Minutes - 06/02/1997 Workshop
June 2, 1997
0003 CONVENED. The Council met in a workshop session management/non-union
compensation issues at 7:16 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding.
Present (7:50 pm)
Staff Present:
City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, City Recorder Tennant
0010 Administrator Childs stated that this workshop had been called to review (1) the
methodology of the management/non-union compensation study, (2) receive a status
report on the performance evaluation form, and (3) to discuss the Budget Committee's
recommendation to limit the appropriations for management/non-union salaries.
In regards to the development of new performance evaluation forms which will be used
in conjunction with the merit salary range, a general meeting with the executive
management staff and consultants was held in early spring. Staff input has been
evaluated by the consultants and the next step is for the consultants to interview each
staff member in order to determine performance standards for each job. Even though
we are ready to proceed with this process, he has elected to put this project on hold
pending the outcome of this meeting.
He briefly reviewed the study completed by our consultants which provided for a full
compensation study (wages and benefits). The consultants also recommended the
placement of positions within grade levels based on both internal and external
comparisons. The consultants interviewed each manager and non-union employee to
obtain accurate job information before they proceeded with re-writing our job
classifications and obtaining salary data from a pre-determined list of comparator cities
and/or agencies. Following a Council workshop with the consultants, it was decided to
implement a competency/merit salary structure which provides for an entry range, 3
steps, and a merit range. It was determined that market average of the positions was at
Step C of the salary structure since merit pay should be above market since work
performed exceeded expectations and is a reward for exceptional work. The entry range
was created in order to give some flexibility in hiring an individual who has previous
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June 2, 1997
experience and circumstances warrant a salary at an amount higher than the base entry
level. In order to move to Step A, it takes 1 year to 18 months depending on whether or
not the employee starts at the beginning salary level or with an amount that is within the
range other than the beginning salary level. In November 1996, the Council adopted a
Resolution that implemented the new salary structure, authorized the wage adjustments,
and provided rules to be followed in implementing the new plan. He reminded the
Council that some positions within the City did not have comparable matches with other
cities/agencies, therefore, the consultants placed these positions into grade levels based
on internal job comparisons.
0433 Councilor Figley commented on the grid structure and her perception of what had
occurred as a result of the study. In general, reasonable comparables were used to
determine market averages and, as she had anticipated, about one-half of the employees
within the study had minimal, if any, changes while the other half of the employees were
definitely underpaid. The issues at hand are 1) implementing the merit wages and 2)
how to take care of those employees who were underpaid as per the study results.
Administrator Childs referred to his memo November 7, 1996 which outlined
recommended policy decisions regarding the implementation of the study. He stated that
the Consultants had assigned the grade levels for each position. He reviewed the
individual placement of positions within a specific grade level based on length of service
with the City. He stated that 3 positions received no change in salary since their salary
was already in the merit range or their salary was already in the entry level range where
it should be due to tenure in the position. There was also a Police Sergeant position that
did not receive a change in base pay, however, he will be eligible for a step increase on
July I, 1997. In this case, he had originally been placed at the top of the old scale since
internal compression between Sergeant pay and top patrol officer pay was so close that it
was necessary to place him at the top step in order to give him at least a 5% pay
differential between the two positions.
As outlined in the memo, the approximate cost to implement the proposed schedule
(includes all departments) was $6,400 per month which included salary and related
benefit expenses. At the workshop with the Consultant, it was brought out that about
half of the employees within the study would need 5 % or more salary increase in order
to bring them up to the market level.
Brief discussion was held regarding the summary of 1996-97 Personnel Services costs
(adopted and estimated expenditure) in the first part of the budget document since
concern was expressed in why different classifications within the same pay grade at the
same step level were not shown as having the same base pay. Staff stated that it would
take one full budget year with those individuals getting the same base pay before it
would show the same amount of annual base pay since the current pay adjustments were
implemented mid-year.
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June 2, 1997
Councilors Pugh and Sifuentez expressed their views on the implementation of the study
since they feel that the implementation should have been taken place over 2 or 3 years.
Administrator Childs stated that the 1997-98 budget allowed for a 3% COLA adjustment
and did not provide for the ability of employees to move into the Merit range.
However, if no COLA adjustment is provided for by the Council, there would be
flexibility within the budget to give some merit increase to those employees who are
eligible and deserving of a merit increase. He also expressed his concern regarding the
potential of not granting eligible employees a 5 % step increase during the year even
though they may have received an adjustment in November.
Further discussion was held regarding the Budget Committee's recommendation to place
a cap (4 %) on personnel base salary expenses for 1997-98. Several Councilors felt that
the cap should be implemented, however, the Council will still need to address the
question of how to deal with this situation in future years. It was suggested that
positions that received increases in excess of the Budget Committee's recommendation
receive the same base pay during the 1997-98 budget year.
Administrator Childs suggested that, in order to try and honor the Budget Committee's
motion, the Council give a reduced COLA or defer the ability to move into the merit
system. In any event, he urged the Council to stay consistent with the whole schedule.
Councilor Figley stated that merit pay requires more sophistication in order to
implement, and at this time, we still do not have a new performance evaluation program
in place. She also expressed her concern about holding salaries at the same level since a
majority of the non-union/management employees have been with the City many years
which is why they were placed at Step C on the new schedule. She reiterated that the
study was to analyze internal job relationships to insure equal pay for job performed.
She feels that two things that should be looked at and/or decided upon: 1) the ratios and
relationships amongst the salaries has some validity and if COLA is given, it needs to be
done across the board otherwise it interferes with the relationships, and 2) defer anyone
going into the merit range for at least another year which would give the City time to
implement this aspect of the study.
Councilor Jennings and Pugh stated that they did not object to the results of the study,
however, they did object to the speed in which the implementation took place.
Councilor Jennings expressed his opinion that the Council needs to look at ways of
making adjustments beginning in 1998-99 to bring those employees within the same
grade/step level be paid the same base salary.
Councilor Pugh expressed his opinion that the Council is losing a basic message from the
taxpayers in that Ballot measures 47/50 were passed to limit property taxation and it is
irresponsible for the Council to grant large pay increases in light of reducing programs
and lay-off of personneL
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Further discussion was held on how the City may want to implement future adjustments
in order to bring all of the affected (management and non-union) employees under the
schedule at specific step levels. They looked at options as to how to deal with the 1997-
98 salaries for those employees who exceeded the 4% over the 1996-97 budgeted
amount. It was the opinion of several Councilors that no one should lose their current
base salary amount, however, no adjustments should be made (COLA or steps) if it
exceeded the Budget Committee motion.
Administrator Childs reminded the Committee that the budget does provide for a 3 %
COLA which would maintain the balance between management/non-union employees and
the AFSCME employees who, by contract, are scheduled for a 3% COLA effective July
1, 1997. In regards to the Woodburn Police Association, their contract expires on June
30, 1997 and it is unknown at this time what COLA amount, if any, would be agreed
upon by the parties or, if applicable, awarded by an arbitrator.
Further discussion was held regarding COLA adjustment to the matrix in order to keep
the salary schedule increasing by an amount similar to the COLA adjustment given to
union employees.
Tape 2 In summary, a majority of the Councilors agreed that, for fiscal year 1997-98, the
following policy be followed:
(a) the salary/merit schedule be increased by a 3% COLA;
(b) base salary for individual positions that exceeded the 4% 1996-97 budgeted amount
remain status quo for 1997-98 resulting in these positions not being a specific step level;
(c) merit range increases would be delayed until 1997-98; and
(d) step increases would not be given if the total increase exceeded the 4 % limit.
It was the consensus of several Councilors that this issue should be looked at more
closely prior to the preparation of the next budget so that a plan can be established as to
how future adjustments can be implemented including the merit range increases.
The workshop was adjourned at 8:58 p.m..
ATTEST fY/~ l~-J-
Mary T nt, Recorder
City of Woodburn, Oregon
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Page 4 - Council Workshop Meeting Minutes, June 2, 1997
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June 2, 1997
with Mayor
to discuss
The Council met in special session at 9:00 p.m.
Kirksey presiding. The purpose of the meeting was
the interim management of the Parks Department.
Staff Present:
City Administrator Childs, City Recorder Tennant
Councilor Jennings stated that he had received several calls
from local residents suggesting that the City Administrator
assume the role of Parks & Recreation Director rather than
hiring an interim manager. However, he also stated that he
would not object to the hiring of an individual on a temporary
basis to do administrative work under the direction of the
City Administrator.
Mayor stated that she had called this meeting since she knew
there was concern on the part of the Council as to how
management of the Department would handled during the interim.
She stated that she had previously spoken to some of the
Councilors who expressed an interest in having the City
Administrator assume the role of Park & Recreation Director
during the interim, however, the Administrator wished to have
the Councilors express their views on this issue.
Councilor Figley stated that her thoughts on this subject are
similar to Councilor Jennings' comments. However, she does
have a strong objection in that anyone now a supervisor in
that department should be officially appointed as interim
director. She feels that the Administrator could be assigned
the extra duties. An alternative would be to bring a
temporary whose background is personnel rather than parks to
(1) oversee the administration of the department, (2) look at
some political and personality issues that do exist in the
department, and (3) work on an upgraded job description.
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June 2, 1997
Councilor Pugh expressed his opinion that the position remain
vacant for the full budget year and the Administrator assume
the role of Park and Recreation Director in addition to his
regular duties. During the fiscal year, the Administrator
would have ample time to prepare an organizational study for
the following fiscal year. He also stated that he did not
want an employee within the department to assume an interim
appointment nor did agree with the hiring of an outsider to
fill a temporary position.
Councilor Sifuentez stated she did not want to hire a
temporary employee and that she would support the
Administrator as an interim Director for as long as he could
do it whether it be 2 or 3 months.
Councilor Chadwick expressed her opinion that it would
probably be best if the Administrator is appointed as interim
Director until a new person is appointed.
Councilor Hagenauer agreed that the Administrator would be a
good choice to take on the interim Director position and he
objected to appointing any supervisor within the Park and
Recreation program as interim Director.
Mayor Kirksey stated that another alternative may be the
appointment of an individual on the Park Board who would be
willing to work on a temporary, part-time basis as an interim
Councilor Jennings suggested that some of the goals in Parks
may need to be slowed down, with the exception of Centennial
Park, until such time as a permanent Director is hired.
Administrator Childs stated that, in summary, the majority of
the Council favored his assumption of the role as Park &
Recreation Director for the interim period. He stated that
the hiring process will take approximately 3 months from the
commencement of the advertising period to the hiring of an
individual. He felt that starting the process now will still
give the Council an opportunity to review the existing job
description and make necessary changes before the interview
process begins. During the interim period, certain projects
will be placed on hold while others, such as the Parks Master
Plan and Centennial Park project will continue to progress as
planned. Other responsibilities that will be necessary during
this period is general oversight of the department, personnel
management, development of a marketing plan for the aquatic
center, need to hire a part-time individual to schedule rental
of the Community Center, and closeout of the FEMA grant for
the pool. He stated that he would do his best to fill this
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June 2, 1997
position even though it will take time from all of his other
duties. He reiterated that he did not want his primary
function jeopardized in any manner nor did he want to not be
able to give the Park & Recreation department the full degree
of attention that it deserves. He recommended that the
Council seriously consider an executive level temporary
service which deals primarily with local government who could
provide us with an individual to help with the administrative
work of the department. This is the same agency that Mt.
Angel is using during while they are recruiting for a new City
Councilor Pugh expressed his opinion that direct involvement
by Administrator Childs at this time will give him a better
insight on how the department should be organized and/or
restructured before the hiring process begins.
Councilor Sifuentez stated that managers are taking on more
responsibilities and they are learning first hand what the
department's needs are in the overall picture. She feels that
knowing the administrative aspects of Parks and Recreation
will enhance the City Administrator's overall knowledge of
city operations.
Councilor Jennings and Figley suggested that a Centennial Park
Task Force be appointed to work towards completion of this
Mayor Kirksey suggested that the Administrator delegate some
of the administrative work to other management employees. As
an example, the Finance Director be could be assigned the FEMA
grant closeout since he has an expertise in financial reports.
JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ... recommend to the City Administrator that
he fill the position of Park & Recreation Director until a new
Director is found.
Councilor Pugh stated that he wants to wait one year before it
is filled in order to give the Administrator sufficient time
to present a good organizational structure based on his
knowledge of the programs.
Councilors Figley and Jennings that some delay can be expected
but not for a specific period of time.
The vote on motion was 5-1 with Councilor Pugh
For the record, Councilor Pugh stated that his
against the motion but for the fact that there
voting nay.
no vote was
was no time
JENNINGS/PUGH.... Mayor ask two members of the Council and 2
members of the Park Board to serve with the City Administrator
on a screening committee for a candidate for replacement.
Mayor Kirksey stated that Woodburn Together has contacted her
requesting that they have a representative on the screening
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June 2, 1997
committee because of the impact our recreation programs have
on children.
Administrator Childs stated that he is sensitive to the
situation and would like the latitude to pursue the
recruitment process without designating specifically who would
be on the committee.
Councilor Jennings and Figley expressed their desire to insure
that Council and Park Board is involved in the process so that
there is a consensus as to who is ultimately hired.
Dave Vancil, Woodburn Together, encouraged the Administrator
and/or Council to appoint a member of their organization to
the screening committee and/or be allowed to give input into
the qualities of a Director since their group has a close
working relationship with the Director and is very involved in
the Parks & Recreation youth programs that are provided to the
It was the consensus of the Council that the motion on the
floor is a base in which to go by and the Administrator can
add to the screening committee as he sees fit.
The motion passed unanimously.
JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ.... recommend the appointment of a Task
Force to work on Centennial Park which would include, as a
minimum, Kathy Figley, Mel Schmidt, Randy Scott, and John
Councilor Jennings expressed his opinion that, with the
appointment of the Task Force, this project will proceed
rather than being delayed another construction season.
Mel Schmidt stated that, as a new member on the Park Board, he
does feel a little out of place on the Task Force but is
willing to do what he can get this project going.
Mayor Kirksey stated that she would talk to the individuals to
see if they are willing to serve on the task force.
The vote on the motion passed unanimously.
Discussion was also held on establishing a timeline in which
to hire a new Director.
Councilor Jennings stated that Council should leave it up to
the Administrator to come up with a plan based on Council
discussion and recommendations made at this meeting, and let
him exercise his leadership and authority to proceed with the
recruitment process.
Councilor Pugh reiterated his desire to see a good
organizational plan in place before a new person is hired for
the position.
Administrator Childs stated that updating and/or revising an
organizational plan should be one of the responsibilities of
the new Director in order for them to put together a good
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Mayor Kirksey stated that she has had several Councilors and
Budget Committee members suggest that the position should be
combined to a Park Director/Pool Manager since this is the way
of the future.
Councilor Jennings suggested that the aquatics marketing plan
work by an outside consultant be placed on hold until a new
Director is hired since a new Director may be experienced in
this area.
David Vancil stated that there is about $3,500 leftover in
Woodburn Together accounts that is dedicated to the pool and
it has been suggested that the formation of a group, "Friends
of the Woodburn Aquatic Center", could use the money as a
operating fund. One of the projects delegated to this group
could be the marketing of the pool once the evaluation is done
by city staff.
Mayor expressed her opinion that the Council knows what the
criteria is for Park Director before it is advertised.
Administrator Childs stated that he would try to prepare a
staff report for the next meeting that might describe a means
in which anyone interested in having some input on the
criteria could convey the information to him.
Mayor Kirksey stated that is necessary to have this process be
open and have community input.
JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ.... meeting be adjourned. The motion
passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m..
Mary'Te ant, Recorder
City of Woodburn, Oregon
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