Minutes - 05/10/1999
MAY 10, 1999
CONVENED. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Jennings presiding.
Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director
Tiwari, Public Works Manager Rohman, Community Development Director Goeckritz,
Park & Recreation Director Westrick, Police Chief Wright, Finance Director Gillespie,
Library Director Sprauer, Management Analyst Smith, City Recorder Tennant
A) Budget Committee Workshop: The last workshop before the hearing will be held on
Saturday, May 15, 1999,9:00 a.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers.
B) Budget Committee Meeting: The Budget Committee will hold the public hearing on
the 1999-2000 City budget on Monday, May 17,1999,7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council
C) Woodburn Household Hazardous Waste Free Collection: This annual collection will
be held on Saturday, May 22, 1999, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, in the Wal-Mart parking lot.
D) Centennial Park Work Party: On Saturday, May 15th, 9:00 am., volunteers are
encouraged to assist in the assembling of playground equipment and assisting with other
miscellaneous projects at Centennial Park.
Mayor Jennings appointed the following individuals to serve on the Livability Task Force
Steering Committee: Nancy Kirksey, Jo Ann Bjelland, Mike Bergeron, Jane Christoff,
Pete McCallum, and Hazel Smith.
FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ.... appointments to the Steering Committee be approved. The
motion passed unanimously.
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Ben Gentile, V.I.S.I.T. (Valley Inter-cooperative Strategies to Increase Tourism), stated
that they are a non-profit organization with a goal of economic development through
tourism in the Mid-Willamette Valley and they work closely with the Chamber of
Commerce groups in this area. He stated that the scenic by-way program was initiated at
the federal level about 10 years ago to protect roads in the United States similar to the
way protection has been extended to national and state parks. Oregon has 12 scenic by-
ways which is the most in anyone state. The scenic by-ways are marketed nationally and
internationally for tourists to visit those areas. Developing tour routes is another part of
this program and tour routes are designed to get people into your community. V.I.S.I.T.
is proposing the development of a tour route beginning at 1-5, following Hwy. 214 to
Settlemier, down Settlemier to Garfield, then out to Hwy. 99E. The route would continue
to Mt. Angel, Silverton, Silver Falls, Sublimity, Aumsville, Turner, and end at 1-5 near
the Willamette Valley Vineyards. The Silver Creek Falls Scenic Tour is one of 4 routes
that has received conditional approval, however, Woodburn will need to make
modifications to its sign ordinance in order to meet final approval under the program. He
stated that the scenic by-way rules do not allow off-premise advertising signs along the
by-way and V.l.S.I.T. is requesting that the Council consider passing a motion to begin
the process of making necessary sign ordinance modifications to comply with the scenic
by-way rules.
Administrator Brown stated that staff is in the process of amending the sign ordinance at
the Planning Commission level.
PUGHlFIGLEY,.. endorse this scenic by-way project and pursue modifications to sign
ordinance as requested.
Mayor Jennings stated that this project could bring the City some additional federal T-21
dollars to maintain the roadways along the scenic route.
The motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Jennings read his proclamation declaring the week of May 9 - IS, 1999 as Police
Week in Woodburn, and May 15,1999 as Police Memorial Day in memory of police
officers who have died in the line of duty.
Mayor Jennings also declared the week of May 17-21, 1999 as Public Works Week in
Woodburn. He reminded the public that, as part of this annual recognition to Public
Works, riding the Transit Bus will be free to all individuals.
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Kristi Olson, representing the Chamber Board, informed the Council that on May 13,
1999,4:30 p.m., Business After Hours will be held at Silver Creek Assisted Living, 702
Evergreen Rd.. Additionally, the Chamber is now looking for contributions for
landscaping plants and volunteers to do some landscaping around the Welcome to
W oodbum sign. She also stated that the Chamber visitor count for April 1999 during the
Tulip Festival time period was 725 which is down from last year's count of 930.
A) Approval of Council minutes of April 26, 1999;
B) Acceptance of Planning Commission minutes of April 22, 1999;
C) Acceptance of Park Board minutes of April 13, 1999;
D) Acceptance of Library Board minutes of April 28, 1999;
E) Acceptance of Human Rights Commission minutes of March 4, 1999;
F) Approval of Claims for month of April 1999;
G) Receipt of Police Department activity report for March 1999; and
H) Receipt of Public Works Week program.
FIGLEYIPUGH.., consent agenda be adopted as presented. The motion passed
Council Bill 1962 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. The bill was read by title only
since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the
bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 1962 duly passed.
Council Bill 1963 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. Recorder Tennant read the
bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for
final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 1963
duly passed.
FIGLEYIPUGH.., reconsider its tentative decision in annexation case #97-08, zone
change #97-12, conditional use #97-03, variance #97-12, and Planned Unit developement
#97-03 and direct the staff to re-notice and re-open an additional public hearing in order
to hear additional evidence on the subject of impact on Brown and Settlemier A venues, to
occur on June 14, 1999.
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Councilor Figley stated that if people have additional evidence to provide the Council
prior to making the final decision, the Council should, in fairness, give them an
opportunity to present that evidence.
On roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously.
An emergency repair to Centennial Well located on National Way is necessary before
high water usage is experienced as a result of the summer months. Staff requested that
the quote from Queen City Pump in the amount of $7,521 be approved by the Council in
order to have repair work to the bearings and shaft done at the same time this company is
installing sensor equipment on this pump to determine static water levels.
FIGLEYIKILMURRA Y... approve a contract with Queen City Pump for emergency
repair of the pump at Centennial Well in the amount of $7,521.00. The motion passed
IMPROVEMENTS: Woodburn Comoanv Stores,
Steve Craig, Woodburn Company Stores, stated that his company has been trying to
arrive at a Fair Share Agreement which involves an agreement between 8 property owners
and 2 public agencies. He stated that a condition attached to his development was the
formation of a local improvement district (LID) for the purpose paying for this
improvement, however, several property owners were against the LID. As part of their
research, they concluded that a development agreement was the most expedient and cost
efficient way of moving forward with this improvement. With the assistance of their
attorney and the City's Attorney and Administrator, he feels that they are in a position to
present to the Council two proposed development agreements. One development
agreement would be for the traffic signal and the other agreement would be for the
extension and widening of Arney Road and Willow Avenue. He feels that the property
owners are in support of these agreements. Attorney Shields has drafted the development
agreements, however, they would like to include language in the indemnity clause that
would accept claims for gross negligence on the part of the City or wilful misconduct. He
stated that the property owners would be expending approximately $825,000 for the
required roadway and traffic light improvements. Another issue he discussed with the
Council is the completion of these conditions prior to occupancy for the stores. He stated
that the original conditions do not specifically address the occupancy issue and, even
though he realizes that the work needs to get done as soon as possible, he is at the mercy
of the City and State for issuance of permits. He presented the Council with a plan for
completion of the work and, if work is able to start immediately, all work should be done
by July 20th. He expressed his desire to work in concert with the City to get the
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improvements done as soon as possible. Lastly, before a contract can be executed with
the contractor, there needs to be an understanding with the City on the cost sharing plan
so that work may begin immediately.
0937 Councilor Figley expressed her concern in not having the improvements completed
before the center is open due to the large influx of traffic.
Mr. Craig stated that they would like to have all of the work completed before the center
is open. However, there will be some minor improvements being made such as signage,
striping, etc., after the July 20th date. The anticipated full completion date is August 2nd
which is in advance of the scheduled Grand Opening date of August 19'h. He stated that
they are very appreciative of the assistance provided by Administrator Brown in getting
the work done to date.
Mayor Jennings requested clarification of the work that the City is requesting to be
completed that is outside of the established conditions.
Mr. Craig stated that it involved an overlay on Highway 219 that the Public Works
Director suggested as an inclusion and, when brought to the Administrator's attention, he
has agreed to the City being responsible for the work.
Mayor Jennings expressed his opinion that the pavement must be laid before the center is
open to the public.
Mr. Craig stated that the first lift of paving is scheduled for completion prior to July 15th
and he requested Council acceptance of his proposal to allow the center to open following
the laying of the first lift of paving. In regards to the traffic light, he stated that, according
to the schedule, the lights should be operational by the end of July. He reminded the
Council that the schedule presented to them at this meeting is dependent upon the
issuance of permits tomorrow.
1286 Administrator Brown stated that the numbers supplied by Mr. Craig are based on
construction bids and the Public Works Dept. is currently reviewing the bids to see if
there are some efficiencies that would lessen the final cost of the improvements. He
reminded the Council that the City would be a party to the agreement but would not be
part of an enforcement role since there is nothing in the document that addresses a "what
if' situation if someone does not pay. The agreement calls for voluntary signing based on
their understanding of their benefit to be received from the specific improvements.
Attorney Shields stated that the actual agreement is a 76 page document and he has made
several form changes. However, he strongly advises the Council to retain his original
language regarding liability since it serves to protect the public's interest in the event
there is future litigation. He reiterated that the developer would not have had liability if
the LID process was followed. The City will be a party to the development agreement,
but not a private party, and the non-liability language in this proposed agreement mirrors
the language used in the Wal-mart development agreement. He also stated that the City's
condition was to establish an LID and, if an LID is not established, it is the Council's
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decision as to how the parties come to an agreement.
1578 Administrator Brown expressed his concern that all concerned parties may not want to
sign the development agreement. It is his belief that the developer is responsible for the
road improvements but at a fair share of the total costs. Other property owners will
benefit in both access and an increase in their property value due to the factory store
project. In the event the development agreement is not signed by all parties, he suggested
that a reimbursement district be formed and the Council would be asked to establish a fair
share for each of the properties based on an engineering analysis done by the Public
Works Department. A reimbursement district would provide an enforcement tool in
which properties not currently developed would be required to pay their fair share prior to
being issued permits.
FIGLEyIPUGH..... applicant be allowed to proceed with an agreement in lieu of
assessments functional equivalent of an LID as a mechanism to complete the financing of
the Arney Road and Hwy. 219 traffic signal improvements and, if the applicant is unable
to secure the signatures of the owners of the benefitted properties located within the City
on this agreement, the City Council initiate the formation of a reimbursement district
upon the improvements.
On roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously.
1835 Administrator Brown stated that the City staff will give the developer their full
cooperation to expedite the permit process. Two issues that need to be clarified are I)
timing of the improvements and 2) Council's wishes on the indemnification clause.
During Council discussion on the improvement issue, it was the consensus of the Council
to have the roadway (paving improvements) completed by the July 15th opening date and
they suggested that the second lift of paving be laid in the evening hours rather than
daytime hours.
Mr. Craig stated that the traffic light is on order and it is anticipated to be operational
prior to the Grand Opening.
PUGHlFIGLEY... accept Attorney Shields advice regarding the indemnity language.
The motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Jennings recommended that the Council adopt the option of status quo and, if
adopted, he and Councilor Figley will personally visit every resident on the west side of
Columbia Drive to talk to them individually. He stated that he did not feel that the City is
in a position to hold up the Montebello development any further and, since a consensus
could not be reached when staff met with all parties, he feels that meeting with each
owner will be more beneficial to arriving at a solution.
Harold Spohr, 813 S. Columbia Dr., distributed a letter to the Council which suggested
that another meeting be held with the residents living on the west side of Columbia which
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would address the following: I) legal opinion on transfer of property to affected property
owners, 2) definition of utility easement and impact on the property owner, 3) decision on
the split of the property if vacated, and 4) discussion on final recommendation to be
forwarded to Council for consideration.
Mayor Jennings reiterated that he would like to have an opportunity to meet with property
owners individually since they will each be impacted by the final decision.
Councilor Figley stated that she would like to meet with the owners to arrive at a
workable solution. She also felt that there needs to be a resolution to this issue and that
the City not hold up Capital Development Company on this project.
PUGHlSIFUENTEZ,...leave this review of the status quo until the Mayor's
investigation is complete and release Montebello Subdivision by allowing them to
proceed on course.
Attorney Shields stated that staff will prepare an ordinance since a final land use action
needs to be taken.
Councilors Pugh and Sifuentez agreed to direct staff to prepare an ordinance for the next
meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Jennings stated that he will be in touch with the property owners within the next
10 days.
The Council took a recess at 8:23 p.m. and reconvened at 8:33 p.m..
It was announced that this hearing will be continued to May 24, 1999 at 7:00 p.m..
Mayor Jennings declared the public hearing open at 8:35 p.m..
Recorder Tennant read the land use statement required by ORS 197.
Director Goeckritz entered the staff report and following exhibits into the record:
Exhibit I) Application by Woodburn Company Stores for Phase II;
Exhibit 2) Woodburn Factory Stores Phases II and ill by Kittleson & Associates,
Exhibit 2a) Woodburn Factory Stores Phases II and III transportation impact analysis
technical appendix.
In addition, the staff has distributed a letter from David Phillipi, Stole, Rives, LLP
Associate, relating to the ODOT and LCDC issues.
Mayor Jennings questioned if the letter from the Department of Transportation was an
exhibit that should be entered into the record.
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Director Goeckritz stated that the letter has been included in the staff report. He stated
that the Planning Commission had approved an order recommending the annexation of
approximately 8 acres with a Comprehensive Plan map amendment from RM to
Commercial and a zone map amendment from Urban Transition Farm (UTF) to
Commercial Retail. The Commission also established three conditions that they would
like the Council to adopt:
I) improvements required to address traffic impact shall be determined at the time of site
plan review based on traffic impact analysis that incorporates considerations of Phase I of
the Factory Outlet Center;
2) access improvements required along the north line of the property line shall be
determined at the time of site plan review; and
3) delineation of the wet lands will need to be reviewed.
He stated that the Center was originally approved in 1998 and Phase I of the project
provides for approximately 243,000 sq. feet of structure. Phase II would consist of
approximately 162,000 sq. feet which will include some build out of the original 28 acres
plus incorporating a portion of the additional 8 acres. The total build out of this facility
will be about 405,000 sq. feet. Staff feels that they have adequately addressed all of the
land use goals, along with the comprehensive plan and zoning criteria, in this application.
He referenced letters submitted by the Oregon Dept. of Transportation (ODOT) dated
May 5, 1999 which provided the City with alternatives on how to resolve concerns
ODOT may have with this proposal. Director Goeckritz identified the following
alternatives the Council could consider: 1) land use action conditioned on applicant going
through site plan review process and meeting Transportation Planning Rule requirements
at that time; 2) zone change be restricted to use of a factory outlet mall; and 3) City
continue action on the land use action and order applicant to revise the TIS to eliminate I-
S interchange improvements from the 2015 analysis.
Director Goeckritz also referenced a letter from LCDC dated March 22, 1999 which was
submitted after the Planning Commission had approved their final order. This
memorandum presented several issues relating to compliance with statewide planning
goals, statutes, and regulations. He stated that staff feels that Goal 9 is adequately
addressed since the additional stores will have a positive impact on the community. In
regards to Goal 10, the City may need to work on land availability for the 4 acres of
multi-family residential land that is being proposed to change to Commercial but he feels
that it can be accomplished. He also stated that LCDC is requesting that a refinement
study be completed first before further development occurs which could be two or more
years before it is reviewed and adopted. Additionally, they are suggesting that the
buildable lands inventory be adopted which could be another year or two before it is
Director Goeckritz expressed concern over LCDC's comments since he felt that approval
could be substantiated and, if necessary, staff would want the applicant to carry forward
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any appeal of this action to the Land Use Board of Appeals. He also reiterated that the
Commission and staff have recommended that any site plan approval be subject to
another traffic impact study which would give consideration to both Phase 1 and Phase IT
in combination with any other development that has occurred.
Mayor Jennings asked if any of the Councilors wanted to declare a conflict of interest or
ex-parte contact before further testimony is received on this issue. No declarations were
made for the record.
0900 Mike Robinson, attorney representing Craig Realty Group, entered into the record a
memorandum dated May 6, 1999 from City staff which relates to the work in progress to
identify the City's buildable lands inventory. In regards to ODOT's letter, they do not
feel that this project will not have a significant effect on transportation facilities under
state rule. He stated that the first transportation study was completed in 1992, the second
one was completed in 1998, and the third one completed in May 1999. The
Transportation System Plan described alternatives that could be done to improve the
interchange, however, a refinement plan needs to be completed before a final decision is
made on which alternative to select. He stated that the refinement plan requirement does
not invalidate the Transportation System Plan nor does it require the City to wait until the
plan is completed before further development takes place. Mr. Robinson expressed his
opinion that the rule only requires the Council to look at what the impact development
would have over the next few years at the 1-5 intersection. He stated that the study shows
that changes recommended in the traffic study will be sufficient and he reminded the
Council that the Transportation System Plan adopted in 1996 had already considered the
amount of traffic generated by this type of development. He also stated that multi-family
residential generates higher impact Monday through Friday during the same hours many
other motorists are on the roadway whereas the outlet center generates the highest impact
on Saturday and Sunday. In regards to the limitation of a factory outlet center only at this
site, he agreed that this would be an acceptable condition of approval. The third issue
brought up by ODOT is a site design issue and stated that, if approved, they could write
the necessary findings but defer the specific fact finding until the site development review
approval. Mr. Robinson then responded to the issues brought forth by LCDC. He
expressed his opinion that the City's acknowledged plan relating to buildable lands shows
that there is a housing surplus of multiple family units. In regards to Goal 9, economic
development, this project would be a benefit to the City and surrounding area since it will
bring tax dollars and jobs into the area. He also expressed his opinion that the 45 day
notice rule to LCDC has been met since the City mailed the notice to LCDC in late
February. In regards to the Planning Commission's condition on the traffic impact
study, he requested that the Council not adopt this condition for the following 3 reasons:
I) by law, the Council needs to make decisions on traffic impacts, 2) site design review
criteria considers access to the street but not off-site traffic impacts, and 3) the City has
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already been presented with 3 traffic studies for this area and have required substantial
improvements to date. He asked the Council to follow the Planning Commission and
staff recommendation to approve this application with the exception of the additional
traffic study.
0850 Gary Katsen, Professional Civil & Traffic Engineer with Kittleson & Assoc, provided
additional comments on ODOT'S comments regarding the refinement study. He stated
that the City is moving forward on their advanced planning for Highway 214. The
Transportation System Plan outlines improvements to be made throughout the 20 year
period of the TSP. Of the 5 year improvements identified, 6 of the 7 or 8 improvements
have been conditioned on developments in the area and are moving forward. The 7th
improvement is the Hwy. 214 project which has also been gaining momentum. The
traffic study looks at a worse case scenario in which there is only one interchange for the
City during the next 20 years. He stated that there has not been any technical assumptions
brought forth by ODOT or LCDC that would indicate that the study provides incorrect
information. The traffic study provided for a phase in approach for the development to
2003 and then it looked at a scenario to 2015. It was noted that Phase II (approximately
3.5 acres) and Phase ill (approximately 4.5 acres) would be built in separate phases.
1045 Steve Craig, applicant, stated that 2 or 3 separate meetings with ODOT had been held to
review the criteria used in the study. They have received no comments from ODOT that
would indicate that the data was unacceptable therefore, the most recent analysis could be
used by the Council in making their decision. He stated that they had originally intended
to come before the Council last year with the full development plan rather than by project
phases. City staff had requested the phase approach since their staffing level was limited
and, for the purpose of accommodating staff, they agreed to do the project in phases. He
reminded the Council that they will be investing about $4.5 million in roadway
improvements (on and off-site) as part of Phase I. He requested that the traffic issues be
addressed at this time since it is unknown as to what the conditions may be two or three
years into the future. In regards to the wetland condition, he stated that he would support
that condition and they have retained a firm to complete a wetlands delineation study.
Lastly, with the purchase of the 8 acres, the Stampley's were given a 60' easement along
Craig Realty Group's property for the purpose of giving them accessibility and his
company is working with the Stampley's with respect to the wetlands mitigation which
will include enough area for the Stampley's to build a roadway over the wetlands.
Mayor Jennings reminded the Council that the property owned by the Stampley's and
Sprague's are outside of the city limits and the Urban Growth Boundary.
Councilor Pugh stated that he had prior discussion with Ray Stampley and others in that
particular area but does not feel that it is a conflict of interest.
1266 Dan Frickey, ODOT Senior Transportation Planner, referred to the May 5th letter from
ODOT. In regard to the interchange and level of service analysis, prior meetings with the
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developer were held and no technical flaws were found in the analysis which would
invalidate the analysis. ODOT's issue is their concern that the analysis may be
incomplete. Technical reading of the Transportation Rule may not require a 15 or 20 year
analysis for a project of this type, however, amendments to the Comprehensive Plan
should look at the same analysis period in which the Transportation Plan is in effect. The
Transportation System Plan did provide for a number of alternatives, however, no
specific alternative has been identified as of this date.
Steve Craig stated that the trip generation data reflects numbers which he considers to be
quite high and, if the City elects to pursue another study, the City consider providing
refunds for the improvement levels if in fact the traffic counts are less than the original
projections. He reiterated that he is not suggesting that the City take that approach,
however, it is a consideration that should be given when the decision is made. He
supported ODOT's position to look at it now and not take a continual look at trip
generation after the fact.
Councilor Bjelland questioned if ODOT's recommendation is that the land use action
should be considered condition on going through the site plan review process and meeting
the requirements of the transportation planning rule at that time would require another
traffic impact analysis to meet the transportation planning rule.
Mr. Frickey stated that at the time the letter was written, it was unclear if a site plan
review process would be applicable for Phase IT and m. Now that they know there will
be a site plan review, ODOT has no problem with these issues being addressed and
compliance being shown at the site plan stage. He also stated that, based on current
information, the level of service at the interchange will not fall below a level that is
significant based on recent case law. They continue to have concern with the unknowns
associated with interchange improvements. He requested that ODOT be given a copy of
the letter from Mr. Robinson's associate and that the record remain open for 7 days to
give them an opportunity to respond to the City, in writing, if they think it is necessary.
Brief discussion was held regarding trip generation data on a multi-family residential
development versus a commercial zone.
1969 During rebuttal, Attorney Mike Robinson briefly reviewed the alternatives and financing
element included in the City's Transportation System Plan which indicates that the City is
committed to making improvements in the 1-5 interchange area. He also requested that
record not be left open for 7 days since the letter written by his associate, Mr. Phillipi,
reiterates his February II th letter which is included in the Council's packet. He stated that
this application was submitted to the City last September and they would like to bring this
matter to a close.
Mayor Jennings stated that the Transportation System Plan did include 3 options that
were not prioritized at the request of the approving agencies since one of the three options
was outside of the City's Urban Growth Boundary.
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Mr. Katsen stated that the requirements established for the traffic analysis have been met,
the application has been deemed technically complete, and they have not received any
notice that information was missing. He believes that the Transportation System Plan is a
guiding document in terms of the analysis to the year 2015 and identifies when certain
project improvements should be completed.
Councilor Figley questioned if it is appropriate to place any conditions on issuance of
building permits or under site plan review for Phase II that would require satisfactory
completion of the Phase I improvements.
Attorney Shields stated that the annexation is not subject to the 120 day rule, however, a
decision needs to be made in a reasonable period of time. In terms of the condition, any
condition related to Phase I needs to be reasonably related to Phase I, and Phase II needs
to be reasonably related to Phase II. If a waiting period is desired, he suggested that the
Phase II action be continued.
Mike Robinson stated that the applicant is willing to agree that the approval of Phases II
and ill are conditioned upon the successful completion of Phase I improvements.
Further discussion was held on the issue of requiring another traffic study and whether or
not the hearing should be continued until such time as the Council obtains more
information to make their decision.
BJELLANDIFIGLEy,... continue the public hearing for the purposes of having a
workshop on the transportation issues at which point in time additional testimony
concerning the traffic impact analysis that has been submitted on this project.
Attorney Shields stated that the hearing should be set for a date certain to avoid re-
notification in the newspaper.
Administrator Brown stated that next Wednesday or Thursday of next week would be the
earliest time in which the Council would be able to meet due to Council prior meeting
Mayor Jennings stated that he was opposed to a continuance of the hearing based on the
criteria included in the motion.
Councilor Bjelland stated that the Council did not receive any of the traffic impact
analysis in their portfolio and this concerns him especially for a project of this size. He
feels uncomfortable with voting on a project which, overall, will generate a high volume
of traffic in this area. His figures indicate that the trip generation numbers based on
weekday peak hours of an outlet center will generate 3 times the amount of traffic
generated by an apartment complex on 8 acres which is contrary to the testimony
presented during this hearing. He feels that, as a new member of the Council, he would
benefit from being more educated about the plan in a workshop setting thereby feeling
more comfortable with making a decision on this project.
The other Councilors briefly expressed their views and, even though they realize that the
City has traffic problems, they were satisfied with the findings in the most recent traffic
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On roll call vote, the motion failed 1-5 with Councilors Pugh, Figley, Kilmurray,
Sifuentez and Chadwick voting nay.
Mayor Jennings declared the public hearing closed at 10: 13 p.m..
Attorney Shields reminded the Council that a request had been made to keep the record
open for 7 days. He agreed that the Council is not required to keep the record open but
suggested that they make a decision on this request.
PUGHlKILMURRA Y ,.. deny the request by ODOT to have the record remain open for
another 7 days.
Tape 3 Councilor Bjelland expressed opposition to the motion since ODOT did make the request
to the Council for the purpose of allowing them the opportunity to submit potential
additional evidence to the Council for consideration.
On roll call vote, the vote was 3-3 with Councilors Bjelland, Sifuentez, and Chadwick
voting nay. Mayor Jennings voted nay to defeat the motion.
FIGLEYIPUGH,.. approve the annexation, comprehensive plan map amendment, and
the zone map amendment subject to conditions 2 and 3 of the Planning Commission's
conditions of approval plus two additional conditions being I) approval be for factory
outlet stores only and 2) no development of Phase II until Phase I improvements specified
in conditions of approval for Phase I are completed.
She stated that her motion would eliminate the condition for the traffic study.
FIGLEYIPUGH... motion be restated as follows: Council approve the annexation,
Comprehensive Plan map amendment and the zone map amendment subject to conditions
2 and 3 of the Planning Commission's conditions of approval and the following three
additional conditions: 1) approval for factory outlet stores only, 2) no development in
Phase II until construction of improvements which were required for Phase I as
conditions of approval for Phase I are completed satisfactorily, and 3) Transportation
planning rule Section 660-01-012-045 at the site plan review stage; further, the attorney
for applicant be requested to submit the draft form of ordinance and findings of fact for
review by staff and forwarding to Council.
Brief discussion was held regarding the elimination of the condition for the traffic impact
study. Councilor Bjelland expressed concern that road improvements to address the
traffic impact may not be addressed as the motion is so stated which is a separate from the
traffic analysis. Director Goeckritz stated that the site plan review will involve on-site
Councilor Figley stated that the point of her motion was that any additional traffic impact
will be done at the site plan stage if necessary.
On roll call vote, the motion passed 5-1 with Councilor Bjelland voting nay.
Attorney Shields reminded the Council that passage of the motion is a tentative decision
on the part of the Council and the ordinance will make the land use decision final.
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MAY 10, 1999
0320 Beverly Koutney, Woodburn Downtown Association (WDA) Chair, stated that they have
changed their meeting date/time to each Wednesday, 3:30 p.m., at City Hall. She stated
that at the last meeting, discussion was held on a excursion train to Silverton, a train
museum, submittal of a grant to hire a downtown manager to organize a maintenance
district, delegates to be sent to the "Livable Oregon" conference on June 2nd & 3'd at Sun
River, and the escorting of a Eugene Senior Group tour to some of the businesses in
downtown area before they went to the Tulip fields.
A) Appeal of Site Plan Review #99-01: Woodburn Veterinary Clinic,
FIGLEYIPUGH,... Council hear this appeal at their regular meeting of May 24, 1999, at
7:00 p.m..
Attorney Shields stated that this hearing will be noticed since it is a land use issue.
The motion passed unanimously.
Administrator Brown stated that he had received some compliments earlier this evening
on work relating to the Factory Stores project. He stated that all of the progress made
towards right-of-way and wetlands issues are a result of the work done by Public Works
Director Tiwari and he expressed his appreciation for his good work.
Councilor Figley reminded the public that the Centennial Park work party will be held on
Saturday, May 15th, at 9:00 a.m..
Councilor Kilmurray stated that the Safe Kids Injury Prevention Fair was held at Wal-
Mart last Saturday and it was well attended. Activities included a bike rodeo fair, and
booths and/or staff representation from the local clinic, Woodburn Police Dept., Aquatic
Center, Sheriff's Dept., OHSU, Emmanuel Oregon Burn Center, and Think First.
Councilor Sifuentez requested that staff look into safety alternatives relating to
pedestrians crossing Highway 214 to get to the Salud Center. She also expressed her
pleasure in hearing that the downtown area is receiving visitors and she reiterated that
there is excellent food served by those local businesses.
Mayor Jennings stated that he needs names of individuals willing to serve on the Human
Rights Commission from Wards II, ill, IV, and VI.
FIGLEYIKILMURRA Y... move into executive session under the authority of ORS
192.660 (I)(d), ORS 192.660 (I)(f), and ORS 192.660 (I)(h). The motion passed
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MAY 10, 1999
The Council adjourned to executive session at 10:36 p.m. and reconvened at 10:49 p.m..
Mayor Jennings stated that no decisions were made by the Council in the executive
0610 CHADWICKlKILMURRA Y,.., authorize the City Attorney to send a 10 day demand
and file an action against the owners of 591 N. Front Street for abatement of a dangerous
building. The motion passed unanimously.
0628 PUGHlFIGLEY,.. authorize the City Attorney to send a 10 day demand and file an
action against the owners of 347 N Front Street for abatement of a dangerous building.
The motion passed unanimously
0640 FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ.., authorize City Attorney to dismiss case #99CI1795, City of
Woodburn v Valentina Sobolev based on the fact that the building at 333 N First Street is
no longer a dangerous building according to the Woodburn Building Official. The
motion passed unanimously.
BJELLAND/SIFUENTEZ... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 10:54 p.m..
ATTEST fYl g ~
Mary Tenn , Recorder
City of Woodburn, Oregon
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