Minutes - 10/25/1999 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 25, 1999 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, OCTOBER 25,1999. 0007 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Jennings Bjelland Chadwick Figley Kilmurray Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Absent Absent Absent Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Park & Recreation Director Westrick, Library Director, Police Chief Null, Finance Director Gillespie, Public Works Manager Rohman, Management Analyst Smith, City Recorder Tennant At 7:00 p.m., Mayor Jennings informed the public that the regularly scheduled Council meeting would not be held at the designated time of 7:00 p.m. since 4 Councilors must be present to constitute a quorum. However, the agenda did include a workshop on Parks System Development Charges (SDC) and Traffic Impact Fees (TIF). Since a quorum is not necessary to hold a workshop, the Council will proceed with the workshop once the City's consultant arrives around 7:30 p.m.. He stated that Councilor Sifuentez was out of town on a business trip, Councilor Pugh was sent to Newberg to attend a STlP (State Transportation Improvement Plan) meeting, and Councilor Kilmurrary was unexpectedly delayed at work. If Councilor Kilmurray does arrive at City Hall prior to the conclusion of the workshop, the meeting will be called to order and business conducted as scheduled. Mayor Jennings also stated that the agenda did include a presentation to a recipient of a Boy Scout award and, since the local organization was in attendance, he would give the presentation as originally planned. Mayor Jennings stated that Pauline Neal has been in Scouting for more than 10 years and has held various positions within her unit and at the district council level. She recently received from the Boy Scouts the Silver Beaver award which is the highest award ever given to a non-scout volunteer. He reviewed the types of training and positions held which were necessary to obtain the award. Mayor Jennings awarded Pauline Neal with the City of W oodbum Certificate of Accomplishment for receiving the award from the Boy Scouts of America. Page I - Council Meeting Minutes, October 25, 1999 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 25, 1999 TAPE READING Pauline Neal stated that the community has been very good to her over the 53 years that she has resided in Woodburn. She stated that it has been a privilege to not only work with the youngsters but to see them grow and develop over the years. She stated that kids need someone who cares about their growth and development and she feels that she is privileged to be in a position to help them along the way. The presentation concluded at 7: 10 p.m. and the workshop began immediately following. At 8:33 pm, the workshop concluded and the Mayor informed the public that the regularly scheduled meeting would not be held since Councilor Kilmurray had not arrived and there was no quorum. '~ APPROVED ~ RICHARD JEN GS, MAYOR ATTEST m~~~ Mary Te , Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 25, 1999 ,. .................-.... . -~. COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES OCTOBER 25, 1999 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, OCTOBER 25,1999. CONVENED. The workshop began at 7: 12 p.m. with Mayor Jennings presiding. 0007 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Jennings Bjelland Chadwick Figley Kilmurray Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Absent Absent Absent Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Park & Recreation Director Westrick, Police Chief Null, Finance Director Gillespie, Library Director Sprauer, Public Works Manager Rohman, Management Analyst Smith, City Recorder Tennant 0250 Mayor Jennings stated that this workshop is being held to provide information to the Council and the public on the consultant's report relating to Parks & Recreation system development charges and traffic impact fees. He reminded the public that the City is currently receiving only 30% of the maximum allowable traffic impact fees that were established over 5 years ago. Likewise, the Parks system development charges are also below the 100% maximum allowable amount. The Budget Committee had requested that these fees be looked at during this budget year and they recommended that alternatives be considered by the Council for potential adoption. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that, process wise, the TIP's and Parks SDC's are being presented to the Council in this workshop setting, then a public hearing will be held on the proposed changes to the TIP's and Parks SDC's, and finally there will be direction from the Council on an ordinance and resolution to implement changes. Don Ganer, Project Consultant, presented the methodology reports and rate studies for each system development charge. He began his presentation with background information on the statutory authority which allowed for the implementation of system development charges. He reminded the Council that the statute does allow for system development charges in water, wastewater, stormwater, transportation, and parks & recreation. The City does have charges in place for each one of these areas, however, the charges for transportation and parks & recreation are less than the 100% allowable Page I - Council Workshop Minutes, October 25, 1999 COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES OCTOBER 25, 1999 TAPE READING amount based on the methodology report and rate studies completed in prior years. He briefly reviewed the statute that also describes allowable improvements, credits for qualified public improvements that would serve more area than the development, and authorized use of revenues generated from system development charges. Additionally, system development charges can be used to pay direct costs of developing and administering SDC's. He briefly reviewed court cases that have had an influence in how SDC's are developed within the methodology report and rate study. Other considerations in developing SDC's are (I) identifying and collecting revenue sources that are growth related needs as allowed under statute, and (2) SDC benefits and impacts on new developments, affordability, and quality of life. He distributed a revised report dated October 25, 1999 which corrects a spreadsheet error in the report submitted in the agenda packet. Mr. Ganer stated that the current TIP was adopted in 1993 before the completion of the Transportation System Plan of 1996. The Council initially adopted rates at 25% of the maximum allowable rate with a 1 % increase each year to a maximum of 30% of the allowable rate. The current TIP addressed only vehicular traffic whereas the updated TIP before the Council is a multi-modal which includes motor vehicles, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit transportation needs. The updated TIP also is project driven and the report includes a list of projects and the estimated percent of benefit based on type and mode of travel. He reminded the Council that SDC's can fund up to but not exceeding 100% of growth benefit of a project. 12] 8 He also reviewed a comparison chart of SDC fees charged by other local cities in our area and, if the transportation and parks & recreation SDC's are increased to ]00% of maximum allowable, then the fees charged would be close to the average of the cities surveyed. He also stated that the TIP's 100% maximum rate established in 1993 for single family dwelling was $3,020 (only 30% actually being charged) whereas the updated study would establish the TIP 100% maximum rate for single family dwelling at $3,076. Councilor Bjelland questioned the as to what would constitute a development with a vested right which would then allow it to be exempted from SDC's. Don Ganer stated that the exemption applied during the initial adoption of the SDC's in 1993 and it is unlikely that the exemption would apply to any development at this time. Councilor Bjelland also questioned the assignment of 85% of vehicular benefit and ]5% pedestrian & bicycle benefit as it applies to the 1-5 partial cloverleaf project. Mr. Ganer stated that the numbers were based on (I) estimated portion of cost of the project and (2) percentage of usage by people. The percentage is a staff estimate based on a review of the various projects and not based on standards. Staff will re-evaluate this percentage distribution prior to the public hearing. Page 2 - Council Workshop Minutes, October 25, 1999 ,. .. ....~ ~..>< ..~,-". . , --."," COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES OCTOBER 25, 1999 TAPE READING Mr. Ganer also stated that once the City adopts the Capital hnprovement Plan (CIP), the City Council can still modify it at anytime to more accurately reflect the actual improvement. Once the Council adopts the methodology, it cannot be challenged after it has been in place for 60 days but individual expenditures could be challenged. He reminded the Council that modifications to the plan can be made, however, it is necessary to justify any modifications in conformance with state law. Councilor Bjelland also referred to Table 4.2 (net new person trips) and questioned the motor vehicle trip rate for manufactured housing being lower than apartments or condos. Mr. Ganer stated that the ITE manual does take measurements all over the country and it is possible that the ITE manual looks at manufactured parks rather than manufactured homes on individual lots. Additionally, it may also be low because the number is taken from areas that have a high population of retirees that may not travel as much. In the absence of having an engineering study in Woodburn, the ITE manual is used for calculations within the report. He reiterated that most SDC's currently in place are roadway costs rather than multi-modal models. The City of Portland adopted their multi- modal model in 1997 and, after doing some further research, he decided to take a similar approach for this project since the City does have transit facilities, and specifically identified sidewalks and pedestrianlbicycle needs. He also reminded the Council that this workshop is being held to introduced them to this project and specific issues can be addressed and modifications made as needed. Administrator Brown stated that a public hearing is scheduled for November 8, 1999, 7:00 p.m., on the TIP and Park & Recreation SDC reports. 2290 Don Ganer proceeded with the Parks & Recreation Methodology report and he distributed an executive summary that provides an overview of the major changes in the update. He stated that the Parks & Recreation SDC's were adopted in 1991 and, at that time, the Council implemented charges at 32% of the maximum allowable with a phase-in period bringing the charges up to 57.75% of the maximum allowable. The original plan also looked at parks as only being beneficial to residential development whereas the updated plan does take into account the impact non-residential development has on the City's park needs. The approach used in developing SDC rates was based on projects identified in the Parks Comprehensive Plan update. He briefly reviewed the methodology in which the maximum rates were established for both residential and non-residential development. He also stated that the Parks Master Plan and the Capital hnprovement Plan list are the same since the Parks Master Plan is currently being updated by the Council. In addition to the adoption of the report, Mr. Ganer stated that ordinance modifications have been included that would adopt language changes adopted by the 1993 legislature for credit against SDC's and definition of Qualified Public Improvement. It is also being recommended that a provision be included in the ordinance that allows for automatic Page 3 - Council Workshop Minutes, October 25,1999 - .~ COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES OCTOBER 25, 1999 TAPE READING annual adjustments that are based on review of construction costs and average market value of land during the previous year. Annual rate adjustment language is quite common in ordinances throughout the local area. Administrator Brown questioned as to how often the overall SDC fees need to be reviewed. Mr. Ganer stated that there is a requirement in the ordinance that they be reviewed every 4 years by the Council. 2888 The workshop concluded at 8:26 p.m.. Mayor Jennings questioned the status of the public hearing on the proposed development on Boones Ferry Road south of Country Club Road. Director Goeckritz stated that this hearing will come before the Council on November 22'd since it is an annexation request. Mayor Jennings stated that he would not be at the meeting on November 8th. In regards to the other public hearings that had been scheduled for the October 25th, Attorney Shields stated all land use matters will need to be re-noticed. Administrator Brown stated that the SDC's public hearing will be held on November 8t\ however, the staff will be researching the publication requirements on the Parks Master Plan and other land use issues. The Mayor closed the session at 8:33 p.m.. APPROVED ~.~~ R~HARDJENN GS,MAYOR ATTEST M!J~~-:5: ~ City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 4 - Council Workshop Minutes, October 25, 1999 "~,,, m ... ___'..' ____., _......_."-' ".. "_",_.._m. _'_'_'___.__ .__' _, . ------...,.