Minutes - 10/11/1999 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 1999 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, OCTOBER 11, 1999. CONVENED. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Jennings presiding. 0007 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Jennings Bjelland Chadwick Figley Kilmurray Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Park & Recreation Director Westrick, Police Chief Null, Finance Director Gillespie, Public Works Manager Rohman, Management Analyst Smith, City Recorder Tennant 0040 ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) Woodburn Beautification and Cleanup Awareness will be held on Saturday, October 23'd. B) Public Hearing: The City Council will hold a public hearing on a proposal to annex 1.32 acres of property located on the north side of Aztec Drive east of Highway 99E on Monday, October 25, 1999,7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers. 0055 PROCLAMATIONS. Mayor Jennings stated that he has issued proclamations for the following: A) Hands are not for Hurting Week: October 17 - 23, 1999; B) Violence Awareness Month: October 1999; and C) Disability Employment Awareness Month: October 1999. He stated that he would not be reading each proclamation at this meeting, however, they are posted in the hallway on the bulletin board. 0085 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Phil Hand, representing the Chamber Board, stated that the Chamber's Business After Hours will be held on Thursday, October 14th, Cascade Park, beginning at 4:30 p.m.. He also reminded the public that the Chamber Business Week will be held October 18th through nnd and he briefly reviewed the following events scheduled for that week: Page I - Council Meeting Minutes, October 11,1999 ._- .~._, "",--",_.,-,-,-,.,---,"~,------,---,,--"-,"-'-'-"'''-.~->-----_..,-",-~. - .~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 1999 TAPE READING 1) October 18'h - a class on conflict resolution will be held from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at Chemeketa and there is no charge to attend; 2) October 19th - an Industrial Tour of Woodburn Fertilizer and Waremart Foods will be held for Chamber members. Also attending the tour will be approximately 65 people from the Salem Economic Development Corporation; 3) October 20th - Chamber Forum will be held at the Woodburn Medical Center at 12:00 noon with the guest speaker being Bureau of Labor Director Jack Roberts; 4) October 21" - Business Showcase will be held at the Woodburn Armory from 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m.; and 5) October 22"d - A free class will be held at Chemeketa from 8:30 am to 11 :00 am on hiring, retaining, and managing a blended workforce. 0187 Mayor Jennings stated that he would be inserting the public hearing agenda items between item 8 (Consent Agenda) and item 9 (Tabled Business) rather than waiting until after the General Business items are discussed by the Council. 0222 Tom Waggoner, 849 Woodland, stated that there was 28 foot of curbing along the west side of the second median strip tom up by contractors when they improved Woodland A venue and he questioned if the City had made arrangements to have the repair made to the curbing. Staff will look into this issue. Mr. Waggoner reminded the Administrator that the microphone button needs to be pushed when he speaks into the microphone otherwise the Cable TV viewing audience does not hear what he is saying. 0295 CONSENT AGENDA. A) Approval of Council minutes of September 27, 1999; B) Acceptance of draft Planning Commission minutes of September 23, 1999; C) Receipt of Fall leaf pickup report; D) Receipt of Police Department Activities Report for July 1999; E) Receipt of Building Activity report for September 1999; F) Receipt of Claims for the month of September 1999; and G) Receipt of annual System Development Charge (SDC) report. PUGHlSIFUENTEZ.... accept the consent the agenda as presented. Councilor Figley requested that a verbal report be given by the Public Works Director on the fall leaf pickup program. The motion passed unanimously. Public Works Director Tiwari briefly summarized the leaf pickup program which includes (I) increased street sweeping in the downtown area and main streets leading to schools between November 8th and December 18th ,and (2) the new leaf drop off site at 300 Cleveland Street (Public Works materials yard). In years past, the wastewater facility Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, October II, 1999 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 1999 TAPE READING was used as a drop off site, however, with the increase in construction activity at the plant, the site has been change to the materials yard. Other options available to the citizens include composting on private property, pickup by United Disposal Service utilizing yard debris container and/or pick-up of bagged leaves, and composting at the North Marion County disposal site. Residents would need to check with United Disposal and the County for costs involved in utilizing their services. He requested that branches or twigs not be raked out into the roadway since it will clog up the sweeper. Additionally, too many wet leaves in one location will also cause the sweeper to clog up and delay the pick up process. He reminded motorists to be cautious when driving since wet leaves can be very slippery and kids do play in the leaves that are along the curbside. 0465 PUBLIC HEARING - PARK AND RECREATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE. Mayor Jennings opened the hearing at 7: 18 p.m.. He stated that the Parks Master Plan update has been in the works since 1997 and, even though hearings having been held and public input obtained, there seems to be a need for some additional site visits or public input before this hearing would be closed. He requested that the Council continue this hearing until the next meeting once testimony has been taken at this meeting. Attorney Shields stated that this is a land use matter but legislative in nature, therefore, the land use statement is not necessary for this hearing. There were no declarations by the Mayor or Council on this issue. Director Westrick briefly reviewed the staff report which summarized the work completed by the Board in developing a draft master plan. The City contracted with Consultant Don Ganer & Associates to develop the draft plan and they used a variety of methods to develop a plan that incorporates goals and policies for recreation programs and park development through the year 2020. At the conclusion of the hearing, staff will be recommending approval of the plan along with a revised Appendix A which was distributed at this meeting. He also stated that part of the strategy of the Park & Recreation Board is to liquidate property that is not used as much as it could be citing the Community Center as one example. He recommended that the plan update include language that would adopt Attachment 2 of the staff report thereby establishing a policy that would allow for a feasibility study of a new community center and, if a new center is constructed, liquidate the present community center and the sales proceeds would be applied to the construction of the new facility. 0600 Don Ganer, project consultant, stated that he began work on the project in early 1997 and has spent a lot of time with public involvement, the Park Board, and Planning Commission. He stated that the initial review involved researching other City plans to see how the parks plan would interact and coordinate with these other plans. A community profile was developed to identify needs of the citizens, enhance the image of Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 11, 1999 ...--.., COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 1999 TAPE READING the community, and documented features of the City as it relates to location, physical setting, population, and demographics. Existing and projected land use and growth patterns were analyzed and facilities were identified that are impacted by employment as well as residential development. A inventory of park and recreation facilities, greenways and open space, neighborhood parks, community parks, mini-parks, cultural historical resources, special use facilities, public school facilities, sports and recreation programs, and privately owned facilities was completed to determine what the City currently has available for public use. Surveys were sent to 800 residential addresses and 187 completed surveys were returned which were then used to help determine what the residents thought were important and provide feedback on the current level of maintenance, repair, and facilities within the City. All of this information was used to develop findings and identify specific issues which are found in the plan beginning on page 20 with the suggested list of policies and goals beginning on page 24. He briefly reviewed the tables and maps provided in the plan. The list of needs includes updates and new facility needs over the next 20 years. Also included in the plan is a recommendation for maintenance levels of service, City adoption of standards for maintenance at modes that are identified by the National Recreation & Park Association, and identification of a number of different alternatives for sources of funding. It was noted that no specific source should be adopted as a part of this plan since the City needs flexibility in determining the funding sources. Councilor Chadwick questioned if the renovation of Senior Estates Park included playground equipment for children. Mr. Ganer stated that the current version of the plan does not include playground equipment. He also stated that several schools have facilities that are considered park and recreation facilities that are joint use facilities for recreational purposes and this has been taken into account in the development of the plan. Some limited funding recommendations have be identified in the plan but, for the most part, the school would own the property and the City could participate in a new or upgrade of a recreational facility. Councilor Kilmurray stated that she could understand the partnering aspect with the school district but questioned as to what assurance the City has that the school district would allow continued use of the facility by the City. Mr. Ganer recommended that a formal agreement be entered into between the City and the School District before any funding arrangements are finalized. Director Westrick stated that the City currently has on file an agreement with the School District regarding the tennis courts at the high school since that facility was paid for, in part, through Land Water Conservation Funds and the Park & Recreation Department is in negotiations with the School District on a formal agreement that would spell out each agency's responsibility when using each others facilities. He reminded the Council that Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, October II, 1999 .,~., ,.,..~,..,. __'~"_~~W"'" ~.',._ .__.~~_._~".~_.~~ .~,~" ....._.._ - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 1999 TAPE READING the Parks facilities are open to dusk and there may be a similar type of language in the agreement that would keep neighborhood facilities open to dusk. He would anticipate a beginning and ending date for the agreement, however, up until now, the agreements with the School District, other than the tennis courts, have been a handshake arrangement. The written agreement will protect both the City and the School District as personnel changes occur within each jurisdiction. Further discussion was held regarding limitations placed within an agreement along with term expiration dates and the drawbacks in providing funding to enhance a facility with the possibility of not being able to the use the facility several years after the improvement was made. It was noted that the master plan is a method of strategy of meeting objectives with no commitment for funding. 1376 Letters submitted by Lyle & Janice Ringgenberg, 944 Hermanson St., and Al & Penny Tischendorf were placed into the public hearing record. 1436 Barbara Lucas, 214 E. Clackamas, provided a written statement to the City regarding the Park & Recreation Comprehensive Plan update. She stated that she generally approved the update but had a few concerns regarding non-funded capital improvements, omission of use of golf carts on off-street pathway system, and funding for green way acquisition. Mayor Jennings stated that it is his understanding that the current law prohibits the combining of a golf cart, walkpathlbikepath since the golf cart is a motorized vehicle. Ms. Lucas stated that she spoken to a gentleman in Seattle, W A, with the National Highway Safety Transit Board who had consulted with an individual at the State Dept. of Motor Vehicles (legislative liaison for ODOT) and they suggested that the City build a bikepath/pedestrian path in between Country Club Road to Lind's Market and make it slightly wider so golf carts can use the path. She will provide his name and telephone number to the City. Mayor Jennings stated that he is also interested in the Goose Creek issue since he was under the impression that it would be covered up with a large culvert. Attorney Shields stated that discussion can be held at this meeting since it is a legislative land use action then the Council could continue the hearing at the conclusion of the discussion. Councilor Figley stated that she would like to talk about the plan all at one time rather than discussing it at this meeting. It was noted that the Councilors did not receive a copy of the plan with their agenda packet. A copy of the draft plan will be provided to each Councilor by the end of the next working day. Director Westrick clarified that the Attachment A distributed at this meeting gives total cost figures for each project. The projects are not prioritized and funding categories are not listed since things will change in the years to come. If the detail document included Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, October II, 1999 r .. ,,' .-.."... ....-",,-.......----...-... ~_._._---~_.__._,_. . , COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 1999 TAPE READING in the original agenda packet was adopted, then a change in the Comprehensive Plan would be necessary every time there is a change in the timing or funding of specific projects. Christine Spencer, 980 Wilson St., questioned if the plan was available for review by the public. She stated that they had received a notice in the mail that this action may affect the use of their property. Administrator Brown stated that a copy of the plan is located at the Woodburn Library, City Recorder's office, and the City Administrator's office. He stated that the notice was provided as a result of statewide Measure 56 and it was sent to every household. The language that has caused everybody some concern is that it may affect the property owner's ability to develop your property and/or affect the value of your land. In this particular instance, the staff suspects that neither the development or land value statement is true, however, the City is required under the initiative to include the language in the notice. 2043 FIGLEYIBJELLAND....continue the public hearing until October 25, 1999 at 7:00 p.m.. The motion passed unanimously. 2065 CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - STEIN OIL. Mayor Jennings stated that Stein Oil Company has withdrawn their application and it is no longer an item of concern to the City. Attorney Shields recommended that, for the record, the Council dismiss the appeal since they had brought it up for an appeal hearing. PUGHlFIGLEY.... Council dismiss the appeal based upon the fact that the applicant has withdrawn the application. The motion passed unanimously. 2139 COUNCIL BILL 1996 - ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF EVERGREEN ROAD RIGHT -OF-WAY SOUTH OF W. HAYES STREET. Council Bill 1996 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. Recorder Tennant read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Administrator Brown stated that the 100' strip was dedicated to the City about 30 years ago for transportation purposes. The City has re-routed the roadway within the new Montebello Subdivision and it was determined by the Council that there is no longer a need for the full 100' strip of right-of-way. The Council will be retaining a 50' width for pedestrian, bicycle path, and golf cart path, and the remaining portion will be given back to the abutting property owners. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 1996 duly passed with the emergency clause. Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, October II, 1999 ~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 1999 TAPE READING 2267 COUNCIL BILL 1997 - ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE REVISED 1999-2000 SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES FOR CITY SERVICES. Councilor Chadwick introduced Council Bill 1997. The two readings of the bill were read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. PUGHlFIGLEY... correct the bill to read "Richard Jennings" as Mayor. The motion passed unanimously. Administrator Brown stated that the copy fee charge has been changed to $.05 per page for simple copy requests, however, if it involves IS minutes or more of time to process the request, then the research fee of $28 per hour chargeable in 1/4 hour increments will apply. Management Analyst Smith stated that the fees in excess of 100% are NSF check fees, facility rentals in parks for commercial organizations based on market rates, and Legion Park facility rentals which is also based on market rates. It was noted that all of the system development charges regulated by statute are 100% or less within the proposed fee schedule. On roll call vote, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 1997 duly passed with the emergency clause. 2550 COUNCIL BILL 1998 - RESOLUTION CALLING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF BOONES FERRY ROAD AND SOUTH OF COUNTRY CLUB ROAD. Council Bill 1998 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Mayor Jennings stated that this hearing had originally been scheduled for October 25, 1999, however, the Planning Commission has not completed their work on this land use matter and it is anticipated that it will be completed by the November 22"d hearing date listed in this bill. On roll call vote, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 1998 duly passed. 2619 COUNCIL BILL 1999 - RESOLUTION ACCEPTING CONVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 347 N. FRONT STREET FROM ALL AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT LLC. ASSUMPTION OF A TRUST DEED FROM MARK C. WOLF. AND AUTHORIZING CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT. Councilor Chadwick introduced Council Bill 1999. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Councilor Pugh declared a conflict of interest on this Council bill and he will be unable to vote. Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, October II, 1999 i. - _n___n_._._ ---~-,.-._.--------.- .-..--.----.-- . , COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 1999 TAPE READING On roll call vote, the bill passed 5-0 with Councilor Pugh not voting as a result of his declaration. 2711 ACCEPTANCE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY: SPRAGUE LANE. Staff recommended acceptance of the right-of-way being conveyed by Craig Realty Group and Warde & Patricia Hershberger in conjunction with the development of Woodburn Company Stores and Hershberger Motors. FIGLEY/KILMURRAY... accept the right-of-way as described in Attachment "c" of the staff memo in the agenda packet. The motion passed unanimously. 2738 EXTENSION OF CITY SEWER SERVICE TO 2374 BOONES FERRY ROAD. Administrator Brown stated that the City had received a letter from the residents of 2374 Boones Ferry Rd. requesting permission to annex into the City and hook-up to the city sewer without hooking up to the city water system. Staff recommends that the property owners be required to annex into the City in order to hookup to the sewer system but it not be required to hookup to City water. This practice has been followed in the past to other property owners who need sewer service but have a serviceable water well. The property owners are then charged a fIat rate for sewer service rather than a rate determined based on water use. Director Tiwari stated that the owners had previously supplied water to the Glatt House but this changed when the Glatt House began using city water and sewer services. Attorney Shields stated that an annexation application is the next step to be followed by the property owner. FIGLEYIPUGH... approve the request for connection to city sewer for property located at 2374 Boones Ferry Rd with the following 3 conditions: A) the property be annexed to the City; B) all costs associated with the annexation be paid by the property owner; and C) all costs associated with connection be paid by the property owner. The motion passed unanimously. 2928 INSTALLATION OF PRIVATE FENCES IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. Councilor Figley expressed her opinion that the recommendation of staff to handle this issue by a vacation process would certainly work in this case. She feels that there are still two issues that eventually need to be discussed by the Council - (I) permit process be looked at as a method of handling this type of request, and (2) staff look into the feasibility of incorporating some language in the zoning code that would deal with requests of this nature. Councilor Pugh stated that he had previously voted to deny a zone change in this area from RS to ill in order to protect the older homes in this area. In this case, he agrees with the staff recommendation to vacate a 5 foot strip on both sides of the existing Mill Street Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 11, 1999 r -~._, -', -.-.. ... ~...,._--_...- , ." ~'-~'-''''-'''--'-'''-" .. ,-"~".,,,""'---".__.- . .,. -~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 1999 TAPE READING thereby changing the 50 foot right-of-way to 40 feet. The right-of-way vacated would be need to be retained by the City as a public easement. Tape 2 Councilor Sifuentez stated that she was in agreement with this proposal and she assured the public that the Council is willing to work with all citizens to try and solve issues of concern. Discussion was held on who should be initiating the vacation application process and the reaction of neighbors to this proposal. At this time, the neighbors were not opposed to the vacation of 5' on each side, however, they did object to having the full street right-of- way vacated. It was also noted that publication and posting costs are borne by the initiating party and concern was expressed in the City establishing a precedent of paying associated costs when property owners would benefit from the street vacation. 0229 FIGLEyIPUGH.... staff contact the party making the request and assist them in initiating a vacation application per the exhibit in the staff memo. The motion passed unanimously. 0235 LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND BUSINESS MEETING. Mayor Jennings requested that the Councilors return the registration forms to the Administrator's office as soon as possible since the forms need to be forwarded to the League office. Additionally, the City needs to designate a voting delegate for the Sunday business meeting. It was the consensus of Council to appoint Councilor Sifuentez as the voting delegate with Councilor Chadwick as her alternate. 0464 COMPENSATION PACKAGE FOR PUBLIC WORKS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER POSITIONS. Administrator Brown reviewed the staff memo which recommended a pay grade adjustment of 10% for the positions of Assistant City Engineer and Public Works Manager. He stated that the pay adjustment will make these positions more competitive with the surrounding communities but it will still not bring us to the level those communities are paying. The City has gone out 3 separate times for the filling of an Assistant City Engineer position but we have been unsuccessful in filling the position. In one case, we had offered the position to an individual, however, he declined to take the job once he was told that the City was locked into a salary range level that was not negotiable at that time. He reminded the Council that this is a Deputy Department Head level position and one other position that should be affected by this adjustment is the Public Works Program Manager. Both positions were budgeted at the recommended grade level in anticipation of this change earlier this year, therefore, no adverse budget impact is projected. Page 9 - Council Meeting Minutes, October II, 1999 - COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 1999 TAPE READING PUGHlFIGLEY.... authorize the positions of Asst. City Engineer and Public Works Program Manager both to be established at the salary range ofM-13. Administrator Brown stated that staff would be coming back to the Council with a resolution to enact this change. The motion passed unanimously. 0554 Barbara Lucas, 214 E. Clackamas, questioned what property is located at 347 N. Front and if the property was conveyed to the City or to another party. Administrator Brown stated that the building is more commonly known as the Salud Medical building. The City has been involved in negotiations and lawsuits over the last several years to obtain some compliance with dangerous building codes. The building has changed hands several times and it has become apparent that the current owner is not willing or financially able to make repairs within a reasonable time frame. There is also concern on the part of the City, based on engineering evaluations, that the building does not have much longer to stand and presents a liability to the life and safety of pedestrians and to people patronizing businesses next door to this building. In this case, the City is looking at a protracted legal process whereby the City would ultimately end up taking action to either renovate or demolish, placing some kind of lien on the property, and ultimately foreclosing on the property and ending up with the ownership. The staff reluctantly recommended that the City Council approve this action which the Council adopted with the passage of the ordinance at this meeting. He also stated that studies had been completed regarding renovation options and the conclusion has been it cannot be renovated and still present a viable economic option in terms of rent or lease. Barbara Lucas also questioned the location of the private fence in the public right-of-way. Mayor Jennings stated that the vacation of the right-of-way along Mill Street is the property under discussion. 0727 CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. A) Labor Negotiations: The Classification and Compensation study was included in the current AFSCME contract and, following receipt of the study, the City and AFSCME will enter into negotiations for wages with the intention of looking at changing classifications and/or compensation levels. We are in the final stages of this report and hope to return to the Council at the next meeting in an executive session to talk about this Issue. B) Review of Visioning Process: He suggested that the Council meet on November 20, 1999 in a workshop to talk about what has been accomplished since the first of the year when the Council met with the consultants in facilitating the visioning process. It would also be a good time to focus on the community center concept and other improvements Page 10 - Counci I Meeting Minutes, October II, 1999 r . ^^ .. u. ..._'.........._'__."._.,.~~."'_' ,.___._._.......--~_"._,~..,__.___'._ I ~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 1999 TAPE READING that are of interest to the Council. It was the consensus of the Council to meet on November 20th even though Councilor Pugh would be unable to attend since he will be out of town that weekend. 0839 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS. Councilor Sifuentez stated that she will be going to Orlando, Florida on business and will not be able to attend the next regular Council meeting. Councilor Figley expressed her thanks to the Police Department and Parks Department for the improvements to the traffic situation at Centennial Park last weekend as compared to previous Saturdays. She stated that she had walked down to the park that morning and did see 2 cars parked on the Smith property and a Police Officer was trying to take care of that situation. She also stated that the cars parked on the dirt were not parked in an orderly fashion and questioned if some coning could be placed in the lot to keep adequate isle space for cars to travel. She also stated that her husband had recently attended a lecture on archeology at OMSI and brought back materials that they are willing to loan out to interested persons. Councilor Figley also stated that she, along with the Mayor and Administrator Brown, had met earlier today with Congresswoman Darlene Hooley about issues that are important to the City. She thanked her for her positive pro-active outlook and they would like to follow-up with meetings with Senators Smith and Wyden. Councilor Kilmurray also thanked Administrator Brown and Chief Null for arranging for the two officers to join her in a visit with a neighborhood watch group on Marcel Court last week. She stated that it was very informative for her and she was pleased to have the officers in attendance. Mayor Jennings stated that he was encouraged by what he had heard from Ms. Hooley who had given them ideas on how to find federal funding. He stated that they had taken her for a drive to see where federal rehabilitation dollars were being spent and she was impressed with Centennial Park. He also stated that they were able to get 3 hours of her time and a letter will be sent to express the City's appreciation. The Mayor also questioned when the No Parking signs would be placed on Young Street since the Police Department felt that this was an important item to be taken care of. Director Tiwari stated that if the signs were not up yet that they would be installed tomorrow. Mayor Jennings also questioned which type of bone was recently found in the Woodburn digs. Administrator Brown stated that he understood that a wing bone was found that most closely approximates a Condor but is considerably larger. They also found a tooth which they do not know yet what it goes to plus other pre-historic bones. Ultimately, all of the Page II - Council Meeting Minutes, October 11,1999 r .^, ..~.,.._.__...'___m'.~_._,_" . , , COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 1999 TAPE READING bones end up in ownership of the City and can be used as part of a collection in a natural history museum or a natural history wing of a museum in our community. Administrator Brown also expressed his appreciation to Director Goeckritz who put together the impressive list of rehabilitated homes that they viewed today thereby impressing Congresswoman Hooley as to how successful Woodburn's program has been over the years. 1070 City Attorney stated that there was no need for an executive session at this meeting. 1075 ADJOURNMENT. PUGHlFIGLEy....meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.. ATTEST (fb~ d Mary nnant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 12 - Council Meeting Minutes, October II, 1999 "T'""--- --- -"-'~.;......_-_._._'-~.____"~.._- -