Minutes - 02/23/1998 ....,." COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 1998 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, FEBRUARY 23,1998. CONVENED. The COW1cil met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kirksey presiding. 0007 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor COW1cilor COW1cilor COW1cilor Councilor Kirksey Chadwick Figley Hagenauer Jennings Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Childs, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, CommW1ity Development Director Goeckritz, Police Chief Wright, Finance Director Gillespie, Library Director Sprauer, Recreation & Park Director Westrick, Public Works Manager Rohman, City Recorder Tennant 0022 MINUTES. COW1cilor Jennings stated that the COW1cil minutes ofPebruary 9, 1998, page 3, tape reading 0850, second line, should be corrected to read as follows: "...east end of the improved section of Vanderbeck." JENNINGS/FIGLEY.... approve the COW1cil workshop and regular meeting minutes of February 9, 1998 as corrected; accept the Planning Commission minutes of January 22, 1998 and the Library Board minutes of January 28, 1998. The motion passed W1animously. 0067 ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) Reception for City Administrator Chris Childs - The City Council will host a reception on Tuesday, February 24th, from 5:00 pm-7:00 pm in the City Hall COW1cil Chambers. B) Centennial Park Task Force - A meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 24t\ 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall COW1cil Chambers. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, February 23, 1998 . ,.--.,..-.-- , -,. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 1998 TAPE READING C) Water Master Plan Committee - A meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, March 3'., 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall COW1cil Chambers. D) A public hearing before the City COW1cil will be held on Monday, March 9t\ 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers on a proposed ambulance rate increase. 0094 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Doug Templeton, representing the Chamber Board, informed the COW1cil of the following upcoming events: I) March 12th - Business After Hours will be held at First American Title Company between 4:30 pm and 6:00 pm; 2) March 18th - the Chamber Forum (12:00 noon) will consist of a Chemeketa Community College tour and information update on programs offered by the college; and 3) March 20th - the Tulip Festival begins with T-shirts designed by local artist Margaret Krupicka and sponsored by Tukwila Homes, and Ticor Title. The T-shirts will be available at the Chamber office in about 10 days and will sell for $10.00. He also informed the COW1cil that in January 1998, there were 500 visitors who had stopped at the Chamber office and 375 phone calls inquiring about the Woodburn area. 0155 WOODBURN DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION REPORT. Dallas Figley, WDA Secretary, stated that the final draft of the Downtown Redevelopment Plan is scheduled to be presented to the Planning Commission in March with the plan to be brought before the COW1cil following the Commission's review. He also stated that WDA is working with local banks for the purpose oftrying to have an A TM installed in the downtown area. The WDA will be meeting with the Rotary on March 12th to present the plan in an effort to obtain local support and promotion of the redevelopment plan. 0192 Barbara Lucas, 214 E. Clackamas Circle, submitted a memorandum to the Council stating that there is an inequity in the distribution of registered voters within each Ward and she requested that the Council research this issue to determine if anything can be done to correct this situation before the November general election.. COW1cilor Pugh informed her that he had scheduled a meeting with Attorney Shields for tomorrow afternoon and discussion of the issue at this time is premature. Attorney Shields briefly reviewed a state law provision that provides for distribution based on population rather than by registered voters. 0282 Don Bear, 375 S. Columbia Dr., expressed his concerns regarding abandoned vehicles along W. Hayes Street between S. Cascade and Evergreen. According to the Code Page 2 - COW1cil Meeting Minutes, February 23,1998 T ....---...,....-. _._.__ft"~",, '''A__._' _.. - -"'-'--"~~-"~--'-"_._-'--'---'---"--- 11 T --".,_. "._._....._..""1' - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 1998 TAPE READING Enforcement Officer, there is a 72 hour notice requirement before an abandoned vehicle can be towed. In order to get abandoned vehicles towed sooner, he suggested that parking not be allowed on the south side ofW. Hayes Street. Since this is a well traveled street and pedestrians use the street regularly, there is a potential danger to pedestrians when abandoned vehicles are left on the street and they have to walk into the street to get aroW1d an abandoned vehicle. COW1cilor Jennings questioned if the residents along W. Hayes Street would object to the parking restriction. Mr. Bear stated that he would talk to the residents regarding this issue and report back to the COW1cil. 1435 COUNCIL BILL 1866 - ORDINANCE AMENDING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF HIGHWAY 99E ACROSS FROM LAUREL AVENUE FROM RESIDENTIAL LESS THAN 12 UNITS PER ACRE TO COMMERCIAL (BUDGET INN MOTEL). COW1cil Bill 1866 was introduced by COW1cilor Hagenauer. Recorder Tennant read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the COW1cil. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed W1animously. Mayor Kirksey declared Council Bill 1866 duly passed with the emergency clause. 0484 COUNCIL BILL 1867 - RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO CONTRACT WITH S.L. MARTINENKO TO PROVIDE HOUSING REHABILITATION GRANT PROPOSAL SERVICE. Council Bill 1867 was introduced by COW1cilor Hagenauer. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the COW1cil. Councilor Figley stated that the grant period is from August 1, 1997 through July 31, 1999. She recommended that the COW1cil approve the contract for Mr. Martinenko's professional services since he has done a good job with the Housing Program over the last few years.. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed W1animously. Mayor Kirksey declared the bill duly passed. 0544 COUNCIL BILL 1868 - RESOLUTION APPOINTING LELAND WALTON AS ADMINISTRATOR PRO- TEM AND ENTERING INTO AGREEMENT WITH WALDRON RESOURCES TO PROVIDE SAID ADMINISTRATOR PRO- TEM. Councilor Hagenauer introduced COW1cil Bill 1868. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the COW1cil. Councilor Jennings stated that the Council sub-committee had interviewed two individuals for the position. The sub-committee is recommending the appointment of Lee Page 3 - COW1cil Meeting Minutes, February 23, 1998 1 , "I' . '--'~-'-"-'~'~' -, COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 1998 TAPE READING Walton to serve as Administrator Pro-tern based on his previous experience, familiarity with Woodburn, and his commW1ication skills. Councilor Figley stated that she was impressed with Mr. Walton and feels that he is an individual who has had a broad range of responsibilities as an Administrator thereby giving the City an opportW1ity to obtain a different perspective on managing city operations. Councilor Pugh expressed his opinion that Mr. Walton would be able to provide the City with a management audit. He is a highly qualified individual who is only interested in serving as a pro-tern and will be able to provide the COW1cil with insights that the City can benefit from in the future. Mayor Kirksey stated that she had also participated in the interviews and she concurred with comments made by the COW1cilors. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed W1animously. Mayor Kirksey declared COW1cil Bill 1868 duly passed. 0723 REOUEST FOR SOUND AMPLIFICATION PERMIT: K-MART KIDS RACE AGAINST DRUGS. The Police Department recommended the approval of a request from Momentum-lMC and K-Mart for the use of sOW1d amplification equipment in conjW1ction with the K-Mart Kids Race Against Drugs event on May 9th from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and on May lOth from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. In case of rain, May 11th has been scheduled as an alternative date to hold this event. JENNINGS/FIGLEy.... approve the request for a sound amplification permit as recommended by the Police Department. The motion passed W1animously. 0741 RECONSIDERATION OF COUNCIL BILL 1860 (RESOLUTION NO. 1461), JENNINGS/PUGH... reconsider Resolution No. 1461 (CoW1cil Bill 1860). The motion passed W1animously. Recorder Tennant read the title ofthe Resolution with the amendment that authorizes the Council President to sign the Quit claim deed. Councilor Jennings stated that, at the time of voting on the bill at the last meeting, he was under the impression that the purchaser also owned the apartments to the south of the surplus city property. Since then, he has fOW1d out that the prospective purchaser does not own the apartments, therefore, he has no objection to selling the parcel. Administrator Childs stated that the Vladamir Pendov is the prospective purchaser of the property. Mayor Kirksey stated that was under the impression that he owned the apartments when making her comments at the last meeting, however, she still did not agree with the sale of the property. Page 4 - COW1cil Meeting Minutes, February 23, 1998 "' . ... . ~_..~~'_..._,..._....,.. -. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 1998 TAPE READING On roll call vote, the bill passed W1animously. Mayor Kirksey declared COW1cil Bill 1860 duly passed. 888 STAFF REPORTS. A) Storm Water Planning Update- Public Works Director Tiwari provided the COW1cil with an update on the City's storm water planning program. He briefly reviewed the different types of storm water infrastructure whether it is natural or constructed. Storm water lines within the public right-of-way and public easements need to be maintained by the City in order to provide drainage routes to all properties. Factors that affect the storm water system include the rainfall intensity and frequency, impervious surface, the type of soil and vegetation, and alternative storage systems. He stated that the City has required some developments to include a detention area for purposes of temporarily holding storm water W1til the storm water lines are able to take off the storm water from the detention area. He showed examples of detention areas located in Parr Acres and Nelson Park. Detention areas serve a dual purpose in providing a holding area for excess water during the winter months and a park area during the summer months. Staff has been following COW1cil policies on storm water issues established a number of years ago, however, the Council will need to review and adopt updated policies. He reiterated that cooperation between private property owners and the City is necessary to have a storm water system that effectively removes storm water. In regards to the Goose Creek Improvement, the installation of a culvert across Boones Ferry this project has resolved storm water flow problems thus making this area it safer from flooding. The Hardcastle storm drain improvement project will also reduce the flooding that occurs with excessive rainfall. Manholes located in an area which floods during the winter months (such as Mill Creek) are sealed in order to keep inflow and infiltration into the sewer lines at a minimum. The staff is beginning work on a storm water master plan and it is being coordinated with the wetlands projects and the Parks system. COW1cilor Hagenauer stated that the ditch area near the Hardcastle/Kennedy Street intersection is full of water and the new storm line does not seem to be draining this area. Director Tiwari stated that staff will check out this situation since the 24" line is now in place and the water should be draining into the system. B) Library Grant Awardfrom American Library Association - Director Sprauer stated that the City has been awarded one of20 grants from the American Library Association in the pilot phase of a program relating to documentaries on World War II. She credited Librarian Judy Brunkal for writing the successful grant application. Page 5 - COW1cil Meeting Minutes, February 23, 1998 1 .. -. - ----..--.,'-.......---... -,. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 1998 TAPE READING C) DEQ Decision on Wastewater Permit- Public Works Director Tiwari stated that the City did receive a favorable decision from the DEQ Environmental COW1cil in that they approved the City's plan presented by DEQ staff. The major issue of concern was the Mass Loading increase and approval was given for a 5 mgd plant. Secondly, a dilution waiver was also approved. These were critical issues that would have increased the cost of the project. He thanked the DEQ stafffor their willingness to work with the City and in taking a position to recommend approval to the Environmental Council. D) Tree Care Class - Mayor Kirksey invited the public to attend a Tree Care Class will be held in the City Hall COW1cil Chambers on Thursday, February 26th, 2:00 p.m., with the purpose of the class to discuss tree maintenance, clean-up after a storm, what to do when electrical wires are through trees, and related issues. E) Building Inspection Program Update -Community Development Director Goeckritz provided the COW1cil with an updated report on a proposal to provide expanded building inspection and plan review program by utilizing a consulting firm rather than hiring a full-time Building Official. There were no comments from the COW1cil on the information included in the memo. F) Building Activity Reportfor the month of January 1998 - There were no comments from the Council on this report. 1720 CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT, Administrator Childs stated that he had attended the funeral of John Taylor today who was instrumental in continuing our effort to maintain Locomotive 1785 which is located near the water tower. He also requested that the Council delete the Executive Session item from this agenda. JENNINGS/FIGLEY.... the executive session be deleted from the agenda. The motion passed unanimously. 1795 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS, Councilor Sifuentez expressed her thanks to Administrator Childs for his work and wished him good luck in his future endeavors. Councilor Chadwick also wished him the best in his future endeavors. She also stated that she had attended the open house at the Youth Drop-In Center and she felt that more programs of this type should be made available to the children of our commW1ity. Councilor Pugh also expressed his good wishes to Administrator Childs who served the City well for six years and he is proud of the City organization. In regards to the Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, February 23, 1998 ,- .. "". ... "_"___..'._e.. ..-".."....,_.~_....,-_..~..,., *,,.. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 1998 TAPE READING selection of a pro-tern administrator, he was proud of the COW1cilors and Mayor in their display of maturity and professionalism during the interview process. The City will continue to face a challenge in the future as it pertains to growth. He also felt that the community is becoming more involved with City issues and he believes that communication is a key component in getting community involvement. The local newspaper and Cable TV are sources of giving residents adequate notices of upcoming Issues. COW1cilor Figley also added her thanks to Administrator Childs for six years of a job extremely well done and she looked forward to continuing to know him as a friend. She wished him well in his future endeavors. Councilor Jennings also thanked him for his work and he complimented him on the professionalism that he has shown over the last 6 years. The citizens of Woodburn owe him a depth of gratitude for his honesty, forthrightness, and placing the City above everything else. Mayor Kirksey also thanked Administrator Childs for serving the City well over the past 6 years and for being a conservative, detailed orientated administrator. She reminded the public that a reception will be held in his honor tomorrow night from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. She also thanked the Water Department who responded to a call for assistance from a resident of Senior Estates whose water softener was shooting water in the garage and a staff member came over to turn off the water. Administrator Childs stated that he appreciated the comments made by the COW1cilors and expressed his confidence in the staff to continue their good work for the City. 2090 ADJOURNMENT. JENNINGS/FIGLEY....meeting be adjourned. The motion passed W1animously. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. APPROVED~tJ0-7~.r1 ~ NANCYA. RKSEy,MAYO~ ATTEST (J~ ~+ :tt;nnant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 7 - COW1cil Meeting Minutes, February 23,1998 1 ,.~ 11 .- '."-~--~---,.'