Minutes - 03/08/1999 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 8, 1999 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, MARCH 8, 1999. CONVENED. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Jennings presiding. 0005 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Jennings Bjelland Chadwick Figley Kilmurray Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Present Absent Present Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, Public Works Director Tiwari, Public Works Manager Rohman, Police Chief Wright, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Library Director Sprauer, Park & Recreation Director Westrick, Finance Director Gillespie, Management Analyst Smith, City Recorder Tennant Mayor Jennings stated that he had received a telephone call from Councilor Pugh earlier this evening informing him that he would not be in attendance at the meeting due to a family emergency. Mayor Jennings also stated that agenda item llC would be removed from the agenda since there is insufficient input from the citizens of the affected area to proceed with the Council Bill at this time. 0047 ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) Friends of the Library Book Sale: The Friends of the Library will hold their semi- annual book sale on March 12 -14, 1999 at the Public Library. B) United Disposal Annual Clean-up Day: On March 20, 1999, United Disposal will, at no charge, accept yard debris and appliances at their N. Front Street recycling location from city residents. C) Budget Meeting & Workshop: The Budget Committee will meet on Monday, March 15th, 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 8, 1999 1-- ._.__'___~__.'___.~____4__~.""'--+____' ~ . ~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 8, 1999 TAPE READING I) On March 11'h, 4:30 p.m., Business After Hours will be held at Master Screen Productions which is located at 310 Broadway; and 2) The Tulip Festival begins March 20th with numerous activities planned for the month long festival. The Settlemier House will be open on March 20th for tours between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm which will include art displays and wine tasting. Tulip Festival banners will be hung the week of March 22nd and the new Tulip Festival T-shirts will soon be available and sold for $10 at the Chamber office. 0685 WOODBURN DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION. Susan King invited the public to attend the Warzynski Plaza dedication ceremonies on March 17th and to attend the annual WDA banquet and auction following the dedication. 0692 COMMUNICATIONS. Administrator Brown stated that he had received letters of resignation from Budget Committee member Barbara Lucas and Planning Commission member Doeke Gerbracht. 0711 Laten Frawley, 1243 Willow Ave., also tendered his resignation from the Woodburn Planning Commission since he would be moving from the area. He expressed his appreciation to Dick Pugh for getting him involved as a Planning Commission member. He stated that the Commissioners go through a lot of paperwork in order to do what is right for the City within the rules and guidelines established by the County, State, Federal Government, and City. He reiterated that he had enjoyed the time he has spent on the Commission. The Mayor and Council expressed their appreciation to Mr. Frawley for his work on the Commission. 0807 CONSENT AGENDA. A) Approval of regular and executive session Council minutes of February 22, 1999; B) Approval of claims for the month of February 1999; C) Acceptance of the Library Board minutes of February 24, 1999; D) Acceptance of the Planning Commission minutes of February II. 1999; E) Acceptance of the Human Rights Commission minutes of January 7, 1999; F) Receipt of the Police Activity Report for January 1999; G) Receipt of the Building Activity Report for February 1999; and H) Receipt of letter from Mayor Jennings concerning the City's comments on the 2000- 2003 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). Councilor Bjelland questioned the new residence value as shown on the February 1997 through February 1999 report. Director Goeckritz stated that a number of permits have been issued for manufactured homes which have a value less than stick-built homes. Since there is no value listed in Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 8, 1999 T 00._.,._...___.__ ~ . '--- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 8, 1999 TAPE READING February 1998 or February 1999 under the line item entitled Manufactured Homes. he would make applicable corrections to the report. FIGLEYIKILMURRA Y... consent agenda be approved as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 0888 CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING: HERITAGE PARK SUBDIVISION - ANNEXATION. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP. ZONE CHANGE. Mayor Jennings continued the public hearing at 7:31 p.m.. He informed the Council that the applicant has requested that this hearing be continued until March 22"d. FIGLEYIBJELLAND... public hearing on Heritage Park Subdivision be continued to March 22, 1999 at 7:00 p.m.. The motion passed unanimously. 0914 PUBLIC HEARING - VACATION OF A PORTION OF ARNEY ROAD. Mayor Jennings opened the public hearing at 7:32 p.m.. Public Works Director Tiwari presented the staff report. He stated that the subject property is located north of the Hershberger property and within the property deeded to Woodburn Company Stores. The roadway currently has a 90 degree turn which needs to be straightened out prior to the influx of traffic to the factory outlet stores. All of the properties in the affected area have been notified of this hearing as required by state statute. After the roadway is vacated, a new road will be constructed based on the concept provided by the Public Works Department. Staff recommends that the Council authorize staff to draft an ordinance approving the vacation of the property. Frank Flynn, attorney representing Craig Realty Group - Woodburn LLC (Woodburn Company Stores), stated that the new roadway will provide safer road conditions and it will also serve as an access road to the development. The property owner has given his consent to the vacation and the notice provisions outlined in the state statute has been met. He reminded the Council that the street vacation and construction of a replacement street is a condition of approval imposed by the City. It was also noted that the east/west portion of Arney Road located within the County will be re-named as provided for in the Conditions of Approval. There were no comments from the audience on the proposed vacation of property. Mayor Jennings closed the public hearing at 7:40 p.m.. FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ.... instruct staff to prepare an ordinance vacating a portion of Arney Road described in the material and subject to the conditions outlined in Randy Scott's memo dated March 2, 1999. The motion passed unanimously. 1224 COUNCIL BILL 1951 - RESOLUTION DIRECTING CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE ENGINEERING REPORT FOR SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS ON THE EAST SIDE OF E. HARDCASTLE FROM HWY. 99E TO HERITAGE AVE. Councilor Chadwick introduced Council Bill 1951. The bill was read by title only since Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 8, 1999 l-. .- .-.,..-.-.....-....-.--.-..... -.-.."-- n 1 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 8, 1999 TAPE READING there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 1951 duly passed. 1300 COUNCIL BILL 1952 - RESOLUTION DIRECTING CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE ENGINEERING REPORT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO BOONES FERRY ROAD NORTH OF HWY. 214 AND COUNTRY CLUB ROAD EAST OF BOONES FERRY RD. Council Bill 1952 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 1952 duly passed. 1338 FOLLOW-UP DISCUSSION FROM THE MARCH 1.1999 WORKSHOP. Administrator Brown stated that the request from CCRLS was more focused that what was discussed in the workshop. The CCRLS Equity Task Force report recommended the submittal of a CCRLS local option operating levy as a means of creating more equity in how much is paid by rural taxpayers versus City taxpayers for library services. The City has already implemented a fee for users who live outside of the City which goes toward recovering some of the costs for services. He stated that the benefit of the district is the equity situation but the drawback is giving up some level of local control and creating another level of government. The Equity Task Force recommendations will get the level of funding the Council is looking for but create a double taxation problem. A memo from Library Director Sprauer was distributed to the Council which reflects the feelings of the Library Board. Of the three members currently on the Board, two of the members are in favor of additional investigation towards the district approach while the third member is satisfied with the existing tax structure and fees imposed by the City. Other areas considering districts are Salem, Newberg, and Stayton. It was noted that the Mt. Angel Library Director does not feel that they would have an interest in joining Woodburn as part of a district. Councilor Figley stated that she does have concerns regarding the district concept in that there is no guarantee that the service level would remain as it is now offered. She stated that city residents do pay more for library services and she is not convinced that the local operating levy will solve anything. She had no problem with the Task Force exploring the interest of residents in the unincorporated area for library services but she did not want to take any action that would reduce the current level of service. Councilor Sifuentez agreed with Councilor Figley and stated that the issue needs more study. Councilor Kilmurray stated that she is concerned about the lack of control and potential decrease in library services. She did not object to further study on this issue but no other commitments be made at this time. Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 8, 1999 ,_. ,,-,,~'-'~" ...'.-"--..,....-..' .-.--.-.- ~_._-~ ~ . COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 8, 1999 TAPE READING Councilor Bjelland expressed his opinion that the City should explore the district option if only to ascertain the economics of forming the district. He stated that there is probably a significant tax base in the rural area which can be used to maintain the level of services at a reduced cost to the taxpayers of the City. He was not overly concerned about the loss of control and felt that Woodburn would be able to drive the process. Mayor Jennings feels that our Library is the best for a community our size and he agreed that the City should continue to explore the district option. He also stated that he was surprised that Mt. Angel was not interested in joining Woodburn in a district venture. 1690 CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. Status Update on Highway 214 Widening Proposal Meetings: Public Works Manager Rohman reviewed staff work completed to date on a Highway 214 Alternative Analysis and stated that focus group meetings were held in December 1998 to obtain comments from the public on this draft report. The State began the biennial Statewide Transportation Improvement Program process during that same time period and Council direction to staff in December 1998 was to promote a project on the STIP that would work towards widening of Hwy. 214 from the northbound 1-5 off ramp to Boones Ferry Road. As part of the Woodburn Company Stores conditions of approval, Highway 214 would have two west bound lanes east of the northbound ramp. ODOT suggested the placement of a median in that from the 1.5 ramp to Lawson Avenue which has been opposed by the business owners. It has been the City's position to continue to push for widening of Hwy. 214. The business owners have formed a group called the Concerned Business Owners of Hwy. 214 (CBO 214) and they have presented a list of what they consider is their position on the widening ofthe roadway. Staff has reviewed the list and provided a response to some of those positions. At the STIP public meeting in Salem last Thursday, it was the City's position to continue to push for a widening project to Boones Ferry Rd.. The consultant is still working on the Alternative Analysis and it is anticipated that the report will be completed later this summer. The Concerned Business Owners are mainly concerned with the roadway from the 1-5 ramp to Oregon Way. ODOT will begin next month on an Interchange Management Study (refinement study) which will be completed over the next 9 to 15 months. Marion County will be doing a Rural Interchange Alternative study and it is the intent of ODOT and Marion County to work at those projects concurrently to save time and money. Administrator Brown referred the Council to the STIP letter included in the consent agenda and the CBO 214 proposal. He requested that the Council give staff some acknowledgment that staff is moving in the right direction in talking to the State about offering some level of city funding that will be substantial enough to make this project a reality. He requested that the Council give staff direction on I) a waiver or relaxation of development fees associated with any relocations that may be required as part of the highway widening, and 2) a waiver or relaxation of landscaping requirements also Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 8, 1999 ,._~,,-""'-' "'---'~'~---"" .'--_...._.,~",-' ,.".-.-.~------' ~ . COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 8, 1999 TAPE READING associated with the widening. He also requested Council direction as to whether or not he should proceed with working with our legislative delegation to try and get this project to move forward. 2147 Mayor Jennings commended CBO 214 for their proposal. He stated that the City needs to commit a substantial amount of money in order to get the State's attention and the right- of-way donations by the business owners will add to the money the City can contribute to the project. He reminded the Council that the Administrator is looking for permission to move forward to try and get some action from ODOT on this project. Tom Mann, 3355 Walnut Way, Silverton, thanked the staff for their willingness to attend their meetings and work with them on this issue. He stated that CBO 214 is frustrated with ODOT since they are improving interchanges all around Woodburn and yet ODOT still does not recognize the need to improve the Woodburn interchange and Hwy. 214. He also stated that CBO 214 is against the median concept. The business owners are willing to donate land which is about 50% of the cost of the highway improvement. They have had two meetings with ODOT and he feels that, with the cooperation and coordination of CBO 214 and the City, something will be accomplished. He requested that the there be a good understanding and line of communication between CBO 214 and the City to fix this problem. CBO 214 is committed to work the political process to find the money through the federal and state legislative process. Councilor Bjelland expressed his opinion that the City push forward with haste and he strongly urged the City to contribute this project. Mayor Jennings requested that CBO 214 partner with the City to push towards improvements to Boones Ferry since there will still be backup of traffic with the signal at Country Club/Oregon Way. Councilor Figley expressed her desire to have 5 lanes on Highway 214 and suggested that funds be budgeted for in the 1999-2000 city budget for the City's role in this project. Administrator Brown stated that this project will be identified in the Capital Improvement Plan. Councilor Bjelland stated that he was aware of an effort to get a National Scenic Designation Route which would include Woodburn and this is one of seven that has passed and there is only one barrier left to obtain the designation. If that is accomplished, they will get the designation which may aide in getting ODOT to recognize that this is an important stretch of highway that needs to be improved. 2788 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS. Councilor Sifuentez stated that she and Councilor Chadwick had attended the Leadership Development for North Marion County Cities seminar last Saturday. She stated that a strong Council will work as a team to accomplish the work they set out to do and she is proud of this Council's teamwork. Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 8, 1999 - . COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 8, 1999 TAPE READING Councilor Chadwick stated that this seminar focused on leadership and communication skills and, for her, it was a good program to attend. 2880 EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mayor Jennings stated that, due to the absence of our Attorney at this meeting, item 17(D) will not be discussed. FIGLEY/CHADWICK... move into executive session under the ORS 192.660(1)(d), ORS 192.660)(1)(e); and ORS 192.660(1)(f). The motion passed unanimously. The Council adjourned to executive session at 8:25 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 9:27 p.m.. 2944 Mayor Jennings stated that no action would be taken by the Council on items discussed in executive session. Administrator Brown requested that he be given a 6.month evaluation on his performance at the next meeting in an executive session. It was the consensus of the Council to comply with his request, however, it will be held over to the first meeting in April. 3041 ADJOURNMENT. FIGLEYIKILMURRAY... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.. APPROVED ~~~~~~', ~~R ATTEST I!l~~ Mar ennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 8,1999 ,..- - . -----,.....-_.~_.----~-----_. n I