Minutes - 04/14/1997 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 14, 1997 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, APRIL 14, 1997. CONVENED. The Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kirksey Chadwick Figley Hagenauer Jennings Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Public Works Manager Rohman, Police Lt. Eubank, Finance Director Gillespie, City Recorder Tennant 0020 Administrator Childs requested that business item #10(F) be deleted from the agenda since staff would like to further review the bids submitted for the repair of the City Hall rooL JENNINGS/SIFUENTEZ... delete item IO(F) from the agenda. The motion passed unanimously. 0033 MINUTES. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... approve the regular and executive session Council minutes of March 24, 1997; accept the Planning Commission minutes of March 27, 1997, the Library Board minutes of March 19, 1997, and the Human Rights Commission minutes of April 8, 1997. Councilor Jennings questioned if the Council needed to take some action to change the mission statement that was established by the Ordinance to the mission statement adopted by the Human Rights Commission. Attorney Shields stated that the Council would probably need to take some action but he would need to do some research to determine if an amendment to the ordinance or a motion would be required to change the wording in the mission statement. The vote on the motion passed unanimously. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 14, 1997 T ~._..u.."' 11 , ..-.-..-.-.. "~--"'-~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 14, 1997 TAPE READING 0098 APPOINTMENTS - MAMMOUTH PARK COMMITTEE. Mayor Kirksey appointed the following individuals to serve on the Committee: Mel Schmidt, Edie Hudanish, Shirley Hackett, Nancy Kirksey, Susan Fofana-Dura, Marci Anderson, Dennis and Velda Schooler, Kathy Matama, Julie Moore, and Robert Engle. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... appointments to the Mammouth Park Committee with Robert Engle as Chair be approved. The motion passed unanimously. APPOINTMENT -- CABLE TV ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Mayor Kirksey appointed Mick DeSantis to serve on the Cable TV Advisory Committee with his term expiring December 31, 1997. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... approve the appointment of Mick DeSantis to the Cable TV Advisory Committee. The motion passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey informed the Council that Karen Henkes has resigned from the Planning Commission, therefore, she would like the Councilors to submit names of prospective candidates to her before the next Council meeting. 0153 ANNOUNCEMENTS. ~)I_I~~I~llII!1m1ittt The 1997-98 budget hearings will begin on Tuesrlay;ApfilTs, i997,7:00p:m., iilihe City Hall Council Chambers. 0170 PROCLAMATION -- NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK. Mayor Kirksey read the proclamation declaring April 13 - 19, 1997 as National Library Week. She urged local citizens to utilize library services whether it be in reading, research, or computer technology. PROCLAMATION -- NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK. Mayor Kirksey read the proclamation declaring April 13 - 19, 1997 as Volunteer Week in the City. She commended our local volunteers for their efforts in assisting with a variety of projects and programs throughout the City. 0286 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Patrick Vance, representing the Chamber of Commerce, updated the Council on the following Chamber activities: 1) The Chamber forum luncheon is scheduled for Wednesday, April 16th, 12:00 noon, in the Health Education rooms at the Family Medical Center. The guest speaker will be Representative Patti Milne. 2) The Tulip Festival continues through April 20th. The Tulip Tee-Off will be held on April 18th at Evergreen Golf Course in Me Angel. He thanked those businesses and individuals who displayed tulip banners which brought a festive mood to the community. Additionally, there are T-shirts and sweatshirts still available for purchase through the Chamber office. The tulip fields will be open through April 24th. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 14, 1997 r ~ 11 , ,._-"~.,- ..,--.-.,.. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 14, 1997 TAPE READING 3) He also reminded the public that April 24th is "Take Your Daughter To Work" day which is a program that is actively supported by the Chamber. 0348 LETTER FROM SOFIA & ARTIMON KUZMIN RE: PAVING OF WILSON STREET. A letter was received from Sofia & Artimon Kuzmin requesting City assistance in trying to get a portion of Wilson Street paved so that they can build a new house on their property. They are willing to pay for their share of the improvement, however, the property owner on the other side of the street refuses to pay for their share of the cost. Mayor Kirksey stated that she has forwarded a copy of the letter to Public Works who will contact the Kuzmin's on this issue. LETTER FROM KAREN HENKES RE: RESIGNATION FROM PLANNING COMMISSION. As stated previously by Mayor Kirksey, she had received a letter from Karen Henkes tendering her resignation from the City's Planning Commission. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... accept the letter of resignation with regrets. The motion passed unanimously. 0375 PUBLIC HEARING - WATER MASTER PLAN. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing open at 7:13 p.m.. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that the last Water Master Plan was adopted in 1977 . The new plan provides for another 20 years of planning based on current water needs and regulations. During this process, staff has held several workshops with the Council, an open house, and a meeting at Senior Estates for the purpose of soliciting input from the community. Within the Master Plan, water quality is also being reviewed for the purpose of improving our drinking water. He assured the public that our drinking water is safe and the quality of the water is good, however, some residents would like to see the iron and manganese removed from the water. He also stated that the quantity of water underground is sufficient to meet the City's needs over the next 20 years. Public Works Manager Rohman reviewed the details of this long-term plan. He stated one issue included in the plan is protection of the City's groundwater from contamination. The master plan recommends the formulation of a well-head protection plan that will help to protect the water. Residential customers use about 80 % of the water and, of the total water used, customers use approximately 40% of the water during the summer months. Planning for this high usage period will ensure that all customers will be supplied with sufficient water to meet their needs. He reviewed the different water treatment options available to the City that were outlined in the plan. The City may need to disinfect our water per federal regulations, however, the treatment process recommended in the plan will allow for the addition of chlorine to the water system. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 14, 1997 . .-.._-_.~----,~_..__.,_.. 11 f '---"'" , COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 14, 1997 TAPE READING The State Drinking Water Act also includes a provision for the State to review the allowable level of arsenic in the water. The City will be required to remove the arsenic if they lower the limits to below 7 parts per billion. One of the benefits of iron removal is that arsenic tends to be removed from the water with the iron. Of the four different processes evaluated by the consultants and staff, the process selected was oxidation with potassium permangante filtration which oxides the iron and manganese out of the water. This process does have the flexibility to add chlorine if disinfection is necessary at a later date. The plan also addressed the number of treatment plants. At this time, the plan provides for 2 neighborhood plants, one to be located in the Industrial Park area and the other in the Centennial Park area. Staff had requested the consultants to look at the installation of a 3rd plant in the north Senior Estates area as suggested by Preston Tack. If installed, costs will be slightly higher even though it does have some benefits by allowing higher production. The 3rd treatment plant has been included in the plan as a option for further evaluation when the City is closer to looking in more detail at operational costs. In regards to fire protection, it was determined that the City needs to add a couple more lines in one area to help the fire bureau. The plan also recommends that an additional 4.4 million gallons of water storage needs to be installed (2.2 million gallon ground reservoir at each plant) beginning with the first treatment plant construction around the year 2003. In summary, the total cost for all improvements under the plan is estimated at $20.6 million of which $9.6 million is needed to meet existing deficiencies with the balance to meet future growth. Staff will be reviewing the engineering report and looking at funding decisions in 1998 or 1999. At that time, water rates will also be reviewed to determine what level of adjustments need to be made to meet the financial needs associated with the required improvements. 0840 Preston Tack, 2197 Camilla Way, expressed his appreciation to the staff for including the 3rd treatment plant as an option for future consideration. He reviewed his suggestion to place the additional plant in the north Senior Estates area. This plant would increase the City's ability to distribute the water flow especially in times of an emergency such as a power failure or natural disaster. Mayor Kirksey declared the public hearing closed at 7:31 p.m.. Councilor Jennings stated that the City of Keizer had recently been acclaimed as having very good water and he questioned if the City of Woodburn was in the same aquifer. Public Works Manager Rohman stated that we are in the same Troutdale aquifer, however, we probably have a little more iron in the water than Keizer. Councilor Pugh expressed his opinion that the 3rd treatment plant should be seriously considered by the City since he can see the importance of having the alternate treatment plant site. 1006 JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... direct staff to prepare a resolution to adopt the Water Master Plan. The motion passed unanimously. Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 14, 1997 T ~ 1I I -~ I COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 14, 1997 TAPE READING 1015 COUNCIL BILL 1786 - RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT WITH JOHN SPENCER AND CHARLES KUPPER. DBA SPENCER & KUPPER. TO COMPLETE A COMPREHENSIVE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT PLAN. Council Bill 1786 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Councilor Figley stated that Spencer and Kupper displayed a commitment to try and get input from property owners in the affected downtown area in order to develop a workable plan. Their accomplishments in other communities were very note worthy and she recommended that the Council approve the contract. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Council Bill 1786 passed unanimously. 1110 COUNCIL BILL 1787 - RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT WITH CITY COUNTY INSURANCE SERVICES TRUST FOR PROPERTY INSURANCE. Council Bill 1787 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1787 duly passed. 1134 COUNCIL BILL 1788 - RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO A COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION CO. FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ADJACENT TO 121 "B" STREET. Councilor Hagenauer introduced Council Bill 1788. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the motion passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1788 duly passed. 1158 DOWNTOWN ALLEY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. After evaluating the remonstrances submitted by affected property owners within this Local Improvement District, it was determined that 58.75 % of the benefitted properties did not object to the assessment costs. Staff recommended that the City proceed with the improvements since the remonstrances totaled less than 50 % . JENNINGS/PUGH... authorize staff to proceed with the project, prepare an assessment ordinance, utilize the Special Assessment and State Revenue Sharing Funds to complete the project, interfund borrowing rather than the sale of Bancroft bonds, and the utilization of the least expensive option which is #2. The motion passed unanimously. 1172 PARR ROAD LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT PROJECT. Since there were no remonstrances from affected property owners, staff recommended that the Council proceed with the improvement project. Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 14, 1997 , .,.. " I .----.-.-.,.. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 14, 1997 TAPE READING Councilor Jennings questioned if Attorney Eichsteadt (representing Hope Lutheran Church) had contacted Director Tiwari regarding their assessment. Director Tiwari stated that he had spoken with Attorney Eichsteadt and, in his opinion, the requirements of the City and the Church will be met once negotiations are completed. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... authorize staff to proceed with the project, prepare an assessment ordinance, utilize the Special Assessment, Systems Development (Traffic Impact Fee, state gas tax, State fund exchange, and railroad funds to complete the project, and authorize interfund borrowing rather than the sale of Bancroft bonds to fund the project and related costs. Director Tiwari assured the Council that the Church will be paying their fair share of the improvement. The motion passed unanimously. 1238 REOUEST FROM WDA FOR REMOVAL OF TREES ALONG FRONT STREET. The Woodburn Downtown Association (WDA) has requested that the Thundercloud trees along Front Street between Lincoln and Cleveland Streets be removed since the trees overhang into the curb and street area resulting in excess debris in the street causing pick-up problems by the street sweeper. Councilor Jennings stated that he had attended the WDA meeting in which this topic was discussed and it resulted in a recommendation by WDA to have the trees removed but it is still questionable as to whether or not different trees should be replanted. The Street Department has agreed to remove the trees, grind out the roots, and leave the holes for future replanting of new trees or an alternative landscape design. JENNINGS/HAGENAUER... authorize the City remove the trees according to the WDA request. Councilor Pugh requested that he would like more time to consider this request. Mayor Kirksey expressed her concern that they would remove the trees then wish that they were still in place. Councilor Figley stated that she was not interested in having the trees removed then not putting something back in its place. She suggested that the WDA come back with a recommendation as to what would replace the Thundercloud trees. JENNINGS/PUGH... table this issue until the next regular meeting and staff obtain more information from the WDA. The motion passed unanimously. 1410 ACCEPTANCE OF UTILITY EASEMENT -- MEADOWWOOD SUBDIVISION. Staff recommended the acceptance of a utility easement from Meadowwood Development and Rudy & Paula Sonnen for the construction and future maintenance of a storm sewer line in conjunction with the construction of Meadowwood Subdivision. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... accept the utility easement recommended by staff. The motion passed unanimously. Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 14, 1997 T ~ 11 , -.-...,... " COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 14, 1997 TAPE READING 1431 CLAIMS FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1997. SIFUENTEZ/PUGH.... approve claims #36091 - #36438 issued during the month of March 1997. The motion passed unanimously. 1463 NEW BUSINESS - HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION MISSION STATEMENT. Attorney Shields stated that he had pulled the Human Rights ordinance and the Council would need to amend the ordinance if they want to modify the mission statement JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... direct City Attorney to prepare an ordinance for the next meeting amending Section 2, Mission and Purpose 2(1)(3), to include the phrase sexual orientation. The motion passed unanimously. 1482 SITE PLAN REVIEW. A) Site Plan #96-15 - Oil Can Henry's: No action was taken by the Council on this site plan application which was approved by the Planning Commission, with conditions, on March 27, 1997. 1495 STAFF REPORTS. A) Restricted Parking Within Downtown Historical District --- The WDA had requested the establishment of a two hour parking limit along Front Street within the Historical District The Police Chief's memo outlined the Council's authority to enforce parking restrictions, verified that funds were available to install the necessary signs, and his staff will be exploring options for enforcement for future Council consideration. Councilor Jennings suggested that handicap parking spaces be placed at each comer along N. Front in the Historic District Director Tiwari stated that his staff will analyze the situation and report back to the Council on their findings. B) League of Oregon Cities/Association of Oregon Counties Joint Legislative Workshop--- The joint workshop is scheduled for April 21 to brief officials on the status of legislative issues. Mayor Kirksey stated that she would not be able to attend and urged Councilors to consider attending the workshop. C) Woodburn Community Access Television (WCAT) Annual Report --- Councilor Jennings commended WCAT for their hard work in providing this service to the community and to the WCAT volunteers. D) Library Update --- National Library Week begins April 13, 1997 with the theme "Kids Connect @ the Library" and the public was reminded that the Library has two computer terminals available to the public with access to the Internet Other scheduled activities include a Ballet demonstration at the Willamette Ballet Academy, story time for pre-school youngsters, and announcement of "Library Employee of the Year". In Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 14, 1997 - -_'_'~'~~'~'.""'~'.'-'.'" ,." -.! ~-_.,-~.""--~.._..."--,.. _.-...~_....~. .---...-.,..... '. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 14, 1997 TAPE READING regards to Library Park and Atrium improvements, the underground sprinkler system will soon be operational, and, with all of the other park improvements, will enhance the entrance to the Library. E) Closure of Gatch Street Railroad Crossing --- This crossing will be closed on April 23rd and 24th while railroad tracks and ties are removed and replaced. F) Building Activity Report for March 1997 1638 CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. Administrator Childs reminded the public that the initial budget meeting will be held tomorrow night. 1650 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS. Councilor Figley urged the citizens to come to the budget meetings, watch Cable TV if they are unable to attend the meetings, and contact Committee members if they have any input they would like to share on the budget proposals. With a reduction in property tax dollars to be received by the City, it is important that citizens let the Committee members know what their opinions are on the various programs. Councilor Jennings stated that he had attended the first meeting of the Mid Willamette Valley Transportation Committee and it was decided that the Committee would meet once a month - 1st Thursday of every month from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm. County Commissioner Mary Peannine was elected Chair of the Committee with Daphne Girod, Mayor of Stayton, elected as Vice-Chair. The Committee will be looking at the State Transportation Improvement program which is through the year 2001 but it will be reviewed in 2 years and, at this time, there is nothing in the State Transportation Improvement program concerning the 1-5 interchange or a second interchange. Citizens are encouraged to attend these meetings. He also stated that he helped with the installation of the playground equipment at Neuvo Amanceer and he commended the complex residents on the preparation of the excellent food served to the volunteers. "Let's Communicate" will be on Cable TV this Thursday at 7:00 p.m.. The program involved an interview with Dr. Jack Reeves, Woodburn School District, on the strategic plan. This is a first of a series of reports on this subject. Councilor Jennings also requested that the financial report submitted by the Finance Director to the Council be made available to the Budget Committee. He also requested that staff submit a report to the Council as to where the City is at in charging System Development Charges in comparison to what the maximum level that we are allowed to charge under state law. Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 14, 1997 T .. . ...~- ..,.-- 111 I -~--~-,>. ..__.~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 14, 1997 TAPE READING 1834 Councilor Hagenauer requested staff to contact the contractors of the E. Hardcastle storm sewer project to instruct them to put the street closure signs closer to the cross streets that are open for detour purposes. Councilor Sifuentez emphasized that the staff always seems to provide a lot of information on projects but it never seems to be enough information as far as the public is concerned. She suggested that staff continue to provide as much information as possible especially when projects are being initiated. Councilor Chadwick also urged the public to state their opinions on the upcoming budget and suggested that citizens attend the budget meetings. Mayor Kirksey stated that the Reader Board is up and a special thanks was issued to Councilor Hagenauer, a MacLaren work crew, and city staff who worked on the Library park project. She stated that the wall on the south side of the park will be painted once the weather is drier. 2015 ADJOURNMENT. JENNlNGS/SIFUENTEZ.... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.. APPROVE ~ NANCY A. ATTESTAa ,/~ Mary T nt, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 9 - Council Meeting Minutes, April 14, 1997 l ~., "..~.". 'IT , .,.__.~