied by virtue of any inspection or disbursement made by the DEQ. (B) LIABILITY OF THE DEQ. It is expressly understood and agreed that the DEQ will be under no liability of any kind or character whatsoever for payment of labor or materials or otherwise in connection with the completion of the Project or for the caning out of contracts entered into by the Borrower with third parties for the completion of the Project All costs of material, labor and construction, including indirect costs, shall be paid by the Borrower. (C) RIGHT OF ENTRY AND INsrgcrloN. The Borrower will allow the DEQ or its agents or assignees the fight to enter the premises during reasonable business hours upon reasonable notice to the Borrower to inspect the Project and for all other lawful purposes including the examining of books and records pertaining to the Project or this Loan Agreement and to make extracts and copies thereof. (D) DEQ NOT Ry_,QUm~D TO ACT. Nothing contained in this Loan Agreement shall require the DEQ to incur any expense or to take any action hereunder, and it shall not be liable to the Borrower for any damages or claims arising out of action taken pursuant to this Loan Agreement. (E) WAIVERS AND RESERVATION OF RIGHTS. (1) The waiver by the DEQ of any breach by the Borrower of any term, covenant or condition of this Loan Agreement shall not operate as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant, or condition of this Loan Agreement The DEQ may pmm~ any of its remedies hereunder concurrently or consecutively without being deemed to have waived its right to pursue any other remedy. (2) Nothing in this Loan Agreement affects the DEQ's right to take remedial action, including, but not limited to, administrative enforcement action and actions for breach of contract against a Borrower that fails to carry out its obligations under this Loan Agreement. CITY OF WOODBURN: R98412: 6/12/97 LOAN AOREEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OP ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STATE REVOLVING FUND Exhibit "A" IOE PAGE 17 (F) NONLIABILITY OF STATE. (1) The State and its officers, agents and employees shall not be liable to the Borrower, or to any other party whomsoever for any death, injury, damage, or loss that may result to any person or property by or from any cause whatsoever, arising out of the Project. The Borrower shall, and does hereby agree to the extent permitted by law and the Oregon Constitution, to indemnify, defend, save and hold thc State, its officers, agents and employees harmless from and defend each of them against any and all claims, liens and judgments for death of, injury to, or loss by any person or damage to property whatsoever occurring in, on or about the premises of the Project or due to the existence or activities of the Project, and, to the extent permitted by law, any reasonable attorneys' fees and expense incurred in connection with litigation against the State challenging or questioning the validity of this Loan Agreement, the existence or activities of the Project or actions, contracts, permits, or licenses obtained, agreed to, or performed by the Borrower in connection therewith. (2) Any findings by the Department conceming the Project and any inspections or analyses of the Project by the DEQ are for purposes of determining eligibility for the loan and disbursement of loan proceeds only and do not constitute an endorsement of the feasibility of the Project or its components or an assurance of any kind for any other purpose. (3) Review and approval of facilities plans, design drawings and specifications or other documents by or for the DEQ does not relieve the Borrower of its responsibility to properly plan, design, build and effectively operate and maintain the Facility as required by law, regulations, permits and good management practices. ARTICLE 8: DEFAULT AND REMEDIES (A) EVENTS OF DEFAULT. The occurrence of one or more of thc following events shall constitute an Event of Default, whether occurring voluntarily or involuntarily, by operation of law or pursuant to any order of any court or governmental agency: (1) The Borrower's failure to make any loan payment within thirty (30) days after the payment is scheduled to be made acco~ to the repayment schedule; (2) The Borrower's failure to comply in any malefial respect with any other covenant, condition, or agreeraent of the Borrower hereunder for a period of thirty 00) days after notice thereof from the DEQ; (3) The DEQ reasonably determines that any representation or warranty made by the Borrower hereunder was untrue in any material respect as of the date it was made; (4) The Borrower becomes insolvent or admits in writing an inability to pay its debts as they mature or applies for, consents to, or acquiesces in the appointment of a trustee or receiver for the Borrower or a substantial part of its property; or in the absence of CITY OF WOODBURN: R98412: 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ~TATE REVOLVING FUND Exhibit "A' IOE PAGE 18 such application, consent, or acquiescence, a trustee or receiver is appointed for the Borrower or a substantial part of its property and is not discharged within sixty (60) days; or any bankruptcy, reorganization, debt arrangement or moratorium or any dissolution or liquidation prig, is instituted by or against the Borrower and, if instituted against the Borrower, is consented to or aequiescxxt in by the Borrower or is not dismissed within ninety (90) days; or (5) The DEQ reasonably determines that, as a result of any ~hanges in the Constitution of the United States of America or the Oregon Constitution or as a result of any legislative, judicial, or administrative action, any part of this Loan Agreement shall have become void or unenforceable or impossible to perform in accordance with the isatention and purposes of the parties hereto, or shall have been declared unlawfial. may: REMEDIF_~. If the DEQ determines that an Event of Default has occurred, the DEQ (1) Declare the Outstanding Loan Amount plus any unpaid accrued interest and fees immediately due and payable; (2) Cease making disbursement of loan proceeds, or make some disbursements of loan proceeds and withhold or refuse to make other disbursements; (3) Appoint a receiver at the expense of the Borrower to operate the Facility and collect the gross revenues; (4) Pay, compromise or settle any liem on the premises or the Project or pay other sums required to be paid by the Borrower in connection with the Project, at the DEQ's discretion, using the loan proceeds and such additional money as may be required. In the event of payment by the DEQ, or anypayment out of the loan proceeds secured hereby, of any encumbrance, lien, claim, or demand, the DEQ may, at its option, be subrogated to the extent of the amount of such payment to all the rights, powers, privileges, and remedies of the payor or payee, as the ease may be, and any such subrogation rights shall be additional cumulative security for this Loan Agreement; (5) Direct the State Treasurer to withhold any amounts otherwise due to the Borrower from the State of Oregon and, to the extent permitted by Law, direct that such funds be applied to the amounts due to the DEQ under this Loan Agreement and be deposited into the State Revolving Fund; (6) Compel the specific performance of any term, covenant, or condition of this Loan Agreement; and (7) Pursue any other legal or equitable remedy it may have. (C) ATTORNEYS' Fggs A~m EXl'ENS~_~S. In the event the Borrower shall default under any of the provisions of this Loan Agreement and the DEQ shall employ attorneys or incur other expenses for the DEQ's suecessfifl enforcement of or the performance or observance of any CITY OF WOODBURN: R98412: 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STATE REVOLVING FUND ~,,hibit"A" 10E Pm~ , I c~i of::; .3 PAGE 19 obligation or agreement on the part of the Borrower contained therein, the Borrower agrees that it will, upon demand thereof, pay to the order of the DEQ the reasonable fee of such attorneys and other expenses incurred by the DEQ. ARTICLE 9: SRF PROCEmJRKS MANUAL The Oregon Administrative Rule references the Staie Revolving Fund Procedures Manual for requirements and guidance on many aspects of Section 212 publicly-owned treatment works projects. This document lists many of the requirements for meeting DEQ plan review and approval standards, as well as SRF loan conditions. While some of the document is guidance rather than requirement, this guidance is written with the intent of assisting the Borrowe~ with important issues, and borrowers are strongly encouraged to consider and follow the guidance when applicable. The SRF Manual for Construction Projects provides additional information on many of the project requirements and guidance. ARTICLE 10: APPLICABLE FEOERAL AtrrHORITmS ,*.No LAWS ("CROSS-CUTTERS") (A) ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION: Archaeological and Historic Presentation Act of 1974, PL 93-291. Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7506(c). Coastal Barrier Resomces Act, 16 U.S.C. 3501, et seq. Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, PL 92-583, as mended. Endangered Species Act 16 U.S.C. 1531, et seq. Executive Order 11593, Protection and Enhancement of the Cultural Environment. Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management. Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands. Farmland Protection Policy Act, 7 U.S.C. 4201, et seq. Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, PL 85-624, as amended. National Historic Preserv~on Act of 1966, PL 89-665, as amended. Safe Drinking Water Act, Section 1424(e), PL 92-523, as amended. Wild and Scenic Rivers Act~ PL 90-542, as amended. Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, PL 92-500. ECONOMIC LEGiSLATiON: Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966, PL 89-754, as amended. Section 306 of the Clean Air Act and Section 508 of the Clean Water Act, including Executive Order 11738, Administration of the Clean Air Act and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act with Respect to Federal Contracts, Grants or Loans. (C) SOCIAL LEGISLATION: Age Discrimination Act, PL 94-135. Civil Rights Act of 1964, PL 88-352, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq. CITY OF WOODB~: PO8412: 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY · STATE ~REVOLVING FUND Exhibit "A" Page -20 of · ~ :~ IOE ?^~. 20 ~ Section 13 of PL 92-500; Prohibition against Sex Discrimination under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Executive Order 11246, Equal Employment Opportunity. Executive Order 11625 and 12138, Women's and Minority Business Enterprise. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, PL 93-112 (including Executive Orders 11914 and 11250), as amended, 29 U.S.C. 794. (D) M SC .£LA .OVSAVX.oRrrY: Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, PL 92-646. Executive Order 12549 and 40 CFR Part 32, Debarment and Suspension. Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. CITY OF WOODBURN: R98412 · 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STATE REVOLVING FUND Exhibit "A" Page~f.~ / offs) ~ IOE PAGE ~ 1 ARTICLE 11: LOA~ EXECUTION This loan agreement is executed between the STATE OF ORg, C~N DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUalITY (thc "DEQ") and the CITY OF WOODBURN (the "Borrower") effective as ofthe date indimted in Section I(E) on page 2. BORROWER: CITY OF WOODBURN Authorized Officer Typed Name: Tide: Date STATE OF OREGON, ) ) County of ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on by as the Name Tide of the City of Woodburn. Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires: DEQ: STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QuALrrY Authorized Officer Typed Name:, Langdon Marsh Tide: Director Date CITY OF WOODBURN ' R98412: 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STATE REVOLVrNG FUND Exhibit "A" Page.~ ~ of ,-~ ~ IOE PAGE 22 APPENDIX A: PRELIMINARY REPAYMENT SCHEDULE IBORROWER: SRF LOAN NO.: LOAN AMOUNT: Due Date Pmt~ CITY OF WOODBURN I I ANNUAL INTEREST RATE: R98412 I I TERM IN YEARS: $20,000,000.00 PAYMENT AMOUNT: ................... PAYMENT ................... Prine~pe! Interest Fees Total 3.87%I $735,149.6~01 Print;pal Balance 6/1/01 1 12/1101 2 6/1/02 3 12/1102 4 6/1/03 5 0.00 774,000.00 300,000.00 1,074,000.00 348,149.69 387,000.00 100,000.00 835,149.69 354,886.39 380,263.30 0.00 735,149.69 361,753.44 373,396.25 96,484.82 831,634.51 368,753.37 366,396.32 0.00 735,149.69 $20,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 19,651,850.31 19,296,963.92 18,935,210.48 18,566,457.11 12/1/03 6/1104 12/1/04 611/05 12/1/05 611106 6 7 8 9 10 11 375,888.74 359,260.95 92,832.29 827,981.98 383,162.19 351,987.50 0.00 735,149.69 390,576.38 344,573.31 89,037.03 824,186.72 398,134.03 337,015.66 0.00 735,149.69 405,837.93 329,311.76 85,093.48 820,243.17 413,690.89 321,458.80 0.00 735,149.69 18,19O,568.37 17,807,406.18 17,416,829.80 17,018,695.77 16,612,857.84 16,199,166.95 12/1/06 6/1/07 1 2/1/07 6/1/08 12/1/08 12 13 14 15 16 421,695.81 313,453.88 80,995.83 816,145.52 429,855.62 305,294.07 0.00 735,149.69 438,173.33 296,976.36 76,738.08 811,887.77 446,651.98 288,497.71 0.00 735,149.69 455,294.70 279,854.99 72,313.95 807,463.64 15,777,471.14 15,347,615.52 14,909,442.19 14,462,790.21 14,007,495.51 6/1/09 12/1/09 6/1110 12/1110 6/1 I11 12/1/11 6/1 I12 12/1112 6/1/13 12/1/13 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 464,104.65 271,045.04 0.00 735,149.69 473,085.08 262,064.61 67,716.95 802,866.64 482,23927 252,910.42 0.00 735,149.69 491,570.60 243~579.09 62,940.33 798,090.02 501,082.49 234,067.20 0.00 735,149.69 510,778.44 224,371.25 57,977.07 793,126.76 520,662.00 214,487.69 0.00 735,149.69 530,736.81 204,412.88 52,819.86 787,969.55 541,006.57 194,143.12 0.00 735,149.69 551,475.05 183,674.64. 47,461.15 782,610.84 13,543,390.86 13,070,305.78 12,588,066.51 12,096,495.91 11,595,413.42 11,084,634.98 10,563,972.98 10,033,236.17 9,492,229.60 8,940,754.55 611114 27 12/1114 28 611/15 29 12/1/15 3O 6/1/16 31 606,935.45 12/1/16 32 618,679.65 611/17 33 630,651.10 12/1117 34 642,854.20 6/1118 35 655,293.43 12/1118 36 667,973.36 562,146.09 173,003.60 0.00 735,149.69 573,023.62 162,126.07 41,893.04 777,042.73 564,111.62 151. 038.07 0.00 735,149.69 595,414.18 139735.51 36,107.37 771,257.06 128 214.24 116 470.04 104 498.59 92 295.49 79 856.26 67 176.33 8,378,608.46 7,805,584.84 7,221,473.22 6,626,059.04 0.00 735,149.69 6,019,123.59 30,095.62 765,245.31 5,400,443.94 0.00 735,149.69 4,769,792.84 23,848.96 758,998.65 4,126,938.64 0.00 735,149.69 3,471,645.21 17,358.23 752,507.92 2,803,671.85 6/1/19 37 680,898.64 54,251.05 0.00 735,149.69 12/1/19 38 694,074.03 41,075.66 10,613.87 745,763.56 6/1120 39 707,504.36 27,645.33 0.00 735,149.69 12/1/20 40 721,194.82 13,955.12 3,605.97 738,755.91 TOTALS $20,000,000.00 $ 9,444,838.16 $1,445,933.90 $ 30,890,772.06 REQUIRED LOAN RESERVE: $ 1,472,242 2,122,773.21 1,428,699.18 721,194.82 (0.00) 21TY OF WGODBURN: R98412: 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STATE REVOLVING FUND Exhibit "A" Pa~ ~.-~ ~ of ~.~--~ IOE PAGE 23 APPENDIX B: RESOLUTION [Attach copy of the Resolution approving the loanJ CITY OF WOODBURN: R98412: 6/12/97 LOAN AGREEMENT IOF - H MEMO TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: City Council through City Administrator Public Works Program Manager ~ Agreements for Construction Financing for Roadway Improvements Associated with Construction of the Waremart Distribution Center June 19, 1997 RECOMMENDATION: Approve the three attached resolutions that enter into separate agreements to provide for the construction financing necessary for construction of roadway improvements for Highway 219 and the I-5 ramps necessitated by the construction of the Waremart Distribution Center and the Hillyer's Ford auto dealership. SUMMARY: ODOT originally indicated to the City that Waremart could sign a three party agreement with ODOT, the city and Waremart. After the Oregon Attorney General advised ODOT that it could only legally execute an agreement with the city, it became necessary for city staff to negotiate and draft three separate agreements to accomplish the improvements. AGREEMENTS: 1 ST: The first agreement is between the city and Waremart and administratively outlines responsibilities, primarily associated with construction financing, associated with an Immediate Opportunity Fund (IOF) project. Other provisions of the agreement are as a result of requirements dictated by the state. 2ND: The second agreement, between the city and Hillyer's Ford, is required to formalize construction financing and insure that the city is reimbursed for improvements that are Hillyer's responsibility but are included in a larger contract being administered by the city. 3RD: The third agreement is between the city and the State and covers the administration of the IOF project that deals with the roadway improvements and other obligations required by the Waremart Distribution Center. BACKGROUND: The construction of the Waremart Distribution Center required that certain improvements be made to Highway 219 and to the I-5 ramps. ODOT, at the request of the Economic Development Department, provided IOF to pay for 50% of these required improvements up to a maximum of $285,000. The remaining 50% of the funding, en additional $285,000 to bring the total project cost to $570,000, would be provided jointly by the city and Waremart on a shared basis. The City cost share is from the installation of the traffic signal at the northbound I-5 offramp. The city share for these Signal costs is limited to $122,797 by the agreement. Any costs in excess of the $570,000 provided by the IOF project would be the responsibility of Waremart. The construction of the Hillyer's Ford auto dealership, which is located adjacent to Waremart property on Highway 219, also required frontage improvements be made to Highway 219. Since their improvements were adjacent to Waremarts, ODOT directed, through Hillyer's access permit, that the project be incorporated with Waremarts to insure that work was done at the same time and with a minimum of disruption to traffic. Hillyer's Ford is responsible for the costs but the city would be administering the entire contract due to IOF involvement. There is a section of Highway 219 from the east edge of the Hillyer's Ford property to the southbound I-5 onramp that also required improvement to provide safe vehicle movement onto the Interstate and maintain continuity of the roadway. This frontage to this property is part of the state right of way. Waremart and Hillyer's have agreed to equally split the costs involved with improving this section. Provisions for this cost share are also covered in the agreements with Waremart and Hillyer's Ford. ODOT required an agreement with the city to administer the contract that included IOF funding. State statute did not allow the state to enter into an agreement with Waremart in this situation. Therefore, some state requirements of Waremart as a result of the IOF involvement and distribution center construction were include as a city obligation in this agreement. In turn then, the City in its agreement with Waremart made these obligations a responsibility of Waremart. COUNCIL BILL NO. 1805 RESOLUTION NO. 1OF A RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO A CONSTRUCTION FINANCE AGREEMENT WITH WAREMART, INC. TO PROVIDE FOR ADMINISTRATION AND FUNDING OF A STATE OF OREGON IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITY FUND PROJECT FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS ON HIGHWAYS 214 AND 219 AND THE I-5 INTERCHANGE REQUIRED BY CONSTRUCTION OF WAREMART'S DISTRIBUTION CENTER AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY RECORDER TO SIGN SUCH AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, Construction of the Waremart, Inc. Distribution Center required Highway 214 and 219 and I-5 interchange roadway improvements, and WHEREAS, The State of Oregon provided Immediate Opportunity Fund program financing for the roadway improvements required by the Waremart Distribution Center, and WHEREAS, The 14,736 is required to improvements, and City of Woodburn through the State of Oregon Agreement No. administer the construction contract for the required WHEREAS, The State of Oregon is not allowed by state law to enter into an agreement with a private company to accomplish administration and funding for the Immediate Opportunity Fund (IOF) project that was approved to provide roadway improvements for the Waremart, Inc. distribution center, and WHEREAS, To receive the IOF project that has been approved for the roadway improvements an agreement is required between the City and Waremart, Inc. for administration and funding; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City of Woodburn enter into a Construction Finance Agreement agreement with Waremart Inc. which is attached as Exhibit 'A' and by this reference incorporated herein for administration and funding of a State of Oregon Immediate Opportunity Fund project for roadway improvements on Highway 214 and 219 and the I-5 Interchange required by construction of Waremart's distribution center. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Recorder are authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of the City of Woodburn. Page 1 - COUNCIL BILL NO. Approved as to form.'~~ ~ City Attomey Date IOF APPROVED: Nancy A. Kirksey, Mayor Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder ATTEST: Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodbum, Oregon Page 2 - COUNCIL BILL NO. Exhibit "A" Pa~ I of 4 CONSTRUCTION - FINANCE AGREE~ IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITY FUND PROJECT 1OF THIS AiIF, I~I~It!I~ is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF WOODBUR~, an Oregon municipal corporation, actin~ by and through its elected officials, hereinafter referred to - "":"~' and WABIiIdART, INC., a corporation author~d~ to do business in the State of Oregon, acth~ by and through its company officials, hereinafter referred to as ``Company. RECITALS 1. The Oregon Transportation Commission, at its ~'ul~ 15, 1988, meeting, approved estsb~ an Immediate Opportunity Fund (IOF). The purpose of the IOF is to support specific economic devdop~ in Oregon through the construction or improvement of roads. FundinE is reserved for cases where there is an actual transpo~ation problem to be solved, and where a development location decision hinges upon an hnmediate commitment of road construction resources. 2. The State of Oregon, acfi~ through its Department of Transportation (hereinafter referred to as "State') has entered into IOF Agreement No. 14,736 with City which outlines State and City responsibilities for the IOF project. 3. Company plans to build a new distribution center on an 80 acre site in Woodbunt The project will include improvements to the Woodbum I-5 interchange and to the }rdlsboro- ~ilverton tilE.away ~ ~'"' . · .......... ,~u...~., at the stalgiara ox a ~ mu~ th~ IdllLSDOrO-bllVef~ou t-~u,,~ Waremart property alon8 ........ traffic signal at northbound off- .~,,,4ol rloht-turn ~e Off nofthboul~ orr-lamp,.m~.w. - -'-~-~--'-~-,,-~ and are appwximately as shown on Exlu~it ``A', attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. · ' Co has" to pay for the cost of'one half of the .ad~tio. nal..f~-onta~..e In addition, mpany. _~ ....... ~.,-~---, that are required to ~ irom me · o theHills~ro~uwn°u r~r~,,,-~ . to mprovements al n~ d on-ram - - -~ -~-,,.--~- Ford dealership to the southbour~ P eastern boundary of me propose~ r~- I-~. The new traffi~ ~ at tbe northbound off-ramp is covered by .a4p~ment No. 14,?$1 between State and City. The hi widening and other ' .unpro~ alon8 the fronta~.e2f,.I~ll, ,~Y~'~eF~d ed. ~ . _ . , ro-Silverton~,r,,,-=: (here/hatter referred to as l~lly~ s) on rue Hillsbo Hillyer's lVlid- pursuant to the terms of a separate atp'eement to be entered into between City Ford, Inc. and City. Said frontage improvements are part of the entire project but not a part of the IOF rehnbursement. Pa~e 1 - CONSTRUCTION-FINANCE A~ Exhibit "A" Page ;k of 4 The project meets the IOF criteria. The cost of the Improvements is estimated to be $570,000. The Oregon Economic Development Depamnent is reque.s~g assistance on this project in the amount orS0 percent funding, or up to $285,000. The matc~ 50 percent will be provided by City ($122,797, per Agreement No. 14,571) and Company ($162,203). State has agreed to provide IOF funds up to nn amount not to exceed $285,000. Any project costs, as outlined in this Agreement, over this amount shall be the responst~ility of Company. NOW, THEREFOR~ the premises being in general as stated in the foregoing ~ALS, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as £oHows: ARTICLE 1. OBLIGATIONS OF CITY City agrees to fund, pursuant to Agreement No. 14,571, the sum of $122,797 as City's share of the Improvements. City agrees, by January 30, 2005, to send to State a written report documenting the number of new employment positions created and filled by Company at the Woodbum Distribution Center from the start of construction until December 31, 2004. The data contained in City's written report to State shall be based upon the information supplied to City by Company. ARTICI-E 2. OBLIGATIONS OF COMPANY Company agrees to pay to City the sum of $162,203 as Company's share of the Improvements. If the total cost of the Improvements exceed $570,000, Company agrees to pay to City an additional sum equal to the full amoum of the excess cost. Company shall be solely and exclusively responsible for half street improvements to I-Y~way 219 for st distance of 474.Z] feet beginning at the northwest corner of tax lot 100, map 5-2W-11, and proceeding easterly along said frontage to a point where the Tax. lot joins tax lot 105, owned by ITdlyer. Company and I-rdlyer shall be equally responsible for road in~rovemems to ~ 219 and the freeway interdmnge from the eastern terminu~ of the I-rdlyer's street improvement obligation to the beginning of the project (station 0+00 on the engineering plans prepared by Westech Engineering) at the entrance to the south bound freeway on-ramp, an approximate distance of 255 feet. 1OF Page 2 - CONSTRUCTION-FINANCE AGREEMENT Exhibit "A' Page _~ of 4 Company agrees, by January 15, 2005, to send to City a written report documenting the number of new employment positions created and filled by Company at the Waremart Woodbum Distribution Center from the beginning of construction until December 31, 2004. Company understands and agrees that, pursuant to IOF requirements, Company i~ under a legal obligation to create and fill at least 350 new employee positions at the Waremart Woodbum Di~n'bution Center from the beginning of construction until December 2004. In the event that 350 new employee positions are not created and filled by Company at the Waremart Woodbum Dism~on Center from the beginning of construction until December 31, 2004 and State aeeka to recapture all or a portion of the $285,000 State contribution, Company agrees to pay to State a sum equal to amount State ~eeks to recapture. ARTICLE 3. JOINT OBLIOATIONS OF CITY AND COMPANY City and Company ~ conduct the necessary field surveys, perform all PE design work required to produce plans, specifications, and cost estimates; obtain all required permits; and arrange for utility relocations. City and Company siudl forward to State, through the assigned liaison person, project plan% specification% and co~t e~timate~ prior to advertisement for construction bid proposals. City and Company ~ prepare the contract and bidding documents and advertise for bid proposals. ~ty shall award all construction contracts and pay all construction contract costs associated with this project, City shall be reimbursed, as part oftotal project costs, construction contracts and ~ve expenses associated with completion ofth~ obligatio,_ City and Company shall comply with .all requirements stated on the permit issued by State's District 3 office. City and Company shall furnish competent, qualified people to assure that all consUucfion engineering, mataials testing, technical inspection, and project manager services for administration of the contract are performed properly and per ODOT specifications. City and Company shall provide to State permanent mylar "as constructed" plans stamped by a Registered Professional Engineer assuring all phases of the construction work was done in conformance with the plans and specifications. City and Company shall compile accurate cost accounting records. When the actual total PE and construction costs of the project have been computed, City shall furnish State with an itemized statement of said total costs. City shall be reimbursed, from the total project costs for the administrative expenses associated with completion of this obligation. Page 3 - CONSTRUCTION-FINANCE AGREEMENT Exhibit "A' Page ~ of 4 ARTICLE 4. OTHER PROVISIONS The intent of the parties is that the Improvements shall be completed by December 1, 1997. Company undermanda and agrees that, notwithstanding the other provisions of this Agreement, City i~ under a legal obligation to State not to allow company to open its Waremart Woodbum Dimn~n Center until the traffic signal at the northbound off- ramp is completed to State Mm~citi~ons and approved by State and until the rest of the project is under contract. The costs records and acco~ pertaining to the work covered by this Agreement shah be retained for inspection for a period of three years following final payment. Copies shah be made available upon request. In the event a suit or action is instituted to enforce any right guaranteed pursuant to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to, in addition to the statutory costs and disbursements, a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by trial and appellate courts respectively. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and at~ed their seals of the day and year hereinat~er written. WAREMART, INC., by and through its Corporate Officials CITY OF WOODBURN, by and through its Mayor By. By, Title Date Date, Attest: City Recorder APPROVED AS TO FORM By:, Company Legal Counsel Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: City Legal Counsel Date:. Page 4 - CONSTRUCTION-FINANCE AGREEMENT lOG COUNCIL BILL NO. 1806 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO A CONSTRUCTION FINANCE AGREEMENT WITH HILLYER'S MID-CITY FORD, INC. FOR ADMINISTRATION AND FUNDING FOR HIGHWAY 219 IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY RECORDER TO SIGN SUCH AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, The State of Oregon has required that certain improvements be made to Highway 219 as a result of construction of an automobile dealership by Hillyer's Ford Inc., and WHEREAS, State of Oregon temporary permit No. 03A3§31 for access to Highway 219 required that improvements be in accordance with Westech Engineering drawings, and WHEREAS, The required Highway 219 improvements for economies of scale and other concerns were included in a larger project that Westech Engineering prepared as a result of Waremart, Inc. distribution center roadway improvement requirements, and WHEREAS, The City of Woodburn is administering the larger project as a result of the Special Public Works Fund grant and loan and Immediate Opportunity Fund project status of portions of the larger project; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City of Woodburn enter into a Construction Finance Agreement with Hillyer's Mid-City Ford, Inc. which is attached as Exhibit ~A' and by this reference incorporated herein for administration and funding of Highway 219 improvements. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Recorder are authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of the City of Woodburn. Page 1 - COUNCIL BILL NO. Approved as to form: City Attorney Date lOG APPROVED: Nancy A. Kirksey, Mayor Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder ATTEST: Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodbum, Oregon Page 2 - COUNCIL BILL NO. Exhibit Page / of 3 lOG CONSTRUCTION - FINANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGR~F-MENT is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF WOODBURN, acting by and through its elected officials, hereinafter referred to as "City", and HILLYER'S MID-CITY FORD, INC., an Oregon corporation, acting by and through its company officials, hereinafter referred to as "Company". Company has constructed an automobile dealership on its property which has frontage on I-IiHsboro-Silverton Highway. The State of Oregon, acting through its Department of Transportation (hereinaRer referred to as "State") has required that certain improvements be made to I-Tdlsboro-Silverton Highway (Highway 219) along frontage in front of Company. To maintain roadway continuity and enlumce safety of operation a section of the highway along State frontage from the east edge of Company frontage to the southbound I-5 onramp approach will also require similar improvements. The referenced improvements are approximately as shown on the Road Improvement Allocation Map which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and made a part hereof. The State has issued Company tempo~ permit # 03A35431 for access to Hillshoro- Silverton Highway which required that frontage improvements shall be in accordance with Westech Engineering drawings. o Waremart, Inc.(hereinafter referred to as "Wareram") which owns frontage adjacent to Company is also required to make and has agreed to fund similar improvements along its frontage which is adjacent to that of Company. Waremart has agreed to fund one half of the costs of the I-Iillsboro-Silverton Highway improvements along State frontage from the east edge of Company frontage to the southbound I-$ onramp approacK o City, through Immediate Opportunity Fund Agreement//14736, has agreed to administer the contracting process for the State required roadway improvements to be completed by Waremart as a result of construction of their new distribution center. The roadway improvements in the design (which were prepared by Westech Engineering) include the required roadway improvements to Waremart frontage, Company frontage, and State frontage adjacent to and east of Company. Page 1 - CONSTRUCTION-FINANCE AGREEMENT Exhibit "A" Page ~ of 3 lOG NOW, THEREFORE, the premises being in general as stated in the foregoing RECITALS, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: ARTICLE 1. OBLIGATIONS OF CITY City shall compile acanate cost accounting records and will request relmbur~ment from Company as progress payments are made by City. Company agrees to promptly reimburse City when such requests are made. ~ ~ pro, de ~.a statemem of total costs at completion of the improvements and retain cost records aha accounts pertsimng to the project for inspection for a period of three years following final payment. ARTICLE 2. OBLIGATIONS OF COMPANY Company shall be solely and exclusively responsible for half street improvements to Highway 219 for a distance of 20 feet beginning at the northwest comer of tax lot 105, map 5-2-11, and proceeding easterly along said frontage to a point where the tax lot joins tax lot 1100, map 5-2W-12C, also owned by Company. Company shall further be solely and exclusively responsible for half street improvements to ~y 219 for a distance of 208.53 feet beginnin~ at the northwest comer of tax lot 1100, map 5-2W-12C, and proceeding easterly along said frontage to a point where the tax lot boundary makes a fight angle to the south. Company and Waremart shall be equally responsible for road improvements to Highway 219 and the freeway interclmage from the eastern terminus of the Company obligation referenced above to the beginning of the project (station 0-t00 on the engineerin~ plans prepared by Westech ~) at the entrance to the south bound freeway on-ramp, an approximate distance of 255 feet. ARTICLE 3. OTHER PROVISIONS The cost records and accounts pertaining to the work covered by this Agreement shah be retained for inspection for a period of three years following final payment. Copies shall be made available upon request. In the event a su/t or act/on is instituted to enforce any right guaran~ pursuant to this Agreement, the preva/l/ng party shah be entitled to, in addition to the statutory costs and Page 2 - CONSTRUCTION-FINANCE AGREEMENT Exhibit "A" Page ~. of 3 disbursements, a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by trial and appellate courts respectively. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set the'tr hands and affixed their seals of the day year hereinafter written. FORD, INC., by and through its Corporate Officials By, Title Date. CITY OF WOODBURN, by and through its Mayor By. Date Attest: City Recorder APPROVED AS TO FORM By:, Company Legal Counsel Date:. APPROVED AS TO FORM: By:. City Legal Counsel Date:~ lOG Page 3 - CONSTRUCTION-FINANCE AGREEMENT 1OH COUNCIL BILL NO. 1807 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO AGREEMENT NO. 14,736 WITH THE STATE OF OREGON FOR AN IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITY FUND PROJECT FOR HIGHWAY 214 AND 219 AND I-5 INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED BY CONSTRUCTION OF THE WAREMART, INC. DISTRIBUTION CENTER AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY RECORDER TO SIGN SUCH AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, The State of Oregon, by authority granted in ORS 366.770 and 366.775, may enter into cooperative agreements with cities for performance of projects, and WHEREAS, The State of Oregon has established an Immediate Opportunity Fund (IOF) to support specific economic development in Oregon through the construction or improvement of roads, and WHEREAS, The State of Oregon has determined that specific roadway improvements on Highway 214 and 219 and at the I-5 interchange, required as a result of the Waremart, Inc. distribution center, are an eligible IOF project; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City of Woodburn enter into Agreement No. 14,736 with the State of Oregon which is attached as Attachment "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, for an Immediate Opportunity Fund Project for Highway 214 and 219 and I-5 Interchange improvements required by construction of the Waremart, Inc. distribution center. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Recorder are authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of the City of Woodburn. Page 1 - COUNCIL BILL NO. Approved as to form City Attorney Date IOH APPROVED: Nancy A. Kirksey, Mayor Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder ATTEST: Man/Tennant, Recorder City of Woodbum, Oregon Page 2 - COUNCIL BILL NO. P~e ! of 9 1OH June 20,1997 Miscellaneous Contracts & Agreements No. 14,736 CONSTRUCTION - FINANCE AGREEMENT IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITY FUND PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the STATE OF OREGON, acting by and through its Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as 'State' and the CiTY OF WOODBURN, acting by and through its elected officials, hereinafter referred to as 'City. RECITALS The Oregon Transportation Commission, at its July 15, 1988, meeting, approved establishing an Immediate Opportunity Fund (IOF) and, at its January 18, 1996, meeting, approved continuation of the fund. The purpose of the IOF is to support specific economic development that affirms job retention and job creation opportunities in Oregon through the construction or improvement of roads. Funding is reserved for cases where there is an actual transportation problem to be solved, and where a development location decision hinges upon an immediate commitment of road construction resources. e By the authority granted in ORS 366.770 and 366.775, State may enter into cooperative agreements with the counties and cities for the per[ormanca of work on certain types of improvement projects with the allocation of costs on terms and conditions mutually agreeable to the contracting parties. Waremart, Inc. plans to build a new distribution center on an 80-acre site in Woodbum. The project will include Improvements to the' Woodbum I-5 interchange and to the Hillsboro- Silverton Highway as follows: five lane improvement from Woodland Avenue to I-5 southbound ramp terminal (including right-tum lane enhancements to southbound I-5 ramp), right-tum lane on northbound off-ramp, new traffic signal at norlbbound off-ramp, and interconnection of the two signals at the interchange northbound and southbound ramps, hereinafter referred to as project The new traffic signal at the northbound off-ramp is covered by Agreement No. 14,571 between State and City. The highway improvements along the frontage of the proposed Hillyer's Ford, Inc. business on the Hilisboro-Silverton Highway ara covered under a permit Issued by State to Hilyer's Ford, Inc. Said frontage improvements are part of the entire project but not a part of the IOF reimbursement. The location of project is approximately as shown on Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Attachmeut "A" Page ,~ of 9 1OH IOF AGREEMENT #14,736 .Page 2 WAREMART DtSTRIBUTION CENTER IN WOODBU~ June 2O. 1997 4. City shall enter into a separate agreement with Waremart, In,¢., to establish Waremart, Inc.'s responsibilities. 5. This agreement covers the roadway portion of the project and meets the IOF criteria. The cost of the roadway Improvements is estimated to be $570,000. The Oregon Economic Development Department is requesting assistance on this project, in the amount of 50 percent funding, or up to $285,000. The matching 50 percent will be provided by City ($122,797, per Agreement No. 14,571 and $162,203 provided to City by Waremart, Ino.). 6. State agrees to provide IOF funds up to an amount not to ex.cd $285,000. Any project costs, as outlined in this agreement, over this amount will be the responsibility of City. IOF funds am to be applied to preliminary engineeflng and construction costs only, on a reimbursement basis. Funding for right-of-way acquisition, it' any is needed, is not an allowable reimbursable cost under the IOF program. If right-of-way acquisition is necessary, the parties hereto agree and understand that they will comply with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended. 9. Any portion of project to be constructed on State right-of-way shall be constructed to current State standards and Amedcen Disability Act standards. NOW, THEREFORE, the premises being in general as stated in the foregoing RECITALS, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: STATE OBLIGATIONS State shall, at its own expense, assign a liaison person to monitor the work performed on the project and provide project oversight. State shall, at its own expense, review project plans, specifications, and cost estimates prepared by City or City's consultant within 30 working days of receipt from City and prior to advertisement for constnmtion bids. 3. State hereby grants City or City's consultant the right to enter onto and occupy State right- of-way for construction of project. State shall, upon completion of the project, stflpe or place thermoplastic markings for any necessary lane lines on the portion of the project located on the Hilisboro-Silverton Highway upon completion of project_ All costs related to said striping will be billed against the IOF maximum ~ $285,000. State estimates that the cost for said striping will not exceed $5,000. Attachment "A" Page ~ of 9 iOF /~GREEMENT #14 , 736 Page $ WAREMART DISTRIBUTION CENTER IN WOODBURN June 20, 1~7 5. State shall, upon receipt of itemized billing of actual construction costs incurred by City, reimburse City for said constnJcflon costs up to the IOF maximum of $285,000, less the amount needed by State for striping. State shall, if WaremarL Inc. is still an operating business on December 31, 2004, cooperate with City to recapture from WaremarL Inc. some or all, depending on the number of new positions created and filled (at the rate of $814 for each new hire), of the $285,000 IOF contribution if WaremarL lnc. cannot document to City by January 30, 2005, that it has filled at least 350 new positions between start of the construction of the project and December 31,2004. 1OH CITY OBLIGATIONS City agrees that State's contribution of 50 percent of the actual road construction costs not to exceed $285,000, less striping, will be applied to preliminary engineering and construction only. City shall fund $122,797 (per Agreement No. 14,571) and $162,203 (from Waremart, Inc.) of the required improvements to the Woedbum !.5 interchange and to the Hillsboro-Silverton Highway construction project costs. Said funding is the required IOF match of 50 percent. City shall be responsible for funding the remaining project costs. City or City's consultant, for all portions of the proje~L shall conduct the necessary field surveys, perform all PE and design work required to produce plans, specifications, and cost estimates; obtain all required permits; and arrange for utility relocations. City or City's consultant shall forward to State, through the assigned liaison person, project plans, specifications, and cost estimates for review 30 working days prior to advertisement for construction bid proposals. 4. · City or City's consultant shall prepare the contract and bidding documents. City shall advertise (according to publio contracting laws) for bid proposals, award all construction contracts and pay all construction contract costs associated with this project. City shall be reimbursed, as part of total project costs and as part of the IOF maximum of $285,000, for construction contract costs and administrative expenses associated with completion of this obligation. 5. City shall comply with all requirements stated on the permit issued by State's District 3 office. Se City or City's consultant shall furnish competent, qualified people to assure that all construction engineering, materials testing, technical Inspection, and project manager services for administration of the contract are performed properly and per ODOT specifications. City or City's consultant shall provide to State permanent mylar "as constructed' plans stamped by a Registered Professional Engineer assuring all phases of the construction work was done in conformance with the plans and specifications. IOF AGREEMENT#f4, 736 WAREIdART DISTRIBUTION CENTER IN WOODBURN June 20, 1997 Attachment "A" Page ~ of 9 Page 4 ,1OH, City shall compile accurate cost accounting records. State may request a statement of costs to date at any time by submitting a written request. When the actual total PE and construction costs of the project have been computed, City shall furnish State with an Itemized statement of said total costs. City shall be reimbursed, as part of the total project costs and as part of the IOF maximum of $285,000, for administrative expenses associated with completion of this obligation. 8, City shall, to the extent permitted by the Oregon Constitution and the Oregon Tort Claims Act,. indemnify and hold harmless the State of Oregon, Oregon Transportation Commission and its members, Oregon Department of Transportation and its officers and employees, from all claims, suits, or actions of any nature arising out of activities of City, its consultant, its contractor, its officers, subcontractors, agents, or employees under this agreement. City shall require contractor to obtain and keep in effect dudng the term of this agreement, Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability Insurance covering bodily injury and property damage. This Insurance shall include personal inju~ coverage, contractual liability coverage for the indemnity provided under the agreement and products/completed operations liability. Combined single limit per occurrence shall not be less than $1,000,000 or the equivalent. Each annual aggregate limit shall not be less than $1,000,000, when applicable. The liability coverages required for performance of this agreement shall Include the State of Oregon, Transportation Commission and its members, the Department of Transportation, and its officers and employees, as additional insureds. Before start of construction, City shall fumlsh to State a Certificate of Insurance for the limits set out above, which is to be in force and applicable to the project. The insurance coverage shall not be amended, altered, modified or canceled insofar as the coverage contemplated herein is concerned without at least 30 days pdor written notice. 10. City shall not allow Waremart, Inc. to operate its Woodbum distribution center until the signal at the no'rthbound'off-ramp is satisfa~3dly completed to State specifications and approved by State and until the rest of the project is under contract. 11. City shall, by January 30, 2005, send to State a writton report documenting the number of new positions created and filled at the Waremart, Inc. Woodbum distribution center between the start of construction of project and December 31.2004. If Warernart, Inc., is still an operating business on December 31, 2004, State will cooperate with City to recapture from Waremart, Inc. some or all, depending on how many new positions have been created and filled, ofthe $285,000 State IOF contribution (at the rate of $814 for each new hire) if, at December31, 2004, Waremart, Inc. has not created and filled at least 350 new positions at the Woedbum distribution center. If City can document at least 350 new Waremart, Inc. positi.ons filled, State will not seek to recapture any of the IOF grant. IOF AGREEMENT#14,7'36 WAREMART DISTRIBUTION CENTER IN WOODBURN June 20. 1997 Attachment "A" Page ..~ of 9 Pa~ $ 12. City shall execute this agreement by signatures of personnel authorized by its City Council. 1OH GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. The project shall be completed by December 1, 1997. This agreement shall terminate upon completion of project and when all the conditions are met under City Obligation No. 11. 2. In no event shall State's portion of the project costs exceed the maximum amount specified abOve in paragraph 5, Recitals. 3, This agreement shall terminate automatically if a const~_ction .contract !s not awa~ ,ed ,by City within two years of filial execution of this agreement, or If construction Is not comple~e~ within five years of final execution of this agreement. 4. City, its subcontractors, if any, and all employers working under this agreemen, t are subject employers under the Oregon Workers Compensation Law and shall comply with ORS 656.017, which requires them to provide workers compensation coverage for all their subject workers. 5. The terms of this agreement begin upon execution of this agreement by both parties. this agreement shall not prejudice any ngms or coagaaons accrueu ~o m~ p~,u~ ~uu, termination. ' d 7. City acknowledges and agrees that State'and the Oregon Secretary of State s office an. the federal govemment and their duly authorized representatives shall have access to such fiscal records and other books, documents,' .papers, pla.ns ~ writi.ngs o.f City tha! a_re_: pertinent to this agreement to perform examinations ~.~ auu~ .ar~ ma.K? excel.? an= transcripts. City shall retain and keep all cost files a...nd recon:ls l~.r a .mm;mum ~.tn ..me y?.ars after completion of the project and after all the conditions are met unc3er City Obllga~Jon No. 11. 8. City shall comply with all federal, state and local laws, regulations, executive o.r. ders and ordinances applicable to the work under this agreement, Including, without limitation, the provisions of ORS 279.3'12, 279.314, 279.316, 279.320, and 279.555, attached hereto as Exhibit B and by this reference made a part hereof. W'(d~out limiting the generality of the foregoing, City expressly agrees to comply with: (i) T'(de Vi of Civil Rights Act of 1964; (ii) Section V of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; (iii) the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and ORS 659.425; (iv) all regulations and administrative rules established pursuant to the foregoing laws; and (v) all other applicable requirements of federal and state civil rights and rehabilitation statutes, rules and regulations. Attachment "A~ P~-,e (~ of 9 IOF AGREEMENT#14,736 WARE. MART I~$TRIBUTION CENTER IN WOODSURN Jur~ 2O, 1~97 City agrees that should any environmental or land-use issues adse at any time during the development or construction of the project, State can, at its reasonable discretion and when exercised in good faith, suspend payments until it is satisfied that the issue has bccn resolved. However, City may use its own funds to continue the project and shall be reimbursed by State as provided for in this agreement once Slate is satisfied that the issue has been resolved. lO:This agreement, attached exhibits, and the agreements referred to in this agreement constitute the entire agreement between the parties on the subject matter hereof. Them am no understandings, agreements, or representations, oral or written, no~ specified herein regarding this agreement. No waiver, consent, modification or change of terms of this agreement shall bind either party unless in writing and signed by both parties and all necessary approvals have been obtained. Such waiver, consent, modification or change, if made, shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose given. The failure of State to enforce any provision of this agreement shall not constitute a waiver by State of that or any other provision. .1 OH Att~hment Page ~ , of 9 IOF AGREEMENT#14, 736 Page 7 WAREMART DISTRIBUTION CENTER IN WOODBURN June 20, 1997' IN VVITNESS VVHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and affixed their seals as of the day and year hereinafter written. This Immediate Opportunity Fund project was approved by the Oregon Transportation Commission on August 14, 1996. At that time the Director of the Department of Transportation was authorized and directed to sign the necessary agreements for and on behalf of the Commission. Said authority is set forth in the minutes of Itm Oregon Transportation Commission. STATE OF OREGON, by and through its CITY OF WOODBURN, by and through its Department of Transportation City Officials By Date Director 'rifle By APPROVAL RECOMMENDED 'ritle Date ODOT Region 2 Manager Date ...APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY APPROVAL RECOMMENDED By City Legal Counsel By Date ODOT District 3 Manager Date 1OH REVIEWED FOR STATE By Assistant Attorney General Date i I ! I 1 I 1 PROPOSED PROJECT WOODBURN t&RRION COUN'I'Y Attachment "A' Page c? of 9 1OH ~BIBFr B pinotol ~ as d~mod in ORS 2';O.OSl. da, bbom' defined in ORS 279.051~d1: contract shall conlain a e~Med und~ (:~ 6S3.010 to 6.f~.26! m' undc~ 29 U.S.C. subject empio,/m that win comply with ORS 6-~.0 t';- F..n~ployer Payroll Tax, and Tri~ ~t ~ Se. tt'-EmplOymntt T~x). 101 TO: From: Subject: Date: Mayor and City Council through the City Administrator Ben Gillespie, Finance Director Contract Approval--Data Processing Strategic Plan June 12, 19997 Recommendation: Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract amendment (two copies) with Moss Adams LLP to develop the specifications for IS hardware. ]llttiigl:ollRdl In November of last year the City began the process of updating its information systems (IS). Developing the IS Strategic Plan was the necessary first step. The City contracted with Moss Adams to produce the plan. Subsequently City staff standardized sof~are including the network operating platform, the major applications sol,are, and the e-mail program. The next step is preparation of the hardware specification. Originally management's intention was to do this step in house. However, as the technical complexity of the task became more apparent, staffwas forced to evaluate other alternatives. It is critical to the success of this project that the hardware meet the City's needs. Of the options considered, using Moss Adams emerged as the preferred alternative. They have the technical expertise. Their team is familiar with the project to this point. The price they quoted is reasonable and can be accommodated within the existing budget. Also, they have agreed to act as the City's advocate should the hardware vendor fail to perform. Financial Implications: The cost of this contract amendment will not exceed $9,400 plus expenses, which is within the amount budgeted for this phase of the project. 101 COUNCIL BILL NO. 1 808 RESOLUTION NO A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO *SIGN SAID AGREEMENT WHEREAS, City entered into an AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES with Moss Adams Advisory Services, a Division of Moss Adams LLP ('Consultant') on November 13, 1996, to provide computer consulting services and, more specifically, to prepare an IS Strategic Plan; and WHEREAS, Consultant has completed preparation of the Plan and has presented a work plan to City for the design, acquisition, and implementation of the LAN; and WHEREAS, both parties desire to make a addendum to their previous agreement so that the design, acquisition, and implementation of the LAN can be accomplished; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Mayor is authorized to execute the ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES with Moss Adams Advisory Services, a Division of Moss Adams LLP. Section 2 reference, incorporated herein. Approved as to form:. City Attorney That a copy of said Addendum is attached hereto and, by this Date APPROVED: Nancy A. Kirksey, Mayor Page I - COUNCIL BILL NO. RESOLUTION NO. 101 ADDENDUM TO AGRI~IIEI~' FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES This ADDENDUM TO AC~~I~r FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES entered into th/s dayof, ,1~7, betweenthe CityofWoodbum, nn Oreson municipal co~tion. ~ "OtlO and ~ Adan~ Advlsor~ Service~, a division of'Moss Adams LLP (hereinaler"Consultanff). WHEREAS, City entered into an A(iP.I~MIR~ l~R I'RO~ONAL SERVICES W'~ Moss Adams Advisory Se~i~ ADivision o£Mon Adams LIP CCo~ on November 1~, 19<~, to provide oomputer consulting se~oes and, more spec/floally, to prepare an Is su~o vl~ mi WI~ Consultant has pr~ a work plan to City fro' th~ design, acqui~on, and implementation of'the LAN and represents to City that Consuttant is qualified and able to proceed with said work plan; and 1. ~ OF ADDENDUM FOR 1~o~o~ ~RvI~..s mi h an other res~ th~ Odsiml Section 2 oftl~ Odginal Agreement is modified to add an additional subsection 2.2 which shall read as follows: PAGE - 1 ADDENDUM TO. AGP. EI~2qT FOR PROFF. SSIONAL SERVICES .101 e 2.2 In addition, Consultant shall complete thc services rei'erezced ia the WORKPLAN FOR DESIGN, ACQUISIIION, IMPLEMI~qTA~OH OF ~AN. and the letter dated ~ 9, 1997, addressed to Ben Gillespie, copies of which are attached to the ADDENDUM TO AGR~ FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES as ~ B. COMPENSATION ,Section 3 ofthe Orisiaal Asteemeat is modified to add additio~ subseclioas 3.4 and 3.~ which shall read as follows: 3.4 In addifi~ ~ shall receive co--on for the services refereaaed in gie WORKPLAN FOR DESIGN, ACQUIsrr~oN, ~~rrAT~Olq oF LAN~AN, and the l~zr dat~ May 9, 1997, addressed to Bca Cn'llcspie, copies of wlfich arz ~ to the ADDEIqDUM TO AGt~~ FOR PROFF.~SIONAL SERVICES as ~ B, at the rate orS100 per 3.~ Coasdu~'s total compensation for additional servi~ purma~ to the ADDEIqDUM TO A(IR~I~II~IT FOR PROFF. SSIOHAL SERVICES shall not exceed H'mz Thousand Four Hundr~ Dollar~ ($9,400.00) plus reasonable out-of-pock~ MOSS ADAMS ADVISORY CITY OF WOODBUR~ AITEST: PAGE - 2 ADDENDUM TO AGil~ FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MOSS-A.D~S L~ F~rr ]~- ]~ ~ o~ 2 T-4OO F-693 101 ~ANAG EMF..I~T C0,~$ U LTANT$ May 9, 1997 clt'y of Woodb~ 270 Mont, go~ Woodbam. OR 9'/071 $catti~. '~A 96154-1199 /'bone FAX ~o6.1~3.9214 I~oores RoWlafl~ r-4uu ~'.03 F-693 EXI-IIBIT B - PAGE 2 OF 2 ' C~T~ OF WOODBURN " WORKPLAN FOR DESIGN, ACQUISITION, IMPI ~=MENTATION OF LAN/WAN , 1997 4 Detemtlne Pmfommnoe Requbenam~ 4 101 MEMO To: City Administrator for Council Action t~ From: Randy Scott C.E.Tech HI, through Public Works Directo riX, Subject: Woodland Ave., Hwy 214 and Interchange Improvements. Date: June 19, 1997 lOJ RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council award the construction contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Emery & Sons Construction in the amount of $1,002,507.00 for the Improvements on Woodland Ave., Highway 219 Widening from the Southbound Onramp to Woodland Avenue, Widening of the I-5 Exit 271 Northbound Offfamp, and the installation of a Traffic Signal at the Northbound Offramp Intersection with HWY 214 (Note: The award should be tabled if the council elects not to approve the three construction financing agreements before this item is considered by the council). BACKGROUND: The project is being bid in conjunction with current development in the I-5 corridor, specifically Waremart and Hillyers Ford. The work is comprised of four elements: The extension of Woodland Avenue; Improvements to Highway 214 (219) west of I-5; widening Improvements to the Northbound Offramp; and installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of the Northbound Offramp and Highway 214. Woodland Avenue improvements consist of approximately 1600 feet of new street, curb, sidewalks, storm sewer, 15-inch dia. sanitary sewer and a 12" dia. water line. The HWY 214 improvements consist of street widening, paving, curbs, sidewalks and storm sewer on the south side of the HWY from the I-5 Southbound ramp to Woodland Avenue. The Northbound off ramp improvements consist of ramp widening with a 2-inch overlay, and the installation of a traffic signal at HWY 214. The project is to be funded using various sources as identified in the three construction financing agreements before the council for review and action. Staff received a total of five qualified bidders, as listed below 1. Emery & Sons Const. $1,002,S07.00 2. M.L. Houck Const. $1,071,149.25 3. Morse Bros. $1,104,489.00 4. Canby Excavating $1,135,645.85 5. North Santiam Paving Co. $1,313,451.50 The Engineers Estimate $1,358,550.50(Note: Low bidder is 26.2% below the Engineers estimate) The Traffic signal was previously bid in April of this year, a lowest responsible bid in the amount of $205,308 was received and rejected by the city, the signal was re bid with this project, the cost of the installation from the low bidder is $134,00.00 City Administrator for Council Action Page 2 June 19, 1997 The lowest bid was submitted with an informality, the contract documents state that the bid proposal is to be submitted intact with the contract documents, the lowest bid received was submitted without the contract documents. The city however reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, and to waive any informalities and irregularities in said proposals. Further, ORS 279.029 defines the lowest responsible bidder as the lowest bidder who has substantially compiled with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements and who has not been disqualified by the contracting agency. To disqualify, in accordance with ORS 279.037, the city must find that the bidder: a) Does not have sufficient financial ability to perform the contract; b) Does not have the equipment available to perform the contract; c) Does not have key personnel available of sufficient experience to perform the contract; or d) Has repeatedly breached contractual obligations to public and private contracting agencies. Emery and Sons Construction substantially complied with public bidding procedures and requirements and nothing in the subsequent investigation has found sufficient reason to disqualify the company. lOJ 1OK MEMO TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: City Administrator for Council Action Julie Moore, C.E. Tech No Parking restrictions on Gatch Street near the intersection of Johnson Street June 17, 1997 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that parking be restricted along an area of Gatch Street at the intersection of Johnson Street as shown on the attached map. This change will eliminate congestion and improve sight visibility and safety in this area. BACKGROUND: There have been concerns expressed regarding the area along Gateh Street near the intersection of Johnson Street. Several vehicles that have been parked along the street opposite Johnson Street causing congestion and reducing site visibility in this area. Catch Street has a fight of way width of 40 feet and a paved width of 26 feet. Parking is allowed on the west side of the road at this time. The right-of-way of Gatch has several different curves and one of them is at the intersection of Johnson Street. The Transportation and Traffic Engineering Handbook states that "The primary use of the streets is for the movement of vehicles. When secondary uses of the street space, such as curb parking, conflict with the movement oftraffc, they should be removed so that the streets can best perform the function of moving traffic." The Police Department has reviewed the staff report and they have no objections and support the recommendation to place the no parking signs in this area. It is recommended that a no parking area be established along G-atch Street near the intersection of Johnson Street to eliminate congestion in this area and allow for safer traffic movements and better sight visibility. No public heating is necessary nor recommended. 64~ 0 fi. 0 0 656 0 ,562 0 0 0 0 70! 0 695 0 0 690 ~0 0 670 1OK 733 685 655 IOL MEMO TO: FROM: SUBJ.: DATE: Mayor end City Council Chris Childs, City Administrator Recreation Proqram Contract (Ann Finch) June 17, 1997 RECOMMENDATION: That the city council, by motion, approve recreation program independent provider contract for dance instructor Ann Finch. (Note: Please refer also to separate staff report in this packet concerning form of standard contract.) BACKGROUND: At a recent council meeting you were addressed by Ann Finch, a contractor who offers various dance classes through the Woodburn Recreation & Parks Department. Ms. Finch expressed her frustration regarding what she felt was unfair treatment and "mixed signals" she was receiving in respect to her operations. The council suggested that Ms. Finch meet with the Recreation & Parks Director to discuss her concerns and to develop a more formalized contract concerning her program. She was informed that the lack of a formal contract was the sole issue of concern to the council. Ms. Finch subsequently met with Nevin Holly, Recreation & Parks Director, as requested. The attached form of contract and its terms were discussed and tentatively agreed to. The proposed contract provides for Ms. Finch to continue offering the full range of dance classes.she has historically offered, but stipulates that the department review and approve each class or program prior to being offered. The proposed contract also provides that the city will receive 25% of all program proceeds. This is increased from 20% in the past. Ms. Finch's programs represent a modest impact on departmental resources. The department provides some promotional assistance, including space in the quarterly "Recreation Reporter", but Ms. Finch is responsible for her own signups and other details. City facility (community center) usage by this program is limited to three hours each Saturday. The bulk of Ms. Finch's classes are conducted elsewhere at facilities owned by the school district. This program is popular, well run and represents positive leisure activity options for the community. Approval of the contract is recommended. 10L DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS CITY OF WOODBURN ANN FINCH Name of Independent Contractor 1445 James Street Woodburn (503) 981-5479 Telephone 970710 Address/Street City Zip 97-001 TERMS: July 1, 1997 Instructor Contract No. From To June 30,1998 Time Or Project(s) Covered By This Contract The undersigned hereby declares that all services performed under the Instructor dated shall be rendered by the Independent Contractor in his/her status as an Independent Contractor. The Independent Contractor shall give the City of Woodburn, Department of Recreation and Parks seven (7) days advance written notice before obtaining the assistance of any person in performance of the contract. Upon receipt of this notice the Department may require the Inde- pendent Contractor to qualify as a Direct Responsibility Employee under ORS 656.407, or as a Contributing Employer under ORS 656.411. Failure to give notice required by the Declaration or to obtain Workers Compensation coverage as required by the Department shall constitute grounds for termination of the contract by the Department of Recreation and Parks. The Independent Contractor agrees to indemnify the Department of Recreation and Parks for any damages, expenses, costs and disbursements and attorney fees insured by said person as a result of the Independent Contractor's failure to adhere to the terms of this Declaration. The parties to this Declaration understand that a person who files a Declaration of Status as an Independent Contractor is not eligible to receive Workers Compensation benefits (under ORS Chapter 656) in the event of injury or disease, unless said person has obtained coverage for such benefits pursuant to ORS 656.128. Dated this~/?~'4 Dayof JUNE Independent Contra~ctor 1997 Page I ,.IOL. RECREATION PROGRAM AGREEMENT DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS CITY OF WOODBURN General Provisions This Agreement entered into this day of June 199_7 by and between the City of Woodbum/Department of Recreation and Parks, an Oregon Municipal Corporation, herein called the "CITY" and: ANN FINCH ..... ~- ........ r ........... ~,, whose address is: 1445 James Street. Woodburn. OR 97071 and who is called the "CONTRACTOR' for the purpose of engaging expert services to conduct a program of Dance Classes - Children/Adults, Performance Dance as a part of the total recreation, social, cultural arts and therapeutic program services of the Department of Recre- ation and Parks/City of Woodburn. The term of this Agreement shall exist during the dates of July 1, 1997 TO June 30, 1998. IN CONSIDERATION of the monies to be paid and obligations assumed by the parties as set forth in this Agreement. I. CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATIONS The Contractor Shall: Program Services Provide those services set forth in Part 1 of Special Provisions, attached to this Agree- ment and by this reference, incorporated herein. Program Materials Furnish to program participants, at cost all necessary patterns, textbooks, reference books, materials, tools and equipment for their participation in the program, except as otherwise provided in the Special Provisions, or furnish to the City for distribution to each participant at least thirty (30) days in advance of the first program session, a list of patterns, books and materials, tools and equipment which the participants must furnish for themselves. If the Contractor sells patterns, books, materials, tools or equipment to participants, the Contractor shall keep complete records of purchases and sales available for inspection by the City to verify that they were resold at Contractor's cost. Program Dress Furnish to the City at least thirty (30) days in advance of the first program session, a list of any clothing which the Contractor recommends, or will be required to be worn by program participants for their safety or comfort; including special protective clothing such as eyeware, footgear, dust masks, hair covering, etc., and particular articles of clothing and jewelry which should not be worn. Page 2 Do Eo Jo Program Background Furnish to the City at least thirty (30) days in advance of the first program session any written introductory or background material which the Contractor desires to be distributed to program participants. Such material, if not authorized by the Contractor or public do- main, or if subject of a copyright not held by the Contractor shall be accompanied by the written consent of the author, publisher, or other copyright holder that the material be reproduced or distributed to program participants. Royalties and other charges neces- sary to secure such consent shall be the Contractor's responsibility Program Safety Equipment Furnish any first aid equipment and supplies beyond that specified in Section C and the Special Provisions which the Contractor deems advisable for the hazards involved in the program. Program Attendance Records Keep an attendance record for each program session on forms to be provided by the City and provide copies to City upon request. Program Evaluation Within the ten (10) days following the conclusion of the program, complete and return to the City a program evaluation form to be provided by the City. Program Accident Reports Report to the City, on forms to be supplied by the City, all illness or injuries, however minor, sustained by participants while at the site of the program. Exercise independent judgement as to the nccd for first aid or emergency medical services for program partici- pants. Program Supervision Supervise and control the program to insure that participants are aware of and exercise all appropriate safety procedures, including the constant use of all protective devices, guards, etc., installed on or furnished with tools, electric devices, combustible or flam- mable substances, pressurized containers, or other potentially dangerous materials or equipment, except as provided in the Special Provisions, the first program session shall include a presentation by the Contractor on safety procedures which Contractor will require participants to observe. "Supervision and Control" includes the authority and obligation to suspend or expel from further participation any participant whose conduct is, in Contractor's judgement, unreasonably disruptive or constitutes a danger to that partici- pant, any other participant, the Contractor or to any real property. Program Site Management Leave the premises, equipment and other facilities used in each program session in a clean and orderly condition. All lights, electrical appliances and heating shall be turned off as directed by the City and checked out to the Contractor shall be returned or secured as directed by the City and while in Contractor's possession shall be the sole responsibil- ity of this Contractor who shall bear all risk of loss or damage. IOL Page 3 Ko LeQal Compliance Comply with all applicable Federal, State and Local laws, Ordinances and administrative regulations in the conduct of the program. ,Civil Ri.qhts Compliance Not discriminate against any person in according full benefits of participation in the pro- gram on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religious preference or national origin. Contractor Illness In the event of illness or other inability to personally conduct any program session, ar- range for a substitute to conduct that session or notify the participants of cancellation. City is to be notified of any cancellations. Any substitute so selected must be approved by the City. _.Contractor's Workers Compensation Insurance Before commencing any work under this Agreement, provide the City with evidence that the Contractor is either covered by a policy of Work r's Come ' · a ,, · . .. ,, Y~ p nsatlon CoveraR~;' Is an pproved d~rect respons~bdlty employer, or emplo no workers subject to O Chap- ter 656...NOTE: Substitutes which the Contractor engages for a fee may or may not be "workers" for whom Worker's Compensation, unemployment contributions, FICA, State and Federal Income Tax Withholding, etc., are required. It is the Contractor's responsibil- ity to determine applicability of all such requirements and insure compliance with all appli- cable requirements. Contractor Insurance Determine the necessity for and obtain whatever liability, property or other insurance the Contractor may desire, recognizing that Contractor is an independent contractor and not an agent of the City who has no obligation to and will not indemnify or defend the Contrac- tor from any claims arising from Contractor's activities hereunder. CITY'S OBLIGATIONS The City Shall: .Payment Pay the Contractor according to the "Payment Schedule" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. ProQram Re,qistration Provide, collect and process registration forms for participants. Pro~ram Rosters Assign participants to program sessions and furnish Contractor with rosters. Pro~ram Fees and Char,qes Set, collect and keep for its own use and benefit any and all registration fees it deems appropriate, unless otherwise provided in the Payment Schedule or Special Provisions. IOL Page 4 Go Program Promotion Publicize the program in the manner and to the extent it deems appropriate. Program Facilities Furnish only those facilities, equipment and utilities are set forth in the Special Provisions or with regard to the use of a building set forth in the Special Provisions are normal incidents of that use. (ie..heat, water, power, water and sewage disposal). III ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS Expiration Date This Agreement shall expire on the "Expiration Date" set forth in the Special Provisions unless sooner terminated as provided herein. Termination By City This Agreement may be terminated by the City upon forty-eight (48) hours notice to the Contractor in the event the Contractor fails to comply with any written demand by the City to cure any breach or inadequacy of performance hereunder. Mutual Termination This Agreement may be terminated by either party without recourse, for any or no cause upon ten (10) days prior to written notice to the other party. Waiver of Performance No waiver of or failure to object to adequate performance shall affect either party's right to object to future or continued inadequacy, whether or not of the same nature. Notice to City Notices to the City shall be given to the City's Director of Recreation and Parks, 491 N. Third Street, Woodburn, OR 97071, unless otherwise specified in writing by the Director of Recreation and Parks Notice to Contractor Notice to the Contractor shall be given to the Contractor at the address as set forth on Page 1 of this Agreement, or such other address as may be hereafter specified in writing by the Contractor, provided however that notice may also be given to the Contractor personally. Assignment of Interest Neither part shall transfer or assign its interests or obligations, or any part thereof, under this Agreement without prior written consent of the other party. Agreement Amendment This Agreement, together with the Special Provisions and Payment Schedule constitute the entire agreement of the parties, and shall be amended only by written instrument signed by, or on behalf of both parties. No oral waiver, modification or amendment of the terms hereof shall be deemed binding on either party, and no evidence of such oral waiv- er, modification or amendment shall be admissible in any action, suit or proceeding to enforce the terms of this Agreement. Page 5 IOL IOL IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed as of this day of June, 1997. CITY OF WOODBURNIDEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS By:~ Date: Title: Director of Recreation and Parks City of Woodburn CONTRACTOR: By: ~. ~,~~'/ Date: 1445 James Street Woodburn, OR 97071 Address: Page 6 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR'S PAYMENT METHOD Department of Recreation and Parks City of Woodburn CONTRACTOR: ANN FINCH CONTRACTOR # 97-001 Address: 1445 James Street, Woodburn, OR 97071 PHONE: (503) 981-5479 CONTRACT TERMS: From July 1. 1997 TO: J~Jne .'30. lggR PAYMENT SCHEDULE PART I Basis of Payment ~-~ A. Percentage of gross receipts from registration fees. 1. Contractor shall receive % of gross registration fees collected by the City. Registration fee shall be no less than $ per participant. For each partici- pant whose fee is expressly waived by the City without Contractor's consent, the foregoing minimum fee amount shall be added to gross registration fee receipts for purpose of determining Contractor's compensation. ~ B. Flat Fee of $ (total: not per installment). Other: (Describe: Must be reviewed and approved by the Woodbum Recreation and Parks Department). Contractor (.Ann Finch) is responsible for collecting fees. The City. of Woodburn will rar,~iva 3RoA nf fha~a ~.nlla~h=~l faa__~ ,nny~hla nn ~ mnnfhly h~.~i.~ ~nH Hi ia fh~, first day of each month, PART II The Compensation under Part I shall be paid by the City In.. IOL Lump Sum on or before: [ ] Expiration Date of Agreement [ ] Month Day Year Installments of $ , each beginning: ] Monthly thereafter on or before the 15th of Month. ] Bi-weekly thereafter on or before the 15th and 30th of each month until total is paid. Other: (Describe: Must be reviewed and approved by City Attorney) As described in Part 1. Section ¢, Page 7 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR'S SPECIAL PROVISIONS AGREEMENT Department of Recreation and Parks City of Woodburn 1OL CONTRACTOR: ANN FINCH CONTRACTOR # 97-001 Address: 1445 James Street, Woodburn, OR 97071 PHONE:. (503) 981-5479 CONTRACT TERM: From: July 1, 1997 To: June 30, 1998 Part 1. SPECIAL PROVISIONS PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: (Br/ef descr/pt/on of prograrn as to genera/content and target part/c/pants). Contractor/Instructor ANN FINCH shall teach childrens and adult dance Part 2. classes, performance dance productions and tumblin~l. SUPPLEMENTS TO AGREEMENT: (Paragraphs of the Agreement which suggest that more detail may be provided in the Special Provisions are shown here. After each paragraph reference, write "NONE' meaning the Agreement needs no further refinement under that para- graph, or insert a brief supplement, explanation, qualification or exception to the paragraph where necessary). Use reverse s/de o£ forrn /f necessar~. Contractor shall have use of Community Center to conduct courses. Each such performance must be approved by the Woodburn Recre- ation and Parks Director or his aqent prior to commencinq. Bo The City_ of Woodburn Recreation and Parks De~)ertment will advertisn approved courses in its brochures but makes no implied assurance as to length or size of ad. Co E. Program Agreement Only. OTHER: (Reference paragraph of Agreement where applicable. Attach a copy to ~duplicate contract Agreement. Page 8 1OM Date: June 19, 1997 To: Thru: RE: Chris Childs, City Administrator Mayor and Coun/~ Ken Wright, Ch~ Fourth of July Celebration Requests 1. Insurance Coverage 2. Sound Amplification As General Chairman and Coordinator of the City co-sponsored 4th of July Celebration with the Kiwanis Clubs, I am requesting City Liability Insurance coverage on the 4th of July, 1997 from approximately 10:00 am until around 11:00 pm. The coverage is for the SEVENTH Annual Old Fashion 4th of July Picnic which includes fun, games and music for all ages. All events will again be held at the Woodburn High School. Liability Insurance and Workers Compensation coverage for the Fireworks Display only has been purchased though the fireworks vendor. We are also requesting permission for the use of amplifying devices for day and evening activities for the games and music. Thank you for you consideration in this matter and if possible please plan on attending this event as it is truly a community celebration, if you wish to volunteer to help with this great event, please contact myself of Vee Ott. 1ON Woodburn Public Library 280 Garfield Street, Woodburn, OR 97071-4698 Ph. (503)982-5252 June 6,1997 Chief Ken Wright 270 Montgomery St. Woodburn, Or. 97071 Dear Chief Wright, We would like to request permission to use a sound amplification system in the library park on the following dates: Magician Arthur Atsma Garden Variety Band Dr. Jay Storyteller Blue Grass Band June 25 July 10 July 22 July 30 7pm -- 3pm- 7pm .~ ~',~,~,~ 7pm Please submit our request to city council at the next meeting. Sinc.,er~ely' . Mary Parra Linda Sprauer, Director ............................ (503) 982-5263 Donna Melendez, Cataloging & Reference ............. (503) 982-5257 Judy Brunkal, Reference & Intedibrary Loan ............ (503) 982-5254 Nicolette Wonacett, Circulation & Long Loans .......... (503) 982-5262 Mary Parra, Youth Services ......................... (503) 982-5260 FAX (503) 982-5258 100 City of Woodburn P°lice rtment STAFF __ REPORT 270 Montgomf~.e~,: Woodburn, Oregon 97071 (503) ~ Ken Wrig t/ Date: ~ 17, 1~7 To: Mayor and Council C. Childs, City Administrator Subject: Revisions to Discharge of Weapons Provision of Ordinance 1900 It has been requested that staff review the ceremonial discharges of a firearm to include funerals conducted at cemeteries within the city. There is one legal cemetery within the corporate city limits, St. Lukes, located at 1679 N. Front St. I contacted area funeral homes to determine policy regarding honor guards. When the family requests an honor guard, arrangements are made through the state licensed funeral home. In order for the council to incorporate discharges of firearms at funerals I would recommend wording to the effect as follows: "ceremonial discharges of a firearm or firearms ar permitted at funerals conducted at cemeteries within the city are permitted when the services are arranged through a state licensed funeral home. The discharge of the firearm(s) would only be by recognized organizations using blank ammunition. The state licensed funeral home would only need to notify the police department in advance of the discharge." In discussions with area funeral homes there are approximately thirty services annually at St. Lukes and only three or four entail honor guard discharges. Recommendation: Authorize the city attorney to develop the amendment to Ordinance 1900, Section 5 to allow the ceremonial discharge(s) of firearm(s) at funerals within the city. cc city attorney C:\wp51 \council\ordl900.sr MEMO TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: Mayor and City Council through the City Administrator Planning Commission Major Partition 97-07 Capital Development June 18, 1997 14A At their hearing of June 12, 1997 the Planning Commission approved, with conditions, a three-lot partition. A summary of that request, plus vicinity and partition maps, is attached. The city council has the option of calling this request up for further review or taking no action. If the council elects to review the preliminary partition, a hearing date will be established. If the council chooses not to review the partition, then the commission's president may sign the final plat (hardboard) within 30 days from the date of preliminary approval by the commission or 10 days after the city council chooses not to review the partition, whichever occurs first. GST:Ig PLANCOM\CAPDEVEL.CC 14A . STAFF REPORT PARTITION CASE FILE # 97-07 II APPLICANT: John R. Donaldson Capital Development P.O. Box 3487 Lacey, WA 98509-3487 NATURE OF THE APPLICATION: To divide 108.23 acres composed of Tax Lot 100 into three (3) parcels and to realign a portion of Evergreen Boulevard through the said parcel. The applicant is also requesting the dedication of right-of-way for Stubb Road (the portion between West Hayes Street and the Evergreen Boulevard extension) and the proposed realignment of Evergreen Boulevard. III RELEVANT FACTS: The property is currently overlaid with various zone boundaries. The property is located along the east side of Interstate 5 and south of West Hayes Street. The property can be identified specifically on Marion County Assessors Map as Tax Lot 100, Map T5S, R2.W, Sections 13 & 14. Parcel one is proposed to be 7.121 acres of RM multi-family land. Parcel two is proposed to be 13.295 acres of RM multi-family land. Parcel 3 is proposed to be 87.814 acres and will be zoned commercial general, multi-family and single family. No specific development is planned at this time; currently, there are no improvements of the property. The proposed rights-of-way (Stubb Road and Evergreen Boulevard extension) have been indicated on the preliminary partition plat. It is proposed that Evergreen Road be extended south. The proposed alignment has been moved away from the westerly side of Senior Estates. CAPDEVEL.SR MER/Ot4N. atamOU cotnvrt'. OREGON. SatO P~ ~ ~ P~r~LY ~S~/SEO ~ FO= 1 ~A ~.2z FE~ rO A ti4 ~ ~ ~. ~ ~m ~Jt'~r 2t ta97 ~Er ~ ~ ~,. ~ ~g ~Y ~ ~ WAr ~ ~ m~r~ ~ar ~. ~g~ ~ ~o ~=~r ~ wx~ / ~O ~ No. 98; ~ ~ ~0 ~ ~ ~0 ~ ~ S~ ~31'65'~ST / 69.04 ~. ~E~E ~~ ~ ~ ~y ~ ~ WAY UNE ~R~ 40'S~'~$F 27.96 ~ ~ A ~T ~ ~E ~RLV LWE ~ ~ ~S ~ ~o s~Y ~ S~ ~Sl'~'~Y ~28.17 ~Er ~ A ~INT ~ THE / R~ r~ A ~N~ ~ ~ 6~4~2~. ~ ~ ~ ~ 593.68 / ~ COUN~ ORE~. 271 SILVERTON HWY Il I f to WoodbuEn · HELD ,R %"% S54'06;0~E 5.86' PAR 93. 187 A Z~=25"52'28" R= 2000. O0 ' L=903. 19' C=N13'28'09 895.54' VICINITY MAP SCAL£: I'-200' 200' 0 200" 400' HELO &GROFF' 1810.97' N 89'$2'20~W 21 I0.97' 50' 14A~ Il iI SITE; PROPO~i~ ZONING WOODBURN CROSSING WOOOEIURN. 15A MEMO To: From: Subject: Date: Mayor and City Council fi [/~/x~) N. Robert Shields, City Attorney Title Report for Senior Estates Park 1une 20, 1997 At the May 27, 1997 meeting, the City Council passed a motion directing me to obtain a preliminary title report on Senior Estates Parle I have recently received the report. A copy is attached for your information and consideration. First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon MARION COUNTY- MAIN OFFICE WILLAMETTE DIVISION 280 Liberty St. S.E., Suite 100 P.O. Box 825 Salem, Oregon 97308 Phone (503) 581-0555 FAX (503) 362-9871 June 11, 1997 City of Woodburn 270 Montgomery Street Woo~burn, Oregon 97071 PRELIMINARY REPORT ONLY No liability is assumed hereunder until the policy is issued and the full policy premiumhas been paid. Attn: N. Robert Shields, City Attorney Order No. 222629-M We are prepared to issue a title insurance policy in the form requested, insuring the title to the land described herein. Park Area, Block 23, Subdivision of Block 23, WOODBURN SENIOR ESTATES NO. 2, City of Woo&burn, Marion County, Oregon. VESTEE SENIOR ESTATES, INC. Dated as of June 1997 at 5:00 p.m. Subject to the usual printed exceptions and stipulations, and the following: Easement for public utilities as delineated on the plat. (See plat for exact location) Easement for overhead wires as delineated on the plat. plat for exact location) (See Conditions and restrictions as pertaining to common areas, including the terms and provisions, thereof, but deleting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, or creed imposed by instrument recorded May 11, 1962, in Book 558, Page 265, The above conditions and restrictions were modified by instrument recorded July 2, 1969, in Volume 667, Page 471, Deed Records for Marion County, Oregon. STA .YTON BRANCH EAST SALEM BRANCH WOOOBURN BRANCH 1161 N. F'a'stAve. I P.O. Box 533 1850 Hawlhome Ave. / N.E., Ste. 230 681 Glatt Circle I P.O. Box 1090 Phone (503) 769-34311 FAX: (503) 769-4494 Phone (503) 364-4480 / FAX: (503) 585-1887 Phone (503)W~n' Omg°n 97071 981-00161 FAX: (503) 981-0009 OTHER BRANCHES AND ESCROW OFFICES LOCATED IN THESE COUNTIES 'J N. CaM( Hi~ ~ P.O. Box 1177 e07 Mile ~. I P.O. eel~ 45! 4S4 C4nvnecM St. 1S30 S.F_ ~h ,awMlue I P.C). Bc~ g~t S~2 N.W. VanBurefl I P.O. 4 (s41) ~E~.M411K4X: (S41) 2eS.11~ F~M~ ($0~ Mla t r-Nc: f5(~) ~M26 Ptw~ (s41) 2eG.Olle i r-N(: CMl) aee. M.;,o FilMy (841) ~8,mm ~ F4X: (S41) geT.~M,1 15A Order No. 222629-. PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT June 11, 1997 Page 2 NOTE: 1996-97 taxes exempt with a zero balance by reason of co ...... on area. Account No. 92940-230. SITUS ADDRESS: N/A Very truly yours, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON / ",~..~a~lette J. Ferres ~'~ Title Officer PJF: fb Escrow Closing: First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon Owners Policy..$t/c ..... Minimum..$175.00 ~overnment Service Fee..Pr~m{~--..$ 30.00 THANK YOU for using FIRST AMERICANTITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF ORE~ON Where our Customers are FIRST First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon 15A ALTA LOAN POUCY (10/17/92) ' eaMnl Ihat anoaceo~me em~ ..... ol the exerose the~ed o~ a. nO~ce o~ a.u.,~-, --- -- -- . . ~~,~-. . .......... ~~m~ _. ,'~:~ ~) d~~ ALTA O~ER'S ~Y (1~7~2) - ~. (al ~ ,' . · ~~. d~,t~ . {e) ~m~,~ ~ .~m~~m~,~,~ ' SCHEDULE OF ~ANDARD EXCE~ONS 5. ~~'~f~sm~l~'~~ .......... Ti 149(10~92~ ~: A SPECIMEN COPY OF THE ~LICY F~M C L Uy o O/ Bu, qN SE ROAD · o 20 ]8400 1850O 1~ Z ]8700 17 a~m~o 0 ~88oo --I Zi~UU 2900 ~'~o 3100 3200 ~9100 Jgo00 ~8900 ,, 23 NOTE - ~ a.RF..A ASSeSSeD MTH TAXL.OT 300 ON MAP 5 M 07BC 2700o~' i 3oo g29402.,,~0 2600 2400 vvoOP'25 3300 8200 8100 ~o.o3 15 21600 21800 1: 21900 2200019 2OO .400 YO0 \ \ R-45 ~ 0 0 0 22100 22200 22300 224OO~r 22500 5 500 60O ~o 0%0 · 1100 ~2od J300 I400 E [his ' t..'-~ purpose of assP~ting in ~t1~ COITff~_fly a,3~tm~s no in dim~:aio~s a.~l location 1"71TLE VALI. EY '~.. SDFi'E 100. SALEM 15B TO: From: Subject: Date: Mayor and City Council through t~City Administrator Ben Gillespie, Finance Director l~)~ RF? for IS ~ardware, Sol.arc, and ~nstallation June 18, 1997 This week the City will request proposals for the purchase and installation of five network servers. Also included in the request will be network, e-ma'd, and calendaring sof~vare. The goal is to connect via computer virtually every City employee. When the project is complete every user in the City will be able to contact any other user by e-mail. All users will be able to store files on the servers, and other users can retrieve those files. One user will be able to transfer a file to another electronically, and all of those data files will be backed up every night. The financial system and other data bases (water/sewer, business license, etc.) can be queried on line. The tentative schedule calls for vendors to respond by July 25. A short list of respondents will be interviewed by August 15, and the contract will be awarded by the Council at the September 9 meeting. Vendors will be evaluated against these criteria: Hardware/sof~ware Price/performance Reputation of manufacturer Compatibility with the current and planned environment Services Qualifications of assigned staff Stability and experience of firm References Cost Vendors will be invited to bid on the entire RFP, on the hardware and sof~vare components only, or on the services portion only. Costs are expected to be very close to the budget estimates. Concurrent with this RFP, management will be upgrading the operating system and all applications soRware (spreadsheet, word processor, and d-base manger) to the City's current standard. The City has standardized on Windows 95 for the operating system, and the Corel suite, version 8, has been adopted as the applications standard. 1'5B ' StaffReport June 18, 1997 Page 2 The next phase of the project is establishing the wide area network. This will involve connecting each PC or workstation to a server and connecting the servers to each other. The cabling work for this project will be combined with similar work under the telephone replacement project. · 15C MEMO TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Chris Childs, City Administrator (Interim Recreation & Parks Dir.) SUBJ.: DATE: Recreation Prooram Contract Form June 17, 1997 Recent inquiries and concerns expressed to both staff and Council indicates that there may be some confusion regarding the extent and nature of the form of contract utilized by the Recreation & Parks Department for independent contractors' programs. Attached for your reference is the standard form of contract that has been in existence for a number of years and routinely used in the past by the department. It was initially reviewed by both the Recreation & Parks Director and the City Attorney. In recent years the department apparently did not specifically require such contracts, as the number of independent contractors had dwindled to just two, Ann Finch, who offers an assortment of dance classes, and Lilly Quick, who conducts karate classes at the community center. Both of these individuals have had a positive history with the department and were a 'known quantity". Nevertheless, routine usage of the contract form has now been reinstated (please refer to related contract approval item under General Business heading of this agenda). Execution of such a contract will be mandatory for any prospective program contractors in the future. Prior to a concern that surfaced recently, the Recreation & Parks Department had not previously encountered conflicts between private providers of services vs. programs offered through the department. There are no regulations that restrict the city's ability to offer programs that can be beneficial to the public, and it is generally seen as particularly being in the city's interests to offer a range of programs that relate to and impact children and youth. Some councilors have expressed a desire for a fixed percentage rate that would be applicable uniformly to all such contracts. Former Director Nevin Holly pointed out a legitimate need for flexibility in negotiating such contracts. Each class or program is unique and different and has a different effect and impact on the department's resources, as well as the contractor's ability to pay. When contacted in regard to executing a current contract (at the suggested uniform rate of 25%), the karate instructor, Lilly Quick, advised the department that 15C Page 2- Memo/Recreation Contract Form (6/17/97) it would not be economically feasible to continue to offer her program under such terms. Under the previous arrangement, Ms. Quick had been paying the department at a rate of 10%. Accordingly, her program will apparently soon be ended. This unfortunate development illustrates why a reaffirmation of the Director's flexibility in negotiating individual program contracts on a case-by-case basis would be desirable. The contract presented for approval under the separate General Business item (regarding Ms. Finch's dance classes) merits council consideration because the circumstances of her program had previously been raised before the council. Nevertheless, to keep the process the least burdensome as possible, staff recommends that routine approval of subsequent program provider contracts remain an administrative function at the level of the Recreation & Parks Director. 15C DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS CITY OF WOODBURN Time or Project(s) Covered By This Contract The undersigned hereby declares that all services performed under the Instructor dated shall be rendered by the Independent Contractoi' in his/her status as an Independent Contractor. The Independent Contractor shall give the City of Woodburn, Department of Recreation and Parks seven (7) days advance written notice before obtaining the assistance of any person in pedormance of the contract. Upon receipt of this notice the Department may require the Independent Contractor to qualify as a Direct Responsibility Employee under ORS 656.407, or as a Contributing Employer underORS 656-411. Failure to give notice required by the Declaration or to obtain Workers Compensation coverage as required by the Department shall constitute grounds for termination of the contract by the Department of Recreation and Parks. The Independent Contractor agrees to indemnify the Department of Recreation and Parks forany damages, expenses, costs and disbursements and attorney fees insured by said person as a result of the Independent Contractor's failure to adhere to the terms of this Declaration. The parties to this Declaration understand that a person who files a Declaration of Status as an independent Contractor is not eligible to receive Workers Compensation benefits (under ORS Chapter 656) in the event of injury or disease, unless said person has obtained cover- age for such benefits pursuant to ORS 656.128. :~[" ~ ~;~- ---'.~" ~", ~.~ '~".~'~-~::~:~-'-'::'::-':~:::::.';~.~E.:;~:~.' :".~:~:~-.'":~":~.:'.'~'::::::::S'::.~:::~::.~:':~-'~-: ~, _~¥~;" '- ~.; ' ¢'-<'";~;'-'~" ' ================================================================ ::::::~'k~&;.,~"°¢R~'"?r'¢'':¢'''¢?''×'~:'''< "'""~*'""'""'"*:' ~":~'"'"'-"4'""'"'""~'"'"'"'"'""""L ........ /.v.'.'.;w.'.w:.'.v.;'.'.;.v.'.'.'.'.'/.'.v.w.'.v.v'". ..... o:.X-~-'~-..,..'.~,.-:..-.-.-'.X...~.-.~...,.-.-,.-.~..~:+.~.....,~,.~.-,~ .:: ::::.-':.":~'-' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::.:.:.:-:-.-.:-:c,~:::.:~..;:~:.:o~:.::~:::::;.-:::~:~..~.~.~.~'..~..~::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Page 1 Of 8 . 15¢ . General Provisions This Agreement entered int° this day of 19 by and be- tween the City of Woodburn/Department of Recreation and Parks, an Oregon Municipal Cor- poration, herein called the "City" and: A corporation partnership, whose address is and who is hereby called the "Contractor" for the purpose of engaging expert services to conduct a program of as a part of the total recreation, social, cultural arts and therapeutic program services of the Department of Recreation and Parks/City of Woodburn. The term of this Agreement shall exist during the dates of to ,19. IN CONSIDERATION of the monies to be paid and obligations assumed by the parties as set forth in this Agreement. Ao I. CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATIONS The Contractor Shall: Prooram Services Provide those services set forth in Part 1 of Special Provisions, attached to this Agreement and by this reference, incorporated herein. Prooram Material~ Furnish to program participants, at cost, all necessary patterns, textbooks, reference books, materials, tools and equipment for their participation in the program, except as otherwise provided in the Special Provisions, or furnish to the City for distribution to each participant at least thirty (30) days in advance of the first program session, a list of patterns, books and materials, tools and equipment which the participants must furnish for themselves. If the Contractor sells patterns, books, materials, tools or equipment to participants, the Contractor shall keep complete records of purchases and sales available for inspection by the City to verify that they were resold at Contractor's cost. Co Proqram Dress Furnish to the City at least thirty (30) days in advance of the first program session, a list of any clothing which the Contractor recommends, or will be required to be worn by program partici pants for their safety or comfort; including special protective clothing such as eye wear, footgear, dust masks, hair covering, etc., and particular articles of clothing and jewelry which should not be worn. Page 2 Of 8 Eo Fo Ho Jo 15C Prooram Backoround Furnish to the City at least thirty (30) days in advance of the first program session any wdtten introductory or background material which the Contractor desires to be distributed to program participants. Such material, if not authorized by the Contractor or public domain, or if subject of a copyright not held by the Contractor shall be accompanied by the written consent of the author, publisher, or other copyright holder that the material be reproduced or distributed to program participants. Royalties and other charges necessary to secure such consent shall be the Contractor's responsibility. Proaram Safety Eo_ui0ment Furnish any first aid equipment and supplies beyond that specified in Sections C and the Special Provisions which the Contractor deems advisable for the hazards involved in the program. Proqram Attendance Records Keep an attendance record for each program session on forms to be provided by the City and provide copies to City upon request. Prooram Evaluation Within the (10) days following the conclusion of the program, complete and return to the City a program evaluation form to be provided by the City. Proqram Accident Re_ports Report to the City, on forms to be supplied by the City, all illness or injuries, however minor, sustained by participants while at the site of the program. Exercise independent judgement as to the need for first aid or emergency medical services for program participants. Proqram Su_Dervisiorl Supervise and control the program to insure that participants are aware of and exercise all appropriate safety procedures, including the constant use of all protective devices, guards, etc., installed on or furnished with tools, electric devices, combustible or flammable substances, pressurized containers, or other potentially dangerous materials or equipment. except as provided in the Special Provisions, the first program session shall include a presen tation by the Contractor on safety procedures which Contractor will require participants to observe. "Supervision and Control" includes the authority and obligation to suspend or expel from further participation any participant whose conduct is, in Contractor's judgement, unreasonably disruptive or constitutes a danger to that participant, any other participant, the Contractor or to any real property. Proqram Site Manaoemerlt Leave the premises, equipment and other facilities used in each program session in a clean and ordedy condition. All lights, electrical appliances and heating shall be turned off as directed by the City and the premises secured as so directed. Any equipment owned or con trolled by the City and checked out to the Contractor shall be returned or secured as directed by the City and while in Contractor's possession shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor who shall bear all risk of loss or damage. Page 3 Of 8 15C L Legal Com_oliance Comply with all applicable Federal, State and Local laws, Ordinances and administrative regulations in the conduct of the program. Civil Rights Com_oliance Not discriminate against any person in according full benefits of participation in the program on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religious preference or national origin. Contractor Illness In the event of illness or other inability to personally conduct any program session, arrange for a substitute to conduct that session or notify the participants of cancellation. City is to be notified of any cancellations. Any substitute so selected must be approved by the City. Contractor's Workers Com.oensation Insurance Before commencing any work under this Agreement, provide the City with evidence that the Contractor is either covered by a policy of Worker's Compensation Coverage, is an approved "direct responsibility employer', or employs no workers subject to ORS Chapter 656. NOTE: Substitutes which the Contractor engages for a fee may or may not be "workers' for whom Workers Compensation, unemployment contributions, FICA, Sate and Federal Inc~)me Tax Witholdings, etc., are required. It is the Contractor's responsibility to determine applicability of all such requirements and insure compliance with all applicable requirements. Contractor Insurance Determine the necessity for and obtain whatever liability, property or other insurance the Contractor may desire, recognizing that Contractor is an independent contractor and not an agent of the City who has no obligation to and will not indemnify or defend the Contractor from any claims arising from Contractor's activities hereunder. Ao Eo CITY'S OBLIGATIONS The City Shall: Payment Pay the Contractor according to the 'Payment Schedule' attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Prooram Reoistration Provide, collect and process registration forms for participants. Pro~ram Rosters Assign participants to program sessions and furnish Contractor with rosters. Pro~ram Fees and Charges Set, collect and keep for its own use and benefit any and all registration fees it deems appropriate, unless otherwise provided in the Payment Schedule or Special Provisions. Program Promotion Publicize the program in the manner, and to the extent it deems appropriate. Page 40f~8_ 15C Proqram Facilities Fumish only those facilities, equipment and utilities which are set forth in the Special Provisions or with regard to the use of a building set forth in the Special Provisions are normal incidents of that use. (i.e..heat, water, power, water and sewage disposal). III ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS De Exoiration Date This Agreement shall expire on the "Expiration Date" set forth in the Special Provisions unless sooner terminated as provided herein. Termination By City_ This Agreement may be terminated by the City upon forty-eight (48) hours notice to the Contractor in the event the Contractor fails to comply with any written demand by the City to cure any breach or inadequacy of performance hereunder. Mutual Termination This Agreement may be terminated by either party without recourse, for any or no cause upon ten (10) days prior to written notice to the other party. Waiver of Performance No waiver of or failure to object to adequate performance shall affect either party's right to object to future or continued inadequacy, whether or not of the same nature. Notices to the City shall be given to the City's Director of Recreation and Parks, 491 N. 3rd Street, Woodbum, OR 97071, unless otherwise specified in writing by the Director of Recreation and Parks. Notice to Contractor Notice to the Contractor shall be given to the Contractor at the address set forth on Page 1 of this Agreement, or such other address as may be hereafter specified in writing by the Contractor: provided however, that notice may also be given to the Contractor personally. Assiqnment of Interest Neither part shall transfer or assign its interests or obligations, or any part thereof, under this Agreement without prior written consent of the other party. Aareement Amendment This Agreement, together with the Special Provisions and Payment Schedule constitute the entire agreement of the parties, and shall be amended only by written instrument signed by, or on behalf of both parties. No oral waiver, modification or amendment of the terms hereof shall be deemed binding on either party, and no evidence of such oral waiver, modification, or amendment shall be adminissible in any action, suit or proceeding to enforce the terms of this Agreement. Page. 5 O[.. 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed as of this ,19 day of CITY OF WOODBURN/DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS By: Date: Title: Director, Recreation and Parks/City of Woodburn CONTRACTOR By: Address: Date: Page 6 Of 8 15C CONTRACTOR: Address: INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR'S PAYMENT METHOD Department of Recreation and Parks City of Woodburn CONTRACTOR# CONTRACT TERM: From Phone 199__,To 199 Part I Basis of Payment r---] A. Percentage of gross receipts from registration fees. 1. contractor shall receive % of gross registration fees collected by the City. 2. Registration fee shall be no less than $ per participant. For each participant whose fee is expressly waived by the City without Contractor's consent, the foregoing minimum fee amount shall be added to gross registration fee receipts for purposes of determining Contractor°s compensation. ~ B. Fiat Fee of $ (total; not per installment).  C. Other: (Describe: Must be reviewed and approved by the Woodburn Recreation and Parks Department). [~ C. Part I! The Compensation determined under Part I shall be paid by the City in.. Lump Sum on or before: { } Expiration Date of Agreement { } Month Day Year Installments of $ , each beginning: { } Monthly thereafter on or before the 15th of the Month. { } Bi-Weekly thereafter on or before the 15th and 30th of each Month until total is paid. Other: (Describe: Must be reviewed and approved by City Attorney) Page 7 Of 8 - 15(3: ' INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR'S SPECIAL PROVISIONS AGREEMENT Department of Recreation and Parks City of Woodburn CONTRACTOR: Address: CONTRACTOR # Phone: CONTRACT TERM: From: 199 , To: 199 . Part 1. SPECIAL PROVISIONS PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: (Brief description of program as to general content and target participants). Part 2. SUPPLEMENTS TO AGREEMENT: (Paragraphs of the Agreement which suggest that more detail maybe provided in the Special Provisions are shown here. After each paragraph reference, write "None" meaning the Agreement needs no further refinement under that paragraph, or insert a brief supplement, explanation, qualification or exception to the paragraph where necessary.) Use reverse side of form if necessary. I. A. Be De E. Program Agreement Only. OTHER: (Reference paragraph of Agreement where applicable) Attach a copy to duplicate contract Agreement. Page 8 Of 8 15D TO: FROM: SUBJ.: Mayor and City Council Chris Childs, City Administrator United Dis_~osal Service Rea_uest for Rate Modifications and Imolementation of Yard Waste Recycling Program DATE: June 19, 1997 Following a city council workshop held on June 16, 1997, United Disposal Service, Inc,, the city's solid waste (garbage) franchisee, has now formally requested changes to the franchise ordinance concerning certain rate modifications and changes as well as the implementation of a citywide yard waste recycling program, Staff will be evaluating documentation to be provided by the franchisee in support of the request pursuant to the criteria described under Section 13 of the ordinance. The resulting staff report will be presented in conjunction with a public hearing on the matter, most likely to be scheduled in late August or early September. Following the public hearing, appropriate ordinance amendments will be provided to the city council for final approval. A copy of the letter of request from United Disposal Service, Inc., is attached for your information. , United Disposal Service , 2215 N. FRONT STREET WOODBURN, OREGON 97071-5999 RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL - RECYCLING TELEPHONE 503-981-1278 FAX 503-982-7930 http:l/www, uniteddisposal.com Mr. Chris Childs, City Manager City of Woodbum 270 Montgomery St. WoodburrL, OR 97071 June 17, 1997 Subject: Rate Modification Approval Request Solid Waste and Yard Debris Collection Services Dear Chris: This letter is to follow up fi.om the June 16 council workshop. It should serve to activate the rate review process per the council's recommendation. At the council workshop, I was lef[ with a favorable impression to proceed with yard debris collections. We need to schedule a time to meet with you and your finance director. We will provide you with financial statements and projections based on the proposed rates when we meet. Please advise us what other information you may want and the hearing schedule. Our target yard debris implementation date is March 1, 1998. To achieve this goal, we need council approval of the rates as soon as possible because appropriate equipment needs to be ordered with an approximate six month lead time. Proposed yard debris and other service rate changes are the same as discussed at the council workshop. You can reach me at (503)981 - 1278. Sincerely yours, Samuel A. Brentano President 15D ~INT£O ON RECYCLED PAPER City of Woodburn Police Department STAFF REPORT 270 Montgom~reet Ken Wright/~ Chief of Po~ Date: To: Thru: Subject: June 23, 1997 Woodburn, Oregon 97071 Mayor and Council C. Childs, City Adminstrator Temporary Street Closure (503) 982-2345 Annually we have received a request from the Alexandra Court neighborhood to close their street for a 4th of July block party. Again this year the Alexandra Court neighbors have requested that they be allowed to close their street to traffic and allow them to celebrate the 4th of July. Their request is for Friday, July 4, 1997 from 10am to llpm. Accompanying their request is a signed petition containing acknowledgements from all effected residences. As required by Ordinance 1527 Section 5 this request is brought to the council. The council may modify or reject such action. Recommendation The city council authorized the Alexandra Court neighbors to barricade the entrance to Alexandra Court on Friday, July 4, 1997 from 10am to llpm. Emergency traffic will be allowed for. cc Lima Mill JUI~ 2 ~ 1997 We, the neighbors affected, request permission to close Alexandra COurt to traffice in order to have our annual Fourth of July party. We will be setting up barriers at 10:00 a.m. and will remove them by 11:00 p.m. Friday, July 4, 1997. Room will be left for emergency vehicles to pass through. Mark & iVlellssa Will~:ock 1420 Alexandra Ave. I~erald~ VirginiatJarnes 1435 Alexandra Cour~ :qS '/l Cl~dio & Anne I~rrd 1415 Alexandra Court Willial~ ~'L~ 1395 Alexandra Court Rob &l~Cheryl Mill 1375 Alexandra Court 10. Bi]} & ~gie M~e'~r 1450 Alexandra Ave. J~k & Patty ~}i~rieff 1430 Alexandra Court 'Robert & Arlene Colby ~- 1410 Alexandra Court l~ra~ff~ Mike & Maureen Webb 1380 Alexandra Court I l0 Independence Day '"' i:i:'.'.'.'::':i:':':i:i.'.i:i:!:i:? "ii¢iiiii~i,~ :~i~!~i!ili!iil~ '::!:'.:.::'!iii.::!i:i::~:::::i.:.,;~.i::;~::~:::r' FOURTH OF JULY PARTY h's that time again .... the planning for our neighborhood 4th of July Party has started. This year, as in the past-9 years;the street will be "closed" around 10 a.m, If you have a portable barbecue we would appreciate it if you could bring it to the end of the Court around 10:00 a.m. We~l start the grills about 11:30 and cooking can begin around 12 noon. Bring whatever you would like to grill (hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, otc.), a side dish for all to share, your own plates and utensils and your choice of drinks. Coolers will be located near the end of the Court with the tables and chairs. Dessert will be provided. After lunch we can sit and talk (or take a nap) and then gather again for dinner if you like (we always have plenty of food left over). Later that eve~!ng,.as..dusk approaches, we wi!! gather at the end of the Court. to'set off fireWorks for the "kids",' ffYou'd'iike to-Coin~i' br~ your sparklers/fireworks and jom in with us kids. ' . At~erwards, the city will be putting on their fireworks ~splty, and if as in ~.'"~?'~ years past we can view the spectacle from Bill and Ma~e's lawn, just bring down j~our chairs and bl, nkets. If you have any suggestions or comments, please pass them on to either Anne Lima (981-4413) or Cheryl Mill (981-6212). HOPE TO SEE YOU THEREIII'