Minutes - 06/16/1997 Spec Mtg 0-'- SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 16, 1997 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, JUNE 16, 1997. CONVENED. The Council met in special session at 6:45 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the job description/title for the vacant position of Parks and Recreation Director. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kirksey Chadwick Figley Hagenauer Jennings Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Childs, Public Works Director Tiwari, City Recorder Tennant 0023 Mayor Kirkey stated that she had called this meeting to discuss the combination of the Parks and Recreation Director and Aquatics Manager positions. She had invited Budget Committee and Park Board members to attend this meeting in order to get their input on combining the management responsibilities of these positions. During the budget process, combining the positions was not an option since the Director at that time was not qualified to be a pool manager. In her opinion, this is an opportune time for the Council to consider the options before the position is advertised. Flurry Stone stated that the original process in trying to get a new aquatic center it did include the hiring of a pool manager since the Park & Recreation Director did not have specific expertise in that area. During the budget meetings, it was brought up that the Director could help to manage the pool. With the loss of our Director, it gives the City an opportunity to look at the pool manager position as a combination Parks & Recreation Director/Pool Manager position. In his position at Bonneville Power, he did a study which showed that management positions are being combined and the typical ratio of management employee supervising other employees is 1 to 40, however, Bonneville has adopted a 1 to 30 ratio. In his opinion, this is something the City should be looking at in order to reduce the number of management employees. Page 1 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, June 16, 1997 r -- --_.._'_."'-_....~.~~-..,.._~- - . .-,.. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 16, 1997 TAPE READING Frank Anderson, Park Board Chairperson, stated that we have an opportunity to look for an individual who has different skills and background since this is the first time we have had an opportunity to look for a Recreation Manager when we have had something significant as a year-round indoor pool. The Aquatics Center has been a major drain on the Parks & Recreation funding and he encouraged the Council to at least investigate and search for a person who might be able to do both positions but not limit the search to combining the positions. Bruce Thomas questioned if the current job classification includes overseeing the pool functions and supervises the Pool Manager. Mayor Kirksey stated that he was correct in that the Parks & Recreation Director does oversee the pool management. David Vancil stated that the City should be looking at an individual's knowledge, skills, and ability to manage our aquatics facility as well as other recreation and maintenance programs. It is not his intent to lose a full-time employee at the aquatic center rather to use the pool manager's position in a different way. Wendy Veliz supports the idea of hiring an individual who does have the skills and ability in operating the aquatic center. Bruce Thomas expressed his concern with spreading the Park & Recreation Director too thin if this individual is expected to have complete management responsibility of the pool in addition to all other recreation and park management responsibilities. Tom West questioned when the Director position had to be filled and if anyone had an idea what the salary level would be for this position. Councilor Pugh stated that the salary issue will need to be reviewed once it is determined what duties will be delegated to the new Director. Lee Ehrens, Park Board member, expressed his opinion that it will be difficult to find an individual who is well-qualified to direct the management of park maintenance and recreation program in addition to being fully trained to manage an aquatic center. He feels that the Director's job is to oversee the programs and activities of the department to make sure they run smoothly not to run the daily operations. Barbara Lucas expressed her opinion that the Park & Recreation Director and the Aquatics Pool Manager should be two separate positions. She also questioned what the Council's intention would be regarding the current Pool Manager. Councilor Figley stated that she is would also like to get some feedback from the other Councilors and/or public as to Page 2 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, June 16, 1997 r "._. _. '_.._m,.'->._.........,.,___.".._~__~.._,___...__.. ~ . --'I TAPE READING 0492 0655 .., SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 16, 1997 what they have planned regarding current pool staff. She stated that, in her reading of the job description, there are phrases that refer to directing the activities of the pool and supervising the pool manager. She agreed that strong consideration should be given to an applicant who is well- qualified in both areas but does not feel that we should limit ourselves to accepting applications from individuals who are qualified in both areas. David Vancil stated that this vacant position is giving the City an opportunity to re-prioritize the job qualifications and, for example, place more emphasis on aquatic management in the position description. He did not feel that it was absolute to entitle the position as Park & Recreation Director/Aquatics Manager. Flurry Stone stated that the Budget Committee should not look at personality. They looked at total number of dollars available for the program. with the resignation of Nevin Holly, now is the time to look as what you can do and, if it can be accomplished, a manager should be well-versed in all facets of parks and recreation programs. Councilor Figley stated that the Council is looking at two different issues - (1) how can we accomplish the work with fewer managers, and (2) issues on personnel need to be treated separately. In any event, managers do need to be given a sufficient number of employees to do the work required and for them to do it well. Councilor Jennings questioned the Budget Committee members if they agreed that 2 full-time employees are needed at the aquatic center for purpose of safety. If this is the case, then maybe the Pool Manager title should be changed to Pool Supervisor. In his opinion, there should not be any reduction in the number of full-time staff at the pool. It was the consensus of the Budget Committee members present to keep 2 full-time staff members at the pool. Barbara Lucas stated that she feels that there should be a separate Park & Recreation Director and Pool Manager with the Director being very knowledgeable about pools but only overseeing the pool operations rather than day to day operations. Administrator Childs stated that he has heard a lot of criticism about the pool operations but overall, he feels that the aquatic center has been well-managed for a new facility. The budget for 1997-98 has been approved which includes funds for a marketing program which, in turn, may generate more income to the facility. The budget also includes 2 full-time personnel at the aquatic center with safety being a primary issue as to why 2 full-time positions are needed. From his brief experience as interim Director, the Director and Pool Manager positions are two distinctly full-time jobs. If the Page 3 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, June 16, 1997 r .....,~..,.~.,...,. 111 I TAPE READING 0742 992 -,. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 16, 1997 Council so decides to entitle the position as both Parks & Recreation Director and Pool Manager, there may very well be some candidate that would be capable of filling the position and pay would probably be 20%-40% over the existing salary schedule for the Park & Recreation Director. Councilor Pugh expressed his opinion that those individuals who have expressed their ideas at this meeting are struggling on how many people there should be in the management of this department. He feels that staff needs to organize within the department from the top down and the Administrator should define the organizational structure before a Director is hired. Councilor Figley expressed her concern that there is a hidden agenda and concerns regarding specific personnel should be handled through personnel channels and not through changing the job description. She agreed that the advertisement and recruiting should state that the Director give a priority to the aquatic center because of the financial and emotional investment involved and preference or consideration would be given to applicants who have come from areas with a strong aquatic program. She feels that the adding the Pool Manager to the current job description is asking too much from applicants but feels that modifying the job description to emphasize overseeing the aquatics program is necessary. She reminded the Council that the job description is a document that is written to give some flexibility and can be modified as time goes on. Councilor Jennings briefly recapped the current job description which calls for the Director to plan, administer, and directs the activities which includes the aquatic center. The Director also provides direct supervision over the Park Superintendent, Recreation Coordinator, Aquatic Manager, and Secretary. In his past experience as a supervisor, direct supervision means that the Director needs to get involved which each of these areas. The job description also requires the Director to have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform the essential functions of the job. In his opinion, the Director should not be expected to direct the hiring and firing of pool staff which would take away a lot of time from the Director to manage the other areas of park maintenance and recreation programs. He agreed in placing a priority in hiring an individual with aquatic center skills but he stated that he will not vote to change the title to Park & Recreation Director/Pool Manager. Councilor Hagenauer stated that the City needs to hire an individual who has a lot of experience with aquatic centers and the job description should emphasize this job requirement. Page 4 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, June 16, 1997 ..- _._. _~'___~""""""'_~_""'~'_'_'_M_'~_'_~_'"'__"'~_'_,~____~~ TAPE READING 1137 1343 ...,. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 16, 1997 Mayor Kirksey suggested that the City look at how other communities are managing their programs before we proceed with making any changes to the job description. Councilor Sifuentez stated that she does not feel there is a hidden agenda, however, this is an opportunity for the Council to look at alternatives and to have the Administrator look more closely into the existing operations to see if any changes can be made before an individual is hired into the position. She also felt that the new Director could evaluate in the following budget year the positions within the department and make adjustments in 1998-99. Councilor Chadwick stated that she felt the City should look for an individual who is qualified in both positions, but, if that is not feasible, then fall back on the current job description. Mayor Kirksey stated that the Director has direct supervision over 5 people who run their own programs and it seems to her that it is top heavy in management. In listening to the concerns of some of the Councilors and public, she feels that it needs to be an open process. In her opinion, she believes there is an individual who is capable of managing both. In regards to the pool staffing levels, additional lifeguards should be hired rather than a pool manager. An alternative would be to contract out for lifeguards rather than have them as paid part-time employees. Flurry Stone stated that in looking more closely at the job description, he would suggest that the specific job skills paragraph add aquatic center skills. He feels that it is essential that a new Director really knows how to manage an aquatic center. Councilor Pugh stated that he feels the City Administrator should take another 30-60 days before a final decision is made to define it as either one or two positions. He feels that the Administrator should submit a report to the Council on this issue before it is ever advertised. Lee Ehrens stated that the pool is difficult to market with the year-round school system since not all of the kids are off school at the same time. He reiterated that we need to give the pool a chance and agreed that it does need some assistance from advertising specialists to increase pool revenues. He was skeptical as to finding a well-qualified Parks Director who has also been a Pool Manager for a year-round pool facility. HAGENAUER/PUGH... the Administrator evaluate the organization and job description and report back to the Council in 45 days. Mayor Kirksey suggested that the Administrator work with the Park Board and Council during this evaluation process. Page 5 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, June 16, 1997 r - ,,--- '--"-'--""--'__-"'_"'_~_"'_"_' "'_'_''''w'__.. ",.~,_.~,.._._.~,'~w .........-,. ~ . """I SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 16, 1997 TAPE READING Councilor Jennings questioned if the intent of the motion is not to advertise until after the middle of August. Councilor Hagenauer stated that no advertisement would be done until after the middle of August. On roll call vote, the motion passed 4-2 with Councilor Figley and Jennings voting nay. 1495 ADJOURNMENT. JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ.... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m.. ~ APPRO~_~I.9~ V- NANCY A. RK ,MAYOR ATTEST fYl ~ Mary ~ant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 6 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, June 16, 1997 r- """ '--_.~_..~_._...._.."-._.>--,.._._..-.~-----.,_."-_...-~'--' -'-~--- ~ .