Minutes - 01/04/1999 Workshop COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES January 4,1999 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, JANUARY 4,1999. CONVENED. The workshop convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Jennings presiding. 0003 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Jennings Bjelland Chadwick Figley Kilmurray Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Intern Administrative Asst. Smith, City Recorder Tennant Planning Commission member present: Laten Frawley 0025 Mayor Jennings stated that this workshop had been called for the purpose of reviewing the City's growth and annexation policies. He briefly reviewed the following changes he has made in the format of this and future workshops: I) Council will be provided with information in advance of meeting thereby giving Councilors an opportunity to come prepared to ask questions; and 2) staff be given general direction based on workshop discussion. 0072 Administrator Brown briefly summarized information presented at the December 18th land use workshop. In most cases, development is regulated by state law and the City does have some control in development of local standards, regulations, and policies that can overlay state law. The Comprehensive Plan is the controlling document and the City is in the process of updating that document. However, the document update will take some time and staff suggests that the Council look at options as to what can be done until such time as the new plan is adopted. The annexation policies is one policy that needs to be addressed at this time since the current Comprehensive Plan language is very broad and staff needs Council direction on (I) how much control they would like to place over annexations, (2) control techniques to utilize, and (3) standards to be used. Page I - Council Workshop Minutes, January 4, 1999 r-.' u , -, COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES January 4, 1999 TAPE READING Councilor Figley stated that her concerns deal with annexation of residential property due to the impact residential development places on the City's infrastructure and school issues. Industrial and commercial developments provide jobs for residents of our community and do not present the same problems as residential development. Councilor Pugh stated that, in general, industrial/commercial provides 70% revenues and 30% service requirement whereas residential property requires 70% service and 30% revenue. He encouraged industrial and commercial growth within the City. 0295 Community Development Director Goeckritz stated that there is approximately 75 acres of fudustrial area undeveloped within the City with a similar amount of Industrial area undeveloped outside of the city limits but within the Urban Growth Boundary. Discussion was held on annexation of commercial and industrial property versus residential property and the ability to differentiate between the two types of property uses. Attorney Shields stated that there needs to be an articulation of policy by the Council then the Planning Department needs to draft annexation policy language that can be applied to different types of annexations. The Comprehensive Plan would be amended to incorporate the new policy language. It was also noted that there is approximately 400 vacant acres of residential land located outside of the city limits but within the Urban Growth Boundary. 0840 Discussion was held on Council priorities relating to annexations. Councilor Figley expressed her priorities being annexations that would bring in jobs, significantly enhance City's revenues, provide interchanges improvements with an eventual 2nd interchange, connection from 1-5 to Highway 99E, enclaves be brought in, and small annexations on an as needed basis. It was noted prioritizing capital improvements is a method of controlling annexations. Administrator Brown recapped the discussion which indicates that the Council would like to see industrial and commercial growth before residential growth, looking for growth that will present long term employment opportunities, enhance revenues, create infrastructure opportunities, and ability to fully mitigate impact. He reminded the Council that annexations that have been filed will be processed under current policies and annexations filed after the policy has been updated would follow under the new guidelines. Further discussion was held on specific policies that the Council would like to address in the Comprehensive Plan. They reviewed the material distributed with the agenda which outlined various annexation control techniques. It was noted that the Council did not want to process annexations only once each year, nor obtain voter approval on all annexation applications. Discussion was held on modifying development standards to encourage a zero lot line Page 2 - Council Workshop Minutes, January 4, 1999 T"- --..,-.- COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES January 4, 1999 TAPE READING development as part of the multi-family housing type in order to increase the ratio of multi-housing versus single family residential housing inventory. 1910 Administrator Brown queried the Council on the following issues: I) Percent of recovery on system development charges and user fees; 2) Expansion of Park system development charges; 3) Raise the traffic standards from level D to level C (waiting time at traffic signals); and 4) Design standards such as landscaping. architecture. and appearance of development. Discussion was held regarding the imposition of stricter design review standards and requirements in the development code. It was noted that current design standards are different within various zones and more control is placed in a Planned Unit Development versus a subdivision. Market issues also play an important role as it applies to design criteria and whether a PUD or subdivision is submitted by a developer. 2744 Public Works Manager Rohman stated that the Sanitary Sewer system development charge is at the 100% level except for inflationary increases. The City is in the final stages of finalizing a stormwater master plan and, once completed, fees will reviewed and recommended changes will be made to the Council. The water system development charges were also imposed a few years ago and once the water master plan is finalized, the fees will be re-evaluated. Currently, the percentage charge is less than 100% and staff is not at a point to provide a more accurate percent to the Council. The traffic impact fees (TIP) is at a 30% level as ofthe first of January and a study is in process to evaluate these fees. The Parks Master Plan is also nearing completion and recommended adjustments to the parks system development charges will be submitted to the Council for review. Staff will prepare a report outlining a time line in which the various system development charge issues will be brought before the Council. Tape 2 00 I 0 Administrator Brown stated that consultants are needed to help the City expedite specific projects such as updating the Comprehensive Plan. He suggested that the Council utilize some of the increase in property tax dollars received from new construction to pay for consultant costs. He also stated that the upcoming Council retreat will focus on community involvement and engaging citizens to tell the Council what they want to see Woodburn look like in the future. Brief discussion was held regarding methods of engaging citizens to participate in city issues. Administrator Brown stated that he would like to prepare a reasonable work plan outlining projects that consultants may be involved in and, once reviewed by Council, the authority to formulate Request for Proposals on approved projects. Mayor Jennings reminded the Council that the sign ordinance and fence ordinance still need to be updated and consideration should be given to looking at a consultant to Page 3 - Council Workshop Minutes, January 4, 1999 T-- -.. ----. ~_._._~ ~ . COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES January 4,1999 TAPE READING complete these projects. 0484 It was the consensus of the Council that user fees should be increased to 100% of actual costs and the staff will review the current ordinance to see if adjustments can be made to current charges. Additionally, system development charges will be brought before the Council as soon as the reports containing the methodology are completed. The Council expressed their desire to promote quality growth with a general rule that it will pay for the impact it adds to the City's existing system. Mayor Jennings reminded the Council that the workshop on goal setting has been scheduled for Friday, January 15th, and Saturday, January 16th. This session will be facilitated by the firm Ragsdale, Koch, and Altman. A budget workshop will be held on Saturday, January 30th, at 9:00 a.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Jennings invited the Council to attend the Mayor's Coordinating Lunch meeting on January 6th at 12:00 noon at Yun Wah's Restaurant. The meeting concluded at 9:00 p.m. APPROVED Rl" ~ _. SJ ~~- ~ RICHARD JE GS, M OR ----' ATTEST !1~~~ Mary Te ant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 4 - Council Workshop Minutes, January 4, 1999 ',' _.._---- .".. --.... " 1