Minutes - 05/12/1997 ......1' COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 12. 1997 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, MAY 12, 1997. CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 6:15 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kirksey Chadwick Figley Hagenauer Jennings Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present (6:22 pm) Absent Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Public Works Manager Rohman, Police Chief Wright. Library Director Sprauer, City Recorder Tennant 0021 EXECUTIVE SESSION. JENNINGS/PUGH.... adjourn to executive session under the authority of ORS 192.660(1)(d) to conduct deliberations with persons designed by the governing body to carry on labor negotiations. The motion passed unanimously. The Council adjourned to executive session at 6:15 p.m. and reconvened at 6:31 p.m.. Mayor Kirksey stated that no action was being taken by the Council as a result of the executive session. 0035 JENNINGS/FIGLEY... take a 30 minute recess and reconvene the meeting at 7:00 p.m.. The motion passed unanimously. The Council meeting reconvened at 7:00 p.m.. 0040 MINUTES. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... approve the regular and executive session Council minutes of April 28, 1997; accept the Planning Commission minutes of April 24. 1997, the Library Board minutes of April 30, 1997, and the Human Rights Commission minutes of May 6, 1997 as presented. The motion passed unanimously. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 12. 1997 r "~d''''_''''' ..".,._..., ~ . ._------~...,,--_..~.,' -, COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 12, 1997 TAPE READING 0056 APPOINTMENT - PLANNING COMMISSION. Mayor Kirksey appointed Royce Young to the Planning Commission to fill Position No. 9 which expires on December 31. 1998. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... appointment of Royce Young to the Planning Commission be approved. The motion passed unanimously. 0076 ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) Woodburn Downtown Association Workshop _h The WDA will hold a workshop on May 14. 1997 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the City Hall Council Chambers. B) COUNCIL MEETING DATE CHANGE --- The next regular Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 27, 1997, 7:00 p.m., due to the observance of Memorial Day on Monday, May 26th. 0102 Mayor Kirksey informed the public that former Mayor Bill Costine passed away today. She stated that he served as a City Councilor from 1978.1982 and as Mayor from 1982- 1986. He gave his best to Woodburn and did wonderful things for this community. He served as protem City Administrator during a period of time in which the City was in between Administrators. She called for a moment of silence in memory of Bill Costine for all of the things that he had done for Woodburn. 0152 PROCLAMATION - POLICE MEMORIAL WEEK. MAY 11-17 1997. Mayor Kirksey proclaimed the week of May 11-17. 1997 as Police Memorial Week in Woodburn and she urged our citizens to honor and show appreciation to our police officers for their service to our community. 0200 PROCLAMATION - PUBLIC WORKS WEEK. MAY 19-23.1997. Mayor Kirksey proclaimed the week of May 19-23, 1997 as Public Works Week in Woodburn and she encouraged our citizens to familiarize themselves with the problems associated with providing public works services and to recognize the contributions of our public works employees in contributing to the health, safety, and comfort enjoyed by members of our community. 0247 PRESENTATION - WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT DESIGN. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that the planning process for a new plant facility began in 1991 and, following completion of the Facilities Plan, the City has three major areas of design which are being pursued - I) design of the treatment facility, 2) design of the flow system, and 3) poplar tree plantation. The treatment plant design is being prepared by the consulting firm of Brown & Caldwell and began about 6 months ago. In attendance at this meeting is Woodie Muirhead, Project Coordinator, to update the Council as to the progress on the site plan layout. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes. May 12, 1997 r .".....-. 'IT . --.>,.-...----.........."---..~_.~.'..'I" ..." COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 12, 1997 TAPE READING Woodie Muirhead informed the Council that this would be one of several presentations over the next few years in order to keep them informed of various aspects of the project. He reviewed the preliminary site plan layout which provides for the expansion of the current facility to meet current and future requirements. The plan provides for the use of existing structures and treatment equipment in an upgraded or modified design and to construct new treatment design processes and an administration building. The project is scheduled to occur in 2 phases with Phase I to be constructed beginning in 1998 and Phase II to be completed by the end of the year 2000. Negotiations are still in progress with DEQ and, once completed, the design process can be finalized and construction can begin once the funding has been secured. The two major issues outstanding with DEQ are flow based limits for ammonia and the mixing zone in the Pudding River. Cost estimates will be refined and, once bids are received, there may be some adjustments in that certain items in Phase I or II may be either moved ahead or delayed depending on the cost. The design phase is approximately 10% complete. Director Tiwari stated that the plant design is the largest component of this project and he feels that the consultants are doing an excellent job in designing a facility that the City can be proud of. He stated that it is hoped that the cost for each construction phase will closely match with the loans which the City hopes to received from DEQ. 0789 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Doug Templeton, representing the Chamber of Commerce, informed the public of the upcoming events: 1) Chamber Forum, May 21st, 12:00 noon, Family Medical Center. Guest speaker will be Secretary of State Phil Keilsing. 2) On May 23rd from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon, the Chamber will host 20 people from different countries for a presentation on the topic of "How Small Businesses Are Supported In the Community". One of the reasons Woodburn was chose for this program was because of our ethnic diversity and our business community deals with a variety of problems that other communities do not deal with. 3) On June 4th. 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm, the "Chamber At The Drags" will be held at the Woodburn Dragstrip. He also stated that the Chamber is impressed with the Councilor Jennings efforts with ODOT and they are looking forward to working with him on transportation issues and they would appreciate continued notification of meeting dates and proposed ODOT improvements to the 1-5 interchange, Highway 214, and Highway 219. Councilor Jennings stated that, after attending a MWV Transportation Committee meeting on May 8th, a record of the proceedings of that committee will be sent to each of the Mayors and the Chamber is encouraged to contact Mayor Kirksey to receive a copy of the minutes. 0890 Ann Finch, instructor for the Woodburn Parks & Recreation dance program, requested clarification on issues that have been brought forth by Willamette Ballet in regards to Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes. May 12, 1997 r ."... TI T ~''''---'''''I' .., COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 12. 1997 TAPE READING dance programs offered by the department. She stated that her program was not represented in the last Parks & Recreation brochure whereas Willamette Ballet did have an advertisement for an upcoming program and no one from the City has contacted her to let her know what is happening. She understands that there has been meetings which have included Mayor Kirksey, Councilor Jennings, Administrator Childs, Director Holly, and the owner of Willamette Ballet, however, no one has asked her for information on her programs. She has asked Parks & Recreation for information but they tell her to wait and she is tired of waiting and things have gotten worse. She does not understand the reasons as to why it has happened or what is going on. Councilor Jennings stated that, as a result of staff meetings, each independent contractor providing a Parks & Recreation service and/or user of the Community Center facilities will need to enter into a written contract with the City if their service is used for profit. Ann Finch reiterated her concern about not having her programs in the Parks & Recreation publication when she pays the department a portion of her gross receipts. Councilor Jennings stated that she would need to talk to the City Administrator and Director Holly since the Council has nothing to do with the contents of the publication. He also stated that the issue is a written contract and the Council will be taking up this issue once the budget process has been completed. He apologized that she had not been informed but was under the impression that another individual he had talked to on this subject was going to relay the information to her. Director Holly stated that she had not personally talked to him about these issues and, in conversations with the Mayor and Councilor Jennings. an arrangement was developed that would be benefit the City and private industry. He felt bad that her situation has not worked out well, but he assured her that he is very supportive of her programs. Mayor Kirksey suggested that she make an appointment with the Park Director. Sharon Felix, parent of a dance class student, stated that she is a concerned parent regarding the status of Ann Finch's classes. Her daughter's self-esteem has greatly improved since she started taking dance classes. In fact, her daughter was a member of a trio that performed at competitions and last year, the Woodburn kids trio came in first place from other locations in the states of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. She reminded the Council that every time trophies are given to our kids, Woodburn is recognized for a quality program of dance. As a parent. she was concerned that the program would no longer be offered. She stated that she understood the legal issues brought forth and she reminded the Council that within the School's Strategic Plan, children will be setting personal goals. community goals. and academic goals and some of those goals will be in performing arts. Mayor Kirksey stated that it is a concern that we need to have a contract and arrangement to do freelance work. It is not the intent of the Council to disband the program, however. freelance work needs to be treated differently than having a paid staff member coordinate and/or teach the program. Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 12, 1997 T . _d_ _ .".._.__ - - "', COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 12, 1997 TAPE READING Robert Mill, 1375 Alexandria Ct., stated that his daughter has been involved in the dance program for 3 or 4 years which has been an extremely good esteem builder for her. He was encouraged by the Council's attempt to have a level playing field with a contract or hold harmless agreement for liability purposes is well taken but he reminded the Council that the City needs to take a look at what's fair in notifying the public of what programs are advertised and available. 1266 TABLED BUSINESS -- COUNCIL BILL NO. 1758: ORDINANCE INCREASING THE LOCAL GAS TAX. No action was taken by the Council to remove this item from the agenda. TABLED BUSINESS -- WOODBURN DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION REOUEST FOR REMOVAL OF TREES ON FRONT STREET. No action was taken by the Council to remove this item from the agenda. 1272 COUNCIL BILL 1791- ORDINANCE CONTROLLING VEHICULAR AND BICYCLE TRAFFIC. Councilor Sifuentez introduced Council Bill 1791. Recorder Tennant read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared the bill duly passed with the emergency clause. 1332 SELECTION OF A CONSULTANT FOR PROCUREMENT OF REPLACEMENT TELEPHONE SYSTEM. Administrator Childs stated that the telephone system replacement issue had generated numerous discussions at the Budget Committee meetings. With the current equipment being outdated with no guarantee that parts will be available if there is a mechanical breakdown, there is still support for the replacement of the equipment with the only question being when it will occur. In order to determine the City's needs and receive a cost estimate for a new system, a consultant needs to be retained to prepare design specifications, and assist in the future procurement and implementation of a new system. The current budget includes funds for a telephone consultant, however, funds for the purchase and installation of a new system would be in 1997-98 or whenever funds are available for the telephone system replacement. Councilor Pugh expressed his opinion that the City should wait until the Budget Committee has completed their review of the 1997-98 budget before a final decision is made in awarding a contract to a consultant. Discussion was held regarding the first phase of the project which is to design a system and provide estimated costs. It was noted that a new system would tie into future computer system upgrades as outlined in the Data Processing Strategic Plan. Concern was also expressed regarding the inability to guarantee parts replacement on our existing Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 12, 1997 i ~ ""-'~"""_,,"-~_.,""".'-'--"',-,,,- - - "-'-~---'--""'~'."'-'-' ..-...-.... ''''I COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 12, 1997 TAPE READING equipment, therefore, a system should be designed with consideration given to a phase-in process. Proposals were received from the following consultants: Pacific Netcom, Inc., $15.060.00; Northwest Information systems, Inc., $21,710.00; and Communication Consulting, Inc., $45,060.00. Staff recommended the selection of Pacific Netcom Inc. which is a firm that has had prior experience in designing systems with area-wide computer networks. 1590 JENNINGS/FIGLEY... approve the selection of Pacific Netcom, Inc. as a telecommunications consultant to work with the City in designing a telephone system. On roll call vote, the motion passed 4-1 with Councilor Pugh voting nay. Councilor Jennings reiterated that his motion was to design a system and not to procure a telephone system at this time. 1600 SOUND AMPLIFICATION PERMIT - MARCH FOR JESUS 1997. Rick Puente. the Hispanic Ministerial Community Coordinator, submitted a letter requesting a sound amplification permit for May 17th, 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. at which time they will be having a live band performing at Library Park as part of the rally to relay a positive message to the Hispanic community. In a memo from Chief Wright, he informed the Council that the organization has been issued a parade permit for May 17th between the hours of 10:00 am and 11 :00 am with the parade concluding at Library Park. He recommended that Council approval be given to their request for a noise permit. JENNINGS/PUGH... approve the sound amplification permit request for March for Jesus 1997 on Sunday, May 17, 1997, Library Park, between the hours of 1:00 p.m and 2:00 p.m.. The motion passed unanimously. 1620 CITY HALL ROOF REPLACEMENT. Bids were received from the following contractors: MD&D Construction, $16,572.64; Slate & Slate Roofing. $17,550.00; Niva Construction, $17,640.00; Northwest Professional Roofing. $19,316.00; Bell Roof Company, $21,150.00; BIaco & Co. Inc., $26,023.00; and All American Roofing Corp., $32,500.00. Significant leakage problems has expedited this project. The concrete tile roof will be replaced with asphalt arch dimensional style shingles which will retain a similar appearance to the tile roof. As noted within the staff report. there had been questions raised by another bidder regarding the low bidder. Research did show that 5 closed claims were in the State's Contractors Board file, however, none of the claims involved a breach of contractual obligations. Even though the low bidder did meet the definition of lowest responsible bidder and complied with the bidding procedures, staff is recommending that the City require the contractor to provide a performance bond. Since the bond is not a legal requirement under public contracting law for the amount of this contract nor required by bid specifications, the cost for this bond ($497.18) would need to be added to the total bid award. Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 12. 1997 r ..".-~ ---, 'II 1 ..""-..--1' "1 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 12, 1997 TAPE READING JENNINGS/FIGLEy..... award bid #97-08 for removal and replacement of the concrete tile roof to MD&D Construction in the amount of $17.069.82 which includes the cost of a performance bond in the amount of $497.18. The motion passed unanimously. 1634 CONTRACT AWARD FOR WATER PIPE - BID #97-11. Bids were received from the following vendors for ductile iron pipe: Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe, $21,666.42; Consolidated Supply, $21,683.70; US Pipe & Foundry, $21,840.30; H.D. Fowler Company. $21,948.04; and United Pipe & Supply, $22,065.60. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... award the contract for ductile iron pipe to Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe in the amount of $21,666.42. The motion passed unanimously. 1667 CLAIMS FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1997. SIFUENTEZ/PUGH... approve claims #36439 - #36812 for the month of April 1997. The motion passed unanimously. 1687 STAFF REPORTS. A) Community Action Vehicle (C.A. V.) -- The C.A.V. trailer, purchased through federal grant funds, will be used as a mobile office and major crime scene collection vehicle. Chief Wright stated that this vehicle will attempt to bring the officers closer to the community and provide more interaction with citizens when it is used as a neighborhood police department. He also stated that the trailer was purchased through a local vendor, Trailer World, who has provided a quality product. It was on display for public viewing in front of City Hall between 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm.. B) Building Activity Report for April 1997. 1754 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS. Councilor Sifuentez thanked the Council for their support towards the Woodburn Senior Celebration. Councilor Chadwick questioned if a presentation will be made by staff on the Retired Senior Volunteer Program. Administrator Childs stated that RSVP will be listed as a topic of discussion, however, the RSVP Coordinator is attending a conference in Seattle and it is unknown at this time if she will be able to return in time for the Budget Committee meeting. Other topics to be discussed include the Transit and Dial-a-Ride programs and all of the other non public safety related General Fund budgets. Page 7 . Council Meeting Minutes, May 12. 1997 r .. 11 T -"-,. ", COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 12, 1997 TAPE READING Councilor Figley stated that she has been keeping a list of issues that need to be pursued by the Council outside of the scope of the budget process. Those issues that she would like to see on future agendas or in a workshop setting over the next two or three months are as follows: 1) Marketing plan for the Aquatic Center; 2) Development plan for Centennial Park which would include design and estimated costs; 3) Review of Traffic Impact Fees (TIF) and System Development Charges (SDC) in order to determine if adjustments should be made in the fees; 4) Planning fees need to be reviewed and public input necessary; 5) Capital Improvement policy for all departments especially in Police and Library which does not have a policy in place at this time; and 6) How do we reward efficient department management when such management results in true cash savings. She expressed her opinion that these, along with other issues that may come up, need to be addressed in order to satisfy the concerns and recommendations of the Committee and general public. Councilor Jennings stated that another issue to add to the list is the Street Resurfacing Program. He suggested that this issue be addressed early on so that Public Works can get back on schedule with improvement projects. He also informed the public that Meaghan Stone, Northland Cable TV News, will be moving to Little Rock. Arkansas, and he stated that he was sorry to see her leave. He briefly commented on her fairness and professionalism in her reporting. He also stated that he will be unable to attend the Mid Willamette Valley Transportation meeting in July and he requested that the Mayor or another Councilor take his place since we did need an elected official to represent Woodburn at the meeting. Mayor Kirksey stated that she would check her calendar and, if possible, attend the meeting. Mayor Kirksey stated that she will also miss Meaghan Stone and she complimented her on her upbeat attitude and she wished her well in her new position. Mayor Kirksey also suggested that the Council meet in a workshop on June 2nd to look at the SDC and TIF issues. Following a brief discussion, it was decided that an informal presentation be made by staff which will generate discussion between the Council and staff. It was the consensus of the Council to hold a workshop on June 2nd, 7:00 p.m.. as suggested by the Mayor. Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 12, 1997 .. ..... COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 12, 1997 TAPE READING 2314 ADJOURNMENT. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m. APPROVED'% ~/ NANCY A. ~y, M YOR / I ATTESI~CL~~ Mary Ie nt, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 9 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 12, 1997 T ~~ '11 I ----.''''''''''l'-'i