Minutes - 11/09/1998 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 9, 1998 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, NOVEMBER 9, 1998. CONVENED. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. 0005 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Kirksey Chadwick Figley Hagenauer Jennings Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Police Chief Wright, Recreation & Park Director Westrick, Finance Director Gillespie, Public Works Manager Rohman, Intern Administrative Asst. Smith, City Recorder Tennant 0022 JENNINGS/FIGLEY... agenda item 11(C) be removed from the agenda due to some errors in the council bill. The motion passed unanimously. 0039 PRESENTATION - HIGHWAY 214 ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS. Public Works Manager Rohman stated that the City had entered into an agreement with Kittleson & Assoc. this past summer to conduct a study regarding the analysis of traffic alternatives to Highway 214 from 1-5 to Park Avenue. Allen Danaher, consultant with Kittleson & Associates, stated that ODOT had initiated an environmental assessment study in 1991 for this corridor but the environmental study was not completed since there was not a comprehensive alternative analysis done as a part of the project. In 1995, the Woodburn Transportation Planning study reaffirmed the need for multi-through lanes on Highway 214 even if a south arterial was constructed in the future. The 1998 Alternatives Analysis study is a follow-up to work completed earlier and is sponsored by the City with participation by ODOT and the County. The intent of this study is to advance the planning process and to define the alternatives to be evaluated in a study that would lead to an environmental impact assessment. The work program consists of 4 phases: 1) analysis of existing transportation and environmental conditions, 2) analysis of long-term needs and updating traffic projections to the year 2020, 3) analysis of all possible alternatives, and 4) study of documentation and preparation of final report. The first phase is completed and phase 2 should be done within the next Page I - Council Meeting Minutes, November 9, 1998 .' .,....".. . . .--"- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 9, 1998 TAPE READING couple of weeks. The project does include an agency/public involvement process. A Technical Advisory Committee has been formed which is comprised of representatives from the City Planning and Engineering department, ODOT, and Marion County. Public involvement is centered around three focus groups: I) Businesses at the west end of the corridor, 2) residential area and general public, 3) School District. They will be meeting with each of these groups to obtain their input on issues and alternatives. He briefly reviewed alternatives that will be considered along with access management. He also stated that, once improvements are made to Hwy. 214, they feel that study results will show that traffic volume on W. Hayes Street will be lowered. Once this study is completed, the next step is an environmental study which will most probably be funded by ODOT. Funding for any improvements would be in the next 6-10 years since there are no funds in the current ODOT 4-year improvement. It is anticipated that the Alternative Analysis study will be completed by April 1999. Councilor Jennings questioned as to when the focus groups would become involved in this process. Mr. Danaher stated that the intent is to have the initial focus group meetings the first week in December since public consensus is necessary to have a meaningful study. On December 3'd, an Open House format will be held at the Senior Estates Clubhouse between 3:00 pm and 8:00 pm. Senior Estates has made their clubhouse available for this program since it is in the area under discussion and the program is open to the general public. Councilor Figley questioned if the study would include an analysis on how much traffic is local versus freeway client base versus generated from outside communities. Councilor Jennings stated that there is a published study that does address commuting in the Willamette Valley and he would share this report with interested individuals. Mr. Danaher stated that they were not intending to do a detail origination and destination survey as part of this study. 0506 ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) Holiday Closure of City Offices and Library: City Hall and the Library will be closed for the following holiday observances: November II (Veteran's Day), and November 26 & 27 (Thanksgiving). B) DEQ Hearing: Remedial Actionfor Solid Waste Disposal Site. DEQ will hold a hearing at North Marion High School on Wednesday, November 18th, 7:00 p.m., concerning contaminated shallow groundwater. Mayor Kirksey urged interested citizens to attend this hearing. C) Continuation of the Boones Crossing Public Hearing will be held on November 23, 1998, City Hall Council Chambers. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 9, 1998 T ..,.._.~~__.,..._._.._,.. ._u._ .._....____.__.'.__.._ _".~_..,...__..__w..~~.~______._ ~ .~.,-.---- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 9, 1998 TAPE READING D) Veterans Day Ceremony - Avenue of Flags: This ceremony will be held on Wednesday, November 11th, at the Belle Passi Cemetery. Chamber Auction - Mayor Kirksey reminded the public that the annual Chamber Auction will be held on Friday, November 13th, at the Woodburn Headquarters Fire Station. 0554 WOODBURN DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION REPORT. Alma Grivjalva, Vice President of the WDA, updated the Council on the activities planned for this Christmas season. A multi-diverse Christmas program will be held on December 5th which will include music from many countries. The lights will be lit at the Settlemier House first then participants will walk downtown to have the closing celebration at the new downtown plaza. More details will be made available as plans are finalized and she encouraged residents to make plans to attend this year's program. 0600 CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval ofthe Council minutes of October 19 and 26, 1998. B. Acceptance of Planning Commission minutes of October 22, 1998. C. Acceptance of Recreation and Park Board minutes of October 13, 1998. D. Staff Report on Police Radio Dispatching: Final report due from consultant during November 1998 with final determination within the next 5 months. E. Staff Report on Leaf Pick-up and Disposal Program: Councilor Jennings questioned if leaves could be dropped off at the Wastewater Treatment Plant for composting. Director Tiwari stated that initially staff was evaluating the need for having the treatment plant as an alternative site since the yard debris program is now in place. Staff has determined that the leaf pick-up and disposal program will continue as in past years and the treatment plant will be an alternative disposal site. Leaves will be composted and then spread on the tree plantation site. The public was urged to use the yard debris program as much as possible but the treatment plant will be open Monday through Saturday as an alternative drop-off site. F. Accept utility easement in conjunction with Waremart development (relocated open drainage way). G. Acceptance of right-of-way dedication on Woodland Avenue (property conveyed to City by Warranty Deed from Waremart, Inc.) H. Claims for the month of October 1998 (voucher checks #43157 - 43546) JENNINGS/FIGLEY... approve the consent agenda. The motion passed unanimously. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 9, 1998 T ...,..---- 'II ~-"- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 9, 1998 TAPE READING 0700 COUNCIL BILL 1934 - ORDINANCE GRANTING CONDITIONAL ZONE CHANGE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1605 E. LINCOLN STREET FROM SINGLE F AMIL Y RESIDENTIAL TO COMMERCIAL GENERAL. AND APPROVING SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION WITH CONDITIONS. Council Bill 1934 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. The two readings of the bill were read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1934 duly passed. 0737 COUNCIL BILL 1935 - ORDINANCE AMENDING ORD. 2113 (HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION). JENNINGS/PUGH...table Council Bill 1935 until the next meeting. The motion passed unanimously. Councilor Jennings stated that the proposed bill had an expiration date of December 31, 1999 whereas the Council, at a prior meeting, had determined that the Commission should be permanent. Attorney Shields stated that a corrected copy of the bill will be on the next agenda. 0780 COUNCIL BILL 1937 - RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A POLICY REGARDING PRIVATE WELLS AND COST SHARING FOR ABANDONMENT OF SUCH WELLS. Councilor Hagenauer introduced Council Bill 1937. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1937 duly passed. 0810 COUNCIL BILL 1938 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INTERFUND BORROWING FROM THE GENERAL FUND OPERATING RESERVE FUND TO THE PARKS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND. Council Bill 1938 was introduced by Councilor Hagenauer. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1938 duly passed. 0827 COUNCIL BILL 1939 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MAYOR TO SIGN AGREEMENT WITH THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BOARD (P.E.R.S.) FOR INTEGRATION OF THE EXISTING RETIREMENT PLANS TO THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM. Councilor Hagenauer introduced Council Bill 1939. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Council President Jennings complimented the Mayor and staff on the aggressive action Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 9, 1998 T . "'II 1 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 9, 1998 TAPE READING that has been taken to move this agreement forward and closer to completion. Administrator Brown also thanked Frank Tiwari, Ken Wright, Bob Shields, and Mary Tennant who did most of the work on this project over the last several months. The Resolution gives the Mayor authority to execute a final contract once it has been reviewed by the Attorney General's office. The Council will receive a final contract document once it has been signed by all parties. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1939 duly passed. 0915 BID A WARD FOR VIDEO EOUIPMENT FOR THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS. Councilor Pugh expressed his appreciation to staff in submitting this recommendation since the video equipment will enhance the communication between the Council, Boards, Commissions, and citizens within the community. PUGH/JENNINGS.... award the bid for video equipment to Professional Video & Tape of Tigard, OR, not to exceed $25,000. Councilor Jennings stated that, once the equipment is installed and operational, the sound will be better and he will be requesting that all Board and Commission meetings be held in the Council Chambers with a live broadcast. The motion passed unanimously. 0983 ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. Administrator Brown stated that he would out of town on Friday and will leave a telephone number where he can be reached in case of an emergency. 1018 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORT. Councilor Hagenauer questioned if the dump site for recreational vehicles is open at the Wastewater Treatment plant. Director Tiwari stated that the dump site has been temporarily closed due to construction activities at the plant, however, it is anticipated that it will re-open later next year once construction has been completed. Councilor Sifuentez stated that citizens who reside along Lincoln Street are still concerned about the traffic speed on this street. Chief Wright stated that officers are working the traffic on Lincoln St., Hardcastle, Cleveland St., Highway 214, and Hayes Street. His department is also working with neighborhoods that have specific complaints and the traffic counter is being used to pinpoint the highest times in which speeding does occur. The radar trailer is also being placed in strategic areas to remind motorists of how fast they are traveling. Councilor Jennings questioned if the portable radar gun was available for checkout by citizens. Chief Wright stated that the radar gun is available to neighborhood groups and the Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 9,1998 - .,-~~.~,.,.. -...-.'.-- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 9, 1998 TAPE READING operator of the radar gun gathers information on the vehicle direction, description, license plate number, and speed of vehicle. The department then sends out a letter to the registered owner of the vehicle informing them that the vehicle had been observed by a citizen committee with a reminder that there is a speed limit in that area that needs to be observed. He stated that, in partnership with the community, these types of programs can reduce speeding and other violations since often times it is public awareness that needs to be the focal point. Councilor Jennings also expressed concern regarding motorists driving through red lights and he questioned if the same type of letter sent to speeding motorists would be sent to other violators if a neighborhood watch group took action to sit on street comers and take down license numbers of those that do run red lights. Chief Wright stated that letters would be sent to registered owners informing them of the observance of the violation. Jerry Erdt, 1266 Woodland, stated that motorists traveling west at the 1-5 interchange are not yielding to traffic traveling east. Chief Wright stated that ODOT had installed a 2-light traffic turn signal system at this intersection along with the Young St., Hardcastle, Lincoln St., and Oregon Way. His department is trying to pay special attention to these intersections since this is another area of concern regarding traffic violations. Mayor Kirksey stated that she has not observed recent violations by truck drivers parking in the turn lane on Highway 99E. However, Chief Wright stated that there had been 3 citations issued while she was out of town and one driver was using the turn lane to unload merchandise since there was no place to park the truck off the roadway for this purpose. 1490 Pete Koch, 864 Meadowvale Lane, stated that he had mailed a letter to City Planning last December requesting the installation of crosswalks and bikepaths for the safety of the pedestrians and bicyclists. There are about four or five areas in Meadowpark that could use the crosswalks. In September of 1998, they received a letter from the Planning Commission denying their request since they felt that it gave pedestrians and bicyclists a false sense of security. Their Association disagrees with this decision and would like to see if the Council would reverse it. He submitted a petition signed by 47 out of the 48 neighbors in favor of this proposal. JENNINGS/FIGLEY... petition be given to the City Administrator for further action. The motion passed unanimously. 1576 Councilor Sifuentez stated that the LOC conference did provide her with some fresh ideas for the coming year. Mayor Kirksey has done a wonderful job for the City and implemented a number of programs but she looks forward to working with the new Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 9, 1998 1. ,. ,..~._....~"._. ~ 1 '""- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 9, 1998 TAPE READING Mayor and implementing newer ideas. Councilor Chadwick stated that she also enjoyed the conference and learned of some new ideas. She was impressed with the Youth At Risk program. Councilor Pugh stated that the right-of-way dedication which was approved in the consent agenda involves property located on the other side of HWI and bends to go east/west with eventual connection to Butteville Rd.. Councilor Figley stated that she attended the conference on Saturday and spent most of her time concentrating on transportation issues. She was pleased with the presentation made on the Hwy. 214 alternatives analysis and hoped that the study will result in some action being taken to improve the traffic situation on Hwy. 214.. Councilor Jennings stated that this year's conference brought forth a different set of issues and he will be publishing a letter to the general public on issues and ideas that were addressed at the conference that he feels will work within our community. He also told the public that Councilor Sifuentez is a well known and respected individual by federal and state government officials and the City should be proud that she is a member of the Council. He also stated that it will be his goal over the next two years to continue to improve communications with our youth and our seniors. The City will also be looking at implementing a document imaging program which would put Council ordinances, resolutions, minutes, etc. onto the computer thereby giving the public easier access to information. Councilor Jennings stated that he would forming a Livability Task Force and Mayor Kirksey has agreed to chair this task force. 1908 Mayor Kirksey stated that she had received a letter from Gordon Smith regarding the County Council and she had responded back to him that she would like to continue to be a part of this group. She also stated that she was looking forward to seeing the City from a different viewpoint and, once she is no longer Mayor, looking in her own neighborhood to tackle issues pertaining to the State Highway Department. 1959 EXECUTIVE SESSION. JENNINGS/FIGLEY.... adjourn to executive session under the following statutory authority: (1) ORS 192.660(1)(h) to consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be filed; and (2) ORS 192.660(1)(f) to consider records that are exempt by law from public inspection. The motion passed unanimously. The Council adjourned to executive session at 8:02 p.m. and reconvened at 8: 19 p.m.. 1984 No Council action was taken as a result of items discussed in executive session. Councilor Jennings informed the Council that he would like to set a goal setting session Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 9, 1998 T "1'-" """--~~"" ,'.-.' " , - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 9, 1998 TAPE READING in early January and he suggested that the session be held at the Silver Falls Retreat Center starting on a Friday and ending on Sunday. The sessions would be open to the public in case interested citizens would like to attend the workshops. It was the consensus of the Council to proceed with further research on this proposal. Councilor Sifuentez reminded the Council and general public that a dinner will be held for Mayor Kirksey on December 4th at St. Luke's Rubis Hall. The cost of the dinner is $6.50 with all of the proceeds being donated to charitable organizations. Councilor Jennings also stated that a reception will be held for Mayor Kirksey on December 14th following the regular meeting and the public is encouraged to attend. 2159 ADJOURNMENT. JENNINGS/PUGH.... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m.. L~ APPROVED~ NANCY A. SEY, MAYOR ! ATTEST ~~~~ a Te~ant', Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, November 9, 1998 r . ..._-,......'......,._-,....." ~ 1 ~